Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 9, 1896, p. 2

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m Mr. ,;:,v:.,,,,.,,....,. ...... ........... =;|i TTYTTlt TfTTIfTTTTTTTTTTfmT t f * t ^ TheD.& Emulstisi I Is Invaluable. if you1 ar&run down, as it Is a food as woll as 1 a medicine. i The D. & L, EmutsionH] Will build you up If your uonufHl healili lu A t. Unpaired. H & I The D, & L. Emulsion a fi'V". ' :,lslb beat and niout palatable preparation of J Cod Uvcc Oil, ajtriMjlng wlih ilin iiKiatiloll- 3 CAto atumaclis. I Tho D. & L. Emulsion ! Is prescribed by tlio leading phyr.iciaim of 4 ' Canada. 3 The D. fit L. Emulsion : la a marvellous floali producur and will ylvu A you fin appedte. bBOc* & SI per Bottlo are yon got I DAVI8& UWREHCE Co,, LTD. : o genuine | Montreal if About t>rlcd Applou. The followhigl hintflhi roforonaoto drjod applet! are worthy of more thau passing notice. Tho domsud for Canadian apples has been almost wholly from Germany, . and tho reason watt that American or United States apples woro out smaller and not dried as carefully. But tho hint two ,'. years bus vfrifcnoHBod a dooidod change. Canadian apples uro being out smallor and dried more cnrolcsnly, whila tho States, especially Now York and Ohio, aro taking very tnuahmoro painH with thoirn, tho ro. buH being that Ohio and Now York Stated apples now bring an much or moro raonoy ihan Canadian applou. If farmora will not bo.moro careful and out thoir applou in larger pieces (full'quarter), bright and dry, tho mnrkot will bo shut agaiust them. Sliced apploH thin yoar will not bo worth anything. Ono Hlvory Night. Ono Laxa-Livor Pijl taken oaoh night during 30 daya will euro Constipation, oft- returning Headaches and irrogular- action of tho bowolo. LaxaLivor PiIU loavo uo unpleasant aftor-offoot. Br. Fowlor's Extract of Wild Straw- borry euros Diarrhft3ftrDyacnfcQry, Cramps, Colio, Gholora Morbua, Cholera Infantum, and all looHonoss of tho bowolo. Novor travel without it. Prico 35o, Harvest Excursions. In ordor to givo ovoryono an opportunity to boo tho grand crops in tho Wontorn Btafcos audomiblotho intending nottlor to Boouro a homo, tho Chicago, Milwiuikoa & St, Paul^R'y ban arranged to run a series of harvoat oxnursiona to South nod North Dakota, and to other atuten in tho Went, North'woat and BoathwoHt oa tho following dates: July 21, AugUBt 4 and 18, Septem ber 1, lfi 29 arid October (> and 20, at tho low rate of two dolhira moro than one faro for tho round trip. Tiukota will bo good for roturii on any Tuesday or Friday " within twonty-ouo days from date of aalo. J?or ratoo, timo of trainn and farther do- tttiln appiv to any ooupon ticket agont in tho Hast or Sooth, oraddroao A. J. Taylor, Oanadiau Passongor agont, 2 -King street E.( Toronto, Ont. Ay \voII nil Hvor. Diuit SinH, After nufforing for two yearn from acuta indigestion, I tried U. B, D. I took only, throe bottloo, whiah made mo as woll as ovor I was. I highly rocorn. mond B. B. B, to all dyiipoptioa. Mna. Jons Wiiitk, Auotin, Man. Patient Endurance. Ono of tho witucflGGQ in one of tho Canon at tho proaont aobizca told in tho witnosH box a Dtory of pationt ouduranoo that in worthy of omnlatlon. The witnoaa uworu that on a oortain Saturday night he wont to bod loaving tho pluiutiff in tho oaao, a young womou, Bitting in tho lap of a young "man. On Sunday morning tho c-uplo oa- aupied tho aarao rolative poaition. On Sunday night tho young woman uaH otill in tho young maa'a lap. Ditto Monday morning. Ditto Monday night. Ditto Tuonday morning. Ditto Tnoaday night. And thoro wan not a word of complaint or ttU indication of wcanuoiiH on tho part of oithor of thorn during all that time