Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), November 6, 1896, p. 6

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PP?^P?|jSfl!l^ >,\- m K.- it?. Ife-v, !,V. JPOOJT^OK'TH^. FIEND MEW YORK'8' "FIREPROOF" SKY SCRAPERS INVITE A HOLOCAUST. OlMVO 'Well Btrtrtril a CoulIu.fritlou Mlf ht XTJpoOut tlio Btt 1'urtor tho Uuufn^fJ ; Soctlou Too Mucli Iron, fJa>* Chluf ot New York'u bUHincoM Hoot Ion 'tliut park of tho oity tlmt luoludoH thouirwunl; Of modern ilroproof buildings 1h' in groat duugor of "boing wlpod out' by flro. UapituliHtH who i"urninh tho money thut pays for orooting thoHo now building do'hotifotim toronlizo tliiH fact, although tho vtituruu chief of tho flro rinpiirtmcmt reiturutOH this Htntomcnt about onoo a year. Hond what ho wiyH. "That a big section of low or Now York Nomu day will bo wiped out by flm is probable if wcisting conditions tiontinuo," Fuu Chief lionner miiil to a Press reporter. ThowoconditioiiHaro tho height of tbu buildiwgH, tho uauturiul uflod in their eoiwtruotion, tho nurrowncsH of tho HtrnotH ami tho inudoqunuy of tho wutuv Hupply. It is a favorite urgmuont that if %vornt canto ro worst, bnildiiigu uhoad of a burning aruli could bo blown up, un tho farjnor turiiH u (load furrow to check tin- prairio ilri\ This theory iH not advanced any morn by intelligent men, Rays tho chief. "Wo cah .light n iiro Ji->5 foot high, or ton fltoriw. Abovo that wo aro well nigh holplosH, They nay Unit tho modern tall fireproof buildinglinedMiiot an nnuili protection an thoordinary low Htructniv, But tho fireproof building in yet to bo built. The- oomnmniHtH couldn't dewtroy PuriH in 1871 oven by the of lmrmln of potroleuni. In American buildings are all tho noueHHithw of iv big, hot flro, Without tho nid of a drop of potroloum. Tho largo Htruolurcs in foreign cities are'built far moro nolidly than ourH. Having fuwrr forcHtn and loss wood, European builders got along with littlo inaide trim of wood. Iron and stool in these ilnys havo tukou tin; place, in this country of masonry. Nothing with- BtaudH (Ire as well as a woll constructed brink wall. Iron eolnninfl aro covered With four inchoK of terra cotta or brick, which Uro niicl water can tear oil' in a short time. Thou tho Htrippud iron is loft to warp and twint and turn bin, I believe tho covering Hhould bo eight inohcH. "With only ono night watchman in n building, in danger, like all uiortals, nf sudden flieknoKS or incapaoityran<l with no night elevator, a iiro could get u good heuihviry in I ho upper doors of a 30 or JJO story building. Bursting out Of tho windows and fanned by a strong Wind, tho Humes could easily leap tlie nurrow streets of lower New York and a flro of enormous extent and damage begin. "I havo always opposed putting a big Bank President Isaac Lowli of Bablna, Ohio, U highly repeated all through Uj*t t*cUoJj;'" Ha W lived 'in iOUnt<*i Co. 76 yours, and ha* boen president o< the Hublua IlankJtO years. Hu gladly Ufltlflott to thu morlt orHrd"cVd*i~iirBa=- purllla, and wbai ho says fa worthy attention. All bruin workers And Hood's Snrnaparllln, peculiarly adapted to their ueudfl. It mnkeii^riuw/rtib; red blood, and from thin cotrrW nerve, mental, bodily and digestive strength. "I am glad to say that Hood's Harsapa- rllla 1h n very good toiedlcln*, odpeclttUy an a blood purifier. It hurt dono urn [food many timoa. for ttuvoral yoaru I Buffered g^roatly wltii palutf ot Neuralgia In ono eye tmd about my ttnplo^f - pcolnlly ut ultfht whoa I had boo a having a hard day of phytdcal and mtmtid labor. I took many romodlon, but found hulpouly In Hoad'i; Samnptrlllu which ourod mo W rhoumntli.m, ndnralgla