Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 4, 1896, p. 4

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EBmmra.W /i^ifflB '}' ..{>/ '.,* I, f w,' w f'.v J I' ft,'1. rt' I , Rfr;': /jk-. XX. &Co. WE SELL- Ton, Coflbo, Sngnr, Flour, EfiininK, CnvmnlH, Priinow, Ap- ricotH, Sonpt% "Viiiop'iirH, Syrujis, Outmoal, Gommunl and a full lino of Christie, lirown & Co.'h fancy mid plain Biscuits. Wo have for ' CAMPING AND PIC-NICS- Pottort Cludcon, Turkey, Hum, Tongue, Chipped Hoof, Corn J\"W DoMlon liiiUod lit-iuiH, Sardines, Salh'on,M acted, JJaddio. IJomonihei' wo' liavo tho lnrnKt lifisnrtnif'iH nf ('i-nokory, Chiim mid Gliisswiiro in tho Town, ('nil and oxnniini* oiir stock. Frt-idi Fruit.-!, \Y(*t:il)l<-.s, ults., in Hrnsnu, HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE. A, H. SCARFF <fe Co. GOODS DEXiXVElEmD PHOM3PTLY- iuatloiiH and hud faiiod on hoiuo portion of tlniir work. They uIho, if procuodnu; fur- thnr on tho now rouulationn will rnooivo newdit for what thoy havo doiiu, othiirwino not. Tht! Vlmt Form Kxuminalion uovorn tun HiibjuaU of Dbtuiiy, Guogrnphy, Dfuw- iuj;, Ilookknupint.' iind 1 tending in thu I-'irnt I"orm. Tho important oxumina. tifimi, of counto, urn tho J.'rimury, Junior uml Bi nior leaving and Mutrioiihitiori, fi lie 1 ill tlH'WO-_J^IIH0X HL'hool IllLII booil pill'- tiimliu-Jy itncooHHful. BARGAINS'.'. ' The Essex Free Press. BRETT &. AULD, pnopntCTons. FRIDAY, SIU'TJ'.^UKK I, lN'jii. J3hm:x 'Full AanizeH open ut Simdwieh mi Tutifulity next. Tin: debute mi tin- "ili' * from the throne wild cluht'ii in tl.;1 II*;iJ-c- ..f C'.ni- jnoiiH without a iltviriuii. Tin: AMi:nrr.\N Lxpre.eH (Jo. Lave reHciud- Hi^l) Srhool I'j.Miininations. Tlir> ri'i'iilti of tlic recent IIi.;li School r \aminuti'Mju were juiiionncod nn Friduy hint iltlt.1 the li?t of Mioci'h^ful uoinlnhtteH wlio wi'oii: ui thi1 Ilii^h Schoohi hi K-mwill htt loiiiiil |j(;iow. On account of Iln- oiijeiil.ioini to iln< pu[H'i' in al^ehru, Iwchty )if;r cent., irli-Tt n-1 of 'A'.^. per cent,, wnn I :n'i:t pt ' ! f ii' )"i--t, iii:*. no .i.-riiifluhitc w in j. reji-cti '1 in il',i !'!':i, ' vr.n on thu n-ihic'l . jn-t<:--nl'UJ--, till itfli'i' hi.- stuMiliii^ ui tin.' . olhi.T llliUilelimtk'til hUh]octH WIIH COMHhl- j ed the ordur i^:in|;il hint, wi-ei-; und u.av I en;.l, tw^-th^r v.itii his f:nnlinj; in tin con- tiilio Aincricftn innimy of nil l;iiidn at pur. i li.lential rt-jiort of the MMf. l.'lic inarK^ ] iiiiidu ut tip- cviiriiiittilinn will not be Inr- j iijflifil 10 cHiidniiitv-i from thu iMui'iitioii I i >ei'iirtmei:;, I n-iiece^iftd cundiiiiiteM ' TllillllCV NO II III In tho unit of Uiiiiivillo vit. tho Grand Trunk, Mr, und