**m We Have . Been on Judgment At the bar of Public Opinion and the Verdict has been unanimous, viz : " That if yon want stylish and tip to date Hats, Caps and Furnishings, Whitney's is the place to get them." JIIAIDSTONIC onoss. Itcv. Father MaGoe, who has boon bo 11), is improving. Kov. Ifathor By an, of Am- horBtburg, vinitud with him lant wook. A.lax&nder McCarthy, of Windsor, and 'X ho mas tlalford, of Matdstono GVoan, havo opouod an Implement utoro on corn or of Albert ntreob aud Glengarry avouuo, Windsor. <;oTTAirt. Itov. J. 0. Falliu iu visiting friimdH horo. Mihh Bodford, of Windsor, Is tho guest of Mind Alvin Orton. Mr. Kollington baa started & oidor mill In Mr. HUPr old atom. Mr, Kiunoo, of tho customs at Khhui, with a friend, viHitod .1. 'I1. Brown in Oofc- fcam a faw days ago. Mihh Blraahan, milliner for Diobol & Brlokor, with a frlond, viaitod at J. T. Brown's on Knnday. Our old friend Dan Wololi, now a rosi- dont of Westminister, British Columbia, wan aallmg in tho villus on Wednesday. Wu aro honrtily glad to uoo hiu kindly faao oiiqo moro. D. J. Whitney, HATTER AND FUMISHEB. A Good Thing . - . Those wKo want the best of Good Things come to us. They get Greater Values, Better Styles and more Pleasure out of our offerings than at any other place. We know this to ho true he cause we hear what our patrons say. What ,, others have discovered should interest you, $>_______________________ Our Shoes Look Well. Fit Well, Wear Well. Thin 10 tho least wo could possibly nay about them. II it wan not ' for nnr experience iu leatlior we could not noil ho ohoup. Call and bo convinced for yourself. 2XDTO&&! Sign of tho Golden Boot, WHITNEY BLOCK, ESSEX. A CHOICE W$0 OF STYLES V' ^J? ^^:'r-^M -80 Is what can be obtained at our establishment, DunstluT Blic, Our work is the best, our de- pigns are up'to-date and our prices very low. We are the only store in town handling Tweeds of Clyde Mills, best in Canada and buying at mill prices we save you from 50c to $1 on pair of pants and $2 to $4 on a suit; we have also n splendid line of fancy colored Worsteds, very reasonable in price. We inuite you to in spect ourJgoodB befoie buying fir' '( m /i) and good footwear Go together. If you would have the first you must seek to get tho second and to accomplish that take a walk into Next d< or to Ualovs Carriage Shop, Talhol-Bt., Where you can have your choice of....... Custom oi Ready-He Boots and Shoes rou a^EJZtf" -A-ttroD 330-3-=:- BEST- ^=ziy Western n altos to select from. =* I'rimo Stock used in manufacture no shoddy. t$" Itopairmg noafcly done Parliofl desiring (Jnatom-mft'o Footwear in tins fall cnn Ioivvq their oraYrf how tind. call for same when wiutol. R. SONLEY, Essex. iKKiVrmcMtvooo. Largo granite water pails for fiO otn. at Crawford's, Tilbury. II. P. Joffroy and daughter, Mliin Maud, aro oxpootoct liorao in about a wook. Miss Lena Fox in homo again after spend ing tibout two yoarii and a half in Illinois. D. Sanderson and Tloorv Hutchinson havo rotnrnod frotu Al^oma, whoro thoy woro with A.I01. naird'H narvoyin^ Pftrty, Tho lunoml of tho lata Mrn. iTohmion Cowan, iir,, toon plaoo Wodnosday of lant wook, in il pouring rain. Mrn. Cowan wan a rauoh roHpaotod oiti/.ou and way univor- ually hkod for nor kind and motherly man- nor towardo hor family and friondo, aa well tin hor noi^hbora, and will bo much miaiiod by many. Sbo bolongod. to tho Motbodmt church and waa alwayn connid- orad an oxomplary Chrintiau. !ffAII>TONXS. A. raoutinfjof tuo townohip counoil will bo hold to-day, (Friday ) Thomao Grozior, of tho Pnca, wan badly