Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 16, 1896, p. 12

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>'! >"--" pw^'i^ w Ch!v ' ^'i::t'- to""' <>; "' "Jp't1 I K' V. p.... li'V' ft;1. I,,:/, CA1',' ii:: ft," '. ft';" i: Ki'; '- skY.' m 1 "j'i ' ' &! ^m ,-.$f We Have Been on Judgment At the bar of Public Opinion and the Verdict has been unanimous, viz : * * # * # cc D. That if you want stylish and up to date Hats, Caps and Furnishings, "Whitney's is the place to get them" J. Whitney, EATTEE AND FURNISHER. A Good Thing Those who want the best of Good Things come to us. They get Greater Values, Better Styles and more Pleasure out of our offerings than at any other place. We know this to he true he cause we hear what our patrons aay. What others, have discovered should interest you. Our Shoes Look Well. Fit Well, Wear Well Thin in tho leant wo oouhl poaaibly nay about_tliam* If-it waa not for our MxporioncG in bather we could not noil go cheap. Gall and bo onnvincod foryunrHolf. <ik I 2Qi BiKu of thoGoUou Boot, WHITNEY BLOCK, ESSEX, A OF STYLES Ts'whatcan he obtained at our establishment, Dunstan Blk, Our work is the best, our-de signs are up-to-date and our prices very low. We are the only store in town handling Tweeds of Clyde Mills, best in Canada, and buying at mill prices we save you from 50c to $1 on pair of pants and 2 to 84 on a suit; wo have also a splendid line of fnncy-GoUmsd Worsteds, y.^ry reasonable in price. We inuite you to in spect our floods before buying dry e and good footwear 0 Go together. If you would have the firfrt you must seek to get the second and to accomplish that take a walk into "V R. gOTNlLEVg .TVtw K l.Nt (1 or tr> Bute's ('arriago Shop, Talbo Where you can have Custom di'. Ready-made your choice of...... Boots anil Shoes 2TOI& 2jEE1T .A-XTX) 330-TS. BEST ^17 WnsUini makoM to select from. na^mm mum K^5" Prime 3t,ooI< used in iinumfac-Uira- t&" Ropairing noutly do' o. o fih'tidy. Parties defining Custom uino Footwear in the full can loavo Ihair oruVrt now and call for name win u ,v n.niod, R. SOKLEY, Essex. CdlohoHter Sontli Fair, (Oonttuuod from Itit pn^o.) work, lHt, Mru Frod Pigeon ; 2ml, Mian JoBiiioPattern, Quilt, knitted,lut.Mra Bob* ort BollarH ; 2nd, Mrs A K Hlokla. Crooh- otod quilt, let, Miaa Ella Burdiok [ 2nd, Mra Wm Ilcr. Bent riitiplny of bouao plftiitH, let, MrtWm Uor ; 2nd, Mian M ForrioB. Bod spread, lnt, Mm Kd Bruuh, 2nd, Mrn D Quiok. Jap&neii crazy-work, lilt and 2nd, MIuh Vim 55awH, Tidy, cotton, lat, iMiun K BriiHli; 2nd, Miitu Gouttu. Tidy, laoo, lul and 2nd, Minn OouUn. Tidy, wool, lut, Mru Jaa I'Vml ; 2nd, Mian 13 Orcuvoa, Tidy, iiilk, MIhh OouUh. Ottoman cover, lut, Miaa K Burdiok; 2nd, Mian Couttn. IjadioH1 underwear, lut, Miaa Groiwea ; 2nd, Mru llobort fiollur.u. Point lnoo, lut, MIh* Viid ^iindt ; *Jn(l, Minn Oouttii. Onrriu^o itf^hun, Mm W XI HoHorou. Gtototino work, MIhm Conttu. Appliqno