Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), December 25, 1896, p. 7

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mM^- . v if-- ri?'*s( .. r > .< 9SS,. ____________ - ' y?g ^$&alieffor ",W. ^Wrorzblea- EMULSION llHi-Muii:H(s:'JB":,i:\'! ornii,ooi>, *;<n>T<;k*. xava'A ; ii* jt.-stj:, i>KtIU'IIT, ('.,' lii' (Jill k\vi .."it ri\*u. tfl tin';. Jfrult ' jvy <:-.. "' ! -n 1 iinviMit . .in; < tf. *.ii. i> ,<..i| i.....i.-i-il in" .hi itvrr n / !. .iti->.iliH It- wniirl)!. . M;-il (>t.. ' "ul whuii ll.u .!' ! it, t. it. \.'l:;...i r:.i, i::; ..Mi.u.i^.i ' Mir., und "31 m*r Btofth* DAVI3& LAWRENCE CO., LT^MtMNitAL 0> O g o o o 9 ESSEX Hall! Headquawoni tor Soliool Bookii, School SuppliOH, Noto Papor.Envolopoo, Inko, Writing Tnblotu and oflioo Btationory. tJ* DISPENSING AND FAMILY DRUGGIST. ii'-- -'-; W'".: 1 If:',1 /if.-;"' I Furniture. Thoao who nood Fumituro it will pay thorn to oxamino tlio vory fine and woll assorted Stock at tho \^are rooms, Composed of Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites, Diningroom Suites, Easy OhairS, Of ovory Doncriptlon, Lounges, Baby Carriages, Picture Frames Matlo to order on short notice, and everything in the shape of Furniture too numerous to mention. You can get Fur niture hero for Igsh money than elsewhere, quality of goods . considered. . Everything do- livorcd frco of charge. J. A. HICKS & Go,, Essex. keamington Carriage Works. To Farmer. tviJ the Public Grueraiiy Competent jud^mi linvo docidod onco moro Unit our B UGGIES and WAGONS AUK 'l'HIi UliiiT iiOBKiblu ilvo (jiven by UiohiHiioty.UiHH i il oloan nwoeji nt nil tho FairH tlmt our work Wan on oxhibition thin rull. Our tlni'Mi wr.a ox Oftlloiit, in fucttt wuh tho univurHiil diiuJinon of ovorybodv tlint our vibicliMi biirpuniiud uny .-.v- lilbitof any fonnor yonrii. Himt of nil, wo sold moro work at and dnrLmr tlm J-'airti ilitui all 'othnroomiintitorH hoI.1 nil juit toHtttlmr. still, wo hnvo ti lot of difforoiit nt\Iin on lntml atul MftldnK ovory wooli uliich will unit iho most faHtldioun. \Vu urn now ruiwiv to tuku nrdnrti lot Frilit Wil(!Onn, Hiik- n h itxnl <3arr:titih <>f wvory (lonoription. liopainnr. dutio in all itn brancboo. Onlnrn r*olU;itu.l. 'Wailfcorn Hn^uion and Wiikoiki ami all inmln <>f 'Ffirnt Implnniontu mid lilo/tili-H hiipplWiil on (ill n ft notioci mid nt n inn nil ailvntiuo o.i cost. TllQ-UUlnt! our jmtroim for i?at fuvoin I him, Yiiuru vovy voHpi'i-t fully, W. F. McKENZIE, , \j401iufot tliu aliovo Workn. HoxO'J, Loitniint-'toii, Out J. A. - s 1 dliUr, Wooclslee, HAS Opened 11 Dye Works iu <!onuection with hw Tailor Kstablitthmeut. OP CLOTHES, BRUIG If TO S And ho will make it aa good an new. -<^sS<f|j>-$&*- - K#*fe YOU WANT AN OIJ)- ff l^ASHTONKD BUTT 5 MADE NEW, BIU.NO IT TO SMITH. Clothes Cleaned, Renovated and $ fryed at Smith's. ^ $$ % At Smith'fl yon can got a good iweed Suit for <t 12. Worsted 1.0roy Middonh, of OlevoUnd, 0., and MIbb Oooella Loop, of KiiiaByUlo, were tn or nod on Tuesday. On WodnjH(Iay of lant wook Aloi Witflo drove a atako ou H. I). nortin^ton'B lot lu AlWtvillo, two mlloH oaab of town and Urillai' W. A. BimpBon oommenood at otioo To~3r1H'tho flrat iiua woll for tho inuuioipal- ity of KinpiivHIo. At) this wol) iw m tho i*h.