Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), November 27, 1896, p. 7

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WTt;?T$*rj& 'f'~Wr't"i - * R: . . Fifty Years Ago. Thin U the sump Unit the letter bore Whlcli carried the ritory far and wide, Of certain cure for the loiitliBOiue sore That bubbled up from the tainted tide Of the blood below. And 'twasAyef a uauie And his fliironpurilla, tlinl all now, know, Tlit waa Just bctflunlui:its fiIlt of fame With ittt cure;) of so yeM n{a. Ayer's 5arsaparilla ie tbo original sareaparilla. It has behind it a rocord for otiros uuoquallod by any blood puri fying compound. It is tho only eareaparilla honorod by a modal at tho World's Fair of 1803. Others imitato tho- romody; t!koy can't imitato tho record: GO Years of Cures. Harbor, tho jjroat authority ou fiflh. aayn that iivory oqnaro milo of tho aoa in inhab ited by 120,000,000 finny cwiataroa. Tho Michigan Contral Railway will iasno tiokotH for Thanknpriving Day, Nov amber 2Gth, at a rato of ono flrat clans limited fare for the round trip. Children flvo yearn of ago and under twelvo at ono halt the adnlfc rato. Duton of nalo, Nov. 25th and2Gth, limited to return leaving destination not later thau Novpmbor 30th. Bofcwoou all looal relatione in Oanada, Oovornmont Marriage Dower. Providing marriage portionu for poor young girlH in tho objoot of a Qovornmont fund in Ituly. Without a dowor it would bo almont impoHaiblo for a (jirl to bo mar ried, and thin form of oharity in fluid to be highly appreciated. Tho aunual Hum available for thin purpono and dititributod ovory yoar araoug tho marriageable young glrlfl, in 500,000, To be a rooipiont to provo hor goop roputation and oharaotor by flovoral wiinoHHon, to ohow that oho has no mdann avilablo, and that tho yonng . jnan who wihIioh to marry hor hail a trado. OLDEST INN IN THE WORLD. Tho oldoHt inn in tho world la probably tho Golden Croab at Rafaiubon, England. Cbarloo V. rOHidod in it in lfii(>. John of Aufltria, tho defender of Europe aguiiiHt tbo Turk, was boru in it in 1517. Ferdi- and I. Bojourned m it in 1531. In tl.e ylaitor'H book, which waa opened in 1H7U, aro tho namoa of uuauy exalted personages, among thorn thoHG of the old Emporor William. COULD NOT TURN IN BED. Terrible Suffering of an Klora Lady From Rhfiumatiam Kit toon Yoarn a Suifurer, But Cured by Two Bottlon of South American Ithoumutia Cure. No pen oaa deaenbe the intensity of mif* foring that may ooma from an attack of rhouwatmm. "For fifteen yoaru," iiayH Mrfl, John Beauraont, of Elora, Out , "1 bavo boon more or Johh troubled with rhonraatiflra, which took the forma of pam 1U my buok, ofton confiniug mo to my bed, and rondoring mo part of tlio time wholly unfit for my dutiow. Ac timuw I auftured 0 infconnely that I oould not turn in my bed, and tho diooano wna fast roaohiut; a ijoint where both myaolf and rny liubband lad beoomo thoroughly dihoonraged of recovery. A friend recommended South American Rheumatic Guru, and uftor the ilrnt bottle I wan ablo to nit up, and before fonr bottles wore takuu I waH able to go about aa uhuuI, and huyo been in exuelluut hoalth ainoo." Sold by J. Thoruu. Whlcewiibh For CHicUh. JtTho fall Hanson is tho bast time to be^ in TWhitowaohing tho poultry hauaoH. Tho ratlin point jg to uoo whitewnHh plentifully. If apphod boiling hot, it ends hoo at once. Add ft gdl of carbolic acid to uach buaket of whitowaflh and have it thick. Put on two or throe coath, both iimiile and outaido, and thou Hprmklo it freely, if neceHaary on tho floorn and oven iu tlio yardu, with a watering-pot. W WINDSOR. An uuknawu man committed Hiucide nt iho International Hotel on WodnoHday lattt by ohooting himgelf bohind tho eat with a rovolvor JIo loft a lettor atat- iug that ho waa tired of life but not diu oloaing hlB uam-a.' On tho hztuom of hiu uhirfc wan tho namo "J. Moauo," but whotiaor thin 1r tbo rnjht namoior not cunld not be aaaortamod. In hia letter ho titatod that he wa* -12 yoaru of ago but ho lookn older. In Inn poolcotn waa fonnd $43.75. No inquaflt wao nooeaHary, Ou