Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), December 18, 1896, p. 2

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r,:f- j1! v.: -ui fc: |?SSEX COUNTY COUNCIL. Nomination Meeting. <ixth County Council Diviuiou, County of Ktmox. JOLLY SANTA CUUTS. PATRON Vptiou iB,borl>y givau that a mooting will )>o it to tho Ooiiuty OouhoUh Act, "Md. punaia-nt to tho Ooiiuty OouhoUh Act, MM, 1dw TOWN HALTj. in the TOWNHHir OF M&IDHTONM, on fonday, December 21, '96, fttwoou tho bourn of ouo ami two o'oloak In th f&rnoon (standard tlmo) for tho p urn ouo or nmlnattnft cii.iidldii.teB for tho nflloo of Comity '(MnoHlorfortbo Hlxth Comity Ootiuull PiviH- n of tho County of Jtfuso*, ooiupoiiml nt tho SvrnflUlpH of Hfuirtwlch Houtli und Mntdiitono 1<1 tho Vlllaao of Holla Klvor. If a uronUr nnmhor of o<iinlMa.tofl aro nouilti- ronulro '111 booptmitd nt thu _ . 1* t>olUna nub dlvlHhma within tho Haiti dlstrint 1 MONDAY, tho 4th day of JANUARY, W)7. to polls to oontlniio onoti from uino o oloolt In lomaminif until llvn o'olooU hi tho ulUmooii nduo longer. JOHN IIOIiDHN, NnmliiiLLIni! ODltioV, Datotl tho 10th day of Dooombor, IBM}. SAINT ' OF CHILDRCA MANY LANDS. ~~ ir; Different Nam*-. ly Wlitoh Un I* Known ----Lu-Wvlmi* CouutrJoH Yti AHMtrln ltt< Hun Korvunt Who MoI|>k Oni-ry tii* HundlcH. Kaufflity Children l'uulHlittil. tflil tVan ara roqulrod to ho olootod, tlio jiolla nollim; plitcon forouoli of ffSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL. Nomination Meeting. 'Ifth County Connoil Divhuon, of Ehhg);. County ToWoo 1b horoby Klynii that a mcotliiK will hn t'fld. nurBtiitntto thoCnuutv CouucHu Act, WM. lib tho TOWN IIAIjTj, COMJtHIl,- on Monday, December 21, '96, 'Hwpi|ii tlirt houm of one and two o'oloult In i afternoon. (nfcandura tlmo) for tlio puriinfio f nominating aiindidatnii for tlio ofi\o,t> of Coun- / Oouuofllof for tho t'lfth bounty Couuoll Dl- itiloti, or tho County of Kmiox, oomponod of 'owufihlpiiof Koolmutor, Tilbury Wont and Til- >ary Nortli. If &rofttor nuraborof oandidaton aro nomin ated tliiin itro required to bo n1nofc.3d, tlio volhi Hllboopimort at thojiollhir; \iHooh foroaoli of - So polllni' Hub dlvliilotin within tho wild dhi- Hoton MONDAY, JANUARY 4biUft07, tho polltl *nt eonllniia opon from uino o'oloolc iu-tho niorn- *<ig until ilvo o'olook In tho afternoon and no ougor. WAXrTER WULHII, Nominating Offloor. Mated tho 10th day Of Dooombor, 18*1 ft*SSEX COUNTY COUNCIL. Nomination Meeting Second County Council PiviRiou, County of Ebhox. Notloolflhoroby rIvou that *t mooting will bo hold, mirmiant to tlio County Counolln Aot, 189U, at tho TOWN UALL, QKHTO, on Monday, December 21, '96, bafcwotm tho hoorn of ono and two o'olock In tho iftoriioon (Htnndaid tlmo) for tho purpoiio of nomhiatiuRoaadliliLtoHfor tho olHoo of County Councillor for tho flocond County Conn oil Di- vltlon of tho County of Esflox, compoiioil of tho Towniihlpu of Cololioiitor North and OolohtjBtor South and tho Town of Esiaox. If a oroatov uutubor of onudldatoa fLro noml- Oatort tliftii aro roquiroil to bo oloetod, tho polhi will bo oponod at tho polling plaooii for ouch of tho polling nub dlvtulonn within tho naid din- trlot. on MONDAY, JANUAHY Kb. 1807, tho pollH to oontlnuo ox>on from nlno o'clock in tho flaorniiiR until flvo o'clock in tho uftonioon and no loiijmr. J. A. COIJLTEB, Nomitnttiiir! Oilicor Datod tho 10th day of Novouilior.lBUd. Cnii;ull;tii Tho Wolland Canal clcnod on tho 15th illQL. Jofloph Buohanun, of HumiUou, who