Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 8, 1897, p. 2

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+*&&* $ K /, ; -V +m fl? - Ail excellent remedy lor aooughis cqad' by B^oiu^ two lomoni thin and adding t*> thorn ton oentn' worth of wbolo flaxaood, teu oenta1 worth of lioonoo root, ouo gtllol water, and a little engar. Boil until quite tkhiok and a train. Rifle bulleta are now photographed in their ooarBo by means of tho electric upark. The camera 'is taken into a dark room, which tho bullet ia oauaed to tru-verae. Ae ib paaaea the oaraora it ia mado to interrupt an electric circuit and produoeH a apark, \ Which Ulamipatoa it fofc an intrant and en- v(abTea the IrapreBsion to bo taken. y ," The boBt anoilyuo and oxpootorunb for , the cure of ooldfl, oouKha, &ud all throat, ' lung, and bronchial troubles, ia undoubt edly, Ayor'fl Ohorry Pectoral, tho only apeoifio for colds and concha admitted on exhibition nt the Oluaago World'u Fair. ExporiraotitH lunt winter indicate tnoro Btrou^ly tbau ever that uIoho mabhnf! dur ing tho oold wnathor ih boat. Ou a few days, whou it noomod above ^feooishiK, I inruod my u&UfH out. The ilow of milk hWIifrahly roduood. Bairy oattlo uood Iry littlo oxoroino nt any time, and enjoy floHo Htablint!, provulod thoir q\\ artom arc foemfortablv arranged. Doca not nnaoHauWly moan tho oonlruotion 'of dittoaae providod tho nyntora ia in a vijj- orobn condition, with tho blood paro and all tho orgixmi in houlthy action. Whan in audi a condition contagion in roadily reaUted and tho diaeaiio Rorma can find no lodgment. Uood'n Baroapanlla in tho boat modioiUQ to build up tho Hyatom booauBo it makflu pure, rioh blood, and pnto Uood ia tlie-biiuif; of uood health. In cold wcathor it ih oupooifctlly lioonsuavy to keep up tlio hoalth tone booauHQ tlio body in aubjoot to greater oxponuro and moro liable to din eano. Uood'a Saraapanlla ia tbo Hafaguaru of health. ' WHEN DE POSSUM'8-UP ^ ES. Dladnrkoy'pfluH bo'n Inssj q'u'dn'iJio'potno how, ohtlo. Olo mummy -tOIuh HayM (Uh ooon wu* bo'n to bo a trllo. Ptsam llko do uood Lawd 'tondod fo' to m*k' nio Iobsob enko An dun fo'tiot do tchigor toll do dough woe nl'nr dun bitUo", But, oh, <IIh good fo' nuflln niicRali'n h'urt Joh' JutnpH fo' gl(M) W'tm I hynh dtt olo daWtf yawpln an d pos- naiii'u up u tro, Oh, dim you'^ ougutah una diu nijtKoh Bwhitf do ax nroun fall do oln troii glto do ague an kama tunthlln to du groun Ad Wntoh u\1h chile a-Horamblin wl* dat olu coon dii\vp( out dah, Who'y ifwlno to kotoh dab poaflum hmw yobono^t yh, yah, yah I Dun V1!" yu'. ohllu, yoM nubbor h'jkio' ditt COOll WIU (11h KilIllU IQti Won do olo oou duw^'H *yiwpin an de pos- buui'h up u true. Don, kouoy, "w'on olo mnmmy do pood Lnwd liroH her bouII Dun 'vlto in ull do UiifkluB fo* toroaut dut pou- mini whol', Yo'd ouuhtuli hou dlu ni((({&h iowp it outdldo dat moat Au Mtuff nil wtuft Ull diu yur roou dun caln't (tit Oft h[H (HJIltl Don, kouoy, hrmu yo' boutt, why, ofc'a do uumu olo lnyy mo Toll nox' tlnio dut olo coou duwy kotoli a pou- ttum up a trcn. Now York Bun. TERETBIE WEAPONS. A PAIR OF THEM WHICH A TRAVEL ER PICKED UP IN PARIS. HE MADE THE HORSE GO. ttlieChrtutma* "Fub-mer'w Ailvoeute." l'ho farmcra of Canada huvo roooivod m great treat in Lho/3hriatraao Number of tho Parmer's Advooi^ft.'of Loudon Ont. It in la uniquo and valuable prodnotion, tho iipluuiild articl<(a.