Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 11, 1896, p. 5

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< $< V JAS. D. ANDERSON & Co., & BANKERS, r1- Agonts for Tho Royal, *r TUo Guardian and Tho Lancauhiro, Thu boat TnBi(runci) floinptililoii in tho world, Wumnlcuiir Hiiocliiliy of liifmrjiiff Furm I'ro potty. Mouoy to Luan at (S ami B>i inir oimt nn I'linu Proporty. Parma s 7?tsui (vol*. > tu doot/ A\ habit Cottijwutt t. NOTICE. All Accounts duo tho lato firm of Dun, 1)i:wau k, MrKr,N/ir aro payable to Dn, Druwu, Wind sor. A prompt Bcttluiucnt is rcquontcd. ) Tho Essox Free Press, BRETT&AULD, PROPHICTunu 1AHTDAY. SEPTtiMmUUl, I Him, Town and Vicinity. Itobfirt McQuucu vihitcl in ('mnbt-i luht week. Uxa. Bollo Tyrrell, of Piultlnll, Hpont Monday in town with Minn Kutu Horn, It will pay >ou todme 20 miles to (!rnw- ford, of Tilbury, foi *lu 00 worth of #)ndn. *&, "W. Suulor Lo Hisix on Tuoadny from a montirn Ihjhiih^h trip ouM. Crawford, of Tilbuiv, f^iiarautct h Iuh BtOVOH tO WOlk 01 till) JliOIHiy will bn i . fimdud, Mo^t of thn Ini'tine-" j lar ~> in town cn oloaetl ou Momlu> ]imt, Labta* |)u, thr- dtiy boiujr ntatutory holiday. J, E, Btouo will nhip a our loud of apples from Ehucx Htation to day. The} arc con. (Mgnod to Liverpool, \m .Woiitn a], iTohn Kelly, of Dctioit, h is (km m v i^uin^ tlrnt woek nt Hnbt Goulnn'ri, m tov n, uinl at O. A, Wintemiite a, in Miudi t(nn f* John CJott, hint wiek, s]jipp< a from the tM, 0. It, statiou at Anihciolbuij.', tur \, .1 iOtcoa, a car oacli of hogh and iJiclp. ' Mm. J. Til. ^Icllwan an 1 al nil, v ho arc ,moving to Torontu Iiom W/indioi, hj < nt a few day ft at A. O Stnjus' Hit punt \. i < It Ou thu nlauot Maid a y u is nuulr* twico rhIoiik an it ib hore. Wlmt a I'uia . diao that miiHt be for wnnu'ij who an owi bhhty. Tho M. C. R. will off) r mm ri il i /ues tni tho Great Soutli-W'pstriu I'iur in h, |i ]^ ifcKHf,^ on Sqitri'iW d'l h nd JOtii and )otober Iht Ed. Eaton paid a imo of si uid e *st- to I. M. Beatnan on iMc ndoj foi bf in^'rhuiiit Bunnay. Thr ijmui' n i^ '.in it ch i lit 5liiH liquor. TrS. Uibaon, ot" I3ru\. ii'ivillt, \i'ili I this at A. O. Hti'm iV v h h on Ji r \.ajo from Owr t o "\ h , \ ht 1 , L i boon vioitinj* ,'itlih- 1 on y Thrco Ehhe.i t niintj t iii'lhliit. to*1 h< u (otfi in Form JT ^mK ui ih ni nt (Fprirtuiry oxauni atiui -, M i! I 1 I 1 11 ) Cottam, ^\1 Toll, of J, nt- Mf.'r>n, j 1 Brrry, of -\mlit 1 htbur' ! h la ][i -' 11 ol Bor 18 now attcrulnii !^ Tho iimmerHtij ^ w 1 t t 11 it l] ^ lapbiat (Jhurch ^ ill 1 IjlM < n tin i < 1 1] Juoduy in Octob r u'nti iIk 1 ulpir \ \jo occupicl bv Hl . W l'ro i'ii 1 1 Iji town, who v, ill '-11 i\m h It tnii in th< following *Mon Jn> (Vt 111 / If tho owner i td fi uii in ti \ mn 1 n r io\i 'thOfJO unhi^htly )b\ hJ Mid tin 11 run Itoutft now, uotnlb !