HATS. Hats Hats f Special Sale of hats, caps and gloves this week at 0. Drentier will remove to Lambeth, noar Loudon, tills week. Tho Cottam dram at io club will glvo an oUtortalnmenfc in tbo town hull, Oottatu, on Tuesday evening, Nov, 17th, consisting of BODftd, dl&logaea, eta., aud the drama, Merchant of Venice, Proceedh to bo "lined tor charitable purposed. A correspondent nouds the following : "Have tbs roedlmval days returned 7 I sporting on tho Sabbath to bo tbo amuse ment of the poOplo iu this the latter part of tho nlneteauth coutary and in thU Chrmtiau land 7 Yot thoro are bo mo per* hoiim iu our villa^o who deuoarato tbo Bab- bath aud bold in oontompti tho law of God au well an tho law of our country. Wbore aro our officers oil tbo law ? Why are thoy no doaf to tho, prootiodingH which wore going on Buuduy evening Ia.nt 7 If uuob offrontory in allowed to continue, what must wo oxpoot of our ohildron who wit- noun tho hoadn ot famihen ongagod in uuob diHroputablo conduct." HI D. J. Whitney, HATTER AND FUMISHEK. A Good Thing Those who want the best of Good Things come to us. They get Greater Values, Better Stylos and more Pleasure out of our offerings than at any other place. We know this to be true be cause we hear what our patrons say. What others have discovered should interest you. Our Shoes Look Well, Fit Well, Wear Well. Tina id tho loaat wo oould ponHibly nay about thorn. If it waa not for our oxporionco m leather we could not bgII ho choap, Cn.ll and be couvincod for yourneh*. 3/i9a t9&& So. Sign of tbe Go don Boo', WHITNEY BLOCK, ESSEX. A CHOICE ^ OF STYLES Is what can be obtained at our establishment, Duns tan Blk, Our work is the best, our de signs are up-to-date and our prices very low. We are the only store in town handling Tweeds of Clyde Mills, best in Canada, and buying at mill prices we save you from 50c to $1 on pair of pants and $2 to $4 on a suit; we have also ii splendid line of fancy colored Worsteds, very reasonable in price. We inuite you to in spect our goodw beiore buyin, THE TAILOR. For 1896-7. Balance of 1800 Free. Only One 'fo January lti, 1B08. Sixteen Puirew lOuch Week --------\V 1 1H----- 111 The News^fTde World. Vlarket Reports, Storien, Etc. Excellent Reading...... for ovory member of tnu family Wo offer good induuumontB to agfiitn l,lor U'rmn, etc, addifjHh ADVERTISER PRINTING CO., MtNIION, ON'lAxim, on tho African go'd oouHt, muHt iUvo a very large population. Tin- n itiwa huvn tbo ploanant onntorn oF pnrimg to death tbo tenth child m ovory fumily, Tbo local authorities aouort that thomiando of children uro dontioyed on monun^ of thin (inpiTfititiona practice, bn> that the iufhionuo oil tho fet.nb prionis <h iki great that onlv stringent legislation c%\ mop tbo Hluughtor. coi4ciii:Hri;rt noiktii. On Tuesday, .J. S Laird sjld 4 8 rodH of tlio MuBuh Dram in tb oeiitro of tbo 7th con. lo Olnon PotorHon at SI 1!) por rod. OI.INUA. E ' Mth ThoH Squire la, wo regret to nay, vi ry ill again w [n Iioylu, of Aiiipr, epont bint Sunday with rcduhufj here CrL-oign Kottti r, of Kingnville, y ml tod n !'itiv< h bore bint week Mien L mm Abbott ppnnt lait week vimting fricndH in WindoTi. ISIrH C ipt Odette and Hon, Dan., with Mihh C Folnnm, ull of Windnor, npont hint w< elt witb TUi h O tutto'n rulntivoH, tbo IWf Ht-rn Corlott hoio Chui mug Dono in one Mniuto. 