^ud llluatrationa of whiub giyo probably tfylSoBt ifepwaontatiou over fcablinhod of CartaHiuu agriculture. Ablo repreaeutativo writora in ovary province or Oanftda, from JJritiah Columbia to Novo, J^ootia, difiouaa cttn toudouoioa, nriodfi, and -proBpeata. Robt. Elliott, a truo Canadian boh of tho noil, fitrikoa tho keyueta m hiH bright littlo poBm, "Xnko Heart of Hopo, O Farmor." Among the leading dontrib- utora are: Mr. Goo. Johnston, Dominion Statistician of tho Agricultural Dopart- tent, Ottawa, who ahowa tho romarkablo development of our Bgrioultural oxportn fliuoe Oonfodoration, in 1807 ; Hon. John 'rjM*m, Ontario ihniulor of Agriculture, douls -wV.h "Canadian Xtivo Staak Huabaud- irv"; iRn. Thoa. Groonway, Promior of Itoha, *'AKnoulturo in tho Prairie |moo"; Mr. AutfUH McKay, Superin- ml of tho Indian Head Experimental "Farming in tho Northwest Tom- iM; R. E. GoHnoll, l?rovinoial Xjibra- lof Britiah Columbia, a raont graphic lie on the "Golden WoHt"; Richard [on, on tho "Madmon Square 'Garden Mr. Julitujlj. Inchon, Socrotary icionlcura, Now Brunawiclc; Mr. B. [lipmau, SooroUty for Agnculturo, icotia; and 'Mr. Wm. Clark, Frinco \d lalaud, wiito ou ogrioulturo iu tin \qo Provinooa; Prof. E. B. Favillc, \a Fruit Year in Nova Bootia"; W. jKh "Farminj; m Quoboo"; avalu- l!?arniorH, Inctituto addroan by Jolm [illan, M. P., ia givon ; "How Araeri- iFarmibg atrikoa a Canadian," by J. (on Knight, B. S. A ; tho ab'eot review Jo huvo eooii of "British AgnouHuro,,' by ___libald MoNoilagQ, Booro^ary of the Kitiah ClydcHdalo B>oioty and editor of tho "SgottiBh Furmer"; bearloR complotf foportu of tho Ontario Fat Stock Show and urnoclorB* annual mpetinfid, and manfttetioal urticlon, auoh aa "Gold Modal /ttornaakjnfl," **How She Won the Lord [yor'M Cup," otc. Thin Lumber of the [ocato iu bound in a beautiful colorud bovnr, utid bonidoH neurly a ncoro o( oho ice -photo ouM*ftvinRa, oontnina a full pago ool- ore^ plate on Hpeoiulpaperof Mr. Croaaloy'n J^'^andy I3viy Btook*, Farm" in Muakoka, 10 view" in alHO (,'ivou of Mi. ton/ilenuio'a Gold Modal Farm at jolt;' Out. Tho Britiwh Columbia Iwoafc, and Bcottiuh noonea nro aiuont; \y b()Ht. Tho Advooato haa done u t ao'rvioo to tho country iu iflmiitif* lioOhriotmoaNumbor, whioh j;oen to how BnbBcribur tov 1807. Wo notice lio papor oontinuoa to be published L month in largo aizu, and oh and (auuiiry lat will appeal in a cclorud ^(jold11 tint), td'othor with a largely led contributing **taff of tho ablcnt ( at praotioal wiltor^in Canada. A MHd Munnorml Uriin'g Hlmj>l*t Afothod of Curing Ualkluoiiu. At loaafc 30 miimtoa had boon oxpond- od in fruitloaH otl'orta to innko tho tub- born horao movo. Hltahod to a bulky dolivory wurod, ho stood diroofcly iutho pathwuy of truifto at tho crowded ooruor of tiuth avouuo and Fourtoouth atroot, Tho rmimulv/an largo, apparontly woll fed and not ovorworkod. Tlioro *woro no ovidonccH of diNabillty. It wa filmply a oiiKo of balk. Tho driver had oxhauafcod hi porauu- Hivo powcrfl and not quiotly ou bin neat, tho half doyau mou who had boou tng- Kinp; ufc tho whoolfl at tho wagon had do- aistod from their iuoffootuul oxortiona, tho kuowiiifir individual who" sought to oonx tho animal with a whiujp of hay had thrown down the unterriptiug bait in disgust, and tbo daft follow who on- sayod to twisfc tho horso's tail had hiah- agod to got away without being klokod, whan a mild manuorod gontleman, silk Imttod und kid glovod, oauio upon the .aoone. Quietly putihltig aaido tho impationt afcrcot oar drivor, who Wantod to build a flro under tho animal, tho gonfclomnn gently atrokod tho horde's nook with ouo glovod hand, whilo with tho othor ho piokod up tho balkod oroaturo't* right foot, bonding it baok and holding it firmly. Nodding to tho drivor, ho eaid, "Now go ahead." ' Tho drivor flourished hiH whip arid said "G'langl" Tho horao