Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 16, 1896, p. 4

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Ww*- 1W:: mMM 1^1 tmmmmmmm ' )v.v>:-^|| r .,=------ IA.. H. Scarfl & Co: -ii- w J.I'. ft-; *' If,'. '. HfrSElt^-------- Tea, Cofl'oo, Sugar, Flour, Raisins, Currants, Primes, Ap- riootn, Soaps, "Vinegars, Syrupa, Oatmeal, Oonnnoal and a full lino of Christie, Brown & Oo.'fl fancy and plain Biscuits, Wo have for CAMPING AND PIC-NIGS- Pottod Cluoktm, Turkey,Ham,'Tongue Chipped Hoof, Com Bool, Boston BakodBoann, .SardinoB, Bulroon, Maekorol, Ilacldio. ftomombor wo have tho largont Msovtmont of Orockory, China and OkBHwaro in tho T6wn. Cull and oxamino oiu-Htock. tfrosh Fruits, Vogofciiblos, oto., iu season. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE. A, H. SCARFF & Co. GOOID^ DELIVERED ^HOMPTLY- The Essex Free Press. BRETT & AULD, PROPRIETORS. FRIDAY, OCTOBElMfi, 1BO0. Tins Govkunmknx him proulaituod Tuuh- day, Novombor 2IHh,in a national Thanks giving day thaultn for tho bountiful hurvoHt and othor bloNHiu^n. Smsiuw IhKit. tho rHurninn officer, will . doolato tho romilfc of noxt Tuowliiy'fl oleo. tion tit KiuHvillo at 1 p. no. on Saturday of noxt wook, Octobor 24th. Tim Presidential and ntatoo electiona in the United States will be hold two wookH from next Tuonday. Tho Kovombor elec- tionn with our couoimi aro ulwaytt liold on tho Tuonday aftor tho unit Monday iu No- vembor.---------------- ' "13WS0TION for tho vacancy in tbo Ijoca] ' Logitduturo will bo hold in South Khhgx on Tuoaday noxfc. Tbo' candidate!) aro John A. Auld and Kdgerton Scratch, Mr. Inman, tho P. of I. nominoo baying pulled out of tho race. . Hi On Tdmhday, tho Supromo Court at Otta wa, gavo judgment iu tbo cutio nuhmittod to them by aonuent by tbo Dominion and Provincial Goyernrnont uh to whioli ^ov. oriimont had jurisdiction over inland and uon-navigablo waters in tho Dominion' tbo dociHion boiiif; iu favor of tho Province)!. Trne Groat Northern of IShhox oounty,under tbo uuHpicen of tho Muidatono aud Rooheinor Agricultural Society, will bo hold at Hello River, on Woduoiuiay aud Thursday of next week, Octobor 21nt ami 22ud. Thio will bo tho la^t of tho Easex' County fall fairo for 1890. There in a vory liberal liBt of premium*)-offered and with flue woatbur tho fair will undoubtedly boa fluoooau. There will also bo trialw of opeod on tbo Qeooud day of tho. Fair, for which ou&h puraoa uro offorod in the three events Thia ovent will no doubt attract many bwnerB of upoody horsoB. The South J2NKexUA]iii>ai&n. Tho contoBt for tho vacancy in tho Local TjoHllaturo occaoioucd by tbo death of Hon. W. D. Balfour iH fttill in pro^rcHH but will terminate with tho election on Tuonday next, tbo *20th iuBt. MootingH havo bcon and aro beinu hold every ni^lit in Homo part of (lie Hiding by ropreucnta. tivc-H of both partiea on bohalf of tho two oandidatoH John A. Auld, Liberal, unci E. Bumtch, GouBorvative. Mv. Seratoh, an listed by Lewis Wij^lu, hold a meeting at Gottam on Thurnday ui^ht of laHt wubU at which pluco tht-y woro met by Frank Pcdloy, of Toronto, who took up an hour iu defending tbo policy of tho prudent Ontario Goviiinm.'nt, rJ'lio CopHervutivu Hpealtti-H npoke mostly _oii..lortff'.'