Stratford Boaoon. Hpod'a Saraapanlla pariflea tho blood, . ovoroomoo that tired foeliug, croatoa au uppoLitu, and ^ivoo rofrr.fihiog aloop, "Can any of yon toll mo why Lazarua waa aboggar?" aokod tho foraalo toaqhor in a. local Suuday Sobool. "Why wuh Lazaruo a boggar ?" ahoropeatod ntornly. "Ploaso, ma'am," ropliud a email boy, , whoBo faMior wan a moroliant, "Becauoo he didn't advortino." it:': K. t Has been endorsed by the medical |/1'V, profession for twenty years. (Ash ^' '"your Doctor.) This is because it ^J;,is always palatable always urn- tffiljf'Qrim always contains the purest ^ y Norwegian Cod-Liver Oil and ffypopbospbites. Insist on 5cott*s Emulsion with trade-mark of man and fish. Put up in 50 cent and $ 1.00 sizes. Tbe smdll size may be enough to cute your cough or help your baby. LINES. [Frooly onlargod frpfo Vicrfcir Unffo). Liito a ttriy (rllnfe of light piercing through tha ddaty gloom ( ^ ' Omgofl flbr HtJJo fpnffhin'g faao throngh tlio nhftdoWH of fety roiu. And my pou fornota Itn -vruj aa It hoarfl hoif liMt'rttiK truAd, Wuilo bur pruttllliK troblo tonort ohjwo th thouuhtH from out my lioud.. "Sho-irt <jUo<ni umX I hor uliiV". ono wlio lovoa For Hho ml dm lu>r world of liomo with Imparl' ouh huhy \fuyn. Ill bhu diiiiocM, ouIIh mo "Donrl" turtlH tliq pn^uH of my hook, Thi*oin<n horttMf upon my kitoo. ttUfon my pon with iuu((liiiiu lookH, Mtikoti dlfiordnr foIkh miprnmo, tdrnn my pa* pom uiwldu down, Dr-vWH m oidndlutlo h1hu, unto from four of any frown, OnnniilOH all my vortion up, phmn^d in Imar tho (jriidltlln^ nomid, Mukon tlnmi intd bulln itiul "thou fllnya thoui all upon tho {{round. EJmUlonly nhu il\Ut nwuy, loaving mo iilono tiKUln With u wurmth nbouli my honrt and u urlifht^ir*, oluurur bruin. Ami, uHhuiiKh tho thouKlitu rotnrn that hut ooniiiiK drovi) uwuy, Tho roiniimliriinco of linr luugh lineoru with mi) through tho dny. And It oliuwoc'n, mi I writo, I may lulto h criimplod Nhoi't, On tho wliieli, (Jrnl knowoth why, road my funcintJ twlco fin HWiint. N. H. U. in London Spectator. A DECEPTION. hnvo It here," putting hor hand to hor bronat. "Jufit lot me havo a look at it a moment." "Lot you? Oh, ho you want to draw buck, do you? Woll, you can if you"^ "My darling, I" "Cleorun, forgivo mo. Of'oonrno I know. Thoro it in. "I Wuh about to Hay,*' I obsorvod iu I took it, "tliat I only wanted to boo if I had Hpnllod jiooommry with ouo 0 or two." Bho oponod wido hor oyofc "NoooHwiry?" Hho Hiiid, "Why, thorc'H no flunh word in tho lofctor." "iHn't thoro?" I imirimirocL "Lofcmo BOO." Yoh, I rend it, hut I don't think it won 1(1 ho right to lot unyono oIbo do ho. Aly thonry wad correct, howovor. "I inn wrontt," I Huid, n I foturuod ifc to lior. "J didn't; uho tho word." "X know you didn't." Thoro wuh a pimno. "And nud you don't want to draw back?" "Not; for worldfl," I oriod rocklofjflly. "Draw buck indood." Wo talked of muny thirds aftor that. Sho told mo nbout hor inotlior, wiio wuh un invalid, it nppourud. "And I ahan't ho ablo to como out thiH uftornooii," Hho Hnid, "but you'll conio up and hoo nmmmii?" I honitutod n momonfc only a mo- mont. . , "Yoh," I Hiiid. "But do you know H'h vovy funny bnt tho fncfc ia I'vo ivo- tunJly forgotten whoro you'ro Htaying. lh\, hnl" "Oli, you Hfcupid boy!"South Parndo, Of COUl'HO. " "Of cowrHo. Numbpr?'1 "Eleven." "To bo Hiiro;1 V "Munium will bo ho plonacd- to bog To thin day I livo in porpotuiil fonr of mooting hiiii, indood I am continually iiumitdd with the bolio'f tlmtho in Bconr- ing tho onrth for mo, thirsting for ro- vongo, nud that ia why I shun tho hauntH of men and livo 11 aolitary, ho- oltidod lii'o, only vonturing otit at dusk ' yon." and woiu'iiigu bunrd(whiob