and headacho. Hood'H SurHrtparUla him proved itnclf utruft friend. I aluo tako Hood's Pllln to kocp my bowolfi roQfuinr, aud llko the pills vry much." Isaac IjiiWiH, Sablna, Ohio. '.;-ilv By - Law No. TOWNSHlEoF MAIDSTONE. Sarsaparilla Ith Ono True Rluod Purlflor. All dr\\p,0*t*. |1. Preparodonly by C. I. Hood &Co,, I^owell, Mua. ww -v r^aii aro prunint, (student and tlOOtl S lJlllS oaay iaofftict. abounta. Not to *!o Koalatod. Somo years ago, at a Bonsiou of tho lopfiwlutnre of Koutuoky, an offorfc to ro- peal the Jaw olforiug u bounty on foxon' scalps was made, but wan defeated by tho appeal of a member from a moan- tuinous and sparsely sottled region. . "Do the gontlomen \yunL_to_deprivo my 'eoiiHtitueutH and mo of tho benefits of hearing tho gospel preached?" ho de manded, with indignation iu his tone and overspreading Jum rugged counte nance. "Wo aro all Methodists 'up my way, and our preachers won't, como without wo can givo 'om chickens, I know. Wo can't; raise ohiokens unions the foxos are killed by somebody, tlmt's Buro, and thoro ain't anybody that can afford to spend thpir time hunting foxes and got nothing to pay for it. "So, gentlemen, if you repeal this law, you'll be depriving my constituents of tho benefit of hoaring tho gospel preached. That's tho way it looks to mol" This masoning was too muoh for tho legislature, and for thu timo boing tho A By-XiA.W to provido for dmlnago work io tho I'owmihlp'of Maldfltouo, in tho -----County of Khhox, ami for borrowing on tno arotfit of tho iuunloip.llty, th Hutu of Vour Mundrod and Twoniy- eight Dollars for Hamo, I'rovliilomd'v ailoptort thu Olh dty or Ootohur, A.I), ifitw. WiiKiuaii, John l'hlUlpa anil othoMHfttltlonort thu imirtinlpalnoun&il f tho 'l'owuKhipntMald- iitomi to olotui a corttiin onlvort, nltuat<i on tho north roar road at tho noulli aut auiilu , ol lot mimliorlOln tho nth iMiiiuimn'.un of mild town- nhip, or fallhiK in thin, to ooiiHtruot a dltoli iiloiic tho wditt uliloof tho lino of roil,.l)itwo]i tho Bth and flth oonooiodotm from iiald onlvort to Uij Littlo Ctnok aud thonort north iiiuitorlv via. tholnttor to thu Illvor Pnoo tn onrry oir tlm wittflr from "Tho Hour lloiul Urahi" which, at tlmn of frnnhot, Howh tlimuijh tliu H*ld onlvort, and hy no daintf, provont lnim and daniao to tho land oronii of tho wald potltlonom. Ajjo WimiiKAH, tlmronpon th (tald oounsll liart prnourod un oxiuulnatlnn to ho madit by. .laiium H. Tiaird, Kiuj.. liolnif a ponion oompot- mit for inioh pnrpoim, nf til" Wild aroa nropoimd to bo driiliuul and tho maana iniidioiitod for tho .Iratnaco tlmroof, and of othor laudu and roiulii lfablo tn tmiummnont uinlor thin Act, and luui alno proournd jilanii, apoollloatlonH and ofltlm- utnii of tho ilrahifLKo work to ho mado by tho iiahl JfimoP B. Lfdrd, anil an aflHonnmont to bo imulo by him of tho limdri and roadii to hu bon- ohttod hy Biu;h driilnftun work, and of othor land a and roadn lialilo for contrlhutlon thoroto, ntutlnff, ft" noarlyanho can, tho uroportjoii of bnnnrtt nutlet llalillitv and Injuring llahilUy, Whloh.ln bin opinion, will )>: ilorlvod or fncurrud In cnnaocinonco of nuch druhiaf.