on mitin, MitiH Couttu. Appliqut! on pluuli, Minn Couttif. Appliquo on olotli, 2nd, Minn E Oroavow. Embroidory on iifttin, lut, MIhh Gouttu ; 2nd, Mum 0 Poarco. Embrmd- ory on flunnol, l"t und 2nfi, Mm Fullot. Embroidery raiiiud, lut, Mw Garrett, iir ; 2nd, Mint! Couttu. Embroidory on plunh, iHt.Miitu Vun Zundt; 2nd, Miitti G 1'oaron. Embroidory, .chain iititoh, lut and 2nd, Mian Couttu. ntrngftrian ombroidory.lafc, Aliim Liz/,iu Conttii; 'Jnd, Mi mi Couttu, Praidinj;, Minn Couttu. Oroobot work, Int. Mm. W II Ilollomn; 2nd, Miim I-'nllcir. Tutting, ltifc, Minn Van #andt ; 2nd, Minn Ella Uurdiok. Maornmo, Minn Gouttu. Clicnillo, lut and 2nd, Miiiu Couttii. Arrniiono, lut, Minn E Bnrdick ; 2nd, Minn Couttu. Piinolu, war!tod, lat, Mian Couttii; 2nd, Ijizzio Couttu. Era- broidory on alllc, Mru Ed Wintoru. Itib bon work, Minn K Purdiok ; Mum Couttu. Dtirnod uot, lut, Minn Couttu ; 2nd, MIhh Minnie Fortiori. Wool floworfi, Minn Irono Walton. Papor floworn, lot, Mru C, Rioharduon ; 2nd, Minn H Julian. Hair work, Mi(ifi S Jnlion. Sholl work, Mm Frod Pipoon. Tiniio! work, Mititi Contfca. Boadwork, lut, Mimi Couttu ; 2nd, Minn E Burdick. Painting "n tiatin, lut, Mm Ed Wintoru; 2nd, Mm C H Fuller. Painting on molctikin, lut, Mm Ed Win toru ; 2nd, Minn Couttu. Painting on felt, Mm E Wintoru. Painting on vol- vot, lot, Mru C II Pullor ; 2nd, Miuu Couttu. Painting on boltini* cloth, lat, Mion Couttu ; 2nd, Mm Ed Wintorn. Piintinfj on mirror, lnt,Miiia E Burclick ; 2nd, Minn Couttu. Toilot net, lut, Miiiu Fullor ; 2nd, Mm Ed Wintorn. Punol or banner painted, lut, Mias Irouo Walton ; 2nd, Mion Couttn. Photo caao, lut, Minn Ella Bnrdick ; 2nd, Minn Pullor. Hand- korchiof cafio, lut, Und, Minn Couttu, Tea couoy, Miiiu Couttn. Tablo covor, lut, Mina VanZandt; 2nd, Minn Couttn. Etching, ilk, Miau Van Zandt. Etchinfi, cotton, 2nd, Mm Goo Hoqq. Head root, lut, Mrn Montgomory ; 2nd, Mrn E C Quick, Putty work, Mru J A Forrinij. Drawn work, lut, Minn Fuller ; 2nd, Mm Ed Wintorn. Tray cloth, lut, Mion Geo Pcarco ; 2nd, Minn Van Zawlt. Braoltot drapo. lut, Minn Couttn ; 2nd, Minn G Poaroo. Poot rent, lnt, Minn Ada Quick ; 2nd, Mrn Prod Pigeon. Knitted work, lnt, Miuu Couttn ; 2nd, Mra W 11 Hollomu. Wbipp- holdor, lnt Mra Montgomery ; 2nd, Mifin VanXandt. Sola cunbion, lut, Mi*H G Poarco ; 2nd, T\IinH Fullor. Pin* ciiiiliion, lnt, Minn VunZaudt ; 2nd, Mtun Fullor. Wool work, flat, lnt, Mru Chan Garrett; 2nd, Minn Couttn. Fancy knitting, Minu Coutta. Knitted laco, Minn Couttu, Shppom, lot, Mian Couttn ; 2nd, Ella Bnrdick. Wool work, rained, Minn Couttu. Table ticarf, lnt, Mina E Bur- dick ; 2nd, Miuu Fuller. Piano covnr, Miuu E Greaves. Fancy knitting, 2nd, Mv W H Ilollemu. Pillow ' uliamii, ntched, Mimi Fuller. Pillow uhamn, braided, lnt, Mm W II Hellemu ; 2nd Mitis Couttu. Pillow Hbama, chain Btitch, Mrn M Porriua. Pillow cliamn, otcbud oilk, lnt, Miuo 11 FerriHB ; 2nd, Mitm