Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 25, 1896, p. 7

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.^h f v V It, V, i i p?p$ppp^ FVERY FAMILY " SHOULD KNOW THAT /%V VEGETABLE. *'> PAJ#-'" X* a vory fomarltahln romnrly, bo 111 for IK- TIDHNAXj aud BXTEUlNAJj lino, and won" dorfoltnlts quick aotlon to roliovo dlnlreod. A*1' *VILljI-iV Tin-out, CouvliH, Chill*. I>lnrrli(i>H. I>3 winters'* Crump*. Cbolur<i( uid all Uuwul Oomiilitluu. PAIN-KIT TFft its hkhtwtm- M. AXll 1V1I_'Xj1~>J.\ r,|y known lor H>H Hlcknowi. Hlcli U<*mIit<-lio, 1*iilu Iki tlMi Back or HtUa, ItltmiuiutUiu uul Nuuniltflu PAIN-KILLER i;w?BABi?^ ftlAl>K. HVHnu' "IKUI'V AH It 1'UHMANXNr UICIIVV Buriu, etr- PAINJR"TT T "Fft i" *! w* t*'*J tt|i* rAHl IVli-'l^JuXV inuliMl frl<Mi<l of th.i Mnrtinnlr, ft'iifimir, k'liiud'r, Hullor, ami In miiHXFKtouHw tuti*uuy or oxttiruully with Hawar* or ItnlUtioii*. Titkn twnn but Urn K-uulu* l HtliUVVXVlti.' Haldoverywliotd; V5& blj; uotlM. Vbry LtLJffcjo boltlo, UK, SPECIAL OFFER. Wo aro bound to largely iu- croaso tho circulation of tho Frhu Piikss and to do rq will f*ivo tbo papor to now Bnhflorib- ors, who pay in advanco to Do- oombor Slnfc, 18UG, foe 25 oonta. All subscriptions to tho Fiiek Pituss unpaid prior to tho 2nd of May and all unpaid at tho proHont fcimo tiro to bo paid and oollcc'cd by ua and wo will fulfill all subscriptions paid prior to the former dato to tho expiration of tho timo for wlneh aamo wag paid* Subscribe now. Address all communications to Bhett & Auld, Publishers, Eaaox, Ont. Pill-Price "i'lio duyu of 25 coniH a box far pfllN arc uuniliercd. I>r. AisiicW'h ILlver IMIIu nt Con couIn n vlnj uro miror, inifflr uml ploiiunntor to tnlte, ami ni-o tm ppliyiltiiir all ntlioi'M. All drue- Iflutu well I1um, Ouro Coantipution, Hiok aud tJorvouB HoadaoheH, Diz/.incan, LuHintude, lluurt burn, Dytipnpuui, Lona of Appetite and ill troublen iu-ihiuk frora liver diuordor. WllO OA.l 'I'" of iioir. tlilnif to puiem r Wanted-An Idea Protnct your ttlnnn, t\\nv may lr!n you wonlth Wrtto JOHN NVUDDEIUltJKN ft CO.. Patent Attnr naya Waslilnffloii, D (.', for their 01 hjo prlto oilt^r anil Mitt nf two liunilrod luvontlmui wnutod ESSEX I HoadquurnoiR tor Bobool Baoku, Sahool Snppiien, Noto rupur.Envclopnfl, IiiUh, Writing Tuhletw iind olfico Stationery. a- -GL- BSEBHHIH' mSPENHING AND FAMILY DU UOOIST. SING- LEE. Wilfloa Avo., noxt Aberd-ifa llotol. The latent improved mucin nory for IromnjiCoIVi i uud Gulf.. Will not, er-iolc or break t..^ \un^, Family work cheap. Purjcl t u>j11u" for and dehvored. l^lenti. call fthd try. II not satisfactory uo oli ! ' i w'll he iniLtii* 1 i ur work auitH you, tecum .iu'a i uh 'u youi *i i -iiilh F la what >ou ouu uly on getting wlion you buy from uh. Our wagon fjoos to alt parts of tho towu. Buns, Cakes and Pastries, You caul find moor, fresher, or nweot- or in tho country. All kindb oE Fancy CakoB and Jolly HoIIr. I Fresh Taffy and Candies i; fa every day. Wo ooll notliin^ ntalo or dry. Leave Your Order and you anu roly on prompt rlo- livory. FRANK FOSS. OpposIfcA Back * I'rauciu, &W6X CORN FODDER. Ortttlntf, C<iri>i|f nd Hturlnit irml Corn, HhmiUlwtl fixltlur Hui-vuMtlnif Maolilnury, Tho lur^n uvora^o of corn ihi hohhoji und tho n\wrhtf((i in muny ohhos of tho hay tunp will mako it proiltahle to Havo a Iiu'ko amount (if corn foddor, Whcro dairying i pnuiticorl, tho nilooiiKht to 1)0 llllod. If thiM 1h nofc prunlionhlo, and for many KOHornl nUuslt farmorH it will wot ho, com foddor will form tho creat or part of tho routfh food tho oojuinn HOiiHon, tho Hhrodded pvoduoL in many placed ropliioiiiR liny tivon for horHOH. Tiio valno of tho corn fodder will de pend upon tho enro oxouiLsed in liar- voittlng, riiriutf