Saturday. a Mr. MeauH, from Grand Haven, Mich., identified tbo body as that of bin brother, J. Moans* prDBS oxjrbd in 3 to 6 Nianrs Dr. Aguow'a Ointment will cure all caiou of itohing pilon in.from thrao to nix nights. Ono application bringii nomfort. For blind and blooding pilon it ia ponrlonit. Xiao oarofiTottar, Salt I^boom, KoKoma, Bftrber'a Itoli and all oruptiona of tbo okin. .Mentd. Bold by J, Thome. SPIDERS IN BATTLE. THEY CONDUCT THEMSELVES WITH ALMOST HUMAN INTELLIGENCE. A VigUt to th VlnUli )Intwnn Ulotik llgrr F(pl<tr tittd u lrrnri -ihn fl'my Will Trlbn All lut to Hl4>^p," Tlioiljfh tli llliuik Won, Iu tbo o.nlofc laboratory of \\ Nintli ((root oliomint tho othor day ihomv/tip Vimotodalittlotragody which uifordod u dokuouHtrutod Iohhoii in tho oti^Uotto of dxintlnm a it in ooiuduotod amonp; the npidortf. I*W roall^o tho intolligoiicr theao inooniipicuouH liltlo oronturcH ofton diBplay, and in fnofc fow pooplo boHidop uoiontUtfl go to tho trouble of Hponding un houv or uo wutoblno; thoni. Tho doctor OMpiod u Hpidor In tho oor- nor of tho laboratory window oiJL Ho proourod awido mouthed jar, and with n Htiolc oudoavorod to puoh tho npider Jpto it. Tho iiiRocfc turned Havagoly on it and dartod quickly tip tho ntiok to- wnrd hifl hand. Sfciok and upidor worn clropjMjd imuandiutoly on to tho nil], from whioh iu nuothor inatnnt tho oron- turo wan ecioopod into tho jar. Ho lay buUoii and bunohod up at tho fcottom. Hiu body wn fully throo-qnar- lor of nil inch lonp;, tho thorax mottlod black and ureon, tho nbdomen pury, round and marked with woll doflnod BtripcH of blaok and yollow; tho lop;a not vory long, but atoufc, hairy and onding inunuHunllyntrong, double olawn, whilo tho hoad was armod with a pair of ahhiiuff blaok mandibloH that lookod liko frninll Htool piiicliorfi. Ono of tho ucighborfl anid aftorward that it wan a "tigor nplder," and thoro was no qupa- tlon an to tho nptuoHA of tho name. Hia behavior was ao ugly and florco that ho inado a good nubjcot for toatiug tlio pugnaoity of npidero with thoir kind. Tho doctor wan familiar with hm own homo, and having mado tho oapturo ho Wont up into hia own garret, whuro tho Walla and cornors woro profnfioly deco rated with "will you walk into my par lor" contrivances IIo uinglnd out a typical wob and procoodod, Tho mouth of tho wob wail opened out over quito a oonmdonvblo area and ran back an a narrow tubo, tho wholo being liko tho moat dolicntoly woven gray whito silk. Throwing a tempting bait into tho wob in tho ahapo of a fly, the doctor had no difficulty In swooping two gray apidoro into nuothor jar. Ho got a rtoop aided naiad bowl and dumped tho gray apidora in. Thoy at once bogau running around tho flat bot tom, making wild daahea up tho aidua and tumbling ovor oaoh other in thoir orcitod efforts to osonpo. Ah aoon an tho tigorflpidor wan nhnkon out of hia picklo jar into tho bowl tho gray epidera coaaod thoir wild aotlona and took up a cronohing poRition at ono flldo of tho bowl bottom. Tlio tiger Hpi dor mado no effort to encape, but after ono or two rapid roconnoitcraof hiaHur- roundinga aquattod juat ncroaa from and faolng tho hill tribera. Tho ftrat offenaivo movomontq onmo from tho grny apidorti. Tboao woro iu tho uaturoof alow advancoa and rotroata along tho circnmfcronco lino of tbo bowl bottom, with tho evident lntontiou of taking tlio tiger spider on tho flank. At eaoh advance, however, the tiger .spider eat up, mating on hjy four posterior and middle feet, while the two anterior lega woro atrotohed out like tlio anna of a wrestler, and the Rtrong caliper ahapod jawawero oponed to their fulleat uxtont. Suddenly one of tho apidora mado a chai'iiotoriHtio but fatal dash, lie boomed actually to leap at the big apider. But quick an the lull apider waa, tho tiger apider waa equally bo. As tho long drub spider darted in, the big black and yel low follow bpruug up and fuced him. Tho next instant they closed, and in a moment three of the hill apidor'a lega lay on the glaaK, and the tiger apider, holding hia enemy in a bcaihke hug, waa burying hia mandibles in tho oth er's throat. The killing bad not tw>on done, how- over, without receipt of injury on both Bidea. One yellow and black leg lay with the three drab one.