< >-h iu t id nil ^with next year A loich of rn 'tar I ciml )il ja very cltL^tivo tf tli-m catt > [ ilIniT faeo not dchtro\c 1 tho t tm wilt miuI\ l hilled. AmouH thof u fiom tii \n who i i,u lun bfctouduiK tho IntitHtrul i'tu at Jo-ofjti 110 paet week idu ,1, II Win 1 1 I uiu , 1 J, Adams, Win Hiddif K an I 1 m , Wm ' Church, W. A, Ot'.nlncr, .Join Cn mi I tv nml \yifo, JtimcEj 3h-vniontl SiiiiUj \ i> lui an I Jfinitifl May. Job lot whitr hod tiprt ads, <v . ul ir rl 0 (no, fpr^l. l-nn^i A Co IJrovioua to h a\ 111^ r tst ^, f*.oit*t (ji'iv fu^ tondorcd a fun v. oil f upf ti lj^ a 1 of HiR frH'udh in tov n, lh tlhiu tal mn, BO in tho parlor of lli, Vh.rdt ui lion n. Choruduy 1 \01nug (f 1 isi WLtlt. ,J i io waH \otcd to Llio thitii and til far to taLioj loudt d with u ti(.nhnt,iitr! -of varloun km Jh and to \ Inch 'hi j did (BiBplo juaticn, uftil wluch Uio t( ait ot *'Tho Qucon" wen 11 ,;ioia \< m to by the '.filngbjf,' of tho National Anthoni. ' Tlu Loarued ProfowionH" v,Mt pioi^ht] b> W ^CJiattorton and respoiniLd t) liy d A Cbnroh. Tbin v/an followed by a bon^ by *VValter Shaw, at tha couclumm of whieh '^. O. StimoiH piopofied and R. It fBflapomlod lo "Tho Prti a " Tho toast ot (,<Tbo Ludiod," to wnich wtro oouplul thu jjftmwi of John Abbott and Gooi^o W. Mil lard, was propoHod by R. -I Shaw It in iDDueoGfmary to HtatH that thin uubjuot wu Well handled. Waller Shaw timn hhij^ an 'pbor aong. and Dr. 7. W. Bncn, iu a pithy afpaeoh, proponod the toaut of "Oni Uui^tt, ' the awiombly joining in hinging, "IIu'o a 'jplly Good Follow." Mr Gray, m Iuh WBpoono, referred to the ploanutit rime ho ad paeeod iu Eohhs and eapioHhcd lnu re ^et aft leaving tho town, "Tlte Bporta1' broUMht to their foot A. II. Sourff, J. Oour lay, EraorHon Gardner, Chau. Thrahhor ttnd W. Chattortou, aftor wluoh a few '&li&B&nt honra woroftpent in niu^ui^,htory 'feU'Df? and Booial ohat, Mr. Giay, who as aooeptad a point ion an travollor for thu eeno Mannfaotunn^ Co., of Loudon, ftfaVtiA with the boHt wiftlioa of a n una bor of ends in town, who will 'join in wiBhinc "m unbounded eiuooohu. MiH. JainoH Goundou iu vialtin^ rolativoa in Dounvillo. Mr. and Mm. htophon Wilkmnon npuiit Labor Daj hi Knitpivlllo, Mhih Mary B. MoCliarloH, of llnthvun, in viuitlrif,' Mum Oriiuo Labar. M'h- W. Ilatoli ih viiiltin^ hor daughter, Mm. G P. nallH, of Dotroifc. Eor^lG.OO, Crawford, of Tilbury, huIIh lar^o cook Htovun with ronoivoir, MiiiH Violot and Matttor Harry Molndoo, of Amor, aio vliiitmjy rolutlvoH in town. .1, E. Btono hail iioitio bif^ bar|;ainn in iiuoond himd oartiiand bunion. Hooiham. Minn fjottio Irwin in npondin({ a woek with rt'lufcivon and frloiubi 111 Loanuii[;ton, Jaooh Amor and jjrantl daughter, Mum Mahol Arnof, of Arnor, fipont Labor Bay in town. e/Mma Graco Lalwir ban lotnruod aftor iipondinj; hor vacation at Niagara Falln and othor oiihIoui oition. Minn Lottio Gordon hail lotnruod aftor