^ '?'$& :i-M R W.'< ' Wr' ' &i* THE- ESSEX FREE PRESS Published Every Friday Morning From^tho cfllon on Talbot Street, noxfc UuiiMtat) Block. Rp oml atiuntion id liaid to tlio publiim taou of muttar.ol Jooal importunon, noour- nU> and reliable roport-i of TownrMntRhbar^ ing Towntdiip and County Gounoil ni-oouud- int*H, "local mid county iharaot roportu. oto., tbo carufu. mid judiaiouii manaj'omont of TllK' KllKM PUKHH, \Vltll I'Wqmut tO thoHO iUld othor current in attorn of local imnortanon, baa Kivnniba widonproad pronti|i<i in the rsontro of Kumjx onnnty .which in rucoj^nitfud uu ono of tho beat iignnuHund diHtriotH in Ontario. Tmk Fiikk Vuwa in tho only medium oitoulutinp thoroughly in thm coutnd portion of tho County, and ih con- Boqutmtly.without doubt,thoouly thorough advurtiHiHK medium for bunnmiui pooplo winhiti(4 to roach that clawi of cutitomorii, OOUUKIIPONDIESCK. Our columni* aro ulwuyn opon for tho Jimoeublo diiu'ui.Hion of uiuttom portainin- tho public welfare. Ablo con-ocpoiidmitH in all tho tmrroiind- tg JocalitioH furninh reliable roporfcn of \cntw of intoroHt, occurring in their Hovorul boron;'and tho piihlinhcr in at all timeo : tcaiiod to receive intoroidinn itoiini of 3wh from aiiy clUpouod to forward conlri- Mtiono. All oommunicatioiift of a private and fconflduntial nature, uhould bo no marked DU t-'.io uutiiido of tho unvolopo. (iUUHCiui'TioN ritici;. AN OUTLINE. Ttio R4rl I loved wiih mnrrlnd yoHtonlny.- Irond no mom, niyuyou urn blurrodwltli tnnnv Oiio Hint ni" print nm brhnj lmok ull tho yiiiitu I dooio<l mi (IntiL-mul makn Dooombor May; For w worn young anil drnaniH Worn pawnlne, HW('(lt( And earth imniiu'iiull tu-'imtlo with iondonm.irt Upon uu r lfivn, iinil'\\'(TTvnru lmppy yi"V------- A thousand wiiyit to uu Hfo nnnuiod romplnht. "]1i In Uvii I loomed In In nit upon mm dead, And yut ioid'[ht I fool a dull, fitriuwo.pahi, An Hlu bom In thu throat. I cannot, tiwuy; I no*, infiiln that quaint trick of bur head, *Thi iiw'nllinii of lim- throfit butilroiiTiniarfl ___ vain Tlio t-lrl I lovwl wan niiirvliid yontnrday. John NnrUnirii Illlllurd in Chicuuu Kcol. Hi ,00 por annum, fttrictly in advance, Jl.BJpur annum iT not ho paid; ana all arroat" charged at that rato. WAITING FOR A FARM .Tim .Randall and Hlo.vo Ilall nut in tho villain inn of tho latter mm evening! iiftor it; wan clnsnl lonutHidiM'.s, fiinolciiiKJ thoiv pipnM of pnncn and frinndHhip, ivi wan thi'ir wont. It was a plain country inn, *wbcr you could buy idiuoHfa miytiiiu^, but it alHo nliowcd siynH of nmdem impvovfi- mcnt.H, Hincf! tin; iiKTi-'iiso of population uml tho times nVmnmlod it, Ktt-vn Hull bud iiihiTitod it; from bin fatlur, and, having oom! intopoHsc.Hsinn uyrnr hid'oro, mun'iod tho fjirl ho lovod and Hotllcd ibrtvn, wb-ifh- bnppyoom-Ho of action bo-was const aid ly urging upon bin old frji'iid, Jim Kandidl. movoij'Tiit xiw-k pi.irc, ami (Pm tta.u lat- tuiiato lo)jatcH biulr thiir Inavo. William Handull oumo up to .TitmcH, and tulchiK him by tho Inmd Hitid: "Thin wiih oiitlndy unoxpeotod mid unihwirod by me, 1 HiippoMod mid bad no (ttbor wlnh tlmn that, you would bo tho fortniiutn nin1. " Thin wan Haid in a hrol;on voio.i', with train Htundinfjf in tho Hpoalcor'ti oyon, for ho wan u plain, ImvdworkinK fiuimtr, anil ontirily ovcronmo by liiM fjond for- tuno. JamcM K'"aMj)id hiii band, and Raid- hoarsely: "You uro wolcomo trt it, Undo Wil- limn. 'I'ln ro \h no nun ojso Iwouldnilh- (U* have it no to, I'll moo you foinor- ro\v," turning hastily away. Wln-n ho was hit, alone, ]in oovornd JiiM face "\vitlr bin liambi and /-,'roamd. Where worn bin pn^jierla now? What bad boromn of all bis llnephuiM for im* jn-oveinent? Whoii would Kruiua nver beconio bis wife? Theso and oilier tilings oonne(;tid \v it'll tho iHortifieut i<n of having it known that bin i'X]ii clalioipi bad bi.'on clisap- pointed ratiMi (1 bilU to l'eel miHerabld. The JJl.Ooo, wdiioli wan Hiin-ly bis, .sank into paltry iiiHi^nilininro liesidn tho lo.ss of a farm wu-tli J.M00 an ai'vo and all hist ( broii.'