' 'Iw 1 <.v V . *~ V Sad ForobodingB of Autumn Woathor Thousands Who Droadan Attaolc of Catarrh aH _Wintor's Cold Ap- proaohoa Yot Catarrh Can Bo Banished Undoi* tho Magic Touch oi Dr. Agnow's Catarrhal Powder. Thin U not a dotftnatio utatomont, ittrotii,' a it may aoom. T,muling inombora of Parliament, t moat pronaiunnt olortfynion of tbo tipiHcoptil, Prtmbytorinn, Mothodlnt, Bapfciat and Romau Oaiholio churohod, bavo borno toHtimony to thu oPUotivonntiw of tliid tuodioliio. Mr. .Tolin MaoEdwardti, the popular purenrof tho Canadian Puaiuu oLeimof "Arthabttunft," in ono who wan oarod of intowao aufforinfi from catarrhal troublBH by tho uso of thin modioino. Good Samaritan liko, ho ban vor >oo *ooomraondd it to nny who nuffor. Had ofl an attack of catarrh by having thin taodiomu at your baud. Sold by J.Tuorno. Bui Young Uitn, tbo Indian who noma weekd ao murdorod novoml pooplo on tbo fcloocl teiotvo ai Maalood, N. W. T and wbohaHHinoabflttu dofylnfj all tho offortti of tho Mountod Polioo to oaptoro him, on Woduenday of last woolc Hhofc and killod BorRfc. Wildo, of tbo N. W. Mouutod Jtohuo, who wan attempting hm capture. Ho waa oapturod on Friday and ia now in gaol'. DEATH FROM SUFFOCATION. Almost a Fatality But for Dr. Ag- now'a Curo for the Iloavt Strango Story of a Northwest Lady. A death to bo dreaded in that from nnffo cation, and yot thia ia ono of tho aimal tohanoa of heart <linoao. Mm. .J. L. Uillior, of WhUowood, N. W. T.. oaino an uour Mhr danfinrotiti point an nood bo. 8ho uayn : "I wan maoh aflbotod with heart failure iofaofcl aoald uot aloop or lie down for foar of tmffooation. I tnod all tho dootorn in this uootlon of tho oountry, but thoy failed to tflvo mo roliof. A looal drui-girtt rooommondod Dr. ARnow'n Cure for tbo Hoarfc. I tried it, and with tho roimlt that I immediately neanrod oano that I did not know boforo, and after taltinfi furthor dotiflN of tbo modiomo tho trouble alto gether left rao. It in not too muoh to aay tuat it Bavod my bfo." Sold by J. Tborno, uocntttfYttiit. Ed. Smith has lot a contract to out tha timber and wood off 400 aoren of land in tbiu townuhip to Pat. Murphy, Ut* of De troit. Mr. Murphy linn two yaarg in Which to oloar tho land, aud it will keGp between 40 and 50 hands amployod oon- fcimially toolearth* land by tbi upaoined time. The naw oamp will b* looatgd on the 4th oonooiiiion. A oup of mnddy coffee ih not wholonome, noituor in a bottlo of mnddy medicine. Ono way t* know a rolmblo and nadfully- preparod blood puriilor ia by itn froodom from sediment. Ayor'a Surmiparllla in al ways bright and sparkling, booauno it iB an extraot and not a dooootion. At tbio timoot the year in neighboring towntt and villagea niorauanta usually buy poultry and uhip it. Why do our mor- Cbanta not do no horo? lx> bringo conoulor- ablo trado to town and in generally a profit able undertaking for thoao intereatod. "I oaoapod boing a continued iyHpoptio byfcak'ng Ayor'o Pillii in time." Thifl ia tbo o*pononoo of many. Ayor'n pillo, Whotbor aa an after-dinner pill or an a toraody for liver complaint, indention, flatulonoy, wator brush, and nauaoa, aro invalnable. Uordwood and potitooa are voty often aoooptod aa lcRal teador iu wiping out nowopapnr debtn, but the Grand Valluy editor who took