-o wnrlt, by ovory road and lot, or portion of lot, tho nald anminii- mont so niado hohiK tboaiinoiiiiinont hundnaftor 'i'ho wrado would bo '-(y to vry ilO rodH, Unit in a Uttlii nvoro Itiohoii In ovory li(> rodu. I t)un Ktalcod aud Involhwl on tho nth o on o oh it I on road from th mild oulvort novLhtJ-tH roilH tothomnall nrook on lot 17 ami rmmrt tlm fall from tho mir- fiioo of tho ground to tlui Hn'd Uttlo arnok to ho r, f(uL, U hiohoH, that Ih, ohu/ to tho north-would havo l foot, 124 InohoH tlio inoro fall, I alno found tho fall In Llio bottom at tho druiii from mild oulvort to thu nald Uttlo orotic (I font, VJiS hiohnn, that In thli fall" tn tlio north In tho bottom of tho ditch would bo (SJ<; Inohfm tho morit. Youv/lll mio hy tho iiiiu"xnd prolllo of thu illtoh from uafd oulvort oaiit to *ho Ulvor l'uoo, that tho out would bo for about 1(H) roda, II foot, J luohitif, whoroaii thu out, hy tlio Oth con- bouillon road tnnl tho Uttlo crook, would bo ai| you (ULil n00 by tho auiiotnd iiroillo itljiiut I tviit, hlnchou, Au%in outthiff tho dltcli on tho Mouth ltoar.Koiid 11 f*ot, i leohon dncp would mako tho Uip a ({rout doal wtdur than It hi now mid an you aro Hhnrt of road tn thin louallty now I do not think It would bo wino to out it iiway whon you can avoid It, You nan aluo koo by thtvure uoxod QHtltmito tVutt tlm oont of tho olditulnfj out thri ditch and inaldru; It lnruo oiiouifli to narry tho wutnr from tho tmld onlvort aunt Io tho 1'noo would oont inari> thmi a)*nuiiii|t out tlio th coufiuiiidnn road and tlio Uttlo crook through lot 17 in tlio fiili couounijlon. Thornforo taUlii[{ ovorythlna into ooiiHldoratlnn I would roooin- uioud that tho nald culvert ho loft an It In and that tho tlth Connonnlou Itnad Drain hoolnauod out nil far an tho uald Liittln Crook and ultio that Mm Ijittlo Crook bo cloauod out, throuch uaifl lot 17, both to bo dnno in aooordauco with tho iLiinoxod proldo and iipDctlloutionti and that tlio lotn and parln of lotn and roa<!n ijo iLiuioiiiiod an iihown In tlui aunoxed iiluiot. tn miLlOm; nni<l aiiHonuniout I havo tniton into account tlio amount nf diuniM[o to any lot, and hiLvoamuiimod for houout ovor imd altoyo tho ilatnai{<). in Little la eipoclally true of Mood's V\Hmt for rto medU chieflr contained 10 erat miratlvo pbwer la o immll iptoa, Thy ar whole Wedlc|u Hood's ohoflt, alwayi ready, wA- ^^ Ways nfflolont:, nlwayD iat* C3 I I Ufaotoryt prtsvant a, oold ^^^ III %^ orfotor.curoallllvor llhJ, lok htiadaoho, Jntindloo, tionitipatloh, eta. !Wc. Thouulv jVIUu to tnko with Hood'M Barnauurlllu. IAMKHH. LAUtU, V h.H. Khbox, April and, lb!H, bythbiby-liLWonaotodtobo^ Wiikiikaii. tho ,-iUl oounoil Ih of opinion iliiHcrlboil, and tho roporc of tlio nald Jamon Ff. unra'; Laird in runpciut thnroof and of tho uald drain- Thornforo, tlir. iiaid municipal council of thu A <rylti ICvlI Evory oryinj; ovil nboald bo promptly rnmovud. Hiok hondaolm iu a crying ovil affoiitin^ thommndu of Oanudiann, wbloh can niudly ho rornoved hy tho uim of lhir- dock Wlood Bittern, tho host "known (itornnnh, li'vor find bowel ro(;ulator and euro for nick liuadaoho from whatovor oruho alining. For Choloru Morbim, Cboloru Infantum, Cruinpii, Colio, Diarrlneu, IJyHonlory and Snmmiir Complaint, Or. Fowlor'n Extract of Wild Rtrawhorry in a prompt, iiafo and nuro cure that hun buun u popular fitvonto for nearly oil ytarn. CALL AT nv TErT^4-^l h"V<>ral IlrlRht yonnri mn W clIITiWll todnwoilt for1 1111 in thin vicinity. Iflhny havo Hicyolon all tlm hottur. Addroutr'Auv-imTiiiHU," Jlrantford, 'lutarlo. law was not repealed. Youth's Com- buildingin City rial) park, believing \ puuion. that the time might eomu when that; ui'ea, needful us a baso of operations, Would be the salvation uf the- oity." Most of tin; new skyKcrupers have liru fighting appliances of their own of more VjV less value. Tanks on the roof and in tho collar are supplied aud kept full by Various systems, but these are as much for thu ordinary requirements uf tenants afl fof~pTj*hHililo use in im>.. Smiic of the structures havo standpipeti insideui* out side the wall. Legally there in uo way . of eompelliiig lln.