ft,id wtorint; it. In tin.1* oonncctlou American AgrioulturiHt givoH tho following praotical informa tion : If corn lin*j boon kowii oHpocially for tho fnddor, out after the bloom hat fall- on, ho tlin HtalkH and bliult'H will Iw in the bnit poHKiblo condition to he difj(*t- otl and iiHHimilnrod. Put up in Binall dhnckn, and oh hooii iih it in thoroughly dried out, Htiifk or Htoru in a mow oi under a iiay fihod. Properly oared l'od- dor of thiH kind can he fed in tho Htabk witli httlo incojiv<nii(*noe, aw tho btnlkf will be iilniOHt completely consumrd mid therefuio not in tho way whon tho Htallt- are cleaned. If the hill corn in doHirod for both fodder and tho grain, allow it to Htand until glazing ocourn and tho grain can just be indented with the Auger nail. The HtalkH and bladoH will thou ho in good condition for fowl and the ear*- Hnllieiently mature to ho of good weight. Pnfc in Khocka and allow to cniro. To \mi of moHt value Uiifi crop uiut bo mu through a fodder Huroddor and corn hunker. Considerable fault wan found lout year with the Hhredderri from tint fact that many operator*! wero injurud Whilo foediug tliom. Guards will uu- donhtodly be provided, wliich will Io.hh- on the danger :md greater familiarity with the nmehineq.will cause ucculuutD to become IchH fr,equ*nt Another objec tion to hhreddod foddor iB that it often spoila if Btorod in mowa. Somo oxperi- onoo will ho required to enable a porson to toll junt when foddor in dry enough tOHtoro. ThiH nnmo nkill ih neuonsary in stacking or mowing hay of all kinds, but iw haying has bean praotiood for oouturioH fuimer.i know junt how to hiiwlla it. Tho Hamo will bo true with ooi'n fodder. More oxporiouco will ro- eult in les4 low). Shredding, however, in not absolutely uGCGHHary. Many good dairymen, at- well an general Htoek raifjorfl, miccesH- fully food corn fodder nuhunkod. Occa sionally thoy are ridiculed, but they make money utit, and tiieroimioroaHon why it should not bo fed thus if it ih moro economical of timo aud labor and equally profitable. The greatest difflculty in securing com fodder in the amount of labor re quired to cut and shock it. While thih drawback Htilloxifitn, improved maclnn- ery liaH rubhod tho bugbear of many of itH terrors. The authority quoted doFiorihes us a most desirable harvester thu corn binder, which cuts one low tit a time, binds it while still standing on end and discharges the bundle to one side. Down corn, little corn, big corn, are handled with ease. Two horse* take it along quite readily. It can be umdJ for eiiKiliige as well as fodder corn. Besides the binder Uiero aru a very great number of hied aud wheeled side out tern operated by two men. Tho corn is cut by tho machine and tho men car ry it to the flhoek and htand it up. Tho foot corn cutter Is highly spoken of and enables tho operator to have free use uf both hands for carrying the fodder. Much moro corn, it is claimed, can be cut m a day than with the hand knife. It is haid work operating these ma chines, but the corn can be cut ho much moro rapidly than by hand that they are desirable With the bindei the, labor comes in taking up and carrying tho green bundlo to the shock. Winter Wliojit, It is mainly us a crop to seed with that eastern farmeis now grow winter wheat. The price ior several years 1ms been too low for tho gAun to be grown with profit. But the increased growth of clovor.with wheat, as compared with what it/will make with any spring grain, gives a componsition thai malab winter wheat still worth growing, ior this purposo if for no other. It is a for tunate fact that the preparation of tiie soil whioh Hccuies tho best wheat crop is best for the clover also. When years ago we