Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), November 6, 1896, p. 3

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!P " '^'.".-i-M If? Wi > I-J J. Jp- Township of Colchester North. BY-LAW No. 329. ' -o- .>- A. BT-LAW to provido for urinnnjiG wrk in tho Towtinbip of Oolohontor North iu tho Gounty of Ebhox and for hoirowmu on tho orodib of tho lULuuloi- palty tho uum of $852,00 for aomplot- intftho Bamo. Provinnnally adoptod tho Hint day or Ool, - A. 1). lbrt. 'WiiKnUn. notion in writing him boon iiAryod by Mohah. JtunoH Gorard and Thomaa Konnody Upon tlM Municipal Oouiioil or tho Towmdilp cf Oolohot or North, notlfvlun thorn that If thoy did not W)ir(jv<> tim dmhw on tho Hainlwioh Bouth Tornline and 14th oonoflimlon.whloh woro overflowing thoirhmdii it (id domuulni; thom that thoy wo till brinj; an notion for damaipw aiialnnt thorn. Ajm WivnoUH.thoroupou nuld council hail pro- eurod an xaniluatlou to bo mudo by .I-H. Laird, O.-Tj. ti,, hJiig iL]Hron coiupotonfc farmioh pur* pofm.of tlit aruit propouodto bo drained,nml tho jMoiuiH NutfoHloil for tho draluauo thooiof, ami of.othorloda and rendu Uablo to aimofiinnont tmdoi tldi not, und halt uluo proourod pinna, nnoclfloiiti'iiH and outlnmtoH of tho draimifto work to luoiadn hy nald .!. H. Ln.ild, O.L.H., and an uiimiHHiiiiit to bo inado hy him of tlio Irinrin and romlHto bo honullttod by ituoh draiiia.ii work 11 ud of othor huidu and . rondo II- nldo for omtrlbuUon thoroto,iitatlnt(, an Hour ly h ho om, tho prnportlon of bonont, outlot liability md injuring liability, whloh m hln Opinion, \vtl ho ilorlvod or inonvrod in oonao- rmmioo o( uoh draiunuo work, by ovory road and lot.or nrtiou of lot, tho mild ainiominiont no inudo bohi tho aiiKOFifimont lioroinaftoi- by thin by-law oitutod to bo nwiofltiod and loviod upon tbo roudn and lotir or pnrbi of lotn, liorflinatta In that hohalf mipooluHy . not forth and ofiorlboil, and tlio roport of tho oufd J, H, lialrdO.lj.H,. In roiipnct tloroof and of tho Kiiid draingo work bninj; an follown: So tho Ho/o and Municipal Cfiuncillorn of tho Towunip of Colohontor North, in council annomlod: Gmu'ljiiOJN In acoordatCQ with Inatruottonn from your.iouorablo body.uotiw: undor! a notice from JarnH Gorard for tlio Sandwich Houth 'lovmlino.nm] Thorn an Konnody for tho Hth oon.road.I havo oxarainod both dltohon and bou to roprfc thoroou an follown: I found tho dltohon to HiLudwioh South Townlino uttorly uoflt for to dralnauoof tho land in tlio Inimod- Into vloiiiiy'aud I aluo found tho ditou on tho dtaid Nth oqouqhIou road in an bad a idinpo. Ah both ditchu 1 trolii tlio namo looality nod both mado fO) tho dralnafto of tho iiamo hmd, I would ru<>mmoii3 thaj, thu ditch on tlio nouth nido of til Sandwich South Townlino from tho Uuo botwon lotn 9 and 10, wont to tho KdRnr uldoroad;jo improvoil in Qccordanco with tho nunoxud "roMo and optioiuaatlonn, Aluo that tho ditcb'jn tlio oant nlrlo of tbo JCdRar Hidoroad hi- ol< and out and improved in iiooordtinco with ilicunnoxod orotllo and npocilloatloun, from thoiaid townlino nouth to tho wild Hth' conooijflin road, and that iiIho tho dUeh on thu mirth Bldo of tho anld.Hth ooihiohhIou road from tho Wilton Tap Drain, wimt '(0 rodw. bo oloanod out und iinprovnd iu luioordanoo with th an- noxod \y oMlo and tjpnailloiitlotiH, I nod that it -will oout $Ni ull oxponuMU hioluddd, to out tlm mild* ptoooft ofditnhoii In (food worldnu o'dor. Of tnffl amount I liavn taxod tho Town- whip of ColuhoBtor North for honolH to roadii with 8illH.W), and tho romainliiK f?:.fiQ I huvn aunoHRod u|(aluiit tlio lotn and partu of lotn that will in any way buatfootod by tho olounlntf nut and Improving nald dituhou. Aooomnanyhiit you will ibid phum, pronlmi, ittHioiiloiiUnini, ontl- nuitou, uHKoHHiuontu and all otlior pap urn uocoii- aary for i/uldauoo in tho noiiutruotfoii of nald dralmi, TIiohd dltohoH nlnill bo Icopt In ropatr hy a tax on tho landn and roadti now auitmuiud tuon >t tho ebancod nyntoin of drulnuun nhould toala> it n noon nary to altor tho uiinowim<mt. Ibnyotlin honor to bo, ijontloiiiBii, Your olxidhiiit imrvant, .1AMKBH. liAIIin.OIjH, Kiiuox, Oolobor Otli, lHOfl.' PICTURE ON A HILL And Wirnniun, tho imidoounoil In of opinion that tho drainntfo of tlio aroan duiiorihod iu do- nirabln. Thoroforo, tho nald municipal noimoil of tlm iiaid Townnhip of Oolcliflntiii* North, piirnuant to tbo provlnloiniof tho DmluaHo Act, ifi'JJ, onaotn an follown; Int. Tho nald