kill ed on tho T., II, l^ B. track ut Cainsvillc. John Mills, a koepor iu tho Km^Hton Ponitantiary, hn,H fallen hoir to an ontuto of 81-10,000 in-Sootlund. A tiro, whioU Htfirtod in Mrs. Turner'a Jonfootionory nhop on Spurku ntroot, Otta wa, did 8400.000 diinmKG. Mm. John Auld, of Montreal, wim burn- ad to ionth m a ilto that nlarted in her ( OBiJouao oh McGregor, iitroot Tlio MiddloHex County Council voted lown a propomtion to bay out tlio Vroof CjIdq Roud Company and .lo uway tlio toll aystoro. Harry Fontor, a brother of tho ox IMiuiBt - er of Finanoo, fractured hitt bliull luut wueli by falling Jown ntaira at Moncton nnddifd with m a fow houra. J.Il. MoPlmil and T. O Puvia' both Lib 'Jfalb, tiro tho oandldntOH foi tho vatanoy in duHk'itohowau, caiiHod by tho remnnatiou of Hon. Wiltnd L^nnor A. D. Flint, uHHiHtant poiitma^tor at IIol land, IVLin., Bhot lumaolt through tho liej,J While handling a londod rovulvor in Ui4 oflico,on Friday .dying in a itw minutuH. Tho ouBtoniH offieorrf fit Windnor hub pec* od tlnlt thoir ciibU drawer wnu boiu^ rob bed. Tho oflieora tried vanoufl moaiiH to detect tho culprit, but failed, and t\,n u Ilual roHort they aet a muokrut trup in tho drawer. In the morning thoy iouud tho catili untouehod, but Bertha Humpo, n oolorud Rirl who wuohoK out the otlioe, Jnul bor Hn^ctn out and blooding. Bho wiit ftrroiitod. Nicholas Wilson hub jnht completed tortn of oO ycare aft Public Bohool tfuobcr In London, Hurry Murphy and Daud Bpiccr foil through the vunlt whih* walking on tl o ifuiimof tho Sparku htreet tiro at Ottawa ou Friday. Spicor died in a abort tiino ftnd Murphy in not oxpecLed to recover. The holler of a throHlwng online at work At the fuvra of Arohib'tld IVrcuHOH, Ym- trjouth, Klpiu Co., exploded on Frida>. Mr- Aloxundor Forbun, who owiiod the en- Riuo, wuO otruok by u dyiny piece of tl-o hoiioi: in tho back ot tho left ear ami in> fliantly ktllud. Thveo othor men wei-o in- {uirorK Tho judionil nommdtoc of tlio Britmh lJrivy Conned haa dliimionod thn appeal of tho I)omiuiou of Cuuadii acainat tho pro- V[nuu of .Ontario, and that of the prnWnoo of Quobeo agttinRb tho province ofOnlario, involving th& liability of thu proyiuou to tho payment of nortiun unnuitiua to tho Iudiauti,/or land which tho latter ceded to tho former: provlnoo of Upner Canada, prior to tho /ormotion of tho Dowiuiou, Bt. NlehnluB 1h ono of tho patron Kiilnt1* of HuhhIu, and ho ivb Ohrlntrnnri tlmo hi) Id a very Hpoolnl /nvnrlto. But Kim tor 1 tho rwit fount, and the ChkldtiiuiM ((Iftu nrn not ho handHomtuiM the KaHtor4)renontH. Ho In known hh Hnntji Claim In Hulluud. Ho in Hiimlklaiiri hi Hwltxorlnud. In HolKolnnd tho ohlldren call him Son- nor* Klntf. In tho Tyrol ho Ir tho Holy Man. St Luoy uiul thu ChrlHt Child ga with him. In lower AiiRtrlu liln nunie In Niklo, or KIkIo, and hlw niawki'd uirvant, who holpH in curry jlut tmndloH, U KrnnipuH. In tho Vorarlher^lio Ih Zeminlkhui, and ho putw nil imti^hfy ohlldron Into hlw Imp; and oitrrloH tiiom oit. In Belgium tho nliildron pollHh their hoonand till thorn with hay, out Hand car- rotH for tlio Hulnt'H white horns Tlwa thoy phicn ihom In the ilreplaco or In a corner of tho room, ouuof tho(uilut'H favorite hiding plaeoq. Tho door Ih oaroftilly locked and next morning ovnryfchlnK Ih found topny turvy. Tho chalrn mid table huvu boon turned about, tho homo hm eaten uji tho Inly and loft lnotoiid Hweotnieatu and toy for the p;od children and rmlti for tho bad on on. But there are very