an old fanning mill to Satisfy a olaim eatablnihoa a ruoord. IIu evidently tboa^ht thoro wan a Hcarcity of Wind m tho bnaineuH. Manitoba School Settlomciit. Tho terma of "Bettlomout" of the school quontion have been announced. Tho schools romiun national and under the control oi tho Province. Uniform uiapeo- tion and uniform certification of toacliorB ia provide! for. In Hchoola whore tho avaraRo atteiidauce is mostly of Cuihohc Obildron, Cathalio teaoliers aro to bu cm ployod, if available Tina ih for the pur pose, of having Catholic toaoheru tiivo Catholic instruction during tho half hour frjm 3:B0 tu 1, which in to bo hjI aaido for toligioas iimtrnctiLn Uming this half- hoar any denomination haa the privilu^e of ontorinfj a school and imparting roligunw lUBtruetiou to ohildion holonfjing to that donominatiou. Children may bu taken intoapitrato roomn, and in Hohooln where only one room exists the diffuruni deuomi nafcioua may take alternate dayft for toliulonii ororoiaoH, ho all m iy be treated alike. All regulation* regarding iqIiklgub oieroiflOH muyt oriRinatu by petition from tho pooplu to tho truBtoos, and onu clauae providefi for tho bi biiRual Hystom, so that in diytricta whoro children do not Hpcak Kngliah thoy wiuy bo taught to do ho by tho uso of other lunguigGH. Utah ban olDCtud a female henatoi in the pernon of Mrs. Cannon. Ohurmng Done m one Miuuto I havo tnod the Lightning Cliurn, you rooontly doBoriViod in your papur, and it in eorttunly a wonder. I onu ohurn in less than ouo miuuto, and the buttoria ole^aut, and you Rot conuidorably mom bntter than When you use a oommon almru. I took tho agoncy for tho ohurn horo and ovory butter maker that soon it btiyn ouo. I havo nold tho doHD and thov pivo tho best of sutiu. faction. I know I oan soil 100 in thii town- Bhip, ttfl thoy ohurn ho quickly, mak* ho maoli more buttor than common ohuru* and are 0 cheap. Somo on in every town- Bhiii oan make two or three hundred dol lar* aalhuK tbeBO ohuriw. By addren*ing J. v. Qtumy * Oo . St. Louiu, yon oan et oirautaru and full information o yen oau make blf money rifiht at b*tn*. I hava made $80 tbo past two wet and 1 hay* nev*raold anything In my Hf before. 4B o A JTiuuK*. FLEASE LET US GO AND PLAV. Wlilln workinfl t my1 ilk: today, Btrlvhiv to put my tbouiftitu iu rhym*, I luinrd my Mtfelo ohlldrun wuy Wlmb I oft euld tn Oldon tlmn, llyforo ray Imlr bail turnnd to gray, 'Xlttforu ilmo'u wrlnklim oruunoil iy bwnVi "Uu\at>t Vnothor, do ioti k<wp uh )now, But lot un go ami playl" Thitlr plaintWu volwta auhio to mo frrom tho lidjohdnif ohuntbur, wliero * ItoMi wife and nhUdron I oould boo Whim iiduUtd hi my (uy ohutr. Bho kiwud tlioin htiuhirly, tuul thoy V/ltl Jnyouu whoutii wmii to their Bn. Thoy could not hour my heart oxalulm, "Oh, would Mint wi oould play I" OOod, I pray that ihou vllfc lnuvo Tlmlr morlmr bor until my boy a Can oomnrohttnd that thoy hut urloVo TlHtinimlvuH whntithuy liMivnho** for toyiil Oh, thoy Ml romemhitr whon tlmy jiray Kor Minlr dmir mothnr, whim hIio'h dead, IIow often thoy to hr huvn mdd, "I'louiio lot mi no mtd play!" * * * * 4 * .Ayo, in thin llfo from day to dny Unkimwlnttly wo oft diiidnlu Our bhuiHlntfU, and hut wliib for pain Whon wo ucorn nuoriflco for iiluy. Doono V. Lommy in