* ^nattorh. On Friday mgbt, Mr. Koratch had a ixiootinK called for Ehhox town, hall, hut Mr. Wifile wur ill aud cnuld not attend. Bov. J. H. Long, of WiudHor, waa Hunt ftlonff to take hin plaoy, Jiow^vur, aud Mr, I'odloy iigaiu apponrod on hohalf of Mr. Auld. i A. W. Snider noted aa ohairuiau. On Friday ni^ht, J. A, Auld nod U.K. Gowan bold a mooting at Btapleti, at winch John M. ltoid waa ohuirrnuu. ' On Monday night, Uon. E. J. David, i'rovincial Secretary, J. A. Auld, the Lib eral oandidato, and Frank PedlDy, of Toronto, upoko at a mootio^ at tho town hall at Combo?. On Tuonday night, tho Premier, Hon. A. 8. Hardy, and tho Provinoial Socretary, Hon, E. J. Daviq, addrcunud a largely at. tended mooting at tho AmborHtbnrg town ..hall at which Mayor Mullon, of Andn>rnt- burg,' provided. On VVednonday uight, tho Promior addrodHod u mootiut; tit Leamiug- ton aloug with Mr. Auld. Lant (Thuruduy) evening Hon. John Drydon, Miuiutor of , Ajjrioulturo, with Mr. Aold spoko. at tho town ball in Ehhok and .to-night (Friday) / 'they will flpouk at ICingavillo. Mr. Podloy will go to Poloo Inland to-nignt (Friday). A mooting in tho intoroatoof Mr. Boratoh wod bold at Pook'H Hall boro ou Tnosday night,ftddroflHQd by Lowiu Wiglo and.Iamon Olanoyi M. P. Dr. Potts oooupied tho .auair, Tbb narab nighty Dr. King and Mr- Soratob hold a mooting at Harrow whoro they taoro met by Mr. Podloy and N. 8. Powell. Hoovo A. R. ForriflH proBidod. Ou " .Wednesday night. Mr. Boratoh npoke at 'tieato. 'LaBt.(TburHday) uifthL ho wasnt Maiden town hull, to-night ho will ha at AmborHtbnrg, to morrow ni^ht at RtaploB aud Monday night at Whoatluy. Othor mootingn announced iuolndn tbodo at Goitto and KI ford to-night, Cottam to morrow night and Harrow Monday night, all in tho intoronta of Mr. Scratch. Thoro will likoly bo all thoiio moot. iugH, On Friday night, Dr. Bnmnon and J. II. Hodd, of Winduot, held forth at tho Har row town ball, arid tbo name night Mr. Auld and M, K. Gowan, M. P., hold a meeting at Staploa at winch John M. Hoid waB oliairmau. On Saturday night, Mr. Scratch, tbo Ooutjoivativo candidate held a mooting at Blythohwood, Mr. Podloy appoaring on bo half of tho Liberal candidate Tho name night two meetings were held on behalf of Mr.-Auld, one at Matthow'n Hchoo! Iiouho iu Colchofator Houth being addrdJHod by Air. Auld aud N. S. Powoll and ono at Stouoy Point by Wm. lUcGrogor, M. P., M. K. Cowan, M. P., and J. A. Trorablay. Alox. Smith, of Toronto, Liberal organ izer, arrived in Bhhox on Saturday and oponod central uommittoo rcomu horo, from where the oampnign in dirootod. Unrtymjj Fume. "Tbo Orph:iu'ii Prayer" ih creating a gouuino uutiKiition among artiBtu. It in that beautiful niaHterpieoo by a celebrat ed KngliHh artmt, who wan offored any amount, up to ten thouNand poundrt, if ho would paint auotlior, picture uh good an "Tho Orphau'H Prayer".' Tho gifted artiHt tried and tried again, laborod and worried and yearned, but cavo up tho attempt, freely acknowledging that "The Orphan's Prayer" wan an iiiHpiration. and no thought or Htuny, or any r^ort of modi- tatiou could got from hie bruHb a picture fit to bo called a coinpaniou picco. Tho grout artiat met liio d.