Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 30, 1896, p. 7

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w ,'vi,'.r ".,; ""/'*. : ' . SJK"^ wv- & 'rf Editor J. L. Montgomery, of Mui-hIiuII, '. (111.) Domooritt), HtatuH Unit for many ' years, ho milinrod untold agony from Dy"- " pep8ia._At Iu9t bo . buyuu to take Ayor'n -J&HrBupiLnllu, andJ>y_tluitime bu lined nix ""KottlOB, ho wan ml wnll an over, .{jurim otborw, will ouro you. Sorv^H You Itittht ' ' If you will lot Unit pain in your buck co on ovorluiitiiifily in (bo fuon of evidence Ilka thin. You may hiivo a lanio buok, heiidaubo or porhavm a liidleim, worn-out, doiio-np fooling all.tho time. You bavo a family dootor. Him ho holpud you V Your dooloi1 ban pal.'nuilii i.o troubled, << havo wo. Ho oallii on them frequently, tu> do we. Hon* in the dift'oreimo, wo bdl tho rohtiltn . of our yiuitit; lull it to tin* hi florin^ public ; toll it openly, Ili' one of our vinitii: Mr. .T. (J. Sloiui, of .I'jKiit'X, Ont., nitf ., "UO yoiini ajjo 1 liurti iny buuli while hltio;; a buiivy wciglit. Miueo Ibil time I ho\o bud kidney and urinary difficulty alnuth-t ooiiHtantly, |'rev;in|' wom< year , by yum.. "Tlio dooloi'H mud t hml ntniiutid lie- lining of my knlm yo, I bid tumble pi, ii. In tho Miiall of my butik. The urine win- hi^b-Oulon;dhand earned a heavy I'uilinirni. Truly I bavc miffered awfully diiri'no, tl o paHb twenty yearn, and wan unable to ob tain relief from any of the many int'thr>di.' whloli I havti riuiortml to... "Doan'ii Kidney fills*, wlueh I procured h-t yiiornn'" dnijjiritore, ;uo tho only nwdi. alette whiub havu uvur ^iven me relief and comfort, "Tboy have removed flu; pain from no, baok, oleaiiMi.d the uriiui, and made tin foul bettor \i\ ovory way. I am pleatied ie givo my cvhlejicu an to their virtue.-?, In-- oaUHO I think it m only due to mum u re- warkablo remedy to tell how it cured m> oano which I conuider wan ouo of tho mo-d difficult, on record." t-^ HYDRAULIC ENGINES. improved <>!' bit". n<\\x$ and dnn'f "et cut of order, uu tin* old fashioned ram u.nod Tho mont cxpouuivo porfumo in tlio mar ket at proflont 1:1 tho ui.iontial oil of ro:.e jpetala, or ottar of roi'uH,, which oouu ^7l)ll par pound. Tho oHHuntial oil of janmiiie ia Qiiotod at S550 pur pound, uuiber^iiri 8JC0 pur pound, and inutdt 9120 pur pound. ONE OF THOUSANDS *'I wuh il murfyr to Sick and Norvoun BoadacboH, canned by Gonntipatioii, uu- fit for biminoHH on an average U dayti' n \ woolc Some pillu helped mo, but Dr. A^now'u Livor PUIh curod mo Tina if '. my own tontunoiiy and it'b a fact. Now I novor lono an hour or minn a meal." Thin in tho written toHtituony of a well known Torouto journalist you can litivt- . liia namo if you want it. Dr. A^ucv'h Livor Pilln, at all dru^iHtH, 10 iu a vial, 10 canto. Bold by J. Thorite. OTULD NOT LIB DOWN FOR . EIGHTEEN MONTHS. Th6 Sufforiuga of ;i Toronto Junc tion Resident i'roui Heart Disease. Not an exceptional guhg of heart disease bqt. vory diutroHHing wuh that of .Mr. L. W. Law, of ToronLo Junotion, Ont., who wuh obliizod tu bo propped up in boi with pil Iowh for eighteen moiit.bii, bcGutittu ot Bcaotbermti apulla that would uoiiio u\.r hiin wlu-uover ho atLempled to lie dowe No troatmont liad douo auy tfood until In.