Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 8, 1897, p. 1

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Sills SSEX/' QNT., TBID&Y, JA.NTJAJIY 8,,189 OTQLE **& <-....n>"><<>ii- in* if'jwjMjf'rjl lfev:-': lioRSYTHE, ERSON&Co. & K _ 7l> Stf* -ViV* e Commence. tlie New Year with. Our An- UU8J- ~1^' Rearing Winter Sale . . Headquarters For Fine Wafch Repairing. 7V>e New Jewellet, foradjaatinp the nooat and moBfcaom- plloaUfl- \Yatoho, find Cau Guarantee Satisfaction. * * Orders taken from Catalogue for all kinds of Watches, Jow- ololry, Silvorwato, &o. Ttomombor the SUncl( May's.Blook Tbrw Doortf Uoatbnf Imperial liimu, Talbot Street, EflflQX. For Sale. Ij^OH SATiK- A $W Coal Ktove. Art UartbnA, 1 an roo'1 ftB wow, lit a barf(u-lu. Apply o GRO. OOIjLi Earto*. Wanted. 1 AHA OOIttt of *X?t. Wood .liUUU oxoh nu^o for Wan tod iu lUiifcorialor In PftV- mmiji of nooduntfl. 'PHB RIXTKKNXH ANMUAI* MBETfWa OF 1 Colohoflter North Atfrlcultural Boolety will ejj hold It) 1'oak'n Ball, Ebhox, on V Wednesday, January 13th, I807. At; 1 o'olook, p.m. to rooolvo tho Treasurer's Ile- port Rtul Finanolul HUtoment, aud for tho 3!iloottbn~6f""0ffloerr-(br 1897,; and any ottoor btialnofloouneotod with tho sipoioty. W. H. EUaSBXI*,.fla-Troaa,_ For the Month of January, Preparatory tq_ Receiving our New Spring Importa tions which usually com- ; rnence to arrive in Febru ary. . "' " m$m lunng this Sale We Will Clear Ou! All Lines of Win ter Goods at Reduced Prices* W iargams in^ ck* Men's Bealetto Caps; 'Men'B Fur Caps. MenV Driving Mitts. t|i;Men's Overcoats, in's Suits. wmJB Underwear, Flien'H Heavy Pants* [Ladies'-'Fur Capes. i?ur Muffs. ^Winter Jackets. iress Goods. Blankets. [?b. Long. Boots. Biabernien's Rubbers* . 'inter1 Millinery. V.i m fvtS*'AH Gonds Marked in Plain fh:.; ' figures. . [f:,"'M,;iSw"Qoe Price torAll. . , tSsr Money Bade if any '.. (unsatisfactory. , mmt Purcbfigo Card of Thanks. To tho Electors of District No. 2, Oonuty of Enflox: IJUIIICH JMt* GlflNTUttMEN, ' I doBlro to return you my nluoora thanks for thi honor jou conferred upon mo on Monday luebby placing mo at tho heart or tho poll for County Councillor for thin District. I can an num you that I will look after yonr iutoreta to tho bout of my ability. Vonrit respectfully, JAMI3S 8. IjAittD. Notice to Creditors. In the estate of George Mac kenfcle, of the Town of Essex* Physician, deccaacd. Majority, for Boauiftu...... GOLOHESXEB. NOBTH. 