Couttn. Cro cheted nlmnit], lnt, IMias E Burdick ; 2nd, Mm F G (Juick. Shamn, etched, cotton, lnt, Mina Ada Quick ; 2nd. Mints Fuller. Child'H drown, Mm W II Ilollemu. Contro pieco, lnt, Mra W II Uollomu ; 2nd, Mm Ed' Wintorn. Bat of doylioa, lnt, Miri^ VanZandt; 2nd, Mion CouttH. Lamp mat, lat, Afir-n Couttn ; 2nd, Mro W II Uollemi'. Crocheted ohawi, lut, Mi'io G Ponrce ; 2nd, Mina Couttn. Ivory work, lnt, Mian M Ftirrimi ; 2nd, Mian Couttn. Pupnrliolder, lt't, RIiqb G Pearco; 2nd, Mru .7 A I'erritiH. Lamp Hlmdo,Miija G Pearco. Hofa ennhion cover, lat, Mian Couttn ; 2nd, Lizzie Coutta. fiplunhor, 1st, Minn F Quick ; 2nd, Minn M Ferrma. Silk mitte, Li/,/.it) Couttn. \VoolIen Stock' ingo, lut, Mary Eorriuti ; 2nd,Minu Couttn, Woollen Sockn, lat, Miua Coutta ; 2nd, Mro A K Mickle. Iland-mndo uhirt, Mrn Wm Her. Darned hoae, lat, Miuu Coutta ; 2nd, Mrn Fred Pigeon". Patch nionding, lnt, Mary Ferritin; 2nd, Mrn Henry Walton. Rag carpet. Mra E Brush. Hearth rug, Mian VaiiXanrit. Oil [mint ing, lat, MiHa VanZandt ; 2nd, Mru Cliaa Richardaon. Pencil drawing, 1st, Mm C II Fuller ; 2nd, Minn VanZandt. Water coiora, Miaa Van Zandt, I'aBtol, Mru (J II Fuller. Crayon drawing, lat, Mrs C II * Fullor ; 2nd, Miaa VanZandt Natural Floworu, ltit, Mra Wm. Ilor ; 2nd, Miuu S Julion. Embroi dered night drQHu, lut and 2nd, Mru Frod Pigeon. Sowing by girl under 11, Minn Grace Foater. Pencil drawing book, lat, Mibh VanZandt; 2nd, Lena Hughoon, Child'u jackot, lat, Mina S Julicn ; 2nd, Mum Couttn. Ctoan atitoh ombroulery, Minn Couttu. Mantle drapo, lat, Mm W H Ilollemo ; 2nd, Lizzie- Couttu. Hearth rug, 2nd, Miua M Ferriao. Rag mat, 2nd. Minn IVt PoniiiH. Fur-pieced mat, Mro Fred Pigeon. Buggy robo, lnt and 2nd, Mrn, Fred Pigeon. Ladieu' wool niittn. lat, Mien M Forriiiu ; 2nd, Mrn Gcorgo Bono. Night drean caao, lut, Mru Fred Pigeon ; 2nd, Minn E Birch. Stamp plate, lot and 2nd, Mm Frod. Pigeon. Panel, painted, lat, Mrn Chan Richardson; 2nd, Mm Ed Wintorn. Em broiderert doylien, lut Mian VanZandt! 2nd, Minn G Pearco. < Painting on glaan, Mm. Ed Wintoru. Mm. Mclntohh, ofCooihpr.vinitod hero hint week. Enoch Wiudnor hua a norghinn mill that iu doinj; good work. John Abkow in nullitijj; county righta (or.Ilia patent j^ato hin^o. Hurry Quitio, of Chiuugo, in viniting horo and oUier parte of tho county. " MrH. A. G. Taylor, of.Montreal, ia viaitmg hor daughter, Mm. Dr. Hughea. George H. MariioK and wife, of Gopo- mluh, Mich., viniitd frionda in'pur towu hint week. Mum Noble, of Sntton, York Co., in vinicing her itunt, Mih. P. D. Stottn, at Blytheawood. Adolph Brown'H fliio rouiclcncois well uudor way. It will bo ttnibhod in ovory purtidnhir up to date. .