!Sffi?W^^^ W^^h^^i^^w^^w^ 7>i-. Mothers Anxiously Watch uVolinintf health of iholr ditu^htonj. So many ur<* out off by consumption in early yours that 'ifi^ttipro U real cauno for unxloty. In tho early ntngon, \vh<m not buyout! tho reach of modlvlno, Hoort'B .Surmi- parflla will rowtoro tho miuHty un<] quantity of thu blond nnd Uiuh kIvo good hualth. lU'iul thofollowing letter: "It In hut Juwt to wHtii ttbout my daughter Corn, ugod lt>. Sim whh oom- plntuly rundown, thiol In Intf, lintUhut tlrod leolliitf, nnd frloiulH fluid who would not live over thruo montliH. Bhu hud u bad A SAVLFT AT EIGUIiES. EDUCATIONALGIRCLES EXCITED OVEH LIGHTNING ARITHMETIC. Cou a.nd nobbing *mucl to do ho'r uny good. i hnppuiiod to rond nliout Hood'n flnriinpa- *Ula and had hr tflyu tfc u trial. From th Tory firttfc doHo ha begun to #ot buttor. Aftor tukin a. low bottlo.'t idu* wiirt cora- plotoly ourud imd nor lumlth lin;i bmm tho boat iivor iiliico," Mum, Addiig I'iecic, 12 ttuilroudTluco, Anwterdnm, N. Y. "I will Hay thut my niotlmr hu not tntod my cumi in n:i HtroiiR wonla rut I would liavo done. Ilood'n Brtrunpitrtlln haw tru^y curoil mound I am now woll." Coha. Pkcic, Anvttfirdnm, N. Y. Bo rturo to get IIood'H, bocinino arsapariila IsthoOno True Hloml Purifier. All druRKlfltt. $t. j^-Fr^paroii only by C. I. Hood A Co., I.ow^ll, Mxs.t. H, , I\l< :ir I'ur,-,y vri;i-l;ill(!, re- 000 S t'illS lbiblu and buuultuhiLiSBa. ANIMAL MOTHERS. Tina <jtir \Vuyn In VVhU-li Tlioy fill to Cam uf 'J'hHr Yihhijj. .^II dumb animal and imci'l. motlmy.s i that tin- Kuppnwd imw ^ysirm was id--u- An Ohio l\lun Hum u, NyriUm Whl.h i(o Thhiliw Hhmilrt Ho Tuutfht In thu Holimd*, Ho <JIvvh a Nnwwpiiittir Afuii Hoi>vt JUuh- Kriucuttonul oirclcn uro in a piteh of rxoiteiiuinfc.nvcr Hie inkoduoium in tho public kcIiooIhoE Cbirm^n of u Hyntmn of imdmotinn in what; limy hi) termed HuhtnmK urithmelio. Many of (luwo iuterenlod muintiiiu that tlm proposition, i.'i impruel-ieuhle on tlm theory tlmt only mi::h per.sonH an Iklvm natural arithmet ical f,'(-uiuH c.nn hi) aide l:o use to udvaii- t:ine any wort of rapid ealmilulJon. Tlm ineident. and tho attimliufj; intcrrst led a rcpnwnt'iitivo to malm Hnuu* inquiry into whether or not thwo is any move ment to nit.rndure tho new syslrin in the HtdmolK of thiM eity. Although it \u tlm Kutvjcid; of- not a lilt lu disciiMsinn amiuij,' tin1 teaeliers of tlm city, no Kleps have as yd, bct-n taken. Oiii-of tin- nuwt intrn'Htod in thiseity is llr. O. I). IHnkle, who iq comn.'ert'd with the M. (1. Ijilley foinpnny. Mr. Hinklt; has hen jn the mercantile busi ness fur a iiuiuhei' of years, much of winch time has been spent in Ibis city, and has been re/arded as one nf tlm niiwt rapid cahailat urs in the r-tute. Ilin work lias not been on tho fancy order, nit stnii^htforward use of rapid ineth- odn in jiract ical business. Ilavin;; seen -Mr, liinkle add, Kiihtrnot, dividi- and multip'y lon^' lists of tinures in billing out f,'o(nln of all sorts us fast- as Ids as sistant '.:nuld call litem off to him, and in TiOl) paf^cs of lodger ;icr-onnts lisiviu^ me.de in >t one sintd'1 mista-ke, Thi' I'is- pateh was intere-led tu know whci