Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), December 25, 1896, p. 1

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w n * i ' ,w ty a; - i; The Essex No 52. ESSEX, ONT. FJUDA.Y, DECEMBER, 25, 1896. WHOLE No. 624 & [-. * "?'J A MERRY CHRISTMAS And A Happy New Year, To All our C! ii i V Wli FRIENDJ CUSTOMERS, FlfiTiLOW-CITJZENS, AND COMPETITORS, "Peace on Eur til, Goodwill ^mong Men/' < Things are Hum- mg merrily along at.................... e's We have had crowds all day and every day late ly, even........ santa claus XMAS -PHOTO HOLDERS KPIEGHOFPS GALLERY. Clnodu junt umvurl finm Europe, tlio on ly Goods of thn kind in Eh.i<-x, Ownitf to tlio liitoiiottH ot tho Houdon, will doll thorn ut Ouut I'noo. Mho over #150 Worth of Fmmos on hand, iiuitahlo (or nil Hi",r>ii uwl Btylcri of Pictnrrn. Tliuiio Goods uro till now, having buim onlorol (or XroiiH Mid Mow Yearn Trudu, OALLEUY OPHN on all Holidays, Xiriiin and New Yourii included. The Bean Contest 1r Booming tit Ki'iegholf'ii Gallery. Headquarters For Fine Watch Repairing. The Mew Jeweller, Han nil thn latent Imnrovod toolfi nnrl ilovicorj for adjiiHtliiK tho iiouttt uwl .mint com- plil'ILtud WlltclUif, lltJil Ciin Guarantor Satisfaction. =i= OraV-rs takon from Catalogue for all kinds of Watches, Jew- ololry, Silverware, &e. Gounly Council Nominations Tlio first nominations for County Councillors uudor tho County Council** Act of 1800, woro bold in tho sdvornl places in tho division* soloeiod for that purposo on Monday hint from 1 to 2 p. in. 1'IIIHT DIVISION. In this District, James Honor was Nominating Ofllcor und tho following nominations woro made, nomination placo being Amhorstburg town haU : N. A. Costo, nominatod by J. II. Morgan and John Parks. ThoH. It. Whito, by .Ton. Uichard and Richard Woavor. Oliver Roauino, by John Mahon and Eupono Mailloux. Judson H. i?iittou, by Thou. Coylo and Gore Atlciu. Wm. T. Wilkinson, by Biraou Frasor and J. H. Tjoekhort. Siruon FrnHor, by Thou, Gravolino and Wm. Wilson. ~fohn A. Auld, by Thou. B. Whito una J. B. Patton, Mossrs. Auld and Eraser "withdrew, fUXOND DIVISION*. ' In tho Second Division, J. A. Coultor was nominating ofllcor and tho place selected was Gosto town hull, tho fol lowing unmcH boiug placed in nomina tion ; J anion H, Laird, by M. Imrr* tt and Thos. Hood. A, K. Ferrins, by .1. K. Rurdick and Thou. Martin. >y l'f tfi* lloinombm* tho Eitaurt, Muy'R IIlock Tliroo Doom Houtli of impuriul JJainc, Ynlbot Stroot, Essex. Called One Night And filled.. . his bag.. Our Stock is well as sorted in ALL lines of seasonable Goods. *V'. *>fc* vVf- Lost Strayed or Stolen. IjntOM THR UKHIDENCM OP THK UN- J. lU-raiunud. on Iimnur Htruot, Knnttx, on Kivt- urduy nifjht, l'uc 5tli, i durlt roil row, tlch ont- ( (1, tiuito dark urouud tlio Jioiul und iiomo whito on tlio iindor purtii. Anyono rIviiir informiiriou thut will load to rorovnry of riulu will bo auit- ably rowanlud. 0. J. Gaiu>ni:h, Khhcx The Gounty CounGilloPship. To the FJallow u,f Aro. J District, In t/tf. County of Fttsrr . Fi i Kr.r.cToim I duplro to Htnto Unit I Uitntnl olloriua iiiyHi'lf na it cuiullil itn loi your iulliiif,'i'H for thn oIUmi of Conntv Counotllor lor No -2 Uiitiiut in tlio County, tlm (iluution for which in to he hold on tho (irit Monday in dun. miry, lh07 Youia roHpdetfiilly, ./. /-;. STONE. Ksho\, Ont., October lttb IhOit J. E. Btuno, by l'f (it Wright and TumoB (rorard, T>, B. Oavin, by Tkos. Irwin mid Francia Bu-oot. John Hiebmttnd, h and Jnoob Mi'ljcnn. After tho jiomiimti<'tn woro c on motion of MussrH. JMivih and Btono, Mr. Coultov wan app mtod chairman and it wiih decided that tho candidates should ppculc in tho order in which thoy wore nominated. There wore about 7.1 C. K Woldon loned, my, not only in thoir own attaint but nlHo in county muttc-m. In bin whole upoeoh, Mr. Tjaird did not nhow whoro ho had antit ono voto for