doosn'fc mut "I nhnll ho plonnod to bgo mamma," mo) and bluo gliiHSOfi (which 1 don't I roapoudod. itaod) iwn moans of dlflguiBo. Ofcourao1 Tho biuitl bad coneed playing now, it should novor havo hiipponod. I admit f"'1 X .R,lJv hor off tho P*or saw hor that. A word of oxplamition and all ho m "' ^ .1 vt , ., , "Tina afternoou thon?" Bho mud would hnvo boon well, and I nhoalcl not brightly IW x bm]o bor KOod nioruing, now bo living with tho Hword of Damo-' x BIli(1 yefl( bnfc j did not meaa it oIoh hanging over my bond. But; X let No, I had renolvcd to lot tho raattor go THE BATTLE OF THE NILE. NiiImoii Hit Id , It TVu a C(m<|n*iit, Nut * mr Vlotry. MIevon out of 1H Fronoh Hhips of the linn hud boon taken or dnatroyod and two of tho four frigutoB. It wiih not a vlotory; it Whh u eoiuiuoHt. Ho wroto NoIhou regni'dihg it. It in nnntioeHHury imro to Hjii"ilc of the titloM und rewardu whioh woro showered on tlio victor. It in of morn rnid iuUa'CHt to connidor tho true Hifjnilleunoii of the vlotory, tno Beiiwe in whioh \b could be fluid to bo a lowpiont. Xn JCnglund wo havo too muoh , iiooiiHtonied ourwilvoM to look on ifc inoroly aa tho ihoHt brilliunt of oa UghtH, und in l(,raiit!o it ban boon Hpoken [if an a rovoi'Ko indend, but one whioh aimiiot oloud tlm Hplondor of tho battlo >f tlio Pyramids l^ono tho Iohh, ifc won tho eonquoHfc of Kgypfcj liwaw tlio inola- fcion und virtual impriHonmbnt of tho French urniy. Bonapnrto undOrwtood thin from tlio flrwi, and after a vain and hopoIoHH oam- hopoIoHH ngaiiiHt th*? power which eounnandod tho oomnmni- oiitionH by Hen heniadoau ignominionH flight, leaving Kleber to got tlio army out of tho mow* in whioh ho hud put ifc. NoIhom, too, undorntood it and wroto on Aug. 11: "Tho l^renoh iirmy in in a Hornpo. Thoy aro up the Nilo without HupplioH. Tlio inhnbitautH will allow notliiiiK to piiKH by land, nor B, N. by water. Thoir army ia waHting with tho flux, and not 1,000 men will ovor re turn to Europe." And Homo montlm later, Muroli 32, 1709, ho wroto: "Tho omhaHHador of Bonaparte hufl been in- torceptod by Troubridgo on hiH way to CoiiHtnnfcinoplo, and among other nrfci- oIoh of his inntruotiouH iH an offer to en- tor on terniH for Iuh quitting ISgyptwith hiH army. Thia offer in what I havo Iohr oxpected the gloriouH battlo of tho Nilo would produce, but it waa' my dotor- miaation irom that moment novor, if I could help it, to permit a funglo French man to quit Egypt. To Egypt thoy went with thoir own consent, nud thoro thoy nhnll ronmin while NoIrou comnmndH tho dotachud nquiidron." A lottorfrom Klobor to tho directory, written ouly n month after Bonaparfco had doHortod bin poat, rovoulH tho liopo- tho opportunity Blip and pluugod myaelf uo fnrthor. Op to this poinbifc bad Him- Johhiicbh which wuh firlfc. "I know," ho into un intriguo whioh may yofc end in ply been n'very inuocont joko. But it; bloodHhod. j should ond. Itboganwith n vory simplo mistako ! Hung it, yon know ifc wann't right on my part. I wuh lounging on the pier ; Jn 'aj6;,1* Ww ^Bthonornbl- ITW?U; . then X thought of her unswor and what at Eaataon ono fino morning in faoptcau-1 u wnB ,ikol to ^ imd-Woll, nfc 0 bcr, lmtomug to tho grand Kolootion o'clock I was flitting in tho front draw- from tho "Bohemian Girl" (they play Jnff. room Ilt No. n Hipplng t0ft ftnd jfl wqilired| and that Iovor iB a mivv. thia ovei-y day nt Enatflon) and wutohmg talking to a very chnrming old lady who OnrH hiw ooayod to oxiafc. Siuco that po- tho promenudorH, whon my oyow foil on j wolcomed mo aa a hou. triocl ovorything baa changed, and poaeo a young lady who wan Bitting in a quiet I Lucy accompanied . mo to tho door \vith tho porto iu, in my opinion, tho