- tried Dr. A.pnow'a Cure for the Heart, and horo one done ^uvg cemplulo relief, and ono bottle cured him, and to-day ho'en- joya tho pleawuren of good health hh other pooplo do. Iloari diMeuHo will kill if no' ourocl. Sold hy J. Tborno. for Hiit>|>Iyiiiir Wtir t<i I'm-m Itiillrthii:* in- Vor Yri-Itfutlom. ' 'J'bo grout merit of tlm hydraulic rani bi that ilH llrnt rioHfc ih niodnrate, the ex- \wmo of inainlonaiieo in very Flight, and \(. (M'UHeh'HHly linen niduro'i! forces to lift; I ivaler for any drnired purpojie. Tho ' tionbln willi g(dtin^ water to building : or itpuJi the land fay irrigation im that in; cases the hmnlcj-, streaniM, j ipi'iuj.'H or pumlH are lower than tho i ])laeeH when! the water ia wauled. ; Many jii'Oplo Heeni to bn uiieoii^eious of, the rat; l. that one ean lake advantage of], mitiire'H biwn to raise water from a lower to n higlnr level by u.-,in^ a hy- draulie ram. Ameri(:an A^rieulturiHt [ deiiionstrateM in an exIuiiiHtivn uvtirdn j that tlieso nui('lii*<'H have beeti greatly t <* /i;ai',H n: ' old i'ashi to do, and workn on a prinniple that in .Kiiuple amleaMil}' underwtoiid. Tho uu- tboi'ity referred to huvh: The Ktipply must, he from [. to 13 feet bibber tlian the locution of tlic rani and from \2 to 100 frnt distant from it. In loeatiiifj; a ram not only the full and (liHtiinee muHl be taken into eoanidera- tion, but, seme meaiiH of draining tlm wusto wafer fnun the ram; be ]jnj- vided, Jf the ram iniiHt he located in a pit; to fct tlu^ (lesiri'd fall, a drain must be ja'oviflcd, staTtinf^ from the bottom of tlie pit. If if is not )irn(jtinabln to lo cate tlio ram tin- desired distance from the tiupply, it number uf coilh may lie made in tho pipe. In thin manner u ram may be located directly under tlm supply iindwill work equally well. The! 'supply must determine the size of tbo; pipe, to bo used. Never use a ram that. in foo lar/^o IVir the nupply. Tlie water run he discharged to an elevation neveral tinns the fall of the, water from the reservoir to the rum, tho' Greatest fall 'miismpf tlio disehurk'o of (he ^'real'-.sti annaint, tii" water at a f<iveni height. Kiich foot of fall will lift tho! full Kiipply 2o fret, or a less amount of! water to a greater lieig;bt. Avery sinall; stream, if constant, in enough to fill the tank required for most set.sof buildings. As the water in ahvuyd moving, danger from frost is reduced to a minimum. A little ram costing only ifno, under u fall of fi feet only, will deliver over -1,00(1 gallons per day (2-1 hours) to a height of 12") iVnt. A-big ram, with a miflleicnt supply under tlio same fall, will raise to nearly an equal height about 0,000 gal lons per hour, or enough to cover an"^-,a'ci;1'vnn(:'* -*^* ** aero with water 1 inch deep everv ' come in, tho dry wind taking it off." bourn, and would irrigate 8 acres every - ** Holmes oi Mashpce, Mass., 2-1 houi-N to that (b'ptli. The modern ori Kprcads tho fruit on the floor of bm bog- Rife rum i.s coining into general Use fr>r' l'<"ise. which admirs pleuty of air. Oth- nll such purpOHca as well as for supplv- c'r-s :l,iviw' HpreadniK on the floor to tho ing reservoirs for villages, railroad! depth of to 8 inches and then turning KEEPING CRANBERRIES. " npliilouit ICxprtHii(l liy <Jrow*ir* mid I)al- *>r* Color rikI lCii<t|>lii[ (jimllly, RplyiK to the inquiry, "What in tho boat way to keep ornnheri'ienV" are tho following opimonH oxpreHsod tlirou^h tho nolumuH-attliu No\V. England Honio- Htead: A dealer adviHOH tlmt tlm' fruit, bo mu'fifnlly hand picked, plnend in. opon boxi'H of about a bunhel capacity and kepi, an imarly an poHHibln at Ilfi de/jfreen, tlio piudtageH to bn made with pino hitlia for nideH and botloniM open at toj>, pil ing tln-se nratCH in tiein in a dark room