$, r ;: P." " ',, * ' , _ ' ' * , ' ' TO^^ .-.fir ;ThePi& I'm " jonj J a medicines. ^ - Tho S>- L- -1"". .. . I iwllbllHJY..l"> u,,':,,,l,1 '"...... :] I Tho D. & L. Em :M " Ei.t^basia.iai.."-M\'>^i,.';1v ";,.,.;:. : -Ojd Uw.' O'l. 'll | : c.ao tiioin-udiii. , * = ThoD.ft.L. Em;i^nn } ;i.Brtrrll.Udl>y.l.Ul.=a"!l"t!l'-. ........- | = Tho'D- & L. Emulsion : \o\i mi n|iiiuilt. ... 4 At Christina* piny and mnke good cbMT, J\r GhrUtmns conum butiouco. a yoOT- ____ Thornim Tqsflor. At (.'hrt'.nia**<ldfl thn upon hand Boutturw Itw bounty o'ur mm nml laud. Jklld hoitu urn hifl to irrioVti iilonn, For lovo Is 1ikviiii inn! olulmu itnown. Muruit^-dt K. HatiKHttti*. If oil tin' yoi-.r > pl.ii inu hoHduyw, *T nuurfc voul'i !>* hh tfillimK iih to work. No VilV (H l.uUlf'jl uomul *Wii hoard tin1 World around. _____ -Mllbm, Wo noonl; of n murcy i.'lr.htnni i .And many u happy Nni" S'i'iii*, Tint f -ipJi in bin hrart ii think hir Or thnuo that nr not her... Ijonuf'dlow. KEPAIBKD A. WR(hW. Tho diftorouDG botwuon priutlne, and publiahuiK wan aptly dofiucd by a younj! hidv who trnirt to hor lover : "You may print a hi mi on my ohboli bat you mmt not jnbliahit." With that ho looked tho fair fi.rm in hm urmw and wont to pronn. Ah ivell im Mvor, i)i:,ut ftiuit, ATtor ouffenntf for two yearn fri.in iiuutH indip>Htion, [ triad H. R. I!. I troU (tidy three bottlon, which miiilo mu unwell iih ever I wim. I highly ucom- tno:-d it. It. B. to nil dyHpepticH. Mini. .Iohn White, Aiuitin, Man. Boniu of tho loading theatrical nmiiu^crH *n Now York huvodcouiod to diueontinuo tho practice of bill panting m that city. They will dovoto a purt of tho monoy now ox'pondod in Unit way to advertising their uttnictiona in tho nowanapuru. CoiihtliUlii Cured. Gi'NT-o, I Wiia in vory poor health for ovor four yearn ; tho (lector mxid it wna coiiHtipfitioa. Not wanting to hpond too much cuoh I got thrto hottlon of B, B. B. and took it rcfjulaily. I can uertify that I am now iu tho \ory boot of lu-alili nud fool Very [iratoful to B. B. B, Alii'iu:i) Ti:norj$, Montreal, Quo. Wo aro jant now having tho iihortcot aftemoonH of tho your. From Duaomber 2nd thoy will romatn at about it otaud- Htill uotil tho 13th, and thou hogin nlowly. to lontithon. Tho morningo will bo (jotting Bhortor by aqiiio rairjutoa until January 8tb and tlion oommonoo loui^thinp; gradually, Tho iihortcHt day from nuuriao to Hunact ocourn Douombor Ulst. JDi*. Vowler'o Extract of Wild Bkraw- borry cureo Diarrham, Dywoutory, Colic, Crumpa, Gholom, Cholora Infanttuu, Cuolcra Morbua and all hummer -com- pltliutu and iluxoHoi ilio bowels in children . or adults. Writing of Mr, Gludntonu at the api*: of oiflhty-aix, W. T, Ktoud t'ivoH hovcii BecrotK of bin remarkable vi^or, tho firht of which ih hia strong reli^iouu faith. On the wall of hia bedroom, appoarw in prommeut lottLTd iho text: '/Thou wilt kaon liiru m pcrtoot peace, whoao mind "in Htayod on thoo." Dr. Fowlor'a Extract of Willi Straw- borry ourtm J^iarrluua, Dyoentery, Cramph, Colic, Cholera MorbuH, Chclera Infantum, and nil looscnehs of the boweln. Niiver travel without it. Prico Hoc. A-lgy "I don't want you to wuwh my faco !" Grandma "Why, I've .washed my faou thruo UmuHj^ Jay uver H,nce I wan u-little [{irl," A-lgy and juht act how it ubruuk it." One Kvory Nl^hl. One Laxa-Liver Pill taken each ni^ht during 30 Uayn will cure Cohhtipiitiuu, oft- ruLuruiiifi IIiiadacht'H ami irri'j^uUr action ol tho bowels. Laxa-Liver 1ji11k leave lo unpleasant after-t-flect. A, boy wallioil into a T.jrunto nmrchauL'H oflice u> Kearch of a idluation. Alter boin^ put through a BoriuH of qtieHtiouu by tho mcroliaat, he wan aakud : "Well, my hid, what 1H your motto ?" "Same hh yoiin, air," ho replied; "fiamo an you have on vour door ' pu^h ' " lie wan engaged. Make Your Own Lantern. Your homo in iuuompluto without it, and tho prico ia within reach of all. I ordered uuo for my own uco and it wuh bo handy and convenient I wont to taking oidoi-H foi- them arid hold fl in one day making over ^o clear. It givu:> a beautiful white liulu, olnmncya nuver break from heat, it u nlwayH clean and ready. Franein Oaht-y, tic. LotiiH, Mo., will fiend wamphi (or i;j i ,vo coot Btaftipa, write for one. I got niy Ht'irt from him. -H l:it Guom-.i: B. A medical paper priiiU HtattHtiCH nhow- mji that m eight ot tho largout uouthurn citieH of tho United States tho proportion of doathui from conyumptioii among tho colored race, uh compared with tho total mortality, in more than HO par cent, greater than that of the whitu population. Culnh, tho driver, had lxon pproulatlnii upon th wldto halrod iilrmitfer on tlio neat hon\do him over fJnoo tho nta(;n lnffi the railway wtatlnn, Ho %van'tetl n Hquiiro lnol: int,n bin oyoti before ventiirbift a "fooler," but thn lilfjf nlouoliixl hat prevented