1 li'ivti tri. d the Lightning Churn, you tto. ntl\ dthotinnd m your ptiptr, and it \r ti rtuinlv u wnndt i T run chum in leim tbitti on.j minute, mid the butter in elegant and you got coiiiiidurably moro butter than wlion you uho lutommoi) churn. I took the agency fo** tho oburn heLo mid ovury buttor maker that net n it buy* one. I Imvo sold tbo dozen and thev givo tho lent of natiii. fuotion. I know I can ficll 100 in thin town- Hbip, an tbov oburn ho quickly, make no muoh mora buttor than common ohurna and aro no obonp. Somo onu iu ovory town- Hlup <3n make two or three hundred dal- birw hnllini: tiieHO aliurun. Ii> iiddrefminp J. V. OaHoy ife Co., St. LouiH.'you aau Rot cU'cumr-H and full info, mitt ion no you run muku b't; money nj*ht at liotbu. 1 hov* roado SH0 tbii punt two weikH und 1 btivf nover nnltl lui^thfifi in my hfo before. 45 o A pAn&nsn, ttlre. noldon, of Sandwich South viHitinu Inondii lioro. It, H, Barrett, of GoHto, wuh in South Woodnloo on TuoHday, Jacob Mituholl wont to In no moll oh Wednesday morning ou buamcfin. Mihh Bramn Cox hftH rotnrnod to Detroit aftor a wooIc'b vmit with hor patrontH hero. Hovoral wont from boro to Bollc Bivor on WodnoHday to attend tbo funoral of tbo lato Mr. F. P. Boutoillor. E. L. Parker, of Ebbox, inougn^od brick ing in tho now boilor that Allmou & Ilan- oook are putting in tboir warobonue. MiasoH. V/ilcox and Toboy vrboolod from hero to Detroit on Friday last io 2 bourn aud 10 mi mi ten. Tbodintanoo m 20 miloii, Mm. J. A. Halntoad han gono to Cold- water, Mioh., for a wtok'n viuit with her doughtor. Eb. Forrion, of narrow, aooom- paniod her. Mre. John Byrno, ono of tho oldont not tlere of Dyrnodalo, diod on Tnotiday ana will bo buried to-day (Friday). Sbo wan ovor 80 yoarn of ajjo. Murray & Bonn havu tho timbor on tbo ground to pat an addition to tboir urit mill, tho old milt boinc; far too umall capa city for tboir work. Geo. Hunt bun givon tip tbo idoa of farming, and ban runted bin plaoo to Loo Dupuio, Mr. Hunt will continue on an foroman in Mr. Boon' mill, Wbilo out in tho liold on Monday, John MyloB wy.fi taken with a fainting npoll and for a wbilo it wus tbought ho hu-d-roaoivod a ot^oko. Ho in now around tinain. An tho Provincial SaDbath School Con* voution at London lunt week, J, A. Sjnith wan appointed an county ropienoututivo on tbo Pioviuoial Etooutivo Com\nittoo. Mm. Peter Cotter cjavo a danco ou Fn day ovonmer bint wbiob wa woll attondod- Suppor wan norvod at tboCattor Ilouflo and daucinf; took place in .Incob Mitoholl'ii ball. MoEntoor & Cummiford, on Tnonday, Gold a coiupleto throHbiup outfit online and Boparator to Ilodnck A Domlon. Thoy were mauufacturod by tbo Maoaey Sawyer Co. J. Manooll, ni^bt oporator on the M. C. R. boro, him rotnrnod from Buffalo, wboro be wan viBitiiy;. JnmoH Pombloton, who wun reliovm^ him, is now working dayn at Binmarok. The named of J. J Dowhirnt and Philip Ladouceur aro montionod for tbo Roovo- Dbip of ItoahoBter for 18!)7. If Mr. Dow- hirnt doon not run for ltonve bo will hkoly fill tbo Deputy ltoove'o chair a^ain. While Borao men wora working at Roes' mill on Friday Inst a lop; rolled on four of thorn injuring rsir- Uoeu, Chan. Taylor and Mr. Kottyht. Mr. Taylor wan no badly hurt that bo utill lian to uoo a cane. Tho othorn woro Icon injured. -" J. A Smith ban decided to movo to Woodntook wboro ho will open a tailor ohop. O"o will move an noon an lie can got hit) af- tuirH boio Htraif*btunod up winch \vill be about tbo ond of tbo mouth. Mr. Smith hao boon in South WoodHloo