4[0PB0f..K. H. 0,' 1HB7, ;fll'iaptor U0,,.r|notlO(jn'ViifcV . ., A uniOBnUUfl' Aottl', tilat '"all. pettlQW UU(1 rf,* ' ;rAu_ npli^ivtna htf ai*n\nninlit\rt NotlDtilHhorohy rIvou. imrauaab to tlmiiro sa "'" ------.......... cr*______...... estate-o-Kfuorao MnokmiKio, lato of tho: Town rtt Kemox, In th* Coimfcy of lf,H8ox,vnnd Provinoe Of Ontarlu, I'hyBiclaii, dflooaaod who dlod on, or ithout tun Fourth drty of lioeomber, A. D. 1BIHJ, are Uoroby notified, and rofjuirod to. do- HvortoMr.'K. A. Wlumor, Town of Kshox, ouo of thufliooutorH.nrt or hoforo thu fioventh day of .Tanuary, A. V. 1B07, ntatomontd iu writing of Uioir namoB and addrebKos and full tuirtteularti of tholr claims mid what unourltioB (It any), liold by thorn. Ami furthor taku notice that riftor tho (laid Hovonth day of Jannnvy, A. 3>. 1H07, tho 1'lxDCut/n-n -will vrocond to dlntrlbuti^ tho a[iolti of thw '.& QHt'ilo nmonK the nartiou ontltlod, havlui! rodiird only to Uwioiium,H of which tlmy shall then linvo had notice, and thoy will not bo roupawilblo for tho said aiHiots or any part tuovoof, so rtliititlbuWd to imy portion or orddltorn whono olulinti thoy have not had at tho tlma of distribution. <* JOITN MAOPHICJIHOM, t KyooutorH UOriKHT MA.CKKNZIB, } Of tho ualu 13DWAUP A. WlaMliB, . ' : '. Kstato. Dutml (ttKflHOjf, Docomhor 1VLU, Ib'M,- Mortgage Sale. UNDEJl AND BY VllU'UB OV Tlllil TOW- or of niilo contaiuod In a cortaln Marti'auo, which will bo produood at Llmo of Halo, tnero will ho ottered for nalo, at I*ublio Auction, on TUESAY, JflJlUfiHY 12th, 1897, At ono o'clock In tho afternoon, at tho Abor- doon Jlotol. in tho Tuvvii or Kshox, by John Gorraloy, Auotfouoor, tho following vory valu- . , ablo proporty, yla: Tho Kant half of th North half of hot num bAr 21. Hoath of U10 MaMou Hoatl, i)n tho Towu- 'uhlp of Uolohoiitftr Worth, lutho County of Kb- iiox, and tho xvnut half, of tho north half.of uttid lot oxciithu! about 10 uoroti fiold otf for Town lotv( and boliiR tlm wliohiof. tho North half of oald Ijot, ovoopt tho.pnrtiio uold, and ooutftlniiif,' 00 acrriii mum or ,' Tiium hi nald to bo a very goodhonae iitid fmrao cranary and lofi barn on the nroperty J iiboutOS no run. are .said to boohM-rad, balanco biiHh and patitura hind.. Thin property Iu In an oxoollonf iiltnutlou mljolnlnu the villafio of floHto, 01 fi ifocd road nhout B mllofi from the thrivhiii Town of' .Busoi:, and Itj an oxooUunt proporty, 'JVniiH of Ralo : uufilol. out to niulie up nno-tliird of tho .purobaHo money within two woobn from day Of huIo, and balaiicuupon t^rixia to bo agreed npon rtt time, of ritilo. TI10H0 tenos may bo varied on day of imlu to unit tho purchiLUor. ' . Wnv further partlaularM apply to .TWO, QOKM- I/lfiY, Auotlonoor, .Khsox, orto flITiHON & OflnOttNIiV Vcndaru' Bolloitoyii, UmnUton- 2nd ard 70-22H 50 H2 n Municipal Elections, 1891, InacooraanoowithtW:pi;by|BioriB o tho Mtmioip^ Act, oleotiona tot munic ipal oflloers in the varioua manioipalitips in tho Province arid for "County ppnn- Cilldre in the different district*, wore hold on Monday last; the results in the County of Essex being given below. In five municipalities in tho county, Amheratbure, Bollo Eivor, Kingflvillo, Tilbury North and Tilbury West, the members of tho council woro all-elected by acclamation, bo that in those pla.cos thocouuty haH to boar tho cost of the election tor County Councillors. In other municipalities tho local connoils stood'the expense except for tho print ing of tho ballots for County Council lors. , ' ESSEX.' . f VOU MAVOlt. ' Ward: lat G. J.Thomasi......... 