Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 4, 1896, p. 8

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JPIIJI^ V'S' ' :' *$ .' <iv';' <,' THE ESSEX LEADING HAT, CAP and FURNISHING HOUSE. FALL HATS . . * /--.- Whitney's Leader is ready for you. The "Barring-ton" is the most Nobby Hat for fall, PRICES TOO TEMPTING -4- For those Goods to resist. GALL AND SEE THEM AT ^==x ~D. J. Whitney's, HATTER AND FURNISHER, A party from hum pent Friday at Hmi- noll (jfovu, it ^ood phuni for buthmfi and boating. * Mm. A. 'I.'nylor and Minn Jt. Loo oitllml on Mm. Wyatt, of Outturn Plahni, on TuoHday bint. MiuH M. PiiwHoii returned homo on~Frr-~~ tiny, ufror iipondui^ the iiummor with hor unolo in Ohio. Herbert Kobiniinn and T. Wilimn, with Unur huly triondu, pianialuHl at Lnko Kt. Clair on Wodwmday, Jonnph Pliillipn and family woro the viotimn of an neoidont on Friday. When roturninj.: from town tho horno bocamo unniaTuij^nablo and ran away, upunttmj,' tlio v\u. Mrii. Phillipii wan hurt about tho head hut tlio othoru eiieuped with ii whale inj4 Up.______ _________ WM/UONTONM. ' Hurt Mowmoau in running the cider null foi- Potor Wintemute. Mm. W. D. 1 loath m ublo to bu around ftfjain aftr a nevero illnmm. l'etnr Corbott, roovo o[ Mnuhitnno, ha'i been appointed a jiiHtuse of tho peace. Mmueii Dora Iiouho and Maunde Jhmttio intend leaving for T'otrolea on (-Saturday. Minn Hoplua Murkert ban returned to Michigan, "utter viiiitin^ hor*: with her pnrentn, St. .Inlni'fi and St. Audrow'ii churched lUaidiitonu, will j.nve a picnic at Pnco on thn Ifitli iinit. The three men arreted for ntealin;.; cat,, tie in Miudtitnno havu elected to ho tried by Jud^c Itnrne mid 111cmr trial Inui been lixcd for to-day,. (Friday.) Stiynumr yn. ItfanlHtone will, come up on appoul at tlio hit tin l^h ot tho Court of Appeal nt Toronto, on Tuenday next, the 8th uiHt. Tliiri in (in appeal a^aiunt a re cent juili^mont nf Referee Rritton where in Seymour claimed dunui^efi a^aiiiHt tlio towiifdup for ovorilow of water on bin land ami lout bin umw. Wtii. Olmroh, ' uftiiiii for thn Landed Banking and Loan Co., haw no]d thn iinuth half of lot an:*, N. T. l^maoniloldBoutb, to David Monro, nt North Gowor, Oarloton Co. Thoru aru 100 uorcin in tint farm and tlio prioo paid wad ovor #1,000, Mr. Monro i'i at proimiit larminj! at North Onwer l)iit will move to bin now pluoo thin fall.- UVJ'ritfVHN. j\fi*nl Albion Gunning, who bud boon in poor health for tho punt (Ivo yonrn, died on Huuday of huifc week. Tlio funeral wan unn.luoted hero on Tunnday by Uev. K, Medd, tho remainh boiiif-! huriu:l in Untb- von cotnetery. Hbo loavon a luifiband and four ohildron to mourn her departure. AKNi;it. Mrti. John Lamundi iu danj^orouidy ill. MfH, J, D. Malott, wlioHourin wan broken a nhort, tirno ii(.'o, in iinproyin;^. Wni. Htoekford had a cow killed by li^htninfi on Hnl.nrday ni(;ht, Aii^iint 'J'Jnd. Fuiitcr Vnu/.ilo lutu returnnd to North- villo, Mioh., after viHitin^ for u week witli Kd.Iler. Tho MetliodiHtii of the Hth con. will hold a harvoht home nuppor next Xuemhiy, bep. tenibor 8th, at their ohureh at Union oirln road. Kvorybody woloonn*. LiKhtnint; iitruok lien llowo'iion Sutur- dtty ui^lit Aui;. 