Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), December 18, 1896, p. 5

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\'t } *>7l>V) v>%elect it Now * J AS. D. ANDERSON & Co. BANKERS, Atfonta for Tho Royal. Tho Guardian and Tho IianoaHhiro, Tim boat TijHiirniiro Cnmi>iiiiieif In tlio world. \V inulni il niioofuHy of Tinuirlntf Vurni I'ro- l>rtrty, Monoy to Ijoiiii lit B ami t>% yn,r omit on Farm Vroporty. fat mer\ In\ titrtio7\ > in Good HtHabte Companies. NOTICE. All Accoi'.ntB duo tlio Into firm of Dun. Dkwah k McKhn/iu aro payable to Du. DnwAit, Wind sor. A prompt sottlamont if] whiorLuI. m ^e You are certainly going to make some Christmas Gifts this year and the sooner you sec our stock the better selection you will have to^make from. Tho Essox Froe Press, BRETT & AULD, PROPRIETORS. FRIDAY. IHJKK UNJGU 18, 180ft. Town and Vicinity- Our Stock is Larger and and more varied than any previous year's and you cannot afford to pans as by if you are in search of Fancy china AND-------- Bric-a-brac Books, Work Boxes, Albums, Stationery, Dolls, Toys, And AllKinds of Use ful and Fancy Articles Having such an i rumen ae Assortment we cannot quote prices but you will find that they are exceed ingly" low though the quality is high. M In addition to our refru- g lar lines me have # " k fcV Candies, Nuts, Cigars, &c, In Stock. Jt Parents will do well to call early and secure what Presents they desire for then children for the coming festive season, lay's Bazaar, ESSEX. Mhu'o meat, 10c. lb. at Smith's. 1 lbs. cooking A^h, *J5., at Hmith'H. II. II. FiolilH, of WimUor, vinitocl in town on TuoHiliiy. vSeo Whituoy'B ties, ono m a box; jnBt tho tiling for a present. Got your frnitH, nuts ami candies for Chi'iHtmau from M. J. AVipflo & Co. Dulhi eannoil tcmintooH, in lota of throe caiiH or nioro,7<\ each, ntSmith'H, Mrti. C II. Vullor, of ltuthvon, visit ed in town for nfow daya thopnHt wook, i\Irti. Taylor, (if Chatham, is nponrting Chrintnms hotidayn with hor daughter, Mib. (Dr..) Jennor. Tho Dotruit College of Medicine wiih destroyed by ilru early yontorday ('Xlimwhiy) morning. Mr. Welch, of Detroit, Bhippoil two car loads of lumber from Ehsox Htation to Dotroit on Saturday. A. K. Lovelace in ro-building and ro- modcling bis rcfudoncc on Talbot stroot oppoHito tho Koyal Hotel. G. J. Thonum wan foreman of tho firanrt dury at ibo County Court Sit tings at Sandwich lant wook. Mrd. 1), A. WUhou. of Cincinnati, 0., in on n vihit at the homo of her hus- bnnd'H father, William WiIhou. J. A. Hokc and wife returned homo on Monday from a several dnya' visit with relatheH in Detroit and Windsor. Mr. Hall, Inspector for the Landed -Banking and Loan Co., haH been in this section this week with the local ngeiit, Win. Church, Mishes A. M. Jiotsford, of Aniheiht- burg, and M. Lockhart, of Maiden, have been the guouth of fiiemli m town the past week. U. Sinclair bought two curloadfi of dieased hogi- at KiiHComb Station on Friday last tor A. J Green. There were .112 UogH m tho lot. Vt the coining municipal election in Ibidgeburp Out., a voto will betaken on the grantnif: of an olei trie light fiauchihe to D. A. Cuntc, formerly of Jlsscv. The fins City Xews gives rumor to the statement that Gardner Hros. will erect l.'i bonnes next beaMou m the Mciiuty of the handle factory m Leam ington. W\t Sunday luoiuing, December 20th. Ilcv M. P. Campbell will preach a Herinon to theSmidaySchool childien of the Huptitit church. Farents, child ren and friends uroinvitodto hepresont, Mrs 11. M. O'Connor is visiting with relatives in Uunibiirg