fipcnthii^ ficvciul wnokn with hor mater, Min .Inn, MuTndoo, of Vrnor. To tin' Pi arih Social, to-nitfht.ovorybody nhonld conm and hIiow tholr appreciation of tho hand. If you havo any nown itomii hrinu or nond them in. Wo iijwayn havo a hoarty utlcomn for tho pi'tnon with an item. Tho iii( nihoifi of tho Ehmov Gun "lub will havo a fi loudly iihoot on tho Arnold rural Criounds thin (I'ru/ay) mornint,' Peuth Snonil, to iiif^ht, tho noeial of thu McanoN. Conn) with >our dollani, comu with yom duuos, and ho miro and lca\o thuiu tMure. At tho mooting of tho vvindnor Bmtnct of tho M' thoch'it Church at Harrow latt w< 1 k, it waH dtudtd to hold an Jjpworth hfnnui) ctnivcntiDii 111 Ehhu.\ in Octobt r, h\h\ h S iljf at!i School convuntion 111 Kinfi \1ll1' in I i bin try. hid'1 I Jhott^ oj London, rului that an ollit'i r b it no ri^ht tu arrout an nitoMuutt d man who in be'lmviuf,' himaelf, and that if HLich an an est 111 adomptod tho pomou in ]UHtltl(d Ml IHJIlfJ 'til hlM IllJ^llt tO I'LlllSt, 01 to n rain Iu 1 Iiiji rt \. ].; k tliiLti ni 111 all linen of ^oodn at hnntli h, Grjin^, out of buHiiRH1]. Vt tin Imnn or Pi. J)lwiu* in Wmil *ui 01 'lm iihj, t ho HLti lot h of Jhv.W M J'lfinuvl- "i thin town, wore cilled 111 to pi 1 foitn iln inai uagu oorumony th it u ited the lajutoi h father, G^or^t IV^in, of i'Jjiopioij, JJ inofuii Co., and Mn. .1 M. Jjf-y, t r thin to\;n. 'J hu couple will icmdt III ]j 1 L I'nm/kni pic is likoly to bo dmdidly a ui i'o tin i year, an tliu ( mp of j'UinpluiiH, iu u [I an of hiju ihhc'^, 14 a fadnru, Vn nisir',( pi 1II1 1 . iki-tnuti\(. in thu ami} won i, ii h loi 1 -v(-hv dHwtr-ucUJ-H-wu'l it ni n > t in hc \ 1 ' t 1 ibluj, y trim ih staf( th ti ni ul aiompJiU c op hasijLLiidts tro>id bv tin* uji-t hiLVotiH hri^' J In- I id an of tic town will t:i\o tin 11 ami ri'il notial for thu benefit of tlu KsicId 1-4 Uind on thu lawn of W. M ihCiv, thi (I 1 id 1}) L^tiiiu;; at 7 o'clock l'< 'u-'u ,\ " n mi 1 a*i 1 mi < ta Ih nt pro^iitriiini 1 11 1 I \ ,\( t) b !_> sin. uld in tl '1 it l p 1 t to attend nn 1 tmnuru,^1 tlu li\s i > ' nn i ibutc f-u mn li to t! ' e i jo win nt oi 1 1 j ds and i 1 o rtaiirini ntn in tm.n i 1 Muhvin ( n'r t, li ul \ i\ ( oin p ill 1 Mirij tic! 1 tn t(< tlu Wi ti rn I u if ondi n ' 1 11 I (I i\ fr >oi 3 pte in < J ->di in in i\i ' 1 r 1 t 1 I li ""ill 1 I ' il-i . 1 in th. nt,(t -T-Mnrb 1 JI ,l 11 , |n-n. , ui n ji, II ' , " ' ' ill b n m 1 in ,, j in,,), . j ilh 11,1 ' o I tu 1 iu 1 lUii 1 S I 1 b r M ' flh| rr<"<> 1 - > '-' Id fui Lh in.iui III ,hl' !jI " l'1" \ n mn 1 -ii,d,, u U\c, h ' 1 1 V i> ' 11 1 1 1, A,;i rr, i 11 f 'J! mi 1^ ti in h 1-3 b, r 11 . 1,1 r, tl c M if th, |krt _. Tl, \\u\ ,h 1 m 1 in j urn utt. 'i pii>d 'o uIju'M 1 ^iitt at \l u K ,J( r'n , (l u U|]t oi h n L.iui m u l(| ,d lCLt| iu rui^\l >!l' ""i la..! to ht ^aiic 1 upon ' n 0 11111^ \\ a wh,n th. \ (Jik in a r n o-U.