oornor rondiug a 110vol. I could not koo when I took my loavo. on\y oxpodient." Corn hi 11 Mngimuo, horfaoo, forifcwnahiddouby a-crimson I' "What timo flhall I call for you?" I nskod, "Sovon." "IgHhall livo in torture till then." "No, you inuflt live in hopo," sho ropliod, and thon oho disappeared. J was thoro at 7. Sho was rowdy. Sho parasol, but hor gonorttl nppoaranco at onoo told mo that ifc was I^lo Boresford, ono of tho prottieHt girla X know, and, inwardly congratulating .myself, I roso and croaaod to hor. So absorbed Wtta Hho in hor book that' put hor arm through mine quite confld- sho did not hear mo approach, and to iugly, and wo walked down the pier. attract her attontion (I know her very wrote, "nil tho importance of tho poa- soaHion of Egypt. I uhwI to say in Eu- ropo that thia country wna for Franco tho fulcrum by ineima of whioh alio might move at will the commercial aya- tom of overy quarter of tlio globo. Bub to do thin effectually a powerful lovor only expedient. " A NOBLE SURGEON. Ho Savm! a I'lttlont'H Mfo at tho IVrll nf IHm Own. A certain London honpitnl IniH on its statf of pbyaioiiiua one man at least whoso horoism haa been demonstmted, well) I playfully tappod tho sunahado with my paper. Sho looked up in a mo ment, and then, to my horror, X saw I had mado a mistake; it was not Flo, bufc*a atrnugor. I atood paralyzed, trying to framo an apology, but boforo I could got tho words out I was amazed to hoo a lovely smile of evident recognitiou nud a still lovelier blush ovorspreud a charming faoo. "George!" shocriod in a joyous tone, "Thia ia a surprise. Whon did yon como? But thcro, ait down." Now, I know that this was whoro X mado tho fatal error. It was evident that I had a doublo, and equajly evident that Rhu wuh mistaking mo for him. I know I ought to havo undeceived hor, to havo murmured a .fow words of apology, raised my cap and gono'away, but I did not do thiH. Perhaps it was her eyes or her mouth or hor hair. I don't know. But, anyway, Hho drew her skirts nflido, and I sat down. "What mado you como bo ao aud- dbuly?" sho uskod. II What 1" then ' rccovoring myself. "Why, you, of oourao." Sho blushed divinely. "Couldn't; you wait for my answer?" she mumuured softly. "No," I said, "I couldn't. " Sho turned over tho pages of her nov el in abstracted fashion. On tho fly loaf I caught sight of aomo writing "To Lucy from George," and the dnto. Thon a suddon inspiration struck mo. I bent my head closo to hers, so close that a stray tendril of hor brown hair brushed my cheek. "Lucy," X whisporod, almost putting my lips toherfiholl-likolittlooar, "what ia your answer?" : Sho laughed. "Wouldn't you liko to know?" abo said. "I posted tho lettor thia morning. " "In in answer to my letter?" I put in, taking a step in tho dark. "Yes, iu auswor to your letter. And you'd havo had it tonight." "And as it is I've missed it," "Yes, you'vo missed it." "But you'll toll mo what what you said?" She bent hor bond and toyed with tho tasaol of hor parasol. . Sho was very lovoly. "I'vo half a mind nofc to -juefc to toaflo you," aho murmured. "Do yon want to drive mo distract ed?" I oriod. . A ripple of laughter onmo from hor Hosy HpH.. "You soo if you'd only waitod?' "But I X couldn't waifc. Luoy, you rill toll mo?" "Not nob now." "Whon?" "To tonight porbapa" "Horor "Voh, horo." Thon I wondorod what it; was ho hud ktikod hor. It toumod to me that It could only ho ono thing, but Ah, I had it "Havo you kopfc my lottor?" 