iuntinotivoly etnrtod, and, finding that Ha poworti of looomotion woro gouo, booamo reatLvo. Tho gontloman thon rolQas^l tho i^u- priaoned foot, whioh tho uuimal immo- diatoly put into action by trotting mp-4from fcll virnloiioo of tho vonom. Yoft idly down tho atroot. Aftor brushing a fow particles of dirt from his glovo tho mild mannorod man paasod on hifl way, and tho congofltion m tho Htroofc onjoyod a flpoody roliof. Now Vork TimOH. tiat a Woman Can X)o. I olunnd, aftor paying all cx- ,S3, tho monlh previoun 82b'0 the Biirao tttoq attondfld U stj, I behove ,any onorgotic por- equally aa wol), aa X have had le experience. The Diuh Waaboi ivoly and overy family vanU ouf*. |akea aelling very eaay. I< do uc igv .People bear about thq DipI) |aud opine or aond for one. It It t a^gcod.oltoap Diaii Waahoi he bnfot-e boon pi\t on tho murkot \ind Citiy Dmh , Waphur llllu thli |th it yon eau waab and dry tin a family of ,tenL in two minutcf ^ottlny. your nanda. Ah aoon ai the Wualiar work thoy wan1 cup raakb..<mori} money mw okor thou. !wil(b day lioueohelf ie mark**. 'X feel uohvinoef or nont-jortjun'o'an mako finir day eroqncl hpm^v Yo. biftilor* by AtfH^'V^11' Vralnud CliomoloonM. Much huH boon writtou about tho beauty, th6 otupidity end tlio vioioua- nOHa of tho lizard tribo, and I want to say a word about tho mtolligonco of tho chameleon, a littlo roptilo belonging to tho grout lizard family aud in fllao tho nntipodOH of tho alhgntnr,itd big brother. Tho incident I nowrolato enmo under my porsonal observation and doinou- Htratos that tbo ohnmoloou iBauacoptible of education and otm bo ranked with aiiitnalB olmwod muoh highor iu tho Boalo of intolloatual dovelopmont. Misa Henrietta Koono, a littlo lady of 13 .yearn, living in Philadelphia, wns proaontorl with two Florida chamoleonn, and k!io at onco begun instructing and educating hor pota. By continuod gon- tloneHB and kinducfea nho won tboir con fidence, and nt heroull they would raifio their heads, listen and thon corao run ning quickly. Soon thoy roapondod to their naniOH and noddod their littlo heads knowingly. Sho thon taught thorn to fltand up on thuir hind logs and pnfc thoir littlo fore paWH togothor and stand in tho attitude of prayur, looking aolomn and closing thoir oyos. At a irignal thoy would qniokly piostiato thomaolves, roll ovor on thoir backs and protend to bo (load, lying without motion until told to rino and embrace, whioh they would do with evory sign of joy and ploafluro. Wash ington Star. The* Vonom Ito* Whioh OontaJn* the Moot IPoworful 1'uUuu JCuown Til* Jf*dh> Thut IKioh IU l)indly Work Iu a Hllont and I'urploxintf Mannur, "Two of tho meat bountiful and at tho anmo time nmrderoua objeota X havo BVor Boon in all my travel a I piokod up in Par 1m during my trip thoro luHt Bum mer," mild J, V. Atkixiaon of Bavummh to a friend. "I bought both of thorn from an old gunsmith hi tho Qunrtior Latin, and he aaaurod mo they woro, without doubt, tho only onea in oxiatonao, uh far uh hiw knowledgo of doutli dealing instrumontn went, and he uluotold me that lie had purchased Ihoin of an old Spaniard who had upent most of hiH life in tho South Amorican countrhm, "I am ouro ho muat havo had tiiem mudo to hio especial order, for, as I have already stated, during alt my travels I huvo novcr soon anything that would in any way approach thorn for villainous, murdoroua pnrposoa, "The flrat, as you nee, looks inuoonnt onougli, aud when 1 auk yon what you think it is you will roply" "A silver matchbox," aiiHWorod tho reporter a^ ho gingerly bundled the beau tifully oluiHod Hilver object. "Touch that spring. *' At an