2'Jndt donifi but idi^'u damage to the iniildiiiL; but IuIIuil; two lieiul of .cattle at tho hiliiii! time. Li^htuint; also utruclc the barns of Thoin. Wilkinson, and Win. Shil.-iou on con. 10. It uIho vioited .Iuh. Ilailey'rt houno on con. h), doiiiL; con mderablo damage, but in none of tho caHcn did tiro ittart from tho lightning. Event of the Year. That happy A. Chnpman'.H drive fjbed in wel /o Nothnif; o:: tarth will unite the cih-toiuor ford no bapoy and contented iih a knowledge or hbo is j.'>Uiu tl:e \ery besit ^oodn at, thft loweiit j.rieeH. We lovo'to make people h|ippy, lint only by selling eheap, but'by wdlin hboesi that lit. You prnlmhly n'-ed jrond liMiiu,'KhouH more in hot weather tban at any.other time. Hue out rummier coodH." Gvatom Vtfoxk: a. Spobial-ty. HiLTn of the Golden IInoi, WHITNICY IlhOCK, KHSI'CX. "C^ ^ WH' under conhuud to his' ho d Lcwih Thomas'; is with tlio fever. .1. A; G. BarleHii Imye rented tho Mell<j tb furm-of Simon Wi^lo. Henry ThurHtou ban the foundation completed for the erection of a (ino now barn. ' D. A. Knano left on bis wheel on nt.'i'duy morn inn for Toronto and MaHturn placed to vinit frioiubi. It in tirno ponplo woio learning *o rlieircatlle off tho roadn. Another dent has happened Which mi^ht proved ceriodH. F. K. Chapman V *^c^ J^ wliatcan lu: obtained at ovn; L'sl;it)]isl]int'iil, JJnnst<Lii Blk., Our work is the best, our d<;- si^iis are up-to-date jtnd our prices \i-vy low. We are the only .store in town handling f!'wet.'(l.s of Clyde Milks, best in (Janada. and buying at mil] prices \ save you from oOe to 1 on pair of pants and frti tn ? 1 on a suit; we have also ;i splendid line o!" Hiney colored WurHteds. vMy reasonable' in price. We inuite you to in- hj ect (;ur jj'cud.* kelore buying nig p;,n Hi >>n mm* t- Wfjd- other konp ace: l'- li a v*(! while p.ih:-in^ aloii^' tie; road on hiti biuyulo ran into one of those trouhleHomn domenticH, c;ip:d/.od mid jarred Ins wheel eonm'derahl v. lie alho bad the mi.-ifoi'tiine to run a fork in hit! niiie. We are ^lad to lourn thuX be in rc'tjovonnj*. linri'iiw hero on , 1 y-,' ?.' fit* '-'iV ii-." , ' f-'- ' {M * ' |'.V." . u1' ' m w Can get the best value fr your money is "where you should spend it. People are beginning to realize more and more the place is Craw ford's, of Tilbury> where all lines of Hardware, House Furniture, Stoves, Wall Paper, etc., are strict ly sold on the small profit princi ple. We buy for spot cash, buy in large quantities and,at the lowest possible prices, enabling us to sell at prices that many of our compet itors say is cost We carry one of the largest stocks west of Toronto. Tho Lo""e8i Retail Hardware and Furniture Store m Canada. MM'TH %VOOI)':fl-:. Kobert Little, of Kshux, viuited friends hero on Sim lay, I\IiiiH I'Uhel Oiling, of lOshux, has been viniiin^ t J(, Cudiuitre'ii. Airs. 1-munii Cutter, of Detroit, is visit- in^ here with her mother. Mihtj J-'oriter, of Ijeamini^tou, has been vi:iitnur at -luhn MclhuoerV. Minn Alii.; Gardner, of Kss-x, wan a ijucut at tin* par.