or cellar where the temperature mny bo obaur^ed on ctdd ilays. Another dealer in Now En^landnayH the berries nbould ho kejii. in their own oh.uiV in an opi-n erate, an cold an possible down to 'A2 de grees, whiht a leading Chieago dealer^ who hundh'H both weateni ami eastern herrien, pnd'ers a (snnl and dry tempera ture of ahout HH degrees, with tlio fruit in either harrela or crates. A prominent grower of Jersey cran- berrien jiilcK them in a well ventilated building until entirely dry, then removes to an ordinary cold storeroom, leaving; an air f-paen hotween each box. J)oes not, ob ject to a temperature above -10 degrees, lie places the fruit in layers not exceed ing; H inches deep. A Massachusetts member of the Cranberry Growers' aH- Hoeiat ion utores tho fruit mh hkui as har vest eil in basement of a cranberry house havingceiiienied floors and walls, with ventilated windows on all Hides. The cranberries are kept in the regular open wood picking boxes, bushel M'/.o, just aft they coinii from the bog1, at a tempera: turn as nearly -10 degrees as possible. JSerrieH Ihuu cared for in the aVftimm and suhsequeiitly put; in proper winter KKu-agre will keep until the following summer. I Vtventage of loss varies greatly no- Cfirdiiig to condition and is Kcldom less than 10 per cent; und from tlmt all tho way ii]j to ar> and-10 per cent. The loss depoudu to S'Jino extent upon tho con dition at harvesting. Koine seasons it; will be much greater than others with the same variet ies owing1 to unavoidable causes. Testimony of these in the busi ness shows that tho biter varieties keep best, some dealers claiming that the II owe I jerry is tho best keeper, There-ife not lunch use in trying to keep Early Blacks, which mature early and aro picked during; warm weather. Cold storage will not hasten coloring, but rather will retard it. Warmth and lig-iit will hasten tho coloring-, but; is not, ad vised, darkness and a cool temporuturo serving to make tho coloring more even. "Pile the borriou in a building'open on all sides," writes G. L. Holniau of so that dow can "TiuiLd'ing a gla88'Ti6use; Totiti bah hitherto boon known only to- tbo wntor of Homo of tho mont famous BOiigu known to muHJutil pooplo. IIo bat: now writtou Iuh firHt purely iiiBtrumeutai oompotution, a minute for tho piano, which Tho Ladies' Uymo Journal Ihlb Mooured and, will iiubliwh in uu early ihhuo. Itching, Burning; Skin Diseases Cured Tor 35 Cents. Dr. Agnow'tt Oiutmout relit.ven iu one day, and curuH tetter, ualt rhoum, pile>-, Boald head, ecuuma, barber'u itcli, ulcer.- blotches and all eruptioun of the skin. 1' IS Hoothiug and qumunj* und aciH lilo mugio in tno curii ol all ha by humor*; H;1 ooutt). Sold hy ,]. Thortie. IlKOOKB:it A.. Lonflborry ih about to utart the buiob- .eriu^.busiuoBH. ay, Jj. llor, of Uidgolown, preached n, '^tiio lUaptiHt church laflt Suuday. Mr. McAfuo io about to tear down and rebuild larger. CoiiNllputloii Cured. : Gk^to,1 I wan in vory poor health for ['pvor four, yearn ; the doctor said it win- jooiihtipafcioii. Not wanting to hpond too ,,T nautili oaah I got three bottluH of B. Ii. U. \ftpil took it rogubuly. I ean uortify tliat I f am now in the vory bent of health and fee :yery urateful to B, D. B, '[- Ali>iiici) Tkkoux, Montreal, Qu<t. i' (.' Wanted. f'-'A A/f A \TTO'BKIiL CANADA OHOWT1! \:/\ . 