Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), November 6, 1896, p. 4

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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^KKJKKKIIK^^ "^^v'^^R^W^ '-A .V'ff if'.'.< 6* scabff's. SCARFF'S. scliRFF's- G-roceries (TCrockery |^ Ohina *. GUassware Then we Want Your Trade. -:<>: try Christie's Soda Biscuit* in Tin Boxes. Royal Salad Dr wring. Lipton's Celebrated Black Tea. Our 25c. Japan Tea, Don't Forget we have the Befit Asaortod Stock in town. Highest Prico Paid for Butter and Eggs. A, H. SCARFF <fc Co. G0033S r)E3LilVEI^E3r) PROMPTLY- The Essex -Free. Press, BRETT A, AULD, Proprietors. PBIDAV, NOVEMBER 6, 1890. A prieoiAL montinf! of the Ehhox connty oounoil him boon called for Tuonday, Do- oombor 8th. Tho ropuirH to tho (Jount.y Building) will bo coraplotod by that timo and there aro vitrionti mattorn in connec tion thorowith arc well ao other county af fairs that require attention. Tmi Comijeii Herald, hint week.imyH thoro woro 2,000 leirn VQton polled in tbo recent byo-olootion than lit tho oleotion in 130-1. Bro. Clark h u. littlo uuatakmi or olue ho in deiloiont in arithmetic. In 1891, there woro '1,773 votoe polled in tho Hiding while at tho lato olootiou thoro woro -1,00*1,- jafit 679 lean than in 180-1. It muot tilno bo romemborod that jn 1691 tho voting tooli plaoo on lmtf. that had boon previously ro* ViHod on bohalf of both MoBaro. Balfour aud Bnolmnau, while at tho byo-oluotion in moat of tho rauuioipuHtioB the lititn of 1896 woro uuo'l and oonncquontly a largo num ber who woro ou tho liatu could not vote, having broken their residence in tho Rid inf". CouaidonuR everything, tho vote at tbo lato oleotion wan a lar^o one. By way of compariopn wo ^iva tho total vote in ouch mnnioipahty m 1801 ana in 189ti: 180-1. 1890. Ambcrntburtf.............. 3.05 Maiden.................... .100 Goafiold South-.............. 427 Tilbury North.......rrn.\. 388 Colohoutor South............ 601 Kingnvillo.................. 238 Ehhox...................... 200 Tilhury Wont.............. 1U7 Itfornoa .................... 757 Leamington................ 311 Poloo lulnad................ liil .. ColohoHter North............ '275 Gonfiold North.............. 372 lurw in MnidHtono township tiro hh yet in an unnottlod ntato. It ifi imoiit probablo that Hoove Oorbott will a^aiii bo a candidate (or thn powition lio at prenont holdH, whilo it hi hKoly that lio will be opposed by G. A.. Wintttmnto and Mr. Prioo will ruu for Comity CouLoillor. Tho Seventh Division contintH of Sand wioh Emit, Sundwioh Wont and Sandwich Town and Doiiiu Rooholoau will bo nomi natinfl offioor. Jonoph Duroaher had an nouncod bimfiolf whilo Hypohto Muilloux und Alex. Roaurao nca aluo mentioned at> candidates, The U. SLKloetlonH. :ia-i 234 300 298 3U6 210 251 375 7-1 r. 301 SMS 201 320 1,773 -1,09,! County Council Matters*. Spfltion 7 of tho County Councils1 Act, paBBod at tho last fieeaion of tho Lenititu- iuro, providoo that the Warden of the Oounty dhall, on or boforo tho 15th of No vember, 181)0, appoint for each County Council divioion a nominating oflioor who Khali fix tho placo for and preside at tho mooting for the nomination of County Councillors, HUch nomination to he held between 1 and 0 p. tn., on the day appbiut- *d, whioh will, tbia year, bo tho 21nt day of December, tn parnuanoo o[ the above ncotion, Wardon Colo, hafi appctintLd tho different noiuinatiu^ ofl'icam in tbo Coanty. Tho Firot Uiviuiou coiiMiHtH of Amhoret- bur^, Anderdon