WaHhhiKtou Btnr. HATS OFF TO GENTLEMEN. WliHt IMd tlm <:WU M.'im by Yhelr Ho- ma.rlfH In thn Klvator? Thoy entered tho olovutor togotbor. Thoy \voro drufHud uliko. Thoy woro folt hntH and coixta, not uullko tho Hiiok oontH worn by mon, which, opon iu front, tliHoloHod wuiHtooats. A turndown collar wiifl around tho throat of onoh, with Hnmll black nooktion. Thoy didn't wour trouROHH or oven bloomers, but tholr skirts wero cIoho flttlnR, mid ovory man in the olovntnr know iuHtinotivoly that they woio covotniK tho covoriugn which thoy hurt for thnir limbs. Thoy woro their liaii* cut Hhort, Whon thoy entorod, tho mon fiimply ntarcd at thorn. No ono ventured to ro- movo bis hut in accordniico with the tiino honored ciiHtom whioh provide? that in that way men should flhow thoir defornnco to the niomborn of tho opposite gox. l^orhupfl thoy woro too HiirpriHcd at tbo apparition. Perhaps tlmy thought that tbo women, boing imumiully Btroup; minded, would bo vexed matoad of ploasod at tho mark of pohtcnosB to a womun. Thoro aro anob womou, it is aaid, although very fow porHons have over seen any of thorn. Whatever might havo boon paflfling through tho men'H minds in tho fow BoeoudH which tho journey from top to bottom required, thoy wero awakened from their lovorioa whon ouo of tho young women exclaimed in a loud voice: *'Joau, why don't you tako off your hat? Don't you hoo that wo aro iu tho presence of gontlemen?" That reniurk served to oanRo overy man in tho car to turn rod uud white by tuniH. Every ixmiTh baud wont ui' Htinctively to his bat, but all but one wero quickly utoppod. Tho exception removed his hat and wa<> evidently om- banansed beoauao ho bad unoonfioiously taken tho hint But ho took bin revenge. In an ordi nary tono of voice ho romnrkod to an other man: "It ih ho hard nowaduya to toll mon from women that 1 am not Hurpriaod at thoir mifitako, nor at ourH." Somo hcuthing retort might havo boon made, bnt jnnt then tho olovutor Btop- ped and overy man rushed from thu car whether it wan um floor or not. Chioago Timoa-IIorald. A Good Wind Mill Make It Yo ur eolfl I iaw ouo of the VeopU'tf wind mills whiah 1 saw reoommaudod in your pp*r rooontly, it oaly oosb m* 10.40 ami ! * my well ifl detp, bui Ik pump* It all rltfht with Vary hUU wind ; tbo uJKhbora all liktrU, andaslatu m, kind Hrponier, X have abroad to pub ulue en ill" alrou-dy, on whioh I oau mako $, uio pro- flt, and ibera are many othura for whom 1 oan put up mill* thlu fall. 1 don'b im why every farmer thould not havo a wind mill, wheu they aan makn it thumuslvoii for leu than S10; anyono oan Kt diaumkna and oomploin direction lor mabluK thu wind mill by Bonding 18 two oont trap io pay poakuge, etoM to Frauoia Oaney, fid. Louiu, Mo., ami thoro oan bo do^ona of them put up in any locality by anyono that baa tb energy to do ao. A. Fiinta*. B-0 WIKQED SECD8, Tor- Mr*. Bourlior oommittod uuioido at onto on TuoHdny by idiooting, By tho accidental oxploiaon of 150 pouudu of dynamito ut Round Ilill mine, Uritiuh Colnmbia, on Monday, Charlon Uorgor and Ohriw Miller woro blown to atorao and tbo mine wan badly damaged. A BROKEN DOWN LUMBERMAN. Not Financial, But Wordo, a Physical Wroolc Paiit DootorH' Skill, But Gnrod by Sooth Amoricau Norviuo. Profttrated by uorvoUH