1V1 A. L - Fruit, utirl Oruitmontul Truon. i Bbruhfl, ItoiuiM, TJulhu and BulhouH Plnutu.Gruiic \ V|i'OB, Small lfuiltti,: fiijud Potatocii, etc. We iv oatiiloptio only tho hurttiofit ami moiit nopubo' j'-Tariftlen tliat mioccorj in tlm coiihiiit uiiiuutes ii New aoasou now oonimtjaoinr*; cjoini'luto uuttli Strati, salary and oxjhihuoh paid firoui nturt I'm jMuH-ttmo, or lilairal oinnailuHiou tor part titim. t; Apply how, (idilruiiaiiii: nouroiit oilicn, miu Jiiphoioo of torritery. El. ' '. LUKK intOTHRJtB COMPANY. &'. v Jiiturmitional NunioriiiH, '&'; ,"' OlUOAOO, lLIi Or .MONTHHAIi. QfJK. jf'ti^c--------------------:-------------------------------- ------- J:,". J^r*,. Fowlor'n Extract of . Wild Btraw ibfirry ouros Diarrlicoa, Dynontory, Cohe f'Cr*mpu, -Oliolum, Oholom Infantum. ^.Obolbra Morbtm and all immmor com- plainta and fluxoaof tho bowolo iu cbildrqn fc^r'adalta." k& ',"-: - tanks and th<; like. -Soinu claim to be able to irrigate as much as necessary to insure against drought at a cost of (July; 25 cents per acre. i When a well below Die house level in fed by a constant supply of water, it is possible to make nature's forces pump the well water up hill. If there is slope enough below the well, put a small pipe into the well and carry the other end down the slope, whore it will be lower than tho love' uf the water in tlio well. , The witter will then begin to run out of this pipe, which, once filled with \yater, becomes a Hiphon. Place a hydraulic ram at the lower end of the pipe and the water can he raised to the top of thn hill. ' If then- is a constant stream feed ing the well, an equivalent stream, even if it he a mere thread of water, can be taken out in the Hiphon and the ram be allowed to work constantly, or it can be arranged to .start up (best.- water works as occasion requires, stopping the movement; when a sutliejent supply has boon forced to tbu top of the bill. I'ntato BUt;!itH. A bulletin from tho Vermont station treats of blights and fungicides. Bor deaux mixture of standard weight prov ed lobe tho best remedy tried for both early and laic blight, the plots sprayed with this yielding; double the quantity of those unsprayed. Tlio early blight is aggravated if not caused by drought and injuries of flea beetles and other insects. It attacks the tops only. Late blight is rather a mildew, attacking the tops first and biter causing the jiciatoesto rot and give off a very offensive odor. This fun gus disease lives over winter in stored potatoi'S, and it would seem that; if perfectly sonnd seed from a crop that had not been attacked by this disease were planted tho resulting crop would be free from tho disease, and experi ments at this station indicate, diough they do not, prove, that this ifi true, 2111f-ltt und Hot of Grupca, Blight and rot of grapes and poach es have become quite general, owing too tlio hot, damp weather. It will bo hiuv prising if the potato crop is not serious ly blighted also. The New' England Homestead reports that "tho peaeli crop in the Maryland and Delaware penin sula has boon practically ruined, and the eastern buyers are scouring tho poach orchards of western Maryland, Ohio and Michigan in hopes of making con tracts before fruit growers in those sec tions reuK/.o tho situation. It is too ear ly yet to ascertain tho precise oxtont of dainago to tlio grapo crop, but it ifl likely to bo largo." The TuhhuoIc Moth. Dr. Smith of the Now Jersey station claims that, it is an easy matter to keep free from the tussock moth. Clear all trees of egn>< early in the winter, burn ing tlio masses not on tho tree but in a furnace. Evory egg mass contains tho possibility of 000 wormtt. There arc