ou^y touch tho lid of tho box flow opou on a powerfully hingnd spring and disoloHcd the interior, and in a com- partmont about ono-half of tlio capacity of tho box woro a dozen wax matchuft. "Now you'll find u tiny button on tho side next you and near your thumb. Juat profld that lightly." Ah tho Huggostion wuh followod a lit tlo, Hharp poinlud, cronmy whito, onrved objoot popped into view from that por tion of tho box not ocoupiaii by the matcliOH. "What iu that?" "That," said Mr. Atkinaon, "ia not mora nor Igah thau tho foro fang of tho Orottilus horriduH, tho groat American rattloanako, and one of tho moitvonom- ouh of BorpoutH known toiohthyologistH. You will iiotioo that tho fang i Rharp aa a needlo at ita point; that it in slit for a diatanco tip tho middle, and that it ia hollow. You will alao observe that a fluo, amber oolorod, jollylikoHnbatanao is contained within tho hollow of tho fang. That ia nothing loaa horrible thau tho vonom of tho orotalidro, and tho rankoBb poison, tho most doadly of agents known to man. A couple, of HorapoH on a man'n hnnd or face mean a oortain and u horriblo death nniiHoa and vomiting, retching, oouvulaiona, somiparalysia, oomploto paralysis, atato of oown, death in a most horriblo form and tho awolling to horriblo proportions of tho corpse uh it rapidly torus blaok .'"ftv if V ,w w* MISS ZELMAl IUWLST0N. CKARMINO AO^JDftETTE WHO AT TRACTS LARGE AUDIENCES. A MnnfH Knuo. At tho reception given to Dr. Jolm Watiou in Syraousa two Sootelimcn, in highland costumo, preaontod tliomaolvon. As tho clay was. cold, many of tho othor guostB oxprossotl thofonv that thoy would (infler discomfort from thoir bare legs. Bearing thia, one of the Scotchmen laughed aud said: "Do you know thut a uiun'fl kneo is liko a dog'a noso? It ia bound to bo cold anyway. That ih u fact, nud swathing tho knoo in fluuuole and troufiorfl doesn't make tho body a bit warmer." A Slolloiitloii on Heir Afi;, _"That prim Misa PaHHny in mad enough to bito me." "What'atho matter?" "Why, hIio haa just joined tho now Hooioty that boliovos that human im- presaionti nro mainly dorivod thiough tho Ronao of nmoll." "Well?" "Well, I miggeatod that Hho was a floontonariun." Glovolahd Plain Deal er. found iu ouo of these natural pitohera. 'The mosquitoes found in swampa and Jamp woods aro generally moro bril- iuntly, .colored, than those varieties vhiph fteqweal^human Mftbltationfl,. u may tako tho fearful agent, bako it bo- twoou briokfl, frcozo it botwoon blooks of ico, and it will atill rotam its torriblo powor. You may inooulato a rat with the venom, and ho will dio in a fow moment.-?, a dog in five and a man in from ton minutos to an hour, according to tbo amount received and tho oondi-. tion of his Hyatom at tho time. Tho blood of tho first rat can be inooulatod into a Recond, aud tho blood of tho second into a third, and ao on down through 100 yea, 200 subjeotfl without recourse to tho original venom, and tho hint subject will dio as qniokly aud convulsively as tho first, for ita virulouco is absolutely fatal. "You ouu readily boo what; a torriblo weapon it would bo m tho hands of an unsorupulouH villain. A Roratch or two, and tho deed would bo done, whilo tho victim would simply imagino that ho had boon scraped by a pin. Yet in a close light with some of tlio despicablo footpads and murdoroua thugs who aro iufosting your fair city I do not think I would havo any scruples about uaing it .on ono of them mysolf, "It would bo difficult oven for a first claHi physician to diaeovor at the first night just how tho man mot Ins doath. "Its companion piece, of devilish in genuity, ia