.di bi.s own la/.iaess, I In could not blame bin grandfather, for lio knew be deserved the lesson. There ho sat miserably thinking until twilif-'ht had closed in, and Imwas huiii- moaed to tho evr-uinf,' meal; but bo bis friend. "Oli, J can't afford it!" answered Jim, stooping i<i knock tin* ashes i'mm Inn pipe. "Kiu'k a t,roud yirl and lias promised to have mo; but, I told Iter j alio, or rather we, must wait until I Tranoiont legal and municipal advor-. could see my way char to Hiipport a tlHomontH, uoticon, oto., clnu^od at fumily." AI>VKUTIHI"MKNTH. "If you luvo 1'hnweJl enough to liavo her, why don't you marry at once, in-1 could Hot eat, and resumed Ids place by slead of spending your liesi, years in j tho fin-, wi.-hiiif? and not wishing bo courtioK and waiting':" asked .Stevoof; mijcbi s-e, lamina Willis. h'o,'v.'lien lii r laco appeared bellim! that of Mr. :md Mrn. Hall, lie KpranR tc meet h-r with more joy tlian lie had fell for years. They had come to offer I heir symjiathy and .ndvieo to Jim, who was in an i xcellent frame of mind to receivo it. ! V EXT. OF w HAS A RECORD 40 YEARS0F SUCCESS IT IS A SURE CURE Diarrhcea . Dysentery Colic , Cramps , Cholera Infantum Summer Complaints o\ <TKd<Jrt;*\ op AfJullg. Mimmrr*r*rjmF-*~*~ BY-LAW No. TOWNSHIP OF SANDWICH SOUTH. PV-t.AW In prnvidt! for Dridnac Work in the Towindnp of Sandwich South, in the, Ouinly of Khscx, and for liorrowinc on tin; credit of thu Municipality the sutj|r of One Thousand I'ivo Hundred and SeVunty five Dollar*!, holne; tll(. proportion of ant to Imi paid by hinds and roads ia the Townnhip of S:nHlwich-SuuUj,'fIur-rcpaIrina[ "" ' ""'.......:.....'" Smitli Towndinc and ColclicuLur Drain, in the Townhip of '4 Hti &$tho ratn of ton centa por lino, for lirat innortion, and iivo contn por lino for ouch onbHcijiiotit iiiHortion. All aucb advortiHomontu aro moiu.urcd by a oaalo of twolvo boon to tho inch. Local roadinj; and othor notiooa pub- "Wlint; did slio say to that?" inquired Stove, witliu rurioiw expression on bin fact -, '\Shosaidof course we couldn't", ex pect to marry at once 3*011 see, that Willi his h;;::d clasping Immiu's, ho Kat and listened to bis i'aithful friend Sieve, who was purest'ing koiuo useful hints. "Hain't.somuoh the loss nf tin. place, Jim," said .Sieve, "as ir, is upsetting all liHbod among local nowii mutter oharKed at | wan flv(! years aj-o and she was will- your plans. Jt would take adeal of rami- tho rato of ton cento per ranuinj: line for[ xn to wait, but, didn't want, mo to|eyto p-i tlniiKS all ri^'ht a^am, and oach inuortion. think shn cared for mom\y. To bo with; hire you're <;;<.[ JJUOoO in cash to do All noticoti of church or Hccioty enter- Die poor would be hapjiiness cnrai^li for j what you've ;i mind towiih. 'A bird in taiumontii of uuy deaenptioa, at which un her, and ho on. Vmi know how tfirlH id- the Jiaml i:;\v>rlli two in the bush,' admiHfdou fee ih obar^iid, arc re^urded uh advortisomeatH, and full advurtiiuu^ rateti charged in all mich caHeH7~Notioim-of ^nth oriu^'o or mooting not for pecuniary bono fit or aid, will'bo'oheerfiilly publiHliod free of charge. Spooial contract ratoti made for ditmlny or ntanding ndvtK, All legid orprofcHtuon- al cardti under 0110 inoh, $5 per annum. jon on commkkcial rniNTtNo. Tho ranis Puhhh Job Printing De- ptirtmont in under tho tmpurviHion of thoroughly com pu tout inuchanich, aud upcoial attention ia paid to Urn branch" of tho trade. Our facilitien for tho execution of all kinds of Book and Fine Job Printing arc unexcelled. Htoam power proHHpQ. A call Holicited. nCHlNKHS RCOULATIONH. All .Job Printing and Transient AdvortiHing accounts atriotly caHh, Advertioing acooimiH with regular patron a aro sottlod quartorly. Sub- criptiona duo iu advance. No aubnoriptiim to tho Fhp.b Pkkhh, or advertihomt-ut publiHhed in itj columnu ways talk under tbosircircnmstance^ "Yes, audi know Knuua \Villis al ways ineniis what sho sa>*s, Jim, if you had married her four years ago, you would have been a rich man now. " "A rich man! How?" "Well, to tell the truth, I seo a good many signs of neglect about your farm' which 1 know would never exist where Emma Willis lived." Jim colored at this intimation of bis indolence, and answered stiuly: "Well, when it's all my own, I'll take more pains with tho old place,' and marry Km iu rho bargain." "Don't wait for that, old boy. -Do you know, ami as you have all your life been wait in*.; for sonielhing to turn up, suppose you tinii up yourself and show what, kind of stall' there is iu you." "I will, J'-h-w, f will!" Jim exclaim ed, jumping up. "i see now what a self ish, aimless life I have h d, waiting J. am UHhamed to acknowledge for an other ia.m to die that; I might; enjoy the