two or tbreo broods a yeur in thin latitude, tho oflgH laid in September hatching tho following spring. Tho oaterpi liars aro oiwily destroyed by spraying, und a heavy pouring rain occasionally with rakes. Early picked berries will keep better than thoso well ripened, providing they arts not too;sroen when taken from the viiicn. Berries picked after fully grown and colored fairly well and packed in boxes will keep much longer than those which huntf on vines until ripe. Thaeker Bros., Chicago dealers, who handle both Wisconsin and eastern fruit, prefer berries picked just before maturity, neither too early nor to late. Wlntcir WlHMit ftondJiipr. The earlier the ground is prepared for needing-, especially if tho wheat follows spring' grain, the better condition tho seed bed can bo pur, in. The stubble of tfi-ainwhen plowed under keeps the noil above it much too dry. The roller should be put on as soon as possible after the furrow is turned, and this should bo fol lowed by the harrow, loosening the sur face, but yet compacting the soil below. If this is done promptly, the moisture turned up by the furrow will be pre vented from evaporating, and 'jvery showi-r will make the soil moister. Ah American Cultivator explains, it is by using very light showers, thitt, -firlHug on unplowed ground, would not wet down half an inch, that the seed bed for wheat is made what it should be. A. Praatlfl*V Moilnl (for Winter (lnr<!nlng. Itoilt Motliod ut iUmtluU. The throo-quartor spun tfreonhouso, from 10 to 20.feet wide, lias boon prov ed beyond all rtuiHonablo doubt to bo the best and most praotioal form of kIhhhIiouho for winter gardening. TIioho grooiihouses aro alwuyn located to run oast and wont, and the long slope of tflasH usually fnooH nouth, though thero uro a few earnest; advocates of the short Hpan to tlio south arrungomem;, Houhch of this form aro most economically built In lengths of 100 foot or morn, but may bo made as short as desired and extend ed afterward. The south wall is 4 or 5 feet high apd tho north one (I or H feet. The south pitch of tlm roof nhould be about 111) do- gives ( 7 inches to the fin it) which woiibl bring the ridgo Koniewhat over 111 feet high at the apex. The side benches are each about. !t feet wide mid are placed from l^J to IH inches below the platen. The center bench, which will vary in width from M feet in a bouse 1(1 feet wide, to JO feet, ill a U0 fool house, i.q built up ho that: lis southern edge is nut more than four feet from the glass. If wider'than (i feet, it is best made dou ble, with the north side a foot or sn higher and a narrow walk between tho two parts. The walks between the mid dle bench and the north and south benches are usually 13-1 inches wido. When constructed of wood, in the usual manner, greenhouses nf this style can be built, for fpfi or xii per running, foot when built in lf)0 foot lengths. Shorter bouses will cost proportionately more per foot, as the expenditure for mds is the same, while' the available bench room is curtailed, Hot water is considered the best method of heating small rangi s of houses under 10,00U square feet of gduhS. Tbecnst, at present rates, would be iu the neighborhood of f-100 for a housed) by Miu feet. A steam riyslem would cost about; la per cent less, or nearly &:Jo0. The old fashioned brick flues uro still in use by successful greenhouse men and cost much less rbun either steam or hot water in the first instance), as two flues, jsufllcicnt for 1 he house above mentioned, may