1 asked and hifl corpaelike pallor and faltoring Onr corner was vacant, and wo sat gait, although ho ia in his primo, boar down. Hor cyea woro vory bright, and daily witnoHH to thia faot. hor chocks were flushed. It wna a mild, > "It happened ten yoarfl ago," said warm evening. Tho sea splashed lazily one of the hospittil clerks in telling tho on tho golden sauda, and tho band play- story, "just uftor tho doctor becamo a od a dreamy waltz. ' i visiting surgoou hero. A woman was "Havo you forgotten?" I murmured brought in suffering from a cancoroua aa I took hor hand. j growth that must in tlio end prove fa- "Forgotten?" tab Tho house surgeon iu chargo, a "Your answer?" , yonng mnu, advised i\n imuicdinto opor- "Sho waa'ailent. atiou, nud lio and his assistants wore in "Lucy, whnt ia it? Spoak! This UiIff~tho midst of ifc when tho visiting aur- BUspoiiHO ia killing me." . '! goon arrivod. I think I did ifc protty well. Thoro! "A student was handling tho knifo was a decided thrill of genuine passion ' and-hnd laid bare tho lifo destroying iu my voice. Tho fact is, I boliovo I loved her. "It'n it's a word -of th-tbl'OO let ters," hIio murmured. "Of throe" "George, ia my hat straight?" This was after aft or tho band had played three waltzes and two descriptive pieces, and it was timo to go homo. I saw her homo, of oourso, niid wo lingered at tho gato another half hour. "I may tell mamma?" alio whisporod softly aa I released .her. "Yea, do," I said. After all, what did ib matter? Then I suddenly felfc the preflauro of can so. "'Careful, careful,' exclaimed tho visiting surgeon as tho student dexter ously cut tho flesh. 'If you sever that nrtory, sho may die under tho knifo.' "Tho warning came late, tho knifo had alit tlio artery, and tho blood leap ed into tho wound. "Tho visiting surgeon had a amall out on hifl forefinger. To scizo tho ar tery so as to stop tho flow of blood would neceflKarily bring tho cut in con tact with tho bacilli of cancer. A mo ment's delay, on tho othor hand, meant, perhaps, tho woman's death. "Without an iuBtnnt's hoaitation tho her lips to mine, and tho next moment surgeon's trained fingers had gripped aho had vanished. Aud as I walked tho artery, which ho held firmly until back to my hotel mnokiug a oigarptto I it oould ho ligatured. It prolonged tho thought what; a pleasant evening I had , woman's lifo a few months," continued spent. ! tho narrator, "but the poisou got into Alas! I novor saw her again. I should tho doctor's system, and ho lay at tho havo met her on tho pier tho next morn- point of death for weeks." 'Pittsburg ing, but I did not do so. I don't think , Dispatch. I should have done so iu any case, but tho roal reason why I didn't wns this: Ah I enmo down tho next morniug I It Wa Tim, Late in tho ovoning a report sproad through tho train that we had a follow bo like mo thntwo migUt havo boon wl,o had go t3 on nt Buffalo. I mado B inquiry of tho porter of my oar, and ho twins. Ib was "George." Whafc did I do? Why, promptly pack ed my portmanteau and took train to u roiuotovillugo in Scotland. Iofteuwon- dor now if ho ovor found out. Of onu thing I am certain, Sho would not toll him. St. Paul'a. Deaf mid I>onib nt Intorvalg. Whilo talking to aomo frionda in Wilkesbarro recently Patrick Hoaloy was sti-icken deaf and dumb. Ho wroto on a piece of papor: "Do not bo alarm ed. This will pass off in fchroo days. I know, what it is. I havo had ifc bpforo." Ifc aooma that Hoaloy, while in Iroland, 20 years ago, was thrown from a horso. Aa a result of iujuriea recoivod ho was deaf and dumb for throe dayn. Evory four yonrsflbi'co then ho has had n aimi- lar attack, lasting in oaoh insfcanco throo days. Philadelphia Record. ( "Kopfc it? Oh; Goorgo, yea. Why, 1' ^ Itrutal. Sho 'Thoro 1 How do you like my singing? Uo Thore ia certainly a groat doal of fooling in it "Thank you." "As I was about to romnrk, it gave me an improasion that