iioldoni any had ouch at ChriHtnwif). In tho NetherhmdH tho ohlldron write to him and hlnp; to him to let fall from tho chimnoy top enmothing Into tholr wliilo apronH. Ah they tinfi thoy koop timo, the aprons hack and forth: Knndur Kluati du I'ndnUlootl Bn iik* mi Nuot un Nuclei rbrod, Kiciht to \(cl un nil h In minn, Bmkit In iinui) Bchurti'U inl In Bohonila and Htyriu thoru aro Christ playH in ovory villnffo during Advent. Bt NlohohiB, dreHHiMl In a long cloak, hntt u goldun inltcr on JiIh hoad and a hluliop'u Htaft* In JiIh hand. Ho rondH hla roport of how tho Hfhool children havo behaved. ThoBC who play truant, loiter on their way, forgot tholr leoHonH, soil and tear their hookn or forgot titular prayora aro to \ia bwiten with liiu rod. Then oomoo tho Clirltit Child and wiyn; 4,Good Nloholait, ho patlontl Sparo tho little onenl Spnro tho youiitf blood I For^lvo thoni thw timo, good Nicholas I" And St Nicholas forglvoH thorn IjocaiiHo lb In Christ's birthday. In Carnlolii tho gond hlnhop droHROfl in a nhoot and woarn a pillow oiif.o on hln head Inntond of a miter. Thon lie oomos to (jeo tlio ohlldron iu their di union, and uh1ih thorn if thoy nlwnyn say their prayers. Then ho leavoH fruit for tho good oiioh and rods far tho forgetful out of tho blj? baslcofc hn carries on his arm. In Al.saoo tho Christ Child himself coiiioh, dressed as a maldon, in whito, to hrlup; tho good children Hwuutmoatit. With a nllvor boll In her hand and lighted tapors as a crown on her head uho illls tho tiny wood- on shoos from her bimkut. Thon sho disappears out at tho window whoro Him caino In, and her boll is hoard tinkling as uho ontern tho next houno. In buabin tho Christ Child onrrioa a boll and au oartheu pot full of gifts. In Hanover, Mooklonhurg and Holatoin tho Chrlfitmiis fairy In Clan. In Poland tho heavens aro oponod and Jacob's ladder is lot down for the angels to oonio down with gifts for good ohlldron. In some parts of Austria canilluh jiro placed in tho windows to lot tho Chriut Child boo tho wuy. Near Cologne tho country ohlldron go round with cowbolls In honor of tlio muu- gor of ButhU'hom. Thrco hoyn, dressed in whlto, wlthluather glrdloHund oruwiiH ul colored pupor, inaieh ubout and porwrnato the thruo klngrf of Cologno, who woro Bald to bo tlin throe wifiu men Tho Hint ohild left at the gatiw of thu Foundling hospital at Lyons on Christmas ovu is laid In a handfiome orudlo anddrossed lu pretty olothus. Bonlionimo Noel brings thu Kronen chil dren h\veots for tholr shoofl. Children in Lomiino must not sit In the chimney corner on Christmas evo becauge thoy Intercept tho draft In tho country village** near Stuttgart nnd Tuhlngcn tho children on tlio three 1 hursdnyb Ijutoru ChristnmH Hhoot peas and leutlln through a plpuuto\oiy window. Thin cuhtoni is naid to data from the tlmo when the plague raged and country friend:) caino into town to moj if their mla- tlvvHWuiu still nlhe. Thoy throw handtul.s of pens at tho hout.0, and tho Inmates ap piMixd, if ablo to do so, and gave tliein a kindly unluto. In thu Black Forest thoC'hrlt,t Child an- nouiwi's his arrhal at tho dour by ringing his hilvor boll. Then the door Ih partial^ opened, and tho gllt4 are thrown in Homo- tunes a rod or a handful of peas Is added for the naughty folk. The rod Is for pun ishinent, and tho peas are lor punanco In noithi-rn (Jcrniany lights aro plaeeil in the windows and laud un tho tnblun, Hit that tliu Holy Motion* and tho angola who pass when ovory ouo is asleep may find l'oud. Saturn's tomploswcru hung with flowers and wruatliH of greens, tapers buinod uv orjwhoio, fc.iitmg aiiddaiudng wero in ov ory home, gifts woro lruely exclianged, and ull these customs were observed by (Jluis- tlant-, hut with a newer, deepor /.on! for tliiMlunr Clirist Child. 