for 15 joaru The pulpit of tlio MuthodiBt church boro wan occupied on Sunday hmt, at both morning und overling nerviooH, by Alfred Dav, tbe Socrotary of tho Provincial Sab bath School Auuociation, who hIho preached at Ruticomb oliuroh in tbo afternoon. Mr WiIhou, of Dotroit, will officiate on Bun day noxt during tho alinonoo of Mr Ayren Tbo Sunday School Convention for Roobontor and Maidstone District wan bold in tbo South Woodolco Metbodmt oliuroh on Tm-Hday of thin wctk. Thoro woie two HtiHhionn, afternooD and ovoumtf, and conuiderint! that it whb only last Tbnreday that it wan decided to hold tbo convention both kohoioub woro largoly at tended At the afternoon seamon, Rov. W. Ayreit occupied tbo ohair and tbo fol lowing oflicorti were oleutod : ProBidont, feidncy Smith, of HuhcoitiI) ; Vice Prow,, Alex MeUowrdl.of Mtiidntouo ; Suo. Troan,, h B- Taylor, of South Woodttloo ; Dolc- lintu to County Convention, Rov. W. Ayron. 11'v. ,7. II. Kirklaud, of Cornbor, read a pitpoi on "Tbo delation of tlio olann to tho Tcachor" aud Alfred Day, Secretary of tbo Provincial AnHOoiation, ruvo au addroHn on "Child Cnltnro " Only two tiohoolH South Woodoleoand Ruocomb proaontod roportn, Tim uveniuj! muutui^ bo^nn at 7:ii0 and tbo church wan crowded wlion tho Pronidont, Sidney Smith, took tho chair. Dovotionnl oxi roinen wuro coudnoted by S. B. Taylor, after which Rov. W. Ayron kuvo an addroHH on "Tbo Laborer, the Field, tho Soil and tho Fruit," followed by a oolootiou by tbo choir. J. A, Smith thou ([avo a roporb of tho Biblo Ola^o Time hern' Oonforenoo bold at Londou hint weok, after which R. 0. Wooho, df LeamiUKton, County Sdorotarv, rend a paper on "Or^aniKatiou aud How to Tenoh a Primary Clans." Alfred Day, Provinolal Beorotary, took up the Quoatlo^i Drawer aud nuaworod the rjuodtione there in. Tho cloning addreau- ot tho mooting waaby the prenidout who (^avo a report on the part of tho Provincial Convention taken Op by Superintendents of Sunday Bohoohj. Tbo ool loot ion amounted to 9H.50. tlONPIKJLOWqivrilJt.__________ It Is more than likely that Chan, llclklo will bo au oHpiraut for tho Reovouhip for 1B07 aud J. P. Milieu in npokeu of for tho Deputy ReovflHhip in oou bo dooa not run for County Councillor. Rev. W. H. Allworfch, paator of fcho Con - Rational ohuroh iu TjioiiiIik!. Mich., diod suddenly in bin ohuroh on Thurnduy nl^ht of lanfc wook, wbilo taking part m a pray or uicufcin^. Docoanod wan 78 yearn of ago and waa brother to E. Allworth, of thin \ vdlafjo. ____________________ J, Dawnon m building an addition to bin dwelling. Walter Oolonutt if* oooupylutf liin now dwelling. Mrn. Oraoo Tot ten npont a fow dayn lant wook with hor daughter, Mrn. J, WilHdh. Mitiiiufi L,h/.\o and Mattio Wilnou nponb a pleaannti time with friondn horo lnut wook. Mr. and Mm. .1. Wolloy and Mra. Gor don Fox,of Unthvon, accompanied by tlioir nlntor, Mm. Herbert Moore, of Hannibal, Mo., oallod on tboir relativon horo on Tuouday hint. THE Event of the Year. Eo-ro-rurigla'fc NOKCI'XM uno. Jororay Jobnnon loft for hid homo in Woodstock laHt Saturday. Loonard Giibao Hpont a fow dayn of lant wook and thin in Dotroit, tbo quoiit of bin brother, Androw. Tbo Motbodintohurch, North Rid^o, will bo re-opened for divino norvico on Sabbath, 22nd intit, Soo band bilbi. Jonoph J. Gawloy, wife nnd family, loft our villafio iaat Taoaday nitfbfc. Thoy loft betwoon two dayn and tho quontion in frooly ankod why ? A numbor