wS#^'?<c'v'r:^ '! iiJSWHlL '.'.' ,'V.^iasmS i; t )T..-, ' tfJ : m/ Uv tir ' h-v m-- m W'- HW KM DO THE WORK AT H. Diamond DyB Guarantee Success and Satisfaction. Many puoplo go to tliu ciiy or town dyo hoaB6 whou thoy have uomlH to bo ilyurtt Thie moans a Iohh of timo and muoli uu- tnocmaary oxpouno. Nhioty-niuu out of every ouo hundred womoti oaii do thoir own dyeing at homo with Diamond Dyunt at mi oiperuBO of ion or twunty oontn for what ttoV-profoBKloual iyw will ohargo thutu 91.50'in 82 00,' flnnm dy.unii mrmim a Anting of timo itnd ruuuli mmoyunuo, uu the professional uyor ofton putw tllo work iinldo foi n. wook or ton dn.yn. All diflloultiH aro uvoidod by Ufdng Din- 'Vnou'd-Dyuu in your homo. Tho plain dl- raotionn for oaoh aolor make goad rcHuItti absolutely oortaiti.. Thtr in a ^tariduitf Urfarantoo that Diamond Dywi will color in. ore tfoodn, paokajio for pnukago, than any othordyoKin tho world, mid will alwayti yivo tho bout and nfcronfiurtt oolorii. Whon buying d'yea, avoid nil imitntion piuikatfo dyoo that your donlor may off.'r \iin;tHUo only tho "Diamond," unci you will hu orowuod Willi iinnotiiHi. 8oud for our Diamond Dyo Code Uoolc, froo to any nddroiiii. Wello it Kiohurdnon Co., Montroitl. hoWe comiWoT Dot o' nun, and toll.,1s dpBo, Grind, oh, wh'ulfc v/liUo otbon *p dj Homowunl through tlio ntghfc 1 run To tho himvtjii Juwt nhuiid. Light o' Iotu, lluh.t o' love, ~ " Otiiur rofugu hnvu Iwtnij. Thou,the worth ofillfu,xnuBt grovo Whllo tho flubt in yot unwpn. Honiit tho fnro tlnit lovn iiiny (ihnr, -Pftl*rthn Hpt'i that lnvo jimy )iri8H. tiU>m tho Ittirdi'iiu litvo mnwfc nharo, VUiroo tliti wroiiKU tlitit Wait rodros*. Bnrt o' llfn Iiuart < >' UU\, Mtitina hi tlm wIldurnoHri, Wo ulioultl pitrliih In tho wtrlfo But for lovo'a wtroutf UmiltiTiuiuM. B\hha\ Dm dny wlum w muy Hay JuHtltiu ruiK'iH uiul imui urn trua. Piiiti'O hIiii.11 kluti uu hi tho wtiy, Lnhur orowii um ph)uUiounIy. Lovo i" ultl Ijovo lfi iillL Bound tho word from m\n to no*. Bnil'l to lnttul wu utiuxl or fall. Uo, for lovo mid llburtyl Aunio L. Mux/.oy In Now York Sun. Township of Colchester North. BY=LAW No. 326. -0- TENNYSON'S WOMEN. Ifoj-tfoHeH In Collt-ctlojw. *iho quoHtion of forgorioH which din- Cguro our imtioiml oolloofcionn cannot ttuiM unnotiood. I do not ufwovb that t\w South ICoiiHingtoii mtiHoxun contnhiH xaoro of thorn thimuro to lio found iu bimilar iuHtitutioim on tho ooutinou*, though it probably dooa, for with unoli oxquJHito nnd bountiful nkill oro thoHo objoottf uowadnyfl forged or "fakod*' that tho most pruotioal oxpcrfc may now and bgain bo victimized by thorn hIuiohI Without diBKriwo. Soporfoofchaiitho art Of tho former bocomo and ko fino nu art* ist tho forjjor, ho olaborato hifl plots and oonepiraoioH to cntali cvon tho wuricab of diroctoro and collcotora, that often tho Only safety, lies uowadnyii in writton guiirautoo and proved provenianoo from Ono roputablo collection to anothor. 1 iiood not refer to any oven of tho moHt notorious forgeries hi South KouHington toUBOum, for that iu bbvioiwly tho duty of a properly appointed committee of eacpertH, which should nt tho eurlio-jt Jjoaaiblo momont 'bo oonoti'tutetl. I do taot agree with Sir J. 0. KobiiiHon'HurHfc jxropowal, that huoIi frnudu fihould bo do- Bfcroyod out of all cxintonco. - bflliovo that a fur bettor purpoyo would bo served by, branding thoun in- delibly us forgeries and bringing thorn together in a single room, to form an bdifying forgery exhibition by