-omu.'o this wook. Gi:or^e Ilo^an, of Cleveland, <),, is en a wet k's vi:'it- at hi', old bono* buri!. A. W. Van Mvi.-rv. 1'r. ihn'ke and (1. W. I'nderhill hpent Simday latit'm Oleveli'.nd, Nal. Loucks, in i;l ion niiiii on the M. (J. Ii., hun L'one to bin old home near Moii- Irr nl, Kiclnrd 'rnmljb: und wih1 left on !\lon- ilay m^lii. on a vi:dt l.i I'mmls in Il^wmau- villi:. .MiMri (.Vcelia St['iir.- and Mi:-s man, of Olimla, visaed fri':iittn 'J'lleM lay. The vVn..iUlt:e iiar.d went to tin; juonic in IMr^. Kutn.-'fi j.O'uve in Muidtitunu on W/L'dnehday. Abrmi, liar- yi.'hl. Iluim.' at UiiiiOtunh St;i.!.)oii on Tue*^- di.y i-Vftiin^, 1. hi. I huidi'.ocl".1!! bovhu ran away mii 1-iundn.v htMt doiiii; ciiNiJidi'iablti danrij.e, to his top biiL'ify. Kuv. A. 1. Snyder, ot Iiutlncy, ca!b:d on Hev. W. Aycis at, llu: MutheditU pai'hon- ai/e, hiijt wi-'.di. .John Tdurray, sr., and Charlcc (,'hirk and wite, of Harrow, vudLed on Sunday at It. 11. IhdHteitd'ri. ' A llarvi!t, Ilrjine fcHtivnl \vill be ht-ld in South Wuodfdto I\h:Lhodiiit ehnroh on Momlav evcnioi;, Si pti;int)er I 1 th. I\linH Keedy, of Cleveland, *vho ban hi uu vihitin^ with irifindh hero and in Wuuiltiluu, h-ft on Woduestlav nioniin^ for Detioit. IMinh MuIIuih, who bad btarii vinitiiif.; at 'bo honie of her j-areiitu for a eouplo of inontliH paftr, h-ft on Monde.y for her homo in Ghioa^o, Ihiv. Hr. Ayei'H und S, li. Taylor wtuiT to ilarrow on Wedi.'Qaday to attend the Mudiudint l.>iMtriet nieuciii(-| there, an run- ruHonf-ativCH from South Wundnloe eliuroli. Gci'don Smith in having a now frame r^Hidoneo built on his farm on Muldeu Road in 'die 2nd oonueHhian of .Rochester and Thomau Fit/^eruld in alho having a now two-atory fr*iuio reuidonce put up. Mrrt. Uwyer, who ban been vioithi^ at the ptm'iormuu for Heverul weoku, will leave on Monday for her homo in Oahuwa. Hor iiiutur, Miau Etta Ayotu, will aoaompuny her and will take a oouiho in the Ladled fiolloyo nt Whitby. The fruit dooial rivoii by tho B. T. of T. on the Methodist ahuroh lawn on Ji'ridny nvouint,' 1 ii nt wuu not very larjC'ly attondml. Tho leotuieon "Dollars utiti- Dimon," by Rev, W. Ayorn, howevor, wjlh well ivimlor* od und muoh apprciiiated. X wumbor of rek'UtioiiH were also rendered by tho ohoir. Kruest Hopi^ood. vihitud hint week at Sol. IIoi'h, Amor. Ciordou Steed raiHed the frame of his burn last Mend ay. Steven Steveim and wife, who reside near TngeiMell, Oxford Co., were .;iieii tn for a few (Uys here with dohu L. Wmtur and wife. iMrH, Stovonn and *Mrs. Winter are cousins'; """----- Robert Ila^^iii:!, of Youiiij Irolanrl, haH leaned for a term <if years tho /if).a ore lot owned by W. I>. IJeatnan, of Khhox. Jt ih located at North Itid^o, heio^ the noutli eiint f|uarter of lot, *J7**>- A number of Kssex youn^ friends of Krank J. Iiedell hurpruitjd him last Aridity evening by calling on- bini" unannounced. It wan the t'.venty-Hecond anniversary of bis birth and it Very pli.