Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 4, 1896, p. 1

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I'C' vfflr* 9ai * >' * T .v'l ^ The i i\ju VOL XII. No 3G. ESSEX, ONT. FJRID'AY, SEPTEMBER 4, 18% WHOLE No. 008 IJ" I'/ l'l h IV ANDERSON & CO.. LEADING STORE OF ESSEX. Wanted ! >OAUDKUK WANTKD-llv tho wnolt. Apply > tdlht'i. H. Wjui'iiniNV, liliiun*. lit, Poundkccpcf's Notice ! Town Council. HpHKIlH H IMI'nUNDKl) IN M\ POPNP, I (ill lot. 'JH *, N T.U., in tlm Town of Jljiuiix, Olid ltoil Hnifcr, aliniit J - v <""i r riM, ulth wluin il[lftf( 1111(1 H |IHtM Olll. Of rlullt OIL)' T)lO HitlllO will lin Mil'l nt l'uliHo Auction oil Huliu<lii\, K(i))loi)il)cr 1'Jlh, lh'.Hl, nt 1 n'cloolc, p in . nt mild I'oiiint.iiiilfli.ii tho iiiinii) hi ropltivlmtil or rtilei'in- u<t TIiOH IRWIN, I'lmniltiijiipir Town of Kii'ii'x, Hupt .in I, lH:ni OUR SunnE Card of Thanks. npiiK i!Nnr,itsHiM;i> wish to oonvky I thi'lr ,ii(i it hnni t Colt thmikii to Urn niiinv hi in I unit !.vni|i.Ltlii/hi^ frloiid'i who U'nin m Kind in dillinii on tin-in uml olli-ibuf then mi Miltunci) (Ini'inii I ho Innc llllii'i. i uf lluiir dniillv Imlovoil ihiilf-htor. I>ulj(ifa)l Juno, itlno lor tlio ninny uctn ol MiidniiMOtlmwn tlititn dm mj; Hum ill'll ILVCllllMlt itlltl lit t]l(l III]] li) III, Mil. mid MJtH. KRUI VHT> L'intKIN. I-UM)\, AllMll'<t, 'Jt'itll, P'X. Letter of Thanks. ? wish to coNvny mymxckuf.tiiamiS J In till) OlIlCWH HIlll Mi'lilhCIII Of UmIiIIIT Tiuil, Nil ; I, K,<> T.M , Kmo-c, lor I lie tjomt Unit- ni't-h ilihI Hynipiitliy (iuuikIoiI to mu ninl inv liumlv in tlm tzii'iit limciivi'ini'iit in Mm I ., i ol in v mii, Will in in ! ', llhilui, 1.0 iiii'liU nly tulion iiom tin, ninl itl -it Jot' LIjii jnoiupt piL)im nt hy clu'ijun of -r-'MJH lii.iit'lii lni'i cni-(illcii11< hold I'V my Mm, W . 1 . Ihclni, }'i lyinj; tlmL tlm uohhi Oliloi n| Mnn'iibii i Iiiilj ntlll pioipol ninl lu iL hli'h'iinj; to iniiiiliitid, I im/iuhi, y jiuu iiinct'Kily, THUS. UU'KSs, Kssov, Anijiiiit, JS'itl. Will be continued through August, during which time Gut Prices will prevail on all Summer * %e Dry Goods, -Shoes, Clothing- Millinery. Dissolution of Paftnefship. Notici; is Hi:itr,ity (iivi:\* t/iat tiii; IHLitnoiithip in iutof')ro o\i'.tui^ liotwi on Altmd Wiilktir find (imdnn J. (,)iin'k, of tim l'(>\vi]-.hip ol CjIi-Ih utoi South I'uunt} i>f !: - hi*\, iia'i tliHdny uoi-n di- nl/i(|,Mt". K'nkK m Liiiidiii; tho o\i'lniii\u Ai;< Hoy for Uin Vi'i U'lifjouoi Wiro 1 ciu:o tor |,',-,i,\ Cnnnty, ukci \<i for tiio Touin.liip-i ol f iohlh-ld North mid Kund uicli Kmtt, fur xvltich Towiihhip4 i\Ir. WhIIlci* Lulu-* thtr-ic^nii'yT"-------- Uiitod nt II li row, thi't nth il iy hi An: n U,l i M . NOTICE. Special Low Figures on Men's Glothing io 0rds?, Summer Underwear, Ladies' Oxford Shoes, Our Fall Importations arc iilrujuly wimmenciii'!; to arrive aud room must be made for i,hem, even at a sacrifice. Sii**-' TOWN OF ESSEK- 4 (KU'ltT OF KKVIKION i'OU THIC UlJAlt /V i/i;: and ti ml of Appt nhi u[;ilih-.i tho I'Vont- n,:'Mi'ithiiii nioiin o> jmv purt, o| l!\-Ijii\" No .'1^, Uf the Iil>iij;^ do .Vll id a fciui foil I'lit.; I'luiil. Hidi'WiH;, un tho rwi ,t i i<|m ot Mrn1 i A-.oiiU.i, hoiii tlii* b W uoninr of Lot .N, IMun _ J'., to tlio N W C'jriti'f of Lot l, (, J'Iilii -J,',', ^ i,l bo held ii' tho To vii Hull, nt. s o'ulocK, o m , (.n Tuesday, the 15th day of Sept., 1896. A .Sfjhi-iHilc) uf stud lot-, imi: h:; set u iu (n Oftluo. JOHN WAI/riWlS. Oh rW; Oflko, 'io Mil i :1 I.'nf \, Koj-t 2'id., P'lb. Ditching ! III'iW.IC NO Tier. IH MKUKtY (ilVI.N I th U tllO llllili'l'ni mod Will ,,11 hy l'lihliu ViK'tion, on Tuesday, September 8th, I"1*, tit On, !win of ' o'..