73 Dr.B. B. Potts,.... ill Majority for Thomas...... .... ..115 Johu MoDouKall, by acqlnmation. jfon dkpUtv kkbvm. II. M. Johnaton,-by acclamation, pon aoiENroTnrjpuH, Ward No, 1. O. K. Porsythe, .T. A. Kpao and David Whitney, by uoclamation. Ward No. 3.: Wm. Uiddiok, A. Itaiues and J. A. Hlo^B, by acolamatiou. Ward No..'. Fred Robinson..'...-......'.. 72 Joseph RobinRon.... ^..... 70 Benj. Sloto..................... 70 John M. Hicks................. 62 Mesars. Frod. 'Ru'nndon, Jos. Robin son and Sloto elected. VUllMO MCIUOOIj THUHTHJES. Ward No. 1. , W.G-.Wyman, (two years) and C. M. Johuflton, (one year,) by acclamation. Ward No, s: J. A. I'Vancis,................ 104 W. H. Bussoll, .,........ 47 '.,",'. j*on oopNarxi(6n.. , . ...WatdNo, if. Wm. "Whalon:;......................'..,..,...; Percy Coylo.,.....................,......... ; Majority for."Whalen...........;..- Ward No, 2., , Alex. Sinasao, (acclamation.) Waul No; 3. . Isidore Cote....:.;...,.............'.'..... BoraphimBoandoint.i.........-.......... Majority forCoto........................ . , ' Ward No, -f. Thomas Pottypioce. .........,......*... Joseph Grontlin........V,................ Majority for Pottypieco.^....;.. ROOTJ.JSfJTB.U. 3'Ott ItCKVlB, , P. Ladonceur, acclamation, , won impuTY~twi&vE. - Divifliohfl.l'.... 2 . 4 J. J. RowhirBt.;....'..() W 52 1111- J. Wilcox...............JW 1 ao.'io- 74 CO ^8 70 60 20 (10 4U 20 T'l -378 -143. Majority for Prancia........... Ward No, J. W. D. Boamatt,..............'.. James Oongdon............... 57 105 7a l'OU DlfiVUTY-ltKlrVK. Daniel Kennedy, by acclamation. x-'ok oonNorhriOitfJ. "Now Mo- Con to Cun'n Greiior T'l I>. 0. OuoUotte,...'.':... 07 40 74-187 1). Ai Brush............' 87 7a 12 171 A. 0. Atkinson ........102 28 21 151 Walter B6ylo........ -12 01 Ufi ta8. Ouollotto, Atkinson and Brush elect ed.. ' ' aOSPIELB NOllTH, vok ioiuVh. Ghas. Holkio, acclamation. von DUi'UTy-nmfivJB. Divisions 13 Ji 4 . T'l. Jolm'P, Millon........74 71 4 27 SJ1 PrauoinB. Millon...(iO G8 20 '31 1(19 Majority for J. P, Millon...... 7 I'OH OOUNOir^OllH. Henry Barlow........04 0U ao 21- -208 John M. Kay ..........51t 1)2" 20 28- -202 James Nowman......58 00 as 10- -184 Lowia WilHamH....(llt 7ft 14 20- -170 Robert Moo............;M IU 04 14- -no Jamos Steward........35 , 20 21 '88- -101) ', i^arlow, Kay and Newman 01 ooted. MAIDSTONE. - ,VQU ItlUKVE. Bub-diviKioiis 1 2 ft 4 5 T'l. Potor.Covbett...82 1)1, ftlt 40 5!t- -3IJ8 lildw^n Plant.....55 . :io na 71. 