Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 4, 1896, p. 7

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"f.V Wr '-i,V'^TT <W i>J rW!' fo?,"1 kv r*. W * Mothers t Anxiously watch tloollning- health of their datightoru. So rtmny aro out off "**~ by consumption In curly yonm that there Is roa) cauao for unlcty, In the oarly ntatfofi. wlum not boyeiid tho reach of tuouloliio, Hoori'p Sarflii- - purllla will rcHtoro tho quality and quantity of tho blond and limn tfivo good hoalth. Hond tho following* lottor: "It lu but Juut to wrltu about my daughter Cora, tttfud 10. Sho wiw rom- pletoly ran down, dual hi lug, had that tlrod feolln-f, and frlmidH Hn!d who would not livo ovor throo inontliH, Bbo bad a bad Cough rid nothing Beamed to do Imr any (food. happonod to rend nbout IToad'n Bnvnapa- yllla and hnrt bur (jivo It u trial. From the Very flrufe ilouo alio botfim to pet bottor. A.ftoi* talcing a fuw bottloo itlio wna corn- plotoly oured and bor honlth him boon tho beat ovor ulnco." Mum. Addik I'hoiC, IB Kallroud iMiieo, Amdtordftin, N Y. "I will Hay that my mothor hint not stated my cnBo In uu Htronp wordn uh I Would bnvci douo. Hood'H Bn run pur Ilia ho* truly curod mo and I nm now woU." Coha Picon:, Amfitordnm, N. Y, Ho nuro to got Hood'H, bocnmie WINTER WHEAT. A DITCH CLEANCR. Not Vntotitixl ami it I/mo fill Jmnlomnlit oil Moat 1'itriiiK, Ono of llio iiiont unet'nl of homnnmdo /arm implements ih a ditch olonner inado by u Utah man and m'ontly illus trated and (Ichnribnd m Tho Irritfiilinn Ak'. It cnnmHtH of tlin forlw of a tron cut. uhoul 10 foot lonn, on ono Hido of which ifj a shaio of alu nt iron. Tin* plow ih heavily weightimI nnd pulled through irrigation ilitrhoi, cuuulfl or Sarsaparilla la thft Oao Tru( nionr! PurMor Alldniffplsti. *1. IhreparoilonlybyC. I. Hood & Co,, Lowoll.Majiu. w v ,, n j aro purely vetfftahlo, ro* rlOOCl S FlUS liable and boucflolal AM, The lf>lniier Hell, Tho dinner boll ban no cbarmo lor a dynpeptiu or bilioti'i p. rHOti. To uijnyour food,avoid djHpopHia and have henl thy action of the hvor, uho Lhmi Invor TiIIh, uinaU, mire, nitvcr jjripe. Ono pill nftor n too-hearty meal pmovts They cmo indigestion mid pctito. ull 1W1 llbl ffl OtH !^)uil up Tlie-Si*orrIfiM\T With a (jbafitly ^nn and a urumonp ^luro ; Willi spei dint; npuit ma it tmij Htiuo , with ii ripping tush n in I u. n < lib h reol, cornea tin* wn^ltnir w rutf h on bii whirling wheel XIiu even Htich out and biii j iuh drop low, and be cult h not u uu^i wh n- be rin y f^o. Ho teurn o'er the cioimiiil; lie sii hi o up tbo Htreot, an 1 woo to that limn whom lio tjliaiictiH to nit et He ban no bell for a \vnrmne; rinj,' , \u won't ^o InwrHi tiil Iu-'h Imil 1m lbn^ If ho hilh u doe or flut*^ iq a cut, if lu iluhh a hoiho with bis blow ull but , if lit, KiIIm u baby or breulis 