tJiuni- BOlvoa, with all pnrtieularn as to The doiilora from wliom thoy wore obtaiuud land tho price which was paid for thom. ftho eduoatienul valuo of hucJi a collec tion would bo oouHiderablo and nu an Objoot Iohhou iuHtruotivo in dintinot Vliyfl to collector, Htudeut, forger nnd tlirootor, and only a littlo moral courage Would bo required to act on tho Huygi'n- tion. Moroovei:, tho iino artistH who toado them might bo thus discovered luid onfionrivged in moro luinorablo work. At the Hanm timo the r'fivisioii of tho museum labels should bo proceeded With and tho numerous errors whioh at present xninlnad the public remediud. OoutoniiJorury Review, Tiny I'Vvi1!- and (':it:ii'rh <'urari In IO to <><> iMimitcs.-OiiO f bi'i puff of the hn-aih thmuiiti tl.t> lilowcr, Hiipplit-d .Vlth 0 tnh hoitl-- ()[ I>c. A^'itnv'fj Gittarrhul P.^wiIptv- d flu^.-H t \m\ l\>\\dtv f)v't?r the rfurf-ico uf the uilliiI iim' lij-rt, Piiiol niult'PH ami lit in t lj ii i/.-. I r. n-- liovfiB lUMtanr, V; -tn 1 iiitihilh.-u' !y ohm-h (3-it-irrh, liny V -vn . Ci!itn, J I-ud t.tlin. Kfjrn Throur,. '1' nnd- J)<:nf mhkh Bold by J. Thoruo. -----------h*------------ A C'urloiiHly NuiikmI Cfinlftn. TJiero is a garden in Brixton hopt by Uu old goutlemnn whitdi presents boiuu Ouidositios in floral noaionclatun;, Tho owner Jias boon soi'/ed with a dosire to label his flowers afti*r tho maimer of botanists, but knowing nothing of scion- tiiio terms consulted an acquaiiitunco. TJio rosult in moru amusing than appro priate and proves the folly of wisdom where ignorance is bliHH. Scientific names have boon affixed to all the flow ers, but strictly on tho principle that "a rose by any other namo willsmoll as Hvreet." One row bears the inscription "Nux vomicii, " auotlier is boJdy labolr:d "Nisi prius," a third is aillrmed to be "'Ipeeaeuanha1' and another to bo "Pur- tioeps crimiiiifi. " Tho amutourgarddiu r ih exceedingly proud of his collection, mid no ono has enlightened him on tho incongruity of the descriptions. Lon-i lunatic Irlus l**ifc Nrvor ]((]i>nll/ti(l tho Worlt >f tlwi XVwkii JCurimr. Tennyson guvo tho world pictnros of Boiue of tho fairoHfc fominino oroafcionn In poetry winsomo maidoiw, donmro and truntful; womanly women, loyal and companionable^ devoted wives, gon- tlo and faithful; noble matrons, loving and Holf nacririoing, sorving tho host in terests of'homo and country. Tonnyson'H conception of womim and her Fjphor.0 may bo regarded as rather old fashioned. Ho was evidently not in full sympathy with somo of tho ad vanced notions of tho modern woman. His burlesfjuo of woman's rights in "Tho Priucoss" has not hurt tho causo of tho weaker sex, Ho understood tho right rolationH of tho man and tho wom an, and hiff utterances in tlio closing passages of this poom go to tho heart of tho problem, It in still true that wom an's ohiof place and crowning glory iu to bo'quGGii of tho homo. Thoroflbo mny have an unlimited Hold for uhoiuIiions .nnd.exert a farronching innxiouco for good if she but roulizo her opportunities and improve thorn. In tho houHchold woman finds her propor sphoro and worJr. Iltjr olllco thuro tx> rour, to tdncli, ^^ironiinB mi In moot nnd ilt "" A liniriimonir tho dayti, to knit Tho i.'onu ratio mi ouch with un'eh. No other poot has dono more to glorify the matornal sentiment or to mako tho family rolation sacred. Woman's worlc, nft ho conceived it, ia not only training tho plastic minds of tho young, but spurring tho man to more resolubo eu- doavcr