*-, and thuru were two dropa of black juice on the purhy abdomen of tlio tiger hpider, which ahowed where the gray apidor hud planted hia jawa m the ruah. Meanwhiln, too, tlio aecond gray hpi dor had not been idle, but was uncling round and about tho struggling pair. Thou, heeing bin opportunity, ho dashed in, only to be faced by tho burly figiiL- er, who, to meet the new attack unen cumbered, tlni'w the body of tho dead combatant from him with a goaturo that was almoaY liuinan. Tho clinch did not follow ao quickly thia time. The gray spider Hiiccoulcd in gutting 111 and away, clipping oil' an other yellow and black leg as ho did ho, bat In the hoeond ru&h he wu.s caught, and the tiger apidor'a jawa woro locked In hiu throat. So ended tho fight. The tiger spider held on to his aeeond oorpM* ho long and quietly that I thought him dead also, until 1 atirrod him with my pen, when ho staggered furiously agmiibt it, opened hia jawa and rolled over, a corpae. Uinoinnuti Uommorcial Tribune. Tho Now WmUfiiH. Tho winter's woolena aro handsome niid varied. Indeaoont offonta, rich htiather mixturoa and bouolo ciYects are numerous, having, for example, a medi um or dark woolen ground variegated by contrnating threads of ailk, or tho foundation is a blue or doop rod, for in- atauce, with a very shaggy xaiaed de- fllgn of gloHay blaok wool ou tho aur- faoe. Those matoriala will bo much worn, with tho small addition, por- hapa, of a corded ailk voat to match tho ailk intermixture or oIho tho back ground. Vory littlo docoratiou io noodod for those ahowy toxtilos. ffat ISmburraosail, "Is it truo that Pidgor is financially embarrasHodf" "Hd ia awfully in debt, but it doofm'fc Mfliu to ombftrraau him any^'J* Qkl9ty$*> ttwior-d. JOAN OF ARC. Vfor Sfalth Jn Mnr Itflmilon Orfroanic All Obt4il<i ^Inform tliu ICIiigT. Hor oonvlotion Waa so ntrong that it gaiiuul Iho sympathy of tho poor about hor. To thoao hum bio boinga, for whom overything in diflloultyand impoaaibili- ty in Jifo, inutghiation opens a rich field, whoro all drunmn tioem orodible, Tliey bolievod tho droion of Joan and loat their aid to tho uooompllNhmont of hoi miracle. Thia help and complicity of tho pooplo alio waa to find overywhorc on hor road, Tho king and tho nobloH uoceptod her booimao alio aorvod thnJir purpoao; tho pooplo believed in hor and lent hor atrongth. Thus from tho firat atop of bar undertaking hor situation waa clearly outlined, an it waa to beta tlio end to martyrdom. Tho poor peo ple gnvo from thoir poverty to buy iior a horao and vostmonts of war, and u aquiro, Joan do Motaj, won by tlio popu lar enthusiasm, offered to accompany hor with a fow won. Thoy sot out for Ohinon, whoro tho court waa aaaomblod. TJio way waa long and boaot with danger, but Joan uphold tho courago of hor companions. "Four nothing," ahe aaid. "Tho Lord God haa olioaoii my route; my brothora in paradise gnidc mo on tho way." Andinaafoty thoy nr- rivod at Ghinon. Thcro now obataolep nroao. It waa difficult to obtain accoHH to tho king, joaloualy guarded from nil outaido influoiico by hia favorite, La Tromolllo. But, aa in a fairy tale, doora woro oponed, walla fell bel'oro her magic, and ono ovening tho young poa- ant ontorod tho groat hall whore, among tho courtiorn, disguiaod in a modeat cor- tume, atood the king, whom sho hnd uovor aoon,, Without hesitation nhe walkod straight to tho king and, fall ing on hor knoiw, profforod hor roqueRt with ao much grace and ardor that Charles VII waa moved. But impoaturo, witchcraft even, waa euapootod, and boforo a decision wna ar rived at loarnnd doctors and ocoloHina* tiofl woro called on -to oxaiuino hor and Rorntinizo hor oonsoionco. To all the HnbtlotioH of hor cxnminora aho anawored with fio mnoh aimplioity, ho much pro fundity of good houso, that thoy woro confounded. "Thoro in more in the book of God than in youra," aho anid, and added, "I know not a from