- builders of what is called a "iircprnof" building to put in more thuu the most urdinary lire uppli- ances, even above the I'J.'j feet line. Building a ^U slnry siruoiuro is mneli liko building a dwelling in one rospeot there's always deviations from thu plans and improvements upon them. For every altenuien I'iuui the drawings filed ^itli the huililing departnienl; the permission of tin- hoard ot examiners must bo had. W t he* altera! ions are prop- Or, consent is granted, but on "ediidi- tion that ajipreved lire a]i]dianees he put in the building, particularly in the up per storieH. These include , st.ipulatitm that at least one elevator shall be ready to run at any time in the night in or der that the firemen can get up and down quickly; the putting of imse mid fire bueketH on each flour, and, usually, U Btamipipe, with euupling* for eiu-1; floor. Wlit n the builders e< nsi-Mt. to add these i-ipiipuie:irs and others deemed neoirssary, ineluding a oouqu-tent night Wat oh si'rviee, jn'i'iuissiion is granted to ttutlto tho alterations. This applied, ul course, only to buildings under con- fitruuiion recunth". Ut' tliose already up there is. small hope- unless the under Writers' oiler ot" lower premiums appeal tmflieicnlly to the pocket.bnuk. To the end that the iiro resistance ol building materials nhall bo known ]>osi- tivoly, lire tests have been made under the aupervision of the superintendent ot , buildings. Three such pub]id exhibition* already have been held, and they will bo continued at intervals through tin* Winter. When finbdiml, tiuperiuteniU'iil. Coustablo will make a report to tIn board of examiners, Tho cry 1'or more water in thu lower part of the city has been insistent for yearn. Many have been the plans lor reservoirs at the LSattory and on either Bido half a mile or a mile up stream. Every time an extra lino of pipe has been laid with tho object of furnishing tho needed Hurplus it has bcuii tapped Up town. Tho lire and building dopait- mentH hopo that tho two 4H inch mains being laid in Fifth avenue will ho left for thorolief of thusoetion below Chuni- bei'H street. Chief Bonner sayH the Forty- Booond Htroot renorvoir Hhould not hn (11k- turbod until watoriK flowing undiverted through those niainn to the locality that needfj it.uiOHt and for winch it is in- tended. That Now York Will be brought fiico lo faco with grave peril from tho J10 totoriod Htvuo'turefl uiiIobs. preouutionH plentiful and timely are talceu is not Uotibted by thoflo who have Rtudiud tho problem ot maintaining safoty with luonutainona firobronda in narrow Itreota. Kfow Vorfc Preaa. . <><M ThincH About Wutnr. Water is made up of two difleront ol- emonts hydrogen and oxygen. It has in its eonipo.sition two measuroK of hj% drugeu'for every one of oxygen, but as the latter is so muclrheavior tliun tho former nine pounds of water are found to contain, eight pounds of oxygou and only one of hydrogen. The way in which tho compoHition of water is proved is by moans of the voltaio eloo- trio battery, combined with othor appa ratus, designed oHpeuially for the pur- pOHO. St. Louis Republic. Firlu hill, or Beacon, is uwell known 'height of the South downs, and the "cup" referred to in a covering of clouds or mist. Knglish Illustrated Magazine. Shirts of chain armor, which cost about !j,.")(Ju, aro now worn by more thun ono distinguished portion on tho conti nent. I'oluta on Spraying, At the Massachusetts fruit growers' convention J. SV. (Jlark claimed that th oodliji moth could bo controlled by one spraying. Professor May nurd said tin new pmeess piiris green is too stTong tf, use indiscriminately on trees, as it in in jurious. Km- general use the knapsacli spray-r wns highly ei un mended. Foj spraying ap]de in-es J. W. 01 ark has a brass red 10 to 12 feet long, with a hall ineh h- re. With it he can spray all parts of an ordinary si/.