( , K, p in , l!i Gleaning Out ot The Seynxwn Drain, Id t ho'l'uw in hip ol MnidiUini'. H-iIf to UiK pin i on fin Million It ol i, in Un (i niiD oi ti . ;,-d Ooti". on , Oo nt nil tin tn i i\o i . o ,;ood i . mi .i j id ii.. o. I'lini i i iu h. u lii nl in j Olll. i 1J un tm I'.lo k, 1- ,i JAAIIHS S. LAIRD, 1. I ..Suit '.V.l-lr, rulllMlIt ,1011(11. Notice to Creditors. In Uic matter of William If.irt, ol the I ow n L:i:n.\, ,MLri_llinil. V*i ici; 11 arm i:v i.u i:n 'i ii -. v tiii, 1- ' .'l.lj.l lllLllM-'l \Wlll lltl Hilt |[ I , I 1 |, HI, 1 I I II M t IO II. 11 ] i 1 T IO p) Ol (Itl '((11 I' I I'M *- O Ii r.iuxl un i *idin ii! , I Ik Mlii, ill .ill ll h ( I 11' It J.. 11 (.11 111 I " I II I till 1,, 11, III ot I 1 'ii ilitnr V ' o i ;iii'i ot thn ci in lit in i nt tin wud W nl in iti II i tiilniidn' eonv u> d md \.U1 1.. 0 i],| ,a tin i ... i Mi-1 (.1 I', ', 'A i iti.i*r, in tli '1 o mi tit ].. '. -, m in. i nun j ui 11 k i \ mi tin 11 m, ill i m'i -Li, nj -< | In,nl,, r, 1".) i nt 1" , ' 1., k m [] ini... ui, l'N Oif uiipiniiroit nt Di ihipttiiiji i!in i m i] iliu-i ti.jij i v.jt.i iul -icii,,,- ti ! h- ( >P" , ;l (I I lin Mild L- It it" 'M ei mom ol tin- dm I Willium l!ut . io 'il" I. i|iMi..<l In ll-. tn. ir lI liu \ U| i ,i,, pi'ip ! I, \, i in. ,1 ii . direct(.ii |,\ in ' -.: iini . III I lit helii.ll, on or in"fiiit> tliti dli\ Olsllili nii "'.ii -, ui ti i w 1 i.'h 1 -ii ill prijj ( I tn di 11 1 I t" Oil] h'i'd I ,t III , Mll\ IN I refill 1 i)lll\ to r II id 1 I 1'L.llln l , I 1 all liiLM )|.III. " I !, ,i[jd I ' l I l i 1 J- n i D-i lh i- [in tl i ,i , , t i id tin M'.hl id. . , " "- r l . p i t l l i. i !, i j ,,.\ , .n ,, (M i , , I|-(J U il M' I 1 III 111 Ui Ll.UII.11 1,11 ill 11CI I . , n Im 'l lj|ed .1 i ill' ' i -ll 1 OKOKOi: A l ML h< Ii, ;.i ."..ui ' II ' \ On! Dutt'dittK > il 1,1 'ii. Js solicited. It, wJl Imvo pvompt attontion. BI3&T GOODS JLOWKHT I'HICKS : BARGAINS: AT. > |m iijj.i' w Crockery Department Well Assorted. a M # f 4_7 * Ono Price for all. -All Goods markod in pluin fignros, Your Money Back if you want it. FORSYTHMKON & CO., 'Leading Store of Essex. Must to Cleared Out in Four Weeks; $250 150 50 125 35 25 20 15 ftfumlollu, --- .. 6 <;uunru. Viollnit, ot., mid u number ofMocoiid-hnnd |iInchliii>H At a Bargain.<&~~ h. n. PAUL, Solo ilnont for Karn Platioa, JCarn OniiLiit), fiiuu- ef Bowing Miiahlnun, uto. Hffll'AIIllMO NBATLY U0NI3. . J 1 I<:VHliM ll'iuilo, new, - I ICvuiin i'luiio, nearly now, 1 Kuril IMimo-eiiMO Or^im, trooci un now, I'lioiio^friipii, Hourly imiv, oiuHl i-oniplnt4!t Now StniMliirri ScwliiiS (TIii- liliic, IKotnry, Nuiv siiimiurtl s\i iif^r tfKu- <tllii0, SllUIIlo, fi-ilruivi'r Now \V11lluiiiu> \v in IS MachiiH*, iicnrly new, OHCillssia^: S*s!iscr Tucmluy, Scptiunlxir Ififc, Ootim-i! met ut H ]>, m. Proiiont, Kopvc fjninl, in thn ehiiir, Dcpufcy- Itot'vo -"Mi'Don^iill, Cotiiicillnrn .). A- riicliB, ,T. A. L!os(\ IiuM.nVliitnoy, fV. I!. Heott. (\. K, l-'oniythc, [\h; PoKh ninl A. Jiiiimjti. MinutoH of provioii'i mooting avovo l'oud and, on moiinn, adoptod. A comiainiiratinii wnu roud froin 1 >r, P. A, Uownr, lT'ii^ninp; tho oilu-o of Mayor of tho town to taUt* oft'uet at any limo fho council may hoo fit. Somo dini'usHinn took piano on tlio oniiiinuiiiciition aft or wliieli it wuh moved hy .T. A. IliekH nnd (I. I). Vov- ftythi!, that tho coiiiiminiration ho laid on table till m xt wcolc. - Clairioi], Tlio following opinion was read from J. II. Oiirtw ri^'ht, I >eimty-Attornoy- (ieiiorul, Toronto ~- "in reply to yours of tho 11th hist, iiddri'HHod to tho AHonio\-(ioneni1, I hog to May that, it uouhl Hoom tho hy-law cimio info furrc on tho M nt' .May, HHI." i). A. Hicks \vnn Htili of opinion that tho Local Option hy law n-fin-rod to hud not boon in foroo. Mr. Forsythe contended that the by law had boon in I'oreo hut not onforeud*. Purine f ho time miieo IS'M, tlio hotols wvrv only '-oiling under permits. On motion of Messrs, 11 id; 4 and TottH, the eDinmunicutioii awis tiled, Tho aw aid of the arbiti atoch appoint ed to oonsidor the application uf (loo. Thornton to Imvo his property taken into the Union School Hcelion "\\iiH road. Tin- expensesrd" tlie urbitration amount ed to svjr.Ui of winch the Town uf l'\se.pu#\ ^ L' l!in-:>fJi)i)tliH, the towunhip of hob. field North H-^iil)OlliH itnd tho towni-hip of Oolehehter Xorth 102-^*JOI>11ih. (JoiiHidci'ubh) disciuiriion took plaeo on tho matter, tho opinion of this meni- lioisbein^ that it -\\u^ not ri^'Ut that tho town fdiouhl pay the bulk of tho oxpeiiHcs when the man \v1iom landh A'/crt brought in received the lienelit. It will take three yens for flic t-iwn to ^ef land wlmt tliey now pay for expense^ of tin-arbitration. J. Ii. .Mc['wiui, the town'h m bitrator, haid ^\lr. Alaxwell u\is atnhority on Mich luatters and lie wus olie o) thoar- nit 'atojN. K. A. Wi-uner. Hcor-'lary of tho llii^h hi'huol Iloa-d wiote that the board would require -l,onii from the town for sehoi .1 purposes, 'Ilic 1 ineiire Committee pri n.isi d to have the estimates in hy ne\t meeting ot the council. The Kci \i, hiiid the rate would ha\ o to 1 'i- st ii i el. lit fore t he 1 si of ih-tolii i , A petition wits read, signed b\- \V. II. Ihiwlin- and Allies [{, .MeOee, asking to have a ditch du^ opposite their place > Uulei red to Commi-i.siuner ol Ward 1 to 11 port on at next meeting, A pet il ion, Mj/ned hy (leo. Ch imla i h and i- e_j lit oLlu r lLsnleiit^ ot I ruin ,i\ u- niie, \^uh rejul reipii'stin^ "uimeil to liu\d sidewalk laid on that a\euiir from lot <i, pi in y!i*, (u uust side ot Arthui a\ onuc. w or]; to be done un del fi outn-jfe system The ltee\e understood tliat theparties had built the lidennll. ashed for except that in float ol two \ae;mt lots. dohn Wintley Haiti the only part of the walk yet to be laid ^ir in front of his lot aud iwo lots owned hy Mr. l"iehU.. lie would lay bin .ls ah the other was put down. As ihe loth were vacant, Mr. Fields would not put duw a the walkh. Mr. .Mel )ou;.odl ^a\o noiice. that at tho next meetin;.' he would introduce u h\-law to m*aiii re' of petitioners. J. M. Hick,- entered and look hiu 1 eat at council boai d. The following aueoimtb were referred to the Finance Committee: A. Wad- din-ton, .salaiy lui August, ,- ]Dilse, ditchin-, -:>\ ~M. C. th, tiekut fui indigent, (i.'i cents; \\\ Lain*:, eleelrie li^lit for August. ??:i;j.;M; Win. Keown, liuuliux dirt oil* nt root, ^l.y.~>; j>ay Hhuot for work ut waterworks^ yi^.'