'tOuieouL'a limb, lie fc< ih il'o u well Hpi nt day for bin . Or if lio ban^M into an mvku urd f u-^ tvbo mtrjii'j [i inio \Mtliom iii iKi :_ " fUflH, and he t;eta pulkd iti, lio p'iv t n^ fino and hwi ai d that lu's li ivint* l dime of a Hqiu _ lio hin n-li(.s Iih win i 1 an ' 1 e bust" In tiro, uh lin hjili d ^niwM liii-hti, ln,;hi i higher. Now liu'h oil a^uin, irt tbu ncorcbei ^lim, and thore'H Hritncbiid) won ' do u tiling to iiifjj when at luht he itath - a place hi low wlieiti tlicrt 's but littlL i.un aud touch lens Miiow Lie ticoicbt d on l 'trth t .\ ih bin /T' it( M bnat-t , he'll i-( oilIi do '.n tlnn uid In h llkoiVi^e rfi'iat. - Nt w buk \\ i Id n Paine'u Celery (Joinpoiuul and Its Thousands of Ad- v. (atcs Go wbi ri \ i u v. ill i \, i tut u I Mil N< 11 American < 'miIiih m! \ m .nil lu u 1' ii* - Gelcr\ Ct ni pound ^i 'ik it "f in id in i \ t i v villain*, tov. n i oil i it \ \ uu \ ill 'in 1 hi ij who, tin onyh iln. < uiq .uu 1 4 p i. i i li t fOUlld but lilt nod i' ^ nfi Pt npk Itm^ht in u 11 u.^ in uthi m wlmi Paine'a ( i b ty ( mpoii'i 1 I * > Ion fo tlioin N ' wjij It-1 'I a' tin. n i i < thou ii i nds of hi it- i L tut! hi in i t->tu io Bionani h all i)\t i tin t.oiil !iitf pi ikui Cood wuriU tilxiut 1 'itiin 'i C h n ( o pound to tboHO \< h i mill i iui.iu mid hmihr^ ti" du m 'I In rni n K w [jo I u \t npolton for iu 1 r*' euhni. l 1 1' m t Golory C'ompjnnrl have untie i.iun 'o u<vanoo the n putittion of i iLitb h imt muli oino than all the ih v\ ^pupu i i \> i publiHbetl * Tbo ^r<at mnjnrity of di n untH ilua i ml in jmtt-rv and dtath n i ht 1. qu eltU mid pormaneutl> enr-d it hk k p'"ini ftmbl only bo mdiifiil io u je l'-nn . Conn Compotuiib Tbo wmderful mi bnuo Inn it n >M Record of curtri an army of tecitimoriy ibut IB truly lua^uificent find iiRtoiieduni; II t rhoumutio, dyk.pi ptic, nT\ou, a'duple^ woak, run down, and those t^rni'-ntcl Mth blood dinpaaoB are noon mailu woll and fikrontl by Paiov-'n Celrry C ompound Even if your doctor hub doubtu about jour ottBd, Paino'a Cnltiry Ooqipoaud will mroly and ottrt^inly i^ivu \on tbo bloom at hualtb and lonff ynj*rn of bnppiuew*. ]Uofc your drugi'tot or Uoaler hnovr thnt you mufll huvo "Paino'H," as nnitftUom omitiDl moiet yotiK oauo. 1'OKC U AMN(. intMNHAS'P HI I* HH crocks by Jicumh. It llnoWH out KraVl*' and mud In a moHt wondeitul maunt i. Two mi'ii, with four Iioisch, can do Ibe woilc ol fiO ditch nioa \wth slioveN, Tbn pole im uHi-d to uiih'i the front of tho ditolu r whou nooi A man Hwin^h Iih weight upon tin* back, and the u by lifts the front, or poinK fioiu tho nnid. A bi^ liook is bolli d on (lio top, to which, by a loiitf chain, tho doubb tn cm ato attached In oidinaiv woik two hoi it s can pull tho ditehii, but m nio^t enM'H, wliein tin1 diti'bi 4 an nihil w ilh mud and Kiuvt 1, Iwob nun uu ncci *,sary. To sti( u^lhcn the plow and male it moic substantial, lu.ict s of mm could be jmt in, evb ndiu^ horn the center c roMshuiiu Io mthu innncr, a< in iihldKh. The machine i^ piinntm and ii meic < mcr^ciicy mak< shiit, but cnutains tho oh nient.iry pnnciph s lor a inn dib bei In onip-trur'tiiiK J"W canals it has no equal, enuMilt 1 m^' tlic expense of mak ing. J'ori li .tninjjf diaiiw t)ie inachiuo n, of ( In in lit hi in clearing ditchi"- TJic astern fainur in etN such a choiqi, handy mi]ilenii nt as \u-ll as tbo u (stem lrn^atoi. Tlv in linopub nl on tlic uh a. home b by * n*\(n\ oak timbi is \\ ill makf a hi ttei di If In i than an old tin. (Jieeks That o\f Uluw ( an be eh aia d bone ol tbitM' in.a him h ho u t lunm 1 will be <ut by I hi next fusliot.*" Fn hK can bo < asily dram*, d of --uiphu wati v I13 plowing fuiiows and clt ailing tin due In s with this honn made nnpleinent. Tlin Slumliird Hay Crop, Tiniorliy is the stundaid liay crop m Aim rtr'111 m.uketi. Jt has not att,umd this position iiom its Jn^h i* t dnif^ value, since 11 nn\tuiu of clovei am! timothy 01 Itlui ^, n dlnp, < b ., show , llii^lti pen-eiits ot pioti 111 and otliM 1 nun it nl,s than dots timothy alom . T'n iaci timothy can he moic ea-.il_1 and uniloinilv ( uicd can 01a mln r ! ^'ia---t s ami elo\i is has made U jin^sible iur rbeiit^ liiaH toLiruio.i moie uui- tnimlv sound and whub si ma it 1 d I ban can hi obtami d liom ntlu r ^ni1--' s. Tin pi.utii luo fn llom \u < ds and clo\ 1 1 js ( 1 ily r ui m1 .uid cm In Jmnid nl quili uinli'i in hi.uh , .uid t liisqn ility, nlon^c Willi its t hi apnt ss, has on tied qmto a di-mand ha it 111 the citii- fcinci', hki lliuothy, it is f< d.ilon^ with fj,n in ami mi 11 li i d, 11 is 1 as> to lull lis 11 a vi 11 h.ilaiifiil lation with t it Ik hound, hi it,'hl timothy or ]ir.urn hawin 11 oats, bailey, (orn and null lod jue Imndy ami l he.ip. It is eh ai, --ays ,1 v 1 itt 1 111 the Ohio F.u im 1, that it t mi nt h\ is to tfi\o us tin In si jirii 1 jioss 1 bb wi must f^ive dm cm to fuiiii-hin^ st mi ml, bi ii^ht h.iv This quuliiy ha uiadi ,i bi ii, and that alom can kt 1 p tin li.uh . Tumbling MuHturd. Aiurrican laiimrs ma\ bi conirontiu T>ilh I'i'iiliii tiuublt 1 wild sunn vli.U Miuil 11 to l In Ku-Man thistb p it s di m uu 1 i\i 1 \t( nt nub --s 1111 im dial 1 stilts .in t.iki 11 to (In ' k ll t 1111 tin 1 ] im x jt-s ol tumbling miisiaid 'lumldin;; imisi ,u d has In 1 11 imi-,i obnoxious in 1 h< C aii.ulian not lliw 1 st po \ uu 1 s durin, tin 1 in i- \t ais and r< 0 nlly has be 1 n n ]iniiiil I mm mm diib u nt lo< .iht n 111 lln Cnittil St.ills So l.u tin vfu. has bt 1 u 11 niiiH d to a small an .1 111 thi1- C (till 11 \ Jt is i spt ( nill\ bki 1\ to I) (Milnimdin t iinothx m (d, a la^" pio poi 111 m di v ha h is ^im\ 11 111 1 hi Sioir \ alb J, (I I In 1 e-ti l n put of Sunt h 1) 1 kt da 'I In w < 1 (1 has not \i 1 inb lol this \ alb \ , but tin s! in mi Hi is mad til ll ll ll II -llMlllI hplt LI 1 ill till s| |jt Id f ii 1 \> u t i 11-t i ui .