ocouomy. Ho (tho Hpoakor) hnd boon in tho County Council a ooiiplo of yoarw and had iccord ho could point to. Whcm in tho County Council a resolution wa mado not to tfivu fjruniH to tho mibordinate fairs in tho county and ho mipportod it. Ffo nndorHtood afterwardd that Homo arran^omont hnd provioufdy boon mudo re^ardin/^ thofio ^ranla but lio know nothing of it thon. Uo wanonthocom- mitloo to rocovov ^HCO of liooiuto monoy that had lioon paid to tho County Clork and which bo had not turned ovor to tho County. Tho committoo 'tried for noavly a your to got tho Cleric to return tho monoy but finally hnd to report that tho amount bo lcopt from biH Hillary. Tho next yoar, Mr. Laird voted to tfivo tho County Clerk ^SOO. An account of ?Ui!.lO to NowKomo k Co. had boon paid twice to tlio County Clork though tho ilrni only roccivod amount onco. Ho and Ur. Kinf? had moved a roHolution to Kraut #25 to tho diiVorout Mechanic**1 IiiBtitntori and n few yearn ago a pro- poaoa riiHtituto at Woodnleo wa grant- oa >2fi. Tho check waa drawn to "It, Fader, but tlio County Clork ondoraod it, drew the money audkopt itunlil Mr, Fader wont to Handwicb qomo time after and tho Clerk refunded tho monoy to tho county. No inatitute wan organ ized at Woodsleo. Tho unlary pnid tho County Stonoptrnphor wn then taken up. When Mr. Scully wan paid $000 a year ho wnH-Rottiupr ^1,200 from tho Province and also Home fiom Windsor. Tho committee ho wan a membor of re ported in favor of reducing tho tono- Krapher'M Halary to #7 a day for every day lie wan engaged. This would moan about ^100 a yoar, but tho council de feated their report and mado the salary 8500,Mr. Scully to do tho Biima work aa formerly riMpiirod, and attend county, aHHizo and division courtH. Everybody ratopyor proBont. | kgowsHmt Mr. Honlly i not reportiuB Goanty Couneilloi<ship. /*V (lf)iv Flf rjor-* <tf ('out/ft/ of AVw f fittitrtcA No. Having couaonted to stand as County Councillor of thia Uintrict your voIgh and inllueuce are rcBpcctfully Holicit- cd. Yourn rcBpcctfully, ESSEXloUMTYCOUM OlC To tl'M lilt i;tors of Dmtrict No. 2, Gounly of Ksho.\: IaDii '1 \M> Gm.lUCMI N, \i. tho ih now (lra^inniulJinh whon tho clouLoiH will hn onllofl upon to noiiilnato two r(i|iri)tiuntatiV0H in onuh of thb liovoil divililonil of tlio county, in the County Council, I uiToi iiivhdK for nomination iifiono of thom for Divis ion No 'J \h tlii'i divlitfou in niorwly old Col- clnmtor, which I rojirnHontod in IHiifl. 1K07 and IS7U. mid an tho mipoi tunt inrc I tnolt in tlio oponiiid un all lluj hack part of tho thou Town Hlnp nmvtdl known to tht) old Hottlorn. I vontiuo to ink th*t uuppoit of tho oloctoru and uwmro tliMn that 1 will if (.kctoil, r^vo thmn faithful aorvico. JOHN KICHM0ND. Harrow, Kovdtihor 18th, lHOiS Dress Patterns P>-' tw W>.'Prices Cut to clear them out Quick. jJT^i V\J* vMV Ladies' Stylish Mantles, To be sold during tho next two weeks, E^gardleaH of FitBt Price when we put in the knife we cut deep if you want a nice coat get our price before buying. 50 In Notice to Creditors. the cututu of George Mac kmi/le, of the Town of Es*>ex, Pliyslchin, duccuiied. Notico in hovdhy ^ivon, purHiuiiit to tho pro vimonnof U. H.O., ihS7, Chuptor 110, Hciution Ifl una anuiiiilinc Actit, that all ponmriii and or<<iitorH ha\in claim or claimo ainimiit tho oBtato of (Joorfjo M'kjUciiizlo, Into of tho Town of MfinoX, in thi) County of 1'jimox, and l'roviiioo of Ontario, I'liyaiciuu, tlaconuoil who diod on or about tho Ponrtli day of Poaomhor, A D. WM. uro horoby iiotlfliid and ruquirod to do livurtoMr !' A Whmior. Town of Kbhox, ono of tho oxountonj.on or bo'oio tho Sovonth day of January, A. T. Ih'.i7, titatomontu in writiuf! of thoir muiion and addronnon and full particular!) of thoir claiiim and what ououritluo (if any) hold bv thorn. And furthor tako notico that aftor tho naiil Sovonth dity of Jiimiary, A. D. Vi'M, tlio ISxooiitorn will prooood to dintributo tho luwattt of thoiiaid tiatato iimonp the piirtiofi ontitltid, ImviuK roi'ard only to tlio olnlma of which thoy nhall thon huvo had notion mid tlioy will wot ho rotipoimlblo for tho Quid an not u or any jhiH thoroof, 00 diiitribntcd to any pomon or croditora whono olaimo thoy huvo uot had at tuo timo of diotriInitio 11. JOHN MAOPnratlFION. 