* \ lound on!} a heap <( 1 ' ' " ^ Lil "f lun b,i." *ijUI( J( 1](J ""it 1 1 ih, ab \L i ,ni v hich was -uit or oy 1 i)nt \\|.,.l .,i LOtni.pjiul nt nt ->o 'i t ho. I h. f j'Jr \,n pupil arc in attondainti ^L Lil 1 V,lii 1 Mud I Vjhool ulucli OptllL.l ,1 uph u h 1 1 it Uert'm \oimr', M tl <h n , Ki.i *-intth, f; jUh.htur South Jjd lulla "\hLLI'hhn, Gehto , M II .Jaclihun '"I I 'hi 1 iui)btii\, nl Cottam, L. iK, Wo ddt.11, Ernest 1'itch, MsrgurtJi VII \d th ll'tttu-Anio'd t. j J J3.rtlia L>ppv . t Kn f.villi , V/m (' b( itt, of Luainn g. un, I ni' MiIIj unl Ltbbic MiIIh, uf Wl.mti.y, \ Inert Liffoity, of Sanh 1 n Woi-t , Lnuii fiOTuty and IIohu IJondy, of Btindwich , Stuute nGhonoy, .Jonuii Jjiumni and Mabk* Tnblo eif WindNui Of tho aboyo, leu aro ^raluaLcs of J'Ihhcs. Ilicli Suhool, McHiim Jaultron, Laffcrty, Lounri heir} and an 1 Mis'ilh Alh.oith, Aiuold, Lvpps, MoLau^hlm, Smith ami Yoiin^ rJ bu a LHt LbHLX P'udihcry loft foi London on Tuondiy moinmjj to kg into camp foi twelvu dajH. No. J Coinpany of thiH town left liTo on 'UoDittait Accommodation at 10 rj)i and joined tho othor corapum.'ij nt WalkorviJlo, whontiu all wont by 0. p, u Cupt. W. II. UuhsuJI waa in oorrmjand and too first Lioutcn lut.U. K^m/Hd Botty,wah to join tlie company at London, while hoo- oml LiHutunant, Ti. Williainw, did not put in an appoaianco. Tho other mombeno of tho dompawy to leave horo woro Suriioantii John Gurr and Lowis Orion, Lanco Sorjjfc Tilloy, Corps*. Williamuou and Pailror, Bugler Muilfjo and Privatoa NoHbibt, Karr, C'viupbell, Littlowflol, Hazun, Wallaoo Btowo, JohuHton, Thibedoan, McLood, Uufl, Trua.H, Poao, Dohorty, Sloto, liar- hue, Dixon, JttokQOD, Tuckor and Vuot- lnirn. A SerfjGiint and otfflit mou wero to join tho oompany at Walkorvillo. HiHaLiKzlo Dyraott ib vIhUiu^ frieudH in Dotroifc, Latqafc Htyloa of ladiem' fall aoatii from S&dO up at Bmit}i'H. A mimborof yonn^ puoplo from town Hponfc Labor Day at G'odar Bnanh. A tnovukuuut i on foot to or^anizo a Mticbanion' Inatitntu in Combor. Mr. Knohton'H dor/wan pomonod yoidnr- <Iny fTInunday) mornln/,'. No oluo to tho olt)nt. MrH, nartoah, of Newark, N. J., viidtod with Polioo MngiHtriito and Mru. Uoamun rooonlly. William Laiug and wifo toturnod homo on Wcducnday from thoir trip to Now York City. Miltou Itiohardiwii and Mraowiou Davin, of Dotroit, aro tho ^juontiiof Mitntor Evorott Itichiirdtion, Good towohnji for lota a yd, at T. A. Trancm, Mm. (Dr.) J. G. Kirkor and child, of Dotioit, npent a fow elayii tlii'i woek at John Ijiun^'fi. M^. ."). Wi^'lo it Co, ha\o already received iioveral cemnijmrnontn of bootn and idioon for tho fall trade. H(jv. W. M. Fleming wan in Chatham on Tuoijrlay attondmj; tho quarterly nan mon of tho Chatham Pionbytoiy. Mru. MoCallum,of Chicago, accompanied by her niece, Mnai 1'crkin, wore tho ^ucnta of M^r. and Mrn. Coleman recently. If 111 want of turn, leave otdorn with nn , wo h lvo you i* and r>, on Hpecnil on lorn, fiayn j ou 2o percent. G. U Smith it (Jo. Tin- Mihhch Dunntan lett JZhoox on We'd nudday for Uowmanyillo to yimt relative, j huforo retui nin^ to thtir homo iu Winona, Misii. Mru. W. G. Kuthorfoid, of Winnipeg ban m turned to hor hurno aftoi viHjtint^ a fuw da} h with hor auitur, Mra. U. 13. Cole man. 