\i m ais ll x\ 1 ai hi pi ti1 iibh iiiiiiiln iiuttiihv s(l(l imlusii\ i lln > Muiu ni ( 1 uui 1'ai)in is \U x it v Silt ltoi I ol i own, K 1 p sail win it it is ai 1 ( ssilib to li\ htoi k at all tn n -, and llin is ihun in in 1 in< t h it 1-.I ,k im x x1 1 ix ih m M l hi U-1 til 1 fo\i ll tl - lit hi X \ (,nn(| 1 in has In 1 11 t'i jut KiiLjin Tin b'.nim 1 's Ke ; 1 li w V Ob , im h - to tin TIiJm Orop I^oIIuwm l'oti*t<M**. Hlnco whouk htiH hocomo too low hi prion to mukn it piofllablo to HUinmor Fallow furiuorN huvo wou^ht to ononoiniyo by Krowin^ wmio mop whioh can ho ^ofc oif In timu to prepare tho Hold for full uoodiiitf, On u lurun acalo tho tmiull (frniiiH aio mortt nm- orally uod im fallow ovopfl. But they huvo tliodiHiidviintnK^of cx'lmndtinw tlin hoiI of preoinely tho kind of plant fond that tho wheat plant roquircH. BcfiidoH tho {ground ih left liuvd and dry. Amor- loan Cultivator Hityn: From theno obiectioiif) tho potatocrop uh a fallow crop for wheat ih wholly fine. Pol aloes aro not ovhiuiativo, ox- rupfc to Homo o\|cnt of potash. The cul tivation tlieyriquno develops in tbo Hoil alaluniuuounl of! uvuilablonitio^nn whioh tho pot do 111 ita lain fjrowtli ih unahlo to use. It, makes om of tho groat advantages of kowiiik wheat 111 potato ground that tho ^rain crop nn iln no nitiojit noun manmo, With ndreHMin^ of 150 to 200 pnundH of coinnu icial phon])bato a full wheat, nop can be tfrown aft' r potaloes. Tho diltlcully of hurvi'Htintf tho 01 np and cleanup tho land in 11 bir^f at loa^o in time foi howinn; w'betit ih ono iciisou why wheat ih not, mom kihii r.illy pin- coded by pnfuloi s Yi t llm cost, of hai- vosIhik tho potnto ciop is lesseiifd by dome/ tbo xvork tarly. Potaro di^'i is aro noxv ho liiqUovod that a lur^'o In Id Onn bo Hpudily cleared of this cmp. When the ]ioi,itoi 4 aie oil'the Held and tbo potato btalks laki d uj) and bin uud, littin more pivpniahon Is needed for flowuiH The li^'ht cultivation ol the Huifaee for linen or four inch* h ih Ik I- ter for tho wheat ciop than jilowmj.; deeper would be. It is aho better tor tho olovi r se(<din^ ne\t .spting, ketpim,' at the Mirfaco tbo soil winch ban hi ea enriclud by t lie hummei'H eultixalum. It ha.1 ulviiYH lieen noti'd that the tim st clover catches1 with ate got xvlu ie the gram ciop has b< en hoxva after potatni s. Another advantage, citerl by tho au- thonty (pioti d, ot Hurceeding with vhoat is that it makes a h!inner rotation and doi s away with the u< c 1 s- sity tor soviiiK hpimp; gianb xxbi'h 11 now (Vtiyxiar htj c heap that in the casli ru stati s it iw ^iowu at a lo^s. If 1 winter Lorain oioji ftillow'H that ol