61- -301) \*TANTMD ' One Car Load \21fLong fey lj: Thick.' V CorrHiond ;with ,.>',:' ' HIRAM WAlKBft & SOHS^ Idjn'd,, -^ TToAN 6lVB~Poi5,lONfl--to nersona of Ml grades of ability. > Agents, Boolt'keep- ern, Olorks.^annerH' Sons, Lawyora.Meohatiica PfayBlalanb, Proaobora. 8tu<lenti. Married and Bihgle Women, WifloWB. , PoBltlOTB are; ^rorth from iW tp 2,000.per,annum.,: We' have pa!4 several of our "cwnvaoaoro $60 weekly fpt yeara. Many have BtQJrted poor and becomorldh^lth ua., rHtlaaIareupnttpniloatioi; StftteBalary 'expfioted. % HtUmoa^ttMwtWnnpSi Majority for Oorhett...'..;............00 : ' '" rou nisrWTV-ioaiflVis, ^ Wuci.'.Prico, by aeiilamiition, . '" , , '("OH OOIINOXTjTjOIW. W, B.. Potter.-.m ,81 74 71. DflS Julo9T)Wrn..~.:05;. 40 (12 HO 260. ,i,hoy.Paisley;;..0F U '27 70 15-243 Wm.,iGVeonwuy,40 20'.OS H2 58 104 K..Ef. WiHmor..,20-3U ;20 ' 22 ' 45 120 Alox.;MoiiHHOttu30' 54 02 Ut 4 12!} Pofctor, Dnmui and Paialoy. eleMnd; .."" ,.. ..jpon.nuEvic. . '/fown'-'. rtruvwl,',.Front Htill Wofid' Jlond T'l JaraosB. Oiob.. 20 04 52 100 Franoifl Ijararaio..44 23 J10 108 Win; H.. Waldron04. ';ty ' .24- 8. . Gibb olectotl by (10 ovor.Ijaramit?.' ' Daniel PUlon.....,41 110 48^-101) Piod. Mickl6. 184. IjorenzoO.BruBhOl 28 05 184 Edward M.Honor40. ,80' 53 178 Alfrod\rarrett.;..;.74 20, 45-180 PatriokXafferty... 0 -' 80, , 83-121 Joseph A.,Hunt;.- 4;'.;. .20 '; : .81 55 Pillon, Miokle, Bntah' and : Honor .'elected. .\ '- : XQCAL OPTION jffY^iAW. 104':,' fi'8 182 ,,'2(Ji';,.,57-ffl74. !' Maj0rityiagainvet&p~\}m?,i./r.', \ 8 " ^'Ti Patrick!Ooyle;^.w;.103j40 25 48^-21Q Joseph Benetean..: 80;'^V0' 100 flO^^Os. Majority for iDewhirst............ 1JU irou rioTiNorxipon. A. WilHon...............!ta 04 .#3. 50-200' P.Sylvefltro.......,.;..-14 7r 4.7' 124^-252 P. Blrailldux...........40 88 80 123-285 H, Kodiick.,..........20 01 40 1 14 Wilson; By 1 vostro and ]\Iailloux oleot- od, . SANDWICH'SOUTH.- Mon uisicvia. Wards 1 2 2 4 0?'I E. J.O'Neil............80 51 .IS"70-218 R. P. Hurst............ 1 54 08 18 180 Majority for O'Noil.................. 82 Von dOUNOILXjOUH. Ward No. J. Obas. Oavanagh, acclamation. Ward No. 2: .'.. ', JiShuttloworth........................... 08 Wm. tiro....................................... 47 Majority for Shuttloworth........ 10 ' WdrdNo. $., J. O'Koefo......I*...............t-,......... 54 Ed. Moohoy...................^............. 80 Majority for O'Ketife............... 18 lizard No.Jt. Joh,n Greaves*..........................;.<!, 40 Jos. McCarthy,,..........................., 4V Majority for Greaves.......... . 8 ' , GOSPIEI/D SOUTH. ' VOR HE1WB, Divisions 1 2 8 4 5 T'l. Robfc, Bbanks..,14 45 87 88 15-100 Alex. Poterson.,14: 78 . Hi 17 25 1E8 R. Eedo.ji...