\i bolt and only il nhort dmtauoo fcom two KUnhorH of tho OaH Co., it lu t)Xm pootod to bo a. MUfo tfo. DELUGE^INMONTREAL. Tromondous Efforts Made Meet tho Rush. to . ':' 'i ! it S:- :<- Ti..' 'fe-,,.,.i-;!:-'. Noyor hofoio in thu hiutory oil Wolla A Ilioliafduon Co., manataotuvom of tho oulehfatod Diamond Dyoa, hitvo thoy bon Hooomplotoly dolutfod and woitrhyd down with mini mattot aH at tho ptosout timo. Tliouiiandu ot lottor ordoro uro orowilinK in from all pitrtn of tho Dominion for tho Hront popular Ton (Jout Comblnutlon that wim advortiood a nhort timo ago. Tho iiva- lanche of lofclnrrt in ho vmfib that a lar/,*oly iuoroAflod otaff of bands in ncocnnary to attond to it. Tlio ontorpnainn Diamond Dyo firm havo bcon obli^od to hold ovoj* for a tow dayn Homo thonoundri of ordorn boforu filling thom. Thia fact nhonl'I difioouri^o no ono; tliero will bo no dinappointmont; ovory ordor received will bo woll and truly filled, rh ntopn havo boon tulton to double tho .daily supply of Photon and JSxoolHior KhymiuK ABC Booky, IlUmfcratod. For tlio boncflt of thoao who havo not noon or hoard of thu adyortiHod Combin ation oflor, itiohoro ropoatod ; Firdt Onn"Kxcolnior ithyining A. B 0 Book, Illuatratod" ; no two largo lottora of tlio Alphabet aro of tho narao color., Suoond Ono full uizu rich Cabinot Photo of tho "Throo Futuro Kinfia of JStinland. F-vory loyal Canadian Hhould hayo it. Third Ono pucltago of "Diitmood Dyo Ink l'owdor," for making uixtoon ounoon ol boat black writing ink, Tho whole Combination, worth Go oonm to anv addroao for ten contu. Sond itmall oilvnr coinn, or tho proper amount in ono, two or throo cont otampn. HtampH of larger denomination will not bo rcooivod. Boul your lottoro fiocuroly, and boforo mailing bo fluro you put on full pontagn throo ooubuiu HtampH. If full poiitatjo m not prepaid, lottorw will not bo aoooptod. AddroHH Wollu A Richardmin Co., Mont real, P. Q. Walkortou has a youutf cirl who cele brated hor oloyonth birthday lant wook and who turun tho uqhIqei ut U10 poundtj. JoHeph DumuH, of Chathura, wan timmt. od on tho chartio of uhooting MrH. Snook, a widow, ui Dovor Township, Ho han oou- fcohod to tho orimo. INSOMNIA. Throo Monthn Without Bloop Wanted In Flush and Giyeu Up to Die, But tlio (Jroat Booth American Nurvino Soothun to KtMit Willi One Doho and Kffoctn a llapid and I'urrouuouf Cnro. Mrn. Whito, of Mono Townnhip, Beaver- ton, P. O., wan dungeroiittly ill from nurvouB trouble, Shu wua ho tiorvouo that riho had not idopt a mjjht for thruo monthrrr Shu wuh ho low Unit hor frieuda dospuired of hor recovery in fact had given hor up to dio. Kho wuh pet'Huad'jd to try South Amc-ricau Nurvino. flor ndiot who so in- HliLiuitnt-ouB that after tahint! one doho hliu Hlept Hoiindly all night. She porHititod in tlio uho of thin threat cure and gained in hiMilth rapidly no that now there isi not u Hi^n of tlio NorvoMsuuHH and hIio ftoln hIio ip otitiroly cured. If yon doubt it, wri to nnd :ult her. The imw Houhij of Refug.) built by tho County of Perth mid City of Stratford wi-h formally by Hon. E. .