'Ihofaind) ot M"rH. '1 luo, Jiiown, who havo bt lh 01 eu p> m^ .1. M. lhckfj' hi ick house on Talbot Httoct, moved buck to Windsor on M^onday, MihH SJtolla KobniHon hau reuumed her duticH at Diobel A Uucker'a milliner) de- piiitnu nt iftnr Hpuntiiinj a fow wllIoi iu Dclioit wholenalti Iiouhch. IhHim is niuht bo picKnii,' np on the M. CIi, rlhctmpL> una stc ri-I 111 tho AmliLHtbuij; >atd all summer aru being mow J out. \V. A. (1 irdnor h t\ing remaned tho leadert-hip of the choir of the Methodist church, the membiib on Monday evening unimmousl} aelecti d C. hnopjliotl ua Inn n*icei") .or, M.1HH Shaw, ot tho I'ublic Rtdiool, ban been ill for hoiiiu da>H tins week and thoie hai bt *n no mhcol iu htr loom il*j a eon- jtqiiitcc "sho h ipes to rcLMime teaclrin/_r on i\I< nda> . .1 L brono and .lebn White aro luiwnjj a quantity of applet) pacl ed for shipment, Mr. ( al ter, of O'-haua, heini; en^aFed b> tin m. 'I hey t\pi ct to nhiji t\^o 1 ais a wt 1 k lm noun 11 ni< . At tho conclusion of tho SliwJl Lssi hail b til in at eh on Moud i\ last,a u, tint* nut- plavL.l l)i t.ui n tin ShiuH) and a ]acki tl 'linn iroiu MaidHtouf ami Li4ix, tlu tor- incr w limine ln 1 ] to t, Alt ^ \\ dlace will lit\t a halt of hnnar- h Al furniLin l a id Ltt. ct 1 it hm rt bidoicj on Ih n 11 A\ 1 mi", L )hi \, uppotH o Lpt oo| al r Imuli, mi S aurda\, ^^ ntcmiji 1 l'lth, tut th. 1 j 1 1 Men la r 1 ot w hi h ( in b obtain t 1 trom bill- J 1 u Kolj'inoii h ft m t ur "iin^tum lu-it ,sai 1 1 d 1 t >\o [ 1 at hc i, \. I icli imiri i e el 1 U til 1 11 1 lei in eiri nn ' 1 lull 1 ht v wit. Jioiu the orchaid j1 L L 'L\IiuitL a l L a 11 n r ton ind \wn a . iklit 1 u -> n ill! ,( I L 111,,!. hi il uo lwo crii is 1 1 the u utt-. ui tlu lm ot il j^ii t^cln >1 miimu it 10 .1) a Lf i i.'i pabll bi-tl ix I1 1- 1 ul\ pijt.ii MiLi'i Ijli tha \oiiiin si.1. uld lu\u Ijllij creilitetl with a J uuiui I_. i\iLe CLrtdu u< anil ,\i. ii. .Juci.'-oii with Jluuoi 1 un tlu lJi imaij t j-uiiiiution .YhUthew Ilgni), ot lot l\ h M JI , .MaiJiiioLic towiiuinp, kul on ma tabb tnii v'.ilh tbi<-" appleT taliL.11 lion a lunr 01 lompkiu'ti County tiee 111 Inn 01 ch ad, the tunulist of the thitt WLif^h.nn' 11^ 0/ uid tlu oiln 1 two 1 j ami Ibuunce-- renp. etiwdv. 