Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 16, 1896, p. 2

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HiS; '-. ^f^ W*^^ Mffii1""-!-^****'- #; **v ' i.i' " ?'V.. . ^-; f*' I. ^Relief for\Xjizng Troziblaa V- EMULSION tnCONNIF.IIl'T'l-ikNmitl nil K.I'N'^ DIHeahkh, s;-m ri'i\'<; <> nioi, coi <;n. *,>:.* or U'riiiii:, I>r.KIIIIV, 111.' I>1I14<1)M4)I ttilM , arllclnuro luutU inuiiiO'Hl. Ity Din ulit of Tli i "!">. A 1. " ]:m'ihlun, I linvn [rot rid of a lui If In-; i:jii;:Ii wlili !i tmulili-it ii>|or mrrr * yn.iri nml Imv.i u-iinul riuiiililimihly tn wnl^lit. Illicit Mil* KkiiiI.Ii'u a ivt'il 1 wni i_'lml wtuin Llio tlhi.M'.Uilu Udl'l'iil 1.1 ; tl.'n It. T. II. WINKUAM. i!.i;,Mii|]tr.Al (WW:, iikxl Hi iw^r UnUlo DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Ltd., Montreal 9 * 9 V Dr. Fowhtr'n Extract of Wild Htrnw- berry ounm Inarrha-ii, Dy .<.(. ntury, GrampH, Collo, Cholera MoibuH, Cludem Infantum, j ami all loosouuhH of tlitj howttln. Nuver! travel without it. Prion M/ai, rr- HER MIRROR. * *-*r Of on tin- (lfilnfcy trlnkota Oil Hetty'm twUiloIr whnlf nur>'u tiini of ijIiish. I think Ik's - A MiHrl of Hiinonit wolf, For onoii wlmn for n lahiuto I [fll/.l 1(1 til It llloilli I hiiw a fueu within It, And It'wiui Hitt.y'n own. Moiiin iinmic, iM-m-oiimiwiy T)i.mrlbo It an you flnmn A iMiittnn-ntiil numy Or u funtiiny nf dream- ' *Twun tliui'i), itti'l fr<'uli und-ii^attj'------ An any flint' i-mild bo, Ami I Tlmt'ti proof Munich for mo. I wlnh I mUfht (llwovor lly unmu mieli wivjtnl urh Tim fiint of lii'tly'ii loviT Ami iintlMfy "iny luuirt. lt-1 could nut tlint mirror, Whiit lint tor could I do? Wlllit l|lll;.'l' 1:1 mlu'lit bo quom'er I mlk'ht u-i't- Unity ton. Ftdtx (Jiivmon hi iluiHoy'tf. M ONLY OUAlUtEL. Harvest J0.\<; arsons-. In order to givo overyime an opportunity to tioo (ho (-iniiid c.ropu in iho Wniturn ntatoH imd omiblo the intondmii lu-tthtr to soouro a homo, tin; Chiwi^o, Jlilwuulioo iV- 8t, I'uuI^KV hu artitn^id In run a Horicn ol Imvvprit QXiiinniouH to Houtli and North Oakot.i, uiul to othor hiutfti in tiiu Wont, Northwitot and fionthwoHt on tho following duioii: .Tnly !i], Anyuht i mul 19, Hi ptcni- Jior 1, 15 1W itnd Uctohirr li mid '20, nt lln- low ruto of two dolhirn man) thiin oru- faro for tho round tVip. Tiukctii will hu good for rotnrn on nay Tuomluy or Friduy within twenty-ouo duyn from tln-lo vi mile. l^oi* ruton, timo of fruinn uiul further do- tailn upplv to any coupon ticket a^ont in thoKiiut or South, or uddrosn A. J. Taylor, Canudian Puhhi'-ntcor n^ont, "2 iCm^ atreot B., Toronto. Out. >o tho door. Tho Klndon wuh Hourly Mitiio luilon off, mid Allco, who ^mior-. ally was waitinK forimi, (lid not appoar. For n fow minutoH I HtfMid fuming in tho hall,' iliiliKhtwt with my niHh grlov- uiico. Thfn I Hhoutnd, "Alien!" "Comin^l" wuh mtnrmut' fronr'thn room ulxwo, and innnodintuly aftormy wii'u liufdod down HtaivH, fantcniiiK on hoi' liat :iH Hhu ddHOondiul. Alien j^ot into tho Irap and took tho _uiiiH, uh UHinil, I Hcatod myHiilf luwulu lior, Tho man not up Imhind, and ho wn, Htartud on that/ lawt miminibln nxpodi- tion. Noillior of ua Haidmuoli. I Jookitrl nl hnv onco oy twicn nidnwayH. Novor liatl Hint Hdomod ho handHonio or in huoIi jjlmviiitf hoaltli, lmi;' lliaro wiw an un naturally dnnj) fluah upon horohook, and Jmr UpH \vi!i' tightly tilonnd to^othur. Whmi wo muohad tho Htation, tln train wuh already in It, 1 runhod to tho booUino; nflluo, hnu^lit our two tiokote (I liavo them now, for they woro novo* Ufittrij, Hoi/.nd my oliaitK" ul Imrriod my wifo oif tho platform, ronohinjjf (ho ,. rr ,r ,, . r train iuHt iitt it wuh iK-giiiniiiK to movn. your lotl.