.Ti; ,J, (iourhiy A- Sons, uccnint, ^17,10; \V. lb bioanmn, preiuiuin for inauranco on i'uii- buildiu^H, ,^iU>; JJ. I J. Lubar, iron work for waterworks, $:2.l0; Jjiiiujf liroH., lumber, yKi.iti); W. il. (iulliuffor, puiupiii^ tor l-l uiglitH, .^17. IU. Mr. ^ItiJ^ougull reported verhally uu the mattor of putting hi pipe to supply wator for atock iu f^roimdH at coming fair. Tho coat for pipe would ho fttiH, the difltnuce boinj,' :1T5 foot, while il tank could ho mnrto for yia. Tho pipo to tho grouuds in only nn half-inch and Dr. Briou also o;otfi wator from it. lie had uIbo monsurod tho walk nlouf* flklo of Abordoen on which Mr. Milieu claimed n robato and found' tho length to 1)0 1*30 foot. Mr. Scott Bftid thoro wns a tank at Mr. Nnylor'H mill that might bo procured. Mr. Hioks Raid that tank had boon purohneodby somo ono oIho. Movod by Mr. ItainoH, Hocoudod by Dr. IPottH, that tho Poputy-Jtoovo bo iiiHtruotod to place a SO-bawol tnuk on tho faiK grotinda tm riVpioatod by the I^air Board, Oni-riod. An account of $n wan road from ,1. J. Itenaud, for damugon to lmtfgy oaimed hy had eondition of atrootH. Tlio Kiuunco Oomutittoo rooommond- payiuout of ucconnts of Luiiu,' Hi-oh., W, Ii. ("Jullinger, Wutorwoi-ka pay nhoet, ,L H.^Gourlay it Hon, A. Wad- dington, M.'C.K,, Win, Laing, Wm, ICeown nnd W. J). Iloamau. On motion of J. A. lliekfi and A. ItainoH, tho roport wan mloptod. Tho Jicevo culled attention to the ntute of tho Hidownlkd near Jlr. Pole ' nnd Mr. WilkiiiHoir.'i, Mr. Whitney thought aomotliing nhouhl bo dono about latter fudowuik. J. A, Hicks wanted to know if it was ho that by a two-thirda vote that people could be compelled to build sidewalks in front of their properties. Mr. Fors-ythe mud it undoubtedly waa HO. Mr. MoUougall .said ,7. If. Wigle wanted u Hidowulk put down no that he could cross from bin place. Tho .Public School Truateos presented theii demand for hvn;, amounting to & ,*J(H. .John Laing said that exceeded hint year's demand by >;K1U. The beard purposed putting in new furnuces which would cost that much. John Hopgood, ono of the trustees, uddrehsed tho ccuneil about tho trouble over tho water, lie understood that a basis of settlement bad been arrived at hut finds that it has not, The board were willing to pay >'S> pur year for tho water. Mr. Foray tlio said he hud a recollec tion of moving absolution in tho cniin- cil that the town accept half of the present rate from tho hoard, which would mean about tfUT.AO that it would cost tho Hoard. .1, A. Hicks suid tho Wutoiworks hud its rights an well us the school board. Ho was talking with dohn Laing Unit morning and suggested tlmtthe council amend the hy-law and fix the .Hoard's rate at .<">() per year. Mi. Hopgood -aid the Hoard could ^et a man to put duwn a well for .<>(!, water or no pay. After homo further discussion, .), A. Kicks moved that the Hoard be made an offer of . >")(> per year. Mr. Fnrt.j the said that could not be donu without a notice to amend the by-law, On turning up the was found thai a resolution was passed on .Itine'Jnd, oH'cniig tlit water at halt the present rate. Mr. (lormley Haiti he was placed iu a peculiar position. The by-law says he shall collect at the rate of ,;~> cents per average sehol u and he rrnvcr-h-.o any instructloiih to aeeept any other sum. The matter was then allow ed to drop. J)r. Potts' by-law regulating the pay ment ot taxes was introduced and read a first time. Mo\od b\ Messis. 