and iMttldon, tlm nominat ing officer ih .lumuM Honor, ('lurk of Mahlon towiiHlnp, and the nomination!) wilt likely take place at the Amhorrttburu town hall. Thn pemonH who have already deolared tbcnQiinlvoH !ih oandidutGH are N. A. Cowtu, J. 8. Patton and T. B. White. Tho Socond Divioion oonaiHtB of ColcboH- tor South, Colohooter North ad Ehhc^, J. A. Coultor haH boon appointed nominating ofiloor and tho uominationH will likely bo hold at GoHto town hall. Tho impirants ho far aro J. K. X-<aird, J. E, Stone,^i.. 11. Fer- riH and John Hiclimoud, whilo other nam oh are inenLtoued. Tho Third Diviniou inoluleii Goalield South, Gonfiold North and Kuj^hviIIu and . A, H. Wood bridge ban been appointed normnattiifj officer. Thu niujiue ho iur montionod are John T. Brown, C, O. Foi, JZoinis Orton uud J. F. Milieu. Tho Fourth Divinlon coriHiHtti of Moroca and lioamintiton, Alfred Huindno, Clerk of Moreua, haa been appointed uomiuatinK oilioer and tbo nomination will tuko placo at tho Loannnuton town ball. W. F. Mc - Konzio and .7. E. Johnuon uro tho only aBpirantu ao far montionod. It id under stood that Egorton Scratch will not bo a candidate eithor for County Councillor or for Eoovo of thn Township. Tho Fifth Divinion ooniiiHtnof Tilbury . North, Tilbury Wout and Kochoiiter, Walter Welsh ban boon appointed nominat- lug officer and tho uominationu will likely .bo bold at tho town ball at Comber. Banjuol Moffatt, J. D. A. D07.10I and J. A. .' Buohanan are nspirantfi. Tbo Sixth Division 10 raado up of Maid- -, etono, Bollo Bivor and Saudwioh South and John Holdon has boon appointed nom inating officer. Warden Colo will bo a .- otndidato and tho namon of F. P. lloutoil* ';/ ter, O. A. Winterauto.Wno. Prico and Wm. ., Ellin ave nlHO muntionod. EloGtion mat* Tho quadrennial oloction for tho bigh- ost oiTIccs in tb gift of tho people of tbo United Statofl was held on Tuesday and as was generally oxpootod tbo Kupubli- can eaudidatoa for Preeident and Vice- Prcsidonfc Wra. Mc Kin ley and G. A. Hobnrt word olected by sweeping ma jorities. BowidoB boing* tbo ehoico of tbo Hopublican party, McKinloy wub backod by tbo Gold advocator, whilo lirynn, tbc Democratic candidate, wan oupportcd by tho advocator? of tho Freo Coinage of Silver. Tho campaign wns a rod hot one. Bryan carried tho Dem ocratic convention at Chicago by nu outburst of oratory and immediately Hot out to win tbo election by tho paino route, viaiting 2(1 otatoe, and almost every city of any aizo in tho union,mak ing as bigb aB twenty spoeobos a day and working as no previous Presidenti al candidate over worked. McKinloy, on tho otbor band, did not go out on tho platform but remained at hie home in Canton, Ohio, 'whore ho waa daily vifuted by largo delegations from nil over tbo StateB. It was conceded by both parties that McKinloy would enrry tho Eastern and Middle States en bloc Unit tho Democrats expected to make a clean swoop of tho Southern, Western and Northern StateB. The Republican uMiumtu isHued on tbo ovo pf tho elec tion only claimed 21M* electoral votes, whilo tho Democratic estimate claimed for Bryan 292 olectoral votes. There are 4-17 electoral votes in tbo olectoral college ao that 22-1 aro required for oloc tion, McKinloy has carried tho following Htatos, with tho doctoral votes given after each: California 9, Connotiout 0, Delaware 3, Illinois 2-1, Indiana 15, Iowa l!l, Maine fi, Maryland 8, Masaa^ chusotts 15, Michigan 14, Minnesota I), Now Hampshire Now Jersey 10, Now York a, North Dakota a, Ohio 