roport, plana, ii])ocllloatlonii, ilii- nnimmontn and ontlninton .arc horoby fido]>tod and tho dminauo wo^lt an tboroln liuHoittod and not forth nhall ho mado and oountruotnd in ao- oorilanoo thnrowith. . " and. Tho Itoovo of tho miid townnhip may borrow on tho orodlt of tho coirporatloit of tho nald Towimhln of Colohontor North, cho nuni or 852,00, boinij tho amount of fundn nocotiiinry for tho work, and may Iimuo dobontnron (jf tho oorporatlon to that amount in numit of not lonn than i?5() each,' and payahhi within ton yoarn from tho dato thoruof, with Intoront at tho rato of hvo ])r couUim por unmiin, thut in to nay fn ton ooual Inntuhnoutn, fiuoli dobon- turR to bo payablo at thn hruuoh of tho Imper ial llanlc at tbo Town of Kmuix and to havo at- tachod to thom oouponii for tho payumnt of in- torout. ard. For payinntho ml in nf ^llll.TiO tho amount charf'cd nuairutt tlio nald InndH and ro'adn for bonodt, and tho nuni of ' ^2-JO. tho amount chardod afjaiiiHt tho mild lands and roadn for outlot liability, apart from tho landn and roadn boIoiiRfnn to or ooutrollod by thn municipality, and |or anvorinn; intoront thoroon for ton yoarn at tho ratoof t!\m por contiuu por annum; tho total npocial rato ovor and abovo all othor ratuii, nhall bo nnHomiod, loviod and colloctod (in tho namo mannor and at tho namo timo mi othnr taxon nro loviod and collootod), upon and from tho undormontloncd lotn and partn of lotn, and romln, and the amount of tho nald total npocial rat on and intoront nhall lio divided into ton orpial partn and 0110 nuch part nhall bo amioHHod, loviod and collootod an aforoiiild In oaob your for ton yoarn aftor tho Una! pamiinn of thin by law, duriuc which thu naid dtihunturoH huvn to run, The tong' Klun of XVllmlnifton, Kn^lKnd hlcuHurus 3^>iO i"tt4)t. Ahont inidwuy botwmi Bnrwlok und Polo^iito fltniioiiH, lit u jioiiit whoto tho (lirJ-i of ilin Kill jovory piccipitouH, thono wlho kuow oxuotly tlio npot wiioro to loi.k will lo uhlo to boo from (ho mil- Wny aurrliipfn wIihIovn u HOit of nitlu imitutiou of tho human form ouUiuod In whito. Tho iiguio, whioli in hntwoon 300 iid 00 ftiot iu hnlHhfc, holdH n lon Btuff in ouoh hund. Thin hi "tho Loiitf Man of WihninKtou," mioo tlio omitor of profound vonorution mid worHhip, hut, now tnoroJy 1111 objdot of intoroHfc to tho onrlouH. . In orrtor to obtain uu ndoquuto idou of tliiH (front hillHido flgurn, dominating: tlio wurronnding country lind-uppourinK to v/utoh uh Kuurdinn ovor tho littlo vil- Ingo bolow, it 1h doHiviiblo to uppvoiudi it afoot, iriunpinpf nJnikjf tlio winding InnoH, a tho pil^riniH of old uiuHt lmvo tnmipod wliun tiliny ontuo hitlior on tho ooonmon of Homo i^roat rolifjioiiH fcwtival. Been from afav, tho fl^uro donn not np- poar to bo of romarkabln ni/o, but grad- tiully, (ih onu iipprnnohoH tho hill, it iih- ftniurH 1111 iuipOHiiiR and dofinito wliapo. Tlio flKuro, about ^-10 foot in hoi^Jit, Whh moroly Hhapod in tho turf no uu to allow tbn uhair to apponr tlirou^h. In tho couvso of timo tliono doproHHioiiH in tbo Htirfaoo Uoouiuo alinoHt iiupurcopti- blo, and to Hindi an extent wan tim 11- uro nop;l()otod that at Junli it wan only pOHHiblo to nialco out tho form at n dis- tanoo wiion tho slight hollowfl woni niurkud by drifted hikjw or when the obliquo raya of tho riHim; or Hotting kuh throw thom into a deep yliadow. In or- dor to profiervo tho form of tlio Long Alan, Und to reader it ut tho namo timo onHily dintintfuMialjlo at a diHtimco thn outlino wuh marked by a Binglo lino of whito briclcH placed oloRnly to^othor: TJ10 offoot huH been to produoo a Homo* wimt Rtarfclihg fiKuro, wbicJi in plainly vidihln in fine weather from a {front diw- tanoo. Thnro nro in difToront partn, of tbo country othor examplen of oxtromoly rude and oarjy hillnido JiRiircH, and, al though tho very fact of thnir ^reat an tiquity rendKrH it.unlilcoly that hiHtor- Tho Month for Coloring and Recreating. Diamond Byes Make Old Things Look like Naw. Thin month thouuundu of wotnon will ho oolorin^ di'oiiiiun, nhitwbt, coatn, vcutu pantio knittinuyiirtiH, citrpnt ra^it, Hhonpfltin main, OtfJ, Tlm dyniim opfirution iu an impuriant Olio, am] donliuidn rnuoh earn. Tbo yrnut UUHontiul in to p;ot the ri|;bl dyen coloru that nro pun?, bri|jht and Taut to \vanhin/( and nmiluiht. Tlu.Diamond Dyo.i -thn only (jnarnntHod dyuH in tbo world p'ohhmhh all tho impor tant virtu on that in alto por foot colon), Tho popular Diamond Vyiti lmvo huoIi hii oxtonded ttalo that unnrop'.iloiiii doalnrH h"Vo mado offortn to uuititto thom. Avoid nil uuuh imitatloiiH. If you would havo your gondii and matonalu colorod riubiy and |'mr- munontly, uho only tho "JJiarnoud." Ro- funo all dyon that your doalnru toll you nro jiint, an wood an thn "Uiuoiond." Tho "Diamoml" aru tlio IiuhI in tbt world and ho known it wt-II. CHURCH DIRECTORY MBTI!OWI(T.