Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 9, 1896, p. 4

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JP^-^r:^.."--^) . H. Soarffl &Co. s WE SELL- Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Flour, BaisinH, Currant?, PruneH, Ap ricots, Soaps, Vinegars, Syrups, Oatmeal Cornmeal and a full lino of Ohristio, Brown & Co.'h fancy and plain Biscuits, We have for CAMPING AND PIC-NIGS Potted Chicken, Turkey, Hum, 'ionguo, Chipped Boof, Corn. JBool. BoBton Baked Bguuh, &ardmoB, Salwon, Miiokorol, Haddio. . .v^^il1 Remember wo havo the liirgoBl UBBortmont' of Crockory, China aud Glassware in the Town. Gall and oxamino ouv.Btook. Frosh Fruits, Vegetable*, ofco., in soason, HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE. &!< A, H- SCARFF & Co. GOODS DELIVERED IFElOMEPTXfSr* K.'-.v The Essex Free Press. BRETT A. AULD, PROPRIETORS. FIUDAY, OOTOBKit 0,"180fl;" W'- It iu reported that .Parliamunt will bo called for butdnotm on li'obrnary lltli noxt. Harrow fall fair will bo bold on Tuonday and Woduoudayuoxt. liuaminRton (air 'm in progress to-day and Combor'u dates uro to-day and to-morrow. It-bkkmh to bo about a uottlod matter nowfcbat Hon. Mr. Stfton, Attoruoy-Gonoral of Manitoba, in to roaoivo tbo appoiutmont of Dominion Minister of tbo Interior. Troamiror Plant, of tho Groat -South WoBtorw Exhibition, will bo at tho oflioo of tho Boctotary, W. D. Boaman, in Ebkox, on Monday andTnoeday noxt to pay prizes. Tub Dominion Parliament wan prorogu ed on Monday. In hio upooah proroRuinff tho house, tho Govornor-Gpnoral, utated that ho hopod boforo tho next noHninii, tho Manitoba oahool question wonld bo umioa* bly settled. The Maidatono and Roobofltor Aflrioul- tural Society will hold thoir fall fair at Bollo River on Wednofiday aud Thuraday, Ootobor 21at and 22ud. A tfood list of premiuma will bo offered iu addition to Bpooial attractions Sir Charlos and Lady Tuppor colebratod their golden woddlug at Ottawa yostorday (Thursday). Their four uona and daufih- torn, boBidcH grandfehildrou and othor rola- tivoa and friondo attoadod tho colbbration and tho vonorablo oouplo woro tho rooipi- onts of many handnomo and aoBtly pranonto. Mebbub. Cowan and MoGrogor havo bug- ooodod in potfiuading tho Minintor of Marino to (tuopond tbo oporationH of tho law lixinfi a oloao ooahou for whito fish in international watora. Fishermen will oon- aoquoutly bo at liberty to purano thoir oalling as lato ao tho woathor will pormit. Tbo dlroofcorti of tho Great South Wont- em mot in tho ofiioo of tho Boorctary, W. D. Boaman, yostorday (Thuraday) aftor- noon and paatiod a number of accounts, tranaaofcod othor business. Tho total re ceipts from tho fair woro 8.2,109, oatnido of a balanae of 8290.5-1 from lant yoar, The prize lifltB amounta to $1400 and and thoy will pay tho priro winnow in full. Nominations for tho bye.election for the vaoanoy in tho Local Legislature caused by the death of Eon, W. D. Balfour will bo bold at Kingflvillo on Tueodav noxt, with Bborifl Ilor an returning oflicor. From present appoarauoea it looks as though there will bo tbroo oandid&tea in the fiuld : Edijerton Scratch, CoOBocvativo, and Potor Inmap, P. of 1. Thm voi'Kiiti' lists to be ufiod in tho ap proaching byo-olootion for the Looal Houbo, aro thoso lant roviued. Thua, m Borne of tho munioipalitioB the liatn of 1895 will bo uaed, whilo -m .othoro tho liotn of I80(i will bo takon. In Ebbox, Gooflold North, Colohofltor North, Amhorafcburg, 'Laamingtan,' Gosuold Booth- aud KinfiB- villa tho voting will take place on tho lintu of 1835, whilo in Tilbury Woofc, Tilbury North, Morsoa, Poloo Iulund, CoIchoHter , South and Maldon thoy will tibo 189G liata, 'which woro