fruit cf hia toil, , From this hour X am resolved to live to some purpose, and, with Kmniii to help me, know I shall be a happier man. " Although agriculture was distasteful lo him, he i*t-solved to conquer his dis like and make amends for the pnsr. riu both right away, and, my word for it, ! he bought a Small place undworUd you'll never be sorry. " These words rang in Jim Randall's oars as he walked buck in tho starlight hard to bring it to a high state of culti vation. lie was so successful that his fame as to the only home he Inul-known sincn lio1 a farmer spread abroad, and many ap- was a boy. * ^^^^^ V ."g-,plications for advice and consultation did ho receive. TI10 old farmers said there was no use competingwith him at Here be bait lived wilTfliis grandfa ther and the old housekeeper ever since first going Lo school, then assisting in j tlmir county exhibitions, for lio regular- the care of the farm until the whole j ly bore oil' the highest prizes. And his charge gradually fell upon him. lint, ho will 1)0 dihcontiuuud until all arruarH aru paid in full. Changes for adyortinemontH, to bccuio jufturtiou in tho current iumie, must he wife, now a rosy, cheerful matron, made tho best butter and cheeso in thocounty. His farm was growing too small for his extended operations, mid he was 110- Uf'vcr took much interest in it it was too much like, working for nothing. "Wait until it is my own," he would say to himself; "then you'll see some- ! gotiating for tho purchase of morn land, handed in not later than noon of tho Tue>. j thing worth looking at." For Jim was: when bis uuclo William was killed by day preceding, and notice or Hucb intend-. ,1JM Knimifat] .,.(.,., 1 |1(.ir a,Ki: a fall from a wagon and ou reading tho cd change ia roqmred on tho Monday pro-1 8()|un(1.iy| ]lut fjn.(iff ,,,!,.,,. pSi th(,snil(.rPH: will he found, to his surprise aud graU, would be in his possession. Then he; iication, that tho old farm had been would bring hiawilV here and fix up the willed back to him, improved UH) pel oid [dace and show folks what he could cent. do. Hut now be might as well take the | Ho took possession with an overflow- world easy and not work himself to, ing heart, lawfully appreciating and death for bis board and clothes. ' enjoying- the oecupation which had Thus bo had always reasoned, until taught; him that tho greatest; happiness tonight he began to wonder whether be of life ia in the full employment of our hadn't; done wrong. ; talents, whatever they may be, aided iu "Wife," said Steve Hall that night, hia casu by the great power of love. "I do believe Jim will live on and on I -------------------- in the old place unt il the old man dies, j _ . _ IM.N- ; before he will better himself. lie bafl i T. ir x% ""i'i, f, r..P v,,,.,, miKTT A- AULD, j fRUl.n iu thiH ,,lMl,Hf ill(, K^x.Ont letting things go, uutil it wouldn't snr- j villo, flalitorma, Ial w.ok aud tbey w.ll *---------------- - -*.....-------- prise me to hear that Km herself slipped! r(-H,do th"!rt* U1 thu fut-lIri!- IliirveHt lOxeursloiis. away from liim." ------- I "It isashanie," re-join, d Mrs. Hall In order to givo everyone an opportuui'yi warmly, "'to let Rich' a sweet, pretty lo boo tho grand cropu in thu Western' girl as Kinma Willis waste the best coding. Noticu of diHcontinutincc of aavoitiHo- rnoutH must be (^iven at leant one week in advance of tho irkuo in which thoy are doBirod to lant appear. Auvi-niTisi'itn, BubiicriborH and patronn genoriilly are: rcqueated to read thu abovu regulationd carefully, in order Lhut con fusion may be avoided, an t,buy. will in all canes bo adhored to. AddronH all communicatioiiH to WHAT A LOT OF TIIK31. ntatofl aud enable the intending net tier to p 3'i-ars of her life wait ing for such a man. .fcocuro a homo, the Chicago, Milwaukee A I declare I'd marry somebody else juat Ht, PaulJjU'v ban arrunged to run a heriuu ,u ^I11*-1" of harvcrit excursiouH to South aud North j ' '*-' fim wimldn't, my dear. But it r\ 1 *. -1 A .1 . .1 n, , 1 is too true tluit. Jim doesn't, seem to Dakota, aud to otlier Htaten in tlio Wot.1 . . . . , . . *t .1 . , .- ,. . ., , 1, 1 know wind be s wailing lor. 1 can't: son Lorthwoat and Southwent ou the followmfi, t|l.lf ,]]S 1)r,,sp(V,s ilI11(ri>V(! at il]L . aatou: July 21, AuWunt 1 aud is, Hcplnm.