Mris. Kninvillo worn ux- iimini'd hofoin the i'o^nilriu* fin Aloiidiiy. ,Mr. l.'opu, of I ho (irand Trunk nolicitorn' (illioi*, Jidllovillo, wilm prt'Hont on liLhidf of tin- railway. Mr. Uainvilln, of Stoucy Point, Inht Inn dwelling, biilu-nhop and onllniildin^H lmu Ootobor hy tin.', Ho ulinir,H tint! njiai'ltH from a locomotive hot tin' aluii^ the railway on lire und that, npreiul lo the outbilildiniJii. \ m j i ic -i in n.. JjoftiiM ('inldy tnui ir,"Uo it.- J'.uiopi- tnulin;: (nun New York on WeiliHM.iuy of lust WlM'l'. r)llIM"H W. I^V'f;,'), U lliellll'ier of 1 !'*.-( I.O.I^e, N'o 'JH, I. (.). (J. F., l:i iil .llli: lhi.i pitnl at Ciiicinriati, (J., fi^vino h;tii three of !ni liiittrn r.ini-'lied. TIm; AloiierHt htlie; Ini^t' hull hoyn '.vere MeiiM ted hv tin- .1. O. I'eek tf:;iiii from \Vind ,.>r on Thur.'-'diiy of'lu.U wifii by liS ; to lit) and hy the (irui->tJ lie team on Wed- J oe.'ihiv hv 1 "f to M. i 111 ill- A, M. I'!, (;ri:ileielir.* at Ami Xr- ! ij >r, .>lii.:h., i ol .vi.-rh, U v. ,1. r-.. :>\ ic :.-i . I lev. ' '.'.". . '. ; i;i..-- !o -!.; ),:- .it, a in I i i- v. ,1. 'A'. ' For Days WE WILL GIVE aro;ains For Cash On"iAM Lines of Summer Goods. Space will "not permit enumerate. Gome and see for yourself. Yours for Bargains, JIos. .hi. ,1. Uavifi, of North York, has been appointed IVivinoial Secnjtitry, of (Jntaric, tho portfulio he].! hy ;ln: late Hon- W. J). Jtahuiir. may ai-pl;. ior their inarku to thu pnnoi- j of the JIi;;h .Si:liuo], or to thu inr-peiUoi' A MKr.'ii.N-i of the Director; of tliu (In al I in I lie ciw; of -j* n'reri that are not H ij-di Soiitli-\VuHt<:rn'J^xllihlti'.HJ Will |-c held at ; Sfdlonh tho oflieo of tin: Se(:ri:i::ry, in Iv-rt'-x, to. I i.-^.i:.\. /h-ov. n Sj i'.'it \Y lyiiu, lud. All tlirou are !- 'iHe'l' r.llli! it'-r-i (i\ tin: A. M. ] !. i.d.uieli ::, .'\ mle : . '. Al.-.-. l)o.ui, of ! ;).ll'Uiniit")iH, IikI., v.'lio ha;, be n r.nnj in l' on 11 ai-.ory li-hmoi dnr- ii.e ij. ;! |i!,ii Irii-ii'i', e,:>-:i' '. i A niher-it l-ur^,' on haMir- - in y. com; i -iniiu; oi :n t irehhLT w. II, and OH Mi.e.d i V iltoniili;.' pfe'ti'i.te 1 band ,m' ii .1, jiair ' t h"ilr,.'!ii;- MirN. la s?|>, if morrow (.Satiiriliiy) at *J p. m. In" KCfi.v to :l ipieHttoii in r.'U'liaineiit, jMr. Lanrier hii'I tlni!. the t:di::.;_' of :i , plebi.'icite ia a part of tnu ja-j^rainnie of the J.jiliural part s. 'J'im UoveriJiraTit in- tondii to tal-j,' a plehiMihu, hut tiro daio i^ not fixed ut thin moment., J. L. IfAVma-, M. 1'. l\, L-ader of the PutroiiK m the JjO^uI f.fLd^la'ure, and T. | O. Currio, of ^itrathroy, (Iran.I PrcHhlcnt I*'1 .M. H. Tli .;; I lo \\; v: on Mond t t- in <i| '. i a -:.'