Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 9, 1896, p. 7

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v/ $:Hm It Is a Pleasure ; For Mr. Davidgon to Speak* An Efttoowod Citistou oi Anoiont Capital. iho What Ho thinkrt of Pumo's Colory ;;; Compound .; ; 1Cho following lutter from Mr. Wm. ',j Davidson, ofNo.U Olivor Stroob., Quotum, |K', P. Q., is bo yory pluln und luoid that it ro- qtjiroH no explanatory ratnurkH* Hid object JB to draw iho uttoutioii oi tlio Hick and If).;.; afflicted to that fountain mid aouroa of ]ifo Jrom which ho reooivod HupplioH of nuv health. He atiy : 4*tt is with sinooro plunnnrd and gvutitmlo 1 refer to your Paino'H Colory Compound, and tho wondrouH hlouHiu^H that I -roooivod from ita tine. 'To toll'tho truth, bciforo tiding it I had lltfclo couudunoo m It, hut uonaludod if it did mo no f-jood it oould not mako mo any , worao than I wrh, **I had Hufforod for yourn from indi(ion- tion, liver complaint and kidnoy dhieauo, and begun with Piiiuo'u Oolory Compound in ordorto givoitn thoroudi touting. A.ftor a fair una of tho.Conipouud I am an well uu oyer I waH, and all my troublou havo dln- appourofl, and I am bnjoyinu flood health. it is far HUp&rior to all otborn. ah it truly giyes life,,und puts Iho ontiro Hyutom in a healthy condition, Ao a puritlor of tho Blood I Ilud it huii no oqnal, and I iionvtily rqoommoud it una to all iiufforora." Can atrougor proof than tho nbovo bo ro. quired to oouvinoo any niok and ditiouaod man or woman that Paino'n Colory Com pound in tho bout mcdioino in tbo world? Suraly, doar ruador, yon will admit that it is worthy of a trial. You nro sucking for now health, and thoroforg uood the yory boat. tio euro you auk for and uuo only "Palnc'H," tho only goniiino oolory preparation in tho world. ^ III ,..l. !- tfJOMPVK&IO KOVVII COUNCIL. QUEER WEDDINGS. 0CCASI0N8 WHEN ODDITY WAS IMPRESSIVE FEATURE. AN ft Saturday, Boptombor 26th. Council raot in rogular Honnion, Ruoyo Fox in tho ohair aud all tho memboru prosont.- Tho mmutoa of formor mooting read, and, on motion, adopted. Tho clork waa lntttruotnd to writo government in ro. gard to wator front at Union. Tho follow* in accounts" wore road and ordoru granted : Mrs. A. U. MoQnoon, HorvieoH rondorod Tom Ooopor, and damugo to boddiug, 81fi ; Dr. DouglttQ, salary an modioul hoalth ofiioor, If 10, innpocting diphthoria caflO(i,85 ; Hiohard Gregory, oofiln for Tom Coopor, 810; Albort Goldon, railing for bridge, $28.7fi; Stafford Malott, towniibip'a nharo gravelling and repairing towulino road, $11.25; Christian John hod, culvert on 3rd oonooaoion, ?5 ; Wra. Urigbum, gravelling 1 - 4^st uidornad, 825 ; David Conltlin, plunk, , 5J38.U5 ; Frod. Gmiugor.iunpootini; aoxiouo woods, 812.50 ; Lowiu Malott, fixing bridge on lako road, 82; Frod Crawford, covering bridgo, work 2, HpikoH CO oonttt ; Goorgo Peterson, part pay for gravelling, 525. Mr. Looming was appointed to loolt aftor the oarth work at ooncroto bridao. On motion of MoaHru. Shanlifi aud Orton, tho reovo wan appointed to aot with the reeve of Motnra, ro oiipt townliuo botwoou 3rd and 4th oonooHiuono. Tho roovo waa in- etruotod to muko ropair on culvtirt, front road below Job, Floming'H plan. . Tho . aroli of bridgo near Buna's waH roportod to bo falling in, and tho doputy roevo waa in- sfcruotcd to provont it. A