of onr farmoru havo flninhod bunking and onbbing tboir_Qorn. -Thoy havo alao navod thoir 00m foddor for tlioir bovinon to nibblo duriufi tho cold, droary mbntbn of next winter. Waltor Smith in, wo aro glad to gay, ao- oording to tbo latent roport, rapidly im proving iu health. His nnmoraun friondn and well whlhorn will all bo glad to know thin. Ho in at proaont looatod in Erie, Ponnnylvania. Stephen MoCombn and wife loft for By- racuuo, N. Y., laHt Wednonday to hoc a dauRbtor who wan naid to bo nonouHly ill, but nad to rolato oho diod boforo tbo par onto not thoro. Tho docoanod, Annatttt' tho holovod wifu of Waltor Bridgonian, wan a loving wife, truo friend ana kind neighbor. goodn Afrn, Lavoio m uonouuly ill. Jan. Roaumo ban opouod a dry ntoro. Mrn. Laramio ifl dangorouHly ill and hor recovery is doubtful. Mrs. Suuvo ban gone to tho hoapital to recoivotroatraont for hor oyon. F. P. BoutoiUer will bo a candidate for Cuunty Council for No. (J Dintriot. Minn Bronoit in improving rapidly undor tho caro of hor now nurHO, Miaa Donohno, of London. Mihh Maggio Tracy, who had boon viHit mg hor aunt, Mm. A. Paront, haa returned to her homo tn Brynedalo. Hog oholora in repoitod to nave broken oat m Walpolo Inland, and tbo animals attacked aro naid to bo dying by tho hund reds. Mrn F. P. Boutoillor, of Bollo River, had a novoro attack of paralyniw ou Satur day morning, from tho offectn of which bIIo" wan not able to rally. Hor nuiter, Mrn. Taylor, of Big Beaver, Mich., wan at her bodmdo and hor non Qeorgo Bonteilb or, from Berlin, arrived Sunday night, Mm. Boutodlor died on Monday night and wan buriod on Wednonday, Commencing Saturday Morning We Place on Sale ! 43 Pioo.au of H3-Inob Flannolotto for flo. per yard. 3 Yardu wide Plain and Twillod Biiooting regular price 22d. a yard rednood to l.lo. per yard. 2.Yardn Wide Bleach Twillod Shooting tho 25c. quality ro- duood to lBo. por yard. HG-Inoh Iloavy Oroy Cotton roduood to Go. por yard. 10 PioonH of K2-Incb Printu to Cloar at Oo. por yard. 10/1 White Sproadn, worth 81.50 for $1.00 11/1 White Maraoillon Sproadn, for 91 iifi Romuauts of Dromi Goodn, Printu, GingbamH, Satocun, 2op- hyrn.d'o., during thin aalo at Halt Pnco. All Our 38a. Boitt Kronoh Chalhon during thin Halo for IDo. por yard. Spec/a I Sa/e of Table Linens and Tow eh, fifi Inch FinoTablo Linon regular price 3fjo. por yard Sale pnco 2Go. pot yard. 57-Inch I'ino Table Linonn at dfio,, 37^0., -iOo., 'IGa. and COo, per yard worth rogular 20 por cent moro. Tbroo-Quartor Size Lbon Table NapkinHforSl por Dozon. Boautifal TowoIh at 2 for 25o. a- ^ .i1- i Space Doea 3STot Permit *us to Enumerate the G-reat Bar- gams in Ml Departments, You flust Call and See." ^^ Our Wondorhil Bargaiim in Now Dronn Qoodn. Our Romarkablo Salo of Mon'n and Boyn' Suita. Our Roaaonablo Offonngn in Clothing to Order. Our Groat Roductionn in BootH and Sboon, Our Special Quotationn of Sugar by tho Barrob Our Gifiantio Salo of Ladion' and Childron'n Now Fall and Wmtor Mantlon. The Millinery Department is Now Open. D1EBEL & BRICKER. * K KS'FO Tho quarterly tneeting Horviceu will bo hold in Betbol church, Gonto circuit, on Sabbath next, tbo 8th limt. at 10 110 a.m. Rov. N.13 Scott will preach on tho occasion and will bo aflnintod by Minn Kate Morton, of Toronto, Tbo official hoard will moot at Gjnto on Monday, tho !)tb, at 2;!i0 p. m. for tbo trannaotiou of baninenn. Tho toa-mooting, in aid of tho Gonto MotbodiHt