--l)k\ I'uHOOrt, Imitnr. Hrvi- BvoryHuudiivat n n. m. and7 p. in. Habbutb BohoolHiO.-lifp, in. C, li. Nayh,r, HtiporlNtor.d- Bntofflohool l'jjwoitb Luuuuuprnv rnioothu TuodayovomiJ utb o'oioolt. Uumi.ul piuy cQoctiiiHOn "! liurHduyuvf ..U,\.. Ciivnou ov Kno'und JUiv. A.lj.lhn-orly, iu ontabuiit,' Ht, Paula, liknox. Dlvmotutrvlou tjycry miiidiiy at 7 n'oloolt, p. in Himday ttohuol at 1(1 h. m. iVlnlty Ohuroh, North UUlue H1J11 day Holiool at l.^fip. ni, Tlio publio, aro cor dially Invitdd. 9 i- miv.niiYTin<T*v;,~w. M.Klrtmliirt, Paiitok-Hnr- vloonoil .Salibath atil it, m. and '/ .1W) p. 111 Hah- balh Hfliool iit2:Ii0p. m. Prnvur nimtluu liud Piutor'nbliilo olnnu on Tiuindiiy uW.:w 11. nu Hoelnl Union on Wodnondavat 8.15 p. ifAi'Tiir-onuucii, Kov.M. I'. Uamplioll, Pnn- cor :: P on Tburnday ovmilnn at a o oloolt lioutu froo. All aro cordially wol- coinod, County -Noimuitine; OHioei-H, Hpcakiu^ of HalarioH for tlio now nomin ating efllourH tlio Muniuipnl World Hityii : T'm ('nunty Couooiln Act doim not duJiuo tho (unouiit which uorninutiiiK offioutH tiro tn rcoiMve for thair hurviooH. Undor tho act tho firat'duty of the oflicior in to tinfjapjo a hull for tbo nomination rrn.-ntioj,', and tlmn publiiib or pout up notioou of tho namo, IIiH noxt duty in to attend tho nomination lucotin^, and bo. available during tho fol- lowing day, for thn pnrpono of ro'juivinf* jOriiynntionn from caiididatfjH norninatod. In vinw of tlio abovo, wo think tho nomm- atin^ ofhcim' norviofti Hbould bo worth at k-iiHt hix. dolhua, and that, bin nccoiintu Hhould includn the uxponno of pouting and publication of notioon of the mooting, runt of hall, und for Horvic-on of coniitablon at IioifAU (Iatholio. Kmmu-I.'r. C. K. Mo', Fantor. Hur/io.- ovory othor Hunday ataaop. m. Hunday Hchool at lip. m. Maiihituni', Hiidi maiui and iiormon nt lf).:id a. ni., oiditchlHin ati! p. m, haptlnm atli p. m., voHponiiiiidoonodiotimi at 7 p. m. 0. /.;. Mo- Owe, J', p. Hai.vatkin Ahmy. Cant. Hmith and TdHiit, I ayton in oomniand. Kalvatlon moutlntn Wnd- noiiday.Thiit'iiday und Hunday ovoninj'n;I'Voo and Kaiiy.HiLturday ovonin and li p.m. Hunday; Koll notin tiKKitinrib for ohrliitlanri Friday nvflnitiu and II a.m. Hunday; Knoo Drill 7 a.m. ovory Hunday. AM aro wolcoiiio. LEGAL. IT* A. WIKMICIt, Harrlntur, fiolioltor, Notnr J Publio Sia. Monoy to loan. OtllcnH, Ihu utaii Illfjoh, up-iitairn, Imiiiox, .j-iy T L. PlfiTKHB Harrldtor, Bollcitor, Notai '9 Public Moiuiy to Louti, Olllao ov< Htruthdin' Hank. Knuox Coniru. CtjAUKK, KAinTiMT A IIMiTLKT, Unrrii turn, uto. Olhuuii, Modbiiry llluck, Wiudftc I'riyatt! fiimlii to loim. A. II. Cr.AititH, L. L. II. N. A. Uahtlht A. K. llAItTLKT. U. A. __JWARRL40E LI0EN8E8. T? r,, j'ajik. isBUKn op MAiuifAaD w- - J, ooiiHoH, Ulohardfioh Ulk,, Kenox, Out. Vf 1IAUIIKTT. InBuer of Marri*g Lfooaa* ^\* _ComijilualorwrlaO .J., oto. GoBto, Opt Y^ b. UKAaUN," ~ ' " iBHuor of Marriiiifo Uwnuon. Iniuranoo (utbdI, NIht oflloo at Dwollhitf. - TAfiltOT B'TltlCET. KHSKXW UNDERTAICIING. UK -U, 'undorluio floilbiH, houin n. from SU to 8o. MoGroKor,Ot>*- * DT}$k *?n/VH" lmmn Il'* factory mrO. ____^ARCHITECTS- JOimT.WAYCOci'r""" AltOlIPriiCT, &o., Itoom.ioand Il.i-'lomhin tiiiiidiU|[, PJioiifiQiD. Windaor.Ouf societies " *-- n ootnovory Thnmday,ovmintt at 7j.1t OiWfoUowB Unlf.ln third atoroy D mdan Y ViHltlnffmomboruufothnr lodiwi S fratorual wolnnmo. W. CHaWjSIton *' an tbifd Tiioiiday inouoh month. Vial tour III'*1 iK.i00?.1.^'1!i*5?,1,JOr." 