a needle gun. Poouliar look ing tiling, is it not?" asked Mr. Atkin son as ho passed a richly ongravod aud silvor mountod objoot that looked like a cross botweon a miniature doublo bar reled shotgun and a rcvolvor to hi(t friend, who handled it with oxtromo caution. "That littlo gun is about flvo inches ovor all, and yot it contains within thoHO ahambors, in tho boxltko part bo twoon thoRo fino watoh spring stool bar rels and tho pistol grip, ouough of fiend ish miaohiof to lay out a do:/.on Btrong men. "The charge ih a strong but powerful cartridgo mado of a highly exploaivo chemical which, by the poouhar con- Htruotion of tho ohambors, makes ho lit tlo noiso that it oould not bo hoard by a poroon ton foot away. Tho iiiHtrumont of doBtruotiouifl a bunohof fine cambric neodloH that havo had their heads phght- ly flattonod to offer resistance and oatoh tho piopelling force, and thoir points havo lain m tho very snmo Rort of von om of whioh I spoke until thoy aro thor oughly corroded with it. "Ah they loavo tho gun they scatter and pnnotrato to tho most vital apots, whoro thoir torriblo work Ih quickly dono. Nothing abort of a poat mortem examination of tho most rigid kind would betray tho oauso of doath," St. LouiH Kopublio, Slit Tills Something of Tile Hard Work NeceiAury to Make u Successful ArtUt Many Hrcnk Down Under 4ko Strain An Interesting Chat with u Tcltfgrnpli Re porter. F/oin thn CuoboD TolitRriLpb. Those who have attended tho porfovni- aucoB at the Academy oi Muuio ihia wook, will roadily conoedo thai Miss i5olma Itawhion is ono of the brightest Houbrottos on tho Htu<?o. Who is a clover mimieian and a charming linger, and an an impovHonutorHhowH a talent connidor- ahly above tho average, Bhe has win ning waya, a miafhiovouH IvfU kloinher oyo, and a captivating manner, Her mugnetiam for dinwintf large uudionccH ia not alone eouilutd t< tho stage, hmhIio in poHHOHHod of a character whioh in ploawing to come in contact with. It in full of good nature, amiable qualitus, and a charm that undoars her to all thoHO who have been ho fortunate as to havo mado her acquaintance. A Tele graph representative had Iho pliMiiiuro of an iutor\io\v with Mihh ilawlnon which roRiiltfd iu a biographical sketch of her life being puIiliHhod in these columuii on Saturday. During tho eourae of tho interview, Minn llawlaou lot out a Hoorol, which 'die conaoutcd to allow tho Telegraph to make public. For many yearn, alio bun devoted the best part of her timo to study, somo- timoB practising 10 hours a day. It ih net therefore astonishing, that under a strain of this kind, sho began to feel tho on'ectH upon hor norvous constitution. Bho ia of a robust build, ami apparent ly strong physiquo, and stood tbo strain without interrupting her studios, until alio hud perfected that which, she doslrod to accomplish. Liko many other artiHts who have gono boforo, Hho completed hor work, graduated with tho highest honors, and prepared to enter upon hor otngo earoov, Tho reaction of over study and long hours, soon began to tell upon hor, and although it didnotintor- foro with her climbing-tho ladder of famo an nctroas, sho very soon bocamo cognizant of tho fact that alio was Buft- oring from a Htrain on tbo nerves which threatened nooncr or later to result seriously to hor health. Hor suiloringB did not intorforo with hor engagements", but prevontod hor participating in pleasure of auy kind. Tho norvouHui^in incroaood to such nn extout that alio bo camo a victim to insomnia, and slowly hor digeHtivo powers gavo out, and sho was fast becoming a chronic snfl'oror from nervous debility. After