-------* -----"------- . J. E.. 8tona luut ctoma big burgaina in ceooud-haud carta and bu^giod. Boo them. Maiastone Ooiiticll. Town Hall, Maidatono, Ootobpt Oth. (Jonnoil mot thin dny pumuanb to ad- journmont, tho mooiburo proHout, MiiiutcM of tbo provioun muotiug woro road and, on tho BuggoHtioi) of Mr. Pottor, wore ainundod by inaortlng hit) motion, no Huuondor, "that Mohob Panlnuau bo up. pointed collector of tiixou for lBOti at a H.alary of ono hundred dollum", Tho mm- utoa ub amended wcre.ou motion of Mediirn, Plant nud Prlco, udopted and algnod. Tho Unginoor'a report for tho Initio Crook Drain wan then read and oomddorod. Moyod by Mr, Prloo,. aocondod by Mr, Diuiim, that tbo Euuinoor'H report for tho Littlo Crook Brain be adopted, and that tho Olork bo mutruotod to proparo a by law to carry tho uaid report mto of/oot. Moved hi itmondmonb, by Mr. Pottor,* no Hflooudor, that tho time for tho conuidera tiou of mud report bo onlargod ono month. Tho amunrlmimbto tho original motion waw put and lout and tho original motion do. olarod curried. On motion of Mohmh, I'lunfc and Datum, EC. Pampmino wan paid 875 for oonHtrnotiiif! ii bridgo npanning the 8th oonooaidon drain on the Baiio Lino. On motion of Moaaru Plant and Prioo, Mrn. JiiQkaon wan paid tJl.tSO 'or Hnrubbino; tho Town Ilall floor. John Olicknor notiflod tho council that ho lout a cow worth 826 by miring in tho ditch oronning tho n. w. ^ of lot 1-1 in 2nd aonooRiiiou and rofjuoutcd oounuii to pay him for unmo. On motion Mr. Choknor'n matter waa Imcr ovor till noxfc mooting of tho oounoil. Wm. Croft notified oonnoil that ho had, on tho 25th ol Roptorabor, 11 nhoop"killed by unknown dogn, and on October 8th, ono nhcop killod by unknown dogu, and preuonted valuator Jonnn' eutimato of bin loi'H in each ouno 9I!( nnd 85 ronpeotivolv. On motion of MoHnra. Plant and Prioo, Mr. Croft wan paid ^ of uaid valuation in oaoh outio, in full aatin* faotion of claim. Mr. Potior roportod to council that ho bad loatiod from .7. E, Doylo, -12 Rquuro roda of'gravel on lot 3, S. M. R., for tho nnm of yl25 and ankod ooun- oil to grant tho nocoHaary fnnda for pay ment of naid rout. Tho following jn tho dofloriptiou of tbo aravol pit loaned from J, Fj. Doylo: Boginuing at a point on tho north uido of lot 3, S, M. It,, nituato at a difltanco of 0 rotln from tho north oaut angle of tuitiX lot, tliQnco wont a diatanoo o( uovon rodn, tbonco noutli a diutanoo of nix rodn, thouoo oftnt a dhitanoo of aovtm roda, thonoo north a diHfcanoo of hix rodn, to tho pluco of beginning, Qontniniiig- '12 nqilaro rodn of land, tho ground to bo uaod for tho Middlo Road only, und to boromoved fi'om tho naid.pit within a poriod of throe yearn from and after tho Kith day of October, lSiUi, Movod by Mr. Plant, aocondod by Mr. Prioo, that tho Clork bn instructed to preparo tho nccotiHaiv leano in tho abovo matter and that tbo aum of SI 25 bo placed in tho haudn of Mr. Pottor to bo qiven by him to Mr. Poylo ou bin (Mr. Doylo'a) Hi fining tho ncoonnary papnia in connection with tho leaning of tho Haid gravel pit. - Ctirriod. Tho Eu^inour proHotited bin re port on tho petition of MoHarn. Naylor