^.-;^ .10' 4 15,:1]| 00. " SHan'lts'eioci'eTl!' iron meVuTY-icittitVH. Philip 0. Pox...25 .77 .80 2ft .((-220 Robfc. Leoming.24 50 20 41 51 201 Majority for Fox,.................. irOIt CODNOTIiTiOltH. I ft Against ......k.V.^Ai.,.i.25: Por.'...:...;...V.(.:......;(H ; N. PetGrHon......lfl ^-60 ill) 22 221 JudBon8eratcli,.24 112 83 15 88 210 Ed. -Rogers......10 ' 81 80 20 15 171 P. M0harloH,..-l ,2(j__78.. 10 2 125 Leonard AlIon..28 48 f(j 8 87 110 M. G. .Brunor... 4 11- 10 54 8 08 J.ohnStaddon...27 25 18 8 10-80 . Peterson, Scratch nhdRogorBolootod. SANDWICH. . ran mavov.. E. Girardot, acclamation. ui'-usVK.' C. E. Mason................................,;,1G2 R. McKeo.;...,,.................... ,,,...... 80 Majority for Musou........ (JO VOIt WM'ICTt OOMMISfOONlGJtH. Pequegnot and Robinet, aoobvroation. ' FOB' <JOXrNOIIiTjOKS. vljoljcouf, JeHHop and Laidlaw. SANDWICH EAST. von mucviQ.. ', Alex. Roaume.......... ,,..................824 Alox. Montrouil.,......................200 Majority for, Reanmo............ (14 &itJ:i'Y'-iUflHvii!. DavidIjappau...,.. .1.'.....,.,........... .827 Alex.MoNoil.:...........;.,..:...............108 .Majority for Ijiippan,..............129 l-'Olt OOXJKdlT.X.OKM. ' . ' ; Victor Robiuot..........; .. ,....,...}#o Obas. Tino....................................207 Geo. Sylvestro'..........'.;....,..'......^.....USO Honry "iJouhMt......... ....,225 Noah Rouaud......;...................... .104 Kobiuet, Tino and Sylvestre elected, -.. " CODOHESTER SOUTH. '* i-'onnicBiVH... Thos; Hood, acelamation. . ^ ,- Sub-Divjaions .1 2 8 4 T'h M,J.Patton,....;.,...,75 21 07 50 348 Roht. Howie..-.......20 78 88 05 201 Majority for Patton;.,.*.,,.*..,, .. 43 Ed. Edfi:o^.,.,..V...70 72^'07 100-845 Roht. Affleck........,...00 55 :U7 80-:277 A. E. Wright...:.,.;...44 27 01 157 F, A. Reaumo..;.:..22 '88 54-48-^152 Wm. PorrisB.;:...;...JJ2 30 80 85-U120 WrA,'Stadd;on..,...; 94 , .Edge; -4flleck and Wright elected, , > , 8:" i :Wl Jaraea ,e^lferk..;.ii;.80 42 70 157-^858 RobertMahe^.......,Cg 140.. .74 86^-828; : 'r-x:i'-'MjScErf^'^^ir^ feieUcirlc'^-, L-l - /.'.:. - '.V,'-, &K ;: ,>s,Geb^gft;ipivW^B>,i^i ":! $)::.' ' James Drnntmond, acclamation. . . ' ] ' Joseph Thomas..*.............. 82 Reg&AldPostor............................. 72 RobertQowan.............................. 40 ' TUohnw olooted. .- ' LEAMINGTON, ""..' KOll MA-YOlt.' J._ E. Johnson..............................985 0. Ohnmborlain;....................;......121 Majority for Johnson...............104 ' - . H. J. Coulspn........................:..282 C. L. Coultis,.:.....,........................180 Majority for Ooulson,.,*........... 08 v. Volt wEPirrY-iiKKVw. A. Ijudlam......... -........................180 W. D. Cox.......-.............................170 Majority for Ludlam...