trying many romedioa and prescriptions, sho ouo day road an advortiflomout in ouo of tho daily papers referring to tho com- -pleto recovery of a similar caso of hor own, with tho aid of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Sho had tried, so many patent remedies that alio almoHt despaired of ttying any more. Something seemed to influence hor to tost this preparation, nud alio vonturcd to purohasQ ono box of tho pills, lloforo she had used half of thorn, Hho began to fool an immodiato improvement in her condition, and by tho time alio had used two or three boxes uho was a different woman entire ly, and to-day there aro fow actrofmos who display a hotter example of porfect health than our representative found Miss TiawlBton in when ho culled upon hor lant week,, 'The subject was sug gested by our reporter seeing a box of tho Pink Pills in MiaH llawlston's possession. "I always carry them with me," sho said, and would not bo a day without thorn ; although T do not tako thorn regularly, T find them a vory beneficial stimulus for ono in our pro fession. Tf tho aHsevtion of tho bonoflt which those pills have worked upon mo will do the public any good, T am per fectly willing that my name -should he mentioned, and that tho facts Hhould bo givon to tho public." Miss lUwlston'B permanent addroflH is in care of lior manager, Mr. Tom Mo- Guiro, TiooinG, Standard Thoatro "Build ing, Now York City. iJEtelUffor \LniTtg :tfc!niSM o All ^OVKWWlTfl*!.^ und nil lVll/tt (iuiununtto* or At'n inr, w tnr.'.w.ii; thu !>u. : 'ioiihiH ^ uk-lK-huu 1'ioiJ. .ai '(. {, _ HyllioilM ill ii "t) ' m M TliHtfaciit O Mil ufji lin Ln . ) iit.>fnr A ov.f * y-Mi, j,i i I ,, ,1 intMilly 111 w!"*'llM I'lltMt |1)|J 1 . MIMlHll V.II4* ulAll -fc "" wiii.ii tlio lK(..i i i hi, i,, i u i j i .| r It. W A T U. W O It. _ . I'I I l.,^l UOr, in 1 T.\ iif-r ijiiiMi' DAVIS 8, LAW.UNCE CO., Lro., MoHrnEAL oooe o o c> o o o o Tho Jnmi'irv humbi r of Tho Delineator itt oi'lj. d tlio Winter Holiday Numiti-r un t] thoao who hiivn net yi't innflir elioiop rf tin ir hnluUy (.i'tn will flu I helpful Ue record (it whit tlio hho|ni liavn to offui* ui this lino, us well mi tho HjMi'w ot new bcolts, oal mlarn und pntiuili) litcrnturo Biiiluhlo for prcHOiitution. A uibMiripuon to thin utoihnu unigi'/iue for n jour will ho it piesont to howppu'oiiued, Addiewti con?.- muniOiitionH to tho Delinuitor Ptiblinhnifi Co, of Toronto, Tjfd., U!J Riohmoftd Htreo1 west, Toronto, Ont, or tho loual ngf nt. for thn Bultoiiok Puluans, ftubAmiptiou prion of tho Dohnoator; 31 00 nor year, or 15 oontn p*r hiii1o tu>py. * Tho Canary islands have a peculiar plant known as tho fountain troo, whioh contains roooptaolcs for tho collection of tain, Several gallons of Water aro of ten lfcbo J^0J wlwu"rwrSn*towniraud*Im Au KxpnWmebt. "Whoro aro you going, JVHolmol, ec oarly'r" "Apothooury's. Wife got alok last night." "Doctor boon thoro yot?" "No. I just found a proscription hi going to-have that jbaado up aud try it." Fliogondo Blutter. i wr Pliny-says that tha^lmtinycT'bfosBom^ was vpga^^^tfaftjIJ^j^pjD^ Constipation .Causes fully half tbo alokuoas in the vrorld. 