comrnnnication waH road from Joaoph DoGuruo, C. E,, ro otllyort on railroadnoar BowHlangh'o mill. Counail adjournod till Saturday, Oct. ;)1hi. .A bran bag in cleaning ti tho skin, and yery rofronhing. It in in ado by filling a muflhn b&tt with two quartu of bran, on a ounoo of orria root, ono ounco almond moal, and ona nmall oako of caatilo soap cut into .ems 11 pioaoFi, WHAT A JjOT OF THI3M. ' Britfox l*rdiicp Uu Nharo, HiitTliiy Aro <irow1ntr liOHH Dny ly Jttay. What a woudorfnl lot of pooplo there arif that mif/or from bacltaoho, from tho millionaire Bitting in bin office clipping couponn, down to the humblo citizen who BWiugu a pick for a dollar a day, nobody io .froo from it. It all ooraou from tho natno UBO. The kidnojii aro to hlamo. Doan'a Kidnoy Pillo aro tlio.ono simple ^fremody that can bo riOiod upon in all |il forma of kidnoy troublow. Some of yonr # neighbor*,havo tried them, and no ono'lmo ' fcrocs* P,Jl"tfl' '>" luld mammnto upon u union which in not m iiocoruanco $.. found them wanting. Horo ia what ono Entiex of [$ :(- iioro in wmn ono j^miex nauu oayn tbem. Mr. J. H. Crow Htaton: "Doan'H mtllR ttfl'.Ki^y X*I11 havo ourod mo of pain in tftbaok ond othor kidnoy and, urinary difli- R/^'poltioH with which I had been nilliotod for 'fefiyp'joarii. %\C. *'I am jjlud to bo ablo .to Btato thih at ivi^Toy own experience and oau rocommond '?i;'thoir ubo to anyono nuiToring with pain in i; tbo baok or other kidnoy troubles." ^;', 'Mr.' W. Footbam, well known in Chat l^ljHim. aH the obliging manager of tho '^grocery dopartmout with Monnro, For- Bytbo, Andorson & Co., highly ootoomod in PJ^teUtdoUH. olrbloB in fit. Thomas, Out., {jfefltatee:. ^K"v '*I bavo boon afflicted with nerioua kid- 'Miiey"and back troublo for aomo timo, and $$&&* laid up for a long while with my com- &;plftint. I proourod a box of Doan'a Kid- ^peyPillB^0 Mr. Bhorrin, druggist, and fj'tbey have romoyed dvory symptom from &whibh I Buffered. "As a modioino for kidnoy troubles and l^pain in tho back Doan'a Kidney Pilla can- ot bo oxuclled. I heartily roooramund iiham in fivo^y roBpoot." with traditional ideaa, it in boliovod thut ill luck which in snro to follow may bo averted by u niiirriugo of thin kind, tho ovil fiouscquuiioou being borno' by fcho object choKon. In various rcgiouB a girl nniKli not marry boforo her oldoHt HiHtci'j but tin? difiuuiJty in ovcrcouio by tlio oldcHtdaughtur marrying tho brauoii of a Urn Tlicm tho wcddiiig of tbo younger daughter may Hufoly bo cele brated.' Buffalo KxpreSH. Omitniill<!tl<M)n. 'Tho more tho merrier." Not eo. Ono hand in u parse "Noth ing hurtrt the Htouiach moro than wuri'oit- ing." Yes, luck of moat. "Nothing but what has an ond.' *t Not ^o. .A ring hafl noiio, for it iH round. "Money in a groat comfort." Not whou it briugfl a thiof to tho gallowH. "Tho world )H a long journey." Not ao. Tho mm gon ovor it every day. "It in n groat way to tho bottom, of tho oa. " Not bo. It is but a Btono'fl ciifit, *'A friond ifl bosfc found in ndvorfltty." Not so, for then thcro iH none to bo found. "Tho prido of tho ricli .makes tho labor of tho poor." Not to, Tbo labor of tho poor inAkoH tho |rido of tho rich. Now York Lodge*. Prnli WUo_IJnyo Bn-.JoJuiod In W*id- lonk Many CnnvH of AlurrlaRu by I'roxy. WihUIoiI by VJtouogrnitb. HjnubtiUoad Alarrl^oM of Jtidla. Tho ocnveuiionnl