t-punn' f^Tam, it makes a four yeais' iol.itnm, which is nor only b ss piobiable, but more"i xbaiiHtive of It ttihty tb.m a lota- tion m which clover or kimh4* Kuduif,' ctiiui s oveiy thud ycai, and aboxc' all with a highly cultivated crop 111 this in- tat ion to keep tho bind fiee horn Wiedri Mnt'ltlnc Corn Foddor, To Htuck corn forldi r no you can fei d right along wit bout disturbing the- top of tin stuck and exposing tho whole thing tn snowH and rains, bmld u long, conditions In some conrliLxoriH the gain from the use of Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil ly^rTTpirTr" For this reason we pnL_up a Soc. si/e, whieli is enough for an ordinary coutfh or cold or useful as a Voacto trial for liahies and children. In oLlier conditions g"ain mtisL he slow, somolimes almost imperceptible,health can't he built up in a day. For this Seotts Fmulsion must be taken as nourish ment, food rather than medicine, food prepared for tired and wealc digestions. Scott fit llowwi, Chemists, THE - WESTERN - FAIR LONDON, SEPT. loth TO 19th, 1896. Canada'< f'uyorHulJvtitWutik lixlilliltlon, Oldrst Pair In Cjinua-IM'I> lH<iH, (Jolntf Bver SIqcb l*xhlliltrH tlinl It pnyii to hIiow hurn. I Witiil)ll-elaiu*-W*<H> Hrd, *'(0.000 ajritoiulnrf ou miw iiiii|ilh)((H, hunt r> tun aotiliiHint. Mvory lu lh< Wvo HiooU. Kvury init'Wtv.iiiHiiiL to \m IiMiltui ul (iiipliiuriiintH on Kxlilldtlnn. TIiihiuii 'Si * lli||, Tlin Ijiiiifc now ltl]il(liiu;tl tonliow iti tO till) l-'lLlf. trtt ot liulry- ilt 50c. anil (1.00 ARKGL'LAR CUIPTLE. Tlin STORY OF AN OLD SHTT- Lf.h IN DUb FCKTN COUN I Y. NhII'dicimI lYrrllil) wlfli ItlMMiniailMii, itiid Ilatl to nut! Jtle4liaiil*';i| Appll- iiiicoH (i "Kuril In mtcl~ Crldiidu rriionuht lit) VouUl Not llti-ciiirr. 1'iotii tbn I.eoiKjtniMt, hliollairinj, Out Almorit uyerybody in tbo towiihlnp of Mebi net lion, ]>utlcrin Co,, known Mr. Win. Aiit>iiHt; ,). J1., postmiiHtor of Austin Ion. i\Ir. Augtifit now in hm 77th year, ciirno to Cuinithi from I'hiulanil forty ji>iirn nun, and for thirty-eigbt yeiini ban bu"n a reuniont of Muhiuclhon. JJunnj; nomo thirty yimrti of that tuno ho btiu huou it noHtin'uitor. and for olovon or twohc yoius wiiii 11 monitor of tho towmibip council, for home yturii hobhn^ tho pomtion of doputy rouvo. tin hiiii uIho boon ti juntico of tbu poiico Hiiico tbo formation of thufjonnty. It will than belli on that Mr. August Htandu bi^h in tho t-htimation of bin nu^hbom. In tho wititor of iH'Jt 1*5,Mr. Au^'UrtL witu laid up until tin nniiHually Hoyeio uttuck of A purfoft ulffht nnd will woll rupuy a vial Pawnee Bill's Wild We&t and Moxicah Hippodrome! r , 6oantmah ami a Vilhtt< oj 50 t<nt^ , the ",r,tiU\t lunr alhattwn lit Americaio-aup bioJIunon Ilcn All's iMoontli Acrobats Twolvo in Numbor. *m-mI K'rtr lrly,i' *>\ut aini muUc yrtiir uinrvitM. OAPT. A. W. rOKTJO, lroi.idout. 