1 Kxootitorfi ItOBBIlT MACKKN55IB, \ of tho iiaid KDWAUD A. WWMKil, ) Eutato Dntod atKoaov, Dooorabor 17th, lfiilQ, f?GR5YTHE, NDERSON&Co. WE OAN OIVI3 POSlTIONB-tO pononii of all radon of ability AftontH, Boak-koop' ova, Olorlm, Farmorn* Bonn, Lawyorii, Moohanion Fhyelalaua, FroaohorH Btudoutw. Marriod and Binfilo Womnn, Widows. 1'oHlttoiiR nro woi'th from 9100 to 03,000 ior annum Wo huvo paid tuworat of onr 0 mi vita nor a B&o wookly for yearn Many havo fitnirtad poor and booomo tioh with un. Particulars upon application, Htatosolairy oxuootod. T, II, XNBa6TT, MannAor, Torouto, Ont Jami'-s H. TjAiur> appealed to tho olcc tore uh an old citizen who htm roprosont- od a goodly part of thin diHtrict for ton years punt. IIo Una lived in Uiohg lmrts for about ;jl) years and did lint think any ono would fay that ho had over done any man an intentional wrong. If elected aa county counuillor for thin district, Ui3 did not thiuk that in two yoavH any man would Hay that thoy had lont anything by Houdiu^ him to county council. No ono in Rhhox Town would say tho town had loHt unytliincr by hnv- in him uh their reproHentative. Tie had alwayH tried to do his bent. lie had advocated giving a grant to tho work at Klio'H CornotH aud believed a Rood job had boon done thcro^ Fn IHtf'.l, ho voted for grantH to local fairH and in 181)2 when Harrow wanted u grant for tho fair there ho voted for it. Ah for the charge made by a "Windnor paper that he had been tho nieaiiH of giving tho County Clerk sltiO he wiih not entitled to, he would explain. On Juno (ith, IH',12, a by-law was pntmod giving tho County Clerk a salary of ^tifiO per yoar and a by-law wan also pasHud paying him ?:if) a yoar to look after tho janitor. On June 11th, anothor by-law was pasfiod amending tho lh'Ht ono and re ducing the Gounty Clork'n salary to SIKH) for that ollu'o, ho that ho actually pot S'M per mouth. When warden, ho had only given clork what was Iuh duo. Another fault found with him way that ho wan Jlrmd Iummctor at a milary of ^ r) a year. The toll roads that he in- Hpei'ted collected about ."10,000 iu toll while he was inspector, and nearly every recoinmondation ho made to put on gravel was acted upon. Jle was ap pointed by by-luw to Hiiceeod tho late Thomas Plant, of "Muidfttono. Tho, Hpeakcr than took up charge of Wind- Hor pai>or that ho was diHcuialillod by virtue of having done work for tho county. Tho work he had dono was given him to do by ton of tho boat men in tho council. Ho had looked over tho county rocordt) and found that thoy had no deed for tho property on which tho county buildings Rtaud. Ilo wrote tho lato Mr, Jialfour about tho mattor and a doed wan obtained for tho laud, ho that now tho county had a patent for tho property. IIo had boon tho moans of getting a good grant each year for thoJ,EBBox High School until tho law was fixed bo that tho county contributed itn share in proportion to tho number of county pupils attending tho school. IIo hud also got grants for spring fair at Eshox and had aosistodin cottiug tho grant to tho volunteer companies divid ed among the companies instead of all going to Windsor. If oloctod.uo would look after district's interests to tho boat of his ability. ,T.tI3, Stonic was tho noxt spoakor. Tho pica advocated by tho Government in reducing tho number of Oounfcy Councillors was that of ooonomy. While wo in Eflflox bavo ponce and plenty yot prices of farm prottuota aro low and many find it hard to pay taxes, 10 that it becomes all to practice ccono- Tho committee also one of the turnkeys bo Division Courts, reported that struck off, but there aro stil! two engag ed, though there is not enough work for one, and yet the council has cm. ployed un extra man to run tho engine to heat tho building. Tho committeo also recommended that County Treasur er's salary be lett at $l,:joo, but tho noxt year it was rained to $1,000. Kent County pays its County Treasurer tfl, 100, Elgin County .sl.