-v ami all tin. K'^d advico it -.G|lt hl| fllV ,,0odn<^ Hiiknf'I oriod oontaiiiH. I kimw that whim a man hiia poovishly, opnniiiK a oarria^o door, and got into .ii thoroughly morbid Htatu a thnn X uvo iior a rutliliiH.sly candid h-nturo in oftuu aa j punli, and you knr>w what happutitid good for liim an in a nlap in tho faco ffr i noxt. a hyHtm-ioal pirl. Your motivo ia truly I My poor wifo novor Hpoko itKuin, hut kind, and 1 nhuuld bo un^ratoful if I; an Him lay in tho waiting room, muti- faih'd to vcv.omiiYM it as .such. I lat*d and dyings hIio just opened liv You point out that it ih now tiirco ' oyoH and looked at mo. Tlion a Had, youvH Hinoo my dour wifo'w fatal aeci- tiwoot Hmilo ciuiid ovor Imr fnen, and, dent, and Ihat, r.loHoly an wo woro mining lier anna toward mo, uh I bont united and terrible though tlio wliook* oyer lior in an a^ony of romorHo, hIio must, have bemi, othora have had to bear put up her dear faen for a kiH, juHh uh blown nn kovito and havo horno thorn who Jiad ho often done in happier day. with pluek and resiK'inition. | 1 Htooped down, and then somehow I could not rivo her that lant kinw, tho faotn, your oritieim ia perfoo.tly i Soi'nnlhin^ held mn buck a feeling of jast. Hut until you know* thorn moro j utter Hhamo and unwortliino.sH. Aahad- fully it 1h imposHihlo for you to under- I ow of pain cronsed lior faoo, tho arniH Htand my feolingM ariglit, I will rolievo ' fell hack, and in a moment tho oppfir- my mind by tolling you thingH whieh ; tuuity had jiaHHtd forever, and our apan ; havo burdened my thnughtH during i of wedded life ami low'had ended ho. \ UVK OF MAIITY]K)M hnihii;::i> v tiiosiz who suppmu I'kOM CONSTANT HUADACHH. One WIiii Suffered ThiM for <>vr Twenty Vur.rtUolutejtller llxpcrUiic^, Which Will pnive Viilimhlu to (illiVrK. li'ioiu llio Tiit.iii;ti, Mnttuwa Out. AmOner tho rohidonta \n tho viiunity of jVTuttiiwa thoro iu nono hottor known or moro highlynatetnnod than Mr. and Mru, It, JtauMon, who havo boon rad- dontw of thia Mention for tho pnatill'toon youi'H. Mm. ItaiiHou baa been a groat MUllorer for yeara. her alllietion taking- lb o form of diz/.hioHH and violent bead aehoH, and tho iiHaekH would eomoupon her ho nuddenly that alio eould Hourouly roaoh hot* bed unaided, and would bo foreod to remain for threo or four dayn, uiiahlti to take any iiuiiriahnionb and aiifrering more than tongue eun uxprei'oi, j niunt tliank you mytielf.' It wuh int\ixnHIio wuh tmit Hevonteen yearn of ago' tho unluoky. Crouch, who had Horaped whi-n tbeae uttaekH llrnt ciimo upon lior,! together tho prion of a pit sent, little andthodoetorwho tlien attended her,! Naming that bin own now world fa- Hiiii-I that in bin opiniuu her life would ;>' aonK would bo tho mo.t mpturoua- . . , ., . i ly applauded item ol tho night, not extend over a lew yearn at mofu. I_________________ _ Hut moro than u neoro.ol' yearn buvo j iioforo lllin-u nu^k\nit Won. \\'i>rn. nineo paaaed during the greater part ot'i "I huw a little girl in alriped red and which, it if* true, Alra. Uun.son wan al whito HtookingH tin: othor day," auid tlio great mi OerfU'. I Jul that in happily now [ woman, "and it mado me think of the past, and she in enjoying better health i Ul" wll0M X VVilH H little girl myaelf. .i ....., , , , .',. , f ii i Thorn wuh no tlioughtof bhiekHtookingn than evi.'i* k1h did. J o a reporterof tlio., rm ,, 7 p ,, ., ,, ... .. A, iiiii thou. Tho Kinull legH of all the amall Inbmm Mi-h. LmiHon told hr ainry, | girjH lof.kod like Htielca of variegated adding piirnesdly that .she hoped horjc mlyi Th(! c!liid who had tho gayoHt oxpericnee miglit prove of beuefit toi cohihiuution (jf Htripos wan,tliu happiest, Homo othor HUlterer. She Maid : "The! and if tlio color scheme happened to bo Hlin Sivntf Cronoh'M Bonff. "Tho death of poor Crouch," onyfl an Knglinh corroHpoudunt of tlio Baitimoru Bun, "briiiKH to mind u pafchotlo inci dent Whioll ooourre<l at one of Mile. Ti- tleOH' ooiioertH in the opora Ijouho al Kow Vork in 187. Tho famous alngor, uh un onooro, itanff 'JCuthlram Mavour- iiuon,' tho only time alio did Howhllo in tho United tttutott. It oxoited a furore of appIauHc, and on MUo, Tllh'.iiH1 leaving Iho atage aho wan informed Unit a man, mtppoHcd to Imj a lunatic, wuh fighting hiw way over tho bariiorn from tlio,pit to tho atago, determined the Hingor, Tlio prima donna told the au- thoritioH to lot him eoum to her. On en tering, tho man burnt into tnara, Hobbiug out, 'Oh, Mile. TitiepH, X never before heard my Hong an you liavo junt Hung ltl1 'Vournong,' wuh tlio iiHtoniahed re ply. 