drilled m J fit) to Uno pounds of phu.sphate per aero with wheat, a very eoiihiderablo part of tho gam irom this drct-hiug was made in the clever catch and tho a^urunco it afforded that, despite the alleged exhaustion fiom growing wheat, wherever clover and phoiphato went with it tho soil increas ed rathor than decreased in iertihty. If this cannot somehow ho done, says American Cultivator, authority for the foregoing, it can never pay to grow wheat in the east and will not long oontinuo to pay to grow it on tho virgin soils of tho west, which of late years huvo produced wheat at tho lowest cost. Thoy havo only done this by taking no account of lost fertility, and this U a mistako that must ultimately correct itpolf._________ Fah-K In 1HD0. The following fairs huvo boon an nounced : Amorioun institute, Now York, Sept. 2(1 to Oct. 130. American Livo Stock, Now York, Nov. 311-28. Dolawaro $tnto fair, Dover, Sopt. 83-3(1. MattsuobuuottH florfciouHural, Boston, Oct C-8. Now Jersey Jfotorafcato, Irontou, Sept J8 to Oot. 2. IN THE POTATO FIELD. n*rvtlntE' mt Rortlntf by Maohlnnrr. Wliun Hut ITovulU -I'ntuto Ilux*t. Uigp*!ug j ilatocs with tlio hoe or fork Ih not to he thought of any more oxuopt in very simill areas, Th<re have boon many devices olfeied to tho potato grower an n nioanH of putting tho crop on I lie sin face, vmuly for tho picking up. There aie fow fanners now with as many ns two or throe acres to dig but who have one of the cheaper diggers, and tho moro oxtonHivo growora have the larger diggorn. An Ohio farmer who uses both a digger mill sorter writes uh follows to Prairie Farmer concerning tho digging and sorting of potatoes: We believe, whon tho area is rather largA, digging Hhnuld eonhnencous soon aw possible after the* topH -aie dead, yet not while it will biuise and skin up the potatoes. There is danger of rot, how ever, when potatoes uro handled in hot weather, cAponially if they are roughly bundled. Wo Iwlievo nothing can bo gained by digging potatoes when there Jh a tendency to rot hIiowii whilo in tin. ground. They are hetlcr left in the ground, for the ehancen are that they will all vot if dug and handled and put in u pilo, while if left in the ground the conditions and chances for all becoming infected is much lesw than if all are pat together. Whon rot conditio* exist and the potatoes show little white spooks over them, digging and handling should bo donn very carefully. If possible, the potatoes should ho dry before being put into tho pile, too many should not he put into one pile, and tho plaoo of stor age should he dry and cool. No farmer should handle potatoes without bushel boxen. Of eourHo there are nilmy farmers yet who have net loarned by experience the advantage of those boxes. There is much Irian work in handling, and the potatoes are not, bruised near so much. Picked off the ground and put into the boxes, they are not turned over again until emptied at the place of storage. Sorting, an wo said, can bodono to ad vantage in the field that ifl, if the pickery urn reliable and attend to buHi- UChH as they should. It will not do, however, to have all boys left by them- roIvch. It payntodothe Hortmg well. When a man takes a load of well sor-tcd potatoes to even a dull market, his chaucts are much better for making a Halo and gaining a permanent customer than ho would were his potntoes in- difforoutly sorted. Combination Curt. J. C, Strihling of Andernon county, S. 0., lias a good, broad tired, low down hay wagon and a two horse dump cart combination. This is what he wrote about it to Rural New Yorker whon sending a sketch of tho wagon: I inudo it by sawing off tho spokes of an old wagon and putting on 4 inch ri?