^ith tliro-jgh acci dent in climbing tbo Alpn, and "Tho Orphan'H Prayer" romaiua uh Iuh monu ment. It wan a groat etroko, worthy of their great paper, by which tlio publinborH of tho Family Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal, aocured, at enormoua coot, "The Orphiu'i'u Prayer" for thia hohhou'h prom- ium for the Fmuily Herald and Weekly Hto.r- In ell coiihuieiioo tlie Fiimily Herald waa good value bi-foro, wo might say the greatest yalud to be had iu uownpaporH. What thia uoru of a premium will do for the great paptr it in impotable to form eveu an cHtimato. 1l ii-i a wonderful com bination. coi,< iiisrun nokxii. Colcliohter uorlh council will moot ou WeJuesiday next, October ^Int. cjosfuci^o sot in, GoHfleUi North council prooeodingu am unayoidiibly crowded out tliinweek. Leonard Wigle.ijuc of tho piouourfl' of thiw Hectiou oi county, died at Iuh homo at New California on Sunday of hint wcoli, aged 82 yearn and waH buried on TucHduy inllownig. --------- --*-------------_ NOH'iii iciim.m;. aire. Theodore Toll, of Detroit, in tho giU'Mt ot: Mrri. U. Al. Todd. .John Lickman nud wife, of Maidatoiio Townubip, called on relatives hero laut Sundtty. f-ICIUJIVFIKM). MrH. Olver, nf X'hhux, called ou Mrs. A. Wilson on Friday of last weok. On tho flooond of thiH month u little Htraugor oamo to gladden the homo of Air. and Mrs. Will Duwhom. Arch Taylor and wife upont Saturday and Sunday with the 'lattor'H brother, David Tliomaw, m Tilbury. Mm. G. Louoltfj, of Detroit, apent n few daya ]aot woek with her fathnr.F. E. .Wm- mer, Mr. Loucktt hoing oaJlod to attend hiH motbor'a faneral. Tho oaao of Aldrich v. Canada Perman ent L. &: 3. Co, iHn warning to mortgagooR. Tho plaintiff made a mortgago to dofon- dantij covering two Htoren in tbo village of Harrow and a farm *vith a brick houao ou it th*oo.qnartorH of a milo aiutaiit. Upon dofuult tho defondanta offorod the farm aud titorbH for ualo by auotiou iu ono parool and Hold thorn tor $5,250. Tho plaintiff brought an action for damagoe, which waa diHmiHBod, but on appeal ho patiofiod tho Diviaioual Court that tho ovidonoo ohowod that tho dofondanti) had not uotod with tho oaro end prudonoo tho law roqulreu of mortgagees, and tbut if tbo properties hod boon Bold Bopuratoly they would have pro- dtiood 91,300 more. Aooordtugly judgment wan ontored uguitiot tho company for that amount with ooetfl, Tho oompany nowap, poul. Judgmont wai nmorvod, - - . . SOUTH WOOJDNtjICIi; . Goorgu Xlunt luiH moved to Iuh farm, Ditvid Blatorlil Hpondiug a oouplo of wnekH at lluthvoti, 'Win. Malntour ban aoM tho building at proHouton liin farm and will movo tbo dwelling ho ownii in tho roplaoe it, ^_________ ____________' IIMOOKHIK. Mr. Webber in vimting with hiH unolf, ThoH. Itagerif. Tho home of Win, Moo waB brightonod by the appnarauoo of a bright young girl on tho 1'Jth iniit. It could not .have boun well undoratood that thoro wan to bo a in tlio Bap. tiiit ohuroh on Tuonday night, Diphtheria ban hroiion out in tho family of Doum Harrpn. Laut wook a family wifdung to loavo town without paying thoir billu paoked up their houBohold effeotnand (darted for Do- troit, hut wore overhaiilod near \\ indiuir and brought back by the bailiff, who wilj noil tho gondii thin wook to natiofy tlio olaim of ono of tbo ordditoni. Tho magniilncnt now pipe organ m tlio WoHloyMothoilint