Iter the system metit.ioneil in (Jhira^u "was lebtted in any way to that which ho used. Mr. J1:inkle was found most enthusi astically interested jn ihn melliod, ami quickly remarked, upon ln'iiif,' nsked. By Law No. 248. y0ur child I; v- havoeertain Ways of lakin^caf1- of tlieir buhies, as well as our mothers do of us, 'ftiul HOiue of their wny.H ate very queer. At my k'rnndmoiher's there was an old cut that had live kilteiis, which sho kept in the hay in rho barn. One day ono rjf tho kittens went out on a bir^(^ beam th;tt extended from 0110 ended tlm burn to the other, and when lie readied tho middle o it he. be^an to be afraid mid Hat down on the. beam, mewing pitcou^ly. He was so far away from mu that I roni Id not reach lTiiu, and! did nut know how to yet him down, .lust tln-n tho mother eat canto up and purred and mowed to him, telling him tu wait un til thu came. Sim t.lmn went, out to where lie was, and, as the In nm was a broad one, sho went before him, picked hhn up in Imr mouth ami carried him back into the hay out of danger. Ono day I was np in tin; ntric, and I found 011 t he ceiling a paper wasp's ,ru*Ht' I took it oil; and found that, itwas Cinplj'. Tln-ru were also sevoi-d niud waH]].s' ncstH, and u])on opening some of thoni I found tlm yrubn i one part of die nest and the food, which was noth ing but; little worms and insects pack ed, together, in iniother purl. I brought" the paper wasp's nest to my city honm, but not the niud, noMs. Thu turtles do not take much care of their habie.s. They ncoop a pbiee in tlm Bund and lay their ti-'er.s and then cover them up. Thu heat of the .-am bahde-s them, and the. youne; tint b-s have- to take care of themselves. l^ro^H lay their e^'^s in some warm place in tlm .w.ati;r and ianti.-n them to reeds, cattails or some such plain, and tho warmth nf the sun hutches them. The i'M'u arc in a chaster, ami e;ieh otii', whieh looks like white jelly, is ajiout' the size (jf a small pea and lias a little aound bhudc spot in the c> nter. I found some once and put them in a lar^-e e^lass jnr witli water in it and sei it in a wunu place. Afti-r several day.^ each of the little, spots laid a tail, and the jelly like Huhstance rliat hud bei-ii around tlm black spots to keep them from injury Logan to dj-appear. 1 found that they 'bild hatched and were jn'llyw"^. Tli.y grow very faM.'bul m-vi r livi d lochan^e into fror^P, as they di< d be!,ir tli-y \v-i<- half Krown. The put.at^i bu^' l;:y-; ii. cl'.'j.- on the underside of a potato b uf, and wh' u the yaun;,' ;.; > hamLed ib<-y lmve tlm leaves to oat;, and the eioth-:- dots iiot have to lake can: ot tin in. The e^e..-* are ttinall and of a bright y.'llnw color. 1 have* seun a (a'cat many of thejn on one1 louf. Near my ^ramlfutjier's l.!wre is a crock, with wilLows ^rewin^ on tin; _ Odye (if it. One day I ,-.a'\v two kin^fi.-h- ors on a limb uf one 1 .?"\ ):, una 1 he finllier birii sitting by tie- mii1, 1 f them. She was look-i,,.; ;*U aiiily ii:0 > 1 he wai r. '-Suddenly sin- darted <le\* n into tin- W-iitur and in a miiiuti: camv iqi \\ ith 11 .fish. She ti^-ik it to 1.1 o lilll'- Idl'd-i, uih'I after this .