-asant evening wan spent and greatly enjoyed by the youu^ people. The temporatnre is gradually cording down, Thin item is for the information of readors who reside humlredH, yes sonni of Iliem thoUMaudsi of miles from Ki-^ex. C'ariiin^, narrow-minded, fmiall-iiouled, Heh'-elected critics should not borrow their neighbor-)' paper to read it. Commencing. Saturday Morning We Place on Sale ! VI Piooeu of .TJ-Enoh h'huinolottQ--thi) ro^nlar lOo. quality for tie. per yard. 0 Yards Wide Plain and Twilled Blioutiu^ regular price'JJo. a yard reduced to loo. por yard, U-Yardu Wide llleaeh Twilled Hheetnm -tin; 'J."ie. quality ro- duoed to lHo, per yard. ;ifj-Innh Heavy Orey flottou reduced In .vj. per yard. 30 Pieces of ilU-Inoh iVintn to CJoar at (Jo. per yard. 10/J White f-Jpreadft, v/orth ftl.oO for SI.00 11/-1 Wlnte Mai'iieilloH Hpruad:i, for t* I \l.~, Itemnants or Dress Onofh, l.'rintii, OinnlumiH. SateeuH, Zof byr'n, A'o.f during tliiu tifclo at Half V icu. All Our 'Ahg. diest Frmich Challien durini' this nale for HJo. per yard. Special Sale of Table Linens and Towels, fifi-Iiiuh l.,'int-'J1abbi Liiieu regular prioo ,'!i"i(;. per yard Sale price '2")C. por yard. fj7-luch Fine Table Linens at Moo,, :i7.h)., -If)., loo. and oOc, per yard worth regular -JO per cent moro. Three-Quarter Size Linen Table XupkhiH for SI nor Dozen, IJouutiftil 'Towels at \i .for iioc. >A <OTTA.11, Sidney bail Hold Us well known driving mare to dohu Oriliith*""of Rutlu'en, It i.-i oxjiecled that a tram from Shnel S<:tt]erinjiit will play Ldsex *ju Laliur day and then Cottant will play the winner, Thn June cheese sold from Cotiam factory brought U ccntfi j>ur 11)., tlu; July ebecme ft,; cents and the part of :Vu^u;it make rfi.ld H cents. Whoehneu would do well to kotp oh cjut Hidewalf;, espeel.illy wluri: htni^-.'S havu been clipped. A trie hist weidt bad their whi'els ni.tb.illy punctured by Ihorn-i that- tln-y were emnp-'hed to wall; t.i> Li-.t-v.\. (lot tarn h tude nth at. thn lli^b Sehooi, Ivist.'X, pteihi.'d a very creditable examina tion. John Lonnhury ;^ot sir eon d oh'.^s ec r ti ll-ati;, Nr/ele Slater and Mark. Jackson thirds, while Roy tiennetL took a euin- ineieial, A. Warner intend;) t^'hie; to Alb'-rta to tbrerth when I ho ncasnij here in over. His throi-hine; machine that be took out hist fall K idle and from reports thto'c are linny better plaer.s for a thresher than Alberta, where their cropH are a fuibire tie Oltt'll. Tho (Joltam Huso Hall team made dome bi'ilhant playing a^i'dnst Kijhe:; lant vji-uU on tho grounds (if the lutter. (Jottam bat tery,whs Orof d.une pitcher and Louis Orton caleher.' damen Hrewu refereed, II. Orton, 0. dolly and L. Orton maile hums runs; Joe,(larder played well on ."trd, N. Jiuck- lit'nd hedd 1st well. Ksnex appeared unablo to locate tho spheio wliun handled by J mm but Oottiuu had no diilictilty with either (lonrlay or Stotln, an tho acoru '27 to 11 in Cottaui'H favor domomitruted. Tho re-optminj.; ct'tho M.cthodist Church, Oottam, viis in every way a HtiucenH. Rev. iJ, R Uunuy, Windnor, preached