. i I" .! i Firtii form-L. Jh-nnctt, .1. Dehnma:, I.. | ,lir"i;i" ,tl amiH, \\. .I'imk.-h. K. ^hllar, M. .Mcli'i-, ' "":: ,l,,u" hi, J hum -. 10. luchanhoii, M. ' Ilorke, A. Willi. .' ,-'"i;ond f- nn -iVirt I. - li. Con, -I. i | (irri>:ii:rr lii. Ir.vih, \Y. Pot.tur, M. Walton.!. Second focn -! i ' -:\. lif'OiKin. ,], Jf. i uiMliin. .hi. Ihchaial- i : ..on. ' rrimary h'. Arnold, .], J Jut I en,___U U- iiri f-m'I! 11...' riin'L',. ,. y i n tov.'ii aft Mluon. J li'lil" I Ir-lleilll - -(-! of u\ ;ii .^ itid'.viidi "'.Xii^.L__1U!1- ( . 'i 1 Imi-o :-i.rni i: 1 i niohii -U'O'I an 1 nil. ( ', 'inn it,-!:'- 'til C! , i. . .('h , i (j 11-: :i let I i *.Oi-: . 'o ' " iii'iov. ..t " (In- f:-'l'il- : "i ut n lid I-':; If'-'ihir;' i v vy pun- of in i ': i d-i O;.; '-iiier dnliri;;e. ( )i.r- ul ' ii ' il>e- h ' i 0 i-|.--i : ei -. ' ."i;!1-II W i I'ot i i 'il nil L'e I . ' .M. (iiiniiiiifoid, I,. (iritiU'n, 1 Bv=L'aw No. ? ^ O O SALE OF DRY GOODS For Next 3'o=days or3 ;-, ! I in-lir-l ' Towidil.c I liatli i'. ,\ ivi'H ' i '.oi' I V.i'c - .a ami al -- > li.e r^i .nn in-.: i a ihe ' [ ii. ! as.'i frriut Mr. Navha * h-[ 2'- '. T'i'a nil;'.*. :h ^.a. . Ji.tin pait ,uf tin: crdi.'r, witl- in hr:-; on h'litldy and Saturday laal, hut the greater part, of thoir tiuju wuh not i-peiit in thi- town. Th'.-y spent Friday nio;h* at F>'Ut Itiiijan'H in Gohiifcld North. It n-: underntood that their minhton was to dis::ii--.-j the .piostiun of brin^iin,' out a candidate in flu: coining" election for the vacancy cuu-ied by the doath of Jlon. W. ]). Ihdfutir. Wo- Imve not yet heard what. ducUmti in that line hutj been .arrived at. -I-irinm, M u'ciiM .hicl^-'in, ri. llu.treil, 1... ; --------, I:ii-m..1I, I'. Ho Id. N. Sl'.iti;r, Ji. 'l'rinihlc.-i -I /')*-/..! II' '<> j>rf-idr /<>, ,/ .1. '1'nlloN, M. Thihedeun, L. '.I'hilvdt an. L. Wil'Ic, id. Wiiriilmuii, S. Wiehtinan, li. Yonne. .Junior Leaving ---J. .Uucinan, ~Sl. Jlii i, 1). I,.nihla.rry, 11. .Mi:Mulh.-n, S. lin, K. Simili, W. Wi^htman. Matriciilation \V. Knistnr. it. Tuntlle. Senior Leu vino .M.Allworth, li. JJarri-u, W. (.'unniii^hiiiii, ! . n jifti'i' i,/ '//- ' it i,j AV,/.. , I.if tin {ntjii'<>r, ),i< n' of (}" f'l'hl .X'u-f // a u'l M'i f/- ,,, 'iru't/i, nii'l Jnr rn i <i nif thi si't/i o/ /,/,>, iv! Mil,'.iii,' i 'he i-t .'.i} i-: ,-".|.'.-ai- i,.-r. I^'i' 'K I...I II '"' '"...... j honrtli form- l'-n i J _ J1 _ ArnoM, TilKTIMi: f.;r Inhhn- tile Great, South- ||j,ri!1.,( J-. i^-p,,., (;. m.k,.,., Wciitorn J'ixinbition ut Jise^: is rapidly1- M ,M|.;ilTl|l[ drawniM near and four w^k, from Tuer.. | rj^t ,,-, iinu.njlli day next tho fair wi'l -p-n. Thia yenr'n [ , i. r,i. ,. fair will exceed all pr-viuun ..iWifl, with-| !)IH w-n. J'.ir-y, li. I'M-ter, ,:,r,n..r,i. out a doubt, but it will r. quire work, to j y,,K !;. pM, ,1,,,,,,^, r;. ;,i 1(h, ,Plfll.oi,. make it ho, no!. i,niv in tht.