'Iht. tret- on uhich ilc\ ^aw ib *JU )ci > old 1 mi will Yield it Jluiu throe barruln. It an v ci. our 1 tadi 1 -> cu be it the n bi 111/4 ttuiii tkuiv. Cad uud get a fI c siUiplo of halaiia 11 a at .J. A 1 lancih. John khHeltiiie aiid John Luh'is weiu t llinn un t-1") ticu in (J. L Isnyloi .t butm m Maiotitoijo on Wedntida) uftuiuuuu when both woiti lnjuiud, by a rallum limb, Aluch atruel. Mr Lt-btdLiue on tiie lit au and Mi.LuuLiaon tlu hand iliij latlei'rf injury wah ou'l\ hliyut out the foiuier wum knocked huunekns and H took whuu rninuteH to bruih hllli aloiind As 11 c l tecovuuue oonHCiouhiiuMa hu wan brought to lu.i homo m town and Dr <) \\. Ihion hunimauetl. A lar^ti i\u.ih waa mfbctial in thu aoalp but no othci mjtuy biiHtaiued, Lhou^b it ivaj fearud at hrnt th it hu wan in j mud in- turnailv, Tho A matcltcH at Ottawa con ejludLil on I'Vidai \iai. In tho h!\tra Suriort, L. S. tiakn, ot tho 'Jldt, won ^{,i CO at 80U yata.s, C. T. Smith and J. W. BmHli oauii SI at 800 yards, I. W. Smith So at UOO yardu and C. T. Smith M at tho aamo diHCanco; in tho Extra Beritfl A^eregatu B. S. Salua won $0, iu tho Kirkpatriuk rnaloh M. M. Kerr won $5 audJ.W. Smith tfi, and 111 tho Uankoru' inatoh J. W.Bmith won &5 and M. M, Kerr M. TaUoii ou tho whjjlo tho Tilhmy nhoutom "did Urnt rutu iu tho D.It.A. matoheu, Salon winum a7.Hi. G. T. Bmith ftlO, J. W. Smith U% II. U. Bmith *5 and M. M,. Korr 518. In tho Ontario Hlflo Ainiooitition matchou tho provioua woelc, Salon won 810, Korr St), .J. W. Laird 12, W. Lmnloy 8, W.F Robort hou 98 and tho othor mumbora from $'1 to SO.bOiiidoo wbioh tho tuam wou a S20 prizo Minrt Annio Groonway spent a fow days thiH wook with rolativoH in Dotrolfc. ./. II, Wodo and wifo yiHiied at Alfred Pulford'a In Atnlmriitbitr^ hint wook. Minn LuoIIa Gn/l'itlia bait raimmod bur Htudioi) affcor upending hor yaoation m TanlcHon, Ahoh, Ld. Willianui loft on Monday for Toron to, whom ho will tako a oouruo in tho On tario l^liarmaoy Gollo^o. At tho lobular mooting o? tho town council novt Titoiiday ovonintf tho rato for tho protmnfc year will likoly bo atruck. Mm. (Dr.) ,7. W. Briori return jd on Tuoii day ovonin^ from hor oxtondod viiut to rolatiyou in ImjiicIoh Pal In and othor plaeon iu Victoria county. Jluovo Laird ox'pcotn tn Ioavo tho begin nin^j of next wpolc for Gaidon lit J and and Bault Bto. Mario, on biiHinonu iu con- nootion with tho nurvoymt; of the town- nhip of Curtin, m tho Dmtriot of Alburnu. Tim doal in practically oloood, itayH tho Chatham TJauuor, by which ,1. fj, Jiriorly, of tho Ht. Thomad .Touinal, and a sdoe k holder ui tho Jlannoi Printing Co,, in to hiroiito pxolmuvu manager of tho Montreal Herald. Mru. McMulkn, Mian Ldith M^Mnllen and Matitor Harold McMullon, of Chicaf^^ callotl 011 Mru. Joimer, Mia, MoMmIIlii'ii aintor. thifj \;eoIc. Thoy have botjii nj_ond mti tho Dummor at Manahttan Koach and wero on their way homo. .1. IV, Wobb, q\ drunkard, will rohdo bin lO-ytjiuii' hf oxpenonco, on Wodnoirda} ovonmti, bopt. lhth,in*tho Salvation Aimy bariiiuku, I'luaox All aro wukotno to hoar Air. Wobb Hptiak on thifi