*^ CHURCH DIRECTORY Hbtbodiici. Dr. 1'ibcuo. Vnntrr, Buivkw ovory BuihIhv t II ii. m. and 7 >. in. Hikt>'<t) dahool at 1! 'if' \: m, (3. C. Nuyle*( Hn|-niutm ! qnbot ttohm ) llpuoilL Li .j/uuin'ii. t ' lu Tuuodny ni i.iii^ utH ' ((- <ioli 1 i-..yi moctlii(ioii I imrHtlay flvmiluj*. Kov. A.lj.Uuvoflv, in ottnibont, Hi. 1'iuiln, Khkux* JMynnuuirvloo nvcry Huiulay at ? o'oln^k, \> to Hunduy Jictiool at 10 u. in. rrluitvUluiroli, North llUiitv Hun -ty Hohool nt l.lfip, ui. Tho publlol aro oor- ludly hivit(td. V^MvriiiiiUN. W.M.ridinhiK, I'litdia' flur- vlouuoti Hubbntb ut U k. ill-iukI V .!i0 V Ui Hlin' hitli welipnl at'2:110 p. n. Vraym* nir * and C'tntor'H blblo oIhhb on 'I'mi'ufny rL'/.M i> in. Hiolal Union on WfuliKnicluv at H.lHi>. HAl'Tric Ciiuitorj. Jlov.U. I*. Chiiij)j(i1I, Vn.i> tor orvtniiH oiioli Huhlmtli at 11 a. hi. tiin) ' p n. l'rayur niiintuirj on Thunulav ovnuiup iitSn'oloek htDiitutttiw All nfi) conlially wul ooniiid. 1 MARRIAGE UI0EN8E8. " .' ,i 1j. VAUK ISBUBIl OV MABftlAGH? I4- Jj, oenuoB, Illah&rdBoli Blk., JBnx, Oat* \| HAlMiKTT. tsBnr of MarrfafiB Ltoon Mm Omii^Unlouerln0~rJ.,ebcr <JBto,Oat. iHruioy of Marrlni(u IjIoomrof!. Ineuranco agent. Nl(jlit oOlco at Dwolllntf. TAMIOT HTKEKT, ESSEX. 71 I./d.'"/."'-^'^! \v//\\vP^^v-K',) Mm-W Y\iV.V. WHi:i'J. DUMP CAltT. wagon tires at a cost of unout ^(i. The tires are fastened on the spoken by pass ing wood screws through the tires into the ends of tho spokes, dispensing with the use of fellies. Instead of welding the tiles, they are bent hack at the ends aud bolted together, as shown in cut, at tho ends, wliich admits of tightening them with holts instead of the costly cutting at a blacksmith's shop. The low front wheels shown u\ the cut are used for both the low down hay wagon and the two horse damp cart by the simple removal of one coupling pin. Ornntin nml tlio Army Worm. Ociilin, or kreaha, said to bo death to tho army worm, is a product evolved in the distillation of coal tar and con tains hodu, fatty acids and chlorine. It can bo .saponified, docs not dissolve in water, but shaken with water yields a milky emulsion. It isnonpoihonous and a germicide. It is used by physician" \v~ an antiseptic. A touspooiiful to a pint of water is the < given the army wonufi. We shall have* to hear from homo of the experiment station workeu- iis to the use of this material as au in- Boutieido. From the source of it, it would not seem to need to be expensive. I'nniiHylvanlii CroumorloH, From a bulletin issued by tho Penn sylvania department of agriculture it iiJ learned that thoroare i)7(i creameries in that state. Chester county leads off with 10."i, followed by Dorks with 80, Lan caster 7.j, Montgomery r>7, Bucks OS, Su.squehuuua 04. Crawford has 4-1, but can beat all other counties, no doubt, in cheese factories. A number of counties report only one each. Sixty-one counties are listed, and us there are (17 oountnw in tho state <> arc without, any creamery NWH UIlll Not*'H. The agricultural doparfmont reports an abundant corn crop in most section- ot thu corn belt. The new milking machine invented by Do Laval of separator fawio and named the hiotalor is attracting atten tion United States Consul O'Neil has inspected tins machine in Sweden uud gives it high praise. The uso of parchment papor for lining butter packages is growing rapidly, and it adds hugely to tho sahihlonoHH of tho product and prevents soakago. The filled ohooso laAV passed by con gress is to go into effect Sept. 1. The prospects uro tiiat tho largost flow of honey ovor secured oast of the Rouky mountains to tho Atluutio ooaflt will bo obtaiuod thin season. It U a good plan for farmora who grow ryo to wave a fow buucllos to be thrashed by hand and uso the utraw for binding cornstalks. It. ia proposed to establish a bird day, whioh shall bo dovotod to a study of tho habits of our common birdH, with a view to developing a public BOutimenfc favoring their development and increase. I'olrtfHicd h\ l,rt<-n. A wntei 111 tin- T( .v..