-'d fruit tree. Several ini*//les were indorsed. A powei puoqi coaling ij^Ta in satisfactory i'01 grape.s, rdiards, Kinall fruits, pi.'itaUx-s, etc., Inn a liio'rcl maehin-' eost.H only fy to 10 and will do the name Work. \Vtctli JUnutloiiliij;. Very snrvic'-ahle Hummer gowna are made of II1 ;e]y checked tulTeta silks of three or f.-ur cnloix, with plain skirls and siie].le full waifds, with a deejj fancy collar of 'lace. The tourmaline and diamond afford a t v. o stone ring, at a comparatively siiialI t'<"ii. For canying in om-'a pocket uro fold ing scissors w ith silver handles. The new chatelaine hag, made of various kinds- id! fancy cloths and show ing silver mounts, is a thing for case as woll as beauty. Knit purses, with flat, round clasp.-> of gold or silver, aro deservedly popular, they are kj easily curried iu the palm of LUu -baud. ____ _____ Tlio only perneoitiit run fir ebinnio catarrh is ti thoroughSy expel 1 hit p jifion fr in t!:'t Hytdfiu by the fail hfol and eei iotcnt one nf ^yur'o fiurhiipiirilh'-. Thin w..nd(ii*fnlV.'iuedv proyevi utu-ui Hi.rul win n all other trouttnent bait failed to r< lieue tho BUffi-rr. Tie fntui.-ia IB named ador Leonard Fin*', h, a not; ('Gorihari botu-nM. Tho hori litis i-- t -eet' i from ;i Grprk word uiimuie.; 'u oroopintt think." Tho begonia, wao namod in honor uf M. opon, aFronm 1 atroo of botauy. tutu work l)olui; un follown: To tlio Itaovo. Doputy-lloovo " iiml Mmuuiiuu Counoinorii of tho Towmihlp of Middntouo, In comifill atmomblod: GiiNTM-iMKN. In acooirditnna with iniitruc- tloimfrom ymir bononiblo body, I hnv oxiim- liuiil tlio cu'lvurt at tho junction or tlio Oth eou- cuHHioti road inul tlui Nurtli ltinir road mid hi*-* to roport thuroon an follown:-! and that indd culvort Jiiut l)oiU] In DXlntonco for incyo than HO yuarii; Unit tlm pnoido to tho fiouth ot indd ciil- vurt havo UBixl It for a watfu-wny during all that timo, and yon cannot now oloiio it up without you [jo thr u*!h thu followhiRprocomi: Piuin 11 hy-law (loinionlnic and widoniiiu tho North Koitr Houd Drain and nialto it lurKO oiioiiflh to carry nu* that whioh now kooh by it and alno that which (looithy th culVort and put a clauna In your hy-law that iiaid culvort nludl bo clouoil an noon mi tmld Improvomontii aro Unhiliod, Then, If your hy hew lit not qmuihod by tho courtii, you will hu able to clotio it loinilly. In tho yoar 1W*2, tho follnwliit! lotn wtrn unnonnod for tho North Itnarltoad nrnlii:-Lot l*J,S:il>; lot in. $2(1; lot 17,' 817, all in tlio tlth couccifiHtou. But dio by-law iloon not ay that thov am to havo a comploto cut oil only that thoy ar bt-nel\ttod to that amount and it inn woll known fact that tho Hiiiil North Hoar Homl Drain dnon out off" 11 lura amount of watoir from nald lota. Thon having iiatinilod mynolf that you could not new clono up naid oulvor', I wont to work to find out which ditch, in the intoront of tho ratopayum ami tin* towniihip, would hu tho hniit to oloan out, I titartutl and lovMlort from tho mdd culvort oant to tho Kivor 1'uoo and found the dhitanoo to bo li-l'J roilB and found tho fall from thu iiurfuco of the cround at tlio mild culvort to.thu imrfacu of ttin ({rouiid at tint naid Hiver Plico to bo 1 foot, fiJu inchOH, and tho fall iu thu bottom of tho ditch, from Uitumid oulvort to the bottom of tho rucu to ho it foot, 'J Inchon, that In by taltinff a foot Out of tho ditch at tho mod culvurt and civ- inn an ovon unuio to tho bottom of tho I'ucn. nald Towuidilp oT Maidhtono, pumuiuit to tlio provluionii of thu Drainaiju Aci,, imi, uunctu un lollnwn: nit. Thoiudd report, nliuui, up<jiflcatloiin. aii- Hotiiiinontn utid oiitlmatuH aro lioroby adoptod and tho tiraiuaifo work ax horoiu tndlcutinl mid not forth tthrtll bo niado ami conntructod In ao> corduucivtborowith. 