and Ann Arbor, Mich. Mr. O'Connor was also tlicro for some da\h last week. Mrn, O'Con nor will return home to-morrow CSatur- da\-i, \j, O. Sloan, i\ ho has been employed by E. ,J. Lo\elaee utSttmyLakc, I'etor- boro Co., for some months pant, has returned and is \ihiting with relatnes m town and at the homo of hiu mother in (iostiUd South. Ihe Court ot lie vision on the ('outre Sheet Bide walk by-law met at 1'eek'fi Hull on Tuesday evening before coun cil meeting and continued the assess- inciitH against the propeities, no appeals hawiig been untorcd M J, Wiglo .V Co make a specialty ot men's furnitthiiigH; call and see them. About bi\tt\ ot the memburb of Kasox Council, C. (). C F.. met at their lodge roouiM, Dnnbtmi (Jlock, on Sunday morning last and pioceeded to the Jlap- tist clnueii, whore the aumverHary Her- mcoh were conducted by Fe\. M. P, Campbell, The Salvation Army will hu\u a grand ChiiHtmas Tree and battle ax'o outor- tauiment m tho S, A. Jianaeks next Wednesduy evoning, Dqtombor 2!lrd. Songs, solos, leeitations, dialoguuH and ueiosUcs have been apeeially jnejiaied for the occasion. The Autograph quilt will bo wold by auction that night, Now is tho lime to make presents for your fiiends and children. Kxtru good nutmegs, fie. do/., ai Smith's. On Friday evening last, as Mrs. Charles Toiry, with ono ofbor child ren, was piiHBiUK the post otTlee, thoy wore struck by upploH and other articloa thrown by somo persona hidden hohintl the building. On Monday morning fchroo young hoys, whose uamoa wo -withhold, wore taken beforo F. At. lioiunau ohnrgod with tho oft'ouoo and woro oaoh Unod $1 and costs, - l[C> lbs. raiBina, 25c, at Smith's. B lbfl. candy, 2Bo,, at Smith'H, For tho latest styles in hate, caps and tics, go to "Wliitnoy's. Public Library Convornnxiono, Fri day, January 1Mb. For ovorcoutH, ulsters and rmilri, At, J. Wiglo Sr Oo. load the trudo. OvoreoatH for men and boys, away down in prieo; also uuitH,___Bjniih &_.0o. J. Ij. Petorn moved bis family to WindHor yesterday and will continue praotioo thoro, Diobol & Briokor ithippod ono oar of pork to Eustorn mnrkotu on Thurs day of thiw wook, F. .7". Williams, who is attonding tho School of Fharmaoy at Toronto, in homo for Christmas vacation. Dr. ,T, Brian is building an addition to his bam. Thomas Xlobinson and Wm. Jones are doing tho work. 0. KrfoghofV, photographer, has boon confined to luHbomo for homo days with an old-fashioned attack of la grippo. A. L. Korby, dry goods merchant, of Windsor, mado an Hssignniont on Fri day last. Tho naaots exceed tho liabili ties. John Macphoruon and wife, of Poplar Hill, MiddloHexCo.,nro visiting in town with tboir daughtor, Airs. (Dr,) Alac- kon/.io. Tho Mouth window of AI. J. Wicdo & Co.'h Btoro in tilled wiih an elegant as sortment of premium goods, which thoy are giving away. Wm, Hatton, who spent tho past Bum mer in tho Northwo4t, will not roturn thero but will move to Crosse Isle, Alien., having engaged to manage a farm there for a Air. Patrick, of De troit, The mayor of Toronto has decided, in leoponse to a icqnisition, to proclaim boxing day the Saturday after Chriet- iuhh a public holiday. Quail shooting season eamo to a close on Tuowday. The sport in this vicinity this fall has been very good, our local nimrods meeting with oxcellont tmcceay. Mm. Itobert Wallace loft on Tuesday morning for St. Catharines to attend at tho bodsido of her mother, Airs. Alac- laron, -who is very low. Airs. Afaclaren is over t)U yearn of ugo. While thinking of what to send an absent friend for a Christmas present just drop