-:!.c dived m vu-al limes, as thOU^h showing theijl Jiow ;>n\iteh J..-ll. Tlio craJtS hav.- thu:1.' injiti-s iii.ihr, lui'KU ftiTjui^:. This is tl'jti way 1 I'ound OUt: I once lifted u ktr-- -11 jm-, and ..ii- OV tho water bad I eeome c... ur I ho|., d iav a t-T'tib. I did not. ;s- r any, bnrdi-- COVOred a liole that ^.' imd to p* v:iidi v Komesniaklerstone =. 1 w<< .i. 1:1; i li" mall- <0V iJtom s, but the liole . :t' 11 farthca-. Ah I was n, .! , ,,m. m 1 . \-,- ' ewaller o:,e . T!.i nil.- 1 ' tJift wny 1 hey H'.o. 1'hd.., ,j, 1! ! I k) ' wr; . id'.. '4 ' Stjv.'lr.;; ' .m. |1yo is luLfLi' r 1 :..;ji >,[, and i: WiV'l gi'0-'V'm:i 1' :s i'er: ilc ^j.hj:im. It ej.-i bO'SOWll itn.V tjim.t t.iau'in,,' ') ;.li u.d evon into jSTuV'.j.i:-ber and a rake a K'-o,l urop Moil ye;,-r, _\ M:f,(.:!:; , ef timothy f .!llu<r ',' 1. .-. I -piniL;. In t-.i'W will M.dl lor a'ld .-.red :fjV'v,'.|ill^. leuviiiK 1-he L^'ain u.i 1 i be :.a..:; . 'I- Y$ e"";ill{.; of the jiniuad a^ e.i a/ yv iii. 'l.'li-i-i tin.1 held ii-1 h of il, wii'J prob- .'1 nut Hri ded this jvuiiij-. ' ^"1"': /.icynii.(>u (dori roru.i.dk' WKiilt loeahl n.s the r\'o : r/-: {%""' '< RV-' "lildi'i'U ili'ail (he. rojt '.V pi : tie.dly tlm same tiiat he has been usin^ ' for ^."1 years. Indeed, -Mr. ilinkln has ' bci'ii for a number of years thinking su- j rion^ly of nial:iu^ an eil'orl. to have fiim.f' of t'lie schools take it uj^-a-s-u part, of their course of instruction. Speaking : of (lie- new method, Air. liinkle said : "U the system sound? Isit practical?. Vis, most emphatically to both ques tions. It is natural computation, and it is just as easy to teach a child or ^i-owii person the relationship of numbers as it; is Jn teach Jliem Urn relationship be- ! tweeji persons, Use 1 00 for the bead of the ideological' tree, of tho family of lin- urcs, and it is just us easy and natural to teach a child that ^.j per cent of any amount is onu-fourth of it, because \b'i is one-fourth of ibb, us it, is to b'aeh him thai tlmt old gentleman is his Krandfat her becan-'e lie is Id's mother's father, or that; I*J'._, per centi is one- eighth of any amount, lienuiise it is oim- ciyhth of ]0ii, as it is to teach him that the curly head. o\'or there is Ids nui-in becatisi- he i--; his fat]mrrs brother's child. "I111 f-jive you some ex a ni j iles in short; nu'iilal arithmetic for a clian^e. Say you buy NO yards of carpet at, b'.1 bj cents; tiy'., cent^ is live-eighths nf I'JO; live-eighths of NO is sjuiO. ICasy number, yes. Tal-:e an ( dd one. Say <S!i yards at liy1,, cents; tive-id^litbsof H()is^i1ii; add three times n - ' x *- total, "?() l.-ST '._,. Say you buy Id? yards of div-s yooilH at, :b! i:( cents; Jj:ti;t cents is une-t i*jrd of Joo; one-third of l'i? is ^."..",, (ifl'-'.', Say you sell li.VJ jioiuids of Woo] at It!'.|' cents ; l'i1.| is one-sixth of 1 oo ; one-sixth of ;J."j0 is !s.",si.:;:! i.,. Say you Imy 100 bushels of potatoes at a0 ei'iM?:, Sail. 1'lasy, isn't it? Jhtt if it, were Hi) bushels at. -lit cents you c< mid n't. do it so easily, and yet it is no harder, if you only knew it. Say '-KI times aO in s-lii..jo, less once il!), whieh isir-IS. ol,, and ibis no more difficult, than 100 times ->0. 