Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 16, 1896, p. 10

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.v ij 'I " . '"'UK MOTHCn NATURE. 'V ' f; Si a; Vnturo, thu Rimtluitt mothnr, Impiitiont of no child, Tlin funniest or thu way wimloiifc, Hur luhiiuiiitUiii inLlil In forest will t)ni bill By trtiVtilur in liourd Boufariiliilnu rampant mjulrrol Or too impo twain bird -How fair lMtf-cuVuiiuiUoa A utummir nftiiriuxui) Hor lioiiHnholil, hor iu*niiml>]y1 And whim tint imii ijoui* down Hur volfu unions tho itltiluu InoitiiH tin* timid pruy^r Of tlm inliiuliint cildltfii, Tim morit unworthy Howes*. Wlnm nil Hid children iihsop, Hlu* turnmui loni; iiwuy Am will lailllcn to lli-lit lmr lamp, Tlinii, liiiiKUutr from thutiky. With InfhiHx ultrmtlon Ami infinite**:- < aru, Hoi* i:"ld< ii Jtiu;ur on hor Up, Wilhi iilluticii ovcrywlmro. lantly Dlokiuaon. FANNY KEMBLE. *.Thn "FiiniouK Act re tat M'iih n Trmiblusonm Woman on thu Htuijo. OhurluH Hullo onco Hiudtomo: -*I*Vu- \y Komblo whh the moul dilucult iit-r- on I over hud to tloul with. I romnm- >or ono day at ManohcHtor nho who to oud 'A Mielmimmor Nifflit'H Dronm' with Mnnch'lsHohn'H ultimo. Woll, hoiuo- 1hiiitf in tho htflitiiu;, nt this clonic, or Iio muniot or tho chair, did not quifco nit hor, hut at Unit Into hour nothing ouldbonltornd. So J-'nunyltumblo flim- ily ant down outmdo on tho HtnirH m ho paKHup;o iinrt oriod. Nothing, who elu- * lured, would induce hor to bogln until vorything wan exactly to hor tntto. I mploreel hor to f*o in, an the pliwo \vhh mwdnd and tlio jiooplo impatient. At iwt I got lur on to tho platform. I nev- iv Haw n woman m Hitch a pni.snon about uoh u t ri lie " How dt'op was thu nnprosBion sho mule upon mo an a boy. I hoard ln*r .'Nul that flamo "Midsummer Night'n Dmam," with Moudolssohu's lovely rtiHio playod by a full orchoitra, only t year or two after Mciidi'lrisohn'Hdoatli. tho famous orclicstral player, Mr. Wil- y (now forgot ton) led tho first violins. tfaimy'H voibutilxty, hir rapid changes mrnho-HatAVith tliu book upon bufoio hi r on a crinthou velvet cushion, worn phe nomenal. Hor only mu'eessor is Mri. *Jrowo, Tho nnrtr fummiH Li .ill. Neither 'irnndrnm nor Mw Dullas fflyim could touch her an a Hhaki^peaieuu roador. tier rondtrniK << Bottom and Ihh crow ill iwwiiK thoso iiH'inoncH wJnch will :akc rank with old Umlny'H ^rnvotUp;- Jjpv, Why Fanny wui nover a bvilliant huocosH on cho stiiRO I could never imagino. Of "sour.qo, I nover saw hor act. Hor dru- 'ntitiooaii ( r ahlnjit < lie and over be- Joro my time, hut all tin dubious w.ih '.a hor pi itforni Lady M..i 1 eth, nor nluill I Over lorj((.t tho thrill11 i; and path"! ie plUhOH of tho closing huiu'iui lur ,4Uo aioo and Juliet." Sho wa tliou (about IHSG) not ho it out ii4 hIio afterward iKyjumo. Hor lark face and black liau, piert nig bhu k yes and lon^ blnek vt lvei dies-, puvn lCr u htruiiK* and tiu^iu uppeuraiitM , iVhich hho entirely Hhnok otf m thu iarly lovo KcorioH, but which scived to olor profoundly thn ternldo poinon rngodyof ihoclosr. Jsuniy K( inble had ,XX imporfeeta]ii>n ci.itiouof music, bin vua for leaving out thin and curtailing hat, But Halle w.ih hrm about Mciideli- ohu, and sho hud to givo in. Coutrm- .jorary HovieW Stml\ iiifj; ^IuHif. *'I don't think I hli ill tako music los- oiih this autuiiiii," haul a young girl to ho writer not bug sign. "You soo, I mvon't a p.uHi I'* ni talent, and ho, i'hat is the u1- V" Tlmo h ]Uht thihuso Admitting that you tan ik \ er learn to day an vtcll as tlio mo^t nii])retendiiiK aote.ssional or those v.ha play by em, vhich latter ii to In donbted, a musical duration in valualdf, inasmuch an it Vlll t( aeh you what to enjoy mid how 