eburcli on Monday ovoning lant. wan a moot HticooHnful affair 811 boing roali^od? An exoollont uprcad waB furninh, cd by the ladion aTtor wbioh for a couplo of bourn tho audionoo wira ontortaiuod by a ohoioo progiammo. About twonty young pcoplo from Ennox, tbo Mothadiafc choir and othorfi, drove out and contributed con Hiderably to tho protirammo, Tbon. Wil- iiiunn, of Gonftold Koitb, inado it capital chairman and the aolootionH woro all woll rondorod-and-Thily apphuidoil, Tlio open ing nolootion wan a hymn, "All nail," by tho audionoo, followed by prayer by Rov. A, Thibandoau, aftor wbiob tho chairman gave au uddretm. Mofmrn. Bhorrin and Kvioghoff followed with a duot ontitlod "Larboard Watoh" and Ilev. Mr. Thiban doau with an luldrchh. Waltor Shaw then ninpi a nolo ontitled "Man, Oh Wbar'u Man;" tho choir Hang a aolection, "Tbo Bootn ," 0. Krioghoffff gave a roading ; Q. A. Sherrin nang a nolo, "Tho Old Turn key ," Rov. W. H. Shaw gavo an addrona ; C Kneghoff nang "An Old Tirno Song'* and tho choir brought tho programme to a olouo by tho ninfiiug of "Gloria." Dr. .1, H, Junuer, of Eghok, waa to have boon chajr- man but wna unablo to attond on account of hiLving to attond a nick oall. Road tho F11 ins Pimns clubbing ratofl. XCochetor Council. St. Joachim, Oot. 31nt. Cotinoil mot an por adjournment with membora all present. Minuten read ana approved. W. R. Smith appoarod before council in regard to damago, claimed Fomo time ago, tc biH crops. E. Barrotte ad- dronned the council re damagen to bin land by tho ropair of tho Ruucom drain. Tho county offorod 9100 to nettle Barrotto'u chum, but bo wautn a oortain Ham from tho townnhip in addition to tho 5100 from tho county. Troannror Strong pronoutod hin Htatomont, nbowing a balance on hand of IWIikOO. Thin amount will moot all Uabib itioa coming duo thin year, an well an all BftlanoH of townnhip oftiuialn . Thid is, in- dood, a croditablo allowing , tbo pronent council Htoppiug down and out with a oloan oboot. By-law No 211, appointing a col lootor for tho ourrout year, wan road the u,8Ual numbor of timoB aud panned. Denia Maruutotto wan appointed at a salary of 120. Moved by Mennrn Dowhirat aud VVilhon, that tho Roovo and Moonrn. Syl ventre and Ladouceur, bo a aomimttoe to oxamino and uauopfc the oolloator'n bondn- tnon, Car. Mr. Uopo, ropreuontini: J. B. Stungor & Co., aukod that tho water in front of Mcnnrn. Strmgor'n farm bo takoo away. Mr. Ladouceur wan appointed, with power to act. By-law No 2LQ, appoint ng the novoral deputy returning oflioera, and fixing tho plaoo for holding tbo ol eotion, waH road the unual numbor of timon and pasaod, H. B. Kmntor addranHod tho J council re Mr. Calyoi, who io in nood of afimutanco. II, B. Kmntor addronaod tho couuoil ro watora in Runcorn River over flowing bin laudo. Ho ban suffered con nidorablo damago tbo pant pennon. JVIovod by Monnrn, WiUon and Ladouceur, tha1 tho Roovo and Deputy-Rouvo bo appointed to look into Mr. Kuintor'n complaint and roport at next meeting, Carriod. H. B. Ivuinter alno ntated that tho drain ou tho Roar Road uuodod cleaning, that the proponed extoution of tbo Uuuconi Htiition load itouth bad evidently liroppod out of night. Eli Quomievillo, Treuo. Tilbury Nortli, proHentod a ntatomcut nbowmg ox- ponditnron for tho maintonanoe of tbe townhnn betwoon tho two lowniihipn. Roobontor was found to bo VU.OIJ in Til bury North'o dobfc which amount wan order cd paid, Aooonntn