1' Alnio.-t every chi Id can do mult ipi i- catien up to I L\ liU't how many obb r pi'Ople can no higher than J^J easily? Vet. it is e;u-'y to ^o to oOO if he is a quick adder. 1 think my rule fnri:quar- m;,' hu^e numbers is simpler t bun M r. Sj-iecrs' way id' doine; it. b'or example, start at 1;J, Tv,e!v times ]'J is I II. To !.;<! I.Jte Mpiaie of ID, atid K! and \2 to Hhiareuf 1^.'; b! and ]'i mulce ^a ; :2a to [ I I is Id'.i. Sqoaie of 1-1 1.1 and 13 ,'qnuls :.'? ; adtl t il'!>, main s lii'i. To b"i al.d It eqtia Is 'J'.l, added to J'.Hi I-,1.",'a. Til" M.|Uai'e (if bo is ^, .Voo. 'fa Lr> t Miimri' ' f bl and aO are Uil, add- di-. :.',.. o'j eipial.-. ~',liil. To subtract, fiein V,."'.() i-'r^-toi. Tin' squavK.f lnO is io,oi;:i. To ^et square ef VJ !d and !00 ar.c Mm ; sukiiract f rum 1 n,uim,equals ii.Sln. To :-on;-.io b1 d I'd and 1W0 are add lo H),no0, equals HtyJlH. "dbds rn;.y 11 > U lii.nl to some, but wlwn < ok- lias b'< ;i (ir:ib-d in multiply ing Jar^'i r muah' is mentally ii it* as a.-^y a- falling oil' a house. Some will xiuqda.ni that i hnve no ricljt Ui say in So \ ,r'.'d-i i.il c:;iqi't ai. '- * b, cents Mvt.-ej^ri; u-i'i i ,'.-0 j-. r;'.'< Iliul. J dull'l p(dni on' aa-ouhr;; o.i rill' . Well, lliiLt's jast \:)i.\' iiiat isv.h'.i" tiiue is lo-i. WithUie [li'idiii,^ wiiicli a pupil would er | prior in di .j-1!^ i lii.-i w< .rk, one of the inipa-r- I'U'Jut 11: ir'.ts iaii;;bt \iiJU would b(; to know thai M) yards uL G'J 1-,. c_uila__af live-','i;;h: lis of ho, us in this ca.'-i', would !. .-"- o, and not, \', or .'no or .-v.'), tajo, wbcii '< j'o'.n o: 'i'i;i's v, 'iih pupils who use t i; , i 'Id rules fr r j.ojm n,^ n,i. ( )ue is Cii'ibaaieal and 1 i:iid io di.-a-t I'omi Idiuaa rs ; t be i \.\vm r Jia- heco;iie im ui I i ve from i.'t-md driilniq and is a hiu'-.f tlon^ ..hv:iy.;. Tbi re are 1< ;.;ious (-f ih nlUli,;;; n.omas' -, the niic! oi' w!io.]a \\ ill not. look iutii ibis clos.i ]y enon^li to under- -lai:d it, who will advance a!) kinds of iu:.-i.mi uts uya.iii-'t il, t.liir of tie hrsi. u;,Mliu-Ml -' v. l.tl Ijh that, il would he easy ; lieii^h if ]r.'ojde would buy and s.idl vcr,thiu|*in (p.mutilies and at prices that weic fractional parts of luo." Columbus (U ) JJisp.aidi. ,A HY'LA W (a ]tfonl(l/: for drain hu/ ft pari of ihn Tni/m o/' J*Junr.nt -hy Ha', i\)iprn\)VAi\v,ni of thv. (imJUild North and Afaidfidmr, Toumfinr, (trin'n, and for iaitihif/ fhr. hum nf $.'.74, fa f'ir v.miifili'.f.hifj th*i nana'.. I'rovisiointllv adoptl*I the c.il d.ty of Sfplcm- WiiuiiKAs, tiomijlaint li.n; bucn made by Thotnas Irwin and W. J. Jolmston, owner:;, as shown by tin.: last revised us'iesiinuuit ml! of the property hcreinafler set forth to be ben efitted by tin: pullipi.; in better repair of the (io.slicdd North and Matd-'ttom: Townliiie drain, have nniilied the council of the Town of Kuiex, that the said drain \va:; very nuich out uf icpair, and reipteiiled tin: ;,aid munici pal council It. pit', (lie said drain in repair its . ifioii as pi):,>iljle. An1> WiiKkKAs, thereupon the nnuuei|)al council of the Town of Kssex cau^y:d am ex- aiuiiiatinn to be made by James S. Laird, I'. I,, h., beinu a ueisnn eoinpetent for Liuch |nir- |in;-i(r i>{ die :,aid lucalily propuhed tu bo drain ed by the improvement of .