}. Daviu on Friday. TIM' Wliulo Mot-J. (Ji tho gr*;ut haluH attained and yreat ourort aecom[dtHhf'd by Hood'n Saruaparilla in quickly told. It pnnfbiH . and eurichcn the blood, tont-H thu nloiimoh and givin Htrmigth and vigor. I)iHOiino cannot entor thu Hyatem fortilii-d by the rich, red, b'onn winch coineB by ttdiing Uood'H HarHapur- ilhi. In the North (ii-yy ulcciion trin! on ThurHduy, no fsvidmice was offered u^aint-i Hon. Mr. P<ttfrnon aud the petition wit- therefore dihiniMHO'l with, co^tH. Tho ctohii netition wuh nlho dininiiiMeil with cohLh. Ple.asec With M First Experience. A wife and motli^r l>viug iu St. Johu,N B., rtaya : "I hIiuII over ploammtly re member my firHt experionou with Diamond Dyes- My husband had n seat that wuh getting to be a dintiy and fadod nhndo of brown. Ho needed a now ono very badh, btiteould not ullord it After a day or l\v>- of very HonoiiH oniiHideration, I trnggentod that tho oout tnigh.. ho dyu-i a good black, and that 1 would uudortako the work, I had imvor dyed anything before ; but having honrd liow oany it wua to dv- with tho Diamon 1 DyoH, I boutiht a punlt- ugo of FuBt Dimmud Dyo Black for Wool aud proceeded with tho operation. I wa quite ncrvoun and fearful lotit I would completely Hpoi] tlio ooat; but after follow iogcloioly the dirottonH for dyeing, I num over-joyed with my victory. I wuh biic- oeiiufui hoyond all oxpeotationH, and m.hmiband wati delighted. The coat wlun driod, proHHod and fiuiuhod looked liko a now ono from a tailoring ontahlinhmom. Thanko for your mugniiluont dyaii." CHRISTMAS IN BETHLEHEM. Dew the City or <JhrUt' Nativity ObirM Ii* Aliiilvimry, Thoro aro alwnyn moro or low pomp nnd display in Bethlehem ufc ChrlHtmaa timo. OhrlnhimH night in a night of 'watching, uiid foW people go to bod un til tho grny BtroakH of dtiwa aro Allow ing in tiui oast, BwootrmmtB and hard boiled oggH uro thu refroHhmontri, and thoro are bonflroH, ilhuninutiouH.-nnd. flroworkH. Thoro in a proooHion of many pllKvimH, hoadod by tho l^ronoh ooiihuI mirroundod by eight guardn. On tho w^y thoy aro joined by tho Hhnik of Bothlehom and prominont pooplo of tho oily. Kvory ono tuma out -mnii, warn- on nnd childron to hco mid groofc tho procoHHion with tthoom- Thoro aro gor- KnouHltomanCitihnlioeeromoninlHwhioh lHt until midnight, whon u long proeoH- Hiou currying lighted onudlcH goon to tho Grotto of tho Nativity. Thoro aro a orowi bearer, monkn, ohurchmmi, tho biHliop of JoriiHiiK'in and laymon. The biwhop onrriewin hia hnudo a oradlo, containing u wuxon imago of tlio infant Ohrint, all, of ooiuho, l)odocked with gold embroid ery and nilkon clothing, which hn do- pnHitH in tho marble manger, repeating tlio wordff, "And hero thoy laid it in a umngor bconnRo there wuh no pluco for thorn at tho inn." Tho HorviooH fro- quontly limt until 3 o'clock. Many of tlio pooplo of Bothlehom gain a livelihood by nulling to tourintu beadw, oiirved mother of pearl Hholl.H, omull tubloH, cruciflxnB, cuff buttmiH made of olivo v/oud mid oardu on which aro arranged and pronHod tho flow em of tho neighborhood. Thono aro Hold in groat quuntiticH, an ovory tonrint ifi anx- iouh to bring away a Houvonir of Bothlo- honi. It wan onco cnutonuiry for tho viH- itora to tho tomb of Olirifit to bring away a more htHting memorial of their vinit than tho woodon or nholl omn ia en ta, and thia wuh no moro or Iohh than to have' ctohkoh, Htara and mono- gmniH marked upon their hod leu with' gunpowder. Now York