'J'HOH. A. BUOWME, Hoorofcary. Are You Buildingr ? rln umiitnim, boin^ oonfinoil to tho Iiouho and to hm bed for about throo moiitliH To a ropoittir of tho Kconoiumt, Mr. Any iiHt (Juid l I wu$ in fact a ro^ubn cripple. Huiipondoil from tbo ceiling over my heel ] t i-i II 1111 In s ]niir', !l uu ni 1 im Im 1 lii^h ttl tbi h.K-k and 1 in tiont rJ lu hu.\ in Iniulv nai li u h lit t ho Lid 01 ti) H Jin-it (A side 1 c _ ^JfT Li __r~i jL "V :?~ \\W\ \>mi AT TOM \ no (O/IB r building, nt\ moht convomout Tho covoi i*i hunffd /uid luuh a. bi\td Hhajittl jikop ikiiIwI at tho bop fo jm vent split tinp,, nJio to cnup* the covor to fall b.ic k into nos#iiioit The front end of Uio box ln fftili awy, 6^-pomijjf tlsi HftJt, nnd in Wryitiy to jo** it tho ooT*r ip mwd, O**- tl* **svdily ltnua lo mino tho (O^or whevu khe>y wra yftlt lumjny. Tii^Muko plauoA undov tb* iwn iu fjiuut 1*1 fiu it ftrKib/ in otni'fKrn, &utl tho vhf.l^ iik'hkca u *Utup eiul vonvcxiicirt suir^n^irMivt ii ftraia u. w*k'i t* Mitiml wfttku* Mk^gdy ol mM *tiui b* l*lft#A fci M* Iuo-aI wuub .si vlk 01 (oi:n mnni n narrow stack. Tin-, is tin- advui of .i ! hiibM liboi of Paim ami Kiii-nb. lit1 ! fcays. ; Aft11* laving om end up stiai^ht, 1 'with but is nut, lay all the bimdb^ cio^s- \\ajsol tin ht.iok Tin stark ran tiitn Ih- all um tl up by pnllin/ tin bunilb ^ out horn tho fail, as shn\Mi in tho lllus ti.ition. Shuily 1'lui o lor IIi-ch. "(Jan tin n* bo too shady a phioo for btis?" ThiT rpn ly is iliinw t ii d as IVd lows b} Di ('. O. iMilltT m Tbo Ann ri- cui Hi i .Toutnal: A plat i' c an bo made --o tdi.tdy n* tc brilaik asmaotllai, bat lo.uihanlh tbinlc any giowtb ol in t s or \ mos o m bi so di m-o as fn make it too dak tin the hi s Iiul there may he mic h u ch n-n ^'lnwth on all subs that then is too lit lb (in ulatinn of air about tho hm s. [ om i had c umbs nn It down in Im es up on v hu h tho Jijjhl ol the mui n( \< i di it i llv shorn . Tin ii washinh a dnisi ^lowlh on all hide s that lln io was vi ij littb --tii ol .in, .so the (Kimbs im Iti il ilown with tho licit Tin ii is no d,ni ^m uuili r oitliuaiv ciiounistani i s For si \i ml >i .ns I ki ])t ,in out apniiy m mi i \uu. en l'hiu, and the di n'-e ulb^\ i d no i>i ass i i wet (Is follow, hut tin i \\.i.i no troubli i i f mi mold i>v an^ tiling i N* Jhit tin it \\,ih lull rhan<loi the .ui io move undei tho in i s. Ji is 1 j.lii ly possible that some peculiar spot mi^hl be ki elo-o ami dani] as It. l.ivor the j^ro\\th of mold Ilnly Sowhif; <>f AVlicat, If not Mib|t ' ti <l to tbu iitvaK1 s td tin In --m in Ih , I lu ( ai ly sim mg ni v, In at tin 1-,| i>\ i^rjiU mbor ha latitucU li di l.'ii i - would k1^" the bi st oiops on yi.Li \ uh ituothi i, .uooidniK in Viiud nnd I'm sidi, m hu h h i)h: "Win at ih it in.uknblv haidy Tf it Iro u c Iuim( to