idon of u wedding dooH not iigrco with tho tafitoo of tton/io people, and, ocoafiionnlly very ooocjitrio and somotlmoH roinuntio marriage core- monioM aro Holomni/cd. Men and wom en entirely oppoHito hi dittpOHttion and (liiaraotor freqtiontly unito lu tho holy bondH of matrimony nomctimnn much, to their mtitual regrot. Thin poouliar faot, It would Hocm, uIho upplion to oddi- fcioH of human nature". In many of tho trnvnlihg how tho frnukw wJio help to draw monoy from tho public intenmir- ry, and it in not an unumial thing to find ihofafcniftji weddod to tho nkoloton woman and tho tattooed man to tho hoarded lady. Miu Hniinah Battornby, who ono timo toured thq country im a fat wom an, was married to n Pominy]vnuia man, and it id utatnd uh a ourionn faot that no Hooucr woro thoy married than uho bo gnu to Ioho flofih and he to gain it, Hih weight incroaHod ho rnpidly that bo soon took to exhibiting hiiuHolf aH a fat man. An exception to thin rule of contraHt, howovor, wuh Oolonol Glovor, tho giant wliontnod (1 foot 7 inoheH. Ho- was wedded to Martha Poabody, tho American giantess". Sovoral years ago, when they appeared in publio togotiiev, tliey used to roceivo as muoh ns iJ7fiO a week. Tho Italinn consular agent at Cincin nati performed tho most poouliar mar riage ceremony on record. Tho groom was n well to do resident of tho Ohio city, and his bride lived in Italy. Tiio contrnoting parties woro thousands* of railoH apart'when tho wedding was per formed, tho marriago being by proxy. Tho consul filled in a blank cortificato, which ho forwarded to authorities in Italy, who in the preRonco of tho parish priost exliibitcd it before tho brido, who affixed her signature, nacopting it as her action. Tho marriago was porfoctly binding. A.vory similar ceremony was per formed Romo timo ago. The nfi'air toolc placo by proxy, and Miss Maplo wan' marriod by a clorgymun in Now York to a man who at tho timo of tho mar riago lay dying in a Texas town. Tho bridegroom was represonted in tho cere mony by tho bride's couHin, who made tho necessary responses and signatures as his proxy. Tho two lovers had boon engaged for u .long timo, and Miss Maplo wished to bear tho namo of her botrothod even though she could do so only as a widow. The all important ring is sometimes forgotten, and in moro than ono oaso tho dnor key of tho church has had to (lo duty, but it is not often that portions of tho marriago servico aro omitted. In a uouthem town, howovor, a little whilo ago, ai'tor tho party had loft the church, it was discovered that tho clergyman had forgotten tho words, "with this ring I theo wed," oto., thus relieving tho bridegroom of tho most serious part of his obligations, and tho fair brido was minus a wedding ring. Instead of sitting down to tho breakfast tho party, hurried back to tho church and woro thus practically married twice in one day. Cupid ran mnnek some years ago among tho old folk of a Georgia town. An old-soldier, 78 years of ago, led to tho altar an aged damsel who had seen 7a summers. Thcro woro throe brides maids, whoso ages respectively woro GO, OB and 70. They woro all spinsters. The best man, who was 76, brought tho combined agos up to 42b* yoars. An unusual kind of marriago was celebrated in Now York recently. This was between a couple both deaf and dumb. They held prayer