iu and subscrihofor the Finn: Piikhh foi a year. We are i>urii your friend will appreciato it. 33a8il Hume and Harry Day kin spent "Sunday in Detroit. They left on Tuos- day for Leamingtou, where thoy will make their homo in tho future, 1 eingin the employ of (hirdjier Fros. Tho 10-yoar-old daughter of Henry Thm'Hton fell on tlio edge of a plank on Sunday last and inflicted a severe gash just below tho knee cap, which requirod soveral stitcbeH. Dr. Jenner attended. A representative of the Toronto Daily Globe was in town on Saturday last canvassing for subseribem for their Daily, Wo are able to otier tho Fnui: Fitusa and the Daily Globe, morning edition, each for a year for <-l. The promotion examinations in South Essex, Windsor and Walkorulle are in progress and will close this (Friday) evening. All nchools close for Christ mas \ acation on Tuesday next and ro- opon on Monday, January 1th. Jn the statement of W. IT. Richard son, Treasurer of the High School Board, an item ol **hi, interest, aopears in the leeoiptH. JIowr many .school boards in the Frounce have deposits in the bnnkslong enough todiaw interest? Net many, wo opine. Tlio Jlnptist Sunday School Christ mas entertainment will bo held next Monday evening, December :31st, and will consist of leadings, ie<itutiouH, kmdorgniton and singing by tho child ren. Admission, Sunday school child ien, free;.outsiders, 15 cents. F nil ivy table and chair s< arfs, cheap, for KuiiiH presents, at Smith's. The social t-oason was ushered in, in great htvlo on Monday evening by the Tjady Bachelors ol Ibo Alothodiht choir and their lady bachelor friends, with an oyster supper and all itsaceompaii3T- nig trimmingH, the rosideuco of Joseph Fobinson being the scene oi tho festivi ties. Mis. ,1. W. linen acted as toast mistress and, it is needless to say, the toasts were responded to in tho most approved stylo, everything being car ried through in tlio latest and most up-to-date manner. Tho Lady Hache- loisuiu to bo congratulated on their suecesb, and wo expect very many are dmappointed at the invitations boing so strictly hunted. So keep good friends with the Lady Bachelors lor their next event, which in in the near future, V \ery pleasant and enjoyable even ing was .spent-on Friday last at tho residence of .James McAIurray, on Ai thin* Avouuo, by tho members of tho Fire Btigadc and their wives and alow frieudt-, in all about thirty porHons. Air McAlunay is chief of the Fssox Firo Brigade and after an excellent supper was done justice to, a few hours were whiled away in social conversation, games and instrumental mimic by Alias 0. Upcott, of Loamington, and Aliss Scars, of Esaex, on the piano and W. F. Atudge on tho violin. During tho evening, Fred. Hyatt, [Secretary of tho Brigade, proposed tho health of Cliiof AIoAturray and his estimable wifo in a hhort spoecb which was hoartily on- doraod by all present, who boforo re tiring to their homos oxtoiidod to tboir host and hosteua best wiBhoa for a long, prosperous and happy lifo. All kinds nnts, 20o. lb., at Smith's. M. J. Wiglo A; Co. do tho shoo trade right. AliflH 0. Upoott, of Mcrrtoa, la visiting at Frod. Hyatt'o. It's a beuuty. What? that 2fio oup uiid Hauaor at Parkvn, X)r. Ttoko, of St. Oatharinon, was m town tho pastwook, _ rI'ho_Oftiiada Southoru Hotel at the M. C, It. is being ro-paintod. Dolmor Hopgood Is around again, after au ilbieas of a few days. Tho most nobby lot of tios ever como to Ehhox will bo found at D. J. Whifc- noy'n, Kov. A, L.I Bovorly pronrhod in Christ bburch, Amhorstburg, on Wed nesday evoning of