'l*oV.ltoitlCC . UA^NANi'S^^SV nl{itL* JOlB- HKNJIY C. WAIYPKItH, rj,II Attornoynud ConiiHidor at law. Holicitor in Chauoorv Proctor In Admiralty, Patent Holicitor, Ollioo, Nowborry Hui'dina, cor. OrJuwold and Larnod ntn, Detroit, Mich. (Canadian cluimn iiRainrit pornnim In tho Unitod HtatoH collnctod.) Itoforoiicofii Imnorial Ihuik, Knnox, Out. .J. I.. I'otom, Knq., Harriiitof, otc, Kiinox, Out K.A. Wiiiinor, Knn., Uarrintor. otc., Kumx, Ont ioul or documentary uvidonco will bo ,. T . .. . . forUicomintf h to their dCiKiior precise thu muatw^ In 'UU!Cipalitie.i where ). Boludulo of lotn and partn of lotn n,ud roadn in tho Tawmihip of ColuhoHtor ^Nortli ftfiHoiiaoi for tho cniiHtrootion of tho Siindwiab South Town'ini), luduar Side Iload and llr.b GucuHiiion Itoad Ditchou. > . e j w QJ ^ u 3 0 0 a OJ 0 lb- t3 ^ Q "3 8 J>- III jC 0 8 u a u u ^3 tn CQ. ... O O 0 B atal of B and Ou Liabili 8 EC "5 P 1- *M 0 < 'f' H 0 H 2 P 14th 12 100 15 00 15 00 1 50 10 50 1 !lr 0 hf 11 oO 7 50 7 50 2 25 il 75 07 whf 11 o0 7 50 7 50 2 25 \i 75 07 0 hf 10 nr, 3o 00 no 00 05 00 l!i 50 ft-1 50 8 15 whf 10 5(J Jo Of) 30 on 75 00 22 50 !)7 50 0 75 u qr!) 25 10 00 15 00 55 00 10 50 71 50 7 15 Hhfn hlli 0--, '20 00 15 00 35 00 10 50 45 50 1 55 n hf h hf 9 2~> 20 00 15 00 Mfl no 10 50 15 50 4 5.". h qr [i J 0 JO 00 15 00 55 00 10 50 71 50 7.15 B 100 15 00 15 00 10 00 27 00 117 00 11 70 7. 100 25 00 25 00 50 00 15 00 l>5 00 0 50 33tl ehf 11 hf 10 5(1 12 50 12 50 3 75 It*. 25 1 02 whf ti hf 10 ,'>0 2*2 50 22 50 (J 75 20 25 2 02 h hf 10 100 lfi () 15 00 i 50 10 50 1 05 n hf U 100 :i.~j U) ;)5 00 10 50 (5 50 1 55 o hf U 100 15 00 in 00 ' 1 50 10 50 1 (15 nl/8H tio 1; OU 0 DO 1 80 7 80 78 m pt a hf 8 50 vs uo 12 DO 3 00 15 00 1 or, h qrn hf 8 25 5 00 5 DO 1 50 0 50 05. n hf a hf 8 ;"f) in on 10 00 :i 00 i;i 00 1 3n n hf Hqr8 25 ' 0:1 5 00 1 50 0 50 05 a 1/8 H 25 ;') O'l 5 00 1 oil 0 50 05 pt 6 hf H 1 O0 50 15 1!K1 05 05 (1 i 50 220 00 fi33 50 H23 55 82 35 On Da do........... on lauiiu and road a, . 21S 50 50:J2 IK) 21H 50 05 ijf) 2M1 05 1107 00 2H K] Totl 220 no H52 00 255 00 110 70 pnrpono, it i.s very watinfactory to find that an explmmtiou ban Leon found which will at ouco account for many of thnir peculiarities. Tho theory in that tlionoaronacrificial fifluroH. Wo loam from tbo writing of CiOHar that, thu GiiuJh-OuuI the BritonH woro douhtlCHH inohulod) had ilyuruH of vast Hizo, the limbs' of which, formed of osiorH, they illled with living men. TJ10 figure- wuh ultimately fired, and tl! mifierablo viotinm perrnhed in tho flumes. Therein a local Haying in Suh.scx, probably of great antiquity, in which tho Long Man is mentioned in reference to tho weather It runs: ' When Pirlit hill and Lonj; JIau lian a cap, Wo at A'nton fjnt.4 a drop, i-Iection for county council only in held, thu amount to lm paid to doputy roturuiug ofiicura for thuir hervicuB, polhu^ ' plucow, <to., in to be determined au uhuuI, by tho oounoil of the local municipality, but tho, oloution impoaim tin additional duty on tho' municipal clerk, and councibi in paHnin^ ft by-law to appoint doputy returning oflicord and fix polling placon, hhould doturmino tliuamcuut tledr clerk ia to rt'euivo for conducting the poanty uouuoi' oleotioun making rotunnt, etc. MEDICAL. TytH. IIHIKN & UitlKN. " Jan. llrloii. M. p., L. It., C. P. fl., ftTaduatn of Quoonti Unlvondty, Kington, rnombor or Col- loflo of Phyidoiami and Huri,'oon(i,Ontario. Grad- uato of Now York, Pont (Irnduato Modlcal Col- Ioko. J. W. Prion. M. p., O. M.. V. T. M, C. Honor r M.TwSo^?frA^;A AGKNTH wimtinB profltablo omploymonfc n\,r "^"^'^"""nnorcnnihid it with um h wo havo nowont liumdan variotion of Nuraorv atonic and now Rood Potatonn. Halary or cooZ mhinion. Wrlto tni nt ou0U for torrltorv pSK HAM NUHBEKY CO., Toronto, Ont. aa-JOt Michigan rriRgrpji, " Ihe Niagara Fallx JiouU.1' GOINO KAHT TakInoffoct Juno 2iH";, i'hw, Collofjo. OJllonovor Knnox Afodfoal Hull dniK ntoro Ooiinultiition rocjinii, both on ({round floor uini llrnt/iat abovo. Ttdophono in both oilloo mid rtwildonco. All oaihi lUUindod to from oillco drufj ntoro, or ronidonco. Uonidonoo, Talbot ntroot, front of fair uronndii. ltl For paying tho nuni ot3ln.f>0,tbo uniount aiinaiod itMi'imit tho uaid roiulu and lunds of tbu muioipality, and for oovorinj; intoront tlmrcnn for m yoaro at tho rato of tlvo por contuiu por amim, a npooial rato on tho dollar, nulllciunt to I'oducu tbo rocpiirod yoarly amount thoro- for^hall, ovor anil abovo all othor ratcH, bn lord and collootod (iu tho namo inauiiur and at io namo timo aa taxon aro lovmd mid tohiiot- Odfmion and from tho wholo rattiblo proporty , In>id Townnhip of I'olchohtor North, in ouch yor for ton yearn ottor tlio final piiHHinfj ot tbl by-law, durliif{ wliieh tlio naid dobiinturoH biwtorun, . (li. That Janiosi R. Laird, to^othor with tho couoll aro horoby appoiutod coininiHhionurii toit tho contrnot for nui>roviiii; taiiddiaiiinttntl vttiia ooimotitod tborov.'itli. by tondur (not v.x- calinf; outimatti), but uvcry nnoh contractor. w|i two good and natlnfactory mirotloii, hliall bn roilrnd forthwith to ontor into bondn for dun prforinaucu and complotion of tho contraet.iio- cn'i'i}: to naid piaiiH and HpocilUiatiouH wni'i tbo timo nnmtiiniod within nucli Imrid :ij.!Lfl ntiuirwi-o brdorod by tho ooinicil; and it jiill b(.