b, bid I am flont of tho Lord God." "The National Horo of Franco," by Jdauricc JBoutot do Monvel, in Century. J*bcfc* , , tbedoreSi tcuac% of iheBo lr< [Kldneyi and Liver. |carrying off gradually. Iwilboot Mftkenin? ibe mucfn* D (be impuri [cms uad CbJ tuiows 01 ]d*e aeotAiocuj at Uy |nme Hmt Correct- [tiv Aridity of tint rnifaat, Dnp^pda, HeadadiM.Diafaess; 1 Hortbum. Constlpft- jtioo, DrynAM of tiu ISldn. Dron*y, Dim- lnsAi of VQdoo. Jauft- dlo*, Salt Bhoum, I Erysipelas, Scrofula, [Fluttering of the iHMU-t, HrronsnAis I and General Debility; UN these mad msnyocber liifriUai- complaint* ytdd ito ite happy inflacnoo of BDRDOCK BLOOD iBriTEKS- TJ4uauRMaCk rONOMTO m FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS DUNN'S THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LftrtGCSTSAUE IN CANADA. QUEER BULLETS. NutfKntH of <in\t\ uiiri Wood mi RhiRti tJunt] by Iliintoru In Kmorr*moiftn, Wbon a hunter in tho old daya 1oh< all bin bullota-or..hadn't any to ahool with, ho uaunlly deviaod aubatitutoE that on occasion aervod tho pmposc well. All aorta of things have been fired at garao or Indians, aa tho onao might bo. Old Hank Elliaon, living up in Jef ferson county, N. V., told to his dying day how ho wui cooped" up by IndituiF out woat onco with a littlo- load, lota o! powder, a bolt full of gold nuggeta, n fine rifle and a bullet mold. It waa on tho top of a knoll whoro hia log cabin had beon built, and ho had a barrel of water and a lot of wood for emergen- ciea. Tho Indiana kept just out oi range, dashing in onco in awhile tc draw hia ilro. lie aoon used hia bullotp up and then uaed the gold. Ho fliod nearly half hia fortuno at tho rodakine before they left him. Many a hunter haa uaed a pebblo in tho liopo of gotting a cloao deadly ahoi. Jackkmrea and ramrods havo aervod thoir time aa missiles. Forest and Stream tolls about a hunter who bad only a single bullet, but lota of powder. Tlio bullet fchot tho born of a big buok off, and the buck {'barged the man, wht took to a tree top. IIo epont half an hour whittling off two inch lengths of brandies and putting them into hia rifle. Then ho rammed them down on the powder and firod at tho maddened door. Hia partner oamo along after awhih with a bolt full of ballots and, mak ing a run for tbo tree, gavo a bullet tc tho shooter, who quickly killed the deer. Now York Sun. PYNY-PECTORAL Positively Cures COUGHS and COLDS In n niirprliinnly short tunc. It'i a ncl- cntlfic certainty, trn <I and irue, soothing nd healing in it:i UiVcts, W.C. McCuMtirit A Son, ltditrliLttr, Qui*., rport In alHIortlttt l'> ny-l'n toral i uicil Hr. C, (Inrcrmi o( i liriinU > nl<l In < limt nnt) lirnncliini tutia. Dint nUo tiirtd w. (,. ilLLomlmr of a lout itiiiilliijtoM, MBt-J*JlJlLTTV, Clw.-mlGt, jail Yonj;o St, Toronto, writei: " AaaLuuiralrinit'f nml Imitf yrup Pyny- Vtrlnrnl is n tiiimt imuluuliln prui'iit-allnii. It liaa ulTfn tin* iilin'xit iitlHriii-tlon to ill whn linve trir<) It, inuny tin-, in,; ij uLon to nirt of tlin limonu drill.<] from itu uin in tlidir rutnlUm. It la nlt.ililnf>irol I nrjcum^, ln-lnu ploniiit t tlio tate. Hi n limit Ii run lin l>i i n wurnlnrful, urn anil rellnUii i (mull mi illi Ino "* TLturea ISottlo, 2,1 ClM. DAVIS tz LAWUENCi: CO., Ltd. Sole I'ropiii tura Mo:,rm \u itend Before You Sign. Bo oaroful iiow you alun yonr namo to any dooumeut; road it, boforo you mgu it, at any rato. Following ouoh advico you will bo nparod Iho mortiiioation of diacoy onng lutor that you have mgned your own dnath-warrant, or an application for a tmloon hoonto. It is Btatod that a man waa once pormiaded to do tho former; and aa a refliiIt of a practical jojto played in n WoHt- orn Gtato the other day a miniator did the latter, and moreover almoat-oyory roput- ablo citizen did tbo name, oacb nignmtf hia numo bocauao the miuintor'o autograph firnfc appoftrcd. CHURCH DIRECTORY Mbtiiowiht1. Dr, IVlhooo, I'mtnr. Horvioe avory Himday at 11 a. m. anil 7 p. mj Habbatb Sohool at 2:1)0 jj, m, V, I'j. Naylor, Hnporhititt.ib out or Bobool, Mpwoitii IjoatttjnprtiyormowUra ruuadnyovonhiu fltH o'olook. Gouo/al pmyui caedtlu^on ThurnUibyoVuiiliiif. Oiiuiiau ob* KwtikANn Jlov. A.UH&vorly, In oauibniit, Kb. TiuiIh, Umkux, 1)1 vinotiorvloo 'ovory Holiday at 7 o'olouk, \* in Huti'Iay Bohool ub 10 n. in. i'rlhltv Churuli, North Hldi^i Han day Hahool ub 1,'iSp. m. Tho pnbliu uro oor* tlittUy fnvltikl. r>mini'VTHtaiUK. W. M.