'Wliy, you aro not (Jreuch, aurely?' *I am indeed,' replied tlio compoHer, ovon then an old man, 'and X felt; 1 theae yearn and have made it impoHHiblo for me to..throw oil' my mulnewi; Alice wuh killed upon tho aecond an- \u vtf**ll m i<jVr, Dkau SntH, After Buffering for two yt'ara from aim to indigci.tiuu, i. triud Ii. li. B. X toolt only throt; bottk-a, whieh iijikIo mo uu woll an over I wan. I highly recom mend B. B, 11. to all dyHpeptiori. Man. .John Whiti;, Aminii, Man. To Clean Boiled llooU. Ink HtiiiQB may bo removed from a book by applying with a onmol's hair ponoil a Htnall quantity of oxalio aaid dilutod with water and thou ufliny blotting paper. Two applications will rempvo all traces of tho ink. To remove grouse- spota; Jay powerod pipe clay-o&ch sldo of tho spot and prcBn with an iron on hot as tho papor will boar without floorohing. SomotimeH grcunu apota may bo removed from paper or oloth by lay ing a piooo of blotting pupur on thorn and thou prcaning tfio blotting paper with a hot iron. Tho boat molts tho gronao and tho blotting papor abaorbH it. Writer. a pel la of diz/ineaa and infonao heud- iKilieH would attiiek me every three or four days at each attack, and with each attack my suffering appeared to grow more inteiine. I bud good medical ad vice, and hied many remedies, but with no lieiieliciaf results, fa the Hpring of 1H!;"i my appetite began to fail, my banda and foot would Hwell, and my heart palpitate violently. J was utterly dificoiiraged nud felt that f would not live much longer. One. day my daugh ter urged me to give .Dr. Williams' Pink I'illa ii trial, but X hud, taken ho dinploaaing to our youthful tunica there Was Buch a feeling of utter woe an X know I Koldom feel now that X am 'grown up.' " -New York Timea. Do you remember that awful inquest, Harry? You were, good to mu that day, old fellow. No ouo could havo proved uiverKury of our wedding day. For two i himself a truer friend, year." our married life hud been, aw you,! You lemenihor that, whim I gavo my are aware, one of unclouded hnppinoK.q. ; evidence, X Kaiil that X tried to uhhihI my What plana we made for that second ( wifo into tho carriage. Woll, you know anniverHury! I took three-quarterH of un now that X wuh playing with the truth, hour to ohonrio a preaeiit for Alice, and and you will probably di'Hpiye mo for it, a great mysteryoversluidowodtha~Eome-' 1 jihnoHt lioped that there would bo n j much modiciuo with no bouofit that [j thing that Him wu.-i making for mo. Then ! verdict of manslaughter that X aliould i rofuaed. However, ahe went to town! there were the invitations to our littlo | be H<-ut to prison. Mit\ ^ t four boxes, and to ploaso her! party in tho evening, the great question There in only ono thing moro to toll moro than for any hope of benefit il as to whether we Hlmuld ukJc tho rector you. When the accident became known, ,. . . , ,, t v i toi1 ., , i i-i i Hi- agreed to take them. X did not find or tim doctor they were not on speaking i I received many kind and Hymnathotic .,,.,,, toriiiH and the dehato on tho happiest: iottern fiom my friondH and hern. 11 the brst box do me any good, but by way of upending tlio earlier part; of tho hardly read them, for each of them wan |ihii t,mo J ,liul tulcou iho second my ap- day. I a fresh Htub tome. "If they only knew I" petite began t(j improve and I could - It Hhould-be'-puKriod in tho depths of i my conscience kopt saying to me, She tlio country; wo belli agreed, and after : kuoww. Sho died curbed by rny ill tem- muoli pondering