T& JAS. D. ANDERSON & Go. BANKERS, 1 Agents for Tho Boyal, " Tho Quardiatiand Tho Liatioadhlro, Shs bBt Imuraiico Ooinpmloahi the world. "Wo xunko a sroolalty of Irmurhig tfarm l*ro- perty.l Money to Loan lit fl and &% jiur oolit. on Kami Proparty, Partners Jftnu* ftsoiti in Good JRtUablt Cow/anii'i. NOTICE. All Accounts duo tho lato firm of Dkh. Dkwah & McKkn/w aro payable to Dn. Diavak, Wind sor. A prompt aottlomonfc iu requested. The Essox Free Press, BfcETT A, AULD, Proprietors FRIDAY, NOVK UBElt SO, 1805. Town and Vicinity. Ovor-ooald Jor mon, 6100 oaoh, at Bmith'n, Charles Cavo ban movou* into tho Amori- u Houbo. Qoortfo Mltldloditoh, of Rwlftotnwn, wart town on Saturday hint. F. U. Adanrn wan laid up lant wook an tho result of a lioavy cold. For bant valiioii in hcotfi, ohooa and rub bers, go to M. J. Wifjlo (fe Co, Leamington payH 819.08 por yoar ior aaoh atroot olootrio light. Ehrox payu 8flfl.G6 A now oak nidowalk haa hoon bmlt in front of tho Baptidt Chnreh on Modora avenue. Harry WilInhor m on tho Hiok lint and Oeorgo Loo to relieving him at Jamou Nay- | lor'Mmill. / Darititt Hoptfood ban moved into tho old Dutintan plnoo on Talbot otroot near Nay* lor'u mill. Jamoa Hillior lian movod from Poloo Island iso ono of Jamoa Naylor'n farmn a oouplo of miloa from town. John Ohvor had Homo of IiIh ribn frac tured on iTriday lawt whilo cutting wood in 0. E. Nayior'n bunli, by a limb nprinKinp; back aud hitting him in tho mdo. For tho latent Htyloa and bout vahion in hatfl and capo, try M. J. Wi^lo A Co. Twonty-wovou yoara ago, laat Monday, Nov. IGth, aaja tho Huron ExpoHitor, win ter not in, and thoro wan otsady Blobbing from tbon until tho raiddla of April. In many JuatauceH tho applou woro frozon on he troou and tho rootn romainod in tho Otwd all winter. ho Miohigan Central Railway haw ho- ed oontrol of tho Toronto, Hamilton & iJalo Railway, and on Tuonday, Cluof Entfiooor A. Torroy loft on a opooial train to in alto an innpootion of tha road. It bao been rumored for uomo tiruo tho M O. R vr&n after tha T. H. & B , bnt it wan not till a fow days ago that tho doal wan com pleted. Tho M. O. II. will probably take ovor tho now road about January Jut, por- bapH noonor. Tho pnipit of U-raoo IVletbodiHt oburoh Wftfl ocoupitd at both oorvicoH on Sunday laat by W. R. Manning, Priuoipal of tho Publio Bohool, and largo con^re^ationo woro prouout at both Horvicuii. Tho pulpit will bo oooupiod on Snuday next by Roy N. E. Scott in tho morning aud m tho even in |! by Win. Feotham, Don't forgot that M. J. Wiglo & Co, aro tho olothioro of Fmjex. John Seath. 13. A., Inapoctor of Iligh Sohoob), haa forwarded hie report on Ihh rooont innpeotiou of tho Kh^ox High School. Tho roport btatop that tbo organ] nation ia "uatinfactory", the tttaff aro all logally quahiiod ; dinciphno in GatiHfactnn . In tho oharaotor of tho teaching in the Bubjocta tho grading ia either good or fair, tbo majority boing iu favoi of tlio former In a note under that houding Mr South aaya "Mr. Moran poaaonneiH unummUy good oaablng ability." In the guiiLral rLiiuikH 0 InHpoctor Hayo "ThiH nchool continuoH bo in a satisfactory condition Tho ad tion of a third anbiHtont