| "They may l/foro loiig, for old Mr. bor 1, 15 '29 and October fi and *20, at tl 0 Riindali has wemed unusually feeble low rate of two dolhirn more than 01 0' lately." fare fo^r tlio round trip. Tiekotn will 1 e good for return on any Tuesday or Friib y within twenty-one dayii from du'e of hnb , l7or rutofl, time of tr<tmn and further dc- tailn applv to any c.tupon ticliet u^ent in the Ijiifit or South, or address; A. r). Taylor, KVi'ii as Im sjioke, .Tim .Randall was t.rving lo rmise the old man from sleep in the big chair, where be was surprised to lii id his grand fiit le-i* at; t h;s late hour. Jiut in vain. No eai thly power contd arouse tlm obi farmer from tho sleep that bad come upon him alone and nu ll., Toronto, Out. tPBMMiirirMTi-lf rrnrinl"f"'r uriT . grfy"TTTrrrTTT-Trr7T-r- 1 I m tl 'i*r. n -./ rr-va t^wmiSA Canadian PHHHonger a^ruit, 2 ii\wA strtit: exjJ(rtedly. So tho news later spread throughout, the town, and a few days later they laid him beside the compan ion of his youth, who bail gone years before. ( Then Jim Handull felt doRohito enough, and Ins only comfort was in tho thought that tint form wan now bis, and he could do as ho pleased. The re datives assembled after tlio fu neral to hear the \vill_ rend, which fiooino/l a, in**to mutter of rorm to moi;t of thean, iui Jim's cxpcctiUioiiH wen.1 sliared by nil. AfUir t^n^-rnl tmiali betjuouba tii lnw- ycr w.'wl the arStonwlingf puKrcigo: "In ooiwwrtuinrtf) of tiho apparejit d4*- hfco *uf my irraiiAxmj Stvmm VLtndnl^ to Uia jraffsrtiit of a^craltEO, 1 hcrohy (riwj and b<jtiiAli rap. iwaa, 0<mstiiJbixi8 d %"> nw^ xwll>i torn luKwa and ordt/tiil4- ta^ tfiwtfOB, k> my iicolUaB, "Wltlit^ia liwii.c'Uxll, aiid bo \ay fptaa/lam^ fovtm fttL-udttft, thu Kuan of JJl^OW), to b* y***l c*ii> wtfjufJi urfter >tvy d^xwiifc!*. V &-MU(y^o4y in & jhumx nab t*0pJU& b*i*il *lw btmyut oomrtWiHiWl *oOfa^) m k I, la Invaluable, i" you ;:: down; as it 1* a food :: v*UiL : : a medicine. : Will build yon up if yuur ^ ^l l.-K.['n it - Impaired, \ Th-o D. Tjl L- Emulffiion " It'tbo b*fct nd iaoit palfttjibh i>rf-fuooa <rf : Cod Livt* Oil, n^wuJnt wlili tli/. jut.irt'ftU-,: - CMtO BtOUlBCUl'. \ Tho ft>. It Lr Grw'ulolon :Up*-rftd br dt-- leu^irt i/lij^ioiau* of ; cwmSn. \ Tho O- fii L. Kmulalon : U a iArv*llMii flftuU pHwIuwr wid vrUl fi4*o ; : rk ^uwL*^ I baoMTMi&i. liHucv |ro4ln<!i*' lt SImrc, llutTliny Aro <;ro\vliitx B'Cmh liny by l>ay. Wind a wonderful lot of pi-opln there arc tliat sutler from hnukuche, frnm tbe millionaire! sit ring in bin 1 fiice uhpi'iu*^ euuponu, ilown to the humble L*iti/t:ii who HWiinjy a pick for a dollar a day, nobody iH free from it. It all (joiuch from tin- hsimio uaiiKc. The kidnevs arc Lo blame. Donn'u Kidney PHIb are the one simple remedy that can be ndied upon in all fornu! of kidiu'v tronljIeH. Some of your nt^bboriijhave tried thimi, and no onejiat. found tliem wanting. Ilore w wdiat one lihi'tx man enyn of tbiMii. Tilr. ,1. II. Crow HtatcH: "Doaa-H Kidney JMUh have cured me of pain in tlio back ond other kidney and urinary diffi culties with which I had been id'tlicted tor five 3ears. "I urn sihid to bo ablo to tdate thin at ray own I'xporienco and cam recommend their uho to uuyouo uuifermg with pain in tho. back or other kidney troubles." . Mr. W. i'ectbam, well known iu Chat- bam, an tho obliging manager of the grocery department with Monte*.'. For, fiythe, Audorson & Co., highly eHtenmed in rolittiops circled in Si. Tliomas, Out., ntatftfi; "I havo beou atllieted with iierioas kid- noy and back trouble for uorae time, and wuulnid np for a lonjj while with my com- plumb. 1 proonred a box of Doan'n Kid- nay Tula from Mr. Hherrin, ariifigiB^ ami thoy havo ifomoyod Gvory nytnpkoju from which I yofPorcd. "Aa a raedtoine for kidney trembles anO pn,in in tho back Doan'n Kid noy Pillo un tie! bo rXQcllcd. I. heartily rMoramond fchjjoi In oveiry lW)flpM^ , Town Hall, Cottum, . Au/mut 'JOth, WW. The Council mot, pursuant to adjourn ment. All tho mumborii preiient. The minutfin of the laut neiiuioti of tlio Council and of tho adjourned Court of Itovimou on Drainage l^y-law No. HH wore read, and, on motion, adopted and turned. An ap- plicatinu from Gfor^u Alulcattterjor a luan ol 5100 tinder the Tile Drainage Act, wan received, and, all requiroruentb of tho law having boon complied with, tho name wan granted. Robert Milieu iinimi n.f'|uanted the Council to clean out the Jjovelace Dram. Tho Deputy Reeve wim oominm- Hioned to attend to 'Mr. Millon'H com plaint, as it appeared that not more than **o() would relieve hiu laud from injury. Kdward llawken, owner of tlnj 0. 