be built at a cost not excei ding $ino. Flues, Jiow- _U.ver, are of doubtful economy in the long; run, as they require close attention and consume a largv quantity of high quality coal. All things considered, glass 1-1 to 1(1 inches wido will give the best satisfac tion. .Above IH inches wide tho price rapidly increases, and with widths les.4 than M inches ton many sash bars are required, darkening' the houses consider ably in midwinter. What is known as II or second qualify natural K'*H glnsn makes a very satisfactory roof. Double strength glass costs about 15 percent mere than tho ordinary Single strength, but; is considered to be much warmer and is less likely to bo broken by acci dent or hailstones. Thanks are due t.n Rural New Yorker for the foregoing practical and helpful information. Jtlntlmrb I'luntH. Khubarb plants* may bo safely set both in fall and spring*, but if fall set tin; Crowns should be well covered with earth to prevent heaving- and exposure of the roots during winter, for rhubarb, though a very hardy plant, will not en- duru rapid alterations of free/.ing and thawing; when exposed to tho air, and is, therefore, not well adapted for very moist soils in a cold climate-. What i.s. wanted in rhubarb culture is an early, rapid und vigorous leaf growth, with the accompanying large and juicy leal stalks. Kural New Yorker tells that thero is nothing bitter than the early u[ plication of fermenting horse manure for this purpose. Jas. McMurray -----------------IS AGENT TOR THIS DISTRICT FOR - y-t-ra !.f/ tii * C W MM' ? ti ii O V-? t> V1, /FN Binders, Mowers, Cultivators and Drills -u Ml IM i'"i rwI'-Clc-iKss J,rf; rn i Wn <*>oitl s. ?miners S^v/I Sea My Stock Before Purchasing, ALSO DKAIjKK I.N---------- G-urxxoy-'a 3t.o\ros^ ^iiawase,* .' lfni and Jiepairing attended to. North of Railway Track, - - Essex W u (j ih r. ly oe V'-t ridg when r. ie !] - m jim^ to i-iL I'tH 'd the inv/ii. Buns Cakes anil Paslries, Veu cut find tncei, frenhor, one-veut oe ie re eelintr." Alt loiuU of l-'iOiev CakfiH and ,lo>i boll-. 'Fr^s'i Y.viiy andl Candies' Vfiy >l,i v. We h.-II era king ht'.do or ,!r.V. leave Your Or ier ESSEX i fi nil \ on cue livery. r;ly on pr-,i]i[it de. FRABK FUSS. On .i:!v A: l-'niucit-', Pmhox W ^tyT.0 rii uiul W'jiiicii Citn- I'l ir. ' 'II! I ll fhi ml OlMVIilill. "(,MHrl)ll .-i, 'l'-r .1'" iii'i Ii'i;.'ii." ii'Li'dductinn i Oiuf.-riii \ th r i! lin:; nrw 1,'inl;, Knife '"' 'i. 'I'hn IJic-t ii iin yirl, wifu. inntliH.i, ! . IIca-ih !ii i' '*(i!i:.-nr.r (irui illy illiiH ' *!' iciii-'Siii.,. Mm Uu ,mi iUihi. 1'ron- citiivif.f.oL'i. KAt'hiiiivu Li.Tritory, I .iniri'v in it 'I'll!' HlMIH.IV (iAIUtl-T-iON l'o , I/l'I).. T.l I ' ie I Und ml . Wanted4n"iSrsC:; : riiti-i't yii'ir 1<!<'H'i; thev lrmy lirlu^ ymi wi-iillh '.'rift- JOHN' WKODKlOll'UN' !t (,'(i . P;u.-nt Altor jii (irJjio uil'ur 'I ll-if nf I '.vo hiiiiilrtnl 1ilv:iiOui:h W.Ltiti>U ;i -- Vi'.t. i. I. in > mii'i t .ni |I-C: Lot- Iload.juarteni tor Sobnol llookfi, Hahofll Supibift, Note Papur.KnvelupiiH, Iuklt, Wniiiiii Tahleth and office Stationory, DIWPKNSING AND FA MIL V DHUCHMRT. .. uw SISTG- LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY, WiIhoo Ave., next Ab'-rdeeu liottl. The latest improved . inaehinury (or Iroiiin.: Collars mid GuIIh. Will uot oruok or l,r*'uh '. .k. \vit;g. r'antdy work eheup. mid d'-bvertd. Parecla O'dhffl ir. Pb'tiHCJ call ami try. It not nutififuotor no chiu'L!*!' will be m.i'Ji;. 