over tho local timo ta-, per, witliout a parting kiss, and if we bios wo nettled that the 11 o'clock train ! meet in another world %yhab will sho. should tuko us to Beoohwood, a walk ; Bay to mo or X to her? and picnic teto-a-teto amid tho Hummer But there was one letter that ari'PKtnd glorien of tho forest, tea at tho clean little Barleycorn inn, and so homes. my attention and cauhe.d mo far more pain than all tlio otherw put togothor. So we settled on tlio eve of our wed- ( It was front tho lady whoso invitation ding day, and then wo bad our first and had caused our fatal quarrel. "Per- ouly quarrel, f hapH," it ended, "it may be nomo com- (deep better. 1 tbon began to havo faith in them ami aa 1 continued thoir use found myself constantly getting better. When X bad finished tho fourth box both myself and friends were sur prised to find that I had not had a head ache for more than .six weeks, tho ac tion of my heart had become regular', and I. could sleep soundly all night. 1 was still weak, however, and decided Tim cirouniHtance.s were trilling fort to you to keep the inclosed loiter ,........ ,, , ",.' .., , . , ough. A letter had come to Alice, : from her. I received it after her death | 'T' " , , tU I>lIlH' ^ king her to pay a short visit, if I probably the last hIio ever wrote." 11 hd till three more boxes wort used. eiiou ask could Kpuro her, to Home friends who had known intimately liol'nie her marriage, I)KAai:>T May Thank you ho vory liuidh for Since then 1 ba^'e lioeu stronger than Philippe I of Prance did not deserve the title of the mnorouu any moro than most other Preneh kings, but in spito of this fact it was bestowed upon him on tccount of his muiierniiH intrigues with the ladien of his court. Tho first gold pens were made by land iu 1840 in tho city of New York. A FREE CUBE -ion The British le'ediciii Institute, a D( - trnit, j\bo|i.( lei-, aft. i- mi nv ye;ifi of piitient invi;'i;' *i"i , o'. rc-i n trnat- meiit by uhie>i .','itarr!., 'f-it-M rhnl-ilfcuf- niHH, iihihnia, bronchi! ie, i-.'nl otin^uioptinn in in tini* or second s-'rij.'e.eioi lie rietienlly an.I . :.: oi '.iy 'Mir.* _ S./ Will wiiir li. (i i^ Iitl: le-lLILUU: ' ll -1. Ull cure irt ti f'pee.lic, Mint io will, l-ir a lim ited thue. si.-e.i a fob;v* of itri nn di- eini's, snfliuii-nt to la.-*r for tlireo uiontlu-, alifolul iiiit-*. Atliln hh ; Mninn Mi:hicai. Is/nrari:, i'Ai Wii^hi!..^t."ii Av"., U troi', Afich; Thorn aro pills and pills hut Dr. Ay- now'a Liver Pilln It-aim dooiand. The j aalo b.'rderH nn the phenomenal. '; Bluf!i;iidi liver, coustipntion ar irregular I bowels ara_tUO-.preeuiv.firH ot many phy- ] Olciil Cisorders. Tuer-e little wonders re-] movo tbt; cuu-se,. t They ure L-ntircly veg<tublo. Tiiey act | on the liver aud bo^vuiH without diBtmb I anco to 'ho hyi-toin, diet rr occupation.) They never gripe. They >u:* pk-asantly [ a vial for 10 ceiitn. ! your kimi iiivitutinii, I nliuuld d.nrly ' at any tiiue'lor vears liofore and have "thn -lay uf..r ton.nrruw. " I HU,,,,,.^^ ^^^ ^vTuSl^U., S.,'{ | ""l ' " '.V was not m the hest ot tciupors t( iU1,i \i{, jH .-,o ! Wurlc, have a new interest in life and Willi business, perhaps, aud a trifle out ; uuoil and ldnd in mu and ho nico nbout itvcry- I (1(lj j.Li]( YrJl,.H voun*rer r feel tiiat Dr of ^ t ,ei ,m(1 ,,0 Doeii ouru n i ival. widdhin day, mid Churlm is :;i11imk fur m to ' . . ' Ih'urt J>K-..a>c Minutes..-1>-. Agi Heart yiv,; pn^:' r.l At any rate, when sho produced this letter anil told me that she would like to accept tho invitation, some evil spii- it tempted mo to raise objections:. I Blurt. Your loving frinul. Ar.ici:. That is what hIio wan writing while I bullied in tho hall. That is what she had written, when she silently listened Tho KwIhs I'arlhiimMit. A parliament at which tho disnus-! flious aro carried on in threo diil'erent languages is probably unique. Tho country where thia singular fact occurs ifl well known to English tourists, via, Switzerland. But few, I believe,' havo over had an occasion to bo present at tho.sitting of a Swiaa parliament. Tho languages spoken by the mem-' bera aro Preach, Italian and German.1 Italian, true, is not as often employed EB tho other two, the members for Tes- eiu, a canton in the south, very often dolivoring their speeches in Preneh. A>: almost overy educated Swiss speak*, French and German, members are there-, foro able to understand each other1.