'i'htj Christ nun- ti'cc, born in (Jt'rniany, has taken idol in every land whoro tho Chi 1st Child is known and lo\ed.' ' American children lia\u cho-eii tho best of all the Christmas oustoms of tho old world. Santa Clam comosfiom Holland, tlio stocking is French or Bolgiim; tho "Merry ChiisHimn" is Kngllhh, as Is" also the inisLlotoe; tho holly is Norwegian, and the happy, happy wholo is Amorlcaii. Philadelphia Lulgtr. OLD CHRISTMAS CPORTS. Sfintu Aiiihur I'.iiKiUli Wh>h ft MuUlui; Miurj, uf TUl Hiiixon. In tin* o.'den times Clirihtmiifltldo watt hwontiuily t!m hoitiion ot sports, and fow ;ulicHof thn olden dayH tiru rnourrod to Willi mora /est by our futliorrf Uiun tho lunthl'ul K.itui'H and tho goodly fiolicH which v.'dr W'uit to usher in tho daj'H of "n.evne Chi i -tmii4." At tho prunont day, -while (Jhii"tnuiH partiewand nieiry- inakingH are Htill formed to ronder tho dark i.eawm of [Jtcumbor moio onlivon- ing and chi eiful, yet tho sporK of CJirisii.his mi' v< ly (hflVrcnt now from what they \,ne 100 year1* or morn ago. Turn it m that hoodmuii blind, Hiinp- chagon ai:d hunt tho Hlipper hHH survivo toil jrn ifei or lew extent, but tho good old KiiljKh merrymakiugH, like the pod old Kugliuli nielndicH, ap pear t(, be huipdiicl fu.ui ourdooi.s, and nothing is hit oi tlieni but tradition. Chi in iN hetit estato in tho diio i ul tho good (Jiuen Bess, and it is a phiiMiut iillution to think what "high jinks" Shala'p'aii, Ben .Tonsou and ti.n ti.,I of that right merry oiew must have indulged in. Then was tho time win u the'e head was brought to t!.o table amid the hl.U'e of tniinpcrfi and the beaini;; of drums, wlnln the whole (onipniiy sang pioauH lu lt^ prui- The brown October alo flowed without htint, the fire hluxed and crc- kh (1 with tho Vale log, whilo thn Loid ot JU.Miile, without whom (JhriHtiuas would he ns m diing, pur. in practice- all tho tuts of wlui li ho wan tho master, win n the games lasted for a full month and every nun wuh inado happy for a t\\ el\i nioiilh, OiJy t.uiey "tho -worshipful master tji.:l i spi ..le" tuaetn.%' tho part of tho IjLid ol iMihiulo nt the court of Kli^a- bcth, while tho queen and LoicoHfor and Kssex and Southampton and Pembroke and Kah igh and that "ponderous Bjnk of leaniiiig/' Bnctm, and tho wholo bevy of beautiea took part in tho revel ries. Ah, thoso wero bravo times! What wo call Chribtnmfl nportfl now wero in England of very anoiout origin, and tho DiukIh colohrated during: tho winter solstice tho ritca in houor of Thor, one of tho Scandinavian deities, and Kime few of tho customs by which the festivities attendant upon Chj-ihtmas in latei dajs Wf in characterized may bo tiaoed to thu (HiabliHhod coromomoH in honor of that heathen deity. Thua tho practice oi adorning the house with min- tletoo haft been derived from tho use of that plant in tho Druulicai ceremouicH, and other cuqliuiis which obtained in Knghuid but a few yearn niiioo are ref. erablo to the mimo origin. Bostou Uorald. (lOmtlBKIC. Tho tirnt uttompb wan raado d,t Combor, latoly, to otiforou a queor aot of tho Ontario utatiuoH, und it whm a failnru, be cause a jury and the oitffcuns of Oombor bad i.o Hympathy with tho law. Tho