- tbn duty ot hiic|i ooiiimiKKioiioi-H to cmino rJd drain and workn connoctoil tburowith, to limadoaud comitriicted in aoonrdancn with iph )danit and Hpoailioationti.not- In tor than tbo (unhiHH otnorwiHo or (ul by tho counoi!) ami to t'.rant eor- -$(" .f.f: to tlio ib-ovo from tim - ' u timu, to ' 10I1 c.-nti'ftntor, hrh *J5 por ccoi ot dtu un'iiiiiut 4jo, until tlio contract in folly uomplot<-d ami ' <IIy aocoptud, and lor tho duo porfornxuicii of toito and all othor dulion of ooinuiinHlnin.'i- tin; ^dcomniinnionorii nhall bo mitillfd lit rocoiyn :i cinminidou of tbroo por cunt, on tbo nctunl dit of tho work, /itli. That.thn comniimtioner bo roriuirod fnii,h- tth to cntar into bomb: 111 tit" i-tun > fi<isi tor lu duo complotion of tin- work ccoonliiiK in Juun and HpiioillftnttonH and within tlm liian liaoiflod within each bond. , 17th. Thin by-law nhall In pu Idi sIkm! onou in |\ory wook. Tor loiu codki ctitivo u-it1:k, in tbo I16H0X J"riut Pru;-u,, nowHpaiK-r, pulilinioil in tlm Town of Kti-iiix and Hhall couio into foroo upon and uftm- tim linal pn>;;dri^ tlifruof, uml inay Imi citod tlm "SiLiidwioli Mouth Townluni, Kd^'iir Htdornud and I Itli {'. uiouSidoa Inipravimici,t Hy-law :L'U " J. A.Con/rKli. M. HAltUKTT. Cli-rk. Itnovc. I Imndiy i:-;i'Lify t.lint tlju foroftdu:; hi a tliln copy of a by low provbiionally adopti.-d l.y tin- imiiiicipal ornmoil ot tbo naid Townnhip oi Col- ohiniLor Nrth, on thn lilHt day of Oct. A 1) lMlfl. . ' ' ' J. A. (!()['),TKK, Olurk of tho Municipality ot Cololmhloi' North. 2^otige:- ]\TOTI(!K Court IK IIKUKIIV (ilVF.N THAT A of I to vision, hold pursuant t tho provihionti nf iho iJruinu^o Aot, lKM, for tim himriiti: and trial oi' appuak mail- ai;aiiiMt tho ulnivo mty part tlmii- of, will hold itH lirjit itt.iu:;.s ut tho'Town Htdl. fVdohohttsr Ntirtli, on Katurdity, tbo 'Jlnt ilay of NdVt.tnbcr, IKI), ut Iho hour ol' ton n'olook in thn lonnioou, and that miy porHnu intcmliiu: t.o npi'oai ii|,*ainr.t. tlm obovo af-.Hfusiiiniit, or any part Ihuri'nf, niunt, not hilor titan ti-n da\n ho- loru tlm linn- llxod tnr tim holdltif: or utiiddourL, H.irvo on the Clork nf thin tiiunioipallty, a writ- ton ntiticu uf Hiioh tippunl, ur ottitjt-u'iiio ho will bo too Into to bo hoard in thut bolmlf, A nd iuiMtiiT no'icn hi ho ol,y j^iyoji thut auv IKsru-.n inlt-mlnn; to liuyn Hindi hy-luw, or unv -purt Llujitjoi, ipitL.ihud, iniirit, not lai.,u- than toil tlayn aftur tho Ihial puh:nnu thuroof, liu. vo a not io.t in u'rit.ini,' upon tbu lionyo or othnr hi;ud oilict'i*. und upon tin; Clorl: ol tlm Municipal Ity of CulclojHtor North.of lii;i intotttioii to inuli" r. pi'Jiontiini fur il i at ptirposo, to tlWlN;;h Couri at To-unfo. dnri< ;_; thn n\\ ^^ > I,-; no.\t onrU'- iiiR th-j linal pin,',hi;; "" thi:i hy-itiw. J. A.COL'IjTKK, TuwiiHblp t;ijrl;. Tho uioluiiimii "U'muu Sam.' an ujiplial lo tho Unite i StutfjH Goviuiiii.oot in naid to havt) origiuutqd uu fuMo'.vti: Siunuul [Wihion, commonly culled "Undo Ham," [wttH a Government inHpector of beef and [pork at Troy, N. Y., about 1812. A con- ftraotor, Elbert Audornou, purchast-d a quantity of proviruonn, and the burrohi word marked *'E. A.," Audei'non'a initiald. and','TJ. S.," for United States. Tho lat. ,tor initialn wore not familiar to WUhou'h workrnen, who inquired what.thoy uwuut. A /uootiouu follow remarked : "I don't ' bnow, unions thoy raoan "Gnalu Sam.'" A -, .vaBt amount of proporty aftorward puHH'id / through- Wiluon'u hands mar/tod in tho '.biuiw) mannor, and ho wuh of torj joked up- I'.. ou iino oxtont of bin ponflofjaionn. Tho [ 'jqbo Rproad through all tho dopartuMnta of the' Govorumont, and boforo long* tlio tJuitod SttitDH wau popularly rotor rod fca mi ' Uuola Sam/' A Wile IScjiinl lo a Gold Mine Will hoiiih of your remiuru give mo a good reoipe for making a cold Uu-ruh? I am Boiling Holf-hoating tint irotin and iron a littlo at every bonne and lmvo to uh.' soiiiu Hlarch ovory piano and want to kuow how to make a n;nu\ oold ntarob. i\Iy hu i- Inuid was in dlt and I being anxioun to help him thouuht 1 would null nolf.heating ilatirotiH and I tun doing bplomlidly. A cont'n worth of fuel will bout tbo iron for it bourn, ko you lmvo a perfected even boat. You can iron in half tbo timo and no dan ger of fcuorohiug tbo clotboH. an with tho old iron, and you aim got tho moHt beauti ful glonn. I Bell at Hourly every honno, an tho iron Haven much fuel everybody. wauiH ono. I miiko 91 80 on oaoh iron and' have not Hold Iohh than ton any day I worked. My brother in doing well aud I think any ouoftanmalcn lotn of monoy anywbor*' qolliug jromi. J. F. Oaaoy ct Co.. 8t. Lount, Wo., will Hfcart anyone in tbo buninonii, tui thoy did ;e, if you will addreoB thom. 45-0 JVIUH, A, BWflBKtL, SURPRISING THE ORIENTALS. A Mu of J'lfrtuilH AVatt:Iu!il u Twlnt Urlll Work. Ail interefiting account of a vinit, to a CbiiK-.