- apfjcchcH, although spoken in a different lauguago to their own. It uIbo often happeiiH that when i\French speaking member wislnis H[ mako a stronger impression on tho Gor man speaking part of the house he de livery his speech iu Gorman, and alt-:<;j Vico versa. Pcartiou's Weekly. could see tho keen disappointment in , to my giumbling on tho way to tho sta- her face, and that increased my .silly ton. Oh, tho irony of it all! petulauco and jealousy till I recklessly Now you can understand, Hurry, why launched out iu diatribes against her it in that I take so long gettingovor my friends who bad sent-the invitation. j Inns. One thought, and ono alono, Rome- yhu defended them hotly for Alien , times arises to comfort mo. Porhajis was always loyal and so the day ended j that last movement of herd mount for- in a cold good night, leaving her pained when her at- and unhappy, and mo thoroughly . tempt at reconciliation failed, she sent ashamed of suspicions I knew to be j mo that letter as a message- from boyond groundless and of an ill temper I was tho grave. Odds and Knds. too proud to confess. I had a wakeful and restless time that last night. Our disagreement preyed strangely nn my mind, and in the dark hours annumed a quite exag gerated importance. You .see for us it was a new experience. A "little lift" had divided uh for the first; time, and 1 could'boast no moro thai; my wife had never beard a baislior bitter word from mo. In tho morning thero was still a cloud butween us. 1 knew that 1 was in tho lieving this X am glad to m ke my story public in the hopo that it will be of value to some HtiiVeror." Mrs. Hanson's busbund and mother were both present and say that they look upon her recovery as miraculous. They further fiiud'that many and many a night they had sat up keeping hot cloths on 'her head, that being the only treatment that had bellied her, before KciuvtMi iii ;io rw'n (Jure for the ii-l iu ad i-USL'S of Ol i_:i..iu iii r.\ ;Oi 'lit f i* ' l<- 1 h; r. ,Di--(iino 111 :*() minute.-, i-nd f-poi-dtly idl'trlc H. I'Uie. Ii N a p'M-rli'HS ri nied> lor t'.d|iiiaiion. rfln/rt- nchs o[ Ilrtiuth, SniD'.bering Hpi'Li, I.1:tin in Lett Hide n nd id I nyuipeMns of n Djh- <:iH"t ile'irt. One douo convinie*-. by .]. Thome, Hold ---- *. SAND SUCKERS. Old IIulltH That Are rrnlltubly Uttllxnil In a New Indutttry* As the sieamorH pass along St. Olaii flats, between Bake Huron and Detroit river, tho passengors see numbers of old hulks anchored off in shallow water aud invariably ask tho steward or one of the Hhc began tho use of Dr. Williams' Pink deck boys what they are there for. The Pills. j This great remedy on rich oh aud pari-; lies the blood, htreuglhens the nerves,; Not Y>iiow. and iu this way ^-oes to the, root of dis-j Ho is a down town lawyer, and he j duso, driving it from the system, imdj was going to have bound the proofs of > earing when other remedies fail. j his briefs in a certain important ease in ! Kvtirv b,,.v ,,f tho genuine \~iv. Wil-! answer always is given in a gruff and contemptuous tone, as if itwero a fool's question: "They're Hand suckers." "What's a sand sucker?" "Old tubs that suck up sand." "How do they .suck up sand?" Thou the oracle looks at you and Mothers AniloiiHly watch declining health of thoir daughter**. So many aro out ofl by consumption In early yoarn that there la real causo for anxiety. In the early tag-on, when not boyond th-a roach of