not iiuyH that tho complainant who pro'iooutod a purHon who has won un artlclo in a rahln is entitled to thn poHiiOHinon oi thn urtiulo. Wllmot Androws, a Halinol toaobor nt Htiiplos, bought Huyurnl rulllo tickets on a horiio and rig iu ordor to liulp an invalid. Ho wen, Hotrl "1 to null tho horuu and rh: to hui brothor, who ih a Mothodiitt min ister. If tho sale had been made tho complainant could not buvn recovered tho artioloH, bociuuio tho lawtiays if thoartlolos huvo boon sold, no civil notion oim ho taken. Tho minister did not buy thorn. Countable Lindsay, of Comber, was tho complainant against Vndrowii. Judge Mo- Hugh hoard tho tiaeo in divmiou court and there was a jaiy of four Comboritoii. Thoy woro out on tlio case two hours and din- agrood. Combor citi/onn did what thoy oould to ahitme Lindsay and ho withdrew tho chso on Androwd paying the costs. KiwU-Xrlir, Fnc4i-A-lMS H** In tin k'lilUM, Nourululn K'ltlliU. l*uIU In <li" Ht<l, r,tt. I'ruutijil/ )ulloV*-l i.i OhxhI 1-y Menthol Plaster -------|(*r*nrl J***' S- k I-~Wnttl'fl mtmUf f r i.vr lintnln LlmWlf inl Jiliiiluuo, I linliiwlutliiulr yof-oinliixilil touiiwi kd ikiifa, tnrti *ml r>iilil fornixl/1 hi U' t. limy us I Uku tiio)(U, X. Lu'flN fit, KllisbaUjUwu, OtiL Prlco 2.1c. DAVIS Si LA.WKKNCK CO., Ltd. I'roprliiiora, Nios*rw>XL. Wanted-ftn Idea Wlio u '"li ot IIOII tlltlltf t0 1..0llll' 1'roUat your ld*a, th*y timy Ivrlntt yon wmttli Writ* JOHN WKDitauilUIW * <;0 , t'utwiit Mtt>r. lliyi, WaalitiiKliiti. O O , fW $| Um> iirlxo olX^r mkI lint ot two huixlrnd Oivenlloijii wnnfml ttOW IN TUIO CAMP. UrcuXcu up MnUlonly ou tli<i ArrUul or I Jin lAttlti i'UHinmror, CHRISTMAS MENU. It May Hi* Indicated by OnoTatioiiH Itutli<>i' Tliiin Naiuen ot UMuu. Lot the muni cards ho two holly louvtf, joiuid at tho pomtHontho upper side and airanged to wtand up in front of each plate. Paint both outer surfaces tlio color of the Iuuvuh and write, the menu m.side. This nhould bo indicated by quotations ruthur than by tho names of tho dishes themselves. For matanco: "An oynter may nu arosyud m love." "Beautiful soup, ho rioh nnd umm, Wnitinu in a hot turutn, Who to Mirh daiutien would not stoop? Boup (if tlio ovoninu bi'imtiful noup!" "Canst tlmu catch any ilshcu there?" "Some winh ii jilnion, suniu prefer u I^k ^ - Bonui for n merry thought, or wide bom , hoc." "My more ImviiiK iu n uaueu to muki iuu hunni r morn." _____ "No man's pio is fixud from bin innbitioui linKur." _____ , "Bow fixsh you aru and tjrt.on in this old World I" ___ "Chcihii is indeed u peuvmh elf, DlKimtniK nil things but itsulf." "Coffm, whicli nniltiH tho politician \vi<,n," "Subllnio tobueco, wlneb from ciiHt to west Chours tho tur'n lubor or the Turkman's rest.*' Know what it moana ? A row in tlio kiduoy camp. A duiigorous blockade Kulnoys ou a iitrikt-. Too much work to do, Then call ou tho conqueror of kidney ills. And the kidney striae will bo ovor. Another victory for Doan'o Kidney l'dln. Nothing new, tboy alwayu win. Backache in quickly uurod. Urinary tronblon disappear. Diabotos, kidney rhoumatium and oven that dread dmitroyor, Dn^ht'a Biuoaso, aro removed. Plonty of proof that thiH ih ho. Mr, ,7. K. Millar, with Vornytho &, An- dersou, tho well-known dry goods hmmo of Essex, Cnt., otutoH,- "For somo timo T havo had kidnoy and back troubles, but am glad to Ha" that 1 havo.boon ourod by Doan'a Kidnoy Pillu. "I got a box ot thom at Shorrin'o drug ntoro aud tho rc-xilt wan remarkable It in not aaymg too much to tttato