0 onjoy it win m \r you li.ivo thu op- lorunuty to hear good music. To thosri Vho tlimk of uuu-K as only a buocc tsion )t plcasurablu souikIh it may not hoeni vorth while for those having no talent 0 ntudy tho rubs governing composi ion. hut ii you once learn that music 1 hh exact a m ii uci as luuthi matic^, hat time lb an (x(jin-,ite beauty in tin love lopmint of an ide i, tlio working iut uf a inUMi al piobliin, apart fiom ho poetry hugm Mi d by th< nn_ lod> <i ivcii the hannohj, you have, found the toy to a iiosh vnild ot never fading ohght Though you may never be able. a pi.iy ono page satisfactorily to youi rienils or to yuuiMll, >(ju \m11 ba\e airbed mush in mich u way that jou >vill not legut the tunn spent m it-> a - miHinon. Hi< <l:lyn ]Jagh'. lli'iinciln lor Knit i prlttin^ "1 mth. Now and thi n wn hi ai of noim vu Ii lorson U aving hi veial hundred Ibua* and dollais to eollegi a and ntln r 111.11- utionH. 11 noh p ople would aN sue to jotpftuate tin a- memory, a novel and listing m'ommunt to the m would bo to elect 100 or 1,(K)0 eh serving young rtfn add bi quouth to thorn &1.000 ouch vith which to sLait in hutmieh*.. Tim iltssingH that would lnllow Hucb plu- iimthiupy cannot bo cHUmatuil. Ubat- lim (Vu,) Tribune. WInTt* I*oin|it'ii Ik W'iilc. Ho So yon visited Pompeii? Sho Ob, yes! Ho How did you liko it? Sho Woll, I must hay I wan awfully tUfluppointed iu the place. Of course it WfUH bountifully located and all that, but ft wan dioadfully out of repair. Hali fax Ghromtlo. In 1730 over 12,000 Iiousch were burned in ConHtiintiiioplo' and 7,000 livoa woro loHt iu tho lire. Iu 1745 a tiro ftgnin raged m tho Turkwh capital diu- ttt& flvo daye, and n Horiefi of torriblo aOlifhigrntioiiH also occurred iu tho year W50.______________ Whon dropH of wutor utand on tho DUtuido of a piteher, the air in full of taoiafcuro and u chimpo of woathor for tke worao iu jmpoudiug. Neurasthenia. Woakoncd Norvea aud Nervous I>iaeases Aro Cutting Oil' TlioutiuulH. Paino'B Colory Compound MakeH Norvoue Pooplo Woll and Btronc;. Huulth m tho llruL and monfc impurtant thing m thin hfo of ouni. Huulth i a bloHKitig far boyonil onr oomputation ; it in vtuitly moru important than woultb or great iiueiul drntmeition, Ouo of thu inoHt droudeel ttoubhui of tho proiumti day id norvmirmunH. It tti goii"rully iLOkuov-lodf^el that nervoun dii.eimoii mo (jrowmn; ahumini;ly pruvalont iu our mid lit. Tho ciiuneii that load to NoumntbciiiiL, or wouknoim of the norven, are many. BuiiiiHfiu caio'i, fovea nib hiuito aTtLf iipIilh, nociul and hoiihohohl worrion, hcxuilI knd uleoholio oxcuHiioii all contnbnto I) tlio btcMiking down and phyinoiil rum of tiionn- andu of moil and women. In \vordn e>f truth and flobennan wo net boforo tho Hick and allbeiti 1 thi' olainiu of l'iiinn't (J"|(jy (jompnuijel an a quick roliof and eortain euro for all forniH of iii'rvoun ehfiui/ii'H. It iu a perfect ruiturer o[ norvo foico and powm to tho wui.ko.iiod aiiel dclnbtau d Hyn!im). I'rniiiiucnfc mon aud woniejn, all ovor tho cuunlrj, havo rouov,cd Llieir Uvoh anel lu-pt their plaeos in biiHineun und in uneunty liy nniag l'ainn'H Calorv C aniiound. In tdl btn'c o|tw ' where ik r\ on ni'-e itw-lt uru inunt frtque-ntlv luon, tho bent plnai- omiiH prLUPiibu Pamu'ti Color j Compound With imiUDUHL hlll.Ct'HH. Tho following lottcr from Mra. Alfred lVriy, J'ort Maitland, N. B., pioveti tliat Piiino'u Gulory Compound ban no cejuul fen tho euro of nervoiifi difcoiiHtH m whutover form tbe-y may piOHont the-maclviH, "For two yoarH my HVHtom wan nil run down, and I nuffi-rcd moro thlin I cin do- hiiubo froir iiervnun profit ration and in- Homi'ia , nt timoH I ahnoEit lout my reiiHon from hi. vea ei