and grander achiovement. bidd ing to her subtlor forces and gentler agencies, ho uspiroa to a higher piano of being. Whilo *'accomplishing his man hood" by repressing tho baser and cul tivating tho finer side of him, alio at tho name timo works out her own ualvation, humanly speaking, in tho truest sense. In a word, it i by loving and being loved that she reaches tho fullest devel opment and renders the world tho beat Borvioo. OouKerviug and fostering good ness and greatness, ministering to tho wants of tho lowly, scattering gloom and softening tho sting of anguish this is woman's mission. Chautauquan. A BY-LAW to provido lQt drahintfc work In tliu IWiJHhip of Oolahoiitnr North in tho County of Kmuix and for borrowing on tho o rod it of tho munloi- pality tliu uiim of 9-lBa.AH for oomplot- inft tho mimo. I'rovlMlonully ailontml tlio ifith tiny of Hoot, A, 1">. JfUHl. WiUiluiaii. notion In writing him boon iiorvml hy Fnoiolo Uwnot, V.un., upon tho Municipal Ooutiollof th *J'ownhl|) of Colohnatnr North( notUvhm tliiun that If thoy did not hnprovo tho Oraltt'rt Crook clrutn, wliloh wan ovorltowlnK hln hinds and diinmijlm; him (hut ho wonhl brlnif an notion for (lunni^oH iL|jnlnnt tlioui, ANoWinutiafi.thorAiiiiouKidil nounol) hunnro- oufnil an oxiimhiiLtlon toboniitilo by .T.H. Tjiunl, O. Ij. H txilntf a ptfrrioti nonpotnt forniioh pitr* pono.of Miilil uriia nropoBod tobodrulnml.anil tho milium HWiijniitiKl for tho driilniLRn tho.'uof, ami of othor IilwIhiuhI roiulu ,Hal)l to aiocmntnont uudoi thlrr not, niid him iiImo pro cm roil plann, iilioottloiitionn nnd oiilliiiiitoH of tho <]r*illil|!o work to ho mailo by mild J. H. Lidid, O.Jj.H. nnd an iLUKOiiunnmtto ho niiulo by hlui of tho UimIh and roudH to ho hmioilttoil by mioh dmliiu o work ami of othor hoidii and rondn II- ahlo for (lontrlbnt'ou (horoto(utnt!n, art iiMir- ly an booitn, tlio proportion of bonoiU, outlot llikbillty nnd injiirliid liability, Whlob in bin opinion, will bo dorlvod or hiourrtid In oonim- (innnno of mioh drtiltiiifio work, hy ovory rand nnd lot.or portion of lot, tho mild uHHoiiimiont ho mado liitini! thn iiiiiioiiHiiiont liorohinftor uV ^l' by-law miliotod to bo tin hoi mod unit lovlnd upon tho roudri ivnd lotit or pavtu of lotfi, horoinnftov in that behalf oupoolally not forth nnd doiiorlbml, mid tlio report of tho iiald J. H. Laird, O-L.H., In rtiiipoot thnreof and of tho iinld draina[u work bolnn an followii: To tho Ron nnd Munlolpul Cotinolllorn of tho Townnlilp of Colohontor North, in connoll iuiHoinl)lod: OiiN'rLKMi'.s In iiccordiii-co with lnritruotlomi from your honorable bewly, aotliiH upon n notlcn from Frmifliit Hwiiot,. Kuq,, I have oxnmlnod Crnic'H Crook nnd bof; to roport thoroon tin fol- Iowh: I find the nald Crook coiinldorably flllod up otitlnt loiiffthnnd towsrdii tlio uoiith oud It hi nearly lUlod up ultouotbor Thin 1 inontly oiuuidd by thn raid a of the water lu tho Ulvor Cunurd floodlnu baok and provontlnii tho wator from Crnh:'n Crook dlnclinrfdnff frttly Into tlio Cnnnrd. Thin nlllnft up onn novor bo prnvuntod until the It Ivor Canard in cleaned out and improvod throii((bout ltd entire loncth. I would therefore rocounnoml that tho Ornln'ti Crook bo olnnnod out and Improvod in acuord- anoo with tlio tuiuuxod plann, prollloti nnd iipoo- llloatioun from Mr. Hwout'n oant line, noiithnrly to tho Canard, and that tho nuld river ho lni- proved accordion to tho annoxed apodllonilomi for HO rodii, woiitorly from wboro tlio imprivo- inont to Cralii'ii Greek, tho anid Canard. Thin will help to inlco tho wator (piiiilcor off Mr. Bwoet'o hind nnd prevtmt tt from being com- plotoly rulnod by tlio wator brought down on It from tho hljdior tlio north nnd nnt ntid by tho wator of thoCanurd tloo:llnu back on tt, TbIn Imorovoiuout will nOHt,itll rtK;wi)Kt Itolildni],l?