that the euro in coraploto, anil I feol it all tho more romarkablo no I had taken many othor modicinoh boforo I had triod poan'a Kid ney Pills, but recoiyed no boncfit from thom, "I recommend Boan'u Kidnoy Pills heartily to anyono troubled with back acho or kidnoy trouble of any land." Horo m another, Mr. Fred Gilboo has this to say, "For sovoral yoaru I have had a painful stiffness in my back caused Ithmlcby taking cold which affected my iudnoyn. *'l also suffered from urinary troublos, and folt tirod*nd-wonry uoarly all tho timo. Iwomontha ago I got a box of Doan'h Kidnoy Pilln at Shorrin's drue- atore, and thov have oared mo. I rooom- mend thom highly to any poraon Dufforinn fiom lame buck or kidnoy tronbloo of any kind, as thoy proved a perfect specific in my own case, and I havo syorj contldouco in thom." Tho November numhor of Stovol'ii Pocket Directory publishod at Winnipeg, Man., recnivod thin wook is, an usual, roplote with valuablo information for reaidontu and touriatu in Manitoba, con taining as it dooa, timo tables, maps, otc, of that province. Tho price is SO couto a joar or ." conts a copy. WANTKD-HKVnUAM'AlTHFUr, MUN Oil W'mioii to triivol for roHpAimlblo o^tnb Hiilmd liouiuj lu Oiitarh. Hahirv, S^Hrt, payablfl wir, wn^ildy find uxponnnii. I'oidtlou pitniiuiwiut lUifnrdnre, Knolono (ittlf-iuhlromiod iitiuniuid on- voloiin. Tint NiLtloiuil.Htar IfuUdhiu, (Jhloiitto. ACCOUDIMfl TO AOKNTH' UliPOHTH. "Qimtn Victoria; \U\v lafu and Hnlgn,1 Introiluctirn by Lord ttiHnnlu, will rmiah hltdi water niarlf of clioubifclon ; ono iifjonfc va nortoil twonty-ntiin ordom thn day aftor hn ot bin pioiipfclnii, fiiiiny tiilto ordttrn frnin tlirnte fourthn of enllii imulo; wn miod cimviuiiiorii for Oanada and Autttraba; proftpecttiB frmt on dn- pnnit of *] mi lanti an ton ; if you want a tihiirn in thin gold mtiH) hinitli), t <r turntoi y hi (jolng fuiit. Tmi niiA.ui.].v-OAliJii'/innN Co .Toronto. Wanted. THE ESSEX Roller t Wills. JAMES NAYLOE thin opportunity of anuounohitf to the" iniciiilit at tho Town and Oountv of Khhox. that hn ban rniuiidalrtd thn Ksnx Hollor Mlila afr oiirdhiK to p mill nropmrod by U. N I'rtoo. of flt: I ifim.iM. mid ulm >nwmri<ri thosorvIooM of Itobort Htruolian, an oxporhinand and Uiorouulily oomf potimt mlllor. Thiinkln thn pocplo of tlin towu mid aountv for tin* putroniLWi lioHtowrtd upon htm tn tlift punt, wllI [(iiurutitoonatinfuotlotihi tho future " Gristing and Chopping a Specialty. *-*" The lint Grades of flour. Fee Cot uiut'til Kept in Stock ami sold at /'/ ices. Cash Paid for Wheat and Oats, DO you I^ide ? r-'i'l A\f A "M-TO HKIih CANADA (IKOWTIl .VliVL^- Fruit and Oi-nammiliil Troon, Hhrubti, Uoiwii, linllxi und Hulboufi l'lnutH,(irapo Vinofi, Bmitll iVuitii, H*ul Potatoon, oto Wo ontiilopno only tho inirdlont and mont popular vuri> Lion tliatHUcunod in thn aoldtuit aliiniLtnn Now Hoaiion now conuuonolni!; comidoto outfit tn f< iinliiry and nxprmnofi paid from utart for full tlmo, or libornl (.ommiMilon for part timo. Apply now, iiddronniiifj tuarout olllco, and choioo of torritory. LUKK nilOTIIKKfl COMPANY, IntermitioTial Nuuiurioii, Giariao, luh or Momtiuui,. Que. * If ho, you want to have the beat there in and everybody knows thW The Nobbiest Turnout Fresh Bread Ih what you oim rely on ^ottine; when you buy from uh. Our wa^on gooH to ull parts of tho town. Buns, Cakes and Pastries, You cant find nicer, freiihor, or Hwoot- or in the country. All kiudo of Funoy CakcH and Jelly KoIIh. Fresh Taffy