j am at bime of tho brain. My huhbaud udviHcel mo to try Piiino'a C< lory Compound, which I aid, ami the cffectH woie woiub rful. I tioon began to sirup w< 11, the pain left my bead, my wbolu aystom who htrengtbemud, anel I am now uijo\mg vci\ good ho'tltlj. "I houI I chei ifully ni'omiiHU'l I'aino't. Ci lory CompuuNd to uny 0110 suibji ng frimi bkotroubliH Vou havo my bunt wi1iuh for tlic fir 111 u huccoHtt of Jour ex cellent rerutib." By=Law No. TOWNSHIP OF MAIDSTONE. A By-JjiYW in providi' for iliainago work in tint Towmihip of Maldatonu, m tlio County Of Khhox, ami for borrowing on tnomodit of tlio municipality, tho (aim of Four Ifundrod unit Twoniy- I'lght DolbiiH for immo, PyovlnlfiiiHllv ndopUd tliei Oth 1 iy of.Ootobor, A.D.1MW, Wineid'Aii, .TnlinlMillUpii 11ml eitliea-u potltloiicul tho nnnilni|iid coinwil of tliei Towuiihlp of Maid- mton0 tei oloin a reiriuhi emlvort, Hltuato on lint north rmir roiul at tho uoutli t-aut atu'ln of lot niimborin In tlm t'llli ooiieiiiiiiiton of mild lowii- nlilp, or fulllnf! In thlx, to ontnitrtu t, u ilitch aloni,' tho \vnt uUUi of tlm linn of vond, Ixitwitnu tlm nth ilikI lltli noniiittiuliiiiM ffno mild uulvort to thu Littlo (3i'onk and thoiino north nauturlv vln tlinlnthir to tlm Jllvur I'iioh to oarry olf tlm wator from "Tlm Hoar Hmul Iirnln" wlilrih, at tlnWoi of frmibot, Mnwu tlirouifli thu iiild onlvort, and by ho doinit, prnvont lomt and elamumi to tlio land oropu of tint iinfil putlMoanrn. Amd Wm.lcl'AH, tlw^onpon th" mild omnmll linn pi-riourod an examination to ho mado )>v Jaimitt H TjfLli-tl, I'liu] , hiilitd a imvuoa o'lmpdt' out for fundi purpoiut, of tlm ituld prnpoiioil in ho diainoil tmd tho nuiitnit nuiMoiitod foi tlio dralnann thianof, and of oUiur IilihIh mil roiulti Unhid to aiKtouHinoat miilnr thin Act, and hmt aliin promuiMl nlu'iti, iipDoifWiatloint uixl tuitiiii- atott of tho ilraiiiarto uorlt to ho nia'to hy tint iiniil J mine U. l.dnl ami tin lumomiiiinnt to ho niiido by liltn of tho laniln aial rouihi [o ho hnu- itfUtod hy i,ai'li draiiiuuo woi It, a id of othnr landil ami loaihl liahlo foi coiitriljiiLlon thoioto, Htatini;, an imarly an ho cim, tlio nroportioi) of hnntmt, oiillot Uahilitv anil luliirliiH HuhillLy, which,in bin opinion, will hti dnriMMlnr Incurrtid In uc)iiiiO(|ui)iicn of ituoh (Iriiinano worlt, bynvory load ami lot, or portion of lot, tho ruiid iliiiioiiii- nioot no in iu In hohi(( Ilifiitiiiii'iiHinniit linroiiiaftnr : hy thin hy hew onatitod to ho iuinnnninl and lnvind ( upon thn roadiiund lotn, 01 parti of loin, hotn luaftorin that liohalr nupoohLlly not, forth and doiiurihoil, and thn roport i>f tlm iiaid Jamoit H IjilIhI in ronnnut then mfatidof thn *-iluI drain- iu;h work hniiii; 1111 followii 'l'o tho Itnovu, liopnty Hiuivn innl IMuiiloIpal Oomiollkirii nf thn Towanhlp of llaaliitono, in eouniil atifinnihlod fUNTia mi m [11 iiccrmhuici! with iimtiao tinnii fiom jnur honoiahlo boely, I liavooxaiu- tiuMl tlio culvoi t at Mm jimuLUm of thn nth con- (Mi'ittlou retail and tlm North Hear mud uud hi a to loport thnioon an followii. I llnd that naid culvert hafi bofii in o\lntui,cei for inern than !I0 > cm n ; thut tho ]uioplo tri tlio uoutli of naid oul- \oit havo Uhod it for 11 watnrway during all that tnno, and you cani.ot now rlonoitup ulthout \oui;othr U|jh tho follouliii; iiroconif 1'aitn a by-law dnopnaliift and widoiimi; tint North Hoar Itnad Dialu and iniiku 1l lurRo onoimh to carry off that winch now rjnen hy it mid iilito that wlm h koi 11 by thn cailvou ami put 11 claiiHu in your by-law that Hind ouWnit 11I111II bo clouod 1111 noon iiHfmiil nnprovimiriitii aro llniahod. riani, if your by law in not. ijuimliml h y thn courtn, you Mill bo aides