allowH pioptr tontiou to bo giVQii to ouch iK'ijartmLiit d will, no doubt., loud to it fullur lncruiHo o attondaaoo." special aalo cut priceu m ladieH1 and tft' Jluo (ihooH, at Smith's , A mooting at tho committee appointed at tho laat Liboral convention in Kiugu Vjlle to formulate Homo hchoruo to ansint I, tbo family of tho lato Jlon. \V. 1) Balfour met at Loamington on TuoHdav There wero pronont Win. McSwcon, of Leamington, W. A. lUcIntonh, of Com- b^r, I. E. Wobotor, of Iluirow, F. j\[c- , Cbarlos, of Rathven, and J. E, Stono and > R. II. Brott, of Ehhux. Mr. MoZutoiih wan appointed chairman, and Mr McBwoon Secrotary-TreaHuror. lJriocu for turniHhing * lithograpba and oouvonir medolH woro nub- mittod and it wao decidod that tbo htho- ' graphs Hhoulcl bo adopted,tho lithograph to ^bQ'lfjby 2j inchod and ditipofipd of at uuch a prioo n.B to roaluu a uico Hum for tho purpose intondod. A ropioHontativo from -flach municipality in tbo ruling wan ap pointed to look after tho Bale of tho htho- graphH in thoir rojipootivo uoramnmtioH. The objoot ifl a ooccraoadablo ono and whou f'abeoiroumatauooBaro duly and fully con- rlBldete& we boliovo tho 'pooplo of not only 'the South Biding of Ehboy, but of othor Ijddinga aud tbo Provinoo iu gonural will uceadily oontributo by purchasing ono or "more of tbo piotureo, Tho oommittoo ad- ! loomed to tha call of tho chairman. C-bars Burpnso soap for 36o.t at Smith's. Try Ovocb, tho*Jowelor, for flue watoh repairing, W. A. Oardnor and wife, of Loaming ton, vioitod In town this week. Mian Lou Grcouway loft on Wednesday to Hpond bo mo wooks with relative* in 'Detroit. I'eloo Inland irf overran wHh rats. Tho niuuiolpality are offorins; a bounty of ono out por head, lleovo Laird hud boon in Romtioy town- tthlp for Homo dya thiw wook on buninoHd oounocted with ilraluagu, A writer iu tho Contemporary Roylow ahnerhi that homo of tho Now Yprk belles hayo takon to ohowmg tobaooo. 6. IC, Martin, oolleotor of uuiitomu at WindHorJeft Hotul Djou on Tuonday aftor- noon, greatly improved in hqalth. Tho oluo|irn of tlio Prodbytorlau U. S. in tend holding thoir ChriutmaH entertain- meut on tho ovnumg of Dec. 3!Jnd. The iiohool at Staples haH boon olodod for two wook* on acoount of tho ptovalouoa of diphtheria and typhoid fovor there. Win Cane, tho would-bo pri-ia fl^htor, who wati jailed for publishing a oballengu in a Wallaoobur^ paper, has bean roloanod uy order of tho dopartmonl of juhUoo. It hau juiit bttaomo known that Chief of Police Willu, of Windwor, waw marriod on Out. 17th whilo on bin vaaatiou at Syra- oubo, N. Y.. to MibH fclargarot CarHon, Mm. Wm. SiRHon ond Mantora Olon and Willio Siimon aro Hpondinq a woolc or two in Leamington with Mr SiHaon'ii parontn, Mr. and Men. M. G. Hoatborington, and othor friendn in that plooe. An Khhox youth, who in employed an dnvor of a dolivory wagon, ia aoonrjod of Htopping and calling on u lady friend 8 timed daily. Tho old gontloman haw nont in a bill for throa now hitohing poHto and a pair of door limgon. A norvico of nong will bo bold in tho S. A. BarraoltH on Wodnoaday, Novorabor 26th, outitlod "Aida'H Saarifloo, a true Ar menian atory." Thi'n in vory touching, nho