-. h'.irm Journal wlio claims to i. now all uhniit loco wayt: I know ll.a; lnoi is v< ly poisonous to all anitii J life, and I know that no poisoiM.mti found m it, until it hao been allowed In Irrim nt, When an ani mal takeq it into ik systi m, it ferments in tlie stomach, and tin poison affeeba the la am. The slower the digestive powei^of tlie* more notice able ai.dsi v( rr the t U'oet; hence hori-eis are moie hvch !y hurt by it. IJorhai and ealtle bnih t ..r it. mid it is danger ous to both. If a loco enter lie found 111 the herd, the fist thing to do is to tale* him out, en hihi'xaiiiph* is followed bjr otliei-j. Nf vei let an annual Which eat the wi'i d inn w nil tin herd, anelhnt lit tle otb etd i l l(,ci) Wl 11 i)0 (lliceuiiljlo. I limit!:.; tlewud /::". ws as abundant ly m (ka ] 'ace as mi< jJh r. 1\,i niatt(-r u lit th' r tin l.i id li.": been burned 01 not, a'.ut l.dl will hiiug it up any where 111 an altitude of 1,500 feet, or more. Ii11r.1l Hrovltlm. The army \>"nu has done great dam age i 1 c '.(] .1! N' "' V'ork in -\vt 11 a4 in Ni w Kughmd. Farmers out their ont? green to save them. Some light the peat by plowing arc and tin- crops and sprinkling the plowed furrowH with puus gum uua. d with plastei or hrau, OtI.( is dm ( i-( Hi i"s ( ver the lots. Lots of chei m factories inTsTew Vork stare Jia\c not tub u udvantiigo of 11k law puAuung with a stuto brand. The luitiut of the agricultural triuk this summer is the t xtraordinary call for cmii.i^ (ut[ei-.( for corn harvcBting machiin.) v induulK Jlr. F. J- iJawley -*f SyraciiBO liaf been appomtid director of farmeis' lmti. .t- ior New York. The Am* u.-an Institute fairwill open at th* M.tdtson .Si.ti.ue (ranien, New Vork ciry, Stpt. 'll< and will clone Oct. '~<J, and during this tini(i there will b- hhowii one ot "the best exhibitions thai thu institute has given for a long time. The horn i\y 11 becoming a seriouapest in Ohio. The muiy worm has made sad have*J with the out and-darn crop in some sec tions of Iowa, WKei.-i.-ds and Ohio. The (ult;v.,ipr to lollow irrigation should he Kill liDiu that which i- ust d as a l.nii' wt-.d cuttir. It sliould ' Xw iiLd u'i1* n^e ratie 1 than turnover. UoilAN CA'/iiohc-Khhou Vr. O. Ju, Atcriiwi, I'aiitor. Hnr/tot ovoiy otlmi* Huiulay at fl.IlO p. m. Humlity Uotiool iit-i yi.iri. MiuxrioNt'. Hich umiiHand iiormon at lO.Itn a, in,, catiiolilum nt 2 p. ni , nimtlHiu .t-r :> p. in , VftniKini ftml ijdiKxIiotioii at 7 p. m. (!. 1) Mo ftni'. I'. V.______________________ Hai.vation Ahmy. dint. Hinuli and I>icmt, I'nyton hi command, fiulvation mfloLlnuH Wod- nuiuliiy/lblirHdiLy uud Hiimtav ovonlni;fi;Ji'ri)o ilihI i;uiiy,Haturday (ivonliiit uud !l y m. Buiulay; Jloli uoiiii mcuittiif( for olirliitiiinti ! rlday ovunmrt and 11 ii.iii. Huiidiiy; JCuoo Drill 7 a in. ovary Sunday. All aru wulcomo. UNDERTAKING. nl'fjUNpME ill, UudrtuUor Farnltnie DniLbn*. [Oeilltiu, homo and factory mrda fvom S'J to &m, Uotltuutit, Onr ARCHITECTS^ ______ TOIIN A. MAYCOCK, Auonvnui'v, &o,t Uoom 10 and ll.'I'leiulnw nulldluff, WludBor, Out Phono O10. '.1 LEGAL. Tf,"* A. W1HMKH, Itwrlntor, Holioitnr, Notni; JVi Till din &a. Mnnoyto loun. OUlcrii, Dm Htan nioclt, ti))-iitiiir, Imiiiox. i-ly Y L. PKTKItH liun-lulnr, Hollcltnr. Notnj ' Publio Monoy to Loun OUloo ov( 'itruthorn' Hank. J'Ihiiox Contro. SOCIETIES f O. O. F.