books whilo a friend pointed out the differont passages in tho servico aH thoy woro spoken by tho clergyman, and they xnado tho cus tomary rospousos iu tho deaf and dumb alphabet. An ingenious couplo onco conceived tho idea of being marriod by phono graph. In tho place whero tho bride groom resided ho and tho minister went ! over tho marriage service, and ho recited ! tho proper responses into tho instrument. I The phonograph was sent to the ludy, ' she willingly supplying tho requisite, i'"Iwill," and "I do" iu the presence of j her pastor, who then pronounced tho . pair united iu matrimony. No oxplanu- ; tion is given of how thoy got over tho j dilneulty of the ring. * | A well known anthropologist, in de- , scribing various marriago customs, ro- I fers to a strange sort of symbolical mar- j riago which is supposed to havo origi- j nated in India. It is a marriage with ! WHY MAN 18 WEARY- Thla la Typloal Tal of DommiUo Wo nd Sorrow* A good many hundreds ana" oren thousands of long Buffering husbands can -beux woirowful toatimony to tho foot that thifl is tho flort of catechism tho wives of their bosoms nubjoofc them to oyory timo thoy put on thoir hats to go out in.tho ovoning: "Whom nro you going?" "Oh, I'm fcfdng oat for a fow" min utes.' r "Whoro?" "Oh, nowhoro in particular." "What for?" "Ob, nothing." "Why do you go, then?" "Woll, I want to go; thufc'fl why?" "Do you have to go?" "X don't know that I do." "Why do you go, thou?" "Becauso," "Beouuso what?" "Woll, simply booaum" "Going to bo gono long?" "No." "How long?" "I don't know." "Anybody going with you?" "No," "Well, it's strango that you onn't bo . oontent to stay at homo a few minutes. Don't bo gono long, will you?" "No." "6oo that you don't." This is one reason why so iamny mar riages are a dead, flat talo and failure Buffalo Times. Fads m M-edieine. There irofadd in mudioino as in ovory thing elso and a "new thing" frequently, nolln for a, Hhort'ttmo mmply boon uho it it- new. But ib rnoMioiiiM, rh in nothing <>.< , the penplo dumand uud will tto fmtl*diwf only with ponltivt( ubbnlutu mi-rlt Tho fact that Hood's Harauparilhi Iiub ntood ItH ground agaluut all oompotitlou, and itii huIoii havo novor wavorod but havo ro- malnud^ut.uadily ut tho top, domonutmtoH, beyond.any doubt the intriinuuj virtuow of thla modioFno.^ Tho ikiw things 'have oomu and onii but IIootl'H Harf<aparil|a ruatn tip- on thoBolid'foundution of abuoluto merit and IIh power to euro, and Hh waloH con tinue to be tlio largent m the world. .'.';>) Citlumltoujf, a' Dutchman, in Ono day ft Dutchman, in his shirt slooves, was shaving himself before tho glass. His hand trembled so that ho cut oft! tho tip of his nouo, Tho pain caused him to drop his razor, which foil on his foot and cut off a portion of his big too. He promptly piokod up tho two fragments, applied thorn, still warm, to tho open sores and bound thorn up. A fortnight lator, on romoving tho band ages, ho discovered to his horror thut ho had made a mistake Ho had put tho too in tho placo of his noso and vico vorsa. Now when ho wants to scratch his uoso ho is obliged to tako off his boot. Schwabisoho Tagwaoht Tho "ora of tho French ropublio," or tho "French revolutionary ora," began Sept. 22, 1702, and ended Doc. 81, 1805. Any person may tako out a .patent for m invention or discovory. Rndishos