&JtS. Of thin amount X bitvo taKod tlio Township of (JolohoHtnf North with &'MM mi lu- jurlnalliihllUyi tho UmU In ColohnH^ir NorLli with !JV,CO im bonoiU. nnd with 4417 nu Injuring Hnblllty. Am h utiiult portion, of th Town of Khuox will urn* thin Improvoiuent, I hnvu tniod tliu hoiiln mid rendu hi Out mild town with SKfUB ml InjuriiiB liability. Thin drain Hhn.ll bo Itopt in repair by it tux on tho Irtndii mid r indii now LHHoiiood. Aouompitnyliiu you will mid plmm, prodlnn, oHtnniL^M, Hpoalfloatloim, ninKiiniinontii and.all othor pnporn uooofiiiiiry for uiddiiuoii in tho eointtrtiotloii of uald drain and amo ooploH of thorn id! for the other munlolpullty hitornntod. I have tho honor to bo, fjutitlomnu, Your oboiliniit, Morvant, JAMKHH. TjAIHD.OXj.B. Viuuox, Boptemhor lOtli, iHlWi, Ano Wiikhmah, thoiiuideounoil In of opinion that the drnlnn|{o of tho areaM doHorlbod in do- nlrnble. Therefore, tlio indd munlolpal nonnnil of tho uuld TovvUHhlp of Onluhontor North, purntiaut to the provlnloimof thu I)ndnii|(o Act, ln(H,oimotH nil follown: lut, Thnitidd report, plimii, upoolihiatlouii, nn- iioiiiinientii and (nitlnintnii ure herol>y adopted nnil tho drainn((o worlt uu therein Inrdoated and not forth ulndl bo made mid uomitructod In cordanflo thorewlth. ao- 2nd. Tlio lloovo of the nald towmihlp may borrow ou the orodlt of tho corporation of the iiaid Townnlilp of Oolohonter North, the uum of iJifta.B'j, bolntf tho nnintint of fundii noconiiary for the work, and may Imiue dehoutnroii of tlio corporation to that amount In iiiinui of tint luim than 33" enoli, and pavablo within live yourn from tho data ttiroef, with lntdront at tho rntn of flvo per contain por annum, that hi to nay In five uaual Jiuitalnioutn. mioh dohon- titron to bo payable at tlm hrancli of the Impnr> ial Dank at cho Town of Kimox and to have at tach ml ~to thorn coupons for tho jiayihont of In termit. 3rd. For payhij; tho miin of Si5.r).r2. tho amount chnrfjod anaiimt th*-' nftld landn and roadii for houoilt, and the mini of 8117, tho amount eharuod lufahutt the nnlil lrmdu and roiuln for fnjurlni! llabllity.apartfrom tho landimnd roadii heIf)URliij( to or controllod hy tho munlaipnUby, mid for oovoriiiKiutoroiit thoroon for ilvo' yourn at tho rate of 11 va por cuntum por annum; tho total fipooial rnto ovor nnd abovoall ether raton. nlinil ho aiiiiniuiod, lovlod and collected (in tlio narao maiinur and nt tlio name time tm other tnxnn are lovled and colluotod), upon and from tho undermentioned lotn nnd par to of lotn, and renin, nnd tho amount of tho nald total apodal ratoii and iutorent nhrtll ho divided Into live equal pnrtii and one nuuh part hhall bo riHHDiiHod, levied nnd oolloctod an nforonxld In caah year for flvo yearn after tlfe final panning of thin by law, duriui: whioh the nald debnuturon have to run, Liver Ills LUta bHloujipo^i, dyipopila, hfcdaoh, o*fltt Ration, sour stomocb, lndlgcitlon ars promptly ared by Hood's FlUi, Tbay do tholr work H o o d s aslly and thoroughly, W^k 'I I ^ Best afUr dinner pill*. %** II I C M rents. All ilru^UU. B B B I <T Frepard liy 0. I. Heed a Co., Lowell, Mas*. Tito onlv 1*111 to tako with Hond'a