dobility, Mr. E. Errott, lumbor morohant and mill ownor, of Morriokvdlo, Out., wan foraort to witli- draw from the aativitien of buiiinoHM. Ho nayii;. "I tried ovorytbing in tho way of doGtorn' okill and proprietary modioinon. but nothing holpod mo. I waw inauonaod to iiho Ronth American Nervine, and I can truthfully Hay that I had not takoa half a bottlo boforo 1 found bonofioial offeotn. Au a ronult of iiovoral bottlen I find myHolf to day Htrong and healthy, and rnady for any amount of buHinonn, whore boforo my nor- \ou ayntora wuh no undormmod that I oould Hoarcely aign my own name with a pon or pencil. I nay, feelingly and know- '"Rly- got a bottlo or tbiu wonderful modi- cino." Sold by J. Tborno. Mr*. Martin, an old lady of 72 yearn, of Himilton, wandorod away from home and wan found noar thobay, ou TaonJay, half buried in mnd. Sho wan out all night and died from exposure. Tho Dreaded Gorm. At tho British uhnoointion Dr. Kan- thaok, who HpeukB with groat authority ou tho subject, road a paper ou "Bac teria In Food," in which ho pointed out that ouo might fiwallow any amount of micro org;mihmn with food without any iiguiy. Milk ordinarily contains about uniilhon gerniH peroubiuuoutimotur, m Haiidwu'ho4 thoy are too nmnorouH to count, oystors teem with thorn, and lees from a fiumionablo canfoctionorV wero found to contain from 10,000,000 to 11,000,000, or considerably mon than tho much abiiHod Italian ntreot vender's wurcH. Thero is not tho IouhI doubt m the world that wo eat, drink and breathe any quantity of gcrmt without huitoiing; m tho Bmallont dr greu, day by day, uiiIcbh the gorm hap pen to be of a paitioular hort and to meet with a umtublo bail. All the "hcK'iitiho" fnsH about tho necefraity of boiling tliiH and Merihziny that in order to kill tho goinis ih a pitco of uiihoiun* tihe babble founded ui)Oii a not of theo- rotie ahhtmiptnmH which take no account of aftual everyday faotH OC coui'bo tin. bucturiologiHM will not admit their mis take without a Htrugglo, and Di. lum- thaok met witli a good deal of ciitieiHiu. NuMTLhclt-HH lie is right, and one of theia dayH overy ono will be Haying the Bamo thing. St. JamuH Gu/.ottu. ArchlilHhnp of Cnnterbnry. Tho nrchbihhop of Cauteibury is re- fein (1 to uh "Ins graco, " and lie writut- hmiKelf archtji'-hop, etc., "divma prov- ulentia," win rcas othm prolatCHUHO the phiaso *'divnn ptimisbiuuo. " lie ih the flrbt poor m tho realm. At coionntion*' he plmuB the crown on the head of the hovcuugii, and tho king and queen are hisdoimstio panbhioneib. Thu hiHhop of London ih bin piovmaial dean, tht bishop of Wmcbcstor IiIh bubdeah, tin. biihop of Liucolii h)H ohancullor, and tiio biHhop of Hot-heater hiH chaplain. A Curl} Io Aiuuilot*). A Kootch visitor to tho OarlyloR in Cheyne row was much Htruclc with the Boundproof room winch the Hugo had contrived for himself m the attio, light ed fiom the top, and whero uo Higlit oi Bound from outsido could penetrate "My certes, thi lb line," cried tho eld friend, with uiicoiihoiouh Harcasm. "Here yo may write and Htudy all the rest of your life, and no human beiug bo ono bit tho wiBor," Housohold Wordn. Louia XVIII of JFrnncownn ironically Htylod by his subjects tho Donirod. lie wafl forced upon thorn by tho alliod urmiofl. Tho uiuno "hnrloyporn/* iu long moasu'.