-KNTKuriUHH ImAx* No Sis' L mnotHnvtu-y Thnriiday, nvoutiiK at 7J*0! OdiUallowH Ibill.iutbhdHtorovDiinhtuijPI* ^iHttliiHinombni-Hufothor lodifttHWill roacft fratonial wolom. W. CIMTTKUTON ' CJKNTItAIi KNCAMPMMNT, No, HO, met Oddrollowd'Hall, nunntan'H UloaU, on th(and third TuoHday limaoh month. Vtnltoyrr dlally roQoivod. Mfnihuni of uuhorillrjatolad' ill tli* JuWudiotton, Invitod to loin. HANNAN, 0. X'.. d. F. It ILL, Una. I.^HHKXFUtK IIHIQADK. MKL'l'H KVL lu Vridiiy ovcniiif! in tliu Firomon'11 roon I tho fUtono* bulldhiu. Jan, MoMurnty, Ohio* itobt. Parltoi", Captain; A. Jfimiham, Llouton- wnt; P. JJIbtft, Hontntiiry;, TroaHuroir, /"1LA1IKI2, HAKT^RT A- BAHTLnT, Uarrll V / torn, otn Oillrjoii, Mndljin-y Bloulc, Windaa Y\ iyato IinidH to liHin, A. II. Claiikh, L. L. II. K. A. IUiiilht A. K, lUltTUlT, It. A. HKNUV 0 WALTFJIH, L.L.H., Attonmy and CoiiuhcjIoi' nt law. bolicitnr in Chancorv, l'roctor in Admirtilty, Patnnt Hollcitor, Olllco. Ktiwhorry Jlui ilirni, cor firinwolrl aud Ijiirntnl Ktii, DotrolL, .Mich (Citnadlan cluinui u^iunfit nori>umi in tho TTnltorl Htatitfl collni ted ) Uuforoncufit Irnporial liuiik, Kniiox, Out, J L. Poturn, Ln<j., JJniriiitoi, oto., Iliiiicx, Ont IC.A. Wimnor, LHo^Karriiitor. oto., Kimox, Out Srlnt tin;; H4-o<l Com. Keep a loo'.n.j for the finest aud beat flllt d ( ars of corn, and, better than all, if m'ovii on a -stalk hearing hardy eais. Tho old tune method of hunting seed com from a rafter by tins chimney in the garret is a p;ood one Tho heat from the stove or funnier* will dry out these ears before tho weather turns cold enough to freeze them, tiled corn that has never been frozen is m denuuid at planting time. TliIiii^ti That, Aro Told. Mcehan tells in his Monthly that tho old Wakefield varieties huvo yet no 00mpeer amoutf early cabbages. Tho Now England arimhurry crop has been ravaged by worm s, and rupm ts place thu yield at 7.") to HO por cent of that of last year, which wns a light 0110. The New England Ilomestoud inon- tions that the New Vork markot de mands white shelled e^gs and the Bos ton market tho buff or brown shelled. Philadelphia takes either kind. Caterpillars' nests* hhould he burned off the trees. An easy way to do this is to fasten a wire (I inches long to tho ond of a long polo; then run it into a corncob soaked in keroseno unci apply a mutch. When tho flame weakens, apply more oil. Kight, now is a good time to sow grass seed ior a permanent pasture. Kami Journal recommends limolhy 4 quarts, blue grasi, rcdrop and diehard grass each a I) quarts as a good mixture A little white clover may bo added. CURES DlARRHCEA Dysentery , 'Colic Cramps Cholepa Infantum SUMMfcR COMPUIKTfi PRICE 55*? ' ^mi: D MEDICAL. UR. BItlKN & PHIKN. Jan. Ih-ion. M. D., K. It., C P. R., (inuluatn of Quoun'u Unlvornity, KtiiKiiton, mombflr of Col- lr>i(o ot Pliyfiicianri and Hiirt:oonii,Qnturio. Grad- natn of Now Yorlr. PaflfOritduato Madical Col- lopo. P. T. M. C. ITonor eradiintc of Trinity Modioul Collf,'fi. Honor uradnatf] of Trinity Univemity. Moiubrjr of tho Oollnijo of Pnvuiciann nnd Hur^nrjna, Out Cirad- uato of Now Yorlc. Pont Graduate Motlioal OolloKo. Offlcoovor Eiifiox Mndical Hall dniR Htorn. Commltiitlon roamn, both on firound lloor arid tlrnt fiat abovo. Tolonhnno in both ollioo ami rouldonco. Alt calb< attundod to from nlUco, rlriui dtoro, or rotddonco. Iloiddonoo, Tidbot iitroot, front of fair rouudn. DCNTAL. HP. MAUTIN, D.D.B., L. D. 8. Graduato * in Dontintry, Koval CoIIoro of Donial Hurfjooim, Ontario, aud Uufvornity of Toronto OharROH.raodorato. Ofllco, ovor Urion & Cop Iruc otoiu. 