ohuroh in being rapidly completed, and it will lie a valuahlo addi tion to tho ohuroh. It in tho gonorouil don ation of Colin vvigleaud wiui built to bin order by tho It. B. Williamii & Son Co., Toronto, Tho oaao in of oak carvod and polinhed. There aro twenty threo front pi pen, all npoaking, and connected by pneumatic action. It will be ready for uho Sunday, Octobor 25th. re You in Meed 4 If Mm Of anything in the way of Footwear ? We have ^ already rocoivod and pussed intofcook Hoveral large conaignmentB of Boots and Shoea """ll lor the fall fcrade, bought dirocfc from tho bent ManufacturorH in tho Dominion, and We Can Supply Tour Wants. We make a Specialty of Hand-made Long Boots." | m.-^ If you cont^mplato purchaaing a'Suit of Olothea, an Ovoreoat; a suit of Under'wear; , or anything olee in the line of Men'a .Furnishings, it will pay you to a Stylish Hat call on uh as-......... R, lloaton in hack Irom London. Miiia Edith Bartlet, of Ilamilton, in vimt- in^' her cotiHiti, L. W. Nolton. Robort Gregory, of Lhiiox him routod tbo grocery ittoro lately ncoupied by E. Riddoll. Mre. Edward Steed, of Khhox, ijpout lant week with b^r parento, Mr. and Mni. B. Agla. Mm. Bartlbfc, of Btonoy Crook, and Mrn. Battlot, of Hamilton, uro vioiting aim. H. Noloon. Lloyd Allen Iiilq returned to Walkorvillo uftor npending a few daya with friondti horo. Mrfi.(Kov.)MoCombn and daughtor Ruby, of Hamilton are vimting Iior mothor, Mra. S. O. Balkwill. Mni. ,Ioh. Mcludon and uon,' Harry, npont a few daya thiH wook with rolutivon iu IShbox Town. MAIDSTONE. Wo were pleanod to nuo tbo amiling faco of Hup. C. W. Kennedy iu our midut again on Thursday. John aud Arthur Buattto, of Learning ton, Hpeut 'I'binhilay quail-uljooting bore nud eucceeded in bagginf,' ijuito a number. Manter W. and Minn S. PortooaH, who have boon Hpondiug two weeka. with thoir uncle, Wm. Neubitb, will roturu to thoir homo near Ottawa ou Friday. Lant (Thurnday) overling tho Mianen Nenbitt gave u party in honor of tlioironun- iiin William and Mhh I^orteoUH. Dancing lortned tho tho chief arnuuomonk Quito a number of puoplo from thia vi- cinity attended tho Loamington fair on Tliuruday aud Friday of laut week, Among them wore'MeaHrn. Arnald who made an extensive exfiibit of Hhoep, Ou Monday evening, Mru. W. Eeattio gave au "Ad Home" tj ijuito a number of her yonng frioudf. After Hpondiug a few bourn in duncing and gamoti all diopcrwed well satihlied withe the ovoniug'ti enter tainrnont. Corn buHking in in full blunt. Tho Barker Bron. aro Hhulling corn at Andrew CJhapmauV. Theo. Brown ia cooflned to bm bod with an attack of la grippe. The Laciiun Aid in'it at Mru, Win. Bai lev'" lat Wednesday. Maurice Eltord is again alilo to ho a- rounl after an attack ot la grippe, Louiu ThomnH , prinoipul of tho EI ford Academy, in attending oonvonfcion conno- qucutly Hchool in closed. C. W. Kouutdy after a long niogo oT typhoid fuver ih again in renewed health and in able to resume bin old placo aH pat-tor. What might have been a serious aooidont oecured hero , the other day. XhomaH Quick with Jumeo Manon'a long gun was shontiiig at a pigomi. The gun wont oil barrel and all landing Tom with tbo atalk a rol or ho away on hie hoad. We are glad to say bo cuno out with but a tew bruisou