wud Htabbod and fllaflhod m a dozon differ ent placoa for Chrmt'H oauHo. llio ooanty in Hooded with cataloguoH from tho big Toronto department Htoroa at prooont. With tho oxooptiou of a few bait 1'iicfl purchanoracan do fully ao wall at homo, opouding thoir money whoro thoy ourn it a X than oontribnto to tho gonoral wolfaro of the community in whioh thoy ronido. J. H. C. Atkinflon, townnhip olork of Ptiloe Island, wuh in Enaox oa Monday lant on hit way buck to tho inland, having gone up fiom thoro on Hatnrday laHt with Hubert "Wiglo, of Kmgnvillo, who had pur- olmHod 171 hoga on tho inland for uhipmonfc to Toronto. Tho auunala ,worc talcon to Winduor on tho Enorgy aird nronoo~by a. t. k. Tho noaml i;ivon by tho Ladioa' Aid of tbo BaptiHt Church at Rov. M. P. Cump- boH'H on Friday ovoniug laat wan very woll attended and oyer 05 wati roahzod. Tho programme oouuifltod of roadinga by W. R. Manning, J. V. McQueen and Bon. Sloto and Roloa by Mr. A. Bond>, .lamon Ray mond, Ernotit llopgood, Frank Bedollo anil Miao Irvmo. Tho Miohigan Central Railway will iiihuo ticketi! for Thanksgiving Hay, Nov oinboi 'JGtb, at a rato of ono flrat cIuhh limited fare for tbo round trip. Children flvo yoani of ago and undor twolvo at ono half the adult rato. Dates of Halo, Nov. '25th and '26th, limited to return Joaving rkutinntioii nof Inter than Novombor 30th. Botwoon all local ntationn in Canitda. Got your blaukotH, yarnH, nhootrng and llauuolH from W. J. Wiglo & Co. Tho next uittiugH of tlio Division Conrtii in tho County of Ehbox will bo bold an fob Iowh: KiugHvillo, Tnonday, Dooomber lt , Leam ington, Wednesday, Deoumbor 2nd , Com- ber, Thuniduy, Df comber 3rd , Bollo Rivor, Monday, Docombor 1 lth , Khqok, Tnofiday, Uuoumbor lfitli , Amht-rutburg, Wodi.os day, Decombt r lbtli. Connty Court and Gonoral SeHHiouu will begin ou Tuonday, December 8th. In order to comply with regulations of the TJmtod Htaton Agrioaltnral Dopitrt munt tho Dominion Oovornmont havo ap pointed a largo number of innpootorii of Hhucp, oattlti, Iio^h and othor animalH being ubippod to tho othor Hide Each lot Hhip pod muHt bo accompanied with a oortihoate aa to thou frordom from dmofiHo. W If RiohardHon, V K, of thia town, and Dr. AnnHtrong, of Tilbury, uro tho only ap poiutou) m IjHhcx County. IUavy twcol .Itl^h goodn reduced from '2~>c and .10c for l')o , at Btrnbh'H, A snouting of the eolith Euhoa Lioenuo CuraiuiHHionern tvnii held at the Aberdeen Hotel, ou Monday, Comminaiononi Ahltow, Pattou and Molntoah and Acting IuajieGtoi Coutflworth being pronont. Tho Iiuoiiho of W. II. Maloney, of tbo TJmon Hotel, Amboiatbui^, waH not extended and unban uomo armuguUicnt ih come to, tho huoii'itj for that liouHO will likely be oimoi'lled. Tbo ahop Iicoimq m tho Humo town wati tranhtorrtd from F. A. Ootimuu to It J5. Maroutatu. Tlio Iiouuho of the Maiiclo Houho at Ktaploo wan tranuforrod to Mr. Middlotou nd tho Morntt Hnuao hjpiiHO at Whoiitloy was alHo trannforrod. H T Copun, of tho Ontario Natural Gan Company, ban roturnod to Windnor from Modlcmo H it, N. W. T., whoro ho had boou iient aft an export m natural gas by tho Canadian Pacific Railway Company, The Company had