Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 25, 1896, p. 8

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Bivvy;-';-( ' *' i Mc/:'-" - ' i K#: * A' '. fe'x. a-. & r-, fc' far. i Vi: - '.; '.'. re.!'.' Coming To the Great Sonth Western Exhibition ? If so, don't forget to call at the Leading Hat, Gap and Furnishing House. We extend a CORDIAL INVITATION TO ALL,^ Buyers, to visit our Store during the Fair, whothor buying or not. Our stock in now complete for fall. The CloecBt Buyers will find our prices right and. Save 15 to 20 percent, ON EVERY PURCHASE __^^, MADJE AT "^^ D. J. Whitney's, HATTER AND FURNISHER. A Good Thing --------------------to Those who want the best of Good Things come to us. They get Greater Values, Better Styles and more Pleasure out of our offerings than at any other place. We know this to be true be cause we hear what our patrons say. What others have discovered should interest you. Our Shoes Look Well. Fit Well, Wear Well. This ia tho least we could ponsibly nay about thorn. If it wan not for our uxporionco in leiiLher we could not Bell ho cheap. Gall unci be convinced for yourself. J Hi^n'of tho Golden Boot, WHITNEY BLOCK, ESSEX. A CHOICE 0m OF STYLES Is what can be obtained at our establishment, Dunstan Blk, Our work is the best, our de signs arc up-to-date and our prices very low. We are the only store in town handling Tweeds of Clyde Mills, best in Canada, and buying at mill prices wo save you from 50c to $1 on pair of pants and $2 to $4 on a suit; we have also a splendid line of fancy colored Worsteds, vpvj reasonable in price. We inuite you to in spect our goods before buying mm-/' l:ctmt <.:%* and good footwear Go together. If you would have the first you must week to get the second and to accomplish that take a walk into R. 0]\[LEy'g, "';'.';*^*wi.w. Ne.xtdeor to Ditto's ('avriago Shop, Talbot-St., Where you can have your choice of.... .. Custom Qi Ready-He Boots and Stas 3TO^ KJC^ JUTT> X30-TC. --- BEST Western makes to soloct from,........ tS0 Primo 3tooU used in miiuufactura no shoddy. 13* Repairing noatly done Parties' downing CuBtora-mvto Footwear in tho fall caiiloavo their orders How and call for samo when wnntoil. R. SONLEY, Essepc. COXTAJtl. Largo Kranita water pmU for BO oU. at OraWford'B, Tilbury. Tho annual Hurvoat Homo dinner. liniTor tho aunpiaoH of tho Wohiou'h Auxiliary Ml to Sooloty, of Trinity church, North Kidgo, will bo hold iii tho Town Hall, Got' tarn, thin (Friday) evening. Dinner will bd served from fl.HO to 3 p. in. in tho build. in({ opposite tbo hall and a Kood program of vooal and imitrumonUl inunlo, addross- 08, oto., will bo rondorod, Tickets, admit- tiii(! to HUppur and entertainment, 2fi cunts, children half prioo, I'rocoods m aid of building fund of tho ohtiroh. Mm. Ih&ro Jackson, President. Nouiii UKb<a:. Grout attractions at tho fair m Essex next week. I3o sure to (jo ifouly Iohoo tho Govornor Gonoral. JamoH Oummifntd, of thin plaoo, prouohod at Elford and GoHto.ou tho Gouto Girouifc, litiit Sunday. A iluo rain foil boro lust Friday, which was exactly what tho farmers noodod for putting tho land in condition for sow ing fall wheat. 'Xhoro wan a sharp front on Bunday morning, tho moroury dropping to 30. Thoro wan unothor drop in tho moroury last Wodnonduy morning whon it got as low as 26.. Thin in tho first freosco hi season to do any uoriomt injurv. Jos. Stephens, of Walkcrvillo, Hpont Sunday with friondH horo. B. MoDonald Iuih roturufld' homo after a two wrolcH1 trip throuiiU thoHonth. F. McCarthy and Minn Ward, James MoAnlilTo and Mihh Ward, Jamoii Quinlan and Miiia Kato Goati^an, and V. Conuoll and Miqh Arnio Quiulan, all of Maidotono, called on friondn in Woodnleo and Bollo Xlivor on Snnday. On Sunday morning lant, onb of Mr. Daly'n