nlake lthpiuprr tall i^row lb, it w ill f^tsiiiil iho hcvt it st wind is with tjin t^!K)\. pi ni i ( I ion. Itivon win n ^own I ih tin a jnopi i si (dbi d it usualh inalo s snub n m grnw Ih to pi on ft um It A him Hwlhid, jircpared oaily, with a ruukh ol hue f-oil on to]), conservon tin Mill luoir-tuit, pmuitis hitoi MrtViiiK on account of tht hossiaii (ly and jnvi v/ itn bet potable obunco to nniki a yood crop in unifrwoiablti istusonu. \ &, U'o can supply you with all Icinda of Woodon Material, plain and oiii.tmoiiUl. I'tno, Uomlotk anil natno Lumbor .ilwayg on band. Bhiti^'os, Cedar 1'cyiH Doore basli und Coal. ImporJanf tO Farmers. Wo Have just got in a firat-claaa line oi barn lumber at 1^ per M. ft. ake Screen Doors and Windows That wil] last a Life-tiine, Laing Bros. Jas. McMurray THIS DISTRICT FOR was a ropo which I would noi/o with my hands, and thiih chanyo my pomtion m bt'd or r)4o to a hitting pofitiiio. I nattered ilii oidy thohu riioat il with rln tamitic painn could taifftr, and owin^ tu my udvuncul a^o, iioi|diboni did not think it poHriiblo for mo to recover. I had mid mindi con- ucrnin); Dr. WilliainB1 Pink Till, unil at last tUturminod to ^ive tht in it trial. I OHomeiKed taking tho pills about the lht ui Vi b.. IH'.i,), titknif^ at tin- out not oiu alter each mttil and ltiorLasiii^ to thne nt a tune. Within a couplo of wi elm, I oould uotico an impio^uuiLtit, aud by tho timt of April I wan able to bti ubuut an tihtial, fico from tho paitiH, ami with but vt r> little of tlio HliffnoHH luf'. I eontmuutl tin* ti t-attuuiit it tdioi t twuo lont.ei und bund immdi fully nstoicd. Ii nj now in arly a year ninco I dinoontimn d taking tbu 1'iuk PiIIh, and I ha\t* not had any return of tho troublu in that, tliun X havi no hoHitation in Haying that 1 owe my re- oovoiy to Dr William*' Pink PilU" TbPHo pilln aro a pi rRet blood buikb t and noi\e rodorur, ennui,' i.uoli (Iihulhoh iih ilnumatiHin, uoiuiil^ia, puitutl paialjhis, lofjomotor atii.Mii St. Vitun' D liicc, in r\min hfiidaului, till OfJivnau tr< ublcs, palpUatain of tho heurt, and aftur t Ittotw it lit f^nppo di i< auLfi dopondinj; on humoi h of tin. blend, huc'i it'i Huiotuki, clnouio er>sipcbiH, t tc 1'ilIi P lis in\ u it In ulthy "low to pain ami millow cOmploMoiH aud aio a ipi'cilio for tinubU'H peculiar to the fuinab H>bL< in, and m tbu cimo of inon tlicy tf- loot u, imlical oiu u ni nil c iaci ariuu*^ fiom men I il uoi i \, n\ 11 wot k, or o\t < Sht.n I)r, WitliauiH Pink P1II4 ni ty hu bail of all dru^i-it ' nt* iln i i r bt mail I turn I>i Wil liLinn' iibdirjiuo (Jo, liiot k-, ilh'. Out, or hLliLiiLctady, N. "i' , t J(Ju. ti box, or hi.foi {-2 HO S^c that tho Lnmpiiin'a kj^ih 'end tuiflH niaik ih oa tho v/iuppti of uuij l>n\ ciftrt'd J on, ami po*utivoly lt1- f u >t all lniitaticjivi or subHtitutes nibbed to be "jasr ilh gi od " Iifineiulicr no nthi i uinidy lata bLon diiu'o\t'ietl that can hiiu coHtuli) do tho work ot Dr. William .' Pink PiIIh -sp "i.