- i.tirLi nt tin- (A 'i; . 1 i .s .;. .i. , . . .; " ' l,> 'he ;. '".) j, il. I:ei : N'.| 'h :i:..i J. ! 1 to IN n ; : -l(<: - t t ion i. .: r A. I: . 11 2 1 I 2~*>> I !. (! , ..ill v. ;i- :oi th.. , .1 ..i.i,:, , I il!' ' ii ulo , - i ] ', I 15 I :, 0 1 ; 15 10) ' 1 1 : 1 ('oJj \[ iULJ t&\t iXi, tin, (Ajk-lu, \L>: m^x ' U'^. A^-. oa.B^ 1 Straw and Felt Hat at Cost, Boots and Shoes to a--, at A Price. . Prints as Low as 5c Fast Colors. Gringliams, u oc u .. ( t HOC EH I ICS-Ahvays I^i^sl-,;,. 2r>c. TJOA rwsl in tli; Marker. \\ S <i Il.VHS *k l-:v\t]>*i>" Soup for a5c. *^o*L_ ( > its directorrt an 1 ofi!c-j>, but oi all tite morn. hern of the Ai-^Mnut ion. I'incb iu'?mh-:r aliQiild malar the e.i., ii (icivDiiiil niatier Wtth him.Htd.1 and rvry f>iinner in tin- county hh uld enleavor to Ijrin^ n::a: iirticlo nr product to help nwdl the exhibit. Tho hu*^' r and nn.a'e vnrifd the t xliihfth, tlio greater the mum:.....und t he lurLrcr will bo the atti.:.chnn .'. 'Iln pivj|-via_- nf the Guyurnor OeijiTiLl mid l.<.uy Al-ei,h-en will ba n Hi-eat drawiin; f;Lr 1 and th.- town will, no doubt, he lUlu.i v.ith --tv t* on the hocoihI day when tiieiuJ-li^elhateieH appear^ Tho pn^.ei; ofieia d in \m Vniion- diLs^.i OfjUal tliOKe nift.i.:,! I.;. Miiii'i-l :uiy fmr in tho i^onnni.n a:.d -.vit h > i; i:, al'jlo proiluein of t In., r-r.-, (here is no iv it-inti wl- v Tni-u- lOiouid not h.) jo,-i." in. : ! i Wan the Ll< llleiiei.t. I i t :' it.-t yeur. f'hat ad the (j n-'Ll :-; 'ill!.- W' : . i t oi o w:i.-i tilt! boiit i. .'. hi hit of Co: i f in! in . i ;.n<l ueri Cultural preUilulM t ie._y eVfi' :- > ollthidi: of tho l'lLVincial 1 >.u:i-m..n: fnir:- A Iar^e LXhibit svill do nnieh ^,'.,--0,:- ui.lver- ti.^hi^ the resource;) or tin:, con my and bfin^in^ it more before tho peph.-, ~-;.-'ple\'. .-i. - .in'ii-on. S"i-on 1 form - P'tiT. S-'o't ' [""I : d i:i I i, V-IL-:- 1'iainn ry -- l'i, h 1 le "ij-ii'.i 1 :i l"onn .) Illllo! LellVliie M. ^[-Lttl.'-W. }\ 'i! ; letll'ition I. \ Stuart, ?1. \-. 1. W .': ' 'I "I'. I to .1 cli, W. Scot;, .'il. Toll 1, N (ribbons, S. Malott, M"' d m v Veijrh nn', ' .ii ml valu- w from, idlelicitjri . I. 'o!,.i il ' 1i.:i-." : n 1 .u-ii i 1 ii Mrii. G. I'etjhiiu and her tw .citiPlrcu lift 01) Friday morning for Iki* iioiii.* :n Onnilni, Neb. fiho hiul been vhsitm;1 with iUr. and Mru. ProiiHer, of thirt town, and other The caiio of Stafford va 'J'ov.