^OO, Waterloo ^1,-100, Middlesex Sl.-lOO. In no other County in tho Provinoo in tho Treasur er paid sl.iiOO. While EHhox county is paying stenographer $.j00, the highest paid by any other county ib^To. He is satisfied to p.iv salaries equal to thoso paid by other counties. Ilia votes in council wore always for ocouomy. On tho recommendation of tho committeo oi which he was a member tho Treasur- U' u .is 111 juiuctid iu (In u cut moil pty mIjpMm Uv nuVpr^ instead i\ in,- tin m l -!) or > Jo jllrit they would ask for it or want it. ' system is till in operation. IIo be Uily of as bis liev- cd the county is paving lro_m $1,000 to J-l,."i00 more each yoar than it Hhould pay. If tlio ratepayers thought ho would look after thoir interests at tho County Council he would like to huvo thoir votes and if oloctod ho would look aftor thoir interests to tho best of his ability. A. it. FnuuiHs said ho had represent ed Cnlcheator Houth as lieeve for past two years and claimed he hail boon very fortunate, notwithstanding that ho had never before served in the council. When he took hold of township affairs, bin township had on their hands an un settled account with Colchostor North, tho Valndo law suit, tho Cedar Crook bridge mutter, an account with Maiden over Long Marsh Drain and had it boon possible thoy would havo boon into trouble with Lake Erio. All theso matters have been settled, yet tho taxes this year aro a mill loss than thoy woro last yoar aud not tfl has boon spent for law. In tho County Council ho had also boon successful and with tho assist ance of tho older members Messrs, Costo, Auld, Barrett," Pox, Laird and others ho hnd boon put on tho ricrufc road to look after Colchostor South'B interests. Ho has been a member of tho most important committees, includ ing tho Building Committee, thoir work on this last committeo being of such a natui'o as to bring praise from tho Judges and from tho other mom- bora of tho County Council who aro not on tho committeo. Tho repairs to tho buildings cost about $2i),000t of which Walkorvillo contributes &3,000 and Windsor nearly &5.000. In IfWH, tho architects' oatimato for tlio ropaira was about $23,000, but thoy woro order ed to reduce tho work so as to bring it down to #90,000 and painting, aomo atone work and othor work were out out. Tho committeo thought while tn re-pairs were going on tlioy might' au well complete them so as to got Wind sor and Walkorvillo'u shares. He had boon iu council two years and thought if any ono was entitled to ho one of tlio mombers for this dintriot ho was. Tho township ho has represented 1ms no complaint to mako. .Toiin TtiouuoKit Haiti it wuu a long timo since he had appeared boforo tho doctors iu Colchester North. Ill years ugo bo waH first oloctod to roprofient Colchostor township and ho had a record ho could point to. Tlio only way thoy could defeat him was to cut tho town ship into two parts and gerrymander him out. In 1800, he was tho moans of gotting county to run a ditch from Paquotto's and anothor into Hucker Crook. Ho had always boon on tho side of economy in county matters. In 1880, tho into Mr. llajfour and ho dis covered an error in Gounty Bogistrar's ofllec which netted the county 0,000. Nearly all the monuVrs of tho Couuty Council laughed at thorn when thoy mado tho statement bat the money was got. Tho mistake was not tho fault of tho rtegistrnr but u misunderstanding about some foes. Ilo