and otliern ro the obHtrnctiou by fence, of tho roaa allowance Dotweou the Urd nud -itli eonoefimonu. Haid report wan read, and on motion of Meuura. Prioo and Darnm, tho Clork waa inatructed to notify all partioa wboae Ioucoh appear by tile Haiti report to boon tbo road allowance to romovo uaid fencon off aaid road allowance within ono month from thin data. Carried. Ou motion of Moanm. Price and Potter, Mr Phut waa authorized to arrange with Mr. Stickwood ro the putting in of a certain culvert. On inotiou of Meaarn, Prico and Plant, Mr. Damm wan authorised to repair tbo breakwater at Mr.Cada'a farm. Ber nard Conway notified tho oounoil that tho hidowalk at Woodnloo wan very much oii(, of repair and dungoroun for travel and requested that ita ropair receive immedi ate attention. Moyod by Mr. Prioo, neb- ondedby.Mr. Damm, that I\Ir. lJlaut bo authorized to procure for*the repairs of the Hiiid BldowalK 1,500 font of plank. Carried. The Engineer prouonted Inn report on Che Kiug-Drain repairo and ou a drain ou tho wt-Bt hide of the Ruuaud Lino from tho King Drain to Luko St. Clair. Said ro- 'purtn wero read and, on motion of Mo-yarn. Prieo and Pottor, tlio Clerk wua instrU2te3 to notify all uhaeaned partien that tho ro porta would ugaiu be read and cuuaidorod by tho council at itn mooting to ho hold at the Town Hall, Maidstone, on Saturday, tho 7th day of Novembor next at ton o'clock a.m. The Engineer proncmtod hilt of 870 for aurvoy, plau, eatimutea, oto., of the King aiid 3rd Coueeuaion Draiuo and for nurvoy and report on roud between 3rd and Ou motion of Moaara, Prioo and Plant, paid. On motion ofMenarH, Prico and Plant, tbo Cleric wan inatruotod to notify tho Truatecii of tho Camorou Eutato to remove obatrnotiona to drama in tho neighborhood of Iota 24 and 2H in thu 8th oonconaion, cauaod by tho lumbering operatiouu which bavo boeu oarriod on on Haid lota. On motion of Moaura. Dumin and. Prico, tho num of 325 wan appropriated from tho public fundit for tbo improvement of tho ditoh on tho Bano Lino oppomto tbo 7th cDnceoaiou. J. Moran and Petor Leo- poranco addi'OHMod tho nonnoil ro damago- to thoir lands and cropn by tho ovorllow of tho water in tho River Puco, tbo forrnor oatimating bin lona at &35 and tbo lattor, bin at $15. On motion of Moanrs. JPottor and Damm, tho former, Mr. Moran, wan paid 820, and, on motion of Monura, Prion nud Plant, tho latter, Mr. Louporanoo, $10 in full aafcinfaation of all olaima for damagua from thiu cause, np to dato. On motion of Monnrn. Pottor and.Prioo, Mr. .Prioo wan authovized to purchano i aoro of. yravol from J. K. Arnald. Tho Olork introduced a by-law to provido for tho Littlo Crook Drain. On motion of Moanra. Prioo and Plant, naid by-law wan rouii aud provioion- ally adopted, aud tbo Olork inatruotod to have it published for four woolen in Tho Essex Free Proaa nowapupor, pnblisbod m tbo Town of Eauox, and that a Court of Revision bo bold for tho hearing and dis poning-of appeals against tho uwnoimniont:! for said dram bo held at tho Town Hall, Maidetono, on Saturday, the 7th day of November noxt, ut one o'olook, p, m. On motion of Messrs, Pried und Plant, tho oounoil adjourned to rqofli again on Batur- day, tho 7th day of November uoxfc. THE Event of the Year. Siroaple, 3Do*ooToiigii-b Saturday Morning We Place on Sale ! 