Herald. ALSATIAN COOKERY. H tow ml iliire With NViodh-H Ono of tlio Triidltlonul IJIhIh'h. Alflaoo Htill proHerveH hor traditions of cookery, and ovory OhriHtmantidu tho traditional cUnIioh appoar ou tho table Hauerkraut, hurrounded by littlo white HUUHagOH and crowned by a pieco of Hmoknd biicon; Htowedhnre.withnoodleH, and roast goosu stuffed with chcHtnutH. But tho favorite dioh in tho famous kugrliiopf and aniuBced bread, which aro made after tho following fashion: Four pound*) of flour, n pound of fresh butter, a pint of milk, half a pound of raiHinH, U bunouH of yeiiHt, U oggn, 2 ta- blcgpooiifulH of rum, 2 tablnHpouufnlH of Hugar, a pinch of suit nnd a few nlmondH. Heat tho milk and tho yeuHt. .Mix thu yoaHt with a third of tlio milk without frothing it, add'enough flour to form a hull of light puHto tliat will not stick to tho flngors. -Let this roniain for half mi hour until its nizo is inoreufiud by half through fermontation. Tho proper point can bo ascertained by putting tho finger into the panto, when it should take its original form. Then put tho rest of tho milk, with tho butter, Hugar und rum, into the dish. Pluco it in an earlhern pot and work it till it will no longer fitirk cither to the pot or to tlio fingera. Then add tho 2 eggs and the raising working all together, and put it iu a hot: furnace fur an hour. Kugelhopf is generally caton cold. .Exchange. CHRISTMAS IN BRITTANY. Th Ak<>i1 ltc'iiKnohnrcd l>y tlio Country']<'<ilk at M iilni[;lit .Miihh, In Briumny, in Friuico, u ouriouR ouKtom in almsgiving is of very old ori gin. When tho country folk go lo tlio midnight nms.s, tho opening mass, of (Jhii.stmaH day, they all carry lantcniM to light them on their way. Upon their arrival at tin: church they give their lan terns over to the poor old women of tho parish, who aro gathered in a crowd out- Hide tho elmreli awaiting them. * The worshipers enter the sacred building and thou attend to tho devo tions, whieh tho church teaches should bo of especial fervor at this lady season. But when the mass is ended, and they aro dismissed with the benediction, thoy come forth-to hi id'the patient old wom en awaiting them outside the church bearing tho hinlcnis. The lanterns are given back to their owiieia, and as each takes his own he exchanges for it n piece of money. The value of the piece varies, but the alms uro always consid erable, and they stand uh an exponent of that; charity which tho church teaches to its children. Thu old women go homo in happiness, their hcu'rls lightened by the weight of nilvcr that lies above them, but the givers go homo yet mure huppy in the consciousness of welldo ing. Exchange. The Vulctiilo I-.01J. Christmas eve is tin: lime to put tho Yule log ou tho tire, in old tipieri it was the custom to bring it into tho house with great ceremony and merriment. TheYulo log was always lighted with tho brand of tlio Jasl yenr's log, which was carefully preserved for this pur pose. The burning of the log had tho efleet of purifying tho house of evil Hpirits. It must bo lighted, .therefore, With (dean liaiidn. With tho Yulo log went tho Ohristmas uandlcK, which were lighted at tho same timo und placed, wreathed with ever green, in thu most conspicuous pert ion of tho room. In Catholic