Baraapartlla. in .... i . . .....i. 4 A drying i>ll Every orying evil (ihould bo promptly removed. Biok huaduohu in a eryjnK evil affuoting tbounandu of Ctumdiami, whioh ottn mtnily bo removed by tlio uno of Bur dock Jllood Bittern, tlio bout known Ktomaoh, livor and bowel regulator and ouro for siolc hoadaoho from wliatovor uuuho ariuin^. For Oholoru, MorhiiH, Cholera Infantum, (Jrumpn, Oolio, Oiarrluoa, Dynontory and fiummor Complaint, Dr. Fowlor'ii TOxtraot of Wild Strawberry in a prompt, iiafo and iniro ouro that bun boon a popular favorito for nearly fiO yearn. CALL AT fl'V Wanted Hoveral Hrlnht younft mon . ._____________todowoik for mi in thin vicinity, If thoy have Klnyclon nil tlm hotter. Addroim "AUYKitTiiiuu," Ilrautford, Ontario. Johnston Bros., Builders Ami Contractors - -DK.U.KIW IN - British. Columbia o erf a* u o 1-1 Tliu Vm-h (if T^ctnrliiiii. Recently iuquirios were sent out by the statu department to eonsulnroflieers iu Europo asking for information con cerning tho eommercial product onllod tectorium, which in described as fol lows : Tentorium consists of a galvanized iron wob covered with a gelatinous, sub stance and ia translucent but not trans parent. It is di'Heribed by a manufac turer as a substance that, first, can bo bent without being broken; second, is both tough and flexible; third, in not softened by tho rays of tho sun; fourth, is nonsuluble; fifth, is not affcotod hy soveru cold; sixth, is a bad conductor of heat; seventh, is well adapted for roofs on account of its extreme light ness; eighth, when exposed to the sun, it Iohus its original yellowish color in time and becomes harder and more dur able; ninth, can be made, by a very cheap prooesH, to imitate stained glass in such manner that it cannot bo dis tinguished from the genuino artiolo; tenth, can be eufc by shears, nailed to wood and transported without danger; olevonth, can be easily repaired in case it is cut; twelfth, does not break, and thirteenth, is well adapted for factory windows and skylights for hothouses, market halls, verandas, transportable buildings and i'or roofing. The eontiuls Htuto that it is Hold in small (piantitioH in a few plucoH, but that it is not known to tho general pub lic and as a commercial produut in still an experiment. 21 U 2$ Mi!0 20 27 27 -A SO fiO 2o 50 fi"0 50 50 100 50 50 100 100 100 100 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 ICO 100 100 :M4 a Hi a tt A don Telegraph. Js'cw Orthography. Mamma Well, Elsie, what did yon learn at school today? Klsio (aged tt). Learned to spell. Mumma Now, what did you learn .1) spell? Elsie Alan. Mannun And how do you spell man? Elsie (promptly) M-u'-n, man.. Mamma Now, how do you npeil boy? Elsio (after a moment's reflection) .Tho same way, only in littler letters. Washington Times, How to Fry I-dvor. Preparatory to frying liver or veal cover it for a minute or two with boil ing watei*. Pat dry with a clean towel, roll in flour and fry.(in a covered pan) tantil brown. " And lln Wiin a Lu mi tic. gentleman was visiting a SootcJi asylum where new premisen were being added. Tho inmates were insisting. On seeing ono of tho latlur wheeling a barrow upside down from tlio building to tho stones, tlio visitor asked him why lie wheeled it in that manner. "Oh," said the lunatio, "that's the best way." The visitor took the barrow, and turning it right eide up said, ' 'This is the proper way." "That's a' you ken," said the inmate. "I tried it that way, but they filled it fu' o' bricks." .So saying, ho trotted on bis usual way. Exchange, Oritphlo. Hicks Did you ever see a boy trying to take a fishhook out of an eel ho hud just pulled in? Wiidcs Yes. Hieks Well, then, you have neon Joaquin Miller's autograph. Somer- ville Journal. H<>m*r, I>Ueu'ao KclJavod In ;JO JtlinuMts. -Or, Afmow'n Cure for tho lb Hi-- :'iv- -, w.'i'i ie r-liof in all "iidoi.i of O .,,,. i0 .,,- 'V,Mi':.