injarnd by falling on tho barn floor from tho top of a load of hay, caufiod by tho broakinc; of tho Ruy ropo, with which ho wan handling bio hay fork. On Tnofulay, J. S. Laird, commioaiouor, fiold tho jobn of ditching inaonnootion wit h tho Wiloon-Quinlan Winmor drain in thiu bowmihin. Tho drain wau dovidod into fiootioufi and thn bidding wad of into npirit- od, tho following boiuu tho ftuooontifnl bid- dora: AcrooH l'ofc 11, John ShoridanP 3100; aoroatt lob 10, Bominiqno Gautjhan fJ8.50 ; acronn tot 9, John .1. ttonind, S9G; iLorona lot 8, Pator LoHporanoo, SG8; aorofio lot 7, Timothy Ronaud, $75; Quiulan branch, JamoH Quiulan, 285.40 ; on 8th con and Maiden road, 180 loda, Patrick McPharlin, 878; ou Maldon road and Allan nidoroad, 150 rodu, Win. Malion, Ufil, fiO The four bridijoa wore oold to GlmrloBli'ttlo at 8(10.SO Jacob Mitohell in nuruing a largo m/qd felon on hiu right band TIioh, I'll/gorald huH Iiih now ronidouoe ready for tho plahtortiru. Mtibtor G. Ilauea, of Blind Rivor, Algo- ma Difitnut, ih viHitin^ hero with rolatiyoa. Farmora around horo aro bnHy Imalcmg tboir corn which will bo about an average yiold. W. Cud moro ban rotnrnod to Dotroit aftorhpondingliiH holidays with bia parents bore. Mrs. 11. C. Rooa has returned to hor homo here after anrumeriug at tho Eau and at Ridtietown. ThoH. KcttylH ih on tho nick list aud loft on Wednoadity for tho Detroit hoHpital to undergo an operation. {jSII. C. Roch' Haw mill in running thin week while tho atavo mill ih oloHoddown, until aomo logo can bu brought in. Tho South Woodsloo Methodifct choir rook part in tho outortainmeut in tho Hollo River Road Mothodmt church on Monday evening. It m rumored that J. .7. Dowhirnt, tho prehont tiUoient Doputy Roevo of Roches ter, will bo a candidate for tho Roovoahip for 181)7. A now tiidowalk haa boon laid on tho cant aide of the mam street in tho village It ia proponed to put down a now walk al so on tho Maidatono hi Jo. A gamo fowl, owned by David Mc- Naughton, inillur for John Murray & Bon, chatiod a mouho in tho mill tho other day and catching it, killed and ato it. On Sunday of hint wook, Jos. Duraphy hud tho ond ot hiB loft thumb bitten eff by a pig, which had got out of hiu yard and which hofchud.euught hold of to bring back. J. A. Smith and Anguo Taylor have boea appoiuted dohgaten frcm South Woodaloo Epwoitli League to tho Comity Conven tion to be held at Ehficx Town on tho 2lwt and^22nd of October. A mooting of tho Sooth Woodaloo branch of thoRruif.h and~-Foreig Rwlo Hooioty will ho hold in tho Methodiut Qhuroh on Woduowday <veniug next, Ootobor 11th, Rev."Dr. Dumont, agonb' of tho aocioty will bu pionont. Mr. and Mrn. Oliver Danaon doBiro to rotmn thair thaukc to those frfciida who fo kindly rendered aHaiatanno and sympathy to them during thoir reeont borcavomout, aonacimeut un tho death of MTrn, BawHon'11 mother, Mrp. Bailoy. Tho fiurmoiiH dolivorod by Rev, W. Ayora at tho morning norviocB on Hunday liiHtJarid tho previous Sunday woro hoth vory intorotiting. On Sunday of liuit wook the rovoroud ^cmtloman uhowod tho poai- tion ooeutucd bv tho nob man m thiu and tho noxt world and on Sunday hint ho com puted tho rich mun'q position with that of tlic poor man. Th|two aubjeotu woro well handled. BBLIiB BlfKH. Wm. Saavohafl bought out tho tailoring eutabllHhment of Ernont Butiva, who is going to Iowa. Albort Paront diod n,fc about olevon|Wod' nosday morning of laafc Wook, Ho woh onu of the promiBing young men of tho region* aud hiu uniimoly death oaatu a gloom ou tho whole community. Ilia paroiltB havo the Hymrittthy"oi nll~in~thoir