oxcollont diaeounion both inoruint* and ovouiug on Sunday last and on Monday oveuinfj a miccoHHfiil tea-moetm^' wuh mven by tho ladiog of tho church, a aplondid prouraia beitiH furniahed. ltovn. Dr. Phhooo, Wm. ftloDonatjb, A. Thibodoau and W. AyorB delivered abort bub oiitorttunin^ addreRHOn. Mumc was furninhod by the Kiu^avillo choir and two buIos woro reudorod by 0. A. Shorriu, of Ehhgx. Tho proceodo woro Slit); From. Aiuaho, Wiiflhiu^ton Territory, wo oeoasionally lourn bomothin^ from our lato oitixou, 11. W. MoOroory and. wife. They urn in uood health. Hugh dooa tho noul- ni(^; tho mill hun a oapaeity of 100,000 ft. pur day. 'Tboy cut timber from 80 to .100 ft. m loufftli, aiid oomo oquaro 2i in,; Hbin- ping modt of it to foreign partn. Thoc tioht ono load lately to California, one to Porn, South America, and havo ordora from Shanghai, China, Tuooma and Sb Paul. Wo can form Homo ontimato of tho a^o of tho treeii wlicn thoy ucalo as high an 8,000 ft,.; wo do nob moan 12 ft, Ion (.-tho but troen, Tho loas aru lumlod toankidwayuby hornDH thou plaoed on cam and taken to the pond by looomotivoa, Space Does Not Permit us to Enumerate the Great Bar gains in A.U Departments, You flust Call and See.-^*8^^^ Our Wonderful llar^ams in New J)i-ohh Goods. Our Renmrkable Sale of Jfen'H and Boys'. Suit!]. Our Reasonable. Offering in (JluLhiii!! t" Order. Our Great Reduet.ions in Hoote and Shoes, Our Special QuoUtionM of Ku^ar by the Barrel. Our Uiijiuitlc Salo of liadies' and Cbildren'n Now Fall and Winter 'Mantlen. The1 Millinery Department is Now Open. \. >*^^ ) 6 and irood footwear r.V r1- ^<&li"'llr-j*;Al>-* Where you can have your choice of. ..... Go together. If you wonh-1 the first you must seek to get the second and to iiceoinplish that take a walk into ^ goj^LEy'^, Next il.Kjr to. Ihitc'a (.'itrrift^c Sliop, Talbot-St.,1 Custom or Beady-Made Boots and Shoes ^rozri me~t -ii-iTTD 2no-!r: 13IS EST Woati-ni mak'i's l,n select from. K~* L'rimc otnek uncd" in ni;LiiufucLui'3 no .shoddy. KrS> Ueptiiring iiuiitly tlonu. L'wticH dosnin^ (..'ufitoiu-mn'.lo Pootwoat* in tho lull can loavo tlioir ordew now and ottll for Miimo whtn wanted. R. SONTLEY, Essex. UUMMiWiUBria The Gash Grocer, Confectioner and Baker, peoplo of tho Town of Khhgx and tuirrouudiu^ country havo long folt tho want of a pluco whero they could f^o und pnrchauo what thoy roquiro ou a.oloao, oaah hiiHiH, without brine eompellod to pay higher priceo'to rnaho up for tho 10BH6H mado iu tlio credit tiyfitem. Cull and tiici our goodo, whioh aro alwaya ot tho boat quality, and net our prioen, which uro tho lowoHt. Don't mian trying outToa at 22 oouifi a pound. BREAD 4c. A LOAF. /WaH Garden and Field,Seeds direct from the largest grower and dealers in America, at lowest prices. . 'j I CASH PAID FOR OTHER PRODUCE. first-class .BUTTER AND FRESH EGGS AN GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. M. E. WIGLS. M "V'.flrJ m J. XX- , Mgr; Scott Block, next Aberdeen, Essex* & . ffifS^:ia:iifefefe^ 1")7

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