aubject wlvch no doubt will prove iulorojtinj4. ,1. K i\lclean, of Jlariow, oametollmov on Vriday laiit to havo tho I010 1 ngci of Inn luft hand dreniied, having had tho bad luck to havo it out olt at the hcco* d joint by getting it caught in a pumj v/Lich ho wan putting; down in thin vicimtv. M. .1. Wieju ,v Co. havo au immeuao range of IhUh and geuta' furnnihin^j. Gardnur ilroii , this week, shipped a cat load of hanelliH to Ghutgow, Scotland , G L, Naylur uhipped two earn of nta>eH t( New York mid ono car of hoopn to Bt, Thoman , DioOlI iV Uncktir whipped acai of corn to J tamtltou and T. U. DeCow lour cam of ataves and hi.\ ot wood to Lvtroit. Mqk. Wallacy intLiidy movine to Wind sor in a coupk of weeku. He* hits acct [ted a pomtion an travollor for Trust t'j Wood, agricultural impkuient'j mitnufacturoni, with headipiai tein at Windsor Mi Wallacc'H many friendH herL wilt ic^re-t hid dopart'iio and will join m widung him aticoiHH. The Lbtu\Gusaud Oil Company is lu iitLj touned for tho purpose of Lonug for gas ot oil m some pait of t ho town or h ir rounding countrv. 'lhe merchant) and fjtl orn 111 town have Mibhoribid "jJ.OOO m stock and a meeting of the i,ubr-c;ribu ^ w ts hold 111 tho Town Hall hint 'lljui^lr.j evening for oigam/ttlon. The mooting of the cicdiloii of Wm Hart, 11 solvent, wan called tor Turning morning hut m L, A. Wihmcr'i oMico but nonu of thu cieditoi h 1 ut 111 an a| peaianu Bho hahihtn s amount to ovet "f^'JiJ ind tin tu'setr), con listing ul v ill pipe an I < on feotiomrj, will be iold, thoiJ b it will ht questionable if tlu let Will be IiilUll kfl aftii the o\f 1 uses uie paid M J. Wigle h th a vei} hm jiair of j omig lioiies, which he u oil nng joi ink. It 11 now altngt tin 1 that Gaid'i. 1 Luis, will move then bun II' ,voi K1 to L utunt'toii thi 1 fall tin iimcil or thif to au oiler 11 g tlu in a luo i ltt, trot w it 1 fiit'gisanlfuctavei '1 ht itt c flm I - tin agricultural budding lornu-rlj u til toi lair purpjst i alj lining tlu L L V I' 11 II trick, theibUiu lui\iiitC bt 111 lea-t 1 rom It 1, Graham, of Lkll \illc, who bought it about a }ear ago 'J ho no vt sittmgf of the DiviHion fourth in tin Comity tf LhitA will be luld it) foi low . WmdHui, 'lliursilaj, Octobi 1 lit, j], c.,'1 in id i},uaobLi nth, Am burs thing, \\ > iint ilL.\ , O-tobtr 7th Hatiow, Mon day, OUnbxa Uth- kingsviTo, TiiL4da}, (Kti'iai luh, Ltaimngton, Wtdncilu (jiMber lltn, Comber, Thundav October lltb, IJ.1U Hiv^r, Monday, Oaulri Joth h.tnlwnh, \\'< duetkhiy, OcLotiei i^th. Win Couliu, braUtman on the Amhe ist- biitg brain 1) of the M t'.K , has been Lik-11 to tho I ORpit 1! t S: Thonn Uo ban tphoitl ftvf 1 and Ld Paddcn, (d Bt. Ihom an, it takirn, hi place ou the plug. Ovviu tj -omc diiuculty 01 or the transfer of tlu i' all hagi. one evening lately, tho bsgga^o man ou the branch, Aaron Leak, hue aku bt < n olf