2:1, Ore gon -1, Pcnn.sylvuuia 113, Rhode Island 1, Houth Dakota 4, Vermont 4, West Virginia U, Wiaconsin 12; total 20*1. Bryan has carried tho following States; Alabama 11, Arkansas H, Col orado 4, Florida 4, Georgia lb1, Idaho U, Kansas 10, Kentucky Ul, liouifuann S, MiHHJBBippi'., Missouri 17, Montana J(, Nebraska W, Nevada :i, North Carolina 11, South Carolina 0, Tennessee 32, Texas 15, Utali !, Virginia 12, Wash- imrton 4 and Wyoming ;i; total 18i. Bryan carried 22 states and McKinloy 23. In Michigan, McKinloy secured a majority of over 50,000 while Pingrco, Bepubliean candidate for Governor,was oleetod by a plurality of nearly 70,000, of which nearly 20,000 was obtained in Wayne County. Tho entire Republican State ticket was also elected by largo majorities. From tho State, 10 Repub lican and 2 Free Silver Congressmen were elected, the state legislature will bo composed of 82 Republicans and 18 Silver Democrats and tho State Souato of 27 Republicans and 5 Democrats. McKinloy'H majority in Now York State ! is 2IM),000; in Illinois 110,000; in Masssa- cbusotts 160,000; in Pennsylvania near ly 300,000; in Ohio 110,000;in iown. over 100,000. Bryan's largest majority was 170,000 in Colorado. Iii Illinois, Alt- geld is defeated lor Governor by about 80,000. Tho next Congress will bo made up about as follows : Sound Money Domocratu, 2 ; Demo crats, 105 ; Silver Republicans, Fusion- ists and Populists, 24. Tho Sonato will bo composod of 50 Gold udvooatoa to 114 Silver advocatoB, or 57 Republicans to U8 DomooratsI SUFFERED FOR .YKAUS. THE EXPERIENCE OF MR. OttANT DAY, OF HAUROWSMITH. Her Autferad Much front tthaumfltUm lij>c(al ly During Spring and Autumn Following Neighbor's Advice Brought About a Cure. /rant (/w KUt0*ton Whig, One who hoftboonroloaaedixom years of Buffering is alwoyn grateful to the person or tho medicine that has boon tho medium of roloaHo. Tt in thoroforo safe to sny that one of tho most thank ful mou iu tho vicinity of Harrowiimith irt Mr. Grant Day, who for yoara past has boon a miftoror from rhouuiatiam, but haa now ' boon roloasod from itn thraldom. To a roportor, Mr. Day told bid oxporionce Bubstautially as follow**: '*! have boon aaufferorof rhoumatitim for upwardh of twonty-llvo yoara, It usually attaokod mo worst in Hpring and fall, am] at timeu tho pain I ondurod wus intouHG, making it diillcult for mo to obtain rout at night. From my hips clown to my foot every joint and ovory muncle appoarod to bo affected, and tho pitfuH appoarod to ohaso one another until I was at timos nearly wild, and mind you thin was my condition for upwards of twonty-flvo yoars. During that poriod I triod many romodiou, and whilo I obtained temporary roliof from some, I could got nothing in tho way of permanent bonoflt. Rut last year tho pains did not come back, and they have not returned ainco, and thin is the way it came about. Ono day whilo tolling my neighbor, Mr. \V. O. Swintzor, how badly I waa fooling, ho Raid: "Get half a dozen boxen of Dr. Williams' Fink Pills and use them according to direc tions, and you will find tboy will do just what they, aro advertised to do cure you. I know this from experience in my own family." Well, I got tho pills and used thorn, and tho rlwuma- tism has been drivou out of my system, and last winter and spring, for tho first timo in more than twenty years, I waa entirely free from ray old onomy. But thoro is one thing moro Dr. Williams' Pink Pills did for mo, and which aa- tonisbos mo a littlo. Over forty yoars ago I bad