-.aid drain, and has aho procured plans and estimate.! of" the work to lie nude by the said Jamu-i S. Laird, and an ii.s.-.e.'.aneiH t< be made by him ol iIn? iual property to Im: benefitted by I hi: in Jii'oveiuenl of Hie said drain, slaiiiu;, ;b nearly as he can, die [U'ljiurtion o| benelil, which, in bis opinion, will lie derived in coii-equence of such im provement, by eveiy load or lot, or purlieu uf lot, ihe saul a:,:-(i-:ismi.'nt so made beiiu; the .'^scssnicnt by this by-law enacted to be ;is- -i"-M_*d and levied u|uia the lot. and parts of lot,-, hereinafter e.-mecially' ..::t I'urth and de.,- eiiliid, and tin: 1'i'jiuil nf tbe :-a'm\ lames S. l.aiid i.i a.-, ]"o1Ujw>: To (he Mayor and dmncil uf die Town of hvi:^, in Council assembled; -- * ii;.N i" 1.1- mi-n, - In aecui dance with ire amcliun . from j'oui honuiable body, I h.ive talam the notice:-, -i^ned by 'I'lioune, huin anil w, J. lulinstun and have examined the drain, (oinplained el in -aid notice ;"'and be^ to ri'potl tlieier n a.- billow*: - The drain on the suuth :-ide uf the townline beUveeti (io.meld North and Maid-tone, frum the null h-\u.ot :tiu;lc of die Town-hip u( (in,. iieh.i Neiih east to the I'uce Tap Drain, I tumid to be very much <uit ut repair and in imuh need oi improvement. The drain on the cast side o| [he townline between (bislield .North ;md ('uleher-aer N"i'r(h from die >aid am;le. oadi to near the ix-nln: <,i lot .^2 i-, also out 'ifieprur and uuidit tu 1,: imprnved. I bud the <:i)U ul p'.ltlil'.j; the said di'ftiie- il! a oud slate of rtqiair, ah e.vpen-e-^ included, to i.e $.pSu.50. (H this amount I have t.wed'ihc Tovvie-hip uf Maiil Uuni: im beiieMi! tu mads with :}50' The d'owndiip ol (iu-,lie)d Nbnih for beiu:tit""'"bi~vr'.Td.s u iih ^50.50. Tlie land:; in (inslield North na benetit nidi ^2u ami for outlet with $70,00. The lamb in Ihe Town of Kv-c\ widi $_;S.^5 |br bi-nelit and $1 10.85 '"r "iitlel and ihe Town ol M-se\ lor heiielil to ruaib with <*j~,ln and lor outlet with $?.?.<j\>: Aecniupanyin^ you will bud plans, pioiiles, qii'cilicatinn.s, e -liinates, as- .'leshincrlri and all udier jsqieis necessary fm, imii'lance iii the cuii^iruction or ck'anin^ mil uf tlie said dii in.s. Those draiu.s shall be kept in repair by a tax on the lands and roads in die same propuidnn a:, imw assessed except ihe eriLjiiieer in < h:ne;e oi die repair- dt.-eii.n it tieee-i-.iry \\> change the pe.-p"i tinn. I have the lienor to be, i;--ndenien, Your obedient servant, |. S. LAIKIJ, 1M..S. Anh W'iikiU'.as, the said council are "f opinion that diainai/e of die locality ib_ocrihed ii iie.-irab|e. be il ihcrefnre enacted by the municipal council of ihe Town of K--e\ pui.-uam tu the pi'ivi-doiis of i'.i; (""iisebd.Ued Mumeijial Act o| iSSj and amendments tlieielo:- - 1st. That this rcpurt, plan.s and -!iin.ites ! u:d Wuiks cure nccted therewitli be made and eon-lnicted in .a.is iri lance I here* illl. and. That for the pinpioe of paying the .-ma of $i.|o.lo, lii:in^ tlie amount asses.