tln.t. Kow, In Hlphfc of town, on thi> nlope nhe.ul of theni, tho (itninKcr tlmwod and lio^nn to qur.Rtloii, looHini; Calolt'n tohfjuo vol- "And thut'M tho orphnnapjo," hornntln- lird, pnliuhiK to ft f<t^li11y whlto Imllrilw* In tin- miilnt of a f_M*ovo of overflvean trei'H tm Ihobrnwof the nlopo ahrad of thojn. ".Tnslnia IIjiii"'in's molii," -t:irttjil It, hilt thry have hard wnrl; to l;t ,. It, fining. Al- ' ways; liiiinpiH'i'il for fuiub; unlucky from J tho llrst Hturt, 13 years iif.n. They had a ; liro, then thoy wefu rohlinl of a round Hum" "ItohhedP Who would tab orphan^?" lntorvupted thn hlranfjor. "Well, nobody expected it of Dink when how.1; trusird with tho money. IIu |nt int,< wild (uiupany, und it went in hoim: kind of ppeoulatloii that waw to double iu Sorvod a nontoncu In itafo prlpnn for It. Too bad. I HiippnKO Iio'h gonu to the dog.s Rlncc. I'roclotlH few over ^rob over that dis- prraco. Pity. I knew Dick from a hoy. Ho wan nwful good hearted," "Yon. Hohbory of orphans waa a fine proof of j'onduehs," returned tho old gun- tleman, with cutting HiircaKin. 'Well, he only meant to borrow tho money," wild Caleb. "Poor oxouijo to cheat tho fntherloHD," pcruifjtod tho othur with eovoriry. "Thcro'n Mllieont Koundnway on lior Way to tho orphanage," pursued Caleb as tho Htago reauhed tho lovol beyond the (dope. "Bhe'n tuuprht tho children to sing Uku niBlitln^aled for CliflHtiniiH. Thero'H to Ijo a tree in tho church and a bigtlmo. " Tho stranger seemed to regard tlie young . woman In n long fur trlmmod garment I ahead of thorn with interoRfc, "Sho'H tlono a power for thorn flrwt and last, and they worship hor," said Caleb. "Quoor film don't got married," ho added j-ellcotlvely au ho touched up tho grays, "but I don't know n man in Wavorly good cnougli for hi-r." ""With tlio last words tho grays dashed round tho curve anil brought up In (Ino btylo hpforo tho Wavorly hotel. The lniin- fterfl wutchedthoBtrangercilmbdown from hin porch. Caleb wan ahead of him, tinn- bUnghis big tnuikH off with an air of "knowing tlio whole lmnlno>-s, if ho liked to give it away," the porter told tho othorn. j Tho f-.lraiiger wan clirlHtunotl the MyH-1 ttiry Vfry nhortly. Ho hud moals fiont to hit; roonifl. '* J. II. Afterforth" on the lin tel regliLor was i\n notu-ommlttal as bin ponderouH, strapped trunkn. Always with hat druwn doun, he took long, lonely walks aiutmd thu town and Ub outuUlrta Ito might ho a harmlcHR lunatic, it wuh conjectured, until ho was noun to go In und out of the orplmnngo Pevurul tlniuH, when it get round that ho wt\H a rich, eccentric rolailvuof ono of tho chlldronj who, if lie found all things on tho Kqiwi.ro, wuh likely to glvo thorn a handsome Christmas dona tion. In fart, Mr. Melladuw, tho Hiiperin- U'iiuleni ndmilted that ho had hopes a now friend had lieen rninwl up to tliem. ***.** * Tlus church on tho hill above Captain , Ilouiidawiiy'ri placo was the (renter tif at- traotion on ChyinrnuiB ovc. Curiuuri ru* . moi'ij wero afloat, although tho live coin- [ mlttcc had been personfiled caution, that' thrco pnuderous trunks wore to turn tHl- ] taleB, and that tho Mystery was to have i not only a linger hub both urmHand Mioul- derg, up to U\ti oarn, In tho fuhtlvitton- Tho ' Uvo oakn arid piiien right and left of tlio , clmrrh, givdled hy ChincKo lantcniH, kept up mysterkmH noddlngH and wliih[ieringH, j and thoBO in a poKition to jieup tliruuirh tho tiill windowh upon tho daz/.Ung Kij.:ht \vitl:i:if<mt tlirillingbulletinH from time to thnu to their lens fortunate neighbors. The air waa mild, at) If it bad been fl.lt/,ml.of frost for tho occaRion. Thu path of light from tho church reached clear down over the Know to Captain Ilotind- nway'y piazza. Ito htepped out of bin door into it; then bin wife; then Milieent. Others ahead, more Ijehlnd, hurrying, con verging from all points, laughing, chat tering, wondering what the evening wuh to bring forth, and nil pacing Into tho church until tho seati and aifilesworo full. Oneo Inside they found tlmuihdvcH in a bower of overgivenK, ami, of all tilings, j two ChrlstmaB trees, blazing away in Hplcndor! One, tlio umial nize, hung with j tno UHual quota of Wavcrly'fl Christmas I piosrntti, was eoinplctoly overnhadowed by tho other, which toworod roof ward, a very monarch of tho woods, wearing its royal honoFH not uncoiiKcloiiH, but with tho air of triumphant, tantalizing mymery. K'.erybody, from Mr. MorrlVale, tho inhibitor, to dofonned Billy Bowline, the Xiiamufc vendor, wa bowing and smiling to everybody oIko. Tho orphniiH were \n tho front pown in gala drofiH. There wan much craning of neoks and wondering over tho tall tree atidthomyRterioiiH father thereof, for it wan well understood that tho whlti) hear tied stranger wan tho hole author and Jlninlior of this