^loniinu, Vuutnv Hoy- vlcuooii Hnbbutli at 11 u. m. and 7 .30 p. m Hal)- bath Holiool nfi::i0p. in. l'ruvor nunthiK anil 1'nntor'nbibln oIiihh on Tuomfny utV.SO p in. Hooiul Union on Wodnuialav u,t H-lfip. UAI'tiht Uumimi Jtov/M. I' Cuuipbtill, Pan- tor. uivlaou diioli Habbatli ttt 11 u. iu and 7 li mi. Prayor mootitiH on Thtirnday (ivuiiIwk ut 8 o'olnalf. HmilH iron. All urn cordially wol- oomod. HoifAW OATironro. I'V. C. E. MoGno L'antor. Hor/ioi nvtiry otliuv Hiuiduy utB.IIOp. m. Hundny So)ioolat<ip. m. Mjupiitohm riijEli maim and iiormon at 10.30 a. m,r oiLtoobtnm abO p. m Imptinm at 11 p. m., voHporn ami tjuuodiotlon nt 7 n. in. O. } ), Mo* Giio, P. I*._____________________________ Balvatioh Aiimy. Oiint. Rmith and Tjitnit, Pttytori In cominaml. fialvation mnotlnmi Wud- nnfiday.TluifJiday and Hundny uvnhlnijiiiL'i'oiiand Eiuiy.flutiirday ovoniim and li y m. Bunday; Iloli no(i9 mootiiJKfi for ohrliitlituii I- riday ovuntiiK and 11 a.m. Hun day; Knot) Drill V u nl, ovory Humlay, All aro woloomo. JLECAL, Y? A. WIOMEIt, Harrlntur. Holloltor, Notai Vj * 1'ubllo do. Monoy to loan. Ofnoan.Piii otan Dlnok, up-ntalrn, ICmiox. 4-ly Bolioltor, Notar Ollloo ov< Mtrutliorn' Hank. Enox Oontro. Y Ij. PETEI1H Barrliitor, f J * Publlo Monoy to Loan. CLAUKE, IUUTLET & HAKTLET, Harrli torn, oto. OOlcon, Modliury Blocli, Windno Prlyato fnndii to loan. A. II. CfcAWCI!, L. h II. N. A. HxaTLUT A. It. lUlilMST, H. A, HENUV C. WAI/rEKB,I/.Ij.H.,Attornoyond Comiiioloi1 at law, Solicitor- in Chanaory, I*roctop In Admiralty, Fntont Holicitor, Ollloo, Newbiirry Hnl dfnu, cor. Orlnwold and Larnod nbii ,Dtrolt, Mloli. (Cnnndlan olaimn u({aJnnt pomonu in tho United Htatari collot tod ) Itoforoiioorit Imporlal Unnlt, Kiiiiox, Out, J Jj. Potent, Huq,, Ilarrintor, oto., Erinox, Ont E.A. Wiiiraor, Eii Ihirriritor, otc., Ennox, Onb D MEDICAL. us. BiuEii iimmS7 Jan. Prion. M. D., I-. K C. P. B., praduata of Quoon'n Univornlty, KiiiRnton, momlior of Col- Ioro of riiybioiana nnd Bnra'oonn.Outarlo. Orad- natoof Now York. Pont Graduato Modioal Col- lopro. J. W. Drlnn, H. D., C. M., F. T. M. C. TTonor Krndunto ol Trinity Modical Oollo({<i. Honor Itradunto of Trinity Univornity. Mombor of tho Oollofjo of Pnyiifcinatj and HurnootiF), Ont Grad uato of how York, Pout Graduato Modioal CoIIoro Ofllortovor Ennox Modical Hall lrnfi ntorn. Oonnultatlon rootnn. botli on (jvound floor and ftrnt flat nbovn, Tolophono in both ollloo and ronldonoo. All calhi attouilod bo from oftlco, dru(* otoro, or ronldnnco. Itooldonoo. Talbot atroot, front of fair ground a. D ItS McKENZIB A JENNEIt- Fatcnt Ofllru ProfltH. "So far thorn havo been nearly 20C patents iHsued for horHCHhocH," observed a blackHmith. "Kvoryono of them wuf fluppoaod to havo ment. A largo noin- ber of thorn woro Kupposed to bo ol vuluo for tho roaaon that thoy could be put on homes by bandn or chmpH and ijhuH Havo timo and tho oxpouso of horno- shooiu Six thouHaud dollarn, therefore, ban been paid into tho patent oiTicu by nivciitoro of horbouhoojj. "Not ono of thcHo iuvoiitimifl whp ovor used, and today, as during tla pant, horKOH aio Hhod. Tlio only hIiol that can bo put on a horse luufit bo nail ed on by a blacksmith. Thoro iuoroyul read to wonlth, and there ih no way tc fihoo a hoi'Ho oxcopt to mill on tho hIiod, This $0,000 iH but a small part of the money paid out in connection -with put- onted hor.sefiho(>K. " Washington Star. Tho ISTew Hook Spoon "Free to All. I read in tho ChriHtian Standard that RIihh A. M. I'm/, Statiou A., St. Lnum, Mo., would i iu tin ologant plated hook fpoun to unyontj f-unding hor ton 2-cont Htumpn. I aout for one and found lfcBO uho- ful that I ohowed it to my friauda, and made ft 13.00 m two houro, lulling ordoru lor tho Hpoou. Tlio hook apoou is a Iiouho- hold jjuuuHHtty. It cannot filip iutu tho dub oi oooknif! vetiaol, bom^ luld in tho pliico by a hook ou tho buok Tlio Hpoon in Homotlnug that houot-koepora havo needed ovor biuuu upoonH woro firat invoutod. Auvouu can [iut a htimplo Hpoou by Houdinj* t -n 2 cent Htampa to JMibq Fritz, lliin io a oplei)did way to make money around homo. 15 I'M Vory truly, Ji:an.