duty, Ftaiik Comnton roluvmr bun. T G Bjott, trammiuitcr, undCbnf Ch rk Aldler, wero lu Khuox on Friday hiQt in connection with tho latter difficulty, b^c ou: linea of diLBh goods at 'Jo Ctt<., lL'duced from 5U aud (>0 eta. to lifj otu at hmilh's. Tb-e anuual county oonvention of tho W C T. U. will ba hold in Khhox on Wotlnen. day and Thuraday next iu Gmoo Motho- diat chinch. The Union havo aeouiod the oorvicea of Mm. Elton A. I). Blan, artiat- lecturer, for tho meeting on Wdtdnonday ovornng. No admiuaioh feo will bo charg. od but a collection will be tukon up, Mih. nia-u i highly hpokon of by the preau wherevor aho hun appeared and an outor- tn-ining ovouiug may bo oxpootod. A mucttmtf of the looal \V. C. T. O, wua hold at tho rebidenoo of Mm. Wm. Chnroli on Monday nitornoon when tho following oiTicero were tlootod for tho etiBuing torm : Fran., Mia. Win. Church, ro-olocted j Suo., Mrs. J. Wightraau ; rrouo., Mra. J. IX. MoEwan, re-*dooted. Propaiationa woro made for tba Couuty Convention to bo hold hero on WedncnJay and Thumday next, Mr ft. McEwim bemg iimtiuctud to proparo an nddrodd of wolconao to tho dole- gaton ou bohitU of tho Union and Rov. M, P. Campboll ou bohalf of tho pooplo, Ladies' Jackets. Just received our Fall Import of Ladies' Jackets, which must be disposed of within 30 days, owing to our going- out of busi ness. Every garment must be dis posed off by Oct- 1st. Bring your Cash and see what a Stylish Jacket you can get from $2.50 Up. From 10 to 25 per cent Discount on Dress Goods, Gluing and Shoes. we nusT MJUbb..r. Dispose of our entire Stock at once though we do lose, our loss is your gam, it is the money we want ancl mean to have. It will pay you to in spect our Stock which is New ancl at prices to your entire satisfaction. WIIITNKV BLOCK, ESSKX. -------------------------------------------------------------.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------,---------------------------------^f 1 1 SI AND^.Rl) OF SlL\l:R IO (JOI D VI K ^dL '^'le County bU vWnv. Silui 'i'oa Sjiomis, ^'i tloz. ColiV,. a a. Souvenir -.. , r, . . 1M7 Konui'H I'd 1 SjKjons, Si doz, 1'S1T - - Kurk,, ^(5.23 do/. " Kni\e^SC do/.' lLb 17 M7 IS 17 1817 1817 ' Des.scrt I tn'ks *., 0- 1 1 (, ^(j.xo dor.. una Spoon**, if Bciry ^[uiotis, Jelly Sp.ioh-, bVmt KuivtM Moriduu Mic Lie T< ;l; Dessert find Table Spoons ami F-ukh, Jrom 7*5o, por doz, up. jjid>" Issuer ol,^ Li'Douses, E. L. PARK, Itioliai'dso'i ISUx'k, liJsscx.>6.iam ^inT4***ttn,. uxaj- nt tiuiij -o- Stock must bo turned into cash. Now ia your ohnnoe for Grcceries cheaper than evor. Gome and get prices and I will convince you thai yon will save- dollars by buying your Groceries, etc, from me. Parties Indebted to me, By book account or note are requested to call ar,d settle at once, and oblige, M. B. WIGLE.

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