-ic arHcmil near l^uohuu in ^ivim by u ofirroHpnnrh.'iit of Cassier'H Mayu- zinu. lie Kays: "Taking out two drill.s, I w*nfc them in and immediately wuh invited to enter. Tho official wuh polite, bowing and Blinking JiiH own Imndri, an in tho custom Biiiony Chinamen, and offered mo a cup of tea. "There happened to bo fiitvnral for^- ings in the room, and uh I proHKiid thn drilis againnt tliem and pointed to over tho wall lie Fomnnd to comprolienrl what wan wanted, and in a few minutes I wan in a luryu, well lighted machine whop. I miht tmy thin extciiriivii plant was built anil equipped,hy J^rench en^i- ueirH some lo y'ear.s a^e. "The nalivo l'oroman examinett my tools with great interest; and called in aoverul aiiHirttjuitfl. All hmki'd puz/.h-d and did not .seem to know what they were for. Walking to a drill press-, i took out the tint; drill, and, after con siderable packing around the whank, Bucceeded iu getting one of my taper Khank twist drills to run fairly true in the spindle. There must have been 50 (Jbiiiameu working in the room, and every into had gathered around this prows. The foreman ordered them off' repeatedly, ami then, looking at, me, laughed good naturedlyami gave it, up. "lie brought a piece of east iron, but I wanted something harder to drill, so I walked over to a largo planer and took a long extension tool, made from {J by l,:t:i inch tool steel, and clumped it up to thn table of the drill press. Jle Hbook his head, intimating that the twist drill could not go through, and the crowd of workmen emitted gruntu of approval. "The pross started, tho lips of the twist drill tinned out two spiral chips. The men elbowed Hie to onu hide. Thero was a sea of pigtails bending duwn, watching the marvelou.s action of that littlu tool. Ah tho chips grew in length the expressions of wonderment in creased. "It; happened that tlm uhips did not break until they were ahout 1-1 ineben long. Then others started, and each time that they broke off they were eager ly Hiiatehed by thu wen, some burning their fingers, and examinee! carefully from (Mid to end. ' " . "The dull edges of tho drill were shown around and then ground and Htarted again, and tbo fact that tbo drill would out aa well as tho 'ilrat time unused increased ania/.emunt and mur murs. I havo miidu many tests with twiKt drills, but never boforo suoh an iippreoiativo and demonstrative uudi- eucu." Marry This Girl Quick, 1 flaw ut your paper that a l.'J your old boy. made HI.Uo tbo brut hour bo worked nulling the Ptrtectinii Metal Tip Lalupwiek, I ordtsrod a Hitinplti and wont to work aud tho flrht wok [ cloarad 810, tho Hocoud week 1 cleared #15. 1 expect to run up to 82;j a wt'tk in tbu near future, an tho Per fection Melal Tip Lauipwiuk makes tiiioh a beautiful white light and doon away with Hni'dioy chimneys and bud odor ami suveu oil, i; in onhy to hoII. If you wmh to try it HL'uii 1;{ two-cent. htuiupH to ^Iihh A. M. frit/,, Hitition A, Si. Louis, iUo., and she will ni'iid you sample ntitfu, this is a guod way to rnaki! money around houm. .Mihh TiLti W. to i;jt. T~\ltS. McKKNXIK <t JKNNEIt. G. McKmizio, M D. O. M , Trinity Univiirnlty, momliur of CoIIhro PliyHlciiimi and HurKoorifl. Ontario; Cmiduato of Now York rout Gruduato Modical Collorju; Corouor for tho County of IjHqox. Itoiddonoo, Talbot Htroot, north ol rail way, Khbox. J. Karlo Jnnnor, M. />. 0. M Trinity Univor- nityiM.C. P and K. Ontario; Lie. Uoyal Oollono Pnyuicittim, [.ondnn.KiiK.; lnt Scholarnbln and Gold M. "I can't liavt- wlunllln{4 at lllu tabln, Mr, tilooiim" tiaei tie b'-arding house koopor. "X thought you hum y.jhterday you liked to lmar a nitin whihth; at bi.i work ?" replied tho boarder, uu hu rnudu unothor incdYoc- tua] utVmpt at culting his piuuo of beef- atealt. l)r. b'owler'H E.xrraot of Wild .Straw berry cuicn J >iarrlni;a, Dynoutery, OrainpH, Colic, (J hoi em Morbus, Chdera infantum, und all lnonmuh:i of the bowels. Never travul without it. Price '65a. ' It's a gnat pity," waul tbo convicted burglar to his law>or, "that yau couUl'not have nude that d,i-,l:ijj np.