confirmed by tho Judgo boforo , tho wrlta woro iBaiiod, ... .Lord Abordoou in now a ohiof of tho Sou go ii tribo of tho Six Nations, hlfl to tem boiag thoturtlo and hio now namo Do- To-Konh Tat-Ho, whiph, boin intorprotod BignifleB Oloar Bky. Hib Excollonoy vicit- ed the roBorvo laat Thuraday and replied to an addroBaou tho fair grounds. Tho oporatora'Btrilto on tho Canadian Paoifio Hallway ieovor. ThoBtrikorB, with ^', the exception of thono who havo oommittod ', aotfl of violouoo aro to bo ro-inatatod. At fl r^;:,, o'clock Wednodday morning tho O. P. K. J.?, made tbo following propcflition to thoir l|L :; etriking-omploytioH, whioh waa aoooptod by |ti;;v "All omployoea now ongagod in a etnko on tho Canadian Pam 11 a Railway may roport at onoo to thoir roHpootivo Baporintondeutfl, who will ro-inutatfi thorn without prejudice to tho pouitious thoy oo- oapiod before the'strike took plaoo, oxoopt* ingthoae who havo boon guilty of euoh jyo miscpiridUOb aB to cauoo tho general Kyf;.' BOpSrintendoutb to refuse to aooopt thom." The,) men ail resu mod work WednoHday ^inorniBg..'.' A ill. -i r SOUTH KSSKX BLKOTION. iHeotliigH Ai**iftuisii<l to l)SKltl. Tho Booth Ebhox olootion oampain m OH.-'Kdgortnu Scratch, tho Gonflorvativn oandidato, and-LcwH Wijjlo hayn unnoun- ood that thoy will hold a mooting in Ebhox thiH (Friday) nvonioK and at BlythoBwaod tomorrow (Saturday) ovoniuu- .Thoy hold u mooting at Kuthvoii on Wodnoiulay oven- ing wherb they wore mot by J. II. Hodd.of Windnor.and lit Cottam lant (Thuraday) ovoning. Tho Liberal oandidato, John A. Auld, baa alno announced tho following mooting" to bo addroHHad bv opoalcetfl named : Friday, Ootobor 9th, ForoBtora' Hall, Staplofl, John A. Auld, IU. K. Cowan, M. P., and othora. Friday, Ootobor 9th, town hall, Gonto, by R. F. SuMiorland and Jumon Andoroon, of Windnor. I'nday, Ootobor 9th, town hall, Harrow, by Dr. Samaou and J. H. Hodd.of Winduor. Saturday,Ootobor 10th, MatthowB' Bohool houtto, ColohoHtor Souih, J, A. Auld, John H.ltodd andD. It. Davia. Saturday, Ootobor 10th, DoBJardiua Hall, Stonoy Point, Wra, McGrogor M. P., and J. A. Tromblay, In addition to tho al)ovo7~tTiroo cobiuot mini^totH will vioit tho Riding noxt wook and addroHH raoutingn an follown. Hon. E. .1. DaviR, Provincial. Soorotary, will apeak at Comber Town Hall on Mon day evotiioti; at Nomination, at Kingovillo on Tnodday afternoon; at Arahorntburg town hall, Tuouday ovoning. Hon. A. 8. Hardy, tho Promier of On tario will uIbo opoak at Amhoratburg on Tuoaday ovoning, and at Louraiugton town hall on Woduonday ovoning. Hon. John Drydon, MiniBtor of Agrical- turc, will upoak at Tilbtiry on Wednooday ovcnini-, at Ebhox on Thuraday evening and at KingBvillo on Friday'ovoning. It in alHO oxpeotod that J. P. Whitney, M. P.P., Leader of tho Opposition in tho LooalLeglnlaturo, will fipoak at tho nomi' nation at Kingnvillo on Tuoaday. difforont peraou nltogother. Hor entire nervous system was reinforced to such on extent that sho i now able to dia- peuso with the uho of the gIds.sea,whioh previous failing oyosight had made nooessary. Miss. Wataon is now a Htaunnh friend of Dr. Willinms' Pink Pills, and says : "I havo ploaauro iu recommending thorn to all similarly amiotod." Kov.'D. Millar, a friond of tho family, vouohoH for ibro-faots-above Hot forth. Dr. \Villiamn' Pink Pills create now blood, build up tho nerves, and thus drive diaoiiHo from tho system. 