oowb wiih in noaroh of water and finding an old well in tho paHturo triod to roach tho wator, which wait about 0 foot from tho top. Tho conticquonoo wan alio wout in head flrut.. Whon found tho well wan dry aud tbo cow wan clnad. coHNVsnvvititirs. J. T. Loalc wa in Iloohoafcoron Tuouday on bwiiuoHH. Mian Sarah Pattoraon, of Eunox, opont Sunday boro at tho homo of hor parontH. Arch. Taylor and wifo, of Maidntono, vinitod with tho lattor'n fatlior ou Sunday lant. Potor Thoman has'rotnrnocl from a vinit to liin rion David at Stouoy Point, Mr. Thoman id oontompiatiniptuG-purohaRQ of Homo property in that vicinity. Mrn. Jonathan Bontloy, of Rondoan Park, Kout county, ban boon yiniting for tho paHfc fow woekfi with her dunt{htortMrH. Sumuon GoiujoII, of thin plaoo. David Kennedy, of Saypo, Mont., called on Mm. S. Gooko and family lant Thuraday wbilo on h\u way to vitnc rolativon in Loamiugton, Mr. Kpunody in an oxtonnivo rancher in'Montana. SOUTH UOODHLiCi;. Patrick Murphy apont Sunday iu De troit. Mioe Shaw, of CoLtatu, visited in town thia week. J. A- Smith opont a fow days thin wook in Romuoy. A lca"d~of young peoplo from hero drove to Kin^HviHo on Sunday laitt. W, n. Boyd, V. S., baa moved to liar- row whoro he ban hung outhio Pi^h. Urn. O. T. Taylor, of Detroit, Hpont a fow day in town thin week with roluti'vofl. Peter Cotter announced a dance to bo hold in Jacob MHcIioII'h hIiow rooma Iaut (ThurBdaj) oveniuH. H. Knochtiel loft horo ou Friday laat und.on Monday, W. W. Guuuinghnin took obargo of tho Public ochool, II. C. Ruoh haR received a big or:lor for Htavooand tho mill will nfcart up a^ain on Monday next. Lo^b aro bbiii drawn in thiH week. John Michaal, ]r., rotunicd homo on But unlays last from tho General Hoopital in Ghathum, whoro bo underwent an oper ation for appendicitis. Wright G. Smith haH received a good offer from a Hamilton . firm to outer their employ. Mr. Smith haa not decided yefc whether or not ho will accept it. Mrs. Byuu, of Ghathum, mother of ono of our formor Hohool toaohont, ban boon viiiiting at John WUoox'h. On her return homo hIio will bo occornpaniod by Mauter Joaeph and Mihp Edith Wilcox. In a tiglit botwoon Ab. Walsh and T. Sinclair on Saturday ui^htlaut after hours, WqIhIi got tho wornt of it, M030 Dupuin attempted to aot aH peace-maker and Sin clair gave him the sarno dotto that AVolfih got. _ Tbo Ilarvoot Homo ncryicea iu connec- tiou with tho South Woodsloo Motbodiiit church on Sunday aud Monday laHt wore very HUCceaHful. Rov, J. II. Gundyf of Windnor, occupied tho pulpit hero at tho morning and evening aorvicoa on Sunday, and ab Rnncomb in the afternoon, largo congregatioiiH attending all throo Horvioen. On Mouday night a plntform mootinp wan hold at which '.addroEiaon wore givon by Rov. A. Thibedaau, of Maiautono, Roy. W. II. Shaw, of Gottam, Rov. Mr. MoIunoH, of Puoo River, Roovo Corbett aud ok- Ueovo' Wmtemuto, of Maidotono. Mr. Dont, of London, En{*.( guvo four rooita- liono which wore well rondored and loudly applauded, and fcbn choir favored tho audionoo with novorul of thoir ohoicoat ooleo"tionn. Roy. Mr. Ayron ooonpiod tho ohair m hi ntmuj entertaining mannor. Tho Ladici.'Aid of tho ohuroh furuiahod rofroHhraontH In Jaoob Mitoholl'H roomc. From tho harvout homo uorvioon at both South Wooriuloo .and at' Ruaoomb nearly 8100 \vu realized. Ou TuoHday evening auoihor hooIiiI wau uivou in Mr. Mitouoll'B hah for tho bone lit of Mies Weaker aud iiOOOwaa rouhzed. rOLCIIESXICIt ISODXII. Frauk Greou was aonteuood by .liidgo Uorno on Satarday laafc to two raonthd in goal for ahoop Btoaltng.. * __W J. Noobitt flniahod flowing 1<1 aoroa of Wheat an tho twelfth of. Soptombor and Htartod hunklug com on tho fourteenth day of Bop torn hor. ThiH ia tho ourlloHt known for tho paHt few youra. Ho la a