fresh from tho ground famish a woloomo luxury to tbo ama- tour's tablo, says Median's Monthly. Frost will not hurt thorn, but thoy dc not "grow when tho tomporaturois bo- low tho freezing point. But if only 10 or 12 degrees abovo tho frcozing point can bo maintained under a glass frame eood sown iu September willgivo draw ings soon after Christmas and which will continue till spring. ----------------*-**b-*----------------- Piii'N rtuvcl In a to (5 Nitrlits. Dr. Aynuw'fl Ointment will euro all ohmch of It.diiuu PiloH m from il to G nights. Onti !i[>( liuiLtirm bi'iu^H comfort, For Ulmd ithd Dlui-diriu PiKh it ia peerleiis Al ft ciim-h Tetter, HuU Hlamiu. Kczonm, lirLrbfr'H I'oh, ami all orupiions of the akin, ilo ot-; Sol. I by .. Tliorno. W ^ *JV A jED ami Woinon On vaHHi-rii /or Camilla < rid Amandin. "Quoun Viutiiria, Mur i.ifu mill Ji>-i|{ii." Introducticj.i liy Lord DtiJfnrin. A ttiiilliiii; now book. Bak'ii imtrvoiloiiH, The Quoi-n tin (jirl, wifo, mothoi, iiiomtrcli. Itoitdii lino rnojuiico. (Iru.udly ilhii tuiL !. Win ooniiiiiHuioii. Jio uti on timo. Pro:- ni>c:tiiH frH to ciiovii-iioni. lOsclunivu torrltory. LotH of .iimrny in it TlIU HllADLl-'.Y-GAUltl-THON Co .LTD., l!l Ki(!l)>iiit il -t. W.'ic Toronto. Orit Olmrin of Unoot Book*. It is nlmir, thon, that Uioho aro but rude spirits who havo no ruvoronco for all that pertains to a book. What oould be coarser'and moro barbarous than the demand that tho quivering edgos of u volumo, "with all tho straggling llborn that flutter on thovorgoof life," should bo cut and haokod to dead ovoimoss und stiltod smoothness? Buoh butoiiors would trim tho oak loaf, torture tho lily and prtmo tho luxuriance of tho horeo chest nut. I Tho ploa of utility is tho most barren I of all. Is thoro any good thing iu na ture that does not domnnd labor hi tho search? Aro wo to grumble at tho sting j of the boo or blind ourfiolvos to itH glossy beauty, in our has to to steal its honoy? It is but half of reading to mere ly read. Thoro is, ho to speak, a court ship as we'll as a marriago with our author's text, a timo for dalliauco, for indulgonoo, for omofcion, for coy ap proach and wistful glance And this to tho true reador ia more than all tho baro commercial zost in grasping its hoarfc and putting its soul to usury, as if au thors but worked for us as slaves iu tho minos to mako us rich. No momonts aro ho delicious as thoso in which tho reader iirsfc approaohes his author, whon tho volume lios but half rovcalcd. Tho text is coy and saucy as a nymph, now peering boldly at us from tho open loaf, now lurking half conceal ed botween tho pages, now buried be yond our sight. Thoro noods a swift pursuit. With kniio in hand wo gently lay her place of hiding baro, trnok hor to dusky grotto, follow hor through dis mal caves, and in the ond sho stands caught, rovoaled, her ambush oloan cut off, and wo atonl to hor ombraco vic torious. That, aftor all, is a very real plooAuro. It is swoot to discover, mo ment by moment, tho author's purpose, not hasty to seizo it, but dipping hero and thoro as ono outs tho pagos, lighting on a piquant saying that whots'onr np- potito, chancing.on a pretty pliraso or a uoblo sentence. Loudon Star. British Medical Institute o Washington Ave., DETROIT, MICH. Treats All Diseases of Men and Women. If you arc tired of being