modtelno, Hood'8 Saraa- parllla will restore tlio ouallty aud quantity of tho Idood ana thus giva good health. Itflttd tho following lottori "It ltl but Juut to wrlto about my daughter Corn, ngod 10. Bho wuh nom- plotoly ran dowu, cloollnlnf^liad that tired luullng, and frlndn mdd Dim would nok llva ovor throo monthd. Bho had a bad Cough and nothing Meemecl to do lior any good. I liapptinod tortiad about Hood'tiBargapa- rllla and bnd hor glvo lfc a trial. From th vary rlrufc &gh<* oho b^an to Rot bottof. After taking a fow hottloH Hhn was com- pletoly oarod nnd hor htmlth 1ms been thm boat over nineo." Muy. Aodiib Pjeoc^ la Hallroud Placo, Amfltordnm, N. Y, "I will Buy that my mother has not atntod my cubo In as Htronr,- words aa I would havo done. Hood'n Barsaparlllai hnu truly ourtid mo and 1 am now woll." Coui. rifiOK, Amntorilam, N. Y. Pn huyo to got Hood's, bocnufifl Hoods Sarsaparilla U tho Ono True Blood I'urlflor. All drugfrliU. |1 rrtpnrud only ly C. I. Hood Se Co., I*owgll, Mui. u it *-iii aronnroty veKotalilo, re- nOOCl S FlllS ilabfoandbaiioflclaLfifc. , ":"U iMieuiiiaUsm (Jurcd In a Day, South American Kheumatic Cnro, for Uht-umatiKin and Neuralgia, radically euros in 1 to !1 daya. Its aotioi' upon iho ttyhtcm in remiLrkiiblo and ia^ otcrioun. It rt-movc-H at once the ciiuho and tho diH*iiiuo inimedratidy dtRappcacH, Tho Hint, doso Mit-atly beuiilitH. 7fi centH. Scld by ,T, Tliorne. A. Ni_w2puDoiL_<torlOBlfcy. Thomna 8mit)i, Jr., who koopH a hoo- ondhiiud furniture fltoro at 230 Oontcr titrcot, han-iu hi posHCflfliou on old nowspapor which in a real ouriofrity. It Ih 120 yours old and contains tho firafc eutH cvor printed in a nowapapor. fio bought it at tho roooivor'a Halo of tho estate of Joseph Low Mason, who was onco a police commissioner. Tho ouri- OHity is inclosed in an unassuming franio and covered by glass on both aidoH, ho as to permit its being road without handling.' Tho heading is:. "Boston Gaxette and Country Journal. Monday, March 12, 1770." Of tlio two leading articleaonotroatH of the Boston riots, and tho other ih an appeal to all patriotic eitizoiiH to with hold from purcdiasiug goods of English manufacture, Tho former ia illimtratod with five rudely drawn coITIuh, which are Hupposed to contain tho bodies of th& first flvo herooa of American independ ence. Tho papor in extremely vnlnablo an a, relic, aud it is said that tho holra of Mr. MaHon liavo olTered to buy it for a liu*go sum,' but Smith refuses to part with it. Nnw Vork Tribune. /jfc/, < Koli<'i'ln Six Hours. Dituru.niug Ividuo;, and Blmidi-r Diwm-en rolu-vod in six hours by thu "Hocru Amkiucan Kids Elf Cum-:." Tiiin new re-mud> in u gr, at Hiir- pribe 'ind iteligln en neeuunt of* uh i xeeed- lift/ prnm'ptiH'HH in r* hovmi; pdn in tho bltoidtu*. l-.idnt-yH In".: hik! i-mtv part of the uriii'cT p'^ in ini.'o or h-mulo. It rciiL-v-M r->i(iirinh t f iv:tii:r aihi rein in passing it airnoHt lminiidiiitoly. If you want quick relief and euro thin in your remedy. Bold by J. Tborno. Special Money Cropa* Ah good authority aa Amorioan Agri culturist flays: "There ia no occasion for growers of fluoh special money orop^i aa apples, oniona and potatoes becoming' panic stricken this oarlyintho your audi which ho was engaged recently lie has j j. ' vin]. ])[Uh ^ Uiu tnulu umrk tlU \ grins. He doesn't auite know whotlici j oJ"B ^ ^L^hSI' ' ' you'ro a farmer yourself or are guying mny ba It ia shown that tno HurpluH a clerk, a good, plodding sort of u fol- , , , , . ., low, not one of tho kind said to bo ^^>Vor around tho box, and tlio, likely to net the river nn lire, but ono Purchaser can protect lnmsell from nn-j who can ho depended upon. ] position by relasn.g all otliers. Hold; "John," ho said, "go to 'tho printer j by all doidors at 'ill routs a box or six j and Hue about bindings for these briefs. : boxts for :;i.")0. I am not particular about, them except wrong, and yet I would not own it