dniooverod gun thoro. Gonoral Manager Copmi found tho flow wan not to bo oomparod in any way with that in ttonLh Lonox, yot thoro ia a fair Runply, and tho Company will bo recom mended by Mr. Copmi to develop tbo uold. Ho naid Modicmo Hat ia bound to bo a groat place, Tho gaa aim bo unod for burn ing limo, und for fuel in tbo many fao* torioa, Goi free aamplo of Smith's SSo, tea. For Thanksgiving poultry leave orders atHraith'H. John Riohardiion aud wifo, of Valotta, Kent Co., viaitnd thia week with their nephew, W. 0. Richardson, When J, H. Wiglo moyun to bin farm at Letmiuton hiarealdonoo on Talbok Btreei north \tl\l be taken by J, K Mooro. Friday morning laali had ovury appear- anoa-Ojf a wintor morning. Thoro Wafl qoitoa layor of unow on tho ground. T, Brady moyed from ColohrHtoi Houth to Kduox Town this week and in oooupyiug C. H, Fullor'ti roHidenoo on Bnon avenue, Iiiaao Thoruton'a now reiudonoo on Tal bot titrodfc jiiflt below town, ia noarly eom- pleted and proenntu a vory bandHomo ap. pimranoo. Willinm' Unold Toni'n Cabin troupo appeared In Peok'a Hall, Kiuimc, laat (Thuruday) ovoning. Thoy gavo u iitroot parado at noon. Rorvioen iu fit. Paul'a Church, ISwox, on Sunday noxt, will bo at 11 o'clock a.no. an! 0 HO o'clock p.m. ltov. F. (I. Nuwton, of Hlratliroy, will preach at both norvleoa, C briu tie, Browu <tf Co.'a nod a and fancy biaouita, ohoap,at SmUh'ii. Chirkm Hughbanka, who in ill Bandwiob gaol for tho larocuy of Honry IIoaton'H whoat, will have bin trial huforo Judgo Homo at Sandwich to day (Friday). If you want to aoud a pronont to a dia- tanb friend or rolatiyo you cannot do bettor than Bond tlio FnKit Thkhh for a yoar. It will wave you tho trouble of writing oaoh wook. Ouly 81 till January, 1808. Tbo town coiinoil of Leamington paimod 930 fco outortam the mumborn of tho North Ridflo Rifloa and Loamington Infantry who woro out in tho Foniau raid of 180fi at thoir ro-nuion m that town on Wddnooday. Tho Royal Arch Manou Chaptora, in St. Clair DiHtnot will hold a oliaptor of in- ntruotion in Prinoo of WiiIoh chapter roomn, Amboratburg, on Tliurflday noxt, Thaukagiving Hiiy, coramoncmg at 1:30 p, in. H, M. Crouk tbroahod >V)S bualiola of boaun with ono of Goor'go IVliddleditob'a oyolono boan thronhora for U Nowoomb, of Harwich townahip, in '2^ bourn or at the rato of 170 bunhola por hour, no did not iiplita boan or leavo any in tho atraw. Romomber that M^J^-iVJglo &-Co. load tbo trade in lino toaa and grocoriou. A. H. VVoodbriJgo.nominatingomoor for tho third County Council divimon of Ewnox County, (comprimug Qonllold North, Gon- hold South and Kingnyillo) haH aolootod tho Kingfivillo town hall an tho pluoo for holding nomiuation on Monday, Docom- bor -Hot. Farmero, if you want borne blunkotiiyou can got bettor Value for your money at ,J. K. Stouo'n than at any other place in tho couuty. Hiobol & Brioltor shipped a car load of hoga from Eaoex ntatioii on Monday. A. J. Groon ahippod a oar of driaaod bogo on Tuonday and will nhip another carload to day (Fiiday). Mr. Groon alfio ahippod a carload from Amhorntburg on Tuooday, Ho will abip again on Monday and Tuonday. Tho Leamington Boat aayii : "Hov, J. G. Falliu, formerlj