to oloiin it l|{ally In tho your 1MJ, tho follownit; lotn wi'rn ahttunnod for thoNoith Knar Hand Dirtiir bot I'l.SH'.lt'flH SilH, lot 17, ^17, all in tho Uth (oncciniinn Hut thu by-law dooHUot nay that thoy aro to lmt/n a coiiiidoto < nt olf only that tlioy urn bt nollttod to that amount and it m a woll known fact that tho i mi North Hoar Komi Urairidoon cut ol! n laivi amount of wator from mild lotn Tluin haviui; iiathitlnd luvimlt that y oil could not lit w olono iu> uaid culvoi , V uont to woiit to llnd out which (iltoli. in the- IntoioHt of tho ratopayoin nod tlio townnhlp, wouhl ho tho tmnt to cloan out I utiirtod and loyullod from tlio naid otilvat uiuit tn tho Itlvor I'uoo and found thn diiitanco to ho UU rodn ami fonnd tho fall from tho nurfneoof tho id'ouud at tho miid uulvoit to tho nttifaco of tho ii round at tho naid Khor 1'uco to bo 1 foot, (>>, inclnm, nnd tlio fall in tho bottom of tho ditt'h, fiom thu naid cnlviat to thohot-tuia of tho I'ucu to boh font, i inciluii, that In by tale ill i{ a foot out of tlm iliti U ut tho iiaitl oulvnrt and niv- li*H an oven mado to tliei bottom of tho I'utai. Thn uruiln would 1m 4'1 to iivor^ U0 rndM, tliitt in a llttio ovurtt Inolinii In ovitry HO rod 11 I thnn utaUnd and htvolliul oath" nth noin;<fflHl')n wind from tlio nidi I uiilvort north'J IH lodu to thn imiiill ornok on lot 11 ami found tho full from thn uur- fitoo of tho jjrotiml to tho uu d llttht nroolc to ho K fiii-t H lanhoii, that in, koIhk to tho north would havo t foot, !24 Inohoit tlio morn full, I aluo found tho fid) In thn bottom 'if tho drain from itniii milvort north to tho wild Uttlo oroolt fl font, 7JjJ biolmn, llmt lit tho fall to tlm north in tho bottom of tho (liloh would ho f>J^ hiohnu tlm uimei. You will hoo hy tlm annoxnd )>rollhi of thn dltnb from wild culvort oitttt to 'lin Itlvor l'uno, that tho out would \m for about Kid renin, 0 foot, I iuiOuut, whntoiiK ilninut, by tlm HLh 0011- LKtntlou road and tho IJttln aronk, would ho im you 1 an miii hy thn an no tod profile about 1 f<>nt, Miinhmi. AiOiln outtiod tlio dlLcb on tho Houth Jtoar Koiid II fot, I imihon do-p would mako tho to]) a lirout dual wtilar than it in now and an you uro nhnrt of road lu thin lumrilty now J do nofc think it would ho winei to out it i.way whim you can avoid it. You mm ahio hoo hy tho an- noxnd ontlimitn that thn oontof tlio olonnlni! out tho (litoh and nialdiic it lurun ononi{h to eiarrv tho wator from thei naid milvort mint to thu 1'iuio would oonb morn Until ahuuiinu; out tho tltb a one (1 im ion road aud tlio HPlo crook tlnoimh lot IT in tlm ith pomiemidoti Thoreiforii taking ttvorythhiii into oonnidoiation I would nioetm- laonil that thei naid oulvnrt bo In ft 1111 It In and that tlm tlth Onncuuuiou Hoael Drain bnnhiunod out an far an tho mild lattln Crook and ahio that iho bittln Orunlt Im clnatind out, tbronifh mild lot 17, both to bo ilonn in ucceirdanet) with tho iLniiotod pyotllo and (ipnclJloatlonit iliiiI that thn lotu and parin of lotn arid roudti bo nHfioimnd uu iihnun In dm auiinxoil ulioot In maltlnj: naid inniniiunumt I havo takon into aciiouiit tlio amount of datuai;o to any lot, and havo aimouiioel for bui)|ltovor and ahoyo tho diiiaajm TAMKHB IjAIUI), l'LH. Hiuuix, \pril 2ud,18'U. Avjd Wnrai'AH tho uddcoiuioil in of opinion tliat tho rlrahuum of tho aroan iloucriliod in do- HlriiMo Tin rnforo. tbfi iiahl municipal council of tho Haiel Towmihip of Maidiitono, piirmiaot tei tho provbdou'i of tlio Draloajjo Act, lb'Jl, unautii an tollown. lid Tlio mid mport, phinn, iiporlfloiitiouo ari- iioiiiunoutu and imtlmatoti aro boroby udoptod aud tho diainacei work an hnroln indiesatod and not foi th Hliall ho mado and comitruutod