-e, aro.no from tho ubo of thiu grain as u meaBuro of dititanoo. NO USE OF HIS LEGS. Dootoro Gould Nob Ilolp Hiro.But Two Bottloa of South Amoricau Kiduoy Curo Removed tho Dieoano Tho Story of a Winjjbam Farmor. Kidney difloaoo can bo cured. Mr. John Snoll, a rotirod farmor of Winabam, Out., aayB : "For two yoarn I nnfTorod untold miaory, aud at timoH oould not walk, and any Htanding poaitiou gave intense pain, tho renult of kidney diaoaao. Local phyni oiauB oould'nt help mo,and I wan continual ly Rrowing worno,which alarmod my family and fri'mdn. Sooing South American Kid uoy Curo advorticod, 1 granpod at it ua a dying man will tfranp at anything Ro- Hult boforo half a bottlo had boon taken I was totally roliovod of pain, and two bottlen ontiroly curod mo." 'Jo ouro kid- noy diHoano a liquid modioino mtiat bo taken, and ono that ha nolvont, and oan tlniH dmnolvo tho Hand lilea purtioloB in tho blood. Bold by J. Tborno. Tho body of PantmaBtcr Bradley, of Iluntloy, waH found at St. Loniu dam, noar Ottawa. Mr. Bradley had hoon miuaing for somo time. Joueph Faulkner, tho Detrain man who viatimiKod oo many Windooi morchanta by purchasing goods and fnrnituro, ban boon allowed totfo on Bunpondod oontonoo, tho merohantfl declining to proHucuto, Ono of them, Mr. Drake, will aounit Fuulknor in miking an honoHt otart Sad Complaints. Ladies Must Protect Them selves. Several 1'idioa have recently written to tho manufacturers of Dmmond Dyen com plaimug of having roooived very worthleuu dyon from certain doalerw (whowo namoa aro known) iuhtnad of tho Diamond I)yon that wero asked Eor. Tho ruimufaatnrery of Diamond TJyoo, while thoy deplore thm unwiHO and dis. houoBt pruotice of subntitotiug, oannot pive any greater protection to the publio than thoy uro now affording in the way of warmugs through tho columnH of tho proHH, All buyurs of dyoH who unk for the Dia mond D^oh hhould look for tbo niima on tbo ordor envolopo. If tbo name "Dia mond" ia not aeuu, rout ausurej yon aro bjing olforod nomo miHcrablo imitation. Diamond Dyoii aro iho only pcrfoct dyoo in tho world for homo dyeing. Tho boot druggists uud dealers hoII them. Electric shipbuilding- Many notable impiovemouta aro being made in England in shipbuilding, onpooial- ly iu electrical hhipbudding. In a New- caHtlo yaul imraenHo steel fltruoturos havo been oicotod ovor tlio borthe ooonpiod by two lar^o vohiiuIh tn proooHH of uoimtrnotion. Theso utruoturoB, whon linishod, aro to bo roofod over with ghiHH and thoir oidoo in* closed. By moans of olootrioally ariven cranes, matoiml oan bo carried righo ovor tho laruost voiiflole and dopouitod at any point. Portablo dulls, wood dook planing maohinoij, punching machines and fau blautii aro aluo driven by oloatriaity. Iu anothor yard whoro a oomploto olootrio driving plant liaa boon, put down, a nopar- ato motor in fixod to oaohjl macbino om- ployod. By this moans tbo weekly oon- nnmption of coal had boon roduocd from 72 to 38 tone Warron D. Maeon, president of Uie Ohioa^o Aootylioo Gaa and Carbon Oom- pauy.wAH kilbd at his renldonoo in Uhla&ga ou Monday morning by a folding bod, Mr. Mnapn aroso to aeo what tuno it wna, and in Kttlng baok mto tho bed, jarred it no that tho top follou