a severe earncho, and used a liquid preparation in tho hopo of got- ting roliof. It nearly ruined my hear ing, and for all tbo years ninco I have boon partially deaf. .After I took Pink Pills my hearing camo back, and my oar is now all right. My wifo and sis ter have also found much benefit from Pink Pills whon run down by overwork, and it is safe to say that they will al ways bo found in our houso." Dr, Williams' Pink Pills strike at the root of disoaso, driving it from the sya- tom and rostoring the patient to health and strength. In cases of paralysis, spinal troubles, locomotor ataxia, sci atica, rheumatism, erysipolaa, scroful- .ous troubles, etc., these pills aro super ior to all other troatment. Thoy aro also a specific for the troubles which make tho lives of so many women a burden, and speedily restore tho rich glow of health to pale andsallow cheeks. Men broken down by overwork, worry or excoases, will iind in Pink Pills a certain cure. Sold by all doalors or sent by mail postpaid, at 50c. a box, or six boxes for 2.50, by addressing tho Dr. Williams' Modioino Company, llrockville, Ont., or Schenectady, N.Y. Beware of imitations and substitutes alloged to bo "just as good." Barg < *K *^*7* We Find That wo have altogether too many Overcoat**, and although ifc ia unuHunl to cut pricoB ho early in the season, ypt w have decided that for tho NEXT TWO WEEKS ^e will offer for CuhIi the Choice of our entiro Stock of Men's Fine Over=Coati - Only $<j.< WOR,TH-$10, $11, $12 up to $15 at the Ridiculous Low price of- .................... And any Over-coat in our Stock worth less than $9all go into this sale at...... 1 If Vnn intend uy'm& an Over-Coat thi winter you cannot- aibrd to --::::::-... ' ignore this great money Having offer. OtTR MBKTS TT&SWBBB--^ ' ' j At $6, $7, $9 and $10 are all "plums worth pickitg." YOUKS I'OB BARGAINS, I M. J. WIGLE & CO.. A. Blonhoim man huo condtrnotod a do, coy duck, and by moans of string it enn bo mudo/o acaud up in tho wator and Hap its winuw. Harry Connor, an employo of tho Can ada Atlantic Railway, mot with a fatal ao- cidont at Rouho'9 Point nonr Ottawa on Monday uiaht. Bo won ongui*orl in oonp- Hug oars in tho yards when ho stumbled and foll'undor tbo moving train. Tho ,rain panned over him, completely severing tho lower HmbH from the body. Ho ox- piredm afow moments. A RaloiKh farmer and his wife both got tho worso of liquor of tho quality ouppliod i Obahan, on flatnrday. Tboy started for homo in thoir oouvtyanoo and when but a short dintanoo from tho Maple City, in attempting to light bin pipo tho farm. or sot flro to tho dry straw on tho bottom of tho nC. But for tbo anniBtaiiq.0 of GomopaflBor-bytbo conplo wonld, in all likohbood, huvoboon fatally injurod" SPECIAL SALE -*#*- Camuliaii. D. S, bettor known mi Father DiIhou, n Drtmrlen pioneer. \a dead at the u(jo of 83. John UaoHJcr, o( NoMawasitgu Towh- j-Glnprdiod from iiijnrieH.recHivtJd Ly heiog aruHhetl in it hay pret-H, The Ottawa authorities are prnBouating nerrienn who drive two-wheel vi-hielrs with ItHH ihiin four-ineh tiroi*. The Ottaw a, Arnprior it Parry Kounl R.ulway is cotnpltod from Ottawa to thg waters of the Georgian Bay. II. U, Nswtou, of Druytou, hanged hitnublf iu a ulauuhtor Iiouhh in thn out- Hkirtu of the village on Tueuday. ,lolin Laokey, of tho sixth oncnniiiin of Kant NiHHouri, committed Hiiicido on Tih:h- day, by outtiug hit! throat with a razor. A hix10011 yoar old hod of M.iidiaol Paradih, of East Zorni, lout hiu lift) in en deavoring to