-e.Jll of ymiM at tbo upeuin^ o! iii<- oust!" ' ! don't hl-o hew that woul.i have imuio ae\ il; iferuuee;." "Il would, though. Tb-n n,u jury would ll.-iVf b,-..u ii dt.;ep wll-ll tin: evide.lloo i|iuiO 111 and I'd li::vc: ti(,..i,il s, int: nhuw." Thug Ian i Iiin is only "a little swoid," chin bcii.g ih-: Lati.. form of the expres- sion. MH.Iuhftt, Trinity CoIIoko, lHflU; anjinintnd IIouko Phyincuin ami Kurfjoon, TorontoGonoral IIoMutal and lUmidiMit Acaouolumr Burnuido I-yiiij| m Hoiipltiil.TorniiLn, 1HH-1. Hpoclalty diw- oanun of woinoii and cliildron. Hoitidonoo, houno luttily ocuuplod by J)r. Downr, Talbot nt., Khhox. Ofllcoin finporial Hank mock, ground door oppohito Tuumo'fi drug ntoro. Modioliuitj dla- peiiHod hi tho olllco. Tnlophom- commotion with both olllco iiml roshlonooH. Frivutu tolo- phono lino hotwnou Cyril PaiMiotto'H liouso and Uan Koiniody'ii hoihiit aud ollico. Ni^'tit oallh attonrlod to at ollico or roiiiilonco. DENTAL^ HP.MAItTIN.D.n.H., I, D. S. (irnduato hi Uoutiiitry, Knynl ('nllofje of Dental Hurnoonfi, Ontario, ami Univorhity of Toronto Obarcofl.uioiluruti). Ollico, onir ISrion d: Cot :lruu Htoro. ifi-lv Dotroit....... Windnor.... Polton........ Miiidiitoiioo Kimox......... Woodfiloo... KtiHcomb ,.. Comlior...... ItidRotown.. Hodnoy....... St. Tliowao London ......... wt. Thomiifl... Itodaoy......... Itldfiotown..... Coinbor.......... liuiicomh....... Woodiiloo....... Rhiiox ............ Maldntono Cr Polton............ Wi minor......... Detroit........... Mail a.m. R.20 CfiO COS G.ltl ti.-lfi r.n r.or H.20 H.-I0 _ l'-xp. J'-xj). Aceom nncom a.m. a, id. p.TO( fti m 0.20 *i,r>o 9..m 10.10 7.L'0 10.35 8.17 11.M 10.00 1.05 flOING WKBT. 1.10 COS fi.10 fi.UH D.IJ7 c.&o B.fiO 0.05 7.10 7.MH W.40 7.30 7.4B 7.6-1 8,0-1 8.21 p.m. 12.10 2.40 a.:w 1 07 B.'js fi.10 B.flO fi.O.'t II. u ll.'Jl n.-tfi 7.10 (i;.io 10.2(1 ii.;ii I2,0!i 12.10 Wind nor aceora a.m a.m 0.33 7,:m 7.58 .o;j D.KJ 018 0.41 a 2.1 0.C3 n-37 10.03 fi.17 10.1!! 0 5(1 1C.U0 7.1fi 10.5(1 Anifiomllinrg; I^oetil T*-iilnw. wi:ht KAht P.m. a.m. a.m. nni am i m Hi }^2:^ u^KXiUfi g S;S fl? am 12.15 8.2ii McGvocior S (i^O OBI) Il'ir Vr,^ HA!i Gordon nor, 010 ii-'>.> 14.40 H.S0 Amhorfitburfj o.oi) 11.05 4.55 4,115 4.110 All traino aro run on contra] ntandard timo. which in HiKty minutoH nlowor thnn Enma timo. I-or information and ratoii to oolou- lntfi mnvinfi went apply to Jolin-<V-rjavon, Pan- Bonpor AKorit, Bt. 'I'lioimm, O. W. Uucidos. Gou- oral PanjioiiKor and Ticket Acont, Chioiif-o, HI or A, O. Btiniorn, (\cont. Ksaux, VETERINARY. WII. HIClIAitUSON, VKVKHINAIty UK . Gl',ON. Iloimrary Krudiuito or Ontario Votorinury Colbiito, Toronto; monibor of On tario Votorinary .Modioul Hooioty; Diphmilht in Pontiritry; troata nil diiicanou ol donnmtioatod iiuiiiuiIh; cutllo ilohornod by tlio hitodt itnproved hoiLVitt clipper OallH by teU-pbono or t.ilu- ftru)b |iro(i]].tly uttondod to. ltutddimcu.thrcu iloorii uuht or print mill; offioo in jioitt office Lniihliiif:; iiilli-iiinrv. ilir.^tly oppunito. -*. "' Bl IS IaM' \i\\M m M \\*M TjfeP LAND SURVEYOR. JAMKS H. IjAIIOJ, Provincial Laud Survoyoi and County Kinjinoor, Khhox Cmitro, Out Oitice, JJunstiui J.ilouk, iipntairn. AUCTIONEERS. T..TKNRY IlKIMtlOK, Auctioneer. Ha 1 ot II promptly uttondod to. AddrnHH SotitL Woodidoo, Out. 1'ornnnn doHiriiiR to rusenro nit may limvo word at tho 1<'hj-:k Pukhh olllco. tf II. IIKDHIOK DHINtX.WK, LlCl^NSP.D AUGTIONKKli for tho County of Khhdx. Ihulid'of Michth Divlhioii Court. Alt lcimht of Farm and oth" rfitloH ooiidiictiMl promptly. Katun roiwuiiah'" and fiiruihlpHl on anplication. En<|uiroi-n may npply at W. 1). Ifoaiiiiui'ii ojllco, or at tho olllco of Divhdon Court Chi-k.iUr. John Milno JOHN (10R.tIT_.KY. U LICKNBEU AUCTIONKKIt for tho County of htiiiox. All lundn of farm iitock nulun, uto oonduotod promptly and on abort notico, Itatoi. ruuHoiMiblo. l'oi-nuLtu ddflirablo to arrange miloa may :lo ho hy calling at tho Fit km l'linm. ollioo or by applyinj: to L. E. &, D. R. Ry. time tahlk NO. 32, tukhiR' offoot Monday, hupt i!j,18!lfl. Trainorun by Kaotorn Stand ard Timo. Daily except Bunday ci r. M O 'A Station a. A M a m v st Wi,12.00 ll;2l) U.3;! V1.U0 0.27 0.JW12 40 ti.^15 .ia iu.ifi iJ-Bil 12.5.-) t; .17 e.r>7 A.m 10.02|...