this wook. Tu oiiHo of fire, tho Firo Brigade havo arranged to have tho engineer givo a numbor of short blasts with tho Water works whistle. Oho long blast is for praotioo. .To tlio nic,h Subool Hoholarn of Piincx High Hohool,! htivn in ntoolc a lot of uouvo- nir Cliiaa witli lligli School Bnilrlinn on; A moo proiamt to one anothor. lJark, Jowulor. A number of tho frioudn of Atra. Prieo gave hor a surprise party Friday ovou- ing, tho occasion being hor birthday. Tho numbor of prosonts shoAV tho os- toom in which the old lady is hold. J. S. Laird wont to Amhorstburg on Wednesday to give ovidonco in tho suit of E. Goldon vs. Alaldon township over damages claimed for tho flooding of a piece of Goldon's laud by a drain. W. O. Wyninn, W. Kuusell and W. D. Bcaman aro tho school trustees whoso tonus oxpiro thin year. As K. .1. Lovolaco has resigned from tho Board, two trustees will have to bo elected for ward 1. Alios Bessie Campbell has rofusod the offer of tho Windsor Board of Edu cation for a position on their staff and will remain in S. S. No. 0, Colchester North for IH!)7, having boon re-engaged thero. She is giving good satisfaction in that section. Aliss White, of Camp Palmer, was taken ill on returning homo from Wind sor on Monday of lust week and was convoyed to tho Abcrdoon Hotel, whore sho remained until Afouday of tbio iveek, at which time alio had Huillciont- ly recovered to bo taken homo. Last wook, tho weather was so mild that ono could go without an ovorcoat, but a change took place on Alonduy night and an old fashioned anow storm provailed all dayTuesday. Tho ground was in good condition and cutters and sleighs woro very much in ovidonco on Wednesday and Thursday. Tho Windsor Record on Fnday, an nounced that, owing to tho soft weather, A. J. Croon had stopped buying pork for the present. B docs not look much as though Air. Green bad stopped w hen ho shipped throe cais on Fiiday last, two cars on Wednesday of this week from Blythoswood, besides three cars from Fssex Station. Grace Atcthodist Sunday School will hold their annual Christmas entertain ment in Grace church on Christmas night, tho ontertammeiit to consist of scleral now Christmas carols and a cantata, entitled "Cuptiuo of Santa Claus." Doors open at 7 110 p. in., en- tertainrnont begins at 8. Adults, *,,.r> cents, children, 15 cents. The annual bonofit sale of the Ladies' Aid of tho Essex Presbyterian Church was hold at tho residence of C. L. Crassweller on Friday ewning last and was very well attended, the door re ceipts amounting to ^2\). Bcfroshments were solved and the articles were neat ly all sold, most of thorn realizing fancy prices. Tho total net receipts of the Now raisins, currants, tigs, dates, peels, walnuts, almonds, etc., at AI. J, Wiglo \- Co.'s. Arthur Gourlay, aged about 15 years, met with an accident at the High School gymnasium on Tuesday morn ing shortly before '.) o clock. He was exeicismg on the horizontal bars when ho foil on tho back of his head and shoulders with Midi force as to bo rendered unconscious, remaining so for about about an hour. Di, .t, YV. Brien was summoned and the lad was convoyed to his home. Tho fall caused coucuision of tho brain, but hopes are entertained that no senous \esults will follow. TClegnnt silk handkerchiefs, 10c. oaoh, at Smith's, A very pleasant afVair took place at the residence of Air. and Airs, John Vosper, Laird Avenue, on Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, when their youngest daughter. Alary P., was united in marriage to William T. English, of Dotroit, ltev. AI, P. Campbell