- i^vj^T Z. Binders, Mowers, Cultivators and Drills. Host Plows ii"| ti\e AJnrlsict. Vr i i h I - CI i\ ss I,T a nn W ti o o 11 s. Farmers Should See My Stock Before Purchasing. ALSO HKALKlt IN QTaraaey-'a Stovesjr Tiuware^ General Tinsmithing and IiL^jaiiin^ ftUotiflcd to OGS* North of Railway Track, - - Essex. &SO>- uruiMiH&a u J'*ly iVrotr^turi. II<-ro la "whrit Uuurcl'n Du lymaii uay; on Uip mibjtct: The only fly remedy wo huvo frivol' poiHonul tifittl waw t'onipoimdi'd fvcun iiiu tatuvnl* giwn htst y*ttx by My. II. H Uu-Hv^kovi, ii* followK. Trm oil, & cpnsusty; rock) potrolpwm, 1 qawrb; cav- bolit uedd* 1 unbcr. Ar^ily with apcmtfc, nad o*n i^u^lk'ntion imfrttTii tor from P-tu to wivuii itayu, W bvliove thu1 Miinutou nctUi &<"M-ti, tikimtod wifli u Iti- tU' ln-w*a;o find ibiotnwul With sith-ixdw l***A* AiS \imv* ^ lii>ll ^.tilihtu jjaks.Mi-<- An o\0ulli*nt furnitiuo piduih u\\\ hi mid' b> tlinroiiNhly n i\uif{ ono pint ot raw Imnt'otl oil with two of turpentine. Apply vitfuiourily with i piece of i.oft llaniml afttT tho furmiuro Imu been nui- fully (luiJted. Soptombyr Ijadiea' Homo Journal. 3 A 9 ll i n ^ r< 1 7. l" 1\fO kUYVl r^, i I. d 6o tVaii?'!ir in'^ W< DETROIT, MICH. fs 1 Bisoasse cf M M If you ,itv tn oil po-.tor-.v cim atP it- *itii<.l> <d our lilt l>ui -itall din * t if I). 'n l.iiuibii,\^t'cl and maltttatod by <|*.iacli-. unci ir \W b.t.--' im-i1-' tho treatment <if all ihnuuc tli e ise*> tl l f \ .ui . n in ii-vd < 1 liom."-1 ii't-aiinont ,\ i* will ;;h e it 3*0. 1 1 1 veil i mini \\[ in'oiali t->, and tIn 1 1 hinbinctl lu^tlniu .< p'nMUd (Ii'IioiiM 01 clonbuul c;.-^^. Con-.ultatlr ,i by in-il. It 30a cannot call, -,ciul f-tatnp f<. Ainonft tliu mauy fouH to liumun health and bapphiooj Dyppupiua and c*>mitipatiou aro tvnu cnomion uroatly to bo foavod. With B, B. U. to drive thorn out of tho system, however, no rliin^or uood bu untio- ipated, %a ovory dope hrinHn tho suuVrer u lonu fJtep farther on tfho toad to paifuet luHllh and Htynii^tb, and a pormunont owi? *lwAys rdHulnu. biou^hl to b( ,ir in ill 1 I roe cither at I 1 titale (jiie^tnm bl ink Uttr cliai'm"! i" 11 tt ,:t.:i"ut van irom ?o to 300 per month cither by lUu" or .it Institute. Onl. c i ibl. t.isei .tie accuptt-d, and a cure i;. g*u:i ran toed J every c^se untlurL.ikea. V S. din *rii 1 ' imld< I on l*h'tia Nibnb/ation, Hlmwniff thoOD Tutimml 11 ml HiiciLittlul to ii*itialui t'lUirih.C. ltrrbul ilttum.i-', Broiiolatu, Aithnia and CiiiimuupUo' FOB FIMTE JOB l?mNTIN& You cannot do better than call tlie...... 1 'it ' I 'ti 1 if 11 ii a t u ft 2v,ltt :i^ 1 tii ^SBKOTBBKKBi^ 1 l ' , ),." v MiM- 'a 42943 407417

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