you were fooling uround for the notos without bohig sure cf finding them. " Indianapolis Jour- ropliod: "Dab's what; doy say,, sab, but yo' onn'fc alius toll, Ho'a in do next car, bub I can't; dun say if no's riou till mawnin." Next morning tho porter bookonod mo into tho smoking compartmont nud said: "Dnfc story was all true, sab." "Thon ho's worth $30,000,000, oh?" "All of dafc, sub, an mobbo lno'," "How did you And out?" "From do odder po'tuh, sab. Dogom- nn' baa josfc gin |iim 10 cents, whilo ovoryhody olso has cum down wid a qnai'tor," Sfc, Louis Poafc-Dispatoh. A Million Oiilrt Oniifirs. Would not brine; happiuoKO to i 11> portion sufforing with dyapop^m, but. IIuuU'h Sar- naparilla linn ournd runny thOnuandH of oasou of this diHOunu. I1; tonen thustnranoh, rogulutou tho b'nwnls and pu'tt nil tho muchinery of ihn nyntom in..|jood working ordor. It oroatoii a goad appot-Uo and gives hbalth, stri-ngfch and happineuii, . HooiVh Pills not hunuontomily wilh Hood's BurBitpurilla. (Juro all lvv<ir ilia. 25 cents. Bank PrcfildentlsonflLowifl of Bn^tn'i, Ohio, le highly respected nil through tfaat *ocuon. Ho bus lived In Clinton Go. 7t yearn, and han been proildent of tlio Sablnn Bank 20 years. Ho gladly testifies to the^ merit of Hood!sJ3arfia^ parllln, and what ho says la worthy attention. All -brain workers find Hood's Sarsaparilla peculiarly adapted to their needs. It makes pure, rich, red blood, and from this comes norv^, mental, bodily und dlgostivu strength* "I am (find to Buy that Hood's Bate a pa rllln If* a vory good medicine, opcuUly u a blood purlllor. It haa done me good many times. For nevotal y^ats I suffered groatly with paliie of Neuralgia In ono eyo and about my temples, es pecially at night whon I had boon having a linrd day of physical aud muntal labor. Itooknianyremodles,but found help only In Hood'd Sarsaparlllawhlcfi cured meol rh ou mot Ism, neuralgia and headaohe. Hood's Barsaparllla has proved Itnalf a true friend. I also taku IIood'B Pills to keep my bowels regular, nud llko the plllfl very much." IbAAO Lewis, Bablna, Ohio. Hood's Sarsaparilla lithe Ono Trua Wood" Fnrlflor. A11(lruKRit^. $i, rroiiarodonly by C, I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mas*. v v * 1 <r\m ftro Prompt, officlout and liOOClS HlllS cany Inotfoot. 2ficoaU- iNovi'l l'r<Htounl, Jlrur. Bntlor, of tho Chesioy Froo ProsH, hut (i HiigyoatiDu for making giod tho 37 000 000 of rovouue Lhat would hu lunt to 1 lie country by the adoption of prohibition, lie f.ftyr that tho ballot HhouId hnvo an aq- n cm ont printod on tho baok by which awry man who voted (or prohibition Hhnuld hind hiniuuK to pay a spuoiid tax loviod over and abovo all othor taxes, in proportion to ihe amount of property he owuh wlwtthor in landH, tool(H, hnndti, ur money ho in tho owner of iu tho ovonfc of prohibition bocoming law. ThiH proposi tion ban Homothintf 10 oommoud ib, on tho principal that turn about in fair plav. tip lo tho proHtnt the whole of thin 97,000,000 liiLii boon paid by tho drinUor; Mm non. drinlioi-n hiivo not coutributod a cont of it, Rnpputung 1 ho non driukorH woro to uudor take to contribate tho whole of it, thoreforo thoy would be simply taking thoir turn. Stratford Buacion. RlicumatiHin Cured In a Day. Boufc'i Auiorican Blit-nmatio Curo, for KhiitimatiKin und Nouralgia, ritdicnlly onroH in 1 to 3 dnyn. Irs action upon tho My* .torn in remarkable aud m.vnterioiiK." It removon at onco tho ouhhq and tho dianaao iramoduitt-'ly diunppourH. The first done greatly bcnoutn. 