Bad boroaYc- monfc. Mrs, J. Wilaon roturnod homo laafc wook affcor buing ubHont novoral wooIch,1) Mr. and Mru, W. 11. IlobinHon, of Ijotim- Ington, upcut a ploasant tmio with old frionda horo last week, Tli0110 HportRinou (?) that Woro nhooting qunll horo laat Tuoaday, uhould romombor thut it io unlawful; and 'dao that aovoral farmom do not allow any ahootiug what- ovor on thoir promlaou, Now that trucking hau oommoucod hero again, we iiinooroly hope, whon dono that tho roada will bo loft iu bottor condition than thoy woro In oarly nuramor than loft iu u, woll-nigh impanHablo utato. OLINUA. On TuoHday of last wook, Mru. C. R. Wiylo paHiiod away aftor novoral wooks of HiiCtoring from a iitroko of apoploxy. Do. Qouiiod wan a daughter of Win. Godwin, (ormorly of England, and for 11 number of youru a rofiidont two diiIoh wont of Olinda. Sho married O. R. Wiglo in 1817, and wan in hor 07th yoar an tho tirao of hor death, and loavosono child, fifrn.8. Malott, of tho lako front. Tho funoral took place to tho Mothodiat ohuroh, Roy. AloK. Wiglo, of Ruth von, olnoiatlng, DoooaHod wan a Mothodmt and ondoarad to all who know hor, Tho romainu woro intorrod in Ruth- von oomotory. MOUTH UX no K. Josnio MoOombs, of Morsoa, oallod on rolutivon horo latit Sunday. Mru. William Batten, of Emox oallod on ho mo of her acquaintances horo Sunday. Mihh liottio JohuHton, and iiister, Jan- otta.of Maiddtono, oallod on acquaintances. iloaoph-JT-Gawloy, it 10 roportod, loft for Woodstook lant Monday in uoarob of a Hittiation. Alouzo W. Bridfjon and wifo oallod on Andrew Quoon at Gawloy'a Mill laut Sunday. Joromy Johnston and wifo, Mieo Mary MoOombH and Ellory MoComba, all of WoodHtook, are horo visiting rolativos . Mra. Mary Baltzor passed the eighty- urt milo-stono in hor life's journoy Oot. 5th. Sho ir, wo aro glad to say, onjoying a fair dogroo of good hoalth. Mrn. John MoAhutor, of Hartford Mlcb., m horo visiting hor parontu Jamos, Cum* mif'/rdaud wiFo, and other relatives. Mrs. MoAlIistor rooontly lost hor husband and mother-in-law by death. Mru. C. M. Todd, Mra. J. C. Carter, Mitiaoo Mary aud Sarah MoCombfi and El lory and .Totmio MoCombH wont to South Qostiold. laut Bunday and wore tho guoata of JamoH Swaokhammor,'and wifo. Myrtlo,youngent daughter of John L. Wmtor, agod 10, fell whoa aho was noaroh- (ng for cows in tho buwh Tburaday of hint weok, and, beaiden a compound fracture of tho right arm at tho wrist tho right wrifit was dialooatoi. Or. Brion reduced Iho fraoturo, and sho ia gotting along nioo- ly. THE Event of the Year. aPlaia., Siniple. Do-puraaxigli-fc Txxvtia.m OONK'-KKLItNOUTXK. Adolph Noblo ban roturnod to his home hero after an absonco of over two years and hua roaumed farming. John Gaaooyno, of this township, and Mi-a Margarot RI. Hicks, of GoHfiold South, proourod 0 marrmgo hsonao from W. D, Bcamauj of Ehoqx, on Tuesday night of last week. A numbor of tho rolativea of G-eorgo MoMahou fiuipriood him at hia homo on tho Talbot road on Friday ovoning laot, tho annivorRary of hm birthday, and opont a vory pleasant evening, during which timo thoy proaontodhira with an oifiht day clock. On Sunday ovoning laoc, Angus Sinson, who hvos on tho townlino, hoard Homo one iu bia yard and ou going out found a Htraugo young lad there. Ho took him in and gave him hisauppor On boiu'i uakod hiu uamo ho said ho was a (ion of Honry Moadown, of Windsor. Tho boy dooo not appear to be mortally sound and Mr. Sin- ton took him to Ehhox on Monday where ho learned that tho boy ofcrayod from hiB horaoou Friday aud hio fathor and a polioomau wero then out looking