tranbeeudont surprise. Mebho bo'fl tho Wandering Juw," sug gested Billy Bowline, leaning forward on Ida crutJh toward tho'trco hmgingly. "I.jO(W moro like Kip Van Winkle, with Mawhlto hair," dhwoutod Ned, tho bar-I hor'ti boy, who had lately seen .Too Jeti'or-' her, so nbRorbod that Hhoda Barker had to glvo him umnart nhako to cull Mn at tention to thn mank ant} toggery, In which hc'inimt arrayhlm'flolf at onco.1 "Tlioni ho In! Thafw tliu MyHtory!" wont round tho church when Santa Clruis, in faiitasthi array, wltli, snowy heatl and Urn jnllleHt of rublennd faeoM, oamo from the anteroom, HoiirlHlilngalong wand with rlhhnn HtroaiaerS, and took bin hI.hiuI bo- twemi thu two ChriHtmiiH tmoH, 'Forn. min ute the commotion In tho air mudo the, nvorgroouH trenihlo and tho lights daneo, ~T"'i.'rmtlialrjimn monrdod a Hinall tablo on tlio platform, and afu*r many shouts and iniidi waste of breath laought the mooLhip. to order. At a Hlgnal from MlUennt, whr , I t.v**i>ul a piano acciimiihnlment, tho <' | J"[jihaiH hiibblwl and overiluwfd in a joyoir Clirlt-tmaH eand, whh'li brought everybody lulo uyiupaUietli' un't.son and lairly seoined ko inako thn trocH join arnm and whirl eanli other round from she^r eatluiHlasm. '"hue, neel" wan echoed an lialf a dozen CliriHtmas fairies In misty tulle and span gled wings eiune (lllngoutof tlio anteroom. Simla Clans mavHliiih-d t li-in around him hy quaint and curious llom-bibes of tlio wand ho mvi'led and began to despoil the smaller tree. Irs frultyge was soon scattered right and Infl by the dainty little mciMMigers, and tln'n Santa C'laus, with more Ilnurifihcn, turned to tlm oilier, rcndy for Invasion hy the mlnlal tire world, which, after all. only remained for the larger om. to plunder. "Won't ho need a long stepladd< r tr reach tlio top of lir" queried Uillv I.'cw- llne. "If I had a Heat in the chandelier, 1 could play a great, game," Hen said. "You wnt eh him elm no tho thin;;1- ! down," hi id Sri\. "He's a wizard, 'i I: it 1 wulid lia-i laauic In it." \ "'l'he oi'[ihai.-i nl" ilie orphanage v ill prepnie inr il-.e lion1', uluire of the plun- , der," Santa t lauii eel.-d out In jovial 1 tones, anil ho broke up I tie tllrlatioii nil- 1 di i' t lie hntij'h al rr.pt ly by consigning tl.i I youth in a sailor ^ult to one fairy and the I long lashed coquette to another, she utter- lug a little squeak ol | i >\<\-\ as be aid so. i The orj l.i.iis bad inde d been remiMii- bored royally. Preneats were just rained upon thom by tho llutterlng fairies. Hack and forth tiny gluncod and doubled, on the wing Hiirely, for their nlipporcd feet never touched the carpet. The folks on the tree were robins! unceremoniously oj picture bonks and heaped up hunkcts ol eanilii's, fruit and bonbons and all their other treasures and themselves cfiuslgiud bodily to the tender mercies of the hoy and girli reaching out hearts and hands- to them, to which thoy rcHigucd thtm- boIvcs with many n wink and a sleep. Clothing il i '.!' wa, too, idles of it, from hhio and pah' Tain O'Sliantors down to patent tljped shoes. But why enuioeratei Knough that SantJi Clans was getting in no hall way strokes.^ He stood buck from the tree with a view to dispersing tho Milt clouds clinging to tho summit of tho tall tree all the evon- i Jng, ay it it hud settled down there from tho Bumnier sky of tho tropics. A touch of the wand, and it materialized into a dainty India shawl. Ho nourished I it aloft airily, turned round on his heel* In apparent uncertainty as to its disposal, I wound it into u llutl'y ball with the wand I and to.ised it up, caught It dexterously, ro\i'd with his oyoH all over tho church, faced round to Mllicont's quarter, where tho orphans beamed, faced back upon the truo committee, again to Milieent, letting his eyes rest upon her, and then cyeryhody, watching his monkey ruper.4, saw thn Hliawl descend and nettle in graceful folda over hor bead and shoulders. "What is tho meaning of that tomfool ery, I wonder?" Captain Jtoundaway mut tered under his bmath uneasily, and lil-i shaggy eyubrows lowered perceptibly aH ho noticed Miliccnt's smiling, blutLilmj perplexity. "So the Mystery has let his mantle full upon Milieent," remarked Dr. Chali- foux. "It seems to belong there, doesn't it?" rcuiarktd Mr. Melladew as his clear eyes searched her blond face in the azure cloud with just a shade of anxiety. " You know what it all mauns," chal lenged the doctor's wife with her fan. j "Wo Hhall see later," rutu/uud Mr. Mel-1 ladew. The fairies, having got through with the orphans, were, now Untitling like slher butterflies all over the church, with their hands full. Gift books with cream mar- glns'and bandhojiic bindings, more baskets of candled fruits and bonbons, more dnlln and more animals for other children, un til it did seem