1'ofts and -I M. I Licks,that the by-law he lead a second time. Mi. Forsythe said the by-law could not he read a second time the same night only by u two-thiriL majority of the council. ! ') . Polls said the parliamentary rule for dealing with \t\ -laus w a > to read it the lirst time without comment, then go into committee for second reading, when the b\ -law is discussed and blanks tilled. The third reading is also with out il iseii'.ston The moiion u as hist. U,v law .No. 'M\ lor raising -Mi. li.foi Imihliiiga foni-foot sidewalk on east side of Hrien avenue was intioducod and read a lirst time. .Messrs..). A, Hicks and- MoDougall moved the second reading which was earned. Hy-law was read and mint of revision wet for Tuesday evening, Sep tember l.ith. Hrainugo by-law No. ti-ls for a pint of the toun was road, aud provi sionally adopted and com I of le vision set for Monday, September 2Nth, at H p. ui. Thus. Irwin wanted to know what tho council purposed doing about con structing that drain. The Hoove suid it Boomed us though the drain would have to ho carried out according to tho plans adopted. -T. A. llicks thought tho council should pay Mr. Naylor for culvert that thoy told him to put in. The Koovo said they would have to rescind tho resolution passed at the former mooting. Essox served GoHllold North and Maidstone with tho plana which tlioy udoptod. If Mr. Irwin wants to compel tlio town to go accord ing to the planH he could do eo. Tho Hoove wanted to know what tho council wore going to do about tho race track. ,!. A. Ilioks thought tho race men ought to io tho work thomKolvoH. Tho town Uau enough to do to koep up foneoB, windowH, ota., at tho park. The lUovo said Homo of tho aidowalks on the Main stroofc should bo ilxed up boforo the fair. He thought tliecommis- nionors for the ditloront wurdu should have the bud places fhed. Mr. MclJougall thought they should pass a by-law compelling people owning corner lots to build their own walks. Mr. Fornyihe wanted fo know-if the bond in the Local Option mutter had been found. Tho Cleric said ho hud looked For the bond but could not find it. Ife under stood it hud Loon sent to tho solicitor.*! in Toronto, .1. A. Hicks said a resolution conhl be found on the minutes that the conn oil would not bo responsible for amount over * 100. Mr. Forsythe said Mr. Naylor claim ed that he and Mr, Wigle were only re sponsible for eostsoyer S'jon. Ilecoiihl not see how the council weiv going to get out of paying the lull. Tf the town is only responsible for SlUM, Messrs. Naylor and Wiglo should bo hilled for the balance. Tho Keeve said it InoLu a good ileal John CJglo, podtmautor, of Goldumitb, orin of tho oMenl nnd ruont nntoomutl roni- (Iriiti of Mommi fcowmihip, died on Batnr- dny monniiK, and was lairiod ou Hunday. MrH. (',, hiruHie iu noriously ill. Pliilip Lpfebvre und Mum liutlor wore marriud hum on Ttieuday bint. liov. Father Menienunl N. Z. MnuiuctlU atifjintoii thii (J. M. U. A. firand Conven- tiMn in Olluwii hint week. iMH.criKOsK'^lt NOU'I'lfM. Thofi. Uoaiinlly diul nt Ins homo ufc N( w Camian yenterUy (TharHihiy) morn- iii^', Htjed iU years. His surviving etiikb run urn Thcmuii, .lolm, Mr. .John HuUon, Mr-i. iInriKM Totustn^'iui and Mrs, Quiok, of Colchester North, nnd Mm. K-Jumau, of Mn:li:jaii. Thu ftinmal will bo to Mc- (rr.'^or it. (_!. church J j-epli LiveiuTJod, i/iif of the