75 oentft. Scld by J,' Thorue. CbarloH K. Atkinson, jr., of Atlunnon tt Atkinuon, barrintorH, Chatham, haa boon presented by tho Canadian Pacific railway with a puna ovor tho Canadian Pacifio railway Ryatom in recognition of bin hero- itim, di.Hplayed in tlui roncuo of Jnnoph Wilson, of Tilbury, from death undor tho wheolo of a moving oxprons a fow evenings ago. Kellof In .Six Honra. DiotroMning ICiduoy and Blmider Dihoilhoo rolievod iu Dixhnursby the "Bourn Amrbicam Kidmkv Cunii." Thin now rmnedy ia 11 great sur prino and delight on account of itn exceed ing promptnoHH in relieving pain in clio bladdor, kidneys, back and overy-part of tho urinary punnagen iu raalo or fomalo. It .relieves rotention of waior and pain in panfting it nlnmot iinmediutoly. IT you want (]niok roliof and cure thia in your remedy. Bold by .7. Tboruo. Two froight trainn collided Wodnouday uinht at Philson, on the Baltimoro & Ohio railroad, 12-1 mi on tant of Pittsburg, male me, ono of tho worot wreoItH in the hiotory of the road. Ono man in doad, two fatally injured and aovoral othom mmfting. Thoro died recently in Quoonwland a man who had experienced, porbauw, moro of thy ups and dowim of lifo than any otlior man in the colony. Ho wan John Pnfc- tison, of Kookamtoir. A butcher in early life, ho went to tho gold floklu, "utrnck it rioh" nud wont iuco politics. Ho wus afturwurda appointed Pontraustor-Gouorul of tho oolouy, whioh poat.ho filled wilb din binotion. Lotting ull bin mouuy, bo rotm-nod to his trade and opuued a butohor ahop au poor an whon ho had started ut. hia trado. Hi CURCS Diarrhoea Dysentery Colig Cramps OlOLERA INFAMTUM <};&'6i\d. bl I ^>#1 UMMElieOMr>loAlNtS a-Adulfs \*s irerv PRICE 55^ WOOUNLEU. Oq Tuedftv, the 22nd nit, took place aft ";\/^ fcljo wooiJifleeB. O. cburob, an event wbioh* -!^ lake & high place amongst tha disorvea ftTDjoyabl'e'affttirflof thejeaaoo, tho uniting 4p tho hoty bondn of matrimony of Mr. P, j. OruhAiii. of the Townwhip of Hooheflfofi and Mlu'a Margaret Gaaghaa, of t bo Town- nhip of Maldstouo. The bride was attainted at tho altar by hor cou&in, Alius lioymioky of Detroit, und Janiee Lesperanco, of the townnhip of Itoohoator, abted in the oapao- ity of boat man for bin uncle, the groom. The murriagu curuinony porforiced and tho nuptial maaii to a close, the happy younu oouplo, nouompaniod by thoir ujauy frioudu, topuirod to tho homo of tho bride's' fu.thor, oltuato in the township of Maid- atone at a diatunco of about two miles from Wuodtdoo. On thoir arrival there they found thu usual compliment of happy fooea togroob them, nudwhat wau equally accept- ablo, af tor thoir drivo in tho chilling air of thu morning, a magnificent wedding brcak- faob of which it is uo uxuggurutiou to uuy that tho tables fairly groaned bououfch Its weight, uompouod, as it wan, of all the duhaadiOH of tho aoasou and sorvoa in a manner Htioh aa to tempt tlio palate of evon the moitt dainty cpicuie. After doing ample justice to tboao the remaining portion of tho day was agroeably hpout in games and othor amuHomontH whilst tho talented miuiioiana present added to tho charm of tho situation by thu rendition of vocal arid instrumontul muaio. Oh I how iu thoir mirth and jollity all could wihIi that the day's duration could bo prolonged or fchafc Mr, Gaugban hud yet a uooroof unmarriod daughter*!, Bnt daylight, pnsaod iuto twi light and thin in duo courao giving place to tho tihados of ni(;bt. sorved us a gentle re minder that tho day's fcstivitios must now oomo to a close. So uftor oxproauionu of fondoat wiahos for tho future happiness of., tho youiig cotiplo, tho guests took thoir de parture for thoir roHpootiva homos, not, howoyor, without tho quivor of a hope on tho lip of oaoh, that thin will not bo the luut timo thoy will havo an opportunity of doing similar yoomanliko aorvioou at Mr. Gau^han's hospitablo homo. And