of tho Cottara oirouit, will likely bo returned to Ehhox county at tho next conference. Thoro in a otrong fooling in hie favor for oithor tho Ehiiox or KiugHvillo oirouit. Ho ia a thoroughly good man, an able apoakor, and very pop- ular iu hiH proHont atatiou, Point Edward, lie will bo woloomed baolc by a Iiowt of frionda." P. M. Bartlet, of Wiudmr, haB given hiu Jlcihiou in tho ciikbh aganiHt tho Combor hotel mou for Helling liquor aftor houra. diHrnioHiug ^he uction. The luapeutor h rcgulatioun aay tbut tho time to icgulate tho opening and oloHing of hotolb nhall bo louul time , tho Htatutoa aay it ahall bo utandurd time. Tlio aolhng, according to tho evidence, aubmittod, took pluco aftor 7 o'clock, atandard timo, but boforo 7 o'clock solar time Tho magiatrate, thoroforo, diamiHEjod tlio caHo. 'iho Diploraua and CeitiflcatoH won at Llna yoar'a Departmental Exaininationu will bo diHtnbuted to tho Hucct-nwful can- didatoo in tho Town Flail on Friday oyen- mg of thin wook, November '20fb, M. Bar- rott, of CruHo, R. 13. Dodnon, of Combtr W. H ItiehtirdHon and E. A Winmar, of Ehbox, ofliciating. EaHuya will ho road by tho winuorH of aoiuor leuying Diplomas, Mini Allworth, MoMflrH CutJUiughiim, Bar- I'utt and Leak. IiiHtiurncntal muHic will bo cuntnbuUd by Mias Sybil Cunning- ham. Mihh Ethel Lamg will mng, Mihh Sara Wortloy will rccito and Mi. Moran will exhibit hjiiio intorcating oxporimonta in Phyaioul homnco Pro2oedingH will commence at 8 o'olouk HedaLud pricoa in men's and boya' over coatn aud huHh, at Bmith'u. Tho HportH who apout two weoku uoai Ro uuau. Muakoka, door hunting returned home on Tuuaday ovemng last, all looking and foohug wall. Thoy had vory good iu_'k,nbootmg l.'J deer and bringing 0 of thorn back with tbera. Daring their outing tlicy alno had an oxperiouoo with a boar and that thoy did not bring tho am- -mal-baflJt_with thoin ia not thoir fault, an thoy put throo bullota into it. Tho woathor during tho two wooka thoy woro thoro waa vory inolomonfc, oithor rain or anow falling nearly all tho timo. Thoro wero alno ao many huntora in tho woods that ono bad to be very careful about uhoDting. Tbo local party wan made up of John Gormloy, Dr. J, W. Brian, Frank Stotta, Jool Whit nay, C. J. Thraahor, Walkor Gardner, Henry Spooohloy, 0. J. Gardner," Alfred Gardner and George Bar/uoo. Wulkor Gardnor did not return with tho party bnt got off at Bracobridpo and will remain u couplo of wooka in that distrust vioiting: frionda. M, J. Wiglo & Go. aro having a groah ovor-ooat ualo ; tbo pricoa aro doing it* Potatoes, COo. bush., at Bmitb'B. i lbs. ginger bo a pa for 25o. at Smith's. The now sidewalk on Brion Avenno hoa boon completed' William KlobardHon and wife, of De troit), yiaited ibid week with their daugh ter, Mra, John Laing, Goorge M. Thornton ia gaining strength daily aud will noon have completely re covered from liia Bovoro attack of fovor. W. H. Manning will give an uddroad on "Temporaiioo" at tho Loagua mooting in tho Mothodiht oh Utah next Tuoiiday^ovun- Ing. Mm, Rlnmton who will aoll hor houao- hold goods today (Friday) at ',i I\ M., will hortly return to hor old homo m England to roaide. Mr. IIrown, of