that tho Mystery hud had to find some outlet, for Ids buiievolenee to avoid bursting outright. Hilly Hewliue had, lit sides books and sweetmeats, a com plete outfit trom top to too. Deborah Teu- ny, who had been carried to tho church in a big armchair with pillow's ar.d who had j A* out of It a ahlulng handful of coins, allow ing thom to fall hook with n jlbgl*, Thuro wan a profmmd flonsntlon. "Tlio older oilert wlU'romumbor tho'cir- ouiiiHtuneoH," hewoilt on, with a furtive ghuiee at Squire- KaUlday, "ud that tboro wuh moro of grief than Indignation iimnliK us. Would wo not bo glad to know that ho who did the deed hud Uvea" down both lt'aml tho dlsgnuuj hraVuly, had tnade an honorable plaoo for bhnself among tium flpd hiul i\oyt oomo forvvard to ropair the *rnngV" ' "Pheiowas ono Hiinpondod hnSnfch nround him. "It, htf.woio hero, would you, roitld you hot even find It In your hearts to glvo him a frank and hearty hand of fellowship?" V Yes, \en! Wo would!" on all shUm. "Those in favor or Santa ClaimunmaaU- I Ing al ton n will nay'Aye.' " One livmondousandunanlmouH "Ayo!" resounded. Santa Clans Htoppod forward from thn Hhelter of Iho tall ChrlstmaM treo. Ho threw off Ids fantastic garnumtH, The grfitoHque mask of tho evening foil to hli font, carrying tho wldto wig mid board along with it, and n man notnvor HO, with a square jaw und pathotlo, dark oyon, which liold the Hhudow of past suffering In thom, stood bared to thoiu questioning glances, with a mingling of shrinking sensitive- liens nnd manly self possession that won ilAi hearts of tho entire crowd at onco and forever. Kveryhody swayed toward - Mm. 'Iho older peoplo wore traolng tho llkoncHS of the brown, manly faco to tho boyish ono limy remembered before his llfolmd auffcr- , od relips'o. "I'm Idowcdlf lmi'b Dick HallWnyhim self1" was Cnptaln Houndaway'n Hup- prerised coumient. "Dick Halllday! Why, lb*H Dink, mtro onough. Wouldn't you havo known h"rui anywhere.'" omuh d over tho church, Squire ih.iiiduy and his wife hud their fact s lilddeii. "1 thoiql't thero was Nnmothlng all fired familiar ahout him thn day be rode on tlio sl.ige wit h me," said ('ah'b Ua^hahcad in deep disgust ab ills own stupidity. "Uo'h a flno fellow if ho has worn prison garb," wan tho comment of Dr. Chnllfnux to Captain Koundaway. "Comes of g;ood stock, you see.. Ilud tho grit to live it down." "Yob," assented tho captain absently, , "I wish lie had steered clear of tho rocks ! In the first place," he added, with his eyes I on MllU-ent's fare, now lloodi'd with a mild radiance an of moonlight. It was plain uho still loved him.- If tho broken engagement was to bo reversed, why, then Dick stood there silent. It was a trying ordeal, this bidding publicly for tho ro- hpect and confidence of his townspeople with thu taint of dishonor notyotoutllved. To ono of Dick's nature win brings its own punishment. But, Reconded by Mr. Mel ladew, ho had dared all in this peculiar fashion, hooauso he longed, let It lie whis pered, to bo reinstated fully for the sako of Milieent, whoso life ho had no nhamo- fully clouded. Tho murmur In tlio church swelled to n, : round of heartfelt applause. What hub large, generous sentiments could havo been tho outeomo of that evening? "My friends, I thank you," Dick begun and'broke down completely. Squire Ilalliday and Ids wife woro mak ing their way up the aisle. There were few dry eyes in tho church as the father, wlio.se proud heart had been bowed in olmiiio o\er hia dishonored name, grasped Dick's outstretched hand with a trum- ullng"(Jod blohs you, my koii!" and the mother, whose heart had yearned ovor hor wayward boy all these years, drew his head tlown upon hor breast tenderly und dropped tears of joy upon his face. ' Makes mo think of the nlylit hIio first held him in her arms, 30 years ago," said Dr. Chalifoux in a broken voice. "Halllday ought to bo proud of him," rojoined Lawyer Winthrop, whose plead ing had shortened Dick's hontenco. ' It isn't every young follow who can recover from a. tilli) ho thoroughly." "I move we inarch round and give him a handshake," Ha Id hawyer Winthrop. Seconded and carried, and Dick, as thoy filed up the aisle to welcome him, wonder- i cd if it was only lu.qt night lie hud lain 1 awake shrinking from imagined hisses I and epiihets buch as are apt to descend upon sinners of bis stripe. i Up they came Mr. Melliulow beaming over the unanimous and hearty reception when ho bud feared deep seated prejudice; Itev. Mr. Merrivalu resting his hand on Dick's head with a hearty "Happy Christ mas;" Dr. Clmllfoux wltha hard grip that spoko volumes. On and on thoy camo- Billy Howlino and Ned, Deborah Tenny, in her armchair, with tears on her InshcH and a smile about hor mouth; Millcont, with sweet Unshed face and tremulous lips, still in her cloud of drapery, letting her warm palm rest In his, frankly and MARRIAGE LICENSES. T? ii. vaiik iHBurcn ov MAimum? li J j, ouMHcri, IdolinrilHoh H1W-, KnnoX, Ont, MUAUUKTT. IdBiUtr of M iri4-;ii Mjm CniuiiHtiHloiittrir d .T,.Mfj >u\ni. 