even j that they must not be y id low. You un to myself. Alice gave me one littlo wist- dei'Htand?" fill look, oj-jjT'i.ssivu of a timid hope that my mood had changed. I saw that "Y-. s, sir," said John. "You told tho printer to ho suro and look, and for a moment I felt impelled { not have yellow covers on those briefs, to Uing my arms round her aud ask for- j did your" be said as the clerk returned, giveiioss. If only X had yielded to that j "Yes," said John. "X picked them impulse! I gave her one cold kiss. To out myself. " think that it, was the last I ever gave hor, living or dead! .^t. Tho briofn came back neatly bound. As the lawyer, examined thorn an ex- f^ While X wuh dressing my eye fell on pression of great wrath might have been the small case containing the biactdot I Keen on his face. MM There is ease for those far gone in consumption not recovery ease. There is cure for those not far j^one. There is prevention for those who are threatened. of Cod-liver Oil is for you, even if you are only a lit tle thin. scott's nriuLgtoN has tttcn endorsed by the medical profession for twenty yru. (,'Atk yowr itaifor.) This fa bocaiifleltln always paia/iililt alwayn eantaini the purttt Ntirtv/iten rnditivfr Oil and ItypopkwfrhUet. . <. tmht on Scott'b EoiUUUon, with trade-mark ? mw\ tid 'flah. hail bought as a present for my wife. I picked it up, hid it in my pocket, took it down to breakfast and, fool that I was, never gavo it to her. I opened tlio letters, which were juoHtly on the business that wan worry ing mo. The rest I pushed irritably awayl I opened them afterward, and do you know, Harry, that in ono of those pnrceU was the gift that my wife had been working for weeks to mako for mo. Wo breakfasted almost in Hilcnce/but after tho moal wan over who roso and camo softly round the table toward me. Thou she put her dear hand on my nhoulder ao lightly as if Hhn feared to offond, and, bonding down, who jiaid pleadingly, "Won't you lot mo go, Charlie?" And I, or tho dovil that pos- aoHfiod mo, coldly answorod, "You may ploaso yourself," I-Xarry, I don't know what you will think of mo when you road all this. Vou oaunot condemn my brutality moro thun I do myself. Don't judgo mo too fcardly, Harry. I did not know how ihorfc would J>o my opportunity. ".John!" he called. "John, didn't I tell you not to havo theso briefs bound in yellow?" "Yoh, " answored John in a surprised tone "And I was very particular about it. I picked out i\ hoautiful canary jolor." New York Times. Half past 10 oamo. Our trap drovo up ilghtaoers* VoMUVltlA. Iioceut reports from Mount Vesuvine hvy that its eruption is steadily increas ing in volume. A broad stream in flow ing down north of tho Atriodol Oavallo in tho direction of tho JFohbo della Vo- trana, and tho cone of ash or, with tho orator of Vosuvius proper in tho ccntor, iH visibly growing. Tho interior plateau which stoma tho lava flow appoars at night all on uro. According to tho measurements taken by tho ongiuoer of tho observatory,, tho hoight of tho moan- tain has increased by 100 meters Hinoo tho prosont eruption began, whilo tho fiery liiko along tho Atrio haa attained a oiroutaforenoo of 1,500 motors, und tho bulk of tho lava omitted Ih osti- inftted at 4,000,000 oubio motors. Tho magnificent Bpootaolo attruota many. A Now Uuttor I'ui'liiiuc i Tho AuHtralasiau reports n new but-; tor package, which is said to do away j with tho necessity for cold stoiago of; buttnr. Tho butter is first packed in a| box.mado of ordinary glass, the corners j being fastened with gummed papor. A; layer of plaster of pnriH about ono inch j thick is placed ovor tho glass box, and j tho brick is then wrapped in a paper j specially prepared for the purpose. As tho gypKum is a, nonconductor of heat, it is claimed that the butter ho packed is not injured by any chaugoa of tempera- turo. Butter packed in this manner in MoJ bourne was sent to South Africa, about 