| \uw C'umum... H P. -i 1 o A O "A K 9 30 11 OH A M 5.50 5.!(H 3 & 3 Dop Walkery'lo Ar Walkorvillo Juno. ......... Polton.........8 57. 5.^7 ......\ Oldeafttlo......Is .IIP 5.17 ......I Paquotto......Is -171 5.fH McHroKor ...... H 42( 5.0U 8 ao 4.40 H 20' i.'M H 22 4.2.') 8 U J 4.00 H CI 11,45 7 51 :i.l5 7 40 -,'.40 7 21 1.5-t 7 15 1.I1H 7 10 1.15; 5.4H 7 (W! 12.110 0 52112,21; 5SB rA P.M. 7.50 7.4U l.'It 7.83 7.27 7.23 7.17 7.10 7.0U (1.52 0.42 o.:io 0.10 0.00 5.C1 wjll ourm on Kcuevte wdioestiom, rvj-mmmo ov ta& jaundice,. nuirr; " JirrYSlPEtAS, ACIDITY OV'TOB VSALTBHROH, STOMACH, ))IEABYflrjHH, DuYHESS 0E tttB irKADACHK, SKIH, BILIOUfiNjss, WXZINJCS4 lYSPEPSIA, DllOlPSY, iAAd U>i*/mvcl or dlMWiUUtu 1 ttom OUm^Uvm1 fEH,KIDNBYQ, BTfOMACEt uowuts on .OUJOD. P. O. Uox 155 J. GOUMWiY, Ksnox, Out. lMtANK McCIjOHKKY, Muidhtono, tldrty- l iiovon yours" oxporiouao an auau/Hionourfn tho County nf Kiihox. Halon conducted promptly, and on roiuioiiablo teruifi. Purtioo duftjrlit to ilx tho dato fpr a nalo can imvo tuomHolvut' il dri^ohy rallinn at tbo Fukk Pumhh othco. \Vo lmvo uviuiijmkI with Mr. MoOlnukoy and will Us tho ilittOH for Hal u hy tolc^ruph, ontiroly (vaa of all chaiRo to tho poriion boldiiif; thn nalo. Ad- droiJiiI"rank.ilcOlohkoy,MiiidBtoii(jCroHn,Oiit, 1(15 10.00 1.1(0 7.1 ... t MiirHbJloh. ... 10.10 1.M1 7.17 ...... Harrow ...... 10.27 2.o:i 7.27........1 Amor......... I0:ir y;ir> 7,;r7......KhiRHvillo...... 10.45' 2 B0 7.44 ...... Huthvon ...... 1055; ;t.45 7..M ...][;ton ... 11.11 1.10 ...... Wlioatlcy ...... 11 20; I.25|.l7 ......| Ituuwiok ...... U.i!fii d.iOJH.-J-J ......CoatHworth ... ll.:(5' 5. H.IH......ttilonwood...... 11.4:1 5 H.4II'.........Morliu ......... 11.501 5.I2|H.47 ......, Huston.........\l) 4.Vl2.TJ[ 5 21 ll.55i h.SS H..**,j...... HundiHon ...... fi 40ll2.H01 fi.JIJ 12.04; (J.05 DO0,..dCodiir8priiiRH...ifi :)ljll.2H 5.07 1^.11! G-15|0.07'll!onhi'im. Junot'n ;tl UJfil.iiO fi.OQ l'^.lfl .:i,1j 11.12,...... Illonho'm......It! 20,11.15' 4.55 I'.'.-'l 0.45 920;...*|tl 10j.10.lS; 4 45 12.:i5 7.001 !.:il|Ar ItidRotown Dtp fi OOdO.00' 'I.U5 I'.m.Ip. m. i'. Mi________________'r.M. 1 l-'hiR Htiitioim. Trainn idop only whon thoro aro piniNoiifjt^-T at or for thonu r.tationti. Rlixod trainn arc at ul Union anbjoot to bo cancollod WM WnoLLATT. Gunu'nil Huporintondon . IMalloo. . "I buokh I'-vo found iv wnyto tako tbo concciit out of thut uuiuteur uotroas," ro- murkod tho girl who iauot nlwuya good naturocl.; "How did you do it?M "Introduced bof to an unmtom? pho- tbgrApbor wJio wfuitedto toko bor pio- tui,o."^-Wa9biugtou Biax, llMlUW*"'^ Toronto. FOR TWEWTy-SiX YEuKa ^&. M, W P ^ 1 (f^ TH^"-COt'SB[?.STPRIENL; ..Arx/'iZ *'iA-K Ii4 CANADA. BAKEJR^ THKohiont bufduonB in town. Entablinho 1870. Flnit-chuiH broad and oakon of nt It'ndB. WoddJiif,' oakon a upooiallty. Oroocriop proviiiloud, Hoar, food, iialt aud pork. Oonfoc- tionory, crookorv.ijlaRiiwajo. Canned frultnand voRotublenof all kindii. Goodn promptly no llvorod toallpartuof tho town. J, M, mOICB. JOl-tf UND AND LOAN AC NTS r> KOltGR J, THOM AH, Convoyanoor, Com* VT niliiniouor, iu HiKh Court of Juntiao; tloalor In Uonl Entato and MortHUfjon. Mouoy to lout, attholowoiit rato of .Intornntt Farmn lionoht audnold. luunranod taliati In tho moot rolinblo oompimlon. DruwiftRof doodn, mortnnnoii and loanona upooialty. Cluirfion inodorato nnd nil buBluoBd promptly attondod to. Call at the Oonbra] Tolonhono. omoo, KanoxClontro. 5(bly To Urivo anywhoro, if 110, you wnnt a Good ;,. j'..........and tlio pliioo to cot it in at' JOHN McOOUGALL'S Livery, Sale & Feed Stables '-. Gooiiinbutloi-fl in nttontlunco day and night. HORSE-SHOEING Plana in tbo world for yoouumon mid worn on in noouro a PubWhh ]Cduoatiot],Hhorthaud,ota,lIf( tbo Ootrolt BuslnosH tfnlvorHltv. Do- troit.Mloh Illuiitratod oiitalo^uo. Vtoo. Itoforonocti: All Dotrolt, I-\ JUWUXiD Proa. V, M. SPENOlfllt, Boo. Best In thin branoli of our buninonii wo havnili'flt- olana Workman aud will Ruarantoo Hutiafaotiorj lu Shoolutj norHOB that intorforo.i Ovor- lloaoh or havo OornHor Contracted I'oofc. Womakou Spoaialty of HhoohiK Hoad aud TruokHorsou, t5i" Telephone Connection, \m ' '/) ' 'iia DROPSV CURED, TH18 "Unuorolfjuod iu prepared to ouro all caaea of Wator Uropuy whotbor of lonj? or short duration. Absolutory uo oharKo unions tlio pati- tint iu ontiroly and poromuently onrod. JAMBS. OAMPBBliL, Cottoia, OntJ E^ii'39. . . iM fm ^"'sia \W<

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