had also tried to get a House of Kcfngo built in Andor- don at the stone quarries whore tho prisoners could bo used to break stouos to bo used on the couuty roads. If electod ho will advucntoacloar,uniform system of keLping accounts all through tho county. All bonks should bo in such a sbnpo that any ono could tell at a glance what expenses are for. Ho would advocate a revision of the acreage assessment of tho county. Thoprcsont assessment has not been revised since 1HH7, when tin: Judge revised it. Ho wanted a fair equalization to bo made. It was on his proposition that Windsor was net apart from tho county some years ago. While tho other candidates were talking about thoir majorities he would bo satisfied with two votes from each of tho electors. Dni.oh R. Davis favored tho now County Councils Act us the old county council was too wioldy. He considered it a grand principle that "o should havo a couuty council,tho mombovs of which were responsible for thoir acts there. Ratepayers must bo moro careful now in electing their representatives as thoy would not have a chance for two yeais to turn them out. With the now order of thingH they could do better in tho matter of roads and bridges. Ho had often wondered how it was tho county council did not take up some tho things advocated by the agricultural societies and tho Patrons of Industry. Ho was surprised to hear that the county sten ographer was getting a salary from tho county to attond at Division Conns. He thought the salary had boon abol ished. Thoro aro times in Division Courts whon a stenographer is required but ho thought if ho woro asked for tho clients would have to pay for his servi ces. It would double tho expenses of tho County and Assize Courts if they had no stenographer. If elected, he would see that tho stenographer's pay bo reduced. Ho was satisfied th"0"Gaol Committoo had not done thoir full duty as no committeo would hang a door so as to open in. He had tho host claim for their support if length of residence couutod. Ilo had taken part in evory plan or undertaking ol' interest to the township, had asfUHted in regulating their schools, their drains, in tho divis ion of tho township and in gravolling roads. Ho had assisted Francis Swoot in tho first sebome for putting Maiden road in good condition. If ho was elected tho schemes that would come boforo tho County Council would bo carefully scrutinized. Ho would not for a moment, ontortain tho hiring of oxtra turnkey, but would mako prison ers help do tho work. As regards the suit of Valade vs. Colchester South, it was not his fault that tho case wont us far ns it did, as ho had tried several times to settle it. Ho was satisfied Col- choBtor North people would give him thoir votos. J. H. IiAnti) replied to some of Mr. Stono's charges. Regarding the state ment that Mr. MeKoo had been given $200, ho would give a history of tho whole affair. From 1840 to 1805, tho old District Counoil mot at Sandwich and tho rocorda woro not kept in ordor. Tho county clork wont over tho records and arrangod them so that any mattor ooubl bo turned to without any difficul ty and sent in his bill for $000. This was roforrod to a committoo who ro- commondod that iu viow of tho fact that tho county clork had boon a mom- bor of tho Board of Audit for 25 yoars ond had savod the county a groat deal iu that timo, from 18D0 making a saving of $1,011.05, bo bo grantod a gratuity of $200. Tbis report was signed by Mossra. Costo, Laird> Auld.Doajnvdme, Hairaine and 3?ox. Rogarding the turnkey mattor, Sheriff Bor says he must havo two turnkoys and tho county oounoil cannot dismiss them. He did not believe the Treasurer got too much salary. He thought it better to pay a good salary than a Small one and have treasurer ute-id. He would not say that ho had voted to raiso tho Treasurer's salary, .T. }). Stonk, in reply, stated that tho County