1 uur wurk uuit you. rt:eiailuitiud us Co your fricndH, IMaplo Hlrup Fnun Corn Cobn. Clean cohs are hoiled in water until soft. Tlan tho juice in strained off and dark brown sugur added. This is boiled, and it comes out a tine quality of maple sirup, according; to an Illinoisexchauge. It is also discovered in Iowa that a sirup ean he produced from watermel ons. Lutit season it melon grower in that Htate Uiuk utilized thouHands of nurplus melons which in other seasons ho ban allowed to rot on tho vinos. Tho melon eirup has an exfpiisite flavor, has good body and a beautiful color. Nowh uiul Notri. Cut cucumbers from the vines. Do not pull them. Another big" corn crop ia now iu pros pect. Talcing tho country as a whole, tho fruit crop of 181)0 may bo ptit down as a full ono. There havo been some short ages in tho southern states and also in territories west of the. Itc-eky mountains. An appeal has been issued by,the de partment of agriculture for the observ ance* of a bird day in tho public schools throughout tho country, that children may bo instructed in tho value of birds and tho moans of protecting- thorn. A now milking inaohino, invented by Bo Laval, is introduced nudorfho name "Laotutor." Wherever rot or blight has prevailed iu potatoes no time should bo lost after tho potatoes uro dug in burning tho tops. Tho cost of refrigerating porishable fruit in transit i ono of tho burdens ivhioli outH HoriouHly into profits of growers and ukipporfl. A quint of goodorcam Hhould make IJ-a poundH of buttor. Mix lampbluok with Btroug vinegar Hiiildli.e. Sllou. Tho essential pointn in building silos, us summed up iu a bulletin on silos is- : sued from tiie New York station, are: I To havo tlio walls tight, enough to ex- i elude air from the contents; to haw the walls not only strong, but rigid; tc; havo sufficient depth,-HO feet or more,! if possible. Thero should, ho net morii i than about ilve square feet of feeding I surface in the silo for each cow. Tin'! larger tlio silo tho cheaper the storage for ouch ton of silage. Tho larger tin1 herd the more cheaply can silage be supplied to each animal. i riot Wiitor For Insects. I It is given out as a new di.scoveiyj that steam, allowed to fall to a temper-; at uro of I~0 degrees, will destroy iu-1 sects. This is only repeating what was | mado public by the editor of Meelmn'si Monthly 40 years ago, that water heat- ' od to 130 degrees was destructive of in Hcct life, without being injurious to" vegetation. Tho application, however, , has boon found rather troublesome, ex-. oopt where only a tow plants aro to ho dipped in the water. Pooplo prefer in - HCotioittas that may bo applied by pow- dors or by spraying. WV^^--^-'-^ : M'i^^"' " GUILTY OR NOT GUIL DISEASED MEN CURED THflllC/IMh^ "^ >'onni( "ion, middlo iiRod men nnd old men enn look baolc at IllUUunllUO their h<ijhood thiyn or daily manhood with a. slali of i-oiuunio. Tho icrnorane* of wirlyyntith, or lut^r on a nanHiiont lifn iki "on* of tho LoyB" hail flown tho uucmIh for fniu rami UurinK* SELF ABUSE ih n tcrrihlo Hin aijniniit niiLnro mid will brlni; n rich harvest, itlooii and Private D\: eases nnp tlio very llfo nnd vitality nb oi tho victim. Our A'liW MKi'UOD TltiiATAIEMT wiLl poaitivoly euro all tho follow- ff Inn diflcuuoa: Q. S VARICOCELE, EMIS8ION3, NERVOUS DEBIUTV, R SYPHILIS, STRICTURE, GLEET,"SEMINAL WEAK- < NESS, PIMPLE3, LOSTMy^JHOOD.-UMNATURAL K DISCHARGES, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES- R 'Q'n Vnil 0 ^'l-^VOUS ainltlf-nponflftnt; ^vrnlr or (lt'hiht'dod: tlrod mnrrenj;ii; i> |j. . jHL I u'J fi Uihlu; i'j-fti Hiinlicn, inl und blmii.'d; fiiiniiln:i en fui;o; draaaiH ami' itiffltf. ltji'Ht!; runt- fa' Ichh; biif:t,-:n-d tnnLin^; -,.'