Hamilton, gonoral agont for tho Now York Singer Bowing Machine Co., waa a victor in town rhiu wook, tho guont of If, M, FiluI, the local agout foi tho company. .ludftmont lmH boon dolivorod in Wiglo va, Kiiiguvillo, diHmiHain^ the aotiouj with acuta. Tlio plaintiff will tako tho oano to tho Court of Appeal, Thia ia tbo oano arming out of tho gaa matter. Jamoa Brownloo, a commoroial travollor wall known in Wontom Ontario, having boon in tbo oraploy of D H. Porrin fo Co., of London, for yearn, committed HUioido by drowning in Toronto harbor on Tuon day, Simon Wiglo appoarod boforo Magiatrate Rodd at Gento on Saturday laat and paid a lino of 910 and coatfi for pointing a wea pon at Robert Gillott, tenant of bin farm near Elford. Tboro wan trouble hot wood Motinrn Wiglo and Gillott ovor rout mattora Tho collootor of taxoH will bo at tho oflico of W. D. Boaman, on tho uftornoona of Saturday, tbo 7th, 11th and 21nt and ovory lawful day from tbo 25th to tbo .'iOth of Novombor, Thoao wiohing to take udvan- tago of tho .') por cont. diaoonnt, ploano tako notioo. County poatraaotoni havo noon notibod by tbo Department that tho country in m- foHtud with hurglara who aro preparing to raid variotia pout ofOceii throughout tho Province. Tho numoroun robborioa recent, ly reported confirm tho aunpiaion of tho autborition, T. J. Barrett, who wont oaat laat week, him not yot roturnod to Euaox. Tho Til- aonburg Obaorvor announcoo that Mm. Barrott and daughtora aro to roracvo to Wallaooburg, thin wook no it in about net tled that Mr. Barrott will go into bumneao in that town. Wo uiidonttaud bo has bought antook thoro, Ono of tho oiiaioat wayn to mako pooplo go abroad to trrulo ia to nogloat advortioing at homo. Aa a rulo pooplo who aond away for gooda.or go out of town to do tradiug do it booauao of tbo bargaiua advortiaod by tho morohanta in othor towns and hooamo thoy oeo thinga advortiaod that thoy think looal morohanta do not koop. Undor tho pout omco rogulationa of Canada, undolivorod lottoru will not bo ro turnod to wntor unlcnfl a request for audi ia mado in printod lottora on tho cornor of tho ouvolopo. Writtuu requoata will not annwor. It ia theroforo adviaabio that poraonH provido thomoolvoa with tho onvelopoa containing thoir namea and in- tttruotiono to tho poatmantor. Call at thm oflioo for thorn. A man driving a aorrowful npocimen of a horao and light wagon to match atruoit Enact laat wonk una* railing at tho diffuront roHidonta in town offered rustic word for aalo, at tho aamo timo informing hm ox- pootod ouatomor that tho work waa douo by a blind boy and ho waa oolltng it aa a matter of charity. To add to this atroug pull for aympathy that the family bo is nolhng for aro vory needy that tboro are nine children in tho family and that all aro blind How much truth there ia in hia ato-y wo leavo our readorh to gneflH, no claima to live botwoon Woudaloa and Tilbury. Overstocked! JIiuli School Notow. The otudouto of Eaaex nigh School pur- poao holding tho noual Commencoment KxorciooH in rook'a Hall, thia (Friday) evening. The following uro tho namea of atuuVnta luFurml., A, who obtained ovei 'A'd\ pi r coiUi. in luatory nxaniination