18-lv VETERINARY. W1I. HICHAHDSON, VIIVRRrNAUY BUK OKON. Honoriivy craduato of Ontario Veterinary Col logo, Toronto; nioinbor of Oil tario Votorinarv Morticnl Koi-ioty; DlidomiHt in Dontintry; troatfi all rlinoanon of doniriHttcatod iiiiimalfi, outdo duhnrnod by thnlatoiit improved Loavitt clipper Calln by telcpliouu or tole- Crajdi promptly attondrd to. ItoflUoncn.threu dnoru uftHt of Sr"'t mill, offiuo in poet office bnildinu; inllrniary, dlroctly onponite, LAND SURVEYOR. TAHKH H. LAini), Provincial Land Burvoyo; ft ami County Ihifjinnor, IOuhox Centre, Out Olllco, DuuBtau Illoclv, nphtairn. AUCTIONEERS. HENHY IITiPHICK, Auctioneer Hulon promptly ntcniidod to Addi'orui Rontb Woo<1h1co, Ont. I'ornonH dr-hirui(j to itoouro int may loavo uord ut tho Pin r Phi mi nMlrn tf It. IIKLKICK DBINOLAIU, LICIINBKD AUGTIONKEH . for Um County ofKtuiov. ItmlUTof ^ifibth Dlvifiion Court. All Klndn of Farm and other Salon conducted promptly. Kiiteu rnafOnablo and fiirninlntd on application. Knquirorn niav apply at W. D, Iiuainau'nolllno, or at tho ofllco of Division Court Cli rli.Mi. John Miluo fOITN GOUMLKY, ?J LICLNBRH AUCTIONKKK for tho County oflSnuox. All kmdn of farm ntoclt nalou, cite, conducted promptly and on nhort notfeo, Itatcii rt'jiHopablo PerHona deniraldo to nnaiif'e "alen may 3o noby ciLlIinf! at tlie Puni: Piiuhh otllco 01 by applyiiiK to 4 J. GOUMLKY, P. 0. Hox 155 Khhox:, Ont. rMtANK McCLOBKKY, WiUrtntono, thirty- V uovou yearn' oxporlonoe tm an auctloueorm tho County f F.miox. tinlun conducted promptly, and on ro'iuiouiiblo tormn. Partion detiirin^ to fix tho dato for a unlo tun novo thonmolvef il drive by railing at tlio loom Pnrmi oflicii Wo have arranfiod with Mr. McClonltoy and will ihs. tho datcu for indeuby tidn^iaph, entirely freo of all oliarfjo to tho poriion holding tho uitlo. Ad- droDb I'raukMcCloBlcoy.MaidutoiioCronH.Ont, 1U5 BAKER. _ THE oldont buninenn ni town. Entiiblinhe 1S7U. ririit-olann broad and oiUiob of al Itindn. Woddlng oakoau apoclallty. Grcconon provinioun, flour, food, salt and porlt. Coufoc- tlonory,crocl:orv,f!litwaio. Cnnnoj^frultuimd voiiotublouof all ldndn. Gootls prtmptly ne liverott to all partu of thu town. J. M. IIlCKb. 101-tf ^and^and1-6an agents _ p BOIIGE J. TnOMAS, Convoyniiror, Cone VT miimionor, in High Court of .Tunticn; doalor u Ileal IJntatc and MorttiajicH. Monuy to loac at tho lowont rate of tntcroi.t. Favnni bought lud oold. Iuanranoo taltou in tho montruliablo aompanfoft, DrawiuRof doodn, mortiiacon and oatioo a npootalty. Cbnrf,'oB moderate aud all bnninoBO promptly athmdort to. Call at the Hnntral T^^'nhono oflloo. KnnoxCoutro. filJ-lv Placo In the world for yoiuiu men nnd worn on to hoouvo a HuciinesH KdncatiQii, Hborthand ,eto., in fclio Detroit Ihnitnonn Unlvoriiitv. De troit, Mich Illnntratrul natal oput JVroo. Itoforouoni: All Dotiolt, F. JFAVELL Preii. P. II. HPKNCIOK, Boo. Best A<Ciry![r Kvll Every oryinp; evil uhoold ho promptly romovod. Bick hoadaoho Ih a orying evil afTootin^ thennandfl of Ganudiann, whioh oan easily bo romovod by tho uno of Bur- iloolc Blood Bittors, tho bout Unown Btoraaoh, Hvor and bowol ve^ulatov and ouro for fliolc hoatlaoho from whatovor oaueo ariBia^. For Oholorft Morbiip, Cholera Infantum, Orumpp, Collo, niawhooii, DyHontory and Bummer Complanit, Dr, Fowler's Extraofc of "Wild Sttawborry in a prompt, Bftfo and auro ouro that has boon a popular favorite for nearly GO years. C10UP.T HOYAL, NO. iii'O, I. O. K. I Montii nur*nnd and fourth Tuoiidav'rt In cac : month in J. O. 0. F. Hull at h o'claok p. n Vif.ltlnK hrethern will bo lilvon a fratf rnafwet" come. K McUauiilinid. C. It., W. C. Bltaw. Hos M.J.WlnlcC.D. IJ. U,It. AGKNTH wnntum prolltable omploymoat through the imtmnor can find It with ua, an wii havo uowoHt Ituunian variation of Numory Htoek and now Hood I'otatoen. Halary 01 coui- inlniilon. Write un at once for torritary, PMI> JIAM NUUflBKY CO., Toronto, Ont. 2il-l!Jfc "ThuNiagara JFalh JloxU," aoi^o J'AST rakinrjolioct Juno-MB^ 1900. Dotroit.. .. Wfmlnor .... I'olton........ Mairlotonec Eiinox....... Woodnlon... Itiucoinh ... Combor . .. Ufdeetown.. Hodnoy..... St. Thorn an Mail n.m. fi.20 CfiO coe (i.l!) '; \\j il 511 7 07 U.'H) fa. 10 IJ.50 Kxp. a.m. G.2U 0 M 7,-iH 10.35 U 17 10.00 Lfam Lxp. Accom aocora n, m. p m. a. m. 0.10 i 10 AM 7.:io 8.1!) 7AR r>xu 7.M 8.117 8 (U DB0 H.lfi B .10 H 21 0 05 a:i 11.54 710 1.05 ,S-10 nOINO WEHT. London Ho Thorn un... ., dnoy....... Hidfiotown.... Ooinhor.. ' . Kuncomb..... Woodeloo..... Knuftx .. . , Muliltitono Cr I'olton . .. . Wind nor...... p in. 12 10 iiin 3.H 107 5iiS .1 10 r, so 0.0:1 O 11 f..'Jl 0 15 7. JO a m. f>..'10 10 20 11.3 J 12 05 12-tO troit Amiiorutlmrir Lor ill Virultiw. Wind nor no noui a m a.ta fi.lfi o:w 7M 7.58 o.ea o.:i:i 9.11 10 oa 10.12 ic.iw 10.KU 0.10 01a 0'iS r.H7 0.47 una 7.1B .05 11 21 2 J 10 15 Wl ST a.m. 11. ni. 11.10 ao5 u.r.'i 12(0 12 15 12 !15 12.'I0 H.15 8X2 H.I.. e.50 Khhox Edfinrn U U7 L K A J) It XillR 11.21 ]\Ic(l~uor II20 Gordon II05 Amhorstbuifi 11,00 KAB'l' a.m. a.m. p.m n.50 b.uo 0.1(1 !',:i3 ti.yo 0 1(1 0.05 fi.10 4.57 1.K5 1.85 4.30 All trulnn aro run on rentral htandavd time, whioh in nlxty . miimtoH nlowor than I-'bhcx timo. For information and ratoa to oolon- ihtti moving wont apply to John G. Lilvoii, Pub- honpor Aiiont, Bt. Tlmmai, O. W. Ruction, Gon- oral PaciiniiRor anu Ticltet AKont, CuiouRQ, 111 or A. O. Stlmoru, Atront, Knnox. L. E. &D. R. Ry. TIMK TAHLK NO. 21, taltinp; offoct Monday, JunoCi.lhOO. Trainnruu by F.astorn Htand- urd Timo, Daily except bunday 1 >-r I rt 3 5 K'rATIo^o. W 9, 'n C C* O O A d 0 A 'A 'A ^,3 A M< A U v M \ A U[ V M. '.) JI112C0 fi.20 Dep Wallvorv'lo Ar 0 HI 0.(101 4.H3 9.-17'l2II0 0.'.',7 Walltorvillo Juno. (I (III 5.10 4 15 !) S5 12 ID ((.30 .....Poltou...... H 57 G.J1H 4.fS5 t) 59 12 15 DIO ......t Oldoaotlo ..... 6 fill 5.17 fi.00 10.0(1 12fi:i (I 17 H <17| 5,(H B.OT 10.1 1.10 (If) 1 . . McGregor..... ti -121 5.00 G,l 10 IH UGU . I New Canaan... H 3(1. 4 4(1 ttl 10 2^ 1.31) 7.10 ... t MariihUold ... H CD] 1.M 0 28 10:12 150 7.17 fl 2J. 4.35 ti.lJ 10.12 U.03 1.1't fl 111 4.00 fl 01| H.-ifi 'M inna 2-'i"i 7.:i7 5 51 10.5" 2 DO 7.M 7 511 IMS (1.00 11 II)' !1.4ri 7M ... Leaminnton ... 7 401 a, to n.18 11 Ui 1 10 Rf< 7 Ql| 1.54 II HO 11 UH 125 8,15 |... 1 ItenwiCK ...... 7 IB! 1.3a 0.42 ll.lllil 1 Ifl H Si' !. ... Coatuworth ... 7 10 1.161 tl.62 11.H, C(H H.II2 7 (10' 12 Ml 7.0a 11.52 53 H.IC 0 B'J 12.2P 7.10 115') 5-12 H 17 '.. .t huxton......... (( 45 12 Wi 7.17 12 01 5 55 H,W 0 41) 19.05; 7.23 12.1a; Otift 0 110 .. 1 Cedar Bpvlrna... a m 11.* 7.37 12 18 0.15 0 07 niouhelm Junot'n It 21 H.S0 7.U3 12 22, U!^ 0.1" . ... lilonho'm..... fi yo It.15 7,37 U'Ul (1 15 0 2C 11 HlflO.lBi 7.43 12.-10 7 (10 Ar Kidfjotown Dop (J OOI10.W) 7.50 v M.'r. sr. v m 1 1 a.mJv.m. r.w. .< I Flai; Utatioun. Tiaiuu iitep only whon there aro pauuongori at 01 for thuflo utatioiiH. Mixed tniiue are at al tlince buhjool to bo cancelled WM WOOLLATT. Oouoral Buporlutondeiit To Dilvo anywhoiro, If bo, ,* you want a Good * - * *w iff? .and the placo to Rot it la ut <$ , ifi Livery, Sale & Feed Stables Goodinontlorit lu nltendimco day and nightu /^ HORSE-SHOEING lu thla bvanoh of our buBlneuS wohavaflrflt^j olasa Workmen aud will Buatontco eatisfaotlob)f In Hhoolntj Horflea that interfere. Ovor-Beachrl or havoCorUBor Ooutraoted Feet. Wejaj^fcVw' Bpoolalty of Bhoolug lEoad and Traqk BojrS6JW$ 15c- TclepJtaita Ottnwatioa, ' , \'iu$t CCT WANTED M$$ noBB In this and adjoining Conn tic b ApptyTrf' references. ' . .-Jl.JiXW Tub DkAbuEV-Gabubtson Co.,liTO*'J - ^v iO Riohmoad at..Weai,Tof6nto^O 11^4^^^ .^iM^Jk^J^^ 1 i'i 538462

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