him, breaking hig baok. Tbo Wind flA7M nu ImporUnk tTnrt In tho Hiir^uUliiK of J'lantN. Tho usual way for Hoodn to bo carried Ih by tbo wind. Somotlmofl thoy aro so nmull and light uh to bo onnlly wnftod by tho breoiBU. This lu tho oano' with Jbbo Hod of tho moooiiHiu flowerH and knoudow pinkiT'iind^ tho othor beautiful pluutfi of our woodH and bofin culled orohldu. And the tluy bodies, likoatomu of dust, termed "HporeH," that aiiHWer to need in ferns and moKHon und tond- itoolH, aro borno away by tho lightoHt breath of air. Birt most noodri uro thom- roIvom too hoiwy for UiIh. So thoy aro ofttimeH providod with thin, broad wlngu tbut carry tliom boforo tho wind an a Hull eurrieH a boat. Tho pairs of "koya" that bang in oIuhUwh from tho maplo trcos in Hprino; are mtch winged frultH. When ripe, thoy float alowly to tho grouud, or if a high wind is blow ing thoy aro carried farther from the tree. Tbo ash hm thiok buuehoH of winged fruits much liko those, but hIu- glo. Tho olm ban n thin, papery border all around its small Heeds, whioh makos thorn quito counpiououa as thoy hang on the branohletf* boforo tho Iouvcm havo oomo out. Numbors of plantH havo about tho rioods dolieato iinirn or brlstlou that take tho placo of wings. A dandelion "clock," or a bond of thistle down, ia a bnnch of hoocIh, each with a circle of fine brifltlos on tho nummit. When the Hcoda aro ripo, aloup; oomoM a brcoste, and, puff, away go tho soedH, hanging from thoir tuftH of briutloM an tho buH* kct hangs from a balloon. Tho bmichcd of long silky lmlrH that come from n bursting pod of milkwood and fill the air around have onoh thoir prenionfi cargo in tbo sliapo of a flniall brown Reed. Tho Heeds that ripen in hoadfl on tho nlomatis after the handHomo purple (lower leaves havo fallen havo long ftuthcu'd tails, like Hlnnder bird plumofi, that do the samo work that is given to the silk of milkweed. Tho "cotton" mound tho seeds of tho willows at tho nvu'side and of tho poplars along city HtieetH scries tho same useful purpOHo. Cotton itHelf is only a bunch of flnr whito hair around tlieseed. Agesboforc men thought of Hpmuing it and weav ing it into elnth it wai making itself useful to the cotton pi,tut by holping to scatter its seeds, "How Plantp Spread," by Thomas II. Kearney, Jr., in St, Nicholas. NOT GOOD EVIDENCE. It Ih mi XZnuy Tlattt-r to CluiUKo I'hoto- Cruphl* I'lt'turoH. Photographic cnpus of an original, ii is claimed, are not acceptable as prool before a court, inasmuch ua tho photo graphs may easily bo changed to auit the wib. Expert picturo makorH cuu take a photograph, and by various proo* ossi'S hfcure a composite containing hov- eral features demrud that did not exist in tho original. A celebrated photographer of this city declined that it is an ousy matter tr change photographs. Pictures can be made to show tho body of ouo parson with the head of another, or it is posHi- ble to msoit rei'tiin features, desired in a photograph. Tbo produeors of art photogiapliH often uso tho form of one subject and the head oi another in or der to obtain tho moht symmetrical ro- buUh and thus form a sort of composite picture. "By the uso of nitiio acid," bo said, "any pait of tho silver print photo glyph, tho ono commonly used, can bo erased. If the