in au- cordantm thurowith. .hid. Tho Hein'vo of nuid towu'ibip may borrow rai tlio ci odit of coiponitioa of naid I'owinihip of MiLlilntono.tho mini of vliHOO, bobirj tho amount of mo my lUicniidiiry for thn comiti urtlon of tho naid draln.and may imnio dobnuturoii of tho cor poration to that amount in HUimj of uobloi.11 thnn y50 ouch,und payable within four journ from tho dato thfunof.with intnront at thu rata of itix por uintum por annum, that in to'nay In ton oqual linitaluionlii.ifiich dnbuntiirou to bo payiddn at tho Jmporial Hank at tho Town of I"!hhc\, and to havo attanhod tn thoia e-ouponn for tho pay ment of lntoioitt .Ird. I'or pajmK thn 1)111:1 of -^ !rjI).fJ[). tlio urn mi ut cshau,'od n^alnat tlm uaid landn and loadw for hoiifdlt, and tho rami of 4 ^tln1 auirmnt ohariind ufjilnat tho naid landn aiuT roadn for outlot Ihdtility, and tho mnu of A tho aiaountch'irL'oil umdiiut tlm mud landn arid Konrtn for injuring li ibiiity, apart from tho landn and remdii uulouaint; to or tontrollod by tlio municipality, and foi covoiinif lntoioitt thornon for four yuavii at thn rata of mx por cQUtum par annum, tho total nncolal ratn, over and abovo all other ratnii, nhall hrt atiHonnod, levied and colhtotod (in tlm miino manner ami at tho name tiimi an otlmr taxon aro levied and colloctod), upon and fiom tho uudurmoutionod h'tu and partn of lotn, ami roadn, and tlm amount of the naid total npnt ial raton and int'onst nhall bo di vided into four iiriual porta, ami 0110 nucli part nball bo aimfjiifiod, levied md collocto 1 an afero- Hiihl, in oaoh your for four yearn aftni tho final i>wjiiuii_of thin by-law, durum which tho haul dohnnturon )m\u to 11m. Biliousness Is calmed by torpid liver, which vravenU dlnii- tlonuud pormlbt food to fermout and putrl/j la tho Ktomnoh. 'Xhoa follow tlUzlunii, headaolio, Hood's If not rellevnd, blllomi furor [j, 11^ nr blood noUonlntf. MooeVtf W^ 111 2^ Ulla Mtlmnlntd thu HtomiinJi, " ^^ ronso IHo llvur, mini headaolin.dUxInons, oon- itlnatlou.oto. irtc'uU. HnM by Ml clriinjrlijU. lhu outy 1M1U to talto with llood'fi HurBiLparlUiL CALL AT =? 4J May's Bazaaff VOlt Atl, K1NDB Of f Kvory oryuiK ovll iihould no promptly rnmovod. Hiok Imadaobo in a prying ovil affootin^ tbouHandu of CiuiadiariH, which flin oiutily l)(j romovi'd by the uno of llur- dook Illood BitterH, the bout, known nromaoh, hvor anel howol regulator and OLiro for mck hoiidacho from wliatovor cnuno aruiinf,'. For Oholora i\rorhtiK, Cholera Infantum, CrampH, ('olio, Diarrhma, Dynoute'ry and fiummor Complaint, Dr, Fowlor'n J'Wtraot of Wild Strawberry m a prompt, itufo and Hiiro uurei that ban boon a popular favorito for nearly /i0 ye aru. XYT~~ .__X ^ J Knvoml Hrli'bt youni,' m en W UiUTOO. todowoikmr un In thin vicinity. If tlmy havo Hlryclnn all Lhu bettor. Adtlrowi "Anvi ltTinrn," Ilriiiitfonl )ntario, Suatalidii[f Ftjotl, HniHiuH, duti'H and clioc-olato tablotn ure all tfood KuHfcuiuors foru day's tramp or 11 tluy's run 011 whools. A country phymoiuu who flndH lumsoli' obliged uttt-n to bo obliviouH t-o nioaltmios iyh that ho HndH tho compron^od chocoluto i:akon, t'uHily carried muliuHily nibbled, Ais food talvatinn ovvr and over a^ain In the courho oi tho year. Ntw York TlllKK. A Snub. Thackeray doHignate m .i hnob m a bciuK 3H a ladder who 14 qui to an reply to Lish tlu* l'eot of him who 14 abovo hnn as to kick tho head of him who is be low. \ri* Von a in-a All lie turn-" T Ii" co Mitirjn 1 i a huro in boa' ion thu t w 111 b' 11 it *l neb and ik nri-diu'./ 1 it i ii<_"l t to Ik art 1 a it 11.uin if j citi w ill tjil, 11 t r \v bi t'lis it tin f i at b'o' d put it ir lb oil m S 11 h | u ilia 'I ImllH 1 llM Ull 1 lint II 0 1'-. Sal i .p trillu