reucuoa borne from u buriDug barn. Tho t-iim expended by the Queen in tho form of bnuiiMen to 'thc-e rnotherH in tho United .Kingdom who huye givun birth to triple in amounts to the laruo sum of &85,- 000 during bur 00 years' reign. Among tho amendments to tho oity charter, for which Montreal prjpoHt:a to ask iho LigiHluture, in ono to authorize u tax on all lots of land, inolnding thona up. on which ohurehoii undoharitablo institut. iOUH are ereoted. Hector Cameron, Q. 0., a prominent tig. uro at the Toronto bar twenty yearn ago, and long a member of Purliam'mt for North Victoria, died at Gobourg Monday. Of lato years ho has dovoted Iuh attentiou ohitily to railway matters. llotliwoll hiui acitoiitchocl tho noighboro with itri numerous oil wells and now oomes to tho front with sovoral first ohum gas wells. Thero's uo tolling what thdt yellow oand posacsBOH and porhapa oomo follow will striUo gold noxt. Tho prosent of fruit to be scut to tho Quoon by tho groworti iu the Hamilton dia- triot was shipped on Wednesday. It will bo taltou to Liverpool on tho ataamfihip Lab rador froo. ILWAItllNCl'ITON. Mrs. Lowm Wiglo continuoH in a very poor stato of hoalth, PnugleShaw and family, of Al^orna* aro cxpooted here ooou. Mrs. John McR, Selkirk, who has boon soriously ill, is rcooverintf. \V. \V, Hilborn iu erecting a vory hand some retiidenco in the Kidge. F. O. Stafford, who (or tho past year has been on tho public school staff, loft for Toronto on Sunday morning to attend tho school of Pedagogy. 31. W Baott returned on Saturday even ing from a trip east. Ho has been loaning aud in tho oouthorn part of Duuwich, 131- jin Co., for tho Standard Oil and Ghh Co, Mr. Grasper, of Fond Du Lac, Wiucon- ain, htis*movod hia family to Loaminj>toH. Ho lutonda to permanently roHidehero and muko thin the Cunadiun headquarters of Leamington School Supply oompuuy, ..... .. ,.----------------------------------. iror boot values iu. buots. HI1003 find rnh- bors, go to U. J. "Wiglo it Co. Mantles And Dress Goods, SaloBotrlstor. Credit oiilo ot live stook, implomontfl, eto., on the south east quarter of lot 16 in the !)th con. of Gooliold North, ou Thure- duy, November 12th, at 1 p.m. E. Blair, proprietor ; F. McCloskey, anotionoer. Births. Hi3ij3 In OoBftuld North, on Hmuliiy, Oct, '25th, to Mr. ami Mra. Charleu Iloiil, a uon. Amt.IH In Hanilwieli Boiith. on Tuonday Ko- voiubor Urd, to Mr, and i Mrs. Eli Auilln, a (ion. B'lrLiifl at MeGropor, on Monday, Novomber Und, to Mr. aud lire. Ino. Btyluu, adauf-Utoi-. Duvob In Khiioi. on Monday, Nov,'2nd, to Mr. and Mm. Benjamin Dovoo, a non. A. FRANCIS Are You Khhox Market. Wheat rod por buohel... .8 Wheat, white .... Corn .... Oats .... Timothy Seed .... Glover Sood .... Uuy por tou............ i Aiuike .... lioof per owt............ Pork Livo woight........ Mutton............ Uideo ...-......... Chiokons per lb.......... Bn'ttor .......... Lard.......... Eggo, por doz.......... Potatoes, por bushel .... 7C to Onion H Apploo Turnips Carrots Turkoys por lb, Duaks Oalory por doss . Wool 15 to 1 50 to 3 00 to 1 CO to t GO to !J 25 to 5 00 to 'fl . 12 8 35 to *10 to 30 to 5to 8 to 18 to 75 75 27 19 I 30 4 50 8 00 4 75 5.00 II 2fl fiOO 250 7 12 8 15 35 40 26 20 40 0 7 ao 19 We ftan supply you with all kinds of Wooden Matorial, plain and ornamental. Pino, Hemlock and nativo Lumbor always on band. Shingles, Oodar Posts Doors Sash and Coal. ^GetYfllll Storm Doors and Windows Made Now.^ Laing Bros. ' \.

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