4 of lot Ih, con. 9, iiotided tho Council i.i writing to clean out tho McMuhon Drain, T. D. No. 'JH.-~D.aid over. Mr, Newman wan comummioneJ to let job of gravelling on I1HI1 con. road, nuar eaHt towiiliuo ; alo to have hrid^o built over JJollc River, on the 10th eon. road. The ditch commuiuio'iier Mr. Riley, wan notified to attend to com- plaint of W. WilHou, of oljHlructioriH in the Ittibudm drain, aiid to ilie complaint of it* .Mikjii, of obMtruotionn in T. D. 7i, on tlm lUlb con. ruad. 'Ihe Depuly Heevo wa utjtuimtihioued to repair bridge on thu (Uh eon. road. On thu rt-fjncttt of the ltucve thu motion pasWl Juno 27di, aj)potnt.ing hi iu commiHidioner to repaii* T. D. No. 10, wan rLHiainlod ami J. J". Milled appointed in bin placu. ,i,C. and Geo. Wood re ceived permihsiou to place a fuece ou the road for a term 01 years to allow thorn to grow-a hedgee On "inotfoirrnim County ruto for tho currunL year wah fixed nt 2 iiJIIm iu the dollar and thu Townulnp rate at r^..tuiIIh. Uy-law No. Hi, to levy the Townsdiip, County and School raten, wad ruad tho iioccHhtiry number of -tinea und pic m;d. Drainage Uy-law .No. 81), for the repjur of the MaddoM Drain, wiih read the , hrnt time and |rovi*ioi.ulIy hdopted, the Court of Kevinion to bu held on Saturday, Su'ileniber lilith, at 10 o'clock a. m.f and the Clerk instructed tu uoivc copic-H of the by luw ou ouoli owner of laud aJhOfined Tho followinf/ orders on thu Treasurer svere punned :--82o, Win. Cowoll, grayell- ing ou 7th ouu. road ; $2, TIioh, Alorriu, 'i viduuof onu lamb wurned by tlo(*n ; tJ'^l.T'O, C. Andou, repair of went towulmo ; jb^ A. Duncan, budding bridge over T. D. 7*i, on the Stb eon. road ; y.>, ]>. L. Lum. atHh, N. R. S. L. fund tor Div. II, Talbot road ; (fl, S. Li. Urooker, pontage utampH ; p'J.oU, M. J. -lucknun, haulm;1 two Imuhi Hnwi-r pipe from Khhox ; S'J.'^H, T, Uuvim, chaiity to itate ; Bl-'ll. .1. LyotiH, elmrity to date ; SJJ, J. Campbell, chanty for Sep tember ; ji), J. Buck burro ugh and 'wile, clmrily for Supteuiher ; rll, A. Lotinberry, niBpeuting noxious weeds ; S7.50, I. liilcy, inf'piictiii^ uoxiouH weeiln ; -12, Odette it Whurry, 100 ft. lo-ineh newer pipe ; S'iUJ'J, ,]. R. Tourauiicau, road scraper for Div. 1, con. 11 ; V'K George Allison, lUIJO 3dnch tilo lined, on 7th con. rotul ; ">, C. .lobnaou, hulanee of work on T. D. 8.j ; $10, .1. 9 Laird, commission ou T, D. No. Hfl ; Sfi, A. S, fjiiird, inspection of M(jou Drain, to be charged to w. | lot lii, cou. '.* ; &-!:*, .1. S. Laird, balance of survey of Maddex Drain and lielle River drain ; 2, Jas. Mcrritt, repair of wheel broken on 7th con. road. Council then adjoiircud, to moot a14a.u1 ou .September pth, at 7 o'clock p. m., to ap point a collector of laxou. and iniprnvinj* the Sandwich South, Vroviiilnindly ailoritod tlm 15Lli day of Auj;uut, A. Il.JHHl. XVio;hi;aii('i'lioii. Cioraol uiul etliovii, intofnut- oil piirtbui. iiotilled the comaill of the tiuiiilui- indlty tliat tnu wild Hoiilli'I'iiwiiHuii Praln wan no Imdly out of roi'idr" an tu iliiiiiiil danuii'u to ttinlr laiulii. Ani> Wkchcah, thu nub! drain luui luicouo itlbid up, olihttiictfHl and uut of vopiui' Hint it In iiDCDfihiiry tn i.leiiu out, rtijtiilr runt iuipivivn tint iiamo 110 an tn propurlv mfilntulii tho nuiim, met onablit it to e'tlTV elf thu wateru It wai(orli;tua)ly mniitiiK'd to curry olf uml tn provoiit diiiuail'ai to the udJiicnnL liimlli. An 11 W11 i:nFAti,t hnj-miiion hilIiI council hanpni- ourtnl uu oxiiiiiiniition to hn mii'lo by A. J. Ifal- foril.boiiiit a pi'i'tum coinpotent (er imtdi imrpoiio, outlet llnliillty. ot tlio mild iiriia iiro[ioun(l to 1^: (iralutxl.auil Lint moan*) nUK|(iint(f fur thu drutniino tlin.nnf, and ot otbiir litiifhi mid madii Uu jtn t.rj nHmmHiiKint uuiUn tlilH net, and loin nlno jiifunired piuiiH, iipt<ciaciiLionii iliii) (lntinnami or tlm dr.ilnui'e worlt to bo uiadii by tint uiiiil A.I Ilidfon) ninl no HiiNiiiifiiiHiut to ha iniido by Idin. ot tlirj Und't and I'luidii to bu IxiiiMitttid by saeb tralna <i work awl of other nld fcr ooutriimt' ly im im eun, lliu pro Itulitllty uml injuvlni; lliiljtlitv, wliicti in bin opinion, will tie derived or iumirrt'd in uouiid- fpKincoof mich dml'iimn wdi'lt, liy nvory im.liI