now iu conclusion I may be permitted to atata that if wedding prtaenta are uny an teflon to judgo of the future happinesa of a thar- nod couple, that of Mr. and Mra. Graham ranat bo woll nigh oomploto,asthupreaontH in* thin oaoo woro not only numerous but handiiomo and costly, aa tho following ilai will show : A largo portrait of Bishbp ij'oloy, from Mrs. MoNamariii rnarhlo top oontro table, V. MoHujgh ; largo parlor lamp, M. J. Hoilly, Detroit; parlor clock, Mr. McDowell & wife, of Detroit; bod room act, Mrs. J. McHugh; parlor lamp Mrs. E. MaPharlin ; china toa sot, T. Allan ; tablo dmpo, Mrs. T. Allan; fanoy china fruit dish, Mr. and Mrs. Slioridan; card plate, M. and F. Shoridan; glass dotisort dish, Mrs. M. MoHugh ; water not and tray, Mr. and Mra. JVloGrao ; two china fruit dibhoH, Mra. J. Moran ; fanoy parlor cloak, Mrs. F. .VloIIugh; glass dosaort dish, ; Mrs. Loudon ; $5 in gold, Mr. and Mrs, Molntyro, Chatham ; act of glaoawaro, Mrs; Loopcranco ; ^ dozen iiilver teaspoons, Af. and K. Brlollugh, Dotroit; J dozon dosflort dinhod, Mrs,,I.Daly ; ohinaoupundsauoor, J. Daly; bodnpread, Mn. J. Graham j silver borry (ipoon, J. Sohneidor and Miea Roymiok, Dotroit; china butter diali,Mrs. Goorgo, Bollo Bivor ; pair laoo curtains, j; Lcttporauco; china cup unU aaucof, Mistf h, Loudou ; embroidorod drapo for dress ing oaao. Mrs. H. Haud, Dotroit; ombroi- - dorod centre pieco, Mish M. Molntyro ; rug, iVlimi M.,Graham ; ptiioh aofa and pillow, Mra, Giiughau ; huon tublo clotli, Mri/. B. . Allan; uauo bottom rockor, FJiio Annie MoHugn; wine aott, Miaa B. McHugh; throo linen towolH, Mrs. Gillar, Dotroit ; linen tablo cloth, Mrs! I1'. McOloukey; fruit diiih, Mra. Mitchell; pair china tooth pick holdoru, Miits M. MoDowoll, Dotroit; two ve^otnblo diahoa, Mra. Roymiok, Dttroit; pair luco ourtaino, Mina A. Gaug- hau ; puir hucn towola, -Mm. Kablo; pair linon towola, Mrs. McPharlin. '\tt OoitMilputloii Cured. Gknta, I waa in vory poor health for ovor four years; tho doctor aaid it waa constipation. Not wanting to apond too much ouah I got throo bottloa of B. B. B. and took it regularly. I oun certify that I am now ju the vory bent of health and feel ycry eratoful to B B. B. Au/iikd Tifinoujc, Montreal, Quo. Citi^ouu dhouhi boar iu mind that thoy should buy whoro thoy live, not go away to a city and buy what, thoy nood. Aa looal morobanto have till thoir moana iuvoated in their. liuQiuoHa, often pay alartzc rental, pay taxoH like other people, fchoir sucooBa Is onHontial to the pro-purity of tho locality in whioh tbuy uro dou/g buaiuOHM, there- , [oro thoy. should receive tho patronage of every citizen who wiahtm to aoo hia own, town flauriub, bin proxjorby raiao ii) value, und hiH. follow lownamon. roooivo x)ropor remuneration for, thoir effort.*, The person who does not auppoit legitimate homo industry and untorpriao is liullty of brea'nou, not only to the town in which he may result1, but hIho to bis own boab in- tero^ta. ^'V-'^M HtraW-;^;,iJja Dr. Fowler'" Hxtniofc of Wild borry onren Dianhcba, jpyeontory, CJohb Cramps, Cliolora, Cholera' Infantum Cholera Morhmi nud all Hummer com .. . '..jfyfy plaint and fluxea of tho bowels in children " V;-M^! oradulta .' :fl vm 'VithiU-i'n IMfurt. Muchheui't nud nervo woaknoHuiHoauBed by'UudiiniiHo of tea, 'OoiToo, or tobacco;. v$t| palpitutiuii, nervoufntiaa, irritability,' ex-;:;.*[$j|j ultabihty, lack ol oontidenoe, eta;, are Bare ' .'"'ii aymptoms. Milhtiru'ri IIuart and Nerve'*'.*/>l8 Pilla bring ready relief/ by Bteudying! the^'.^^S norvoe nud regulabing the heart. tPh*y; }^:>M are a tfuo heart and nerve food. , """ i'^&f .-.' ; '.'i-i-V/^-Vf^""

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