^........ 10 " KOlt COUNOrijIiOifH. Wardt.P. C. Quallins and Dr. H. Branton elected; Ward 3, G.O. Poster and \Vm. Selkirk; Ward 8, Ooorgo Craig aud Joseph. Poart. AMHERSTBXJRG. In tho old 'burg the council was elect ed by acclamation as follows: Mayor, W. H. MoEvoy; Reeve, J. A. Auld; Deputy-Koovo, Thomas ToiuHlihou; ConucUlors, Ward No. 1, G. D. Pettypiooo, Ji A. Patten and D. Ireland; Ward'2, J, D.Burk, J. B. Robidou*, jr.,-and P. H. Smith; Ward 8, D, N. Doneau, Thon. Dukes and John Gott. TILBURY NORTH. Reeve,.C. Robert; Deputy-Roeye, Aw Greniar; Councillors, A. Damphousse, Z. Dupuis and J. T. Ohauvin, all by acclamation. . TILBURY WEST. ~ Reave, J. H. Ainalio; Deputy-Roeve, T. Dunmoro; Councillors, A. Kond- rlek, W. Dalgloiah and R. Jackson, all by aoclapaation. . ': ,-.. kingsviijLe. Reeve, Hubert WirIo and Councillors Elihu Scratch, I). H. ^IcOay, Alex. J. Wiglo and Obas. Doggett, by aoolama- tion, _ LOOXti OX'TION HY-TjAW. AgEixfAT..'.,;".......................,...........107 Por......:.........................................100 Majority against..................... 01 .-;, BEDLE RIVER. Reeve, A. Xiadoucour and Councillor P. Sauvo; J Roaoh, C. Gerard and A, Ouollot^,.J)y acclamation. Mayor, John !DaviB, acclamation; Water CommiHsionor, R. O, Colo; AI- dormou, Boll, Brian, Carney, D'Avig-. non, Shepherd, Dixon, Duck, Connolly, Kilroy, McMurray, Vigneaux and Baxtor.: ..' ' WADKERVIDDE. Mayor, T. Roid'A Aldermen, S^vift, Russoll, Kerr, , MdMIcking. Dobio, Woir, Walker, White and Ch'ator. SANDWICH WEST. Roovo Eli Bonoteau. Deputy-reeve Hy, Dnframboiso. Conneillors A. Pare, A. liangloia, S. Dupuis, . _..... Counlv Councillors. NO. t.'DIHTltlO'i:. 8- el Amhers'tbnrg Ward 1......T......... 02 do ,2*............;....150 do ,..........:........05 Maldon Town Hall.........i..M 81 108 Turnpike...............170 80 River Prout............. 00100 Anderdou Ward l..v..............31 80 do .2;.:;..*...:;...;.. 27. 7 "do .:..............."., 88 48 5 75 55 40 47 80 111) 4(1, 24' 25' 24 10 28 ': I 4 ; 0; 2 '2 .4 t 4 dO 4 .,.*. 58 17 82 120 7 20 5 10 88 '80 40 182 72- 58 .i... 701 480 808 881 Ooste and Pattou elected,' V '*::VO. 3 I^STUIOT. h) Esaex Ward,!..................135 do 2,w.............;.175 .IE ><*. 05 88 80. 2 8 8 07 W 17. do 8......... Oolchostor North-r- GeBto:..;.,...-..-...-;;. 8 New Canaian.........',.-84. McGregor........i........ 80'. Colchester So'uth Sub-Div.,No, 1;....:.. 8 23 118 do 2 ,:..if 8', 28 04 do 8':.:U. 1 52 04 .' V' do 4 ...... ,0 59 1*71 4 8 11 208 jd p .2' 8 71, 4 117 . 4: 08 25 80 55 0 2: 3 0 88 40 ,40 15 Total8^^M.SeIfi:0^V6iV 150 Laird.|uid<Stone^elepted, ,,: .,:,!'. !' '.',',". '."g .'Kia&BviU6.-Tr, ,' ^ar?a.v.^*v.'^.-: '.- Gosfleid South 33,148 22 310 48 00 14 17 >-a- ;'<i/'i04;:;:ii;V33,v"i 4th6oh;;,.....,.,.^.