and lot,oi- portion of lot, tbn nuiii fiiiHiiiiJiuniiit. no nuide liciiji; tlio iiniii;imnient lioi'i'iiniltor h/ thin by-law euni'teil to Im iLiiiiij.'iiiud and Uiviiid upon the roaihi and lotn or purtx ol lutii, licreinultor iu that ticlinir niiniiMiilly hl*l fortli and (loncribod, and tlm ruport ot tlio sittd A. .1. I tillI'nnl In r<v-)>cot tl moot utjii of tho iulIU driilnii|{i) work Indin; as follown: <.h;N'rni:Mi;N:-lii coiuplianon with yrnir inalrut;- thjliti, I litLS o in ink' il 11 tiXuiiilliaMiHi of 1.1 in 1 bit hi on tint nor Hi nido < 1 tlm town lino Initwnun (.'ol- ebuiitui* Nurtli uml. Handwich Soiitli, e.Muiidun: tnmi tlm I'.'lh con. road 10 ."noi-nut* Crtiuk. I Ihul tho dniin very Uurtly out 01 1 npuir Uinmjjfli- out itu ontiro li'U|;tli. Tbu j.nitorly portion nx- ioiiflni[{ from tho pjili uml. road tu tlm cuntni tjf tb I>th con., in o( Jltllo or no r,tin. Tbn lurnhi wli lull it was' ilmtii'md td ilruiii, nxtniidiiiu nhoiu two lotn to the noitb, uro twy tint and (twliu; tu i eordanco tburuwitb, tho poor f.utlut iitfcjrdud tlmm by thin drain, thoy uro frt'ipjontly entirely i.iibinerjidil. Tlm only nnnody m to oidarno thin dram lo tho wciit. If thu dra u Ifl oultii'Kiid uerotm tho '.Itli cuii. it will nei:oiiiiitiit(i tlib biiluruoincnit ot it till tho wtiy to .Morrluk Crouk. 1* rum tho townlino butweou Colcbuutnr imd. Antiunion, ou wont, to Morrlck Ciotdt, wlit't'o tho drtiln in Iroiu III to '-.'0 loot iu width ami from I tolWcot deup, it in 011- tirnly iiiKnlliciont to carry oil' tlio heavy How ot wultir thttt coiitun from tunfntiit from t/olehi.-.i tor No'itli and Saiiilwicb South. Tho contiiiipiuncn in tlm ItuiilH lyiiir; to ttiu uitHt on both union of tint lowrlhio uro badly Hooded at diifurunt fioa- Huint of tbn your. A liLl'|;nr nutloL inimt t'o pro- viilod. Thin I focoinmoml to Ijo douo by <;on- n trim tin/; n now drum from tlm noiith i.lOti ot tho lunnliim fjtjin (duliuritor Nortii, wut to Mur- nek Un-uk. Tlio diuin should liuvu a t tt. but- torn und uhould bo from :i to :t^(j ft. deup. A drain of thi-no dlminuionn can bo coit.ttmctud at about thu iiiLinu eoiil uu thu unlitri;ouiuiiL ot tliu diiitu on the north nhlo. laudfi and roudw In tlio Township of HandwJoh Houtb that would lio bonolUUid by tho druln or will unu tho drain an an ontlot for tliolr wators# A lurfja area of land In tlio Towimhtp of Ool- cliontor. North will bo ({trnatly btniollttod by huvhi't th wator rait off. Jt will n I ho bo jno-" vbbid with a moio oltldlont nil tint fi'oin tho An- doniou townlino wont. The work will bo.ot Krnat bonoflt to tho townlino and tho townnblng of Oololioiitor North and Audordon ar bonoitt- tod by Uu improvement. Connoipiontly l havo oburuod nob of thoiui towuiibipu for bonottfc to rnaihi, .^!i(J7 itftaimit tho 'rowtniblp of Cobdiastor North, and *lUi uj-iLhint tlio TowtiMldp of An- dordon for thin bouolit. Ai'ithmt tliu laiidfl lu Oolcbdiitor North ti,at will bu uffootod by drain I. havo olmi'i'nd i'lfiii for bonollt and j-jIOC for An partii of lotn No. M In tho 7th and fttb ooub. of Audordon will bo directly boimllttod by tho drain, I have cliariE'id'^i'm iifjidnnt tlmtu IandB lor nuoli bouolit, vVoooinpaiiylni; are plann and fipnolflcatlnna nhowinjf tho looutioii mid nizo of tho drain, alno , . , n 1 utmoiifiiiuiit uohedulon Hhowui'i the umouut or lainhi and romhi 11- ohur,,,,,! ii;;,ilil(if, rucb lot and pin t of lot and tho ' on (hor.du htiithn?, wwiii'ir- roadn in oaoh of tlio throe towmdnpn that wtll '1.l'orf;l,"!l,.f:r lH,M"n^ ,)lll,1Vt bo utfoctoilby tlHiwork. Tlio drain filiu.il bo kopt In ropair at tho ox- pnnno of all tho 1 mill 11 und voudn lioroiu uhhobboiI and hi tho tiamo relative proportion nil lioroiu unnohfioil unburn uitorutiou'i 1 tlio drulnuiio nyi4- tom ot dm locality rood or a oluui(;u uouoHsary. Jiefii octfully yearn, A. .1. llAtiFOKD. A so Wnr.nj'Aii, tlm uold nounoll hi of opinion thu t tlio dtainui;o of tho it.roan doiicribed in do- nlrablo. Tboroforo, tho nald municipal oouuell of tho nuiil Tnwnnhij) of HiLinlwich Houtb, puriuuintto tlm proybdoLH of thu Dmimie.o Act, ih'Jl, emiota an folluwfi: Int. Tho naid report, plann, fipoclflcatlonu.au- hoiiDiiiiintii ami untiniuton uro lioruby mbmtod and tho dridnni*o work uu thoroin indicated inni not. forth (dmll lio iniLdn and oonntrnotod In miW iintl, Tho Jtoovo of tho mild towunblp may borrow on tho credit of tho