'm* XXT l>, JIKAM VM, IiiHUorof Murriitgu Ijlomnau.. Iniuiraoct iiu'")t. Might oinoo ut 1>wUlti|( DIREOTORY MBTnoniflT. Dr. Feco<y Pa,tor.,'i euory Kunday ut 11 a* ra. aiv7 p. vol] ow B iliool ut Julia \*. m, O. K. MaylCi-.'Sa^erlnj o<it of Huhool. Ki>woith L>agu jiruyormtH Ttu.uility ttv*,iiliiu ut H o'oloak. itao/*.l pi ii'i'tbu'oii ThurHduy ovouIur, UNDERTAKING. Ul'r.DMMK It Oiidiotalto) iL.nl pimii'iuii * IJnabor. ^oliioti, lioinn iiini tuotory mr in from S'i to y:iO. MoGroiinr, Oi ARCHITECTS. TOIIM A.'MAYOOCK, AUOiriTKCT, Afi Ilciom.io urn) 11, l-'Wuuliii; buddhii;, Wlndiuin Out Phono 210. Viifvuati 01/ Eno^ano Hqv. Afli.Hpvotiy,in- oumboni, Kt. 1'ii.ulri, ftHflo*. DlyinoserTUO oyory HiimUy ut 1 o'clock, p- m Bunddy Huhool at HI u. 111. i'riultV Clmrrh, North Blt)B9 Bun day Hohool ut 1.4fip. m, Thn publloi uro oor- Jlally liiyitmL - SOCIETIES rl>, 0. V.-rNTKIMMilKi-: hoo^n >oi 'Jli iiniotovor\ Tlnu iday, ovoiiini! at 7 "' Oddtiillown Hull, hi tldnl utoroy Doiiittun J. Vlidtlti)(momborn u( otlmr lodj;onwtIl met foiternul wolcomo. w. CHAi'l'lvUTON ' OKNTUAh KMCJAMI'MKMT, No. (10, nic OddMlowH* IlalbhutifiLiin'n motile, mi thi 1 Hiidtldri] Tuoiidav laioicb month, Viidtrr 'Jlally j-oodived , Mdinhom ot iiulionllaiitd l( i in thn juriurllotion, invitcil to jok rtANN'AN. C. I'./CJ. JMMIih.Hec. I^HKKX FIRM BUKJADK. MKKTH \i\ .' J.J I>'ililuy ovt'iiuii; in Ibu i'lruuiou'ii root tlio Htono butldinc. Jan. McMurruv, Ciiim Holit. I'nrloir, C'ttptuiii: A, Ittiruhum, r.limtoo- ant; I*. IJlhin, Kuumtary; l-'n-d, Ujfitt.Tr'maunir VuiUlliVTIutUM.-W.M.VIoinlniirTftHtor1^^ vlniin on Huhbitth nt 11 u. iu. and 7 .HO \u m Bab* bath HtTliool at'J:W) p. m. X'ni-yuir Ui'athig nd I'uiitor'n lilhlo c\khu on TiKSCiiiy nt7.U0 p m Hooln.1 Union on WodmiadiLV at H.15 p. HAi'TiK" Uiiriitoii. ltov.M. 1'. Omophell Ptti- tor- ::rvlcnn ouoli Huhhitth at 11 a. la. and 7 p, .;:. Prayer uiM'tlnu on Thuruday pvmtlng ut H o'clock. nealiih-iu<. All are eonlialiv wei. coniad. Houan Oatiiomo. J"r. C. K. P-fcGeej Puiitor. Movrloe .voi-y otlior Kimduy ut 8.30pf ni. Hmidtiy Sohool at 11 p. la. ' [ Maio-iJujji. h ain.m and r,i riimn ut 10.80 ii. in., ciildcliiwiii ut v p. :ii ,l>a|>ti-.111 at. .'I t>, m., vi'iipi'iii anil DciH-ilictmn ut " p. ni. 0. Ij. MOr Oti-.lM'j________________________ HAtiVATtON AllMY. - Cunt, ttlllltb II 11(1 LloUt, I'ayton in coiiimtind. Halvatlon miwiUniai Wed- iHiHilay.Tlmniilai aii'l hiuidav ovi'iiiioiajl-'rod and Kaiiv.Haluiilu" eviiniiiti and a p in Hunduv; Koll* n(3iia iiHMiUui;'- lot ;lirti>tiioa> t ruin y cvonin;! und H a.m. Hut.[lav; Km-' I'i'lU 7 a ni. on ry bniidxy, All aiv unUmiiHi. 4 S /"MJU11T ItOVAh, 'NO. VJ. r. O. V. \j Min'tn hi:i:(jihI uinl feiirth Taniiilav'a lo enc month in J. f>. [J. I-'. Hull ut h o'clcol: n. h VlalLlni: l)rfith"rn will ho ^ivmi a friit^rntif v.*c! coiiiii. K McCiuialand. C. H., W. (J. Hluiw, Hco M.J. Wild", C. b, H. II. It. (KN t'fi waiitiiu; proMtahli' mnploymont 1 V tlnroui;li tho laiiiiuior can Und it with till, :iu wo biivc tinwoft. Kumuao vurti tion of Kuriiory iitock und now hoed Potiitoi-H. Hulnry or caa- iiiiKnioii. Write in ut onco for territory. I'ML HAM Nl'HHKUY CO.,'lorouto, Oat. 'Al-git LEGAL. X> A. WISMKH, Ilairititur. Holioltor. J.'otmS Pj Public ito, Money to loan. Olllcm,, Dm ntu.li HloL'k, uii-ntuira, Kii'icx. -i-ly lKuThitor. Bohoitor. Molu'" ri - * iiwuw .Mono> to boiHj. unlcti g*<J Htrutliorn' Hank, l-'.'tucx Contrb. rihAHKK, HMtTLKT it It MITIiKT, DitrrlC \j torn, otc. oilict'u, Mcdlrtiiy Iilock, Wlo<lnai Private duahi to Inmi. A, H.CaAiuo:, b. L. lb N. A. lUUTLBt A. it. Hautj^.t. 11. A. Y h. l'KTKHB f\ Public "" HKNUY 0. WAI/rKjtfi.Ii.Ii.II.,AttonioyftM^ (JoaiiHcIor at la\t-, HolK'itor in Cbauoory, Proctor In Admiralty, intent Solicitor, Otllco, NowUcrry ItnUilim/, er. (rr<%vold and Lurufid htu, Detroit, Mich. (("Hiniilnui cluiii'i* n^uinut jiaihonii In tbo United Stilton olle.^i.d,) Itoforenccni riiioor:ji,1 Hunk, Kiiftox, Onb, .1 It. 1'otorn, I-'iio., I'.nniutor, oto,, Khhox, Ont K.A. Wiuuior, Kmi. Parrhitor, etc., Etififtx, Out 3 " liw Mugara Falls Root*/' OOlNO l'.AFiT TakifiR t'ffoct November ) h, 180U. Kxn. Kxp Ac com Mixed Detroit....... Wind nor .... Pulton...... Midflfltonoc I'lhiiex ... Woiirlftli ii. . JUl-lMlllll' ... Conitii v llldi,'(iteM ii . HlilllM'V..... Kt. Thonuui Mall a.in. 5.20 5.S0 fl:eS >'> 'Hi <, :>'i i T sua " t>.i a.m. G.'-'O G :-o a, m. 0.1^ 10.10 ' G ions h 17 11'd 10.1)0 1.05 p.m. 110 6.05 fi.lD :i.:t7 it wi .-..'.(". ii.i(ft 7 10 7.:w a. in l.(JO 1.15 m ."i "'2 r. firs .');..'. ii m 10 T.O ] 1 iCi nOlNO WKflT. I.oimUj'i ......... ct. 