and will bo able to resume work shortly. **" ESTO, Mr, Butt invia utill induipotiod. Mrs. Craig, iir., is visiting hor family. Minn It ate. Cunningham ban boou viait. iug frienda in Goato. There waa a party at Mrs. Cnnmnglmm'R last week about 25 being pronout. Mr. Jewell and brothor, nophowa of Mrs. It odd, havo boon hero on a vimt. Dr. Martin was unablo to attend to bia claim horo on Sunday through indihpotiit- iou. TboMiofioo Wiglo, ot Loamington, re turned homo luet wook aftor visiting Mru. Raker. Rov; Mr. Konnody proaohod iu tho Mothodint Ohuroh horo on Sunday oveu- ing lust, the Urat time iiinco bin illneaH. Ou Monday oveuiug, Mr. aud Mra. P. Cuuuiugham ontortuinod a numbor of their young frionda at a dancing party. We are theSOlothiers of Essex. We have also an extra fine line of Ladies' TJnder-wear, Hose, Cloven, etc*, and Special Yaluen in Flimneln, YaniH, Sheetings and blankets. Our Grocery Department *>- As usual, is -well stocked with choice, fresh Groods. Remem- her we import our Teas direct, hence thoir exceptional values.- Visitors to Town^^7 Are cordially invited to call and inspect our goods and get our prices, YOURS FOR BARGAINS, '>a It wan giyon in honor of thoir gueetn, M. J. Koating and Mihh Hanunn. T. Marontotto, P. Doneau of Maiden, J. ,7, Keating of Rocbentor, Miafion B. Maron totto, of Maiden, I, Marontotto, South Col chester, and Mrs. M. A. Killoy, of RoohoB or.apout Sunday at P. Gutmingham'n. Piirdoii for McMlilion. It in understood that Sheriff Morcor, Chatham, ban received a communication from tho Minintor of Juatioo, informing him thab aftor careful oouuidoratiou ho ban rooommondod the roloaao of Benjamin MoMahon at an early date. It will bo re the spring of 1BS0, Wib liam Ilolton, of Tilbury, waB murdered, it wan supposed, by throe men. Todd Quick and MoMahon woro arrested, while tho third party escaped aud wan never agaiu heard of. . Quick and McMahou word placed on trial and tho latter wan conviotod and sentenced to bo hanged. This aoutonco waa afterwards commuted to imprisonment for lifo. Tho improHsion in Una county was that justice had mis carried and tho wrong man had boon con demned. Repreoentation woro made to Sir John Thompson, whilo ho waa Minis ter of .luntieo, aud it is Hani that ho recom mended McMalmu'H release aftor bo had served seven yearn. ThiH recommenda tion would no doubt havo boon acted upon bad not tho baud of death mtervouod. Several timos it him been announced that a pardon had boon granted, but up till now it has always proved u delusion. Tbo information upou which this announce ment is baaed is absolutely reliable, and tho order has alrsady boou piumed for McMahon'a roloaso, as utated above, at au early date. . ---------------------------------------------* The Watertown. N. Y., city steam roller fell through tho first Mill..street bridge TueHday morning, killing onginoor Luther Smith. BirtTTs. MULUAHTnii In Oofttiold North, on Tlmrttduy, October 15th, to Mr. ami Mrs. Goo. Mulctm- tor; a son. BToTiunD In l'hifiox, on Sunday, Ootohor 11th, to Mr. nud Mm. Thoinan Htotbaril, u daiifih- tor, Moii Tn ClosiltoM NVrlh, on Mondny, OctnliKr l^th, to Mr. and Mrs. Win, Moo, a uon. Molcabtkh At tlio Mothodiiit }iarnon- ii|{o. I^nsox, on Thurnday, Octobor Ifjtii, liy