picturo woro a platinum print, which is unlikely, the same effect could bo hi cuu d by tho uHOof aquaregin or a liquid composed of a mixture of intnc and muriatic acids,which aots ae a Htdvent foi gold or platinum pnutH " ItwuHhhnun that original Hignaturef could bo eia^ed and others pasted oi copied thereon and then a photograph taki n which would seem that tho result vwm a pel feet photograph of an original paper. Philadelphia Call. "Strl|HH" Has No IVIcmlfi In th Junclo. Buds and monkeys will often warn the jLiugler of thu upproaoh of it tiger; the latLi'i (hptually take overy oppor tunity to expri^H by loud beotmgs thu inteuHily ol llmr feelings at the hated prcMiico of i llher of the dread beings of then jingles. I have heaul, too, that peculiar liark of the hamlnir Htag bound again and agniii in the night air from out the dark jungles on tho banks of tho Koibudda as ho -cndB out a wax mug to his kind that murderous "Htripea" is Btalkmg noar. "Panther Shooting In Central India," by Cuptuin C. J. MolUss, in Soribner's. How It Got Thoro, A young man took his watch to a Jowolor and asked tho reason of it stop ping. "Wol'," said the jeweler, "there is a bedbug in it." "Why, bow could a bedbug get in a wutoh?" "Easily enough," said tho jowolor, "it wont in botweou tho ticks." Honnoasy Proas- Domoorat. WiArwiw mi i 11 mm ill J HAS A RECORD 40 YEARSOF SUCCESS IT 15 A SURE CURE h, FOR OiAttnucEA * Dysentery Oolio , Orampg Cholera Infantum bNd &II &UHMER <2o.M.PLAlNT3 : nr\.JeKddrgt\ or1 Aduha. No Gripe Whnyou takA Hood'* rll!. Thnblg,old-bulk looed, ug-cUd ptlli, Which Uar you alt to t>taaes, arn not la It with HoodV Kuy toUk Hood's $ad *fty to ojpuraU, U truo f Hood'* t-IUn, *h(ch r W^m MM j^ tip to dta tn erry roipnot. W^ I M M Cfe UiXm, rUt> ftttd lut-o. All M M V drucgliibl. tulo. O. t Uood it Co., Lowell, Mxu*. Xhm only I'll la to Uks wlJi Ilootl'i Bariaparilla. CALL AT PoutmaiitorH haye ruouivud ordorn from Ottawa, that in future no hullntin or other boardii imuit ho allowod to rout a^ainut tbo pout oflioo binlduiK, and no doath or other uotioes tiro to h6 put up in tho intorior or doorway. From thin out pontmiuitOKH will not bo annoyod by hnvinK notions taolcod up annousoinj; a child lout, a lot for hhIo, era utoor Mtrayod, Bunh ruinonuooiniiritn will in fnturo ho pbiool in tho ri^ht ohannol- tho oolnmiw of tho looal pupor. May's Bazaaiy van KtA* \twhti ov Window Blinda away dovra Chinawaro, Bric-a^Brac( Funcy GoodH, NovoltioH, Books and Htntionory, school supplies, Toys of all kinds, Berlin Wools and Fingering- Yarnn, New Stock of late Wall Paper. THE EQQB5E JAMES NAYLOR t1 4 'VaUou thin opnoiftiintfc] nonploof tho rnwiiaiid . lunMlil vu_b ho linu rnrooflolod tho iinuax Itillw Mills ao- ty of annnunohitf tothft and Count* of Kniutx, that Von havo Sallow Skiu, l^mplofi, Erup tion, DiHGolorationn. Why r*nort to oonmotJaH and powdoro to hide the offoot? Dr. A^now'tt Livor XJilln rogul- ato tho ftyHtom and rontoro to thu oboek tho healtbfnl rony bloom and poaoh blush of yonth. lOo. a vial DiHQrdorn liko thono arise from oIuk^IhIi livor. From ono to two pdls a done, will olarify and purify tho comploxion in short ordor. Dr. Aucqw'u pillo at all drugfpHtn. Goo that you et what awk youfor. lOo. for -10 doHoa, Sold by J, Tborno. - 4*fc------.