42 Piooon of !13-Inoh-PIfiuolotto--tho regular 10c. quality for do. por yard. 3-Ynrdn Wido Plain and Twillnd Bhooting rogular prico 22o. a yard reduced to Ifio. per yard. 2.Yurdfi Wido Blonoh Twilled Bhooting tho %o. quality ro* duood to IRo. por yard. flG-Inoh rtoavy Oroy Oottou reduced to fio. por yard- 10 Piocfla of B2.Inoh Printa lo Cloar at Go. por yard. 10/1 Whito' Hproarto, worth Sl.fiO for ttl.00 11/1 Whito MarneilloH Sproadn, for. 81.25 KomiianfcM of Dronn (looda, Printa, Gingharan, HatoouH, 55op- hyrn.tvo., during thin aijlo at Half'Prioo. All Our 31a. Boat Pronoh Challioa during thin nalo for lOo. por yard. Special Sale of Table Linens and Towels. 50-Inoh PinoTablu Linen rogular prioo 05c. por yard Bale price 25o, por yard, 57-Inch Pino Tablo Linonn at !jfio 374c, -10c, -15o. and SOc, por yard worth rogular 20 por cent raoro. Throo-Quurtor Bi/.o Linon Tablo Napkinn for 31 por Dozen. Beautiful Towola -at 2 for 25c. Space Does Not Permit us to Enumerate the Great Bar gains in Ml Departments, You riust CaKI and See.' mm^^r Our WondorfuUJargruun in Now Droaa Ooodn, Our Pemiirkable Halo of Mon'n and Boyn' fcJmta. Our lUianonablo Offoringo in Clothing to Ordor. Our Groat Xinduotionn in Boatn and Sliooo. Our Special Quotatiomi ,of Sugar by tho Barrel, Our Gigantic Ralo of Ladieu' and Childron'H Now Pall and Winter Muntloa. The Millinery Department is , Now Open, & BRIGKER, "M %< 4 t T\0 YOU want a live up-to-date local paper that gives you tlie news of your own dis trict and. the county ? If so, Subscribe for The" ee Press. 20 Cents Tm theEl1dof ,896. ______________________________________________________________ _| The Free Press has an excellent staff of| correspondents in all the surrounding town-! ships and villages and special attention paid to home news. ;,| --------------------------.--------.-------------------t_-^^ii-nun iiitiin.j t >lf If you want to take one of the Cityy^ Weeklies along with the Free Press you can! take advantage of the following offers: -* Free Press and Weekly G-lobe till-January, '97 **l4 Free Press and Weekly G-loba till January, '98, (15 months) Free Press and Weekly Mail till January, '97. $1*5$ was Free Press till Jan-, '98, and Weekly Mail for 1 year Free Press -till January, i&os, and' Saturday Mail for 1 year- - Free Press and London Weekly Advertiser till Jan., 98, . Address all communications to^> BRETT & .AJJ-tDJ <^ES$EX,Q >M^!iM^^MMMi^^'^^ii^MM^ tf&vi ^^

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