tlm ltov. Or. Pascrjo, Mr. Oeo, 13. Mulcimtor to M'sa Martha O, Clark, both or Colchuottti North ' Aola At Ebbox, mi Mnndny, Octobor 12th, by tbo Rev. IIr. Puhcoo, Mr. F.zrti Achi, of CololK-ster houth, to Mrs. Mary J. Welsh, of K&nux. Kkitcii At tho ronldonoo of tho bride's ' futhur, Khmitcad, by tho Bnv. J. P, Mao- lumiH, Jutinlo, dauf.'htorof Arthur Prleo, to Imiiidi Koiteli, of Puce. Ono-McLkan a t tlio H. (J. church. Amlim-nt- Imri,', on Wodnoiiday, Octohur Mth, by linv. Father Kvan, llr. Orrin Oufi to Minn Chios ^IoTjOuii, both of Maiden, ElAiuua At the It, (3. Pronbytory, \m- liurfitbnrg, on Wudnuulay, Octobor Mth, by ltov Father Jtyan, Mr. A. W. Harris to Mhm JJliziibotii Morin, both of Amhurntburj-'. OeatliH. IluiUiToN In Essex, on Wudnofidav, Cotohor 1-ltli, ThoiniiH Jo.HUjdi ItutiUtoa, ugod about 3yoiLra,. & Khhgx Market. Wheat rod por buuhol ... (17 to 07 Wheat, white...... "... (if. Oorn .... as Oats . .... Ifito 15 Timothy Sood .... 1 !I0 ClovorSood .... 4 25 to 4 25 Hay por ton............ 8 00 to 8 00 Atuiko .... t 15 to 4 15 Hoof per owt............. X 50 to 5 00 Pork Live woight........ a -ioto8-'io Muttou............ 5 00 to 'BOO Ilidca............ 1350 7 8 Butter .......... 13 12 Lard.......... 8 U 12 PotatooQ, por buuhol .... 35 to 35 Onionu .... 40 to 40 Apples ..-. 20 to 20 TurnipH .... /Ho 25 Oarrotrt .... 10 Tmkoys por lb.......... 8to 0 DuoUb .......... "7 Oolory por dois .......... " 100 Wool.......... 18 to 10 SPECIAL SALE ^>^_OP Ladies' . . Mantles .. :.f, And Dress Goods, J . JC3-, Going- out of Stock must be turned into cash. Now is your, chance for Groceriea cheaper than ever. Come and get prices and I'will convince you that you will save dollars by buying your Groceries, etc,, from me. M Parties Indebted to me, By book account or note are requested to call and settle at once, and oblige, ME. WIGLE Tlio pooplo of thin wootom poiunnula of Ontario aro only bo(*iuninn to ilnd out tho imraenaa woulth that iu in tbo bowola ot tho earth. Only a fow yoara ago natural gaa wau dlaoovorod in thin county and ninoo that timo tho irameime dopooit of nalb ban boon diflcoverod, OU has boon found, oh Po'co Island and on tbo maluland, near Loamington. Now word oomoa ifrom Sarma that oil haH boon, diHooynrod noar that placo und that aotlve oporaUohs will now bo pUHbed. Botlnvoll ban a roiapufl of the oil fovor after Sfi yearn ;and the wella there aro. uaid to be more productive than over. Tlim in Itidood a land of corn, oil and wiuo with natural ^ag ou tho aide. There la a great future before th 1b county. Salo JtCeiriHtor. An auotion Ralo of hounohold furniture and offoota-.will bo hold at tho roaidonoo qt W. A. Gardner, Alioo fittoot, at 1 p. m. on Saturday, Ootohor 17th, Auction sale of 2CO.00O ft, of lumber bo- HidoH bridge plank, oto., at Oamp iPalmer, on Thursday, Ootobor 22nd, at 10 a.m, W. Mark DeCew, proprietor; IT. MoOloa. koyi auctioneer. ,. -------------^ .." Tbo 3Thk Pmnim and Toronto Weekly Gloho till-January Ut,1807, for 80 eeniB or till January lab, 1898 (or 91.50. Or the Prick Pbkbh and Wqckly Mail H Jan uary let 1897, for 80 coxitis or for one year- for 91.45. *..'.- . ; :4 'A /if ' , '<:(&? '^ M^^^^M^^^^^^^^i^i^i^ds^^^

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