humbugged und maltreated by miackn and Jjp-. pastors,'consult its. We have made the treatment of all chronic diseases th" study of our life. If you are in need of honest treatment wc will give It yott. Our staff consists of seven eminent specialists, and their combined wisdom i; brought to bear in all complicated, uiflicult or doubtful cases. CoiiHiiUaUor- free either at Institute or by mail. If you cannot call, send stump fov question blank. Our chargca for treatment vary from $5 to $30 per mouth cither by xutH or at Institute. Only curable cases are accepted, aud a cure is guaranteed Ji* every case undertaken. , ' P. 8. Sorul 10 contH for our HttIo IllustraUd booklet on Steam NnbuHmtlon, nhowtng thettljy tailouul untl HiiccoHutnl treatment of Catarrh, Catarrlittl-dvKfnoHu, ttronchitiu, Anthmfi and OonnamnuoCt Tho Orcat Mo on tain Cllmbor. In a skotch of Sir William Martin Conway, the groat mountain climber and oxploror of tho Himalayas, Tho English Illustrated Magazino says that ho has tho "climber's walk" that is, a gontlo roll of tho body, with no un equal steps, but swinging his legs with rhythmic, precision. Ho is a slim mair, but tough, full of energy, aud with iron muscles. Whon climbing tho Himalayas, ho spent 84 days on snow and glacier. During that timo ho travorsod from oud to ond tho threo longest known glaciers in tho world outside tho polar regions and landed on tho summit of Pioneer peak, ail,000 foot high, tho greatest height yet reached by man. Ho has al ready mado plans for anothor expedition When ho gets back from Spitsbergen and hopes to got through two or oven threo moro beforo contesting a seat in parlia ment, as ho intends to do at tho noxt gouoral election. WM. T. SIMPSON, Miimifiictnror of tor'ii I'utmit Uftion I-'oii- Artificial Limbs U3A 111 Hilton ut Do- irnifc, Midi Joocriptlvo "iitaloRuoii aud bliinkn for lui.kluf,' iipiilioiitloiin for (!OV(irr)inont union) for lint tin and triinnportiitlo!) or commutation tliorcifor mint trou on application tfa- FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS USMN'S THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND Largest salk in Canada. Are You Building* ? Wo can supply you with all kinds of Wooden Material, plain und ornamental. .Pino, Hemlock and native Lumber always on hand. Shing-OB, Cedar Pcsls DoQlf& Sash and ('onI. Important U Farmers. We have wnt got in a first-ciaas line oi barn lumber ut 812 per M. ft. Wr Make Screen Doors and Windows That will last a life-time. Laing Bros. J 9/S. THIS DISTRICT FOR 350,000 .CXJffEp IM SO YEARS. VGFGURE3 GUARANTEED Of? WO PAY Jlfcffll. HHiOH c^S^ * itf\.'.i ANr-riYOCiWUKOK. SELP-ABUSE, EHISSiONS, VASiICO CELE, CONCEALED DRAINS, STRICT- 3 V\m GLEET, SYPHILIS, STUNTED 7 PARTS, LOST MANHOOD, IMPOTEN-^ CY, NERVOUS DEKILITY, UNNAT-}.! URAL DISCHARGES, ETC. K -------------------'------------------------------............ It The New Method Treatment is the:; Greatest Discovery of the Age | FOR CURING THESE DJSEASES Tliouiionila of young and mlddlo nfjod mon aro fnmurilly mvpt to a nremctui-ii irravu thn.iiKh \i\\i\y INDISCRRTIONS. EXCRSSBA'. AND BL(M)I) DI3I3ASIi.s. If you liavo any of Mm lnllowlnu HymptnniB oojinult uh bciWn 1L1^ too la'to. Am vmi ric!1 voiinaiul'lvnuk, doajiondnntond Klomny, hjiocUs bofom tlio oyoo Willi riitrlc oin-lrfi umi"! ! tlinm, wo/ilt ljoclc, 1:1-1 iioys Irrltuhlo, imlpitittion of tho heart, lumlirul, divainnan'l jokhoh. Hutlimoutln urliio, ittrnpltt/i on Uio (hco, oyt.