huntlor, boat him if you can. UKtAAl 1I1V1CH. Thooaeo of Leon Lavoio.tho Bollo Rivor butohor, ohar^od with roooivin^ cattlo alloged to bavo been wtolon, wan iiniidiod ou Saturday boforo judgo Ilorno at Sand- wioh,aftora long munition of two dayn. Homo thirty wituosnon hi all woro oxutnin- od. Tbo judgo mild that ail thero wtm ilorno doubt in tho oaKu ho would roftorvo bin judgmont. Gloary & Sutherland and Hanna A Oowun for tho dofouao ; A. H. Clarke for tho Crown. . Mibh E, Roid liau boon vhdtiug m Com ber with bor aunt, Mrn. Konyort, On Monday ovoning of laut wook,a ploan- ant imrpriiio took plaoo at tho ronidenoo of O. W, Hind, BljthoHwood. ITor ho mo time pant Mr. Hind linn boon tenoning winging olaiiH, and on thin ovoning tho in0inborn of that olaim took advantauo of tho oppottuu- ity of taking thoir instructor by comploto imrprifln and pronontiu^ him with a hand- Homo rooming ohair. Mrn. Hind wan akio prcnontod with a fanoy pin-cuuhion. tiOHVlKl^n NOU'I'II. Road Crawford'a advortiomout on pago 5,it will pay you. Harvest Homo norvioon in oonuootion with tho Bollo Rivor Road Mothodiat churob, will bo bold on Sunday and Mon- day, Ootobor -1th and 5th. Tho Horviooti on Sunday at 10:il0 a. m. and 7 p.m. will bo conducted by Rov. J. G. Tallin Ph. J3., of Point Edward, formerly In ohargo of tbo Cottam Circuit. An oxoollont ropaot will be pronontod on Monday oyoning with made and addrminoo. Tho following gontlcmou-ftr* addrofm the mooting: Rovfl. J. G. Falliu, W. Ayroo, E. Modd, and 3, Ilor, Doorn opened at 0 p.m. Admiimiou 25 oontH. aum:u, Tho flftli annual public mooting in con nootion with tbo Woraan'H Minoion Cirolo of tho Baptitit ohuroh, Ilor sottlomont, waH hold on Wodnouday ovoning,Tho prouidont ooouplod tho ohair and addromioB woro givon by Mr. and Mm. Campbell, of Ekrox, and by tho paator A. J. Sunadora. Tho oboir reuderod nnitablo musio during tbo ovoning und Mrn. E. O. Scratch, of Kings- .villo, recited, A collection on bohalf of Homo and Foreign miBaions wan tiilcou up. TboEftHoxCounty Oil A' Gas Co. bavo a derrick Greeted ab Arnor and oporatious will comraonco in a day or two.' Tho company hold louses on somo 2,600 acres in ono block. Tho derriok in erected on R. Eodo'H farm, oaat nido of towulino. Oil iw tho miuoral tbo town poop(o aro wishing to hoc. R. J. Wilson and his mother havo boon spending a fow days with fnonda at Kinga- villo. Deputy Roeyo Prico has boon on a bus- inoQS trip to Lumbtou Co..for a conplo of weeks. Mrs. S. Ellin,,who has boon aponding a week at London Fair, returned homo on Monday. Th, Girardot, School Inspoctor, called on sclioola in this vicinity during tbo foro* part of tbo wook. Tho Court of Revision on the towuship voters' list will be held at tbo Contts' storo, Puce, on Wednesday next, Hoptomber I^Oth, o'clock, noon. Tho memboro of the Epworth Loagno of tbo Methodist church hero purpose holding a musical and literary ontortuin- ment on Thursday ovoning next. A practice gamo of font ball botwoon our1 boys and a team from Saudwioh, which was to havo takon'plaoo ou Friday ovoning laut, was poatponod on acoouut of tho rain. Tho appeal takon by R. F. Soymour from tho report of Roforoo Britton on tho drainago ease of Soymour vs. Maidstone will not bo hoard in the Court of Appoal at Ongood Hall, Toronto,until November. On Monday ovoning a largo number of young pcoplo oreated a ploaHant imrpnso atthorosidoucoof R.Jonou. After spending a fow hours in mnoio and gamos, all ro- turned homo woll pleased with tho oyon- iug's enjoyment. Rov, C. W. Konnedy, of Gosto, who has ]UHt rooovorod from a oioge of iIIiiohs, n'ponta fow days hero this wook, the guost of hia sister, Mrs. J. Ellis. Ho left on Monday for Windsor, wherioo bo will pro ceed to bio homo in Korwood, whoro ho will spond a fow weeks