-n of Ll-hih- intiton will bo heard ut tho Annizeri at Handwioh which npim on Tiifiriduy uoxt. Mf. Stafford in f>uirit4 thu town for injuriea nustuiued by a defective uidowalk. Tho oouped tout Dr. May, lunpoctor of rubho Librnrius, on Friday ovoninu lat,, and tho roHiilt iki that they have tuhon ovar tho hhrury of tho Moebunioo' Irmtitutu, iind honopfoirth it will bo a froo publio lib- iitry, trco to any ronidout of Louniiuyton. Mr. and tAta. W. X>. Cox rotuvnud on Katnrduy night from Goderioh, whoro tlmy bad bft*)n upondinp; eomo wneka. Jiimaii B. Ureonhili loft on Monday moruin# on it trip to Prsnoolt. The nhipplnc oi potuihau \* w>'\nn ou at a lively rat. BwaiJaa tbo (jUfmHiioe that L'O by expvtua, R. TyhBtuti in ehlpping by tho oif le-td. Ha uhippftd khvoo ur lo&dD ltwfc wook, ud two ott Wn<Jn<3y. KbU our load outaina COO buuhola. ,.'. M. Si-ort : t.'iun I. i' J'-'InOil. Tii>t form -hi. 'hiby, C,m H\ri,t-,. K. ' 'hiiver, 1;. f'!-i rl on, II. ('r.p'Ci. >i. fludioti, fi. r.ennVi, W. Iverf, A. I.ti: ford i'iMior.0, (i Mc.Mdian. i\I. .Wchil- r->y. ('. M'lor.-. 1'. M-L.-mu, h', Milhud, -I. -We((lr\'.|, A. Mayt.'ird, i^L McKwiin, l.> i l.i }'!!.'.ii. t, 11. !': !: irdu, A. Stephen, G. Whyle,* I,, f'ote-, 1!. Love. .-' A. Cumpiadl, C "'""- at; C!,n,en. A. Tofi-inir... (.,,., Si 1-1111,1 i-.iriii t'nt t I. (wii bout phyKic.i) , .0.,' ,J. Gmidy, II. Hare, W. Lyon.i, G. f". :' I'-^hley. II I'uri u_- M. Iteimud. i ! ' ' r.'im try - hi. i'.'-'rry ihoiim,,1 form IL},!!,,-iI. I'l'ili/.. r, W Cheiiay, M. Ghilver, ('. | the n"iih-ue-i .it-.' Fuller. A. L', A. Wellrf. |!nM \.i:h w.i m ::, .Iniiior 1. : --('. Ilurker , M Colborm-, K. I'e'her-t.ine. P. Iliucku, (J. Hiookr*, G Lei , ! '. Kichar-i:-. Mutriculatio::-- -I.. Ilolnioa (paired in L itm, anriiuj-.-i. W. Ilnttnn. Senior Leuvia;: -I liutterworth, -J. Jack iiou. J-'onrtli form -I'lut L ,1. Ltumin. <)\'?'m<l to recent changes intthe re^'ubi- thjiifj the rehiiltri as published above are not very eiiaily ut-diitittjod by the funeral pulilic, iind.lieiiuo a note may bo naoful. I'orm IV, Fart I, covura tho Mathniuutios, liiildiHh and Iliatory of tho Senior Loav- iitli Kxarninittiou. It couuta for. nothing by itnelf, bllt thoiio wdio liavo paHHtjd it are exempt from further tentH on thoHo sub- ji:Otfi for tho Bduior iVIatrioulation of the UnivormtioHor the Bonior Loa-vin^ Kiuro- iuatioii, if taken ou. tho new aumoulutn. If adVantaqo in taken of tho old onrriculum thou tho wholo oxamiuation muat bo takon a'Kttiu. Similarly, "Vovta II, Part 1, aovorn tho Arithmetic and MondQttttiou, Gram mar und Khotorld, Eugliub and Canudian Uiukory and Fhynfw of tho Primary. Gorao of thoas credited vrOth t>uuin(( on this wore taking ft ru puiffc of tb#tr Maii-io. ulution, but tho lartjc majorily bad writ to u on tho Primary ov Juuiar Itfinviutf Ktum- 1 n i'i nipeli-iil . ! 