2nd. Tlio lloovoof nald towunidp may borrow on tho credit of aorportttltm at Haiti Towunhip of Maidntono.tlio imm of . ? ris.OO, hoiiif* thu amount of monoy nocoBiiary for tlio corilitmctinn of the mild drain,and niuy limuu dnburituroit of tlio cor poration to thatainouut In tiuuiH of uotlomi tlnm tifoO ofioli,andi)ayiibh) within four janriifrotu tho data thoronf/wLth iulorciit at tho rata of idx por oontum poraunuin, that Ik to nay in ton ouual iiuitalmontn.iiuch dobciituroii to hn payable at tho luiporial Hank at the Town of Kwkjx, mid to havo attached to thorn coupomi for tlin pay- niont of iutoront. Urd. For juiyiuK tlio nam of SUMUJO, tho amount charKod ufiaiimt tlio naiil lamhi and roadii for hctiolit, and tho mini of d tin* amount oharuod aiminut tho' iiaid landn and roadn for outlutllahllity, and tho i,uin of 8 tho ainountchari/cHl ayahiflt tlio naid laudu mid roaiJii for injuring liability, apart from tlm lundu and roadn noloufjbift to or controlled by tno inuuicipiility, and for covering Intoront tburnon for four yoarn at the rato of uix por contiun par rvunuin; tho tot'd iipuuial rato, ovor and ahovo all otlior ruton, tin nil lie uimuniHid, levied ami collnotod (In tho tiaiuo inutumr and at thu ttauio timo mi othor taxon aja lovit-d aud colloutod), upon anil from tho uiiitiiruumtionod lotn and partn ol lotn, and roadn, and tho inuount of tlio aald total upocial vaton and intoront nhall bn dl- vldud into four equal partn,. iLnd ono nuch part lib all ha iiHnofiHud, levied and collnctoil an aforo- naid, In oaoh yoar for four yoarn after tlio final paiinhiH of thin by-law, duriui; which tlio -iiaid (iehonturoii havo to run. Johnston Bros., Builders Ami Contractors May's Bazaar, " **01t AMj KINPB OV Window Blinda awuy down Chin aware, Bric-tuBrac, Fancy GoodH,_______ jMovoltiew, Books and Biationory, school Hupplies^ Toysof allkindw/ Berlin WooIh and Fingering YarnHj New Stock of late Wall Paper. THE ESSE2T Hdtle*? t Mills. -4 TAMES NAYLOR inity of aimounolnu to tho and Count> of Mhhox, that tho Bubo* Killor Mills an- Talcon tliin npnortmiltj uoojitn of tho iViwr ho luiH romodolud ino khboic Itillor Mills ao- oordliiuto plann uroparod hy H.N. lVIaa, of Ht lhoma.i, and aln.-j micUn-atlioBorvlooii of ituborfc btraelutn, an oxnorloiiaud and thorouhly oom- potont millur. DKALlCUH IK - British Columbia o 1-1 a N M It bth oth o li h w (jr d h e qr (1 n it qr li :i w qr 7n hf ' 7 h hf h u h ri h lit '.I ii hf \i h hf 10 n \v qr 10 u o qr 11 li w qr LI n o qr l'J II w qr Hi 18 H n qr IH n u 'ir IH ii w qr in (i w qr 17 h uqr 17 ii u qr l'. w ), Ih v w qr lHn w i|r 17 H w qr 17 ii hf n w qr 17 h hf n w qr 17 o ht SO oO nO ,"i0 100 11)0 100 100 1U0' 100 30 50 50 50 r>o ir>o 50 , oO 50 50 50 50 50 50 ro 51) >:> 100 Si "3 5 1 'u n 'a -a >*; S 5 - <^ * y, * - f-H x: ^W BIW O a oi o a c 50 50 50 50 Total on landn..... Total nn roadn...... Total on laudu and ruiuU., 15 00 15 00 10 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 7 5U 7 50 7 50 7 50 1 00 15 ()0 2;1 00 W0U i:i 00 li 50 i>:i 0(1 U 50 1 50 i 50 I 50 2;t (10 1 50 J 50 1 50 . sano oo . ij oo oo ..$-r2ti.uo f 7 7 7 7 15 15 15 50 50 50 50 00 uo oo <u .c o H 1 1 1 1 -4-1 o a. 15 00 15 1)0 15 (II) 7 50 7 50 7 50 7 50 I OO 15 00 i 00 2.1 00 i;i 00 li 50 w oo 11 50 I 50 1 50 1 50 2!l 00 1 50 \i 00 0 50 Sli.