-ed :i^:dn>l the : aid kinds ki lo be benefitted as alniv-aid, r 11her than roads heluiu;hi^ !n tlie in a f 1 i l i [ j a 1 i t > , the t"lluwiiiL; .-].eeial rale.-,, uVt-r and almVe all oibei rale:-, dull be as-e.sed and levied in the same iiiainier and at the sa-me dine as ta\cs aie levied, upon the undermen tioned lots and ihe amount of ihe aid special rates a, alnre.aid shall he a-^e-,sed ami levied aesunsl each lol and part ol lot in die year le.l,6. Ids! of lots and j arts of |ul- in die Town uf K,se\ ;i! -.essed fm the repairing i,l Maid- stone and I bol'ield Tounlinc Drain bum Ml. Nairn's mill ea-l to the 1'uee mil let, and also the npaitiiu; ol il,i- <'ol- edie-lcr and do-belil 'I*o\\ riline Diabi lr"in Mr. Xaylor'i null, huuth across part ol lot 2S2. You note the difference in children. Some have nearly every--ailmentv even with the best of care.-Others far more exposed pass through unharmed. Weak children will have continuous colds in winter, poor digestion, in summer. Tlfy are witli- out power to resist disease, they have no reserve strength. Scott'sEmulsioh of coddiveT<Tr[7~wdi^^ phosphites, is cod-liver oil partly digested andadajjted io the weaker digestions of chi Idron. Scoit ^ liuWHii, lidlcvillt, (Jul 50c, *iul$i.oo "(i us field \01ih and Ma id si one Townline Drain bydaw." I. S. DArKD, Aclin- Mayor. I hereby certify dial the iorc^oin;; is a Inte copy of a by law provi:don.dly adot.'.-.:.! by the municipal council of the corporation of the Town ol K,.e\, on Ihe 1st day of September, tNon. JOTIX WADTKKS, (drib. SO'YU'V. I1-. II.v.iu-'.uv i;ivrn tliat a 'bun of -Kevisirju will be held at ihe Town I bill, l-'.-.-.-x, r.n M'oi.day, tlie 2M1I1 day of September, iSuo, al the liuur of K o'clock p. m,, lor the hearing and trial uf iqjpeals inade acain-t the lurc- f'.oim; as-e<.siueiil or any pail ili<-reuf, in the tiKinuer [ir-'vi-b-d by ike A^e.-.Miient Act, a no'dce of such appeal to be ^erved on the Cleihul this municijjality al least ten days befoie the nieetiiij.; ul .aid court. And further notice i-. heieby id veil thai any one intendino lu apply U, \\-.w<- ,ueb bydaw, or any pari thcreol, quadied, imi-i, wiihin ten day, after tin: final pa.-eiiu; ilnaeof, -erve a notice, in wriiinc/ upon the May'-r and upon the Clerk of ibii municipaiily, nf hi.-, int-.-ntion to mala: a]i[jlicitioii for that purpose tu one of ller Majesty's Superior Courts of I,aw al TojotitM ,huine; ihe m\ weidi'i m.-\I cn-aiajj; the linal passinc of this by-law. JOHN' WAI/I'KKS, 'l'ovyn (derb. Dated at ICsscn, ibb i;;t day of September, iSon. Would Von It<*ll<!vu your lioi-s '/ jSciuh** Thene people live n^lit here m Khjics, They may be neicdiborn (jf yourn. They huve been cured by tnhm^ Doaubj Kidney Piih. Duti't tiiko our word fur it, Dut unk than. Mr. M. P. Cumpbel], this highly ohUienh.il pithlor of ihe ihi.ptint Cliurch, JOhho:, Out., bint oh : 'T-'rein my perHonal uhu of Doim'u Kidney I'lllti.uhich I o0L at, Hherrin'fi drijo. More, I eun nay that they urn a rnoHt ex- cellcnl remedy fur all iddm.-y trouhh.B." Mr. J. A.. lioHf, the will-known uldor- miin,. Kn.sL-x, HtuteH, "My cniutfliter Iiiih bten idling fc>r home time, and I am yhnl lo nay, heard of Don.:;'.'