^. ,,U4 ;li;v m < 1 N^iagev^v^l^^;^ Albuhft NO. 4 DISTRICT. Leamington -' Three Wards............... Mersoa Ward l........................ 50 do 2........................187 124 . do 8........................304 75 do 4........................ 140,180 rt**i* .% W 11 807 05 68'< 16 4XM Totals.............;,..,.. 607 051 4(J& . Scratch and Lamorsli elected. ' ^|j ho. fi nrsTmoT. ' *-^J Tilbnry West ' " .^ Division' 1.........*...........,,.^8 2.............. ............ 8..................... 7 4-........................85 5.......................... 41 Tilbury North Division 1.....................'.*. J 2.............,.............2t 8.....................;....40 4........................ i) 5 .,........................ 3 Roohostpr "- Division 1......................... 28 2.................. .......141 a.....,..................;.id 4.......................... 3 4t (I l ( Totals.....................1004 047;; liuchauanaud Doziol elected. NO. O'DIHTKtOT. Maidstone "Division I..-...................10 100 2.......vy........18 108 8.....;,'." 117 4........MV-..-. ...58 120 fi-......Mk-'-*M -r>2 Belle River JfE 1'. Town Hall......JpA Sandwich South Ward. 1.....'.....,............140 m If 56Vl w 88 48] 5 33 :#M 2.............;..;.^..;.i26. 8..................?!.... 00. 4. .142 11 88 58 0. TotalH.................. 008 712 821 Colo and Wintemuto elected,: No. 7 DTfttlttCT. 8 S It il a o mmi Haiidivlch' F,/tPt. ^ ; r'. % v^; -. 5 Divisions.................... afc^ , Sandwich West' - ' A "'-aSj 5 Divisions..................e(M>g^|-fl Sandwich Town..........," '- Totals.............. Durooher and Mailh Tho; County Counc thus composed of N. A. Patlony of DistMot I; J1,' J. E. Stone, ofV>istrict and J. T. Bro\4u, of/^4 Scratch and Jiobwt J-*ctiJ^*\Oi trict 4; J. D. A. TOeziof/r^^ chanun, of Distriot fi/jX ;Bfp- ahd CL A, Wintcntyb^**1*', J. Durooher aud //. Vafcj:?'; trict 7, ' Tliodb \vhoS&"isjW., Roman were members .lawK those in Italics have pro^Jftw county oonnoil. Of tho aV ^tt filled the ofllco of Warden?,^.\l - V-VV Outside Election^ J-m BoIqw will bo found ulistoftl ors elected iu many .of the imp) citioB and towns in tho province Toronto, R. J..Pleming.;, .-. ^ Chatham, Henry Smyth. !-'//;&,, Guolph, Jamea Hewer. ') v ]lj^ Hamilton, E, A. Colquhou>j;,|; Kingston, J. S. Skinner;' ',' ' fir ^7] .....' ' m Londou, J."W. Little. Ottawa, 8an^uol>BjUighkm>.I4.,v:;>.w; ; !^ St.: Thomap,P. iV^^wiv^ ** ' Brampton, E:,"H; Crandelfc-!\/fyBA Oobonrg, J. D. Hav;i^Jjr^VI BonovilIe,J..W.J^;egoia g _" Almonto,, Qoo/.'WUffi^^'J Aylmor, T. Nairn.'fegMbii fil .:;Bftrrie(Dr.:S*^M/.|8S *Sl . Blenheim,J..P. Pe) . Bothweli; ^- R. Hi( rBrookvUlei'P^IV:!: Dresden,: popi.^ffBB} :J/?l).::Xiivin^ J^Gal^iDr'^Rddford;^ ; :T.^B^eft'^^ Petrbleaii Bvi^war;* W.M

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