-io.on 5 00.00 L5 15 15 15 j :n n a ;ji > 2 o 1 1 1 1 ;ii :ti :u 15 15 15 15 01 01 55 Oil (JO on ri) 77 Oil O'.l <i*> 5 5 OS) it; ii, o I H lio H lij> H (15 H fio 17 ;u 17 ifl 17 ill 17 ;n 17 ill 17 iU 2 li', 2 m 2 io 2 it; 1 i!2 t :i2 i :i2 1 2 t2 8-05 H ti:"j H 05 8 05 1 01 51 ill ,20 55 2(i 55 15 ()t) 7 50 21'. 55 1:1 27 5 HI 5 HI 5 1!) 2fi ;-,;' 5 1'J 10 !H> 10 on 2 10 2 10 2 10 I 15 12 OH 0 OH 0 Oil II 75 1 H7 o o;i ;i mi Pino Shingles, $1.00 Up. All Kinds of Building Material, LA 77/ and JtAKN f.UMBER, !*?" SiitlNfuctloii diaruiiti-od. Upp. Watr'\VorkH, I^hhcx. rooms I 20 211 2'.) 03 7-1 S55.42 e-lU.-12MO:i.OO io.o;j 5 70.or. eio.oi iLyiii(4 tho mini nf Sli'.l.UO, tlm auumui lUiKfHiioil a^niuHt thu naid roadH and littidHOl" tlw> nuuiicipality, and for covurhij( in- toriiiil tin r.ioti for luiir yoitrii at tho rati) ol nix pur uuiituiii ptrr ui.iium, a ripucial rato on tlm diillur, hUilu-iisnt lo produce tlui rui-ulrcd ymrly iLim-uiit thuvolor, idudI, ovor and aliovo all othor ruton, l.o luviud ami colluuU'd (in tho mnuo uinn- tint and at tlio Hitiiio Liim an taxon aro luviuil imd cuilt.cti'il), upon aiiilfrnin tin) whol.i rutahlu property, in tin* hiiid Towiifihip "f Maidntnno, in uuoli yniir loi- loin-yeai-.i aftor tho Until paniun1,' of tliin hy-luAV, during which tlio Haiti dubtniturofi liavo tu run. Hh. Tlm I. ,f. K. Tailril,l'lH(i.,tn horoby unp-iiUod oouiniiHhioiK'r tc int tho (.'ontruet for tho i-on- ntrmjtim,' tlm tui d -Iraiii ami Worlcu I'onnoetoil thisfcwitli, In puhlio tiulo, to tlio lowoat hiddor luot o.\o.:i'diii lImj ititimato), but ovory suoli cmii'iiotur. with two n<)od and datinfiu-tory mir- oticn, id nil 1 ho ro'pnrnd forthwith to i-nior ioto'.dK loi1 tlm dun porforinam'ii ami umnidotiim of tlm contract, acc(irduu! Ui "niil idai:a and sutJoillcutioiiK and within tho tnno inontuinod within t,iu:h hiiiul. unloHH othorwiiio ordurnd hy tin; cnunoil; and it (-.hall ho tlm duty of Hiioh cMimni'<-ioi:i)i' to caumi naid drain aud wurltH I'tuimtciod thorowitli.tu he mndo and ci)nnt,ruoL- -ni in lu'nirdnnco With fiiich planii and hpouilloiL- tim,H. hfil lalor than tlio lt 'dit-v of Deoomhor, \, I). 1KK1, (unhihK othorwino ordorod hy tho couui'il), uud to ,-'"'L"t cortilloatofi to tlm Itoovo lr in timo to timo. to ouch contractor, lomt -10 |iur cont of tin* amount duo. until tho contract ii fully oompiotod and duly aouuptod, and fiir thu u'uo pori'oriiiaiico of thorto ami all otlnjr iltithm of cunmiiFiHioni'i, tho iiaid comminaiomir shall bo untitlo'l to rootdvu a commltuilon' of ilivuu por cunt, on tho aotiril cot of tho work. (Hh. Tliut th cuiumlnidonnr Ijo rc(|idr<id forthwith to ono r into hondu, in tho num. uf ^i-.K()o, for tin- duo completion of tho work, uu- loi'dlm: lo planii and Hpcollloatlotiti, and within tlio timo Hpuciiled in oaoh bond. 7th. Thifi hydaw itludl ho puhltuhod onoo iu ovvy wool;, for four (aiiiHOciltivo wooIih, hi tlio Ki-kox l^roo Pro tin, nowftpapnr, puhllnbod In tlio Town of EtiUL-x, uud Rliall oonio into forco upon S12H0D SOO.OH M\n 0Hi;12;i.52 and aftor tin- tlwil piuihlnj; tlmroof, ami may ho citod Lho "liittlis Crool: Drain My-hiw." M. M< llUdll, dork, I'KTNH COUKHTT, Koovo. I hoi'uliy oortify that tho t'orocohic' in a Lruo co[iy of ahydaw iirovi'iionally aduptud hy tlm Municipid (Jnnuoil of tlm n:iid TowiiHliip of Muidntono, oa thu Dili day of Outohur, A, 1J. thllt). M. Mi:l"IU(;H, Clorlt of tho Muuiuiiiality ol .Maidntone. ISTOTIOB. N( O'J ICl'j iii hnrohy p'von that a Vmrt ol' lto- viiiion, Indd purtiiiant to tho proyinionn of tho Di-ainaffo .Act, lH'.M, for llic licarini,' and ti ial of hjijiouIh mado HfjaiUBt