h (iw t ii lljt m ' f th L in- 1 te< In n bv i i\ u>ix t lu in ru h i> 1 Id 0 I TH IMBLES. A llrb*f but <*1* nr 1) mi rlptlon of How Tin j Ait* JMainifat tuicd. Tho thimble ib a Dute h invention, and the diht ono was mado 111 lbS-i by a Mlver-Miiith nami d NicholaH Van liunn- e*hote.n. Originally it was called "thum- bull," iK'uauhuit warworn on tho thumb Iu making thimbles the mild and bil- ver nigeits aio redle d out into Hheots fil' tho de.sired thickneis and cut by a btamp into onoular piece of any re quired si/i. eirculur pitceH aio be 11L into thimble hhnpo by me-aim of a M'lid me tal bar that ih of the mimo hi/o as tho litHidi' of tho mtuided thimble. Thib bur ih moved by lnachinory up and do\vu 111 a bottomless mold of tlm out- hieb* eil the same thimble, and each time1 tho bai eleseeiids it pn hhoh Olio of the1 cuenlar puces or disks into tbimble> hhape. When tho thimhlo ih nhaped, thenoxt work lb tei biighten, poliHb and de eorato it. First, tho blank thimhlo is fitted with n rapidly rovolvnif* rejd. A blight* teiue h of a nharp chibi 1 outH a very thin Hhavmg iiom thn end of tho thimble, a HU'imel chibol tloes the huuio on tho hide, and a third neatly rounds oil' tlie run. A round htud lod, well oiled, ih held uganiht tlio HmTtU'tt of t\\a rovolv- m(! thimblit, anel it ih tlniH piven a uiro polinli. The iiiHido ih brightened and polished in a similar manner, tho thim ble, bt'iiif? held in a revolving mold. Tlu'it a dolicate, rovolviug Htool as he. el with a raise el, ornamontal odgo ih prcHM'd againut the bhnik thimhlo and prinU tho oruamont hocji ]ut out- Bielo tliei rim. Another Bteol whcol cov ered with Hhaip points nuilccfl tiny 111- dentatmuH all over tho romainnig blank Hurl'aejo of tho thimble. Thn liiHt operation in to wanh it thor oughly m KoupauclH, to brnnhi'it oaic- fully, and it in ready for my huly'n workbanket. Pliiladelphia Timofl. J)r Powlor'u l^xtruob ol Wild K^ntw- henry oui'pn Diarrbeea, ]>-.nont(iry, (" > hci Cnimpa, Cholera, Cholora Infantumi Ohol tr Moil u 1 nli tummor com. phiintu (iiidilil is : d > I n'v hi n children or adnlx 0 J JJ (U 0 a O t-1 0 ij t, J 1 Value t f Benefit. | Value of Outlet Li-[ - ability. 1 *;l a a a, t-5 E3 " S a! 1 ffl J S CJ - c +j *j 0 3 - 1- 11 u 0 H i. 3 r-i O al ax ll H a v / ~\ -*" *- I. r- e, a jj = ^*- 5-2 N SI K 1) u w ip ;o s 7 no S 7 fiO i 1 15 J 8 05 S 2 If, IJ no ejr ."it) 7 oO 7 ol) 1 15 ti 05 'J 10 li n 0 <jr r>o 7 ."it) 7 ."i(J 1 15 8 05 'J 10 1) 1 W UT :a) 7 -It) 7 ."0 1 15 H 05 li lit 7n hf inn lo no lo 00 0 :u 17 31 1 3U 7 ti hf Km lo 00 l.'i 00 '2 :u 17 31 1 32 H 11 hf 1011 1"> 00 lo 00 2 .a 17 31 t 3J H hi lOU 1.1 00 in 00 2 sit 17 31 1 3'J 'i 11 hi" 1UI) 1J ou 15 00 3 :ji 17 31 1 3J '> H hf 101) i*i 00 lo 00 2 ;u 17 31 1 32 10 n w qr 30 7 o0 7 .10 1 15 H CI 2 10 10 t U i]L oU 7 .".0 7 .10 1 i.i M 01 2 10 lin \v nr oO 7 Ot) 7 fin 1 15 8 05 a in 11 he <[r ."() 7 M 7 flu 1 15 a 05 2 10 1'2 n w ijr no 1 (JO I 00 01 t ill 1 15 llth l'.l i.-hi 1,-) 00 r 00 0 01 51 01 J 2 (18 IH H (j l\V r,i) 'j;i 00 j.1 00 a G.i au 51 0 1)3 IH n a <ir .">0 - '2.i 00 % j 00 :i 55 'JO 5,1 f> 0.1 lH h\. ([: 01) 1 J 00 , 1:1 00 2 00 31 00 3 75 IS n \>. ejr Til) (> ; () 0 r)0 1 00 7 50 1 HI 17 u 0 ip :>o 2.1 00 2.J 00 ;t T5 JO 55 0 03 17 n i |i :>o 11 ,10 11 .111 1 77 13 27 3 31 Mb 111 w oO [ r,o 1 50 00 5 10 1 29 IH H V, l[l fd) 1 o0 I .10 .0 5 10 1 20 IS 11 w i)i* ro 1 o0 4 50 no 5 10 1 29 17 h w ipr uO 'J.J 00 128 00 a 55 2l> .15 0 hi 17 u bt u w ip* y-) 1 ol) 1 50 00 5 10 1 29 17 t. bf u w t\c 2 j '.1 50 0 50 1 10 10 00 2 71 17 0 br 100 '.) .")() 9 50 ftll.l') 00 1 10 10 on a 71 T 95 0 i'2 f 114.4'^ 103 00 T Ian hi and routlH ft 00 00 S 00 00 $10.05 7(. 05 619 91 l'o! ill nn ?i2H00 !