\'ktti: B. Bomeooo imkti m tho DLindas Bunnor: "Do thu leaven whiHpor uood-bye to eaoh other uh thoy drop fiom tho brauchou and mil upon tho wind, thoir life'n work dono, and do thoy dream of auothur life whioh ahall not be mootnploto? At no timo of Iho year are thoy ao bright and beautiful aa in autumn, when grove and forest uoom clb it a minuet cloud were wrecked amid tho maplt-fl." Tlio he^t advice wo cau offer our friond of iho Bannor io to take a hand- ralte and burn all tho poetry out of tho aforoaaid Jouvoh and thuo he will earn the midyiutf roHpoct of hia noi^hborH. G SfcKouzio, M D. O. M .Trinity Univoroity, mombir nt CoIIoro Pby-dolami and HurRoonn, Ontario; Graduato of Now Vork 1'Oiit Graduato Modioal CoIIoro; Coronor for tho County of Etinox. Itonldenco, Talbot utroot. north of rail way, Ennox. J. EarloJonnor, M. O.G M.. Trinity Univor nity; M 0. P and 8. Ontario; IjIc. Itoyal Colloflo PUyolcianH, London, Knri.; int Holiolnrnhip ami Gold Modalint, Trinity OoIIcro, 1B83; anpolntnd IIouiio 1'byuloian and 8ut([oou, Toronto Gonoral Ilof-pital and Hoiildant Acconchour Burnnldo Lyin(f in Hoiipitiil, Toronto, 1RH( Bpooialty, dlo- oation of woman and ohlldroii. Konidouco, houno latoly ocouplod by Dr. Dowar, Talbot nt., Eqhox. OflQco in Imporlal Hank Block, ([round floor, opponlto Thorno'n druu toro Modioinon diu- punnod In tho ofllao. Tolophono connootlon with both ofllco and ronldoiicoii. Privato told- Bhono lino bobwoon Oyrll PiKjuobtu'ti houoo aud an Konnody'a homio and ollloo. NiKhtoallu attondod to at ollloo or renldonco. DENTAL, HP. MARTIN, D.D. B I*. D. 8. Graduate a in Dontiotry, Royal Collofjo of Doutal Burfioonn, Ontario, and Univornity of Toronto. OharRoa.modorato. Oillco, ovor Brion & Cot druu otoro. 18-lv WJl. B1CFIARDSON, VEVEHINAUY 8UH . GEON. Honorary graduato of Ontario Veterinary OoIIoko, Toronto; mombor of On tario Veterinary Modical Hocioty; DJplomloc in Donthitry; troatu all dlnoanon of domoatfeatod aniniiiln; onttlo duhornod by tho latont improved Loavitt olippor Calla by tolopbono or tolo- prapli promptly attondod to. Itoiiidonco.throo doom oant of Rrliit mill, oirico in t'out officn building; iuilrmarv, directly opponito, LAND SURVEYOR. JAMES B. LAIItD, Provincial Land Survoyor and County Eualuoor, Ennox Ceutro, Ont OiHoo, DunntanBloolt, uimtairn AUCTIONEERS. HENRY IIEDBICK, Auctlonoor. 8 a 1 o o promptly attondod to. Audronn Houth Woodiiloo, Onb. Poruonn doiiirinR to nocuro mo may lunvu word attbo Pm;i< Pjn;nn ofllco. tf U. IIEDRICK UbUtNWMMM Hardou'tt Hobby. Surdou's liobby is building himself houfies. In this way ho deli gh ts in Hponding hiu wealth. On Mount Boron, on tho outskirts of Nice, stands a hugi erection of Htono, dwarfing tho Hiirrouml- ing villus, which ia merely tho founda tion of a palatial rosidonco whioh tin ominont dramntifit commonced, nnd nftor nn oxponditure of Homo $200,00(1 was prevontod from completing ou thq ground that tho struoturo would inter- foro with tho outlook of tho fort porohud on tho lull bohind. Kxport Opinion. The whito gull, circling high in the nir ovor tho Hand dunoR nlong tho lonely flhoro of tho lnlco, lookod with pitying oontompt nt tho wreck of tho flying inn- ohino far bolow. "In my opinion," said tho bird, "nc invontor will ovor hatch a roal flying maohino ont of hifj houd. Tho hum an skull Is too thick. " Chicago Tribnuo. In no European country havo bo many tllufltrioutf Eugljab dead boou buried qb, Wanted. A ATA 1V-T H1-LTj CANADA GROWTH / V I>1 J.I L\ Fruit and Oruamontal Troon, RhrubH, Bonne, Hulbii and BuMiouh Planta.Grapo VlnoH, Small Kuiitii, Hood Potatoes, oto Wo catiLlopuo only tbo hardioocand motit nopular variotioH tbatHuoooud iu tlio ooldoiit