'I'l OOJ.ifi. - llediit y HidLJUMAVIl..... I'lunlter.......... Huhcouih... Woodiileo...... Kl'hllX..... MaidHtonu Cr Polton..... WlndHor...... Detroit. |i in. \J. ID 2 In ' .IS I u7 a.ii" r. -in 5.50 li.(i:i 0 M il 'it fi. t."i 7.K) n iu. i-.:i'j 1! Jli 11.31 1 -'.( 5 r-i.ib Mlxil a. in a.ui .1.15 o nfi "'!"r' 7.:M 7 10 7-'S OH) cjit-PJ.'ia u :i;i l io '.) >] 0 52 in.o:t 10.12 EDICAL. ^ . - ^v I \HS. IIKIK.N ic HlllKN, .he) Hnun. M. J).. D. It , O. P. .;.. araibi .t,o of Qiiuiai'sJ L'nlvoihUy, Kiatfrtto-i, neuahor ol" Col- lnyo of l'h\4ielanu and s.nnuonn,Ootiirio (Ir id- uiitiiof Now Yorlc. Pout Oraduuto Mudhml Gol- J?\v, lirlon, M. P., C. M., P. T. M. G, Honor ^rmluiittj ot Trinity M'otlical Collof(n, Ifbnor uradnuto of Trinity Univmrulty. Mombinr of tho Colbifjoor Phviiiclans and HufKOonn, Oat Cirud- uato of >ew York . Po'it Uradmito MncLlen.1 Collofjo. Oillo. ovor Khiii-^ Medical TIall druc Btoro, ('uni-oU'itiun ru.mm. imthon ground floor and first flat abovit, Tidujdionu in hotn oilloo and HhidtiliCK. All cilIU tittondoil to from otllco, (ti-ii[4 iirurc, or p'riidtmce, Itoiihlonou, Talbot Hti'jot, Iroul of fair ground-*. , D US MrlvKNZIK A JKNNICH. 10J10 l :i.ri 0 no ;i jo .i:t7 1 00 AmiierHibiirtr Jf.oenl TrnliiN. n m. u.i. t',)l ll.!21 fllii- I! 10 11.15 VrXST iL.m. ii m. ll i" ;.:n> ll! 15 12 r. 12.10 7.IO 7 17 7.5(1 H.10 H.ir. Ivl^uVH b.27 I, 10 .V 1> H Xllifi .21 Mc(i-ef4or ".2U Ciordoil 0 05 AmhorHthurK r'.')0 11AHT a.m. n.in, p.in ii.ks .'.-15 r,.:ia j :n 0 27 l).2-r> I 05 0.1)0 ^5 10 t.57 1 Kt i.:i5 4.:lti i O McKMiyiv. M D.O M . Trinity Uaiveralty, nioiiibar of Ollc^o 1'hv Icintio aud Harfloomi, Ontario; Grmhaittj of New York Pont Grailtiato Medical Ceih'pje; (.oroiaa* for tho County of hh^c.t in hioenco, L'lilbot htniut, north of rail way, KhSUX. J. Kurlo Jonner, M. D.C. M., Trinity Ualvor- ititv; M. (J. 1*. uud. B. Outuirio; Lie. ltoyal Calloije Plivniiihitih, 1 oinlon, Kiif;.; Hit Bcliolnrahip and Oold MiMlubi.t, Trinity (^ollofin, lftftii; inmobitod Houno PhyHicinti and Burfioon, Toronto OAtionl Hos-iiitiil mid Uufiidunt Aecoucluiiir IlimitildeJ byinf,'in HcH[Htiil, Toronto, 1KH1. Bpocinlty, diH oiihoti ot wmiitiii and cliildrou. Koiiiduixio, house* lately ocu]mid by Dr. Dowar, Talbot ut., Hn8e*J Oilice in Imperial Bank TUock, gvound lloor oppOHle Therno'ii dniR ntoro Modlclnnt tlv^ peiihed io'-tiio otllco. '1 idwphoiii counootiou witli liotli nilice \nd vodidojauaji. PrKatu tolo- nhono liuo Uutweon Cyril Parjaotto'n houuo and bun Kennedy1!* houno and oflloo. Nijrht oalhi attondod to at oflloo or rcHlilonoo. All train* tiro urn on central standard timo which in Huty minutoH Hlower than Khhox thno. Por information and rat en to coloa- isitH moviljf; went apply to Joliu G. Lavon, Pan- Honj-er Auont, St. ThoniuH. O. W. ItUf,'lof., Gon- orat i*unHeii(*ir ana Tiuliot A^ent, Olitcii^o III orA.O- fitiiiiero. Aont, Knnox. DENTAL. Ii b--t. & D. r. Ry. TIMF. T*\HLK NO. 22. tukiiiR offflct Monday 5iL*|it 2; lH!Ki Traim.rnn by 1'aotoru htand- an I Tlmo. Dailv except Holiday 1. MAltTIN.D.D-B., L. D. S. araihiata 4.1. in Dontintry, ltoyal CoIIorp nf Dental Bur "ooriH, Ontario, mid Univomity; of r'/on*^ CbaruoB.inodorato. OUlco, ovor Urion A Cob ilroc Btoro. lb-lv yrz I -1-" I HI"* o "A i.S o =- 'A , n KTATIONh. O 'A *7, o 0 A s a bit? armchair with uillown ar.d who liad 1 ','l'.' ...., .1 . . ,- ,, . V 1-. 1 . 1 e f 1 1 her warm palm rerit In bin, Iraukly nnu not Jurt her bed lor a vear, was tiilrly over- }t , ,, ,'. ,-, , , , ly. ', J ..^, ... j- *. * 1 1 .. 1 1 i tenderly even Captain Itnumliiwtty. with eome bv tho coiufortri and luxuries heaped ,,, ... ,. ', ' , , , ., , , ?! ., .' , ,. ... . . ' ! till i'Oher\atioiiH vanlshiim from his biir, upon lier. Squirt* J hillidny opened a 1110- 1 , , ,, , , , , , , , 1 , .1111 1 * ,11 1 1 kindly nut lire, nurtured on old ocean, roeco eaMi pu in Iuh hands to ilud a ii\o . , ./, , . . . , * , . . , ,., , ,' 1 . . i,,, i, when ho lookid keen and rltwo into Dick h .....' 'iiwl umhHivo iold ehain ol . ,e , .. , . ., , 1 iinif liU'Hdniir, boiie.st eyen; tho orphans, roeco I'iiMJ inn 1,. .,.,,....... minute rejiemer nnd muf>nivu gold chain of exuui^ite worUmauHlilp. \Ur wife had a box pushed into hor lap vvhieh contained fold tm fold of hmtroim satin. By thu time the boughs wero bared ovoryhody in tins n had homo liiemunto from tho Mys tery. At tho htht minute a bmall oblong box, with HprhiK olm-ps, wan carried in both handR to Air. Melladuw by tho lnr^esi ot tho fairieH. 'J'hero weii) homo < over its contents as ho lifted tho lid cau tiously and closed it, Hhuttlnp; off the curious from oven a peep. You may e^uess that by this tlnio fo much pent up otirioslty ovor the MyH tory was likely to eauso an explosion. Luckily an useapo valve was at hand. While tho orphans hugged their dolls 1 -' -.