1retains the digested,food too long iu.tho boweli 'and produoei blllousneflB, torpid llTQr, Indt geatioa, bad' taa, f oajpd i tongue, Bt^bftftdacbe; v>; . *'li*" tV Wanted-An Idea Who rmi nilnfe Of NOIll- L , _ _ _ tlihitf torunuut? I'rotnot yniif lilKnH. tboy muy hrlnu you woallli Wrltii JOHN WICUPICUIIUUN ft CO , Pntunt Attttt imyn, Wiwhhitoi, n <*, fr tlmir el Wx) pi-lea orror Mill Hue (f two huiiilfftd liivniKluiui waiiU il WANTKD-HKVKItAL FAlTHKUr, MKN OH Woinou t(j travol for roiipjiiiiiblo uhUI)- MkIhhI liouim hi Outiii'lo. Hularv, A7HU, nuyablo ^15 wijnlil> ami oxpomwin, 1'onltlon jiormanout JtnfdlOIlCd. JJiiolono liulf-adllroBHfllllltllUipOll 011- vulopfi. Tlio NiiUoniil. Htar UuihUnii, Olilciiuo. Wanted. A A f A XT-'1'0 H1^^ fANADA aitOWTH 'V ivl> " l'"rnit luul OiiiiinKintalTrotiii, hlirulin, ItonoH, Iliilbu uml Itulhouu I'liintH.Orujui V'imu, Hinall Fiuftfi, Hnnd Potutoori, oto Wo untutofjiio only tho hai-iUuiit and iuowt pouular via hitiofi that Httooood in Dm ooldont oltmatiui Now naniiou nowronmnouohift; aom|iloto outfit /nm, niilary nud ox pennon paid from utart for full tinio. or Hbonil couimfnnion for part tlnio. Apply now, ndilroiinini; nuartiiit olllou, uml olioiuo of torritory, lukk inttminna company, Intoriuttional Nm/iorioH, Ohicaoo, Iut4 ot MoNTUIHI-i. Qub. Fresh Bread Is what you ami rely on gutting whon you buy from uh. Our wa^on Kmi to all parts ot tho towu. Buns, Cakes and Pastries, You, cunt find moor, f refill or, orswoot- er in tho country. All londh of Fancy Caltos and Jolly Rolls. Fresh Taffy and Candies every day. Wo aoll nothing Htaloor dry. Leave Your Order and you can rely on prompt do livory. FRANK FOSS. Opponjto TiaoU &{Vxnno\a, Bonox For 1896-7. Balance of 18CJ6 Free, Only One Dollar 'jro Jiuiuury lutf, 1898. sixteen l*ntrcH Each Week -------WITH------ All The News^f The World. Mak et Reoorts, Storiep, Etc. Exoollent Bonding...... for ovory morabor of tho family Wo offer (iood inducement!! to agontw, ITor terms, oto., uddrosn ADVERTISER PRINTING CO.. LONDON, ONT. SING LEE^ CHINESE LAUNDRY, Wihjon Avo., noxt. Abordoon Hotel. The latent improved machinery for Ironinu Collarn and Cufliu Will not oruok or brealt wing. ** t the ess: Family work ohoup. and dehvoied. Purcelu called for Pinnae call und try. It not flatiofaciory no chuvgo will ho rondo, f one work auitc yon. recommend un to your 'riendK. tiolUt t Milk JAMES NAYUOR1 TakoB thin opportunity of anuounohig y)i tjonploof tho Town and Count? of BflBox, tt io baa romodolocl tbo Sbbox R- iller Mllla _ oordlntftq plana proparod by B.N Prioo otBl Thowan, nud nlbo Boourtid tbo Mrvloos of Kub oxporionaod and thoroughly ooi petont miliar. Tlmilking tlio pooplo of tlio town and aoqru! for tlwi iiatroiiuRo bosbowod upoa blm in tb* pant, will tftiurantoo uatlBfuntlouln tho future,, Gristing and Chopping a Specialty. tSiT Tkt JUsi Gyailts oj Flour, F{ Cormncal JCtpt in Stack and sold Prices t _ __________ Gash Pa'fdfor Wheat am 130 You Ride ^ If so, you want to hai the beat there ia everybody knows fcl The Nobbiest Turnout IH TO IU. HAP AT- JOHN A. ROSES Livery. Oood JRoadntera, ftany Jlidlng Buggies. Comfortable Carriage** A Call Modelled. Sath/aotion Guaranteed, North of tho % Railway Track. ESSEX, ON' Johnston Bros., Builders Ana Contractors, DI'AXiISUH IN- British Columbia' Cedar % Shing'lbs, Pine Shingles, $1.00 Up. All Kinds of Building Material, SASH, DOOHS, LA TIL ami BARN LUMBMA )&?- SuUitfiLctlokii GmiwiHlecd* Opp. Water WorlcK, Kbhcx. FOR TWENTY-SIX YEAR; j un 'Jj,.,l.OU,'J] r t'IS J. GOtTBI-Air ife SON. ESSEX. ON1 1 THE TltlOMPH CORN BHEIiLER' ThU Maohixio ooneiBfcB of a horiaoto bal oast cylinder, with wrought iraa^| bniB, with Hiool t'oofch boltod io tho oyli jelet b.> as tp bo rovorsiblo when jtyw tooth hocorao worn on tho front sidor running in a perforated concave iro^J *bell, whicli tho shelled corp"passed through into a sheet iron cse, withfjj au or olPiuior attached below, which takea al tlje dust from tlio grfljjl^ ^Cf" jhe^ieet bot-t. wet simple aid durable Power Coin heller in, uw; shf

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