reouporating. The picnic at tho Pnco ouWodnosday of last week wao a very suoaoeoful affair, Thoro wali a largo attendance, plenty of dohoaoioH and oxcollent inusio by the Woodoleo bund. Reovo Gorbetb filled the poaition of chairman satiafactorily and adJrosnoH of interest woro given by Rov. W. Ayres, of South R. F. Suthorla':d, Dr. Cruiukohank ami.Rov J.G. Tolmio. of Windsor, and Rov. Mr, Thibau- doau the local miuistor. Mins Maggie Gaiighah dauglitor of Dom inique Gaugban, of this townobip, wan married on Taogday morning ofc tbo Wood- oloo R. O, ohuroh to. .Joseph Graham, of Rochester, tho ouromony being performed by Rov. Fabbor Hodgltintion., After tho ooromony tbo happy youug couple with a nutnbor of invitod guests repaired to tho homo of the brido's parents whore a wed- ding dinner was partaken of( after which some pleasant houru were, pussod in music, social conversation, etc, A number of guests wore present irom Detroit aud oleo- whore. " Event of the Year. QixcLplo. Do uu xj.r iglvb Commenoingl-^^^ Saturday Morning We Place on Sale ! -12 Piocoii of 32-Inoh F]annaIotto--tho regular 10c quality for (Jo. por yard. - 2-Yurds Wido Plain and Twilled Sheeting regular price 22a. a yard reduced to Iflo. por yard. 2-YardH Wido Rloach Twilled Hbouting tho 2fio. quality ro- ducod to lBc. por yard. yfl-Inoh Hoavy Groy Cottou roduood to 5c. por yard.' 10 Pieces of S2-Inoh PrintH to Gloar at Go. por yard. 10/4 White Spreads, worth ftl.50 for tjl.00 11/-1 White Martieillon Spreads, for ftl.Sfi Rcmuant.'i of Dross Goodu, I^riuts, Ginghams, Satoons, Zop- hyrs, do,, during this sale at Half Price. All Our JlSo. Boot French Ch/illioa during this salo for 10o. por yard. Special Sale of Table Linens and Towels. CG-Inob FinoTablo Linen rogular price HOc. por yard Salo price 2flo. por yard. 67-Inch Fino TabJo Linens at Ufjo., 117^0., 10o., -ioa. and 50o. por yard worth regular 20 por cent raoro. Tbroo-Quartor Sizo Liuon Tablo Napkins for SI por Dozon. Beautiful Towolfi at 2 for ^q. Space Does Not Permit us to Enumerate the Great Bar gains in All Departments, You flust Call and See.-^*^^ Our Wondorfal Bargains in New Dross Goods. Our Remarkable Salo of Mon's >and Boys' Suits. Our Reasonable Offerings in Clothing to Ordor. Our Great Reductions iu Boots and Shoos, Our Special Quotations of Sugar by the Barrol, Our Gigautio Sale of Ladies' and Childron'H Now Fall aud Winter Mantlos. The Millinery Department is Now Open. D1EBEL & BRICKER. m tW 1 ': ,]i"- n m MS A FATHER'S STORY. HAPPINESS RESTORED WHEN HOPE HAD ALMOST GONE. IIlu nuutrlitef Vlctrnn to Droop, mid Pn<lo Ww Attnclceil xvltU Ilciuor- rlifitr*^ mid 1*11o xvtiu Bcuptilrod of- Mho I a A^nln Kiijoyliitf Xlobimt IlcaUU. From tho Brantford Conrlor. A rocont addition to tho Grand Trunk fltaff in this city is Mr. Tbos. Clift, who is living at 75 Chatham street. Mr. Clift, who was formerly a policeman in tho groat city of London, ia a Hue look ing, specimen of an Englishman of tho typo so often noon in tbo Grand Trunk employ and who makes ho dosirahle a class of citizens. Since hia advent boro ho has boon a warm advonato of that well known medicine, Dr. "Williams' Pink FiHfl, and through his endorse ment, dozens of boxes havo been sold to hia friends and acquaintances. A Courier reprosontativo, anxious, al though iiofc surprised, to know tbo rea son for Mr. Cliffs warm 'oulogy of tbo pills, called on that gontloman rocontly. Mr. Olift willingly consented to an in terview, and in tho following story gavo roasons for boing so sincere an advocate of a world renowned, modiciuo. "Soino flvo years, ago," said Mr. Olift, "my daughter Lilly began to droop and fade, and bocamo disinoliriod oifchor for work or pleasure. A doctor in London was * call oil in and ho prescribed exorcise and a general "rousing up" as tho best med icine to oflbot a euro. My daughter did hor boBfc to follow his instructions, but tho forced oxorciso ojchauatocl hor com pletely, and she gradually grow worse. One night I and my wifo woro terribly alarmed by a cry from Lilly, ah'1 hast ening to hor room found her gulping up largo quantities of blood. I rushed for a doctor and bo did his beat to stop bor hemorrhage, but admitted to mo that hor case was. critical. 