-a hiiiiIh-ii, hdllo^^lieokM. imi-.-u- ) osprf;H!(loii, pour memory, llfoloita, dlHtniHtful. lack onr-r^y ijml rtiriiiiKth, tired ih..mi. Inj;^. nistlt'HS nf;;litti, uhun^nnbln inooilu, weali jjiauliuoU, tllmiii:il or^'an;j uiul lil":i..i turo douay, honu jmlna, hair Ioolo, auro throat oto. oEMINAL YOU HAVE & OUR NBW MHTHOOTIIRATMENT olono oan g| euro you, mid nmkn a man of you. Unilrrlin Iniiu- onco tlio Ijt-uin l>eimnioi) ju:I1v-\ tlio blood piirlllod on that all iilmplori, Plotr:iie ana ulonrd dlHappoar; '4 tbo norvofi Imuoino otrmif; nn hIop], ho that tii-rvumt- f] noun, luuiltfuIit-iH'i uiul (le.'t|jf)iKlon<'y Olfui|hp',-u*; tbooyen boi'onio bright, tlio fan* full nw\ r.\,-,ir, onorgy rotnrnti to tlio body, ami ihonionii. phynii-al and HOiiial nyfltnnw am hivlgnnittid; all tlniln:* couoo no morn vital wu:ito from tho nymi>ni. Tho vftriou.i organn Wifoino natural and mtn'ity. Vuu fool youniolf a man and know inarriago .raiiiint t>i> li frilluro. Wo lnvUd all tin' uMlotod to riuirtiill, ux conlldnntlnlly find fmo ori-liarf-o. Jmn't. lot i(iiael;n and faltlrn rnti ymi of your hard oarnud tl.dlaru. We will cure you vr no pay. HAS YOUJt KLOOI) BEEN PISEASEI).' WEAKNESS I <' 'V;,;. V: ^ Binders, Mowers, Cultivators and Drills Bea Plows ir\. ll\e Market. .t^irst^Class Farm Waflohi Vrnmn :;?h^u!d See My Stock Before Purchasing,' \V 'Uirrrx'^ '. \ t C SYPHILIS In tho moat provalnnt and mnHttmrlnun BLOOD dlaea.'in. ir. napa lliu vdry llfo blood nf tlio vlotlm and unlonn oniLrnlyomdlcatnd from'tlio Mys- torn will ncruet tho oir.-tprlng, iJuwaro of Morcitry. HKm:nrcAnv v.\.---m inti\:\'.iv.. ;; Itonlvuuppromum tho Bymptomii-our NBW MUTUOD pmdtlvnly cm It fnrnvcr. <i' VOUNO OR MlDDLU-AOriD MAN of youth. Bolf-ahuao or lator'xouanaliavo brolcon <lowu your Hy^U'in. Von fuel tin' iiymntomN ntoatlng ovor you. Montnlly. physically and itoxuaily yim aro nut tin* r:m:. <' you miod to boor uliould bo. Lutitful pruotlcnti roup rich Imrvnatti. "Will you heud lb/ dnngor uljcmiiu. j. PfinCP I Aro yon a vlotlm? TTavo you jrnit hopo? Aro youoontomtilatlng marring; 'c IlLHUtll 1 Huh your blood boon illHeaiiml? Jlavu you any wmikiiiiuuf Uur Now .Muthod '< tTrontmont will ouro you. What it hau dono for olhorti It will do fur yon. Cnnsultutlou 1/ Pree. Nomattnr who han trmitod youf wrlto for nn opinion Frro of ('luii^c.)' Ohal*|fOfl roaitonnhlo. Ilouka Preo .. t,( ,1 Mon. Inoloijo nnntfifl-o, 3 flimtfl. Boalod. Hook on"DhioniioH of Wonmn" l-'roo. J*^N0 NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No mctllcliio son! 0.0 D. ?^ NonamoB nn uoiosor cnvolopoa. Evorvth.nti confldontlal. Quostlon list anil coct ol Vr,.-it.t uenti FREE. L- --------AhHO DlQAhllll IN--------- Cin^ininhing rind liepairing attended to \s Mil 11'. iM 4 .' > KA ):M \\X- & Nortli of Railway Track, ^ S" - - Essex* ' *m (Wut ^*. ts+<- :foe .fimb job pkintiho You cannot do-better tlian call ' "A ViSa DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN, No. 148 SHELBY bT.g DETROI1, MICH, j " ,' ; !^| ' &Z&>$M$ ,.,..... ..... ..., . ,.. . ...... ,............, .... ,. ,.......<,--\<i^t'::"^ri:;-'<Jt^.....W!ytt,,>ii.:;4^^^ i:i:, .-.. ^,1:^^^^

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