and Candies Wo noil nothing etalo or in ro in. HAD at- ovory day. dry. Leave Your Order and you can rely on livery. prompt do- FRANK FOSS. oppoiiito jJnok ibiFrancla, Cnnox JOHN A. ROSE'S Livery. -r \_ Good JtoadMcrtt. Jinny Riding Buggies. Comfortable Carriages. A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. North of tho % Kailway Track. _____________ESSEX. ONT^ JohnstoiTBrcsM Builders a mi Contractors, Western Advertiser For 1896-7. Balance of 1896 Free. Only One Dollar To .Vnnuiiry 1, 1808. British. Columbia "I will Hhow inyHolf highly fi'd." "AII'h woll that t'lidH wdl." New York Ilurnld. CIiriHtmiit* Trim OriianifiitH. Strings of silver and gilt halln and halle of raw eotton miiko pretty and effective dorunittoiiM. riht'i'dH of raw cotton may alho h6 uprinkled ovor tho treo. This) doon very nh oly to repiusent hiiow. ICukHhIi walnuts, ulther natural or glided, nuiy hu tied with ribbon nnd added to tho othor materials. You cannot havo too imioh. Quantity rather tlmu quality niakoa a treo beautiful. A do/oa or nioro dollH, made of bil^ht colored tinnuo pupor, ohould ho added if there aro any llttlo ylrls lu thu hoiue. Candy canon and augur wilianlri of every onneulvahlu kind aro always upprool- utod ly tho yuuUKStoiu , AuHtrhm OiiHtronoiiiy. Tho gUHtrouoiniaal taHto of Auatriu diiTt'r.s very materially from that of Germany. Fried uarp, httlo fiautJagcH, uoodloH and oak oh flavored with pours eompoHo tho ordinary niomi of tho mid- dlo olaflH VioniiotH*, hut on Olirifltmiw day roaht turkey, or, m tho nbBonco of that, gooao, with potatoow, la tho Himplo fouHt on tho Austrian'r table. Tho tur key is dioKHud with upplos and Got man vonmcnlh uuxed with honoy and lioppy Reodh. Poppy Hoods aro also bakod iu tho hroad and ho arran^od uh to form a oroan Whon tho bread ih out. Tho dOHHurt ifl of huHty puddiug, iu which iH mixed alm- ondH m addition to tlio uunl croani, HD^fir and bnttor. This in thon run oil' into httlo turta, which aro worvtd indi vidually to tho diiiotu- Now York World. ___________________ T<lllll(S thu IIl^^H. In Dovonhliiro, Knplaud, a moHSoiiKor ia hunt from tho Iiouko of tho farmer to toll tho bucH that ChriHtuiai day has come, and thoy aro Kuppo'-od to grout tho glad tidingH with a joyful hum. How the Dipper Saved tho Far m Father wiih Hick and tho mortgage on the farm waHoommg duo. I aaw m tho ChriH- tiau A-dvocato whero Mihh A. M. Frit^, of StatioM A, bt. Loum, Mo,, would Bond a aumplo combination dipper for 18 two cent QtatupB, and I otderod ono I Haw tho aip. pur oould he unod uh a fruit jar filler; a plain dippur ;* a line utraiucr ; a funnel ; a htruinor funnol ; a tank room warminu pan and a pint measure, TIjghq eight difforeut uhoh runko the dipper auah a noouoaury urtiolo that I went to work with it and it uelln at very uoarly ovory Iiouho. And in lour month" I pajd off tho, I rhink I Oan olaar un imiuh ai S200 a month. If you need work you cau do well by giving tins it trial. aiibB A. M, Frit/, Station A, St. LouiH. Mo.,""will nond you a namplo for 18 two cent ntampH- writo at ouco. John' G. N. I5.13t sixteen Pn^oH Each -------WITH'------ W oolt All The News of T!i eWorld. Vlarket ReDorts, Storiep, Etc. Exoollont leading., .... for overy member of the family Wa off or good induoom until to ugentH. For terms, oto., nddrcHH ADVERTISER PRINTING CO.. 1LONK>ON, ONT # Pino Slinglos, $1.00 Up. All Kinds of Building Material, SAS/f, DOOA'S, LA Til and HAKN LUMBER^ P41/" Snilyfacilon (iuaruiiii-otl. ICiMuiht