- in tic DinniRo in !Jf) liitmiicH, nnil opoiidUy nffoots a ouro. Itj is a poorlops romody for Palpitation, Short* i iiohh ot Brimih Bmothornu: Spoils," Pain ] .im'Ijop ""d iMm/d 'I".'";. fb ii ^"oao convincoH. Kold' by .1. Tiio'-no. I Tho yuur of iJC5^ days was known us the Hothio your, from the Egyptinn name of tho star Sirius, observations of which were of groat use to tho astron omers of Egypt in their efforts to ar range a calendar. If tho now moon in summor fallH bo-. tvroon midnight and U a. m., tho prob ability is that tho wottthor for a duy or two, at lGttat.will bo fair. MIIN nwqr3l n o qr '21 h o qr" 21 h o qr 22 n w qr 22 u o qr '22 b w qr 22 w M 2a it e <[i- 2.1 no qr 'I'A u Id h hf n lit a lif n w qr n c qr h hf n hf H lif 11 hf'iH e hf 2S u hf 2\t h hf i!i n hf :10 fl 1if'lK) . n w pt ill n pt o pt w hf :ll u y qr ill fi pt n hf ' >$ n pt ;j'i u pt ;i:i n wqr "22 n e qr 2'i n w qr '21 n o qr '21 n 0 qr '2!) n W qr 21 n o qr 21 n w qr 25 TBS a pt '280 flptin-.T281 Hi.r h nv. 281 92A Bo pt 282 IM liptn 4 2H2- l(i.| o pt 282 10 pt h w qr *283 it w pt h hf 283 1 pt w \ fi J 28U :i pt 2ri H pt w i h i 2h:j 24 p; w.}"hA 2H:j 24 pt w|.H i 2H!J 24 pt w| h4 2HU 5 r pt ii hf 281 0 12th 11 5 15 114 liith o pt ft lif 1 20 h pt 10 IV.)k w pt 17 70 u w pt 17 ' 20 o pt 17 A 18 00 n o pt 17 UoiuIh fi M U S 15* 51) 10 10 20 50 50 50 50 50 25 25 25 '20 3" 3 ,- -, >* M3 o.2 H o 5 00 7 50 \i 75 7 50 7 50 7 50 7 50 15 00 7 50 7 50 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 7 GO 7 CO 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 flo 15 00 15 00 15 00 5 15 2 !I5 7 50 C> 00 0 00 11. 00 "O.-iJ 9 5 7 fi 7 7 7 00 50 75 50 50 50 50 5.) 50 50 50 3 75 6 75 . II 75 H 00 2 50 13 85 1 07 50 50 50 15 00 15 15 10 10 10 75 50 75 2 20 3 00 17 DO 11 10 a 00 11 10 00 28 02 1 7 GO 15 00 7 50 7 50 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 7 50 7 50 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 3 15 2 35 7 50- 0 00 0 00 3 00 7 50 7 50 7 50 7 50 ' 7 50 8 75 3 75 3 75 3 00 2 50 13 85 1 50 2 50 1 50 15 00 15 15 10 10 10 75 4 50 75 2 20 3 00 17 00 11 10 3 00 11 10 00 2b 02 in <u <V cd < al <u 1) a .80 1 20 SO 1 20 1 20 1 20 120 2 10 1 20 1 20 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 1 20 1 20 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 82 -2 a Oj 0Q t * aj -4-J O % 5 80 8 70 1 05 8 70 8 70 8 70 8 70 17 10 8 70 8 70 17 10 17 10 17 10 17 10 8 70 8 70 17 10 17 10 17 10 17 10 17 10 17 10 17 10 17 10 17 10 5 '07 B <*> ^ b 1) of %%* *j' ti <-" a o a i- a a 8 1 10 1 71 1 71 i-7* 1 71 fl 18 1 71 1 71 8 18 ' 3 18 Ii 18 3 18 1 71 1 71 :t 18 :i 18 , 8 18 3 18 3 18 :i 18 .1 18 .'( 18 ii 48 1 10 * Pino Shingles, $100 Up. SAStf, DOOKS, LA TH and BARN fMAMEtt, tW Kiitlufuctloii GuimuitciMl. Opp. Water Works, Khngx. 38 20 00 '.111 18 20. 20 20 20 20 00 00 1.0 18 10 22 72 10 21 10 8 8 7 . 