. Kidney Pill*. My nun procured a be.v ef them fur her at Shcrrin's dru^ Mtore, and that one box cured bur. '"It is with pleaiuiri; that, I ^ive the credit for iho re.4toraliob of my daughter to perfect health to thiu rcunurlcable uu-di- citiu. I feel very tlntnkful mdued that they have been introdiuad in thiH dis trit." M r. William SbsHou, our excellent Chief of Police, ban thin to Hay,--"From tlie bt-m-ficial remiltu derived from J)oan'.4 Kidney Pilln winch I eut al Sluiirin'H dru;4 ntore, I have no beiutalion in recom- memliuji tlmm an a iirht cIhhh luedieiuu for all kidney troubles, lume byeli, weakricHH, etc." (Sit;nod) Wii.i.um Sitsun. Kj.;'i'ivmi':H .be.it>;!' than |S,fv;.,.'iflJ("ni(w;f veur, uh i,:: p;:Vubiy do ^ - ..... W'\ fall, ui W-.-v/" . . Iii t.ho human t-ubjeii' the bruin in tho (ine-t\venty-oi'dilh pari nf tin: wludi! body's entire weight. Ih thu hm-.s-c it, in not jnoi'ii than onii-four-huiidredth purt. lie..:,. 7: an u ' l.-.t 1 :<, 101 lip IO'; - nt mo 1...I- IM t. A. I;.s c ::o;* 1:0 uj js-(' 1 l.'ts ^ lo 1 1 il.-, No, Ni J'.U bol.- I !o 0 j ;- o 1 [., ^ a ;.s 1 n, ,j j s t" 11 il- 1 ' <> 7 ,i"i 1 '-' 1 Vi -Si' '" i S ,i'; '" i'.l-,, 1. u^ I o '>: oS 1 1 TO 70 SS v pt N5 w pt part lot 2.'s^ .slia-ets ii! Ksiex .! I I Sj ,1/ i 0 lo I I I J> 2(> i; in No 1 uu 1 '5 1 (>i j o; 1 I 7" 1 .1 V -1" .; 7'> 70 ; 5 .So 1 i 2 t 5 112 I S 1-2 1 -J I I I 2 1 so -T " ~ I I .") 0 oO a Ocj .1 ^>" 5 "" O oo 3 (^ I o() .1 r>s KiUu uiui Itoiini'lu lor Little, I'oIn. Boy babies of a year old wenr Tarn o'.Sbauter huin of wlnto pique, bound with a bnmi'l, bai crown and ti^l't btiml tilling the hduil. A prettier t-lyle in u white corded round hat, the crown buttoniri^ down oyer Iho biim with white linon hut- toiiHftiud tied under the chin with broad rUriie^Huf wdiite mudin. The.if htitu urts ah.o made with a hull crown, j^utlu-red on tJm corded brim urn) liuisbed en top v.dd; a I hit rnr.etU) of unisliu ur b-tee. A prnlly hat for a boy b;d>y bun a snttly nhirred brim and a full puff-.al crown witli luee be tween the puffin^:-. Little juris wi!nr elo;.e buina-ts, but may hava bain .f preferred, though they are not an pictures.pie. Tlm bun neb! may have llurmjj, lpaitrr and lii^li crnwim, h t u 11 od mi \^' -11 11 bo v 1) tlie bend linicc, or round crown 1 and eluso ruelm around tlm face, aonietiuoa wit.li i\ fun- hbuped piece luet'-Lnm ni"d mut-liu, htimd- iiqr up in front. Tin y art: made of rucked inuhlhi, Hue Il'ttnbii.'u; emhroulery, dutied muslin, t'liaiubray cord ;d ami drawn in "j v-l 2 I 2 5 i l.f 1-2 4'< ! 2 r u I 00 '"' ijut'l'- and In .Iift id!b 1 b.-.bociti-ly enihroid. r- a" I -1 io, 7 QU .1 .p. 1 .0 4 5 1 S" ed. If Ihe bub'.es a;'e twin-j have tlie lu.t and bun n-.-t 1 f 1 ha :eou.; maaeriid. laid it:..' llntiii' .lonrnub .) 