timet) tlie enn- dlcH were often of three branches, sig nifying tho Trinity. Exchange. Tlio HtloHHoniJnc Thorn Tfoo. At Glastonbury,, in Month England, there in a thorn treo which is believed to blossom on ChristmuH day, and then again about 15aster. The Kmioltm; Cnttlo. In many parts of Germany it ia bo*1 liovod that oxen fall on their Icjicch iu tho Btalls at tho moment of GhriKt's im* tiyity. Bank President Isaac Lcwli ot Sablna, Ohio, U highly respected all through thai Motion. He ha* lWd In Clinton Co. 75 years, and Iim been president of the Sablna Bank SO yean. He gladly testifies to the merit of Hood's Sarsa- parillt, and what he nays Is worthy tttontton. All brain worker* find Hood's Samparilla peculiarly adapted to their needs. It make* pure* rich; ted blood, nnd from this comes nervo, mental, bodily and digestive strength. "I tin g-Iad to May that Hood's Bnp- tills Is a vry good mdloln, especially U s blood purifier. It h>s don tna good knsny times. For savers.! yaars 1 suflated s;rotly with pains of Neuralgia In one eye snd about my tamplss, es- pcoUlly st taljfht whon I had bten hmvlng1 a hnrd day of phyaltial and mental labor. ItookmanyromodUi, but found halponly Id Hood's Barsaparllla which curod me el khautnatlarn, neuralffl* and h*adaohe. Hood's BsraaparlUahssprovdltsoUatru friend. 1 also take Hood's Pills to keep toy bowels regular, and like the plus) fty much.11 laAAO Lewis, Sablna, Ohio, Hood's Sarsaparilla Its the One Trait mood lrurlflr. All drugx****. II. Prepared only by CI. Horn! & Co., Lowell, Mass. wj * r\**i *re prompt, offlolftht b4 HOOCl S HlllS ftaay In etrotjt. Uoeuta. Corhott and Filzttimmonn havo nignod artiotoH to flight on March 17th for $lo,000 a mdo. Two wtronj; nhockn of tarthqnuko woro felt throughout Walon, tho midlant) and tho iiouth of Enjilaud on Thurmlay. -------------------i- A Dancly Windmill, Make it Your- aeU. I havo a neighbor tlmt mado'ono of tho Pooplo'ii Windmills, und I have boon watahing it olonoiy ; it in tho best mill I lucvo over noon jmd__iinv one oan make ono (or loi'H than 910. I am going to make two immediately and don't noe why ovory lar. mor cannot havo a windmill when ho can make it himoelf for ho littlo money, Tho mill is durable, powerful aud rami eamly. Any poraon cae got diagrams and cora- ploto direotionii by Betiding 18 two oont utumpf] to Francio Caney, Bt. Lcnia, Mo., nnd iLtiy active muu'cun nndoubiodly make monoy unywhoro putting thuiio milln up or othcrn. and I hco no uho of paying 8oO or 8fiO for a mill whon you 3'tn inaku oho jiiut an good for 910. A'Buothkk Fahmkii. lo 000 m Tho United StuteH 8enatu Committoo ou Foreign RelattonH hag ordered a favor able ruport on.Mr. Cameron'ii roHolution recognizing thoindupondeuoo of Cuba. Marry This Girl Quick, l raw in yer paper Unit a lit your old hoy nmdiibl '2ii the lirut hour ho worked Helling the Pt-rfection Metal Tip L^mpwicli. I ordered a namplo and went to work t.hd the tirnt weuk I cltmrocl t?10, the necoud week I elo.Lrud &1"). I expect to run up to ft'25 il week in tho near futuro, au thu Per. ieetiuu Metal Tip Liunpwiok nmkeH Hindi il bo.iuiitul white light und dooH away with ^nndiey cbimneyH nnd bad odor and huvuh oil, i; ^b eany to Hell, If you wihh to try it Head i:i two-eout HtampH to