Clerk was paid for every day ho sat as a mombor of tho Hoard of Au dit. Evory year ho gots puid for oxtra work and is also customs olUcor at Sandwich at a salary of 3*100 a year. Ho noticed in report of council that P. M. Bartlct, of Windsor, claimed the credit of calling the government's at tention to tlio paymonfc of focH, by which county mado big saving. IIo al so noticod that Mr. Ilartlot prcsontod an account to tho county for $12 paid Mr, Scully for taking roport of trial. If tlioy could not get along without an assistant turnkoy ho did objoot to tho Caolor's sou being ongagod to koop on flres, Tho turnkoy can superintend tho work and havo prisoners do tho heavy work, lie did also object to pay ing tfl.HOO for a gaolor's rosidenco and to payment of tf 1,000 to County Troafi- uvev. Uo know for a fact that Mr. Brown offered to take oilico of treasurer at a salary of 1,000. A. H. Fkhkish wanted to explain tho steam heating apparatus. Whon the appaiatus was given over to tho county tho council was not in session and tho Warden took it upon himself to engage the Caolor's son to run tlio steam heat er at a cost not to oxoood #20 por month. They are now asking for ton- dors for a man to do janitor's work and run tho stoam heater uud ho was satis fied tho work would be dono for $400 a year. Jlit. Hh'iimon'I) said from the infor mation ho had received to-day, he thought thoro was much need for change in County Council. Mn. Davis did not know boforo that tho County Treasurer received $1,000 a yoar aud foes. On motion of Messrs. Richmond antl Stone, a voto of thanks was passed to tho Chairman and tho mooting came to a close. THIRD DIVISION". The nominations for this Division were held at lvingsvillo town hall, at tlio elose of which tho different candi dates mado speeches on County Coun cil affairs, A. H. Woodbrigo, tho nom inating officer, occupying tho chair, Chas. G. Fox, nominated by Wm. Staddon and James Bain. .lohn T. Brown, by .lames Bain and Jasper Golden. XonasOrton,by Norman Peterson and Hdmund Rogers. Samuel Malott, by Andrew Ulch and Solomon Malott. Itichard Kcde, by Philip Fox and Frederick Cranger. Thos. Loo.Malott and Louis (ioveroaux. Mr. Eodo withdrew. rouitTH division'. Fdgerton Scratch, nominated] y Jaa. Drummond and C. W. Hind. Wm. McSwoeu, by Ilonry V. Jeffrey and-John Main Scott. Robert La marsh, by Wm. McCrao and .John R. Hope. W. F, McKenzie, by Itobcit Hillman and John Gilbert. FlI'TII division. J. D. A, Do/del, nominated by A. Quonnevillo and J. J. Dowhirst. .1. A. liuehauan, by C. Dupuis and S. T, Anderson. Samuel Moffutt, by L. Lovosquo and Henry Ilansburgor. Israel Dcsjardins, by C. N. Audorson and A. J. Brown. Soverin Dueharme, by F. Sylvostro and S. Sylvestro. P. F. Strong, by J. McFaddou and F. F. Jones. Messrs, Dosjardins, Dueharme and Strong withdrew. six'rn division. Nominations in this Division wor0 hold at the Maidstone Town Hall by John Uoldeu, nominating officer, tho following candidatos boing nomiuatod: Wm. Ellis, nominated by Ed. McFar- land and W. H. Potter. It. F. Hurst, by W. J. Johnston and Noah Gauthior. C. A. Wiutonuito, by Donis Porrin. and Nelson Monsuoau. Abraham Colo, by Wm. Price aud Hubert O'Neil. F. P. Boutoillor, by D. Purvis and P. Dumond. Mr. Hurst withdrew. On motion of Wm. Ellis and P. Los- poranoo, It. McHngh was appointed chairman. Wm, EijTjIs, tho first speaker, said if ho woro olootod ho would do his host to look aftor tho interests of his division. Whilo iu tho council in tho post ho had lookod aftor his dutios as well as any ono and would do his duty again if returned, R. F. Huust stated that ho would ,not ho a candidate as ho did not wish to en danger Mr. Oolo*s election. I G, A. Wintbuutm said the County Councils Act was, as yet in a crude ' (continued On Iiast ^aob) - , 1 '.# ' * 'i til 'hi "to .->- .,. i,

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