'In hun dreds of'ousos thoy havo cured aftor all othor modloinou hnvofallod, thus estab lishing tho claim that thoy nro a murvol among tho triumphs of modern modioal Boionoo. Tho gonuiue Pink Pills are sold only iu 'boxes, bearing tho full trademark, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo Pooplo." Protect yourself from impositions by refusing any pill that doos not boar fcho registered trado mark around tbo box. NERVOUS PROSTRATION. THE FREQUENT CAUSE OF HUCH HISERY AND SUFFERING. The Victim llulplcas nntl Unreliable-It Snps tlie Constitution and MnUe* One Involun tarily Aik Ig LUc Worth Living. Prom tlio Llndtmy Pout. It is at last commondnblo to bow bo foro tho inevitable. But what appoars to bo inovitablo may bo delayed or al together averted. "WTint woro consid ered nocoRflaiily fatal disonsea twonty- livo or evon ton yoara ago in many in stances aro not now placed in that cate gory thanks to medical and soiontiiio skill. Lifo is sweet. We must either control tho nerves or they will master us. Hysteria may provo fatal. It ven dors the person ailliotod helpless and unreliable, and casts a continual shad ow upon a hithorto bright and cheerful lifo. It saps tho 'constitution and makes ono voluntarily ask, "Is lifo worth liv ing ?" Miss Fanny Watson, daughter of Mr. Houry Watson, living on lot 33, in tho Township of Somorvillo, Viotoria county, is ono of those whoso lifo for. years was made misorablo from nervous diseaBo- At tho age of twelve, Miss Watson mot with au aooidont whioh so seriously affected her norvous system that during the subsequent live yoars she was subjootod to -vory sovoro nerv ous prostration, reuniting in convul sions with unconsciousness for three or four hours at a timo. This condition coutinuod until Mar eh lout, whon sho had nn incroaaod aud prolonged attack by whioh she was completely prostrated for tho spuoo of a fortnight, Tho dis- oaso bo affootod tho optio norvo that Miss Watson was forced to wear glasses. Many romodios woro tried but with no avail, and both Miss Watson and her frionds foarod that a euro could not bo obtained. Ultimately, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ivoro strongly rooommondod by various frionds and tho young lady dooided to give thorn a trial. A half dozen boxes wore bought, and by tho timo ono bo waa used thoro was an im provement in Uor condition, and boforo the half dozon boxes wore UBedj Miss Watson was, to uso her own "words, a SiikulwloH Wourh Council. OldoaHtlo, September 'JSbh. Tho uounoil mot, punuiant to adjourn- monfc, all tho mom bora proHont. Tho min- utoH of tho previous mooting tvero road and adopted. ToudorH woro oponod for tho building of a town hall. Moved by McHBrH. O'Noil and OroavoR, that tho Hoovu ho authorized to hlgn a contraot with John Woetloy for tho building of a briok towii hall at OldoaHtlo for tho sum of U(H0, lim torulor hoing tho lowoat. Carried. Moved by MoHimi. Groavoii and Moonoy, that Mr. Uro ho authorised to grunt u. Iouho of Htat- uto labor to Louin Pay no on tho bano lino. Carried. Moved by Mimnrn. O'Neil and GroavoH, that 13. A. Bullivun bo (appointod colloator at, a aalary of 870 Carried, Movod by Mossrs. Uro and Moonoy, that all pathmastorB bo roquoatod to rotnrn thoir luitit on or boforo tho noxt mooting of thocouuoil. Carriod. .Movod by MoaHrn. Groavea aud O'Noil, that P. O'UonnolI bo paid S'IG.balanoe.for gravel bought in 189fi. Carried. Movod by Monnrs. O'Noil and Moonoy, that John Groavea_bo_autl;oriicod to let a loaao of ntatuto labor to Daniol Campboll and Marie Uutto, on 10th con. road north from new ditch. Carriod. Movod by MoHBrn. O'Noil and Groavoa that MoNoo & McKay bo paid 81 60 for printing. Carriod. John Ferry wnn paid 8125 on Wont Townlino and Piko Crook Dram Hopairn, by order of oommiuaionoiB. Council adjourned to Ootobor. 17th, Are You in Need e Of anything in the -way of Footwear ? We have already received and passed into stock several large consignments of Boots and Shoes for the fall trade, bought direct from tlie best Manufacturer!