lEupurt. Santa OIuuh wuh introduced into America by tho Dutch of Ilollaud. Ho W tho Amoricim ropioHontativo of tho Herman Kuouht Hupert. Holiday ilutea. For UhriHtmaa and New Yearn holidays tho M. O K. will aoll oxourmou tickom to all points iu Oanada on December 21h and 2Jth, limitod to roturu i-o Deoomb^i '20th, lHDii, iuoliiHivo, for ono tlrht-cluHh limitod faro for tho round trip Will uell on Do. combor aUrd, 21,25th, UOtli and 111 it, limit ed for return to Jan. 2nd, 1997, molunivo, for ouo and ouo third iir-it-olado limited faro for round trip, Children under 12 yearn of a^o, half faro. For ^tiideutu and teaohoin pruHontiug certitioatOH. tioltL'tn will bo nold at ouo and oncthird lirot china limitod fare for tho round mp to ull poiutH in Canada. Tiokota will bo Hold from Dou. 11th to Doe. 2Uh, good to return to Jan. Hth, 1B'.)7, incluuivo. '-ll'i, ,['y/i SINa LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY, Wilaon Av^., noxt Aberdot-n Ilotel. Tho latoflt improved machinery for Ironing CollarH nnd CuITh. Will nor oraok or break wing. Family work cheap, and delivered. Puruola called for Flunbo call and try. If not natiHfaoiory no ohaigo will ho made f our work buUp you, recommend n to your frioiuIh. Opi>. Watoi1 WurlcFi, x Ehhox. FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS 9. TMECOOKSBESTFRIEND '-ARGEST }A^E I i^l CANADA. j.*.,I vr J. GOtTBIiATT fc SON. ESSEX, ONT - * V'1 - /..' ^,-~"'[ Ki V/JTft ti Antiquity of tliu ChrUtnuiM Tvae. In Ciernumy Chtihtums troon havo bofln known evorhlncu tho introilnetlon of Ohriu- tlanlty. Uuftu'O that tlmo tho drawing of a l.i'o.S With ojindIon and proKcntu wan a loaturiwif tho midwinter UruldliudfoBtlval, do that lufuut uho Ounnnn ChrlHtiuttH treo tutohi back to an ora before tho dawn ot wrltton hiatory Kxohauga A ChriutmiiH ]Tyrlc. CliviHliuutJ tundn Unrvo dat puHbiiin lino I Gwin< tcr (jut tor ({lory yot Curve diit poiiHum ilnol Oh, bidiuvort', Buo du brijiht li|;hfc dhinot Do ilfn on druui Buy Chriut imin Minn- Bo carve dat pomnnu flnol ClirlhtmtiH com in iirodfc do hill Onrve divt huuhuiu lino I Do elder fomii, on do 'lnsauu fipill Carvo dat pohhuiii fluul Oil, boltovurtt, i Bee dn bright llthtahinel Da fife on drum Buy ChritttuiUu oomo tk> carvu dat potwum finol Atlanta Constitution. wwill cumc on uelievk 1MDI0ESTIOH, PLUTTCIIINO 0? tim JAUNDICE. HI.Mir, ^CnYSIPEUS, ACIIMTY OP THE SALT ftmiUH, STOMACH, \!IEAHtDUnN, DHYIIESS OF vim ^HEADACHE, SKlH. WLI0USNESS, DWZIWr5J, 1YSPEPS1A, DllOFSY, lAhJ *v#^y ktlwilM or t!lMtUl Willi dlKlraU UjWtVII KIDNEYS, BTOMAOU* UOWL'LW OH "^ "VA - .ULOOJO. ii. *'UM TORONTO. TUB TUIDMPH CORN snELLEU Thw Machino conaistn of a homrutal cast oylimtav, with wrought iron buia, with Biool tooth boitod to tho oylijclor fli as to bo rovoi'eiblo wlion'ihe tGQl.h hocomo worn on the front fddo, x-nnning in a perforated concave iron <hal1t which tlio Bhollod com paHsos through into a shoot iron onae, with a ' an or olpcuor attached hohw, wbioli fcakos ail tlio dust ft om tho gram. The. jhoapoat bont, moBt simple and duniblo Power Coin hollor in use; shelly ior'1 porlcdtiy clean in any co> diticn t-bclling arid oloaning from one to two' J"| hnusand bnoliols of cave por day. acoordinp; to jWiwor. - //J DutENSxoNa, Pulley, 10 in. diam- J1^ ator. A in. face; Motion, 500 to 800 revolutions por minute; \Voiht, 550lbs,yi .... 7M EVERY SHELLER WARRANTED. J GOURLAY Sc SONS. -V" ,' >,u M* ,i.h v4 at lii -,-

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