't -,n-1 ' ii.-.: ;.d ."-liinat- ,"-.:ii 1 .mi". S. i 1 n,.-.<'.': hy iiiii. - i-ie-ti:':d :-v" :!. ..: . , .:- r.c il> i: .11 1" .1. -c m.:( lie- ,\ < :v i o;e t . ] ii -!. 1 .|- |n ij' i- e - men' -1' : 11 1' i e ! 1 i 1. l ; 'h'- i i\\ e r..-. it [-11 . . 1 -i' ii ;n:<l 1e.1l .% '.1 ' !.!..(:. I.,) - .> I 1 1 ; i -! 1 v') '11 I 5 1 1 v'J 1 I 1 ,i ! 1 1 - , / 75 1 ' 5 -> 1 !'.i 0 1 '"j I 1 ii t .' 5 , .0 "1 1" M - 11 on I i i,j AGENT Salada - ' Cinri>rt" " " Our Own i;ic<:trjc," for 2*"(*. V **> *9 ^? Pure r&Lou tEA-^- '^Slft^-i.i^-^i*^!^^^ UmlH'.sr I'ric^ Paid lor Piodure \ innri-'s Old Stand, lissc\-. J. A. FRANCIS. I -V 1 '111 il .1- 'i: it 'H', II <.;i vi-' 1 I 1 .!' I In :iee. -, ,: i, re ,\. . [ t v.,, it .ui-i h.c. \: -,.'.,...:.( : : j,- - ! 1,1 .lid 1.' I," Ih-i^: - " , :[. .Vi.iih -I ' 1 i.t .1 i -u ;j .-t l , - JJraie., i II,'C 1.;! f-i'.ne ; ,. n;n di ne'.-i: ' im t c .veie.ent. 'i !n tin: e.i -,1 -eh i.| t he 1 niui li lie I ti:f We.m 1 1' i ' r,.:a :i , iv,'ii tn'ient -.i" i.i!'-, o\'i i /l.j. ni'i'i, -jh.di ui- b.-Vii ii li; 11 i c- \i!i.i .If i J'.lhlf l-l ill ' he \ ' f i ' oo, .I'll. That tin A Recount M Nsecedl ei!y if. tn iVda w -ti:il ;;,'. a -. w ive .'il .ill,,-: , P'.:'.n:,ei ;i:,d | i'i, n;; i n ';, - ' e.Vll o[ 1,: ..< pul ,5|H-d iotir Ciiioi'iiill ivl* \\ eck- oii-'i: in -.ri'erv ' '. ecu l i;i i he 1'Veo h'l'-:' I'l-.^',. ,,nd idt.ill come into !,;;il1 "' ^ tliLfcnl, . .... . and -dull oe !:ni.\wi and nia\' bo ciu.-d ;i: tin; '.Vu'( ii ,\\\n ( ., ihhe-ti.T Nona liu;n ; hi- ^aii ne.'ll the Cell 11' ancle, -.o.itit oi ne.ii '.lie centre "I tot J'.J c nb'i mil ut lepair aim oii:;itt to he iic.pinvcii, I hn-i tie- '"-t "I puttiiii.; the >aid ihiiin-- in ;jo "1 -Mte of | , ;i| ] i.-Kpen-c inch i lei I, to I".1 .f.p1*'.. 5". < M ihih amount I have la>.ed tin: "t.t-i.itichi N> -I tli and Maidstone Tnwnline Prain hydnw." I. S. LAI Kit, Acting Mayor. I hereby, certify that the lorci;uin^ is a true Ci[iy -,l a by-lnw aiiontud by ike 1 '.. .I'..- " r , i\, i . -, '. i'i municipal council ol the corporation of the. ] oU indiip o! .\] ;i,. I Mime loi I telle n t ! o (o:n |-, i ... ,-[ .. ,i . i .- r< . , witi-i f;o. The Township of (ioMiehl N'oith fi-r heiu-llt lo loaih until $i;o. qo. d'lur Inn< 1 = in (io^lield North tor bciicM with $jo ;ind lor ouilet Math $70.00. The lands in tin: Town of I'isH'X with $^,25 for beiu-lil and $11085 for outlet and the Town of Ksv:\ for benefit lo rnmL with $07 10 ami fur outlet with $17.90. Accuinpmiyine; y hi will iind plan.-;, profiles, sj>eeilii-ntions, estimates, hk- sf.ismects and :ill other papers necessary for tjuiilnnee in the iionstruetiun or cleaning oat of the said druns, Those drains slmll be kept in repair hy .1 lax on the In mis and roads in (lie s.iinc proportion 'as now assessed except tlie-*4V^ineer in charge of the repairs deems it necessary to chnnfje the proportion. I have the honor to be, gentlemen, Your obedient servant, [. S. LAIRD, T.L.S. And Whkrkas, the said _ council arc of opinion thai drninapc of the locality desciibcd ir, desirable. Be it therefore enacted by. the municipal council of the Town of Essex purimant to the provisions of the Consolidated Municipal Act of iBSj and amendments thereto: fat;'That this report, plans and estimate! b adopted and the said drain nod works enrj- Town of Ksscx, on the: ut ib.y of September, iSno. JOHN WALTLRS, Clerk. NOTICL Is Utv.v.\\y fjivun that a Court of Revision will be held at the Town Hall, I->,sex, on IVfonday, the 2S1I1 day of Soplember, 1S96, at the hour of 8 o'clock p. in., for ihe hearing utul trial of appeals made ayainst the lorc- i;i)inR assassnu-nt or any part thereof, in the manner provided by the Assessment Act, a notice . of such appeal to be served on the Clerk of this nuinioipality at ten days before the meeting of said court. And further notice is hereby f;iven that any one intending to apply to have such by-law, or any part thereof, quashed, must, within ten days after the final passing thereof, serve a notice'in writing upon the Mayor and upon the Clerk of this municipality, of his intention to make application for that purpose to one of Heir Majesty's Superior Courts or* Law at Toronto during' the six weeks next ensuing the final passing" of this by-law. JOHN WALTERS, Town Clerk. Dated At tt&x, this nut day nf .Septeffibtir, l8$6. Celery per do/, ( aihbilfjo Wool Kksoy i\I:irl:ot. Wheat red per bun lad ....-? I Whoiit, white Wins in Eveiy C'tinLusL Tlii.-i is the, Cm-n .... of I>l. A-now'* Curo lorj^i^,,,, ;;;; Liu: llt-fi'L.....Ml'.-i. N. . '1'. .liillldle, of'j Clover Seed .... . i 1 lf!t-v per Toil............ Itimdiillt, Out-, i iin-i! ii: i'!:(j I >;iy, v|Hjji(r Or. -A'-'new'}) Cut nrrJitil l.'o'.vdcr | 'h-ef pop e.wt............ ,.,",, -i , j ,. 1 ' I'orlt Live WeC'llt........ Ilit? Only Juduedy l.n dn SyIvi^;-; A,llttOM ri'L 1-rtwroiiccr of V."\ udliaru l.VtiUv, | ilidi-n ............ %, ,, 1 , , . 1 1 1 liiui:t:tih pur Hi.......... U,!(\, Any CiuulI--- I'f. A;Mh:-\v s j [;llUl,r ' OihUiii'Mf ;t Ot'i'ULin ( ';uv bu- 1'ih":;, Lard .......... . . , . 1 , 11 / > i h-id'H, pfr rloz .......... news Liver 1 iUh ^ ^<-\ PoUiuL, ^ Uu,Ia-.\ ..,. ( uid Hoadncdio. j Onioim ------ - ' t i 1 . I Apph-'H .... (.OutinuuiiH oxperinn'nt.H are inetli-ii to ," . tr,'j the certainty of .-anne thini;:-*, but t his | .." 'j,fh "" hit- no^application hit ho uK^.'uf ]->' irJiuJH p(,r ib.# iuj'.v 1 Cure lor toe IK-art. No ma'.t.ei' how 1 |)lU.]t,' i.everu the pain, it will iuitcedial'dv re- Iiin--:. The diiji'iiau may bn of yearr. :aiidinu, thi^ apeiiifie will jamiovo it. Miri. \V. T. Ktindlu, wfe-of u \vl:-knowi; cattle dt-akir in Duiuialk, hlittered aevercly for a coniiideriilih: Mine from honrt dia-a-ie. An hln.' fiayti : "I v/iia'foi" Hnrno linio unahlu to attend to my hnunehohl dutieH. No rei.11- udieridid mo any^ood. I wan induced to try J.)r. Aimew'a Cure for the lliuat, und I muni nay tho-ronuU watt wowlfcri'ul. Tho pain left mo iLftor thu iinit day a-nl I lniv tmtf, no troublo iiincfl." \)r. A^now'n Cuturrhul Powder in rocom- inomhid by nil ohmueti of xK),)p'1'- Thu loading cIurHymon of tho conn try, over their own fii^niiturcH, buvo borne- tciiti- rnony to itn effectivonoH-. Nearly 100 rnfiinboru of tho Into JJonau of CemmoiiH huvo douo thi' uumo norpiao, It hail oured thu wotht ctthCH ot diafnuiiB, tlio outuonio of cutiirrh. Bylveator Lnwrtmae, of vVynd- hum Contro, Out., Riiy*H thfc tltia remedy id tho ouly tiling that he gilu quo with and oomfort. Hid wordu ar : "It ib tlio bout romody 1 liuyo ovor. tried und I ht*#ve uimd 0- fiood many." Tho very bant tbiug that rmu bo imid of Dr. Amoqw'h Olntmuuk it' thut in tho oatjo of fiiloa it will ouva in from tihroo to uix mghto. lb iv * oortain . ouro fov tottor, Uhlt rlioum mid all eruptioufi. of *bo Uin; Bfaiploatid yot moan ofteotivo tx* Itm LittU Idve* Pill* of Dr. Ahow. I'hoy itr r>Hy ko iake und ouro oiolt hetidtiobo, oocakipfkfcion, billiouvUM&H and indiyiuikion *b by.magia, 10 eUti a yiul 10 dotita. Bold by J. Thorae. ot. .r>7 to o7 o5 25 , lo to 1G " 1 80 1 00 to I 00 M (Jl) to a 00 ;!. to ; I CO 1 50 to 5 00 :i OOto .'1 00 5 00 to 500 250 7 a JO 10 a 8 8 JO to 40 ".0 to GO iJOto 20 i> to 25 10 8 to 9 7 i 1 00J inJ 18 to im 1 Milts JAMES JiAYLOR Takon UiIh opnortunity of (imiounolns to thi pdiiploof tho Town arnl Count<. of Khodx. tlini] hii linn romndelod t)io Eiuiox Hilhir Xrilla no4 efirdhirt to jiluim proparod by II, K- I'^loo, ot Bfc'.t .Tliom-iu, (iml ulna mioiirerlthu tiarvioua ol UutaorV eyparlouooil mid thovou^bly com- l)Uub ndlhnr. TlianliluB tluo p'aopl* of tk town und-oountV1 " for tho patroimgi) bflnbowftd nport htm In th" puht, will cucrfintao uatltfdrtloniii thw fufcnr. Gristingf and Chopping a Specialty- Ktt* Tht Best Gradts a/ Flourt J*W W Csntmtal AVy/ iwt Stock Mad uU at JCig/it "s:Prims, ' "* <{ Gash Paid for Wheat and Oett, kt-.i ^jJWi^^iir^ ' :"'^i' vyfi .. , - ."Vu'^-ir'rt/ M^

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