--;di bwli, Jjuiin e;.:atij iiairloohn; uleert*; Here; Viirice-. flj i:a\r>; i!i'jio*il in uriin mid (!tvu!i;< je nmJ; dintreftfnt: \v:nt "t e*"ifidotuvt; lack of Kn ernirKyanduLrcuaili-I/l/e" GAM GUr'cZ YOU OR ASK WO PAY. gU! CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY-CONFIDENTIAL S; lUWiWllV \i\uM lilL Uili-.'j'i-. l.. I li-uniHlulmdhubil. Ti-itidfonr K doctoi it und ncrvo tmii' o hy It*- r nr" \v n noui hont-tit.;-ntids'lOn tn.d flniTiiH nuT'-aned. I heirani-i a iiorvoiei wrcid'. A inctal wh" Intel hi-eneiunM by !)n (if n uuni-ltir dnii-tiHO, advi. ^d me to try i hcin. I did no and in two ' ty ourod, Tliit. v.e-i .-ii;lil jctii'n ago, 1 uav now murriod and have rn."-iC. W. LiibVlJj, i;;:; i::iw, H IfftPirn^^S " ,-.,-,domie!nlirilniir'.>-!ih:-. I v.\*a 'w.vik and R- S jiei x > monl.iiu wiiH poiiltivc- h3 ru two lu\ildiy child-i \km 0 ... _. ...'. L <-' di: . no ambition, 'J'iio 'Clo:"<'U .M <-.. j 11 -; ! rd my eie.j. The Now Morlim! 'i rent moat oi Uru. iitjiinotiy aiut K(,! 1. L. niXl'.liliUN, louin, CRillC^inU1^ r^Kjrn ' J. P. r:MI-U:-t^M r.-.lot'm JdneaiJori-iaM. "I 'livid on E,lvflOOltJ.ttiO U'MJI.Oi ufi-nii. Vtwhooll loomed im p.'.rly hnhil. which Wi'liltmird ni" i' rnunlly and mcuruhy. I"andiy dootora r-idd 1 v.hh (;ut;i|; into 'dvidino' < >-.-f i-ikiiuipf ion.i ionalty "i'lifi ti'dden ilouitor,' ndit'-d hy Dtp. Kennedy A Ium'kum, f'1!! in' liandu, i il,(x TUU'f'lI initi tlio (!AUHK Hidf-iiliena Mid naprir'.d uij vi: iley.. 1 toolc l.Uo Jluw Muthod Trentmeat anil wu.-i i;ured. My frirmdit thin!; I enn-d of i-onuumpHon. I havo neat them ninny putiontfl, nil of whom wm', lii-d. Thuir ^ev/ ilt:l.liod Trcatmout tmppiiou vigor, vitality and maitliood. ' QVPNi!!'"? P!,r,ri'i "Tld* terrible blood dinoano-wnii in my ojTtom for obdit uui O I l ll I Uu 8,' d 1{ L ib yeaiii. ili.d U\W* n jaiTcary for two jc:irs, JitlL ttu dinoiimi Sreturnuii. lyP4 i'-d, linirde'tiiud t>lot<j)u':i on tho ohiii, uhoru in tlio montl: and oil lonifiif', tHiiiit paiiiH, tnlliiii: nut. of liuir, weaknowi, etc. My hruthor, v:ho li;ni inji-<n ,_ i;m(<d oC (ilv".'t iiod Si lir'i.'ur" hy \ir>-. kmiao-iv und Korean, roconmirtidcd ti.-):n, 'I'licy eiir-v^ ;w* *':: :\ T.'-v v-o:^-, ir'.il !. tleink God 1 coil:.ultrd thom. lui niLura of tho diiaKtw in ui- j:>.!rii."~'.V, i'. ."il., J .i.;i;.! :. 2i a S ft i.iuM-.. ye ,' nMvii^^i'^^ii ' , .- Tcti O :ii'o _ 1 17 Y^AKSilM DBTKOIT, ^OO.ODO CURED. KmiTAn-PiRI Aro you a vicl.e.- ."-.-. -i-i l^f t.op-? AnV you e ITlC.lnU'fUlt* m:uTih;;o{' iln-. your h.oud h-.-a .liifii-.-:d;j Ihiv v>mn Onr Now Ab)thedTroutni.-nt wib euro you. Wve it hah dr.mi for oihnni i ft yon. COWSULTflllON F11EE. opinion l'rooof <,liai:;ii. I'lmwiri i.iaboh.'ilii'j. (iliiftratod), mi DifiiTiitu'!) ol Men.iueicbo pii:-t' NAM liS USEO WITHOU VATK. NomodlolnonunUJ O. n. opos. livorythlntf aonflcion: !<*;. Treatmont FRKE. _____ NO RJSK.. nniiiinplutinK 'iy \.,iMt'-,nt>(H? , . , it will do for rto diiiiliT wli-i Ii;..'* tr1-ated.3ft.1u, v/riM for na humifd*' UQOKS FliSS.- "The tjoldnu -iluinuu*" ,".', '.; ci.!nt-;. MuaUiJ. "V/HI TTTJiKj i:ONSi3NT.' PRI-' ' 'ii.'iincjHon boxo.'iornnvol- ..r'UfciatiGii llbt coat of rJo.l48SHELBYSr. i DETROIT, MlCR Will dialodgo aud drown groat uuinb^wL \o mark th^obcop. on tho wool. i." ' r 1,5 ' \k ^,pm . '* S^^ : ^^^u^^^&^|a 5454

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