>ob\08 3 10108 8 123.52 Johnston Bros., Builders Ami Contractors, -m vr.i 111 in - British Columbia Fine Shingles, $1-00 Up. All Kinds of Building Material, SsIS/f, fWOA'S, I. A rIT'and /i.iAW / fn//l/-.A', t/~ KullNhTt-tloii (uUiiruittiMMl. Opp. Water Works, Ktwcx. lih. l*'or ia>lin; tlm binii nf T'lii 00, tlio it'iiotllit iiHHi'H iinl afjiililht tho Haul ioikIh anil I lailn of tlu rnunU'ipiilitj, ami for oo\uiin^ 111 'LicFsttlnr on for fotn ycnis at tlio rate* uf tnj>ui ciintuiii p> 1 nitnuni, a fipi cial rato on tlio eluil u, uiUhcltHit U> pioduco thn lutjtuicil yiinly amount tluirufni, iiiiull. ovor ami aliovo nil othui rati *i. ho 1o\h<1 ami colluctcil (in tho umno in m- nt 1 and uf tlm hiimo tune an ta\i 11 uru h vaul II n 1 coIIli toil}, upon ninlfioin tho whnlu latahlo r lopi'ilv, in tho uitid Tuwnuhin of MiLielKtumi, m oil h Juar foi foui i our i ufiot tho lliial pan ilia: of L'uHby-lu, dunnf; *rtluch tho mm dohiaitareiti lui\u to inn. rah That J. B LiiinM'tui ilu harohy anp^iutod connniijumuoi Vo lot tint contract ten ton cem- siruotuu! Him naid drain and woilm cuaiuctod tliufLwitli, h\ public taht, to tho lowoiit liiihlo: (noL (} ci'Lilint: illu 1 itliaiito) but i)vol> hiicli 1 ontrnt,toi, /.iili t".wi f ood and iutlnluctoiy imr- i tio i, nlii 11 hti lcipiiui I foil U\\ ith to on tor into hoods foi thn lino no) foriiiaiK 0 and ooninloUon nf tho 1 nutria,!,, aciordinu to mud pluriH and tK'i'iIlualiorh and within tho tmio unniticmod vitlim Hiiuh hoiul uulniii oLhoiwtt.d 01 if on d by Diet inunuil; uml it nhall ho tint dutj of ituch coimniHsio 101 10 (auutt naid dram and worKu . onni LLul ho mado anil (Olistract- . 1 in accural ncd with minli phiuii uml hpocllU'ii- 1 ionti, not latri Lima thn hit day uf Docoinlifr, \ 1). Ih'Ui, (unloui otliorulso uvdorod hy tlm ( nn eil), and to inaut CiatilloiitOH to thu Itejuvn iii 111 tiiuei to timo. tit om'b coutractoi, let an 10 l-Li imut of the amount duo, until tho contiaot lo iull> complotud ami dul> aocuptod, and for tho lino puifoimuuto of thoao und all othur dntioH of ooimnlfinioani, tho mild commlmtionor hall bo oiitltlod to UClVi) a coutUllilliiOI) of thioo por cunt, on tlio autual cojt of tho worlc. nth. That tho conitiifiiiilmim bo riKjulrod forthwith to ontei into bofnlo, iu tho mnu of *-te 'Oil, for tin. duo contpltition of tlio work, ae- tirdini; to planii and tipuoilluutious, and within Lht' tiiuo fipi citlitd in utudi hond. Till, Thin by-law oh ull bo iiubllbod otioo iu I'wuy weuili for foui uoittiooutivo wotiUti, in tho n.di. Futo ProHii.nowfaiiipor, pubUhuel in tlio 'J nun of Kt-nox, and Hindi como Into foreid upon uiul after tlm llnal pimiihid thoroof, and may ho citoil tho "Littlo CiooL Diahi By-law " Packed with Good Furniture o Every Description- A im Parlor Suit, Oak frame, Good Plush, $16.00. We never ware* ho well prop-ire*:!' to elo bumncHM LotH of unoils anel pricoa nj^ht. H will pay you to tfivo un a cull and tiooda and ^< t priroi. Wo am plmi-iet' quoto pritM h tti tiny who uejud fiirnUe. Wu liuvu bi't 11 elimifj a ^ood h to tidy tT licHU now for about 10 veaut imtl wo \.'i tn tender our tlutiiku to tho publit^onctf toi tlio vury liberal piitroutiuo wo have, ceivortot tliom ilurui^tho 10 yearn tlmf have bocn in buninetih in tlio now Towi KH4e*x M, Me HUGH, CU-i-It. PKTEK COUBKTT, lloo\o t hinohy e-ortify that tho foiof'oiiK* in a truo copy of aby-hnv piovliilonully ndoptod by tlm Miiiiiiiipul t'oiiuul of tlio naid Towuohlp of ^hudstoiio, ou tlio Oth day of October, a. D. lt-00. M. McIIUGH, Clinic of tho Municipality of Maidutono. NOTICE ui liorobyj'ivon that a Court of lto- vlHhin, hiddpurHiiantto tho pioviidonii of tho Drainui'o Act, 18'ii, lor tho lioarln^ and tj