7 7 28 72 28 30 1H 2 80 1 82 18 3 30 10 1 50 2 73 51 8 70 1 71 0 0 1 30 0 DO 1 30 3 18 69 8 70 1 71 8 70 1 71 8 70 1 71 8 70 1 71 8 70 1 71 1 35 87 1 35 87 1 35 87 8 18 09 2 00 58 10 07 3 21 5 22 1 01 2 00 58 1 71 31 53 10 * 70 11 53 10 53 10 47 0 17 0 17 9 1 03 20 5 22 1 01 1 03 20 2 50 51 3 18 (10 20 7G 1 15 13 22 2 01 3 18 GO .10 70 3 30 70 .11 32 52 (i 50 Totul or. land* and ronds $37 50 115 02 182 52 77 50 500 11 112 02 Packed with Good Furniture o 1 Every Description. A fine Parlor Suit* Oak frame, Good Plush, $16.00. Wo uover warn'bo well prepared to do business, Lotn of tfoodn and priooH right. It will pay you to ^ivo arm, 'cidl and unofln and yet pr'icoa. Wo aro ploimec? quote priooH to any who uood fnrniti. Wo huvo buen doing a gnod'otutidy tt pGHH now for about 10 voum nnd wo v,-i to tonuor our thanks to'tho public ^cue';c tor tho very liberal patronage wb huvo coivod ot thorn during tho 10 yt-arH thai have boon iu business in tho uow Towr Khhox. UNDERTAKING fi SPEGJAL1Y J. H. HICKS & Co., Essex. May's Baza VOIl ALL KINDS OK] ' Window Blinds away down Chinawaro, Bric-a-Brac Fancy Goodn, ' Novelties, Books and rifcationqry, school supplies. Toys of all kinds, Berlin Wools and Fingering Yarnfi, .-* Now Stock of lata Wall PaperT XECE3 ESSEX Hotter t Milk. JAMES NAYLOR Tnkos thlti opiiortunlty of luinounohitf to the nnnplo or thfllWu and County of ICuhqx, tha! ho hjifi romnlnlod tho Himox Killor Mllld ao- cording to iilanii uroparort hy II. N. Prlco, of Bt. J homnit, and alio mioiirmlthoiiorvlauT of iioborfc htruuhau, an oxporlonood and thorouhIv com- potonc miliar. TJianklnKthopoonloor tlio town and ooiintv forthn natronatfo lumtawnil upon him la tliaii pant, will (juuranlooHathdiietloiiin tho futura. * Gristirtg and Chopolng a- Speoialty. IS- The /it-it Grades of Mour, Feed and' tarnmeal Kept in Stock and sold at RirfU irices. * Gash Paid for Wheat and Oats.. 130you Ride? \$ If ao, you want to have-i tho best there is an< everybody knows that' The Nobbiest Turnout * -III TO 1I1C HAD AT- JOHN A. ROSE'S Livery. Good JioaiUlera. Easy llhliny Buggies. Comfortable Carriages, A Call /Solicited. SatisJ'action Guaranteed. North of tho # Railway Track. ESSEX, ONT. AT ONCE, Sovoral Jioavy toama to truck logs; also buyers for eovoral llougoa and Lots in tlio i'own .of Essex, and n, lot of wild lands in tho surrounding country. Theao properties aro offor- cd at n saoriiico, Aldo.a large quantity of ooarso dry Lumbor for sale. It may be scon at tlio Colchester mills. Apply to t.h.Deoew, fW. M. DEOEW, or to J*. OOUBLA^ &i SON, ESSEX. ONT 1th. I^orraylnK tliu mnn of Syarci tho umount lumcHhtul iiRtdnitt tho nuiil roiulfi ami laudo of tho nmnioipnllty, mut forenvorint; intoififit thoroon for Ilvo yuaru at tho rato of (lvo for nontuni por aniiuni, a (ipoeiiil iiuo on tho dollar, Hullloifint to moduco tlio rtiqnirod yearly amount thoro- ror fihall. avoY and ahovo all othor ratofi, ho loviod and colIuiiUnKiu tho namo manner and at tho liamo timo an taxed aro lovlnd and collect- c-d) ni'on and Train tho wholo ratablo pioporty in iluid Townuhlp of Colohofitor North, in onoh y(!iir for IWo yftiva iLftnr tho final nanniiiR of thiB by-law, duriiiR which tho miid dobfintnron huvo to run. nth. That JanioK fl. Luird, tofjethor with tho coimoll aro horohv appointed commiHlilonurn to lot thocontmot for IniprovlnRfialddralniiund worlrnconiifotoil thorovlth, hy tondor (not nx- onudfnn QHtlmiitu), l-ut oviry nuoh contmctor, with two Rood and mitinfactory iiurotloii, Hliall ho rt'i|uivod forthwith to (inter into bomhi for duo Vjorfnrraanco and completion of tliu uordliif; to wild plann and npooluoationn within tho timo uioutlonod within mioh bond nnlonH othorwiHi ordorod hy tho