700, miles, and arrived in tho rhuio condition us when shipped. Tho cost of this mothod ot packing is said not to exceed 3 centH per pound of but ter. Tho butter is sonfc as common freight, which results in a grout saving of expeiiHO. Boxos of 300 pounds 'capacity aro rundo for largo creameries. llupu Uii a Koru^e I'laat. At tho Vermont Htation havo boon mado tests with a number of tho loss common forago plants, including apurry, mfrllofc, rapo, soja bean and horse bean, Bunfiowor, as woll as mixtures of poas aud oatfl, of rape, hairy vetch, aud soja beans, with somo othorH, resulted iu a larger yiold from rape nanioly, 7,491 pouuds than from any othor of tlio crops tried Tho largost crop was produood wliou tho drilla woro six Inohos apart. Tho advantago of rapo/ particularly for nhoop and lambs, is boing gradually waliaod* ..,.._ him, and it tako.q a great deal more questioning to lind out tho fact that n now industry has been found to utilize ancient and leaky hulks that are not fit to go to sea. The bottom of Lake St, Olair and thr flats thiit surround it aro covered witf beautiful white sand, and theso boat; go out every morning, anchor in a fa vorable placo near the channel, ndt! drop overboard largo hose jiipes of can vas or rubber, with iron tips, which sink of thoir own weight. Then they Het the pumps going and suck, up the sand, which brings a good deal of watei with it, and is deposited in tho bottom of tho boat. The. Hand sinks, and the water rises to tho surface and rotu' \3io river through holes piorced for it* eyjcommcdutiou. Tims, before sunset tho hatches are filled with puro, pleiu sand at a nominal cost, which is un loaded on the docks at Detroit aud sold for building purposes. In early days thoro was a community of l->onohmcn who undo" a" businoHfl oj gathering this sand and hauling it tc tho city, but thoy had to work vory hard because of thoir ignorance of hy draulics and thoir lack of boats. Thoy poled aud rowed np flatboats, which thoy would fill by jumping overboard in shallow wator and fihovoling iu the sand. Thoy would work a month with tho water up to thoir waists and not go! as large a cargo an a modem sand suqkor, operated by two men, can piok up in d Hliiglo day. Chicago Record, availablo for market is much saniUor! than last year, and so with potatoes* Thoro aro fair possibilities that tliogo- cropa may bo sold moro advantageously. Olio ICvury NlLrli- Ono Liixii-Livcr l?ill tjikn euoh niffht during ,110 dnyH will euro Couiitipution, oft- rotuniiny FIoudaohcH and irrognlar .notion of tho bowola, Tjuxa Livor Tills leave no uaploasaat aftor-effoct. Wht .You Can Do With Dia mond Dyes. . The world-faroed Diamond Dyon will color DroHous. Caps, Coatu, Piiutn, Voata, ' SIuiwIh, Scurfs, Yarns, Books, SfcoukiagH, . Ribbonii, Tieh, Feuthora, I'Vingtm, Trim-. 'rniugu, Carpot rugu, Cattoa Wiirpa, IMiotos, liverhihtJLK Flowers, _ Bugrttvin^s, Mups, ICuHtur ISggn, Cbioliemi, Birds, ATohhoei, GrasflpH, Buhliot work, Wood Bono, ivoryi SboepMkin mutn, Hair, Loathor, oto. From Diamond Dyea you can mako writtiuK ink, murking Ink, stonyial ink,,, ruling ink, Dumping ink, sluiding ink, art oolora, wood ft tuna, oolorud varidahou, alios : drooaing. oto. - Do not bo ilocoivod by iiuitatioim ; sea. that your doidor eivoh you tho only guar-i autood dyos in. tho world tlio "Diamond." 'SuoceiiHful Homo Dyoing," a book giving full direotioiiH, seat free to uuy ad- droHU. Wollii A.Uiohiurdsou'Oo., Montreal.: ll '1 - . :'4 "How aliall wo movo tho masuos?" anked the irapusaionato tfimporanoo orator.' . Just thou uorao ono in tho outskirts o* the orowcl, romarkod, "Como up und taka a drjuk, boys." Tho maeaoB m-ivfld* , V i *mm. m ....... , Women who are woak aud norvoua, who havo no appetite aud uutjuot sleop, find Hlren^th aud vigor iu Hood's SarBapanlla. .i""'.KTH iv,; A m^ idtiti iM^i^M^M ri^^^fe 0622

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