or laat wook : L. Sodgwiok 81, G lrwm 7'.), S. ViAor OH, L B McQueen b.'l, E. W. Noal lj2. S. Wil- .on 00, M. Lmch .j(J, C E McQuoi n jJ, T il Fito V2, F. bhendau Jil.U. Btouo 11, F. MoAfeo 1(), Tln5fifi iu Form I., A, who obtained over S.i\ por ount in botany oxaminution : L. Hodgwiult 73, G Irwiu 72, J Smith C,.',t \t. McQueen 01, T. II. Fitn (il, S. Wilson <U), S, Prior ffj, A, Gaalor 31, F. Sheiidtm 4'J, M Liuoh 17, C. Stouo 17, F. McAfee 1(1, C. W. Noal V.). TIioho in Form II. who obtained ov<r .U^ por oont in phyaica uxamiimtion : W. S. .Jtimoii 90, C. Kmator 87, J. Smith 8.1, M Moliiigh 81, C Mollugh 81, M. Afo- Rao 77, M, Rorko (17, J. Moian 07, E, Raiuoa GO, 13. White G,"j, F. MoAfeo 03, B. Cunningham O'J, S Wortloy fl, K. Millar fiB, E. Richardtiou .11. T. II, Fitu (y, L. Bonnet 47, M. Grant 13. Thono in Form IV. who obtained ovor ll'A\% on phypioH examination : J. J. Boo man 50, W. Whitman 51, Minn Bird 40. Thoao in Forma III. and IV. who oh tamed ovor 1)3^ jiur ount. in German exam ination ; E, Riohaidaon Ti, E."Borry 71, S. HuhhoII 55, H.M. Cooko 18, G. W. Mc- Koo 30, Maud Unmmiford 3a, O. E. Kma tor Sft. Thoao in Form I., B, who obtainod ovor :i3jt poroout. in botany oxaminalion ; Xj, nillior 03, M. Millar 51, E. Jamoa 63, G. Jamoa 48, L. Linoh 45, B. Thomas 43, K. Laing 42, W. Olvor -12, L. Wiglo 40, J. Dowar 39, B. Elhuou S9, A. Gourlay BQ, N. Little 37. We are Overstocked in ^ Ladies' Coats, Regular $3.25 line cut to $2.50 4.50 6.00 7.50 9.00 << a <( a 6.00 8.00 10. All New and of Latest Style. a a a it it tt Snaps in Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats. Suit or Overcoat **$X*t $6.00 Cut to $4.60 8-0 u 6.00 10. " 7.50 16. " 12.00 Lots of Odd Suits for Men and Boys at a-bout Halt Price. See Them. We Offer Special Inducements in Ordered Clothing Don't buy before you ,rsee us............ Examine Our Stock of Boots and Shoes, We carry best makes only prices have been Reduced to suit the Closest buyer. Special Line All Wool, Large Size, White Blankets, $2.25 per pair. G.E. &C0. WI11CTNKY BLOCK, ESSEX. FOP FRIDAY and SATURDAY .AT THE. NEW Grocery. . *-* -' --" i ........^ni Wilcox-& Brown CANNED Slioona Rivor Salmon.... 15 ota. a ci(n. Smoked riorrinc....... Hi eta. a box. Bouoleau Herring........ 7 " " Judic Jf Co, SarcluiLH___ 18 " a can. Couuoru Brofi. Haidiuom.. 1^ " *' GOODS. Nonparoil Sardineo...... 7 Smoktd KiHcnoo.......... 20 Finnan Ilmklien.......... 10 Frankfort SaiiBagLH...... 12J a doa* CHOICE NEW FRUITS. Oranjrou................ HO otn, a do/. I Tablo Fi^h.............. 1 j Lomouti ................ 1>0 " " I Matt Tih'B............. 10 Bunanaa............... 10 " " j Telephone Orders Promptly filled. Goods delivered to all parts of the town. a lb. WILCOX & BROWN". We may talk loud and long about the good qualities of the....... Paultess Keating' Stove. Kut cannot say too much in its favor. It is one of the best wood heating Stoves made ; will koep fire all night just like a coal stove. If you want a Stove try one.............. See our No. 9 Cook Stove with <t c ^^ Reservoir, for ^pi^.UU 8Sf G-lad to have you call wliether you buy or not, W. H. Richardson, Hardware, Essex, Ont. *p 57