oJliciat- ing. The bride has been engaged as trained nurso in Giace Hospital for some yearn and tho ceremony was wit nessed by qnly tho ininiediatoroltitivcs, William Vospei, tho bride's brother, and Miss Christina Dowar acting as groomsman and bridesmaid. After tho knot had boon tied, tho. guests and wedding party sat down to an elegant aproad after which tho newly-married couplo were driven to, tho AI. C. It. station and took tho noon oxpress for Dotroit, whero Mr, English had a nsi- donco all furnishod and whoro thoy havo Bottled down to tlio realities of wedded lifo with tho boot wishes ol a bout of friouds for a long and happy union. December Cuts. - Continued mild weather, means LOST Profits. Goods MUST be sold to make jroom for new lines. We mean to slaafc prices at once FOR CASH. Come early as no lines when out will be replaced at prices quoted. Extra Heavy Tweed DroHH Gooda, regular, 25o. and 80o. Imoa for 18J. All Linos in Bhulc and Colored, rogular, fiOo. and fiOo. linen reduced tp Iflo.; 7fic. and 8oo. for 57c; $1 and $l.2fi for M7o. TboHo Cuts aro BhLOvV Manufacturers' Pricou just oomo and hoc for youraolf tho GHEAT VALUE wo oiYor. Extra IJoavy Groy Cottons, regular fie. lino, for Oic by the piece. Something Sjiocial in Toweling worth He., For <ljc. il yard. Rognlar lOa. Fbmiieletto for 8c. Standard Shirting, 30c. u yd. Ifoavy Foathor Ticking, Die. yd, Floor or Table Oil Olofch worth <lOo. for 27g. yd. Ladies' Heavy Under-Vests, 18c, Fine Wool IIquo, lfljo. nor pair.------------Oirls' VoiitHjjor JDrawors, 20o. oaoh. Gents.' All-Wool Underwear or Top Shirts 45c. oaoh. Wonts.'special lino at 25c. each. Boo our floeoolinod for Alon and Boya. ......Snaps in Ladies' Fine Shoes...... Regular $1.75 line for #1.85, regular 2.00 and 2.^5 lino for ib 1.7$ lognlar $0 and $H.'Jo line $2.50. Job Lot of Girta' and boya' Laco and Buttoned Shoos at about half-prico ^ iu Bizoa 10, U, [2 and FJ aoo thorn. ......G-ents.' Fine Shoes...... Rogular Valuo $1.50 lor $1.15 ; Sg2.a5 and lirio for 81.H5 ; $11.25 and &0.50 line for $2.75. Numerous other Cuts will be p;ivon. Special Prices in Rubber Goods. -c^-^CLOTHING ., Men's Extra Heavy Ereize Ulsters, with Storm Collar? $1.75. BoyH' Lines from $8 up. BoyB' Suits from $1.75 up. lion's Suits $7 reduced to $5, $8 and $10 reduced to $0.05 ; $12 and $11 reduced to 8.0r>. Greatest Values ovol* shown. Ladies' Coats reduced from $5 to $2.50, $0.50 to $4 ; 10 to #6.25 all new and stylish. GROCERIES i lbH Now RaiHiiiH for............ '^-"o , 10 Ibt, Itolled Outa .............. *J5o 1 lbH Now CurruutH.. *.....,..... Hoc I I lbs Tupiocu.................... 25o 1 lbn Lnunary Btarch............ 25e 'A Bottled Extract................ 25o 1 Bam Oatmeal or Cfintile SoLip (. "Joo 1 Boxen Surdinea................ 2fio Ground Black Pepper,.......... 15c lb- IJ Boxe* Mutclion................ 25o 0 lbH Baking Soda.............. 2.1c i Lemon und Uran^u Peeln........ 20o lb i Itm Good Fi^a................. 'ioo ] $$g^ Best 25c. Tea or Coffee m Efisex. u WHITNUYBLOCK, ISSSKX. &C0. STOVES! &u*>nwnr>xwi>fiuwiwmm!) We have them coming almost daily. O Do you want to buy one this fall ? . . . Come and see us, Wil] try and please you. Richardson, Hardware, Essex, Ont. w. H erry to xLll. Christmas Call and see our Store for your And CANDIES. All Fresh and Choice at price- that will please everybody. riONI^nr PAH * examine our Stock before buy WILCOX & BROWN, Talbot Street Essex. IT n i n *^l m r . J. E*V*|JV \, 11 u V A.., iJ)i > AM Mm

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