tlm aliovo iihhohh- munt, or unv part thuroof, will hold itfi ilrst niL- tiimn at tho Town Hall, Maldntouu.on .Saturday, tlm 7th day of Novuiuhor, 1W0, at tho hour of 1 o'olnclt in tho aftoruoon, and that any pornon iutomiinc to uppoiil i:o,uiu>it tho abovo asKotiii- nmiit, or any part thoroof, inimt. Hot later than ton dayn boforo tho timo llxnd for tlm holdinc of naid (.'ourt, norvu on tlio Clurk of thin muidu- ipallt.y, v. writtou notioo of uuoli uppual, or othorwiHO ho will bo too lata lo bo lioitrd in that hohalf. And finthor notice in huroby Mivon tlmt any pornon ilitoiulini; to havo mioli liy-law, or any part thoroof, quimluiil, niiiut, not latur than ton dayn after thu 11 mil piuiniu^ thoroof, norvo a not.- ion in writing upon tlm Itoovo, or othor bond officer, and upon tho Clurk of tho Municipality of Maidntono, of bin intontian to ir.aUo appliciv tion for that purpoHo. to tlio Ulf,di Court at To- ronto, duriui! tlm nix wnoltn noxt ounnini; thu llnal panning ol thin bydnw. Da tod at Maldiitouo.tho Oth day of Ootobor.lHM. M.MoHUGn, f owiiiiliip Clorl:. Packed with Good Furniture of Every Description. A fine Parlor Suit, Oak fram<e, Good Plush, $16.00. Wo never waru ho woll prupuretl to do hunincBri. LotH of i^ckhIh and priuoK ri^ht. It will pay you to t*ivo uh a cull and condu uud i;ot priouH. Wo am plcaHbc? quotM priecH to any who nood fiuinti: \Vo havo bo'-n doinn a ^ood utoady tr nana now for about 1 ti yoarH and wo v.'i tn tondor our thiuikH to the public uancrs bir tho vmy litmral patrolman wo liuvu coivod ot thoin during tho Hi ycurH thul have boon in btiHineim iu tho now Towi I'jH40X. UNDERTM1MGSPEG!AL1Y J. L HICKS & Go,, Essex. flmnklnnthopnanloor tho town andoounfcv lor tlm iiatroniirju bimtowud upon him hi tlio pnat, will cimruutooiuitbjfuutloiiiu tho futuro. Gristing and Chopping a Specialty. *w The Jiest Grades of Flour, Fe* Cormneal h't-pt in Stock ami sold at prices. Gash Paid for Wheat and Oats. B0 you I^ideF If ho, you want to havo ^k" the best there is and 'everybody lenowa that The Nobbiest Turnout :Ifl TO llli HAD AT- JOHN A. ROSE'S Livery. flood JioadHttirs, J'Uttti/ JUdinrj Buggies, Comfortable Carriages, A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed, North of tho .# IifiUway Track. ESSEX, ONT. ONCE. Several heavy teams to truck logs; also buyers for several Houses and Lots in the Town.of Easox, and a lot of wild lands in the surrounding country. Those properties aro. offor- cd at a'flacrifico, Abo a large quantity of coarse dry Lumber for sale. It may bo aeon at tho Colchester mills. Apply to or to T. H. DEOEW, W. M. DEOEW, & SON. ESSEX, ONT v?rr"W'ii w ""^ijiflt - :1L t'.i !.:. 'I.-ii l^ FOB FIBE JOB FBINTIHG . Yoti cannot do better than call at Free Press Printing Office. TOE TKIOMPH CORN BHELLKR :> Y"l.,,'| '*'l'jO;"l TIuh Machine consists of a horizontal cast cylinder, with wrought iron bars, with stool tooth bottod to tho oylndor so as to bo rovorsiblo whon the / <')'& teeth become worn on tho front sido, vnnnin'g in a porforated ooncavo iron ^4'! -holl, which tho shollod corn paBBea through into a shoot iron cuso, with- s }.""an or oloimor attached bolow. whioli talcoa all tho dust i'rom tlio grain. The '.i'-fi- 3hoapost bost; most simple and dura b]o Powor Corn holler in use; shells-: lorn perfectly clean in any condition pholling and cleaning from ono to two housand bushols of oars por day; according to powor. Dimensions, "S oter, ft in. face; Motion, 800 to 800 revolutions por minuto; Woiidit, 650 lba:. " rm EVERY SHELLED WARRANTED. J GOURLAY & SONS. 1 ^ a c*.",: :i^.....i^^w.^^^

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