---------- Tbo ben that leavon hor nont aft<ir a fow days' Rotting booamio who doon not boar ih olurp of ohioltH is uoraothiiifj 1 ko tho morohantu who quitn ahvortisinfi altor the flrat fow "tlnows" booauao bin ftrnt oalls havon't filled hiu fitoro with clamoring onatomertt. Tlic Vltt-NC Way to Curo Dieoano in toflfitabliiih health. Puro, rich blood meanH ^ood health, Ilood'a Barua- parilla in tho Ono True Blood Furinor. It tonoK up tho wholo ayHtom, t;ivon appotito and ntronfith and causos weaknoHii, nory. ounnosii and pain to disappear. No othor racdiaino has nuoh a rooord of wonderful curon aa Elood'a Barflaparilla, flood's Pillo aro tho bout after-dinner pill; asmot di^ostion, prevent constipation. 35o. *WT7'. w^.X^.^1 Hovoral nrichtytmuf,' mon W 111X611 todowoikfor uh in tliiu vloinlty. If thoy havo Hicyoloii all thu buttor, Addrowi "ADVMmiUiii," Urantford, Ontiirfo. Johnston Bros. eordlneto planniirfinnriwl by it.N Prloo, o( at. 1 homan, nd aluo noourd tho iiorvlooa or Robert Htraoliun, an oafporiotiood uml thoroughly com- patent mlllor. Thanking tho iwonlo of tlin town andoountv Tor the natronaffn btmtnv/od upon him lu tho pant, will KiiamntooHatlHfaatlonin tho futuro. Gristing and Chopping a Specialty. 13- The /ifst Gradt's of Mour, Fee Corn weal Kepi m Stock ami sold at Prices. Cash Paid for Wheat and Oats, ,^ DO you Ifttfe ? If so, you want to have the best there is and everybody knows that The Nobbiest Turnout * had at------- JOHN A. ROSES Livery. _^ y-- Good JZoadttlers. Emy Jiiding Buggies. Comfortable Carriages. A Call Solicited. /Satin/action Guaranteed. North of tho * Bnilway Track. ESSEX, ONT. ^ Builders *a Contractors! British Columbia Pino Skinglos, $1-00 Up. WW, DOOA'S, LA T/I and BARN TMMHER, X$f- Siitiulactlon Guaranteed. Opp. Water AVoHch, Khhox. Essex Furniture Warerooms. Packed with Good Furniture of Every Description. A fine Parlor Suit* Oak frame* Good Plush, $16.00. Wo novor waro so woll proparod to do buflinooa. Lotn of goodn and pricoo rifthfc. It will pay you to give na a call and uoodn and tfot pricoo. Wo aro ploaood quota pncGH to any who naod farnitd. Wo havo boon doinK a good atoady btf noHQ now for uboot 10 yearn and wo vit to tondor oor thanltH to thopnblicROUQiJi tor tho very liberal patrouauo wo havo coivod ot thorn during tho 10 yearn that have boon in buHinooa in tho now Town Ehuox. UNDERTAKING a SPECIALTY J. A. HICKS & Co,, Essex. J. GOTTRXAY & SON, ESSEX, ONT THE TIUOMPH CORN SnELLER Thw Maohino 6oneiafca of a horizontal cask cylinclor, with wrought iron burs, with stool tooth boltorl to tho cylinder ao aa to bo rovoraiblo whouthe tooth liooomo worn on tho front fiido, vunning in a porforated ooncavo iron sholl, which tho shollod corn pasaos through into a shoot iron oabo, with a an or olnnnor attaohotl bolow, which talcoa all tho dust irom tho gtain. The' shoapost hoHt.mosfc ^irnplo and durnblo Power Corn hollo* in uso; shells lorn porfootiy oloan in any condition frbolling and cleaning from ono to two housand brmholB of oars per day, aooording to power. DiMiflHBiONa. Pulley, 10 in. diam- ator;, in. face; Motion, S00 to 800 revolutions por mintitoj Woight, 660 Ibfl. Ma EVERY SHELLER WAHRANTED J GOURLAY & SONS. price; rjec ,K*t\*. V .tff. \'^76 35