corporation of tho fiuid Tawmihip ot Handwioh houtb, cbo uum ot ilfilb, boiu/; the proportion of eoiit luinommd umiiiint liLiidu uml rondo iu tho Towunblp of Handwioh BniUli und may lfiimo doltouturon of tlio eorporation to that amount in iiuuui of not loHii thuii . )(J oucli, and paviddo within llvo yourii from tho dtite tboroof, with inturoHt nt tho ruto of llvo por oontum por milium, that la to nay hi fivo tuiuul -iu'ttultuont'ti, imoli do Lio n- turon to bo piLvaldo ut Jiauk or (Jntmnorco iji Windnor, Thoro aro a miinbor of small culvorto oroKiunn tho towiihue liijtwnfiH~tlTTr7tli and t"Jlti cuii. roadn. WI1011 thu drain in cnluruod tbu'in ul- vurti! will bo of no furttlor nun and 1 roeoiiiinuml thut uil.ot tlmm bo ulon:d up. A tunning a! culyottit will bo n ruilred to bo improved. I havo provided for tlio coot of thin *ork in tlimto oiitinmtuH: My oHtimut(!H of tho cout of tho woi k, inc ItidUiu nil i no id t: oto 1 o.xpom-.on inrouch of the tlii-oo towm.hip.'i uiiocO'ti, iH'-^-i./i:!!. Of Uiiu aiiiount 1 havo cliarK'^l ol,"i7r iiijaiunt the .'frd. J"or payinf; tho 1111111 of $i\Ki, tho umouut ehur/jod u-ijaiuitt tin; Maid laudn aud roadu for beau tit, mid tho no 111 of rr'ilT, tho amount charf'od ucuiuiit tho iiuid liuidi and roudu fur uMtlot liability, apart ironi tho lundn and niailn bolondin;; to ttr eontrollod by the iniiniuipulity, uml for uovorink mtoroitt ihuruou for llvo yearn at tho rato of five per centum pur annum; tho total iipociiil rate over and iibuvo all otitor rate*!, Khali bo imiiohnod, loviod .and culloctoa (111 lUo HiLino uiiLimor and at the iiamo tunu uu otnur tuxon uro loviod und colluotod), upon and fvuin Dm uiidorinontiouod lotu ami partu of lotn, find roadu, und tho amount oi tlm uald total upocial rutun aud iutorottL idiull bo dlvidoii into llvo oqiial partii ami one nucli purtbball bo imuoaiiod, loviod and colluded uh aforotrild in uuuh your for llvo yearn altur tho final piumine, o( thin by- luw, duiuiK whicii tlio t.aid uobontnroii bnvu to run. 11 1(1 U G c --5 L* pt lot 1 e pt 2 w pt 1 w p: 2 lot 1 0 B W (|f ii e <jr 1 w :t 1 e hi 2 w hf *2 .. \ W pt lii,\ (i.k li w pt nL\ e.J ii b| u.l 2 n i 1 ~\ 2 h l-\ :i n e} 3 \vk I H \\\ 2 v\ n \v[ 2 n wi 2 i-i wA 3 L.41 H v\ 2 n e| 2 h el 2 H III L. M 1 n w |- 4 w.i 2 H w j :i H pt C.Jf 1 H Wj- l" H U,[ 1 H pt H i'\ 1 i*ht of way K. A D. it. H. 100 Km 00 00 aoi 2'10 ,'A) 50 l."0 100 100 iiii 21 12 To 2." '25 50 50 loo ?ij 2.1 2.1 eO 100 oO .-"id oil '.)7 Ji 7ii r.o ot) a ^j P K o a > SKI IJO 25 00 HO 1)0 20 00 lo 00 a >, " a .ti i_] * ^'5^i-l ^ S J r- Ol s a. .5 2rl eii HO a- 22 00 25 00 2o 00 11 00 IS 00 l'j 00 12 00 o 00 10 00 M0 00 10 00 21 00 21 00 HO 00 HO 1)0 20 00 17 00 10 00 ih 00 2h 00 H 00 0 (JO it 00 10 50 5 r-o 5 r.o 10 50 10 00 10 00 20 00 10 00 0 00 0 00 10 00 10 00 H CO H Oil 8 (10 8 no H 00 10 00 7 00 it 00 5 00 5 00 :j 00 c v H $12 0 7 ,'] 12 :i 5 (72 o H lii 'i 1 10 2U 50 72 80 10 10 71 IB H8 8H 21 U:i 17 (17 85 H5 50 r)~i o5 08 no 78 78 55 - :ifi 21 21 21 11. 21 18 Oil 1!) (iit fi3 78 02 502 -10 -II) 20 5li 50 27 72 181 HO 12 -10 2:1 10 12 71 08 18 28 88 II 2-1 II Oil ii 17 11 -17 0 nr> 0 '15 ni on 11 55 11 55 51 08 II 55 5 78 5 78 11 55 17 :id '.I 2-1 St 21 'J 21 25 -II !) 21 18 -18 8 00 ;n iu 10 3 10 03 5 78 15 02 "J 111 * ^ t fcM gSS P 1- C 3 HH "18 i) 2-i 11 ao . aft 3W' \H IB s *1 02 a 55' 19 Ui B 78 0 79 1 H5 1 aJ ' 8 'J 1 27 1 27 3 81 2 31 31 10 31 Hi IK ;ji 17 2 10 2 1 1 1.85 8C 80 08 '85 70 1 02 (i 2-1 a ao 1 1G ;i 00 Polish I'or Shirt. ItoMoms ..... Mtlt together one oiuiee. of white wax and two oiinueH oi hperiuaueti ; turn into a clean hluillow pan. When cold break into piuceB about the ni>:u of a ehrjtUtuit aud put iu a box until ret|iiired. When mail- mf^ boiled htareh add a pioau ctf iIuh wax. Heptc-mbor lnniion' Homo Journal. The lapel button h iilliut,' an unpre cedented place in tho oleotiou campaign*". IJithorto it ha a nerved cliielly to adyertiHU tho ponional profeveneu of tho woaror for one or other of tho candidates*. Now tho button ih Iionii* nood iib a fender. It beam inuoriptiouH Homothintr' lilto "I TIavo TroubluH of My Own," "Tell Your IronbUm to a Policeman,"' "I am Homo- whiit of n- liar luyiiolf,1' 4to., Ae., r.ud many othor rjtjiiully utruufjo dcvicoa. Deviled ham loaf may ho nmdo in the lollowinc roauuor: Tuko two nroonfulH of araoUoir ot biroud ornmbi, u rjnnrtoi: of a poaud of