Mihh A. lu*. J-'r it/, Sintion A, Kt. LooJH, Mo., and Hho will ftfiid you Humpto outfit, tbiri iH ti pood wuv lo muke inniioy uroimd homo. i\!inn Tina W. lo l.'lt. JmneH Smith, a mulatto, wan liangod ut tljjper Marlboro',Md., hridav, for tho ir;ur- h-r iu duly hint of Midh Mariiarot Brown. The New Hook Spoon "Free to All- 1 rt'iul in the GhrirtLian Ktainittrd thai MihH A. Id. Frit/., Station A., St. Louih Mo., would give un elugiint pluied huol; ,()iimi to uiiyonu t-ending her ion U-coni stunipH. 1 Hunt for unii und fuiuid it ho u< till lb hi I fihowed it t'i iny Irii-ndH. and uiiule Slit.OO i" two b"urh, taking i-rd.i^ 'or tlio >poou. Tlio hooU p(nni is a houn<- iml.i neee;'-iiy. It' ciinnoi Blip into the linli ni enokiag vt-srfel, being held in tin i.hire by a hook ou the bauk. The hpoon i> -uineiliiog that, hoUHtlci.i poif) have needed vur Hiuci! HpoOn \'-,<i"m tir.U li.ivouied. \n\oiie oiiii get a pimple wpoeii by Heading vii i. ht'tinpH to Minn Fri:/. Thiu hi it piend id wy in mi'lui uemcy mntind home, lo lilt Wry truly, 'Ikannettk H, icu'i'iiviiN. (i. A. Glilfonl linn ino\'*:d bin funuiy aeU h<iUti(diold i Ifeetb to WindHnr. Dwiglit W. Harvoy pnmehed in Uuthveii linruli "ii tSund'iy of lei wiek ut tin- IIIUIlllll^ Hl-rVlOH. The Ontiiiiu Nsi'oral (his iu d Oil Co.iire idling tO pllt :> Wdl (l.iWLl mi W. StooliwoltV linn opuii.irt: to A. K. l-jvuroit'tt. An Aiigun Hurley,-Mim. UurUy and Mrn, l'jiiten were driving idong Tiilbut htreel ei.< .lay lHt witik I heir hoii.iS Were frightui.ed ailtl ihi-y %\tTi; llpH.-l. AlthmigU ail Wen- -vell rthaken up no one r u.tiaiiifd any Htm- .11* IMJUl'iOri. A FREE CUBE C oasw.aoaep'biott Tho HritiHh Medioul Institute, of De troit. Mich., h-irt, at'kir patient ir.vtMt.iguuo'1, dinooviretl h Ij'-mi- mnut by which en inn h, (mint ilml-dei.t- iium, aathmu, bronchitiH, and oi.nuinptiou in itn f\rht or ueeonit ttiago, omi bo rndio^ily am! eunid. So well Kutb-iU'd in'lho IiiHliml.n that ii.h ouio iu a MpifcUui, that, it will, for a limited urao, tiend a (nil eon tho of itn modieiaeti. Muflloiont to lav-t for three monthu. i/biuil- utely free lo nil appliiiuntf. AddreiiH: Britinli Medieal Inhtituto, GO Wauhii'gton Ave., Uotroit, Mich. - . ':.(flit DON'T BUY a Stove until you sec the new Htock at $]& 7l$- McMURRAY'S Seethe Oxford's Stoves, Best in the WoHlL Manufacture'v by the Giirney Foundry Co., of Toronto, (both Wood axif; Ooal). We have them in Stock, Our prices are the lowest Gcneral TinHmithing and Repairing attended to. Have-Trougixiiigr Seer U^^- North of Railway Track, - - Essex. Are You Building* ? We oan supply you with all kinds of Wooden 'Material, plan and ornamontal. Pino, Hemloek and native Lumbor alwav* on hand. Shingles, Cedar Posts Door* Sash and Ooal. *Get Your Storm and Windows Made Now. s. S GUILTY OR K is D R K K R R DISEASED MEN CURED THOUSANDS!, alio iRiioranca of.onrly thoiiondn for f^ilnro nnfl __.. ______._______ . .... will brine a rich linrvont. Ulonu nnd Private l)i-euseo nap tlio very liTo anil vitality of tho victim. Our N1SW MEI'HOD TIUiATiUBNT wiU pouitlvoly euro all tho follow ing didttOHoa: VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, SYPHILIS, STRICTURE, GLEET, SEMINAL WEAK NESS, PIMPLES, LOST MANHOOD, UNNATURAL DISCHARGES, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES. ADC Vn II 0 NKItVOUS nd i!i^;iondont; wi'nlcor d"hilitatod: tirod nmrninrrfli "o HUE I UU ( aiiihitiou .txoiiul>U ami Irri- tahht: oyon uuiikoii, red ami blurred; jiinn>los on fjiL'r; (IronmH nnd uitilit Iohboh; rct- k-fiii; hiifatnni luokinK; wi>ak hark, hono iniiiin; h;iir liin'-oj iilccru; noro throat; vurloo- colo; dojio^it in uriuo ami drain .