olimatun Now noaHou now oommonoiiid; cotnoloto outfit fnio, oalary and oxponitoji paid from otart for full timo, or liberal oouimiHiiion for part timo. Apply now, addronninj; luaront ofllco, and choice of territory. LUKE BUOTIIEKR COMPANY, Intoruationid Nuriiorioit, Chicago, III., or aroNTiuuL. Que. For 1896-7. Balance of 1896 Free, Only One Dollar 'JTo Junuury IhI, 18i)8. Sixteen Pajros Each Woelt ------WXTil------ All The Wews of The World. Market Reports, Storios, Etc. Exoollont Hoading,..... for ovory mombor of tho family Wo of/or pbod inducomontfl to d;ontu Fjr tormo, etc., addronrt iBVERTISER PRINTIKU CO., tONDoN, ONT. DBINCLAIIt, LICENSED AUCTIONEER for tho County ofEaaox. Bailiffof Einbtb liivifiion Court All Icinda of Farm and otlior tialon conduotod promptly. Ratou roa^ouablo and furninliod on anplicatiou. Enquirorn may apply at W. D. Boaman'it ofllco, or at the ofllco of Diviiiiou Court CIorU.Mr. John Milno OnN tJOUMLEY, UOLNBED AUCTIONBKR for tbo County of Ennox. All Uindn of farm ntock anion, etc., conduotod promptly and on nhort notioo. Itutoa roaoonablo. Poruonn dosirablo to arraiiRo union may Jo no by calling at tbo Encis Paima oflloo or by applying to 4 J. GORMLEY, P. O. Boi 1C5 Enuox, Ont. I7RANK MOOLOBKEY, Muidatono, thlrty- . aovoii yoaru' oxporlouoo an an auctionoorfn fchoCountv nf Ennox. Salon conduotod promptly, and on ro'anonablo toriun. Partloti donirin(i[ to t\x tho dato for a nalo can navo tbomnolvoF a drl/o by ralllnR at tlio I'uhis Piihho ollioo. Wo havo arrannod with Mr. MoOlorikoy and will Hi tho da ton for naif a l>y tolegrnph, ontlroly froo of all cburfio tq tho pornon holilinn tho nalo. Ad- droon PranliMoOlonlcov.MaiilHtDnoCroriri.Ont, 10B BAICEI^^ THE oldont bunlnoBfl in town. Entablisho 187ft. Firrit-olaiin broad and ,oalios of at Itlnda, WoddiuR oftltoo a npooiality. Qrooonon provhilono, (lour, food, nalt and pork. Oonfoo' fcionory, orooliory,Rlannwaro. Cannodfruitn and vofiotablonof all lciudn. Gooda promptly do llvorod toallpartnof tbo town. J. M. HIOKH, J01-tl MARRIAGE LICENSES. lim consort, Rlcbardiiob Ii\k,, Vlumx, Out. MPABltKTT. tfunor of HftnUgo LIooq"* Commltjelouarlu O.J.,to. floeto, Ont 1>. BEAMAN, W. luuuor of MiLttlauo LloobftoB. tmiutranoe urant. Nlifbt offlno nt Dw-lliMif. TAIjBOT HTIIEKT, BBSKX, T w UMDERTAKING- HI'bUMMK (U, Undorlflkor a.M Fnrnjtnift Doalor. Colilim, homo and factory mrd* from S to *:io. MoOroKor.On" ______ ^ARCHITECTS. TOh'm A. t MAYCOCK, AROIIITECT, ,to Itnom^IO and II, Flaiiilng BufMltiff, m n,n Windiior, Dill Phono Q10. SOCIETIES r O. O. E.-ENTEItPRIHE hotlito^'Ms * nootnitvory Thurnday, ovrtninu at tjio Oldfftllowri Half, In third BtoroyDinintan VV yiiiitinKinomborH of other lodtfniiwill roodi fratomal Woloomo. W. OTIATTERTON K O^NTIUr.ENOAMPWENT, No, HO. mW^ OddJolloWnall.Bmifltnn'n Blook, ou thti (jndtbird Tuumluy inoaob month. Vlultonc dlally rooolvnd Momboyn of mihordluatoUd IV^vHV.JuJCia.(!JotIon' Irivltod to Join- HANNAN, O. P., O. E. uihlj, Hoo. BVJP ?BHKX PIKB I1UIQADE. MEET8 I'/iday ovoniiiKintho Flromon'N rooat Si i."{?"? b,1,1,I'nc. Jan. MoMurray, Obioi i^fcV>I^nl(0^'ll,t,Lin; A- "'irnlmm. Vjouton- nnt. P. Diiiio, Hoorotary; Frod.tI[yittt,T_raaHurer. poTJUT KOYAL. NO. 313. I. O. V. " \J Miiotii Booond and fourth Tuondav'flla oooto m,l1.t;11 '" i;,a ap- i at o'clock i>Vm Vl(,itinf{l)rotlini will bo Rivon a frat6ruuIw3L A GENTS wantfiift profltablo omployraonfe il throueh thftaiimmur onn nnd It with us. f ^i , aowJ}<(t RuiKiian variutlon of Nursory .tool nnd now Bond Potatonn. Halary or oom- IIAAI NURSERY CO., Toronto, Out. 20-13L 44 the Niagara Fall* XouUS"^^ raklnH offoot Juno Slot, 1800, Dotroit....... W J minor.... Polton........ Maldntonoo Enimx......... Woodnloo... Runoomb ... Conibor. ... RidRotown.. Rodnoy..... Bt. ThomaD London......... nt. Tbomnn... Rodnoy........ Ridfjotown..... Combor......... Runoomb...... Woodnloo....... Ennox....... Ma ids ton o Cr Polton ..... Windiior....... Detroit...... Mall Exp. a.m. a.m. fi.GO fi.fin 0.08 (J.II) 0.117 fUfl II Bit r.or e,2o 0.-10 O.flO (1.20 tl.