8I10 drooped away to a veritable shadow, and. for wooks whon I wont'to bid hor good-byo iu tho morning aft I wont to my work I fparod I might not ago hor alivo again. This wout on for a long timo until ono day a friend rooommoudod my daughter to try tho elloot of Dr. Williams' .-Pink' Pills; Sho consented to do so aud in a oomrmrativoly .briof period a dooidod bonofit was porooptiblo. 8ho persisted with tho ubo of tho pills and gradually rose from a.bed of sufforiug and siok- noss until sho once again attained ro bust yoang womanhood. For tbo laBt throo years she has been in oxoollont health. It was Pink Pills that virtually brought her from the mouth of the grave ' -' and preserved for mo my only daughtor. Now do you vondor why I sound thoir praises and recommend thorn at ovory opportunity ?" Dr. Williams' Pink Pills striko at th6 root of tho disease, driving it from the system and rostoring tho"pationt~to~ hoalth and strength. In cusos of paral ysis, spinal troubles, locomotor ataxia, sciatica, rheumatism, erysipolas, scrof ulous troubloa, etc, those pills aro su perior to .all other treatmont, Thoyarq :'| also a spociiio for tho troubles which make tho lives of so many womou aV burden, and speedily restore tho rich glow of hoalth to palo and sallow chooks. Men broken down by ovorwdrk, worry or excesses, will find in Pink Pills a corta'in euro. Sold by all dealers, ofc Hont by mail postpaid, at COo, a box, or six .boxes for $3.fi0,- by addressing tho Dr. Williama* Modicino Company, ' ;!| Brockvillo, Ont,., or Schonootady, N.Y.. .,, Pewaro of imitations and substitutes: alleged to bo just as good. Killed by mi ICxplo.sioii. Ono of tho throo bailors in Pottit Bras..;,,,';l> hoop imdutuvo mill 4 miloa fromOorober,"-. v oxplodod with torriflo foroo at 2:80 o'alook.,;,?, Wednesday morning of last wook and the!i!^ niuhti flromau. Alfred dooobq, was iuetant-"!^ ly killed. Marshall Phanouf, the aSBistai was in tho shod norao disfcanoo from the mill and escaped ipjury. Ho was jufifc, walking towards tho door to return to the boilor room whon tbo .oxplouion ooourrad,'.^ Pieces of tbo boiler aud tho flues .were,^ Houttered in all directions, and several $ pieces woro thrown 0110 hundred rods away. '{ * Evidonoo points to nocbgonooou the nart.^- of tho desd man. Ho had put In a new pipe loading to tho safoty valve narly,in'& tho oveniufj and had uoglootod to oppn-.tiiiBfi^ valve before raining scoam. Mr.' PetfciV|| ataterl tbar ,T:icobs was a sober, iudustriouB^ man, mid undorntood hia, bumnoea and.;hj&^ ItnowH of no roanon why tbo uufortunat ffJ man should havo mado auoh a blundef??^ .JtinobH witn a single man about 28 years;'ofcjj aj;e. Ho baa a brothor living neariXlM bury. Ho was shortly to haye beep 'mw^ rlod to a Misu Alice Roaso, of.Kirby, Q^tS Part of the building was totally wreobed$ The othor two boilers'iu the same ro( woro liftod off thoir foundations but not damaged. Coroner Bifton, of Combert was irmnodtatol notified and loft for-tnff' fioeno, Ho viewed the remains of the iitr1' fortuuatc ;r.un aud dooidod und or the bj oueaotanooa uot to hold an inquest./ ;v>"*1 Auioncurj. Ntd Crane, the famoua baseball pitb; and bolderjit tho world's reuord to,t;VJo; distance throwing, committed Buiojdd' printing ohbral in Rochester. : ?/

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