for him, Tho httlo follow was taken to Wiudfior that nftornoon. Ho is about 12 yeara of ago. Tho Harvest Homo Soryicoa in oonnoo- tion with tho Bollo Rivor Road Mothodiat Church wore hold on Sunday aua Mouday laut. Rev. ,1. G. Fallio.Ph. B.,of Point Ed ward, preached ou Sabbath at lG'ilO a, m, aud 7 p. m. to vory largo congregations, his many friends gladly welcoming nita in their midst again. Tho tiormono woro ox- ocllont oHpouitiona of goHpol truth and ma do lanting improsaiono on tho minds and hoatta of tho hoarora. On Monday ovoniug an osoollont repast waa giyen, attor whloh tho audieuao woro troatod to the bant literary and musical ontortatu- moot ovor (jivon in tho ohuroh. Tho oluiroh oboir of^South Woodsloo, rondorod Homo tiuo nolcctionu; two noloa given by Miflfl AyotB aDd ouo by Lowm Wllliama.aO' oompaniod by Mian Gertrude Shawholicitod groat applauflo. AddreHHea by Rovs. r.lusi.rs. Jllor, Thibcdoau, l\todd, Ph. D Ayow, aud Falhs, Ph. B., woro fully equal to tho occasion. Roy* W. H, Shaw pro- Didod. Tho ladlon of tho ohuroh did thoir part well iu tho decoration at tho ohuroh in their Usual taBbaful manner. Proceeds, U5. Saturday Morning We Place 011 Sale ! 42 Piocoii 0! 33-Inoh Flaunolotto for fio, per yard. 2-Yards Wido Plain and Twillod Shooting rogular price 32o. a yard reduced to ICo. por yard. 2-Yards Wido Bloaoh Twilled Sheeting tho 2fie. quality re- duood to 18o. por yard. B(Hiioh Hoavy Grey Cotton rodnood to fio. por yard. 10 PioeoH of !i2-Inoh Printii to Clear at Oo. por yard. 10/i Whito Hpi-oads, worth fil.fiO for tfl.00 ll/'l White MaraoilloH Sproads, for 81.23 Remnants of Drorui Goodq, Prints, GinghamH, Batoous, Zop- hyrii, d'c, during thin salo at Half Prieo. All Our 880. Best Fronoh Challios during this walo for 10a. por yard. Special Sale of Table Linens and Towels, C0-Inoh FinoTable Linon rogular prico IlSo. por yard Salo pnoo 26a. por yard. 57-Inch F1110 Tablo Linona at USo., 74o., -10a., 4fio. and fiOa. por yard worth rogular 20 per cont moro. Throo-Quartar Sizo Linon Tablo Napkins for 81 por Bozon. Boautiful Towols at 2 for 2fio, * r "? Space Does Not Permit us to Enumerate the G-reat Bar gains in All Departments, You riust Call and Seer^mm*^r Our Wonderful Bargains in Now Drews GoodH. Our Romarkablo Halo,of Mon's and Boys' Buitn. Our Koaaonablo Offoringf) in Clothing to Ordor. Our Groat Roductions in Boots and Hlioon, Our Special Quotatlona of Sugar by tho Barrel. Our Gigautlo Sala of Ladioa* aud Childron' Now Fall and Winter Mantles. ' The Millinery Department is Now Open. DIEBEL & BRICKER, .0 1 I! * Cheap Reading! | T\0 YOU want a live up-to-date local paper that gives yon the news of your owe dis trict and the county ? If so, subscribe for The"-"^^ Essex Press. gg'-L.'!-' L' ONLY $1 till the End of 1897, ^o Cents ^'" t'ie ^ncl * l&o6. :i The Free Press has an excellent staff of $ correspondents in all the surrounding tow; _ ships and villages and special attention is paid to home news. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ^..-^ ' If you want to take one of the City i Weeklies along with the Free Press you can f take advantage of the following offers: Free Press and Weekly Globe - till January, '97............ Eree Press and;Weekly Grlobe - till January, '98, (15 months) Free Press and Weekly Mail till January, "97......... .... Free Press till Jan-, '98. and Weekly Mail for 1 year Free Press *till Januarv, 1898, and Saturday Mail for 1 year Free &ess and London "\fr eekly Advertiser till Jan., 98,..... Address all communications to 35C $1.56 - 35C$ / Mi * BRETT & AULD, <s^ESSEX, q