-nut Htno!-, rlujiriifitfn!: want, ol' cotifidonno; laok oi! cnorKyumlBtronath W" OAN GURE YOU OR ASK MO PAY. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY-CGNFIDEMTIAL AV/arnin'rr fmni tli* Llvtnff. "At ......w..___ .___......_ _...... .. lii t li-arin.'il u hiut Imblt. Triod foor iloctl 'in luid iitu'vo to'n'ii by t\u-. i-cnro wiihout hcnclii; oiniiihinqt) ami drninuincrouniMl.' 1 bnf'iuiio a iicrvoiiM wnrclc. A irionM v.h*> lmii lifi-ncnrrd by l>ro. Kromily &, Korpan ot ft aiinilar diotMitjo, pdviniwl nu> in try ibcm, 1 did wo and in two monthu wnDTpoultfvo- ly corod. Thin v;u- oii;l<t ;.t>ii) u^o. 1 iuii now married uuil luivti two hoalthy child-/ nm." U. \V. LiivIS,i-iii: naw, IfftRIPnPn C PUDCn "Varion-'.-lnmailoliromi-nmhlM. I ^ v. r.-onk nnd tfrt>HuUULulC UUilT.'J'. iiorvoui', njf4 HiinUoii. hiL-hful io noci.i % I.air thin, no luKbltimi. Tim 'Onltldn Alonitur' oi-t'i:i(l my oyou. 'J'liu N-.-w Method 'I riiatinolit ot Ura; Kniuiody and Korean pur^U ma in a lev wwV.h, 1, Ii. l'l.'Vl-,VitiOUt louin, CMfll^CinHP (Pimm J-iMilMKlWONrnlatnHlilnornerlenco. "I livod on LEVlBOOlUriO wuflLUi ufarm. AtHCtiooll lonmcd an oiirly hnhlt. which K SWATCHED FROlfl THE GRAVE. a........... a : fiiondii tliinl; I -a-iui ou rod nl'omiHii million; I havo hchc them nmny paUonta, nil at Xhoir.. Now Mothod Truatmout BUiiplieti \ii;or,- vitality arid I'lirod. s whom wi'i' manhood." CVIjllll IC Pll nPil "T]'i tprrihlo hlooddinonno wnn in my nyatom for olfflit O 1 rlllLlu uUflty' yoarn. Had tukui nurenry for two j'mimi, but Ilioitlwoani) n.i.i-.rnod. 1'lyfln rod, iiimplnBand hhit,olm:ion tho nkia, iilrcira in l.ho niouth and on (oiifrno, bono prduii, fnlllnir out r.f huir; v/caUnn^H, oto.( My hrothor, who had htion of (iliH't and Ktrli'tum by Hm. hwnmdy und ivtir^aji, roooinrnoittiod thorn, Thoy oiu'od ,iim in o fnw u-.(/i-h, t: ul [ ihonlcGoil J cowmltod thym. No rolnrn ol tlio li.uoiiao in nix yu.ira.'* VV, V, .'J., Juck'tton, no rtfssc. i-nn contompiaUutf fk 17 YEARS IM DETROIV, ::00,00O CUF1ED. CMCAHlCS?! Aro yon a victim.* llnvn yon lor, hopo? Avo ,, . ^.j..!,....! [)* tHiC/'iiL>CI " Havo jrnn any WdalcnwiH? Our How Method Troatiro'iit wll.l euro von. V/liat it, Ji;ih dnnn for otlmra it will do for yon. CONSULTAHON THEE. N inatt.-r who han tr<;ttcd you, writo for an hooont oiilnioii.Kn^of (Ilmivo.- I'hui'HiMiroauonaliin, HOCKS FREE. "ThoOoJilou Monitor" (ilumt.nitod), o:i .Uiwiihoh of Mun.lnolouo poiitiuro, V contn. rloitlod. jvrNO NAMES USEtJ WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT* PRI VATE. No mod I ol no emt G. O. D. N<narfton on boxed or envel oped. liVurytnlnif oonfldoinlul. UuuuLlcn lii|t and coot of Troatmotnc rRtili- . .._______ No.l48SHELBYST. DETROIT, MICH. K 'r; ORS.KENNE0Y&KEBGAN, opa<^ *^ \ : :>&-M~L:!&Cii^ MiS^MM^^^^M^^S^ : s':-;i* t'V.'J'L 98

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