council; nnd,It Bhall ho tho duty of nuch commifiQlouor to oiumo wald and world) connoctod thorowitli, to luiniLfloand ronutiuotod in aooordanou with Kiich planti uiul iipooiUor.tfonn.not lator than tho Incday of Dooomb'iv, 1WK1, (unloiw othorwino or dorod hv tlio council) and to Brunt cor- tllioiitoH to tlui Kouvo from tluin t.o timo, to i-aoh contractor, Iphh iifi pur coat, of tho amount duo, until tho omitrnoc in f'dlv nomplotod and duly aocoptod.imU for tliu duo porformanco of and (ill othor dm ion ol oommliinlomir tho imjd ooniiulniilonnr r,haU bo mititlod to rooolvo a uommiiiHiori of throo por ount. on tho aotuid onnt'of tho worlt. flth. That. thoiiommlnniontH'boroqiilrod forth* with to ontov Into hr,nd in tho Bum of &H00 for tho duo ooinplfiiion of tho work according to plunc mid HiioolflcidlonH and within tho tlmo iipomflod within nach bond, , 7th. f hhi hyduw idndl ho puhllfiuod onoo In ovtn-y,wiol, for Join toiidooatlvo woeku, iu tho Hbbox SVoo 1'roflfli nowapapor, xuibhaliod lu tho Town of IShhox. ami nlialloomo into forco upon and aft or tho Jlnal punning thoroof, and may bo ibo cltoil tho "Craig Crook luiprovomont liy- aw,:iac.M I lioroby certify that tlio foregoing Ifl a iruo copy of a by-law provisionally adoptod by the municipal ur.uimil of tlio aaiil Township of Col- olutiittir North, on tho 15th day of Hopt,,-A. D, lHiid. J. A. OOULTER, , Clorlc of tho lluniclpftlltyof Colohootor North. isroTicm N1 OTICE IS HEHEHY GIVEN THAT A Court of Rovlnion, hold purnuiint to tho provlDlonn of tho DrainiiRO Act, If&l for tlm hoarlng and trial ol appouln made agalnat tho abovoaiinoinniiont.or any part thoro of, will hold itn tlrntnltthif-fi nt tho Town Hall, Oolohonter North, on Baturduy, tho 10th day of October, ltiOll, at tho hour of two o'clock in the iiftovnoon, and that any portion intending to appeal acalnnt tbo ahovo nnuniinraont, or any part thoreni, muufc, not lator than ten dayn ho- foro tho tlmo nxod for tho holding or iinld Court, nnrvo on tho Clerk pf thin municipality, a writ*' ton notion of imoli appoa), or othorwloo ho will be too lata to bo hoard In that bulmlf, And further no'leo In horoby glvon that any poriion lntondlngto liavo nuoh bv-law. or any part thoroof, quaHhod, miiflt. not lator than ton dayn aftor tho flnal jmnHlno thoroof, boivo a not jio In writing upon tho itooyo or othor bond ollloor, nnd upon tbo Olork or tho Muulolpal- I ity of Colohoator North.of hlu Ihtontlon to malm iipplleu^lon for that purpoKo, to tho Illuh Oourt at, Toronto, during thoolx woolen uoxt onou- Ing tho Ihuvl pUBuluof this by-law. ' j. a, ooux/nfln. Township Olork. S&- "15 3 'CM ' :?S-i* TUE TKIOMPH COBN SHJELLER TbiH Machine conoiafcs of a horizontal oafit oylindor, with wrought'irbn'$!$^ bias, with sicol tooth bolted to tho pyliador so us to bo royersiblo.Vvhen the.;/-^ tooth hocomo worn on tho front sidot' running-in a perforated ooncayo iron';SjS ^holl, which tho shollod corn passes through into a- shoot iron otiao, with'4;:-v|#f an or clomior attached bolow, which takes ail tho dust from ,tho graiu. Theff jhoapoat bonf-, most simplo atid durable Power Corn holler m use; shbllai;|^^ lorn pcrfoafciy oloan in any condition nholling and cleaning from oao to twip'-M boiisand bushols of ears per day, according to powor. ^Ik Dimicnsions. Pulley, 10 in, diam?$|j otor, 0 in. fabo; Motion, BOO to 800 revolutions per minute; Woiiiht,-550 l^vS* EVERY SNELLEN WARRANTED. : ' i}^ J GOURLAY & SONS- if ..... Ssit!*' isaaa^^^^^^ 5466 14