&O A lioam Exp. Aooom flcoom R. m. p.m. a. m 0.10 .4.40 fl.on 7,30 B.10 7.4B ti.Uii 7.6 i 7.HC 10.88 H.H7 8.01 C0 H.1S ft.BO (J.2I a OH BM BAT 11.64 7.30 7.C6 8.40 10.00 1.05 noroa vvtibt. p.m. 12.10 2.*o 3.;ih 4 07 B.S8 0.-10 am O.O'I (1.11 0.15 7.10 a.m. two 10.20 11.34 18.05 12.40 Wind not aecom a.m tL.xa C.1B 7.3-1 7.0B 0.03 0,33 0-11 0.B2 10.011 10.12 1C30 10.M D.10 iUH OSS 1187 (1.47 OCA 7.1B AttilterNtburir ILocnl Tk-nlnti, WliHT iUtlT p.m. 11.05 0.11 0 21 (I 2'J 0 1(1 0.4C a in. a.m. 11.40 H.05 tl.fiH 12 00 1215 12 !M ia.4o 8,15 8.02 H.2l> 8 K 8.50 Ennox O.fll 6,fi6 Ednara u.i.7 0 40 h E & 1) R Xinc U.2I 0.113 MctiroRor 0.20 Gordon 0 05 010 AmhoiGtburR 0,00 0.D3 V.oo fi.10 4.57 4.B5 4.86 4.30 All trnina aro run on contral ntandard timo, whiob in nlxty niluutoa-.fllowor_than Enaox timo. lor information and raton to oolon- lotn moviuff wont apply to John G. Lavoo. Pas- nonpor ARont, St. Thoman. O. W. RuRRleo.Qon- oral Paunonp;or and Ticket ARont, Chlonno . Ill or A. O. Btiraorn, Acont, Ennox. L- E. & D. R. Ry, TIRIE TABLE NO. 22, taliinR offoot Monday. Bopt ST, lflOO, Tralnorunby Eantorn Stand ard Timo. Daily oxcopt Bmitlay TJ 1 u 1 & H % M " ro a a m(S ei 3 a *S Stationo. V* ""2 *n 0 a. 6 6 ri^ A oJ 0 'A A V M yA A 11 'A A ai &tt A Til i A M par 9.25 I a 00 0.20 Bop Walkory'lo Ar n 10 5 50 7.50 0 33 1230 0.27 Walliorvillo Juno. 0 oa 5fl 7.4a o ao 12 10 0.30 .. .. Polton........ H57 5'.17 VS1 9 IS 12 15 0.411 .....t Oldcantlo .... n pa 5 17 7.IU1 0 50 12 611 0 47 . ... i Paqnotto... . H 47 5,ffi 7.'J7 0.57 110 0 51 McQrofior .... H4'J 500 7.M 10.02 1 i'J ooi; ...t Now Canaan... a :i(i 4,40 7.17 10 0!) 1.H0 7.10 ... t Mariihilold ... 2i) 411:1 7.10 10.10 1 B0 7.17 ,.. . narrow .... fi Kl 4V5 7.l 10.27 2.0U 7.27 R 11 4071 0.51! 10 37 2115 7^7 . . KinRnvillo.... ft Cl 3 4fS MU 10.15' 2 50 7.14 . .. Rutbvon ...... 7 51 315 11:10 10 551 11.15 7 51 ... Loauilnnton ... .. i Itouwick ..., 7 40 2 40 0.1 H 11.Ill 110 8C'.] 7 a i 154 (1.00 UiiO 4 25 H.17 7 15 1 118 5fil 4 10 H22 .... Coutuwoith .. 7 10 1 IB 5.40 u.y.'> 5. M12 .....tQlonwood.... 7 00 ia,:io 5.110 11.4:1 5 M. 1(1 n 52 TKfll A2H 11.60 5 12 H 17 0 45 nv-i 5,21 11 55 5 55 H,52 0 40 12(H) 5.1(1 W.U1 U.0B 000 ...+CcdarSprlDRn., 0 31 1128 CO? iy 11 e!5 I) (17 Blouholm Junct'n 0 24 o.OO 12.10 O.JiS 0.12 0 2H 11 W 4.55 IC.'Ji 0.15 0 20 .......tWilUo..... 0 ID 10 IB 4.45 12 as 7.00 Dili Ar HUlgotown I>6p 11 00 lo.ooi^.ac I'.M.Ir. m. r m A.M. A.M.II'.M, t Elac Static nin. Trainn ntop only wbon thora q at or for thooo ntatlonrj. Mixod aro paciionfjor tralnu aro at a 1 tlinuu uubjaot to bo caucollod war woolly VTT. Gonoral Bupovlntondon. i.AND AND LOAN AGENTS /TROUGH J. THOMAS, Convoyanoor, Oora- \JT mlBHionof, In High Conrt of Jnatloo: doalur In Roal Entato and MortKaROB. Monoy to !oaM at tbo lowoot rate of In tor out. Farms bought and sold. Iiinaranao taken iu tbo montrollablo oonapanloH. >rawluu of doode, mortftagdB mid loaeoa a Bpcoialty. GhargoH modorato and all bnfllnoBfl promptly attended to. Call at tho Oontrp.1 Tolonbono oflloo, EbnoxCentre. 50-ly Plooo Iu the world for young men ^b^^M nu J wofflou toB*otiro h. BnnlneBfl UnPT Education, Bhorthand,ofco. is tho Wm K^ I Detroit BuDinces UnlvorBlty. Do- ||yUl troit.MIoh. Illaetratodoataioguo Froo. Iteforonoes: All Detroit, F. JEWELL Proa. r. B. BPiiNOEB, Sec. Do You Want To Drive anywlioro, If no, you want a Good "' * " * HfX^IESSl^Sr HIGH ........and the place to fjot it In at JOHN McDOUSALL'S Livery, Sale & Feed Stables Good I Ho ei Mow In attendance day and night, Q HORSE-SHOEING In I this brunch of our bun (no no web nrufc- alaim Workmen and will pjnarantoo satisfaction hi Shooing Horeea that lnterforoj Ovor-Boaob or havo Corns or Contraatod Eoot.^Wo make a Bpoolalty of Bhoolng Road and Traok Hones. 13?- TclepJiotui Oontvxiim. DROPSV CURED, THIS Undersigned In prepared to ourejall oasea of Water Dropny wh*hor of lonjr or Bhort duration. Absolutely no obarco nnleea the pati ent 1b entirely and pejmuixejjtly eared. JAjQQS CAMPBELL, Cottam, uac , SO ,i "()1j **&*< >VJt.; 70 6

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