-.1. *-,-, lm(|.,nr half iileudiiu,'i honest eyes; tho orphans, too, bonbons in thulr cheokn anil "tilings" hugged under Their urnm; overybtnly, lu fuot. Milicent's faco had told tales. At last a fa'ealtering to tho lower regions, where u Kjiread awaited thosu wlio woro lufL with an appetite. Dick was seated between his fathor and mother, vsho wero Hanked by \)v. Chali- ioitx, Lawyer Winthrop and tho roht of tbo a ^r O.2.". o.:ii ti;w 9.13 0 fill 0 57 KHli lllll'l 10.111, 10.27 10 ;i7 10.15 11155' 11.11 112') 11 25 11 :r. 11.1:1 11.10 11 55 12 1)1 1211 12.10 IW1 12 :i5 ! M. A M 12.00 12 :io 12 -in 12 -15 12 50 ti 1.10 a 1.10 0 l.'H) 7. , 1.50 7. 2.1 :i T. 2 :r> 7. 1 '2 50 7 II. Pi 7 t IU H tii-V*. I 40|h. r, Oh h. 5,20 h. r> iv 5..55I 8 0 05' !) G 15! il 17! 5 1 fi'J .io .17 27 ;t7 .11 .51 .to 17 .1 r. Melh.dow by tno inrm^L ,,l , im,Xt Unvyui. ...... Them were wnno coujeetureH j ..(lla bln(.1;,. liml Mr_ Melliulow took out """" ' " '*....... iu,.i. u iviiiiidh in Calii'ornia lottui'ti Iron) Dick's lrieiulh in (Jalii'oruia and passed them round, and Diok must needs recount how ho worked his way out to tlio Pacific, eoiiht as a hand bol'oro the mast and hili'iudc it rich in tho tfoldiield after a hand io haiul tussle ami aliorward went Into business in tan Kranciseo, where ho now bad many friends, which bo 0.05 r. 15 7 not!) V. .11 1 pop WaHfervl" \r Wallierville June. .... ... Pelton........ .....<i Oldciihtlu. .. .. I PfifpajtU).. .. New Caiman... Marhhilold ... Harrow .. . .. t Vr'.iei1........ KUi(;riVillo..... Hiltliveli ......] Leamington .... Wh- ni by - I It/ ii\"iflf ( on' nv. t. t h | ( i'i.'|V'< t tl ,. V.erltu ....... , Uu-xt'O....... ... Sandlhon ...... ...U'eilarfiprirKH... llli;iilii-iiii Jmiet'n ..... lUfiilif'ti) ...... .......IWlll.it'..... \r Itid^cton-u Hi p M A 10 J ea it h H 20 1 h 'jri -l H H :i 11 n 51, 10, 21 15 10 00'12 rw,u: 15'12 11)11'J ;ii,n 21 ii 20111 10-10 uuuo ,M.'.\. m r m. .50 7.5H- 1 . >' - t: ,27 7.'17 .'.171 rilll , f Si 7.r ,, 10 7.1* .:i:i 7 id i .no! u.w I -15] u -12 ,.15' 0 III) -llll ll.lf* 51 UUO 'm< r.r.i 15 5 111 li'.l 5 50 ">1 5 2H 1 5 21 CO fi 10 "H 5 07 .20 5.00 .15 -1.55 .15 1 15 .00 'I.-I5 M l'.M. VETIERIMARY. V\ , OKON. Hoiiorarv ({raduato of Ontario Vot'.-riuni-y I'elloco, Toronto; momhor ol! Oil- turio Vntcruniry Mediant Rooioty; DiplonilHt ill1 Dentitttry; troat.-i all diiioanoB of (lomont)cato(i nnlmiil'i; cm tile d(diorne<l lv tho latoiit improvod Loavitt clljipor Calln by tuk-phoiio or tolo- prapli promptly titlondod to. Heflldoiioo.tbroo (lonrn eiiBt f>f fjrbitmill; offioo In poHt office Imildhif,'; inarimiry, dlrootly oppoiilto. 7 "land surveyor^ TAMER H. LAIHI). Provincial Land Surveyor ' *9 uml county Knidnt or, Kdiiox Omitro, Oat OUlco, Puiifitnn lllock, upiitairn. AUCTIONEERS. HKNKY HKDUICK, Auctioiioor. Baloa promptly iittondod to. AudroHn ' Boutb WnoilKleti, l)nt. PernonH di>Rirln(j to lU'tiui'a me intiv iui'vo word at tho FlU'-K Punnti Ofboo. < tf H. nKDBlOK 1 Phty Kiiiiioiir. Tiaiiia F,top only ^ban tlu-id nro piihtit'iif'eiM ut or for theho Htationn, Mixed tralnii aro at al timet) subject to ho cuuoollud VVM WnOljI,ATT. Gouural BupnrlntoniluM . We hear a great deal about purifying the blood. The way to purify it is to enrich it. Blood is not a simple fluid like water. It is made up of minute bodies and when these are deficient, the blood lacks the life-giving principle. Scott's Emulsion is , . ., Iiri, ,V111 r I I i'0r tl boy, wnu mm ju^.j ............ not a mere blood purifier. It I o" from tho"heaven" of a city tlmater. \ t "PoohI Didn't I Bay ho was bantu actually increases the number | cimm himRou thunwit day?" wun thutri- or the red corpuscles in the J blood and changes unhealthy action into health. If you want to learn more of It we have a book, which tells the story in simple words. i SCOTT it BOWN1-, llellivllU, Oat. While the orphans hugged Uir oiih 1 whtT0 ho l(l.mifl............ and munched candy Hlyly, not to betray ! dUl wlt h ,1!lltUl{, ^^i,, iniKUwtlv.for this ""........... "*l'"" fnl,iH "<lllll>i-ed pits- 1 lv.hmn hL,uyu.a i^nnHnu of a Krmo luibdeed DSINCT.AIU, LtOKNSKI) AUCTIONKW . lor tlio Cooiitv of Mhmox. Baililf of 1'jluhttl Dtvlnma Court. Alt kmda of Fiirin and other hnloii c'Jinluoteil promptly. Itatou roa-'ouubio and futaiitlied on'iinpHcutlon. KiKjuiroifB may apply at \V. D. Hfluniiin'n oflloo, or at tho office of Divmion Court Clerk, Mr. John'Milnu / , muv"^Qt> <lUory of Deu, tho hotel boy. How WiOHo orphane* iliigors laced and liitorlacod, and how iholr uyos ilufihed from treu to troo until both noomed to klndlo into ono bla/ol Kow they arounod Mlll- cout'u roauaurlug umllo, with conlldoneo In tholr own ability to tuno thoiv thVoatH whou cullod upon. In tho midst of all, Mlllooafc'a oyos