* in the Dominion, and We Can Supply Your Wants. We make a Specialty of Hand-made Long Boots."^-*5^ If you contemplate purchasing a Suit ot'Olothea, an Ovorcoat. a suit of Under'wear, a Stylish Hat, or anything else in the lino of Men's .Furnishings, it will payv you to call on us as. ,............ We are the Clothiers of Essex. We have also an extra fine line of Ladies' TJnder-wear, Hose, gj&;-/ Gloves, etc^ and SpeciaLVaJueB in Flannels, Yarns, Sheetings and blankets. Our Grocery Department ^^ As usual, is well stocked with choice, fresh Goods. Remem ber we import our Teas direct, hence thoir exceptional values. Visitors to Town"^6^. Are cordially invited to call and inspect our goods and get our prices, ' I I... II J YOURS FOR BARGAINS, A London dcanatuh Hayn tho Duho of iVr^ylo, father of tbo Marqmu of Lorno, ih dangoroimly ill, A powdor ma^azino oxplodocl at Bulu- wayo. Five whito men woro Itillod, aa woro alno ncoroH of ICafilro, who woro camp* incnoartho raa[jazine. .' DtTl^rSTAlT BLOOIt- ESSEX- Khsox Market Wheat'rodpor bnahol....S 05 to Whoat, whito .... Corn .... Oatfi .... 15 to Timothy Sood .... Clovor Sood .... -1 00 to Hay por tou............ 8 00 to AlHiko .... '100 to Iiuof por owt............ 'I 60 to Pork Livo woijjht........ 3 flOto Mutton ............ 6 00 to Ilidoti ............ OhlokouB por lb.......... 7 Btittor .......... 12 Lard.......... 8 E^CH. por doz.......... Potatoou, por bnohol .... 30'to Oniono .... 40 to Apploa .... 20 to. Turnip b .... 5t0 Carroto .... Turhoyn por lb.......... 8 to Duoku .......... Calory por doz .......... Wool.......... IB fc 05 03 % IB 1 30 <1 00 8 00 1 00 5 00 !! (SO 600 250 8 12 8 13 30 JO 20 25 . -10 9 7 1 00 19 Auction Sale OF^r-*?*^ Lumber. ... .There will be sold by Public Auction at..., . .CAMP PALMEE. . . Thursday, Oct. 22, AT SALE OF DRY GOODS For Next 30=days FRANCIS.' ---------------------------------------------------------------------ni..i 1 .i 1 1 1.,1,-------------------------------------------.-----------------------------. Straw and Felt Hat at Cost. Boots and Shoes to =rc at A Price. Prints as Low as 5c Past Colors. Ginghams, u- OC u ..GROCERIES Always Fresh. 2Kc. TEA Best m tlio market. a BARS " IScliiiHu" Sonp for 3fic.' O ,e "Oorafort" " iific. 12 '* "Our Own JSioctric/* for 3Uc. AGENT FOR-Trrr: SaJ^d^ To^ At 10 o'clock, a.m., Sharp, 250, FEET OF LUMBER! Maple, Ash, Oak, Ehn, Sycamore and Cottonwood, Also All Kinds of Bridge Plank, Scantling, Joists, &c, besides a quantity of Must Be Sold as the Proprietor is Closing Out H/s Entire Stock. TERMS: All sums of $10 and under, Oash; over' that amount six months' credit allowed on furnishing approved joint notes. P. McCLOSKEY, Auctioneer. For furthor particulars apply to W. MARK DeCEW, Essex. NOTE. In case all of the Stock cannot be disposed off on the day of sale, an adjournment will be had until next day, October 23rd, beginning at the same hour. t3~ On the above date, O. R. TAYLOR, General Mer chant, at Camp Palmer, will eell Goods at his store At Cost. Highest Price Paid for Produce, J. A. FRANCIS. .Vaneo'B Old Stand, )3hhcx. Sale itcKiHtor. An auotion salo of hounolaolcl fnmitaro and offoote will, bo hold at tho romdonoo o( W. A. Garduor, Alioo Rtroot, at 1 p. m. en Buturdny, Ootobot 17th. Credit nulo of furm atomic and imp!omontn at lot 11, townlino, Maidatono, on Monday, Ootobor 12th, Goraccionoinfj at 1 p.m. Mra. Tbon.