paitnod: A Rovit, 88.75, repairing bridgon and oloaring jamti Hivor Runcorn ; O Rovit, 91, returning p. rn, lint; F Pauuotto, fil, do ; M Shnohan, 83, ditching 3rd hna; 0 ClarK, 810.50, adv^^tiflingwnd printing; M Bhoohan, 90, budding bridgo lfch oon.; Goo. E White, Windsor, 817, how or pipe; A BissoiiettD, 818 80, ditching 7th con. road {W U Smith 815.17, ditching 33 rodn 7th oou.; T Bollo- moL'o, 810, repairing road and pulling Htumpn Oth oon. road ; D. Donin, 80. re pairing bridgo and putting culvert pipes on W. R. R. road ; M L Byruo, $1.38, work on 3rd con.; O. Ronand, 81.06, ditoh- i. g Toeomnob road , F llogan, 83, repair-, mg bridgo M. R.; T Plaute, $0,16, ditch ing TooumBoh road; J B Janiaao, $2, oloaning town hall ; Jaa. Strong, 90.50, 800 it. of plank, hauling tiamo aud ropairiug norapor; H Daobarmo, 87, oollooting P, M. huts; D C Dowhirat, 818.10, 180 rodfl ditohingand grabbing ntumps 7th oonr- road ; Jan. Strong, 81, returning p.m. lint; A Brookor, 811,grading 7th oon. road; B .Taninno, SOo, repairing norapor ; F. Millor, 88 10, lumber ; VV. C. Crawford, 810.80, tilo; N. Carver, 80, nHniHtauao; Tilbury North, 83 03, nottloment tow'ulino ropairti ; Laiug BroH., 018, lambor ; J oh no ton Bros.* 822 58, lumber. Council adjourned to moot Tuonday, Dooombor 15th, at Sfc. Joachim. Threo ohildrou of Henry Hazlowood woro burnod to doath in a flro which do- ntroyod bin ronidonco at Montreal. The Larabton houno of industry in fin ished, and tho ooramittoo took it off the coutruclor'H liandM Monday. Tbo home will ho opened in Docombor. Joseph O'Donnoll, of Walford Town nbip, wafl found dead in bin barnyard with a broken nook on Tuonday. It ia supposed ho fell out of bin buggy. The ouho of tbe townnhip of Chatham will norvo an a warning to municipalises with a pouobant for going to law on all ponmblo occaniouo. Iu a dinpnto with the O.P.R. an to tbo Iciud of oulvort that ought* to havo boon built to accommodate tho traff ic of tho road at a oortain point in tho town* nhip.tho municipality dooidod to flghtt lb ouli in tbe oourtn. The fight has boon a costly ono for tbo townnhip. At Oagoode Hall rooentiy, .luntioo Stroot gavo tho final or der to compel tho townnhip to pay .over, as a ronult of dinputo with tho railway com pany, tbo nam of 82,212,with intorost from 1803, and ad tho oofitu of tho aatiou. The township ban already paid 82,800 to the railway. Tho aoBts will amount to some thing like 82,500, bringing tho total amount to bo paid by tbo township to about 3V,000. 4 Vl A Good Wind Mill Make it Tour- BOlfl I naw ono of tho Pooplo's wind mills which 1 naw reoommonded in your paper recently, it only cost mo 80.40 and ia a Bplondid mill; my woll is deep, but it pumpn it all right with vory little wind ; tho ueighboi'U all lilco i*. "'id an I am a kind aarpontor, I have agreed to put nine mills already,on wbioh I cau make a moo pre* fit, and thoro aro raauv others for whom X oan pet up milln this fall. I don't see why - A^M ovory farmer should not have a wind mill, *T;jjgJ whou they oan make it thomsolvGR for lees "<:4: than 810; unyono oan get diagrams and " oompleto dirootion for making tbo ylnd mill by Bonding 18 two-oonb ntamps to pay rty|ffl postage, etc, to Fro-uoin Oasey, St. Louin,, $m Mo,, and there oan ue uozana ot th^m pat }W Up in anylooality by anyone that has the"1 $t ouorgy to do so. A. Fabvib. 48-0, "-^ i &<. 3.t^-:j'\. ."/ A*i \ >'". ^\i c;AfeJtWto^t <&Jei&& "V