1X3 lo 00 S 7u 27 yo jrd. l-'or the purpose o| payuiii the sum of $1 :fpoo, bein^ the loird amount us'M:t,Hed ai'ain'U streets in the Town of Kssex, n sut- li'-ient s]in-ial rate, over and above all other rates, shad be. levied in ihe same manner and at the -aine time as taxes are levied, upon the whole ratable properly m the Town of Kssex in the year [Nun,1 .ph. That this bydaw shall be published oner- in everv week for four consecutive weeks, ii; tin: Fssex Tree Tress, and shall come, into b.ice on and after the final pasMnc; thereof, and shall l>e known and may tie cited as the No OthtV CSi'iut'Uy. No other remedy euivu Summer '.'onr- phiint, Diarrho'i, D\ ^n,l M-y, etc., .1-0 promptly and quieus pun ho quickly us Dr. Fowh-r'H Ifixtmct of Wild Sl.rawd.erry. It in a pocket, doctor fur lonriat.-, travel- lorn, etc. ALFRED WALKER, ESSEX, 0NT., pT-ififiTO ANNOPNCI-'. Til \T UK IH SuTjK I > ArjuiU for tlm Tuwudtiipii of (ioniUiM Nm Hi (VjlcmtiHtur North nisi LlmNortli Itnnnu ul Ivi-u- (,'imill,)', eJjRejil rtumlwIiUi \\S*:it ami Saii.lMi.) Stmfh iowimliipn, lor tiro Van Wji^oiioi* Wire ITencc and ttmt he in prMjiareit ta out up tlila U nou , t Ua eeuli. nor nil. m. TniMfsofir MlLliufiietairnr of I'Vue blr'n t'ateiit I'nton Artificial Limbs llLI.V 111 lllltilK tit,., !> irolh, Mleli. Dniieiaptivo Mitalojimm uiui blauloi for iiH.ldnu ii|'iilli!ittlrim< for KovoriuiHiiit ei'ilnnt for llmlai mill triiliii|io|'lh1loii or (ininmutiitioii rlinreior 1 iient fi'nii on a]i]iUi!iiti<'ii illl- FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS. DUNN'S AKING 0WDER TMHCOOK'S BEST FRIEND LAriGEST SAt-E IN CANADA. 4v, Are You Building* ? \\di csui .supply you with all Icirnlfj of '.Vomica Armorial, phuti anil oriiiiiwjiiLal. I'imq Ifi'inloch and tiiiti\e jjitiahcr alwuyg nn liainl. ShitiLf-c ;, b'odar I.V.hi,-:- Doom S:iMi and ('o:il. Imporfatttto Farmers. Wo line oi barn lumber jlL ^.l'J ]>t;r M. i'l. ULV0 j Ur-iu %nb in a .[h'Ht-claa^ creen Doors That wiU last a Lifetime. Laing Bros t^3 Jas. McMurray FOR THIS DISTRICT FOR j>zr'- :-^^^^ Binders, Mowers, Cultivators and NTS, Drills, l:>est 1j1m\vh ii\ 11 |e MiirtvLd. lv i fisl-CL' ivSs! Farm Wi loonsi. Farmers Should See My Siodc Before Purchasing, ALSO DKALKIt IN t;o^ras?. Wia"OTret,?re ^ '5 General Tinsmitliing ami Repairing atleiuled to. ^JcS^ North of Railway Track, - - Essex "iniiwja*. J-X: > + & oh vi 7. T 6o Washington Ave,, DETROIT, MICH. - ' i it* V mm E If yon i\vc. tiroil of hoim JKi^hjl-.--, (".'.,UMllL U-.. We lU'i', liiijnbu^^cd and maltreated by quacks and Im* ' all ciirunic diseases the ,tudy id" imr lid:. T 1' ymi ai'e- in m-ed of hr,!ie^t :ro;itim-nt ^c will ffive it yaip Our ".staff i:on.M;-ds of .-even fin incut specialists, :m<\ their cctnld.ned wisdom ip lirou^ht t-j 1k:;ii- in all complicated, ditlieuU of.doubtful cn.-iO.-,. Comsultatiotl free cither at Involute ur by Hiall. If you cannot call, send stamp foi' (pie..-di<in blarilc. . " Our charges for treatment vary from ?5 to 530 per tnnntli cither'by mull or at IustiUitt;. Only curable cases arc accepted, and a cure: it. i;uarautcccl Jn cvorv case undertaken. 1'. S. Send 10 r.'nt.- I'-i- nuj- lirtln illti-t-.MtC'l UoiJd^r mi .Su'aui Nobuli/.ation, sliorfinff thootjy mtioiiut ii ud Sucre;- Tu 1 i iti'.i'!)< ii i ul' Cn t :i!tIj. C:i in rrlnil-dcftflif J.s. Bruliclli'ds, A^thlllannd Cuiiriumptlou, "fl-u OB ~1N iS'OB .i-IilMUNG ?u :X Yon cannot do better than call the....... !"V WW Is V 8 r 1J. % :'^i fl^',' X^':}>^*^^ :.V. .'/ i-^,,- ii^M .,'We :^^i'^^'^^^^M 18