ial of appoalii mailo tifjainftt tlio abovo nu lonn- Uiont, 01 any paiL thoioof, will hold itn llrnt sit tfiif-'n at tho Town Hall, Miiiilntono.oti Baturday, tlio7tb day of Novonihor IMil, at tho hour of 1 d'oloolt 111 tho aftornoon, and that any powifui hitoiialin* to uppoal uf-amnt tho ithovo iiBHonn- niout, 01* unv luut thoroof, munt, not lator than ton ilayii hofoio tho tiiuo lv\od foi tho lioldiiif; of Haiil Court, norvu ou tlio Clork of thin uiunio ipality, a wiitton notioo o( (aioh appeal, or othorwiuo ho will ho too hitodo bo hoard Intluit hi) half, And fuithor notice in liorobv jdvon thot any poinon intondinfi to havo nuoh by-law, or any part thoruof, (jiiaahnd, munt, nob lator than ton dayi' aftor tho dual punnlnr; thoroof, norvo a not ice in wntirif! upon tho ltoovo, or oth or haael officor, and upon tho Olorl: of tho Municipality of Maidiitono, of bin lutoutlon to mako applica tlon for that puipouo, to tho Uijih Court ut To- lonto, durinc tho nix woolen noxt oniiuiii({ tho final piiuinnif ol thin by-law. Dato-1 at Maiilnt0110,tlio Otli day of Ootobor.lfiail' M, MonUQH, Towmihip Clork. J. L & Go. ssex. Window BHrida away down Chinawaro, Bric-a-Brac/ Fancy GoodH, jNovoltios, IJooks and Htationory, * Bchoo] supplier Toysoi'allkindHr Berlin WooIh and Fingoring Yarnn, New Stock of lato Wall Paper. THE ESSE2E Hotter j MiUs, JAMES NAYLOR Takon thin opportunity of announolun to th6 pooplo of thn Town and Count-, or IChhox. tllifc hnlmii romndolod tho Kiwoit HiUur Mlil ao- I'ordinc to pliuiiiiirnparnd liy it.N Vrlou of Ht I lomuii, uml alio nnonivd thoiiorvloon of Ituhorfc htrncliim, an oxpniioiiond and thoroughly coui- potont millor. Thiuiklnffthopoophinftho town and oomityf for tlm imtronaflo bontowod upon him In thht I>nt, will i*{uiiruiitooiiatifiiotionin tlm futuro." Gristing and Chopping a Specialty, l&i- T/w fUsl (hmht of Flour% Fud mut toittnua? A',ft it: Stock ami soM at AW// />lti\, * Cash Paid for Wheat andOats. DO you Hide ? If so, you-want to havo tho beat there ia and everybody knows that The Nobbiest Turnout III TO 111: HAD AT- JOHN A. ROSE'S Livery. -^. (rood Jfoadnfcrti, Kant} RidUiff Jiityyica. Cowfartahln ('tin iat/cs, A Cafl Solicited. Sattufatifioti Guaranteed. jk North of tlio # Railway Track. ESSEX, ONT. Several heavy teams to truck logs; also buyen-R for sovoral Tlouyos and Lots in tlio Town of Essex, and a lot of wild lands in tho surrounding country. TIicho properties aw* offer- cei at it sacrifice, Al*o a laige quantity of coarse dry Lurnbov for sale. It may bo aeon at the Colobester mills. Apply to or to T. H. DECBW, !W. M. DEOEW, J. GOITRLAY SS SOW. ESSEX, ONT WOn FINE JOB PRINTING You cannot do better than call ct uXxfc) m w t a Free Press Printing Office. Sjitflfliyin w-iiTrT- [jii'ifiri~rrr*i*i-*]ri r*T-(' j ^ TUE TKIOMPH CORN SnELLEU IDKSORIPTIOKr^ Thin Machine consiflts of a horizontal oaafc oylindor, with wrought iron" v bnra, with stool tooth bolted to tho oyl'udor so aa to bo rovovsiblo whou tha^| tooth liocomo worn qn tho front dido, "/mining in a perforated concave irop'ii^, iholl, which tho shollod corn pansoB through into a shoot iron oaso, with jr;;j$[ an or olfimor attached bolow, which taltOEi ail tho duat tvom tho grain. The.w^S jhoapofit boni, most Bimplo and dnrnblo Powor Corn hollor in use; Bbell?^ iorn porlootly cloan in any condition ^boiling and oloaning froni ono to t^0,|j honsand busliols of oars por day, according to powor. ' ,">J:' Dimensions. Pulley, 10 in. diaror/- dtor, fl in. face; Motion, BOO to G00 revolutions per minute} Woh'ht, fifiOlbp^ EVERY SHELLER WARRANTED. J GOURLAY & SOWS. *:m Jib'*. M '. > I " I ) I i'tni'/*--,J

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