hud u Lorawny, tonilnlfioout oxpronHlon of hiuI- naas, ua U t.ho v;era uixupyina a Hphoro in- uldo tho radiant ouea urouiid hor. And tlw Mystory, who wo*, in a exuuU room boyond tho plntforra, with the troo c0Wu> viIMmm, blood looking through tbo door ut aim uiiim.iin. ^......t, ... _ , ^reediueHS, and other folks compared pres ents und launched Kweor-meats openly, and Milicent's cyea hIiouo like misty stars from out tho azure cloud of India, and Captain liomuhiway, hor father, tfrow f^ravo and (jay by turns, wutohiiiu; hor, and theHqnlro I looki'd at his watch and ehain and then at j liiw wlfo, and his wlfo looked at tho lus-1 troun satin and then at Kauta Claus, and tho doetor uul/./cd Mr. Mulladow, and Lawyer Winthroii nut forth a rlddlo to Nathan Cm-tin about tlio' Mystery, whleh tho Hay, Mr. Morrivulo, without (jlvlnp; Nathan Ourtif) tho Uvst ohuiwo, haHtoned to expound, and others, Beannin^ Kauta ClauH from head to foot, whinnered of a certain llkenoHS to some t3ne while all thifl and moro wan going on tho chair man, or tablo man,'mounted thu tablo ogulii, got a nhow of ordor, after laboring a full qtiartor of ail hour for it, nnd made thorn underHtand that Mr. Mclladow had something to nay to thom. Mr. Mulludow fitood, holding tho myo- tcrlotiH box coimpicuously, until coinnluto allonoo had. fallon. "FHoiuIh," ho btignu lo\vly, ay If ho wlnhQd ovory word to. bo an nnnlo of jjold in a ploturoof Hllvor, '"you will, I think, " ...*. *i,,i t>ininAx' token Ulll NVll.il iiiuuT,,, ..,,._______, ... whole heurri'd ignoring of a gra\u init,deed by all <jf thojn tuiito overeame him. Ho Dick eanio Into l.hu eonildeneo of bin homu friends on thu crest of the Christmas wave. New York Mureury. rl idOa-NKKD AUCTIONKEB for tho Conn* ofKHHiv*. All JiiudH or farm Ktook Hided, otr comluoti'il promptly and on abort notfco..Xu rcaHoi'iiblo lornonH dt Mrablo to ttrnU.e u-. !nav Jo ho by callhui at the Fhkm IBn(* oiUoe 01'hl.JPPlybUtto j.GOBMriY. p. 0. Box 1M mntncpnl. 'HANK McCLOSKF.Y, MiihlBtone, tblrtv- Clmrtdi of t1i Nativity. That Uetlilohom in the eity oC ChrlHt'fl nativity thorn in no douht, but that tho grotto in tlio rook Is tho spot where ho wan born there aro many who uue.-dhui, They i:ontund than tlio Kospel yl\es no uuihorlty for tlilw, Haying that tho manger belonged to an inn or khan; that It was boeauno tho 1'oonin abovo wuro lilled with niiostH that thu holy family woro eompellod to take up their temporary abode in tho court used, to Htablo tho uiuloH and. the horHea. lint un til tho doubters can prove that hoiuo other Kpnti huH Hiiperior (dalnis to thin tho world will go on roverlng tbo llttlo grotto be neath tbo Church of tho Nativity. Now York Herald. Wlitm Jchus Wan Itom. Bound over all watortu runoh out trom nil Tho cbornn of voleoa, tho olnaphiK of lnmdn; To Drive anywhoro, if BO, you'want a Good ' " " .......cad the placo to fjotithi at JOHN McDOUGALL'S Livery. Sale & Feed ^tables GoodllXontku'n iu attoudimco dny iuul nifiht. HORSE-SHOEING......... In^thin brunch of our uubIiiohh vol' flrnt- ohuii Worlmion aud will Ruurantoo iiiithifnotlon in Rhoolnq llomon that intorforo. Ovor-Hoaob or htvvo Cornu or Contraotoil Fnftt. Wonuikoa B imc laity of flhoobiR Uoad and Trim it noriiofl, tSf Telephone Connection. r Ht.voii yenrH' oxporionoo an uu auotiouoorin (, ".' nx tho date for a ualo mm aavo thouiBalveff ft,.(v rWoby fu-lHuK at tbo Fni: Phkhii ottico. Wj ., iivo arrtwiKoa with Mr. MofJlflflkey and will fix ;,, tl .MlatoH for Halm by toleKrapb.ontlrolyfree 6f;,;, alUnarnolo tboiieuon holdin(( tho Bala. Ad:,.; TnK oliloat buninoHHi in town. KfltabllBar|g' 187. Firiit-Blmifi broad and oiikun pfal1^ idu.lH WoddUig onlioo a iipooiality. Orooftwi ^ P-oviiioun, ilour.foAd. unit and pftrk. Opntoft.d W1W10U UVury wuM . .,------- ,,, ill a plcturoof Hllvor, '-you will, I think, |1lmehornnu* vuwun, ^.........,.... .. bo glad to kuow that tho monoy tukou ,bh|K b.vnmn that worn tuuitf by tlm utuifa of tlift jrooi hum u'i"".....*- - . ... bag been rostorwl to us troblod. Ho held up tho boxiw ho. fipoko auddrow DROPS' CURED- mrm Undoriiirtnodlapropiu'oiHoouro'allcaBeH T of wl iPropny-vhothor of Iouk or bhort ilwal^B. Alwolutoly no abar^ unload tlj. nat} inlil ontlroly aud ponuauonUy ourfid. JAMfcB OAMPllMLt, Oottam, Ont. M (MiOllfiE, J. THOMAH, Conv^vnvo.'v.'C^ir^ T mlnHioner, lit >TI|di ("ouvi -of .Tnwth-V-; flfii 111 Ilnal ID ii tat ti and Mnvt:_'iinH. MmVv' Ibj'ifi- nttbolowont vato of intercut* l'uvu'n bout anil Hold. Tnunrauoo taken in tho umet rental laattiMi a iii^olnltv. CbarcoH moderate' an<* bmthui(n nrnmptlv attohdod to. 0aU,-aT h^ Plnoolu the world forypun ,ri j. **m nud woman to eoquron. Btt %M DOT Kdiiopitioti,Hhortban(l,elK).',V UUUI troll,Mlnh Illu8tratodoatI F. .TKWWriU Pr6n. P. 11. BPSNCHft'fj ' ' '" ' ' ' -! ,1