-r, Kano, propnotroRB; F. MoClonlcoy, auotionoor. Poatponod crodifc oalo of farm iitook, im- plomoutB, oto., tho property of tho lato W. D. O'Noil, lot 2,.oon. 0, townHbip of Sund- wioh South, on Wodnooday, Ootober 11th, oommonoing at .10 a.m. Frank McCloo- hoy, auctionooi:, Aaotion tialo of 250,000 ft. of lumbof bo- flidos bridge plank, oto at Oamp Palmor, on TUureday, Ootobor 22nd, at 10 a.xa, W- Mark DoCow, propriotor j F, MoOIob- koy, auotionoor. M. J. Wiqlo A Co. aro cofcfcint( up ovor- oo'ata to ordor at romarkably low prioon, Births. Xottbk In Maidflfcono, on Ruuday,. Bopfcoiuboir 27tb, to Mr. and Mru. Thoa. Tolton, a Bon. DYUNIB Iu Hoobotitor. on Mondny, Boi*fcombor Cdth, to Mr. ajid Mrs, Jno. Byrno(a daufjbtor. Hxvica-'In Mnldfltono, oi Tnuaday, Ootobor Otb, to Mr. and Mru. Houry Haves, a uaualifco*. XtiLW In GonnoUl Nortb, on IMday, Ootobor Qod, to Mr ana Mm. Kd. Alloy, a sou. Wn*JjriHli TCu Htiabx, on TucBday, Ootobor fith, to Mr. and Mia. Hawy WillBhok', n dauahUr. JOLLM^ At Oottam, on Saturday, Bopfcombor 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Qooro Jolloy.a daufih- tor. Huwcra^rln Gosflold North, on Monday, Sp- tomborasth, to Mr. and Mrs. Jool Ilolkle, a daughter. Khioht Iu Ksaox, oil Saturday, Ootobor 3rd, to Mr. aud Mra. Ifldward Knl^bt, a sou HtM- bcru. , MarrlatjOH. , WiaJW Tu KlngsvUIo, on Thursday, October lat. by Bov. It. D. Horrluutou. Mr, Kobort Fojmp to MIbb Ltbblo Etimble, both of KiueavfllBT v Foho ~ liOTT Ai fcho Mothortlst parsonaco. Kbbo*:, ou Tueaday, Ootobor,Otb, by Bev. Ur. Pasooo, Mr.Gordon *ord to Mlaa Ethol Lott, both of Oolobostar South* Kxporlmontti With Potato**. Afc tlio Maiuo atatio^i tha rohUlve morits of ordinary culture and tho trench HyHtom wero compared on two twontloth of an aoro plntfl, ttalng Kavly Roso potutoofl. ThOBoil'wasaBtronifolay loom, naturally xnoiafc and thow>otfhly nndordrninod. Aftor plowing and har rowing, tho tubora on ono plat wa*e plantod in furrows four incbea deep, with fortilistfirfl oppliod on the wurfaoe. On tho othor plut furrows 8 Inches deep woro pulveri'zod to a depth of 14 inobcH nnd filled to 0 inohes, Tho foi- fcilizor whh thou appliod in tho farrow and ooYorftd with 9 inohoH uioro of Boil, tho tuborfi boing thon planted aa on the flrflt plat. Tho total numbor of tubers harvested was groator by tho troiioh method, but tho gain was wholly in thoao which wero Eimall aud uimnirkotablo. Tho coflfc of labor in preparing tho plats waa for tho troneh Hyutoru nearly twioo that of tho ttmml ntothod. Tho rosultfl aro re- gardod aa not justifylug the extra labor inyolvod iu tho trench system. >'M 4 'w '.'pi , "it '-Vl *-^ :',\.'i vm ItjoliouBo Without Snwdtut* Tho oHRontials of u honso to keep ioe aro protootiou from air, thorough drain- ago, tlinfc thowator may not atand in tho bottom of tho house, aud thorough ventilation above,, bo that the hot air may not accumulate. It is of great ad-; vantage if tho ioohouso can bo buUti^i .,,,,.., tho Hhado of trooa to protect it from the ,,<40|li direobraysbf tho sun- The.larger ,tho'^rr'^j^H quantity of ice put together the beljbor it j;; ::;gi{ Will keep. Tho blockfl sbpald be sawed;;^;Jg| aquiiro and of uniform Biz* and close- '0$jB ly paokod together. With a largo, quaa- ; ;:|;j| tity of ice, aud in tho absence ol flawdnjn^.'^ji&l a Prairie Farmor correspondent. teXvt^'M^A that buy in a good substitute, but great. |mins should bo taken to seetliat the- .... bpaoo around tho outsido is 'bo 'cloeely'. '$$$ paokod that no air will be admitted andTw ... ... . . _ _...... ,..^| on top of tho ioe gets Baturaod with'.':'(,'^ tho top thoroughly ooverod. If the te^'1-1- . '^^^^^^^M^^i^^^^^^^ water, aud begins to heat in suiniher,".it'.rOT would bo wise to remove part of itcn^i^lf replace with dry hay. Soft hay from;^ second cutting is the best for this purr -l^ ii * fit P0"0* . -A^i, .' : .' VVV^.^'^'r

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