dofilod hum, two oapn of milk, rafcinK ft portion fco raoinlum tlio ham. Btir m two oggn, vtdd Hnlt to ta;itfi, put into ft bait0red breadpnu und bake 0110 honv in tk tnoder&fco oven, Srve cold, out in thin licou ftwd gariaiah with ]pflrlty. Bopfcoin- bet Ladieu1 Homt Jomnal. Total on landH...... On municipality tor roatia: 1 lth -on. road, I Oth do '.I'll do nth do 7th do .1. on South Townlino ^r,;\ 00 017 CO- 00 h>l 90 1151 1)0 231 ,03 ' 001 13 132 83 Total on hinda and roadH yi^To 00 Uh. l*'or itayhif' the .sum of SfiTlJ tho uuinunt aHHi'Hfiod u^nlnnttlm Raid roitiln und lundn of too uiunitdpulity, lltlt| f(,r covcrinK intoiout theroon tor iivii youi-H ut tlio rnto of flvo por cuntiini per nriniun, *i ni'cciid into 011 the ilolliir. nulllciont to produco tlm required yuarly amount thero- for, hhull, ovtM* uud ubovo nil otlmr ratoH, b.- lovicd und cnlloutoil tin tho Himm niaimor nud nt tlii.' HiLino tiino uh t.i'.\f!ti uro loviod and nolloot ed), upon und ii-'mi tins w-liolo raluble property in snid 'rowimldp ot Sandwich Honth, iu ouch your for y.?nrn at tor tlm tltiul piuinhih' of thiii by luw, during which tho iiuid dubouturou liavit to run. r.th. Tint A. .1. hulford, li:. J. O'Noil mid .1. fh'oitveu uro Uuridiy uppoiutMl connititisionorn to lot tho on'.itruot for thu hiiiil diaia und-worlei oonut-ctod tbormdtb, by publiu unction or tuu- dor to tho lowont hidflur (not oxooodinc tho oh- tluiute). but every mich contractor, with two Hood und liidiifui'tory unrution, Hindi bo leijuirod forth vrl t-b to oil tor into OoiKbi for tlio duu por* forinunco and oouinluliou of the coutruct, ac cording to nuid pfu.no und niu'eillcationil uml wttbin tho tiino ui'jntlotu'd within mich bond, unlomi otherwise orderotl by tho coui-fll; audit Hindi bi) the duty or nuoh coniiujimlniuir to cautiu nald drain and worko connouLoil therowtth, to bo mudu and rountnictoil in uccordtmoo with mum plann and upomtleutlonii, and to urunt oor- thlcaton to tho Hovo from tiniii to time, to unoli enntrnctor, loon 10 por oimt. of tho amount duo, until tlio contract iu folly oomploted and duly aocoptud. . Cth. Thin by-hvw nlmll bo vnblJuhn<l oueo in ovyy wcoli, for fonif connucuttvo wookn, iu tho KnfloxFroe I'lUnn, now up a por, publiithud in tho TownofKwox itinl nhallaouiu into for*o upon und aftor tbo flnul punidnf; tlioroof, and may lu 32-1100 S181D0!) 83113 80 JOHN MO^NAIIAN, ADIUIIA.M COIiK, L'iorlc. Itocvo, I boroby oui-tify tlmt tho foro-obit- jH u trno copy of a bydmv provinionalH adnptod by to muuiL-ipul ctmnoil of tlio ttidii To win hip nf Umn\. wiidi honth, on tho 15th day of Aiujuut/A. O. ni i,#n w :- JOnN MOYNAHAN, CIovIl of tbo Municipality of Smulwioh Boutli. 3^f6rXC]E3. NOTICE IH HKHKliY GlVlON TIIVP A Court of Hovlsion, ], !,! puvmutut to tho mnviHlomi of tho Dralnaco Aot, J60I for tlm honrtHR aud trial of appoidi inado miabint tho abovo iinf)oHHmout.or any nart ffii of, wilt hold itR llrhtnittinKK at? t SXwu uS hiin.lwioh Hmidi, on Rutiml..y tho 10th day of hoptomhor, lhOfl, ut tho hour of 01m o'olocU fu tbo nttornoon and that .my porcon hitoii HS to appeal tiKaliiBt tbo ubovo'liH,HuHiimont, Aiv part thoroof, mtmt, not later tlian ton <1 iva hi lore tho timo llxod for the hobli,-c1 iVl tfiurf pjorvo on tho Oh-rk of thin munioipallty, u writ ton uothn. of nuch -ippoal, or othorwba. ho will bo too late to bo Hoard in that bolmlr Audtuuiifcr noiiooiu hereby plvon that anv pornonlutetuHunto buyo nnoh fcV-h"w, or &fjy part tborflor, fiuaiihud, nnmt. not lLtiV tlmn .jtaytuiftnr tho ihud punrdnrj tlioroof, raU Tno ioo in writiin! upon the lioove or otbr head ity of fiftiKlwJoh Couth, of bin intnntlou to Saha at -loronto, tlariiui tho nix Wfdko ioxt onau- iuc tho final pAnuing of thin hy-Hw JOHN MOYKAtUN, . . . .: Township Olork.' . filuby Neurly to^u. Binu. My baby wftivory.bad with uaw* mo* oomplttint, und I tlioafjht) hn would dto, until I triod I>c Jfowlor'fi Extmot of Wild Htrftwbo^y. Wltb tho ilttit doso I noticed * change lor thu bottav, and now h ia 0QK<id, aud fc*i and healthy. Mui. A. Kouhin&im, Xiondon, Out. 1 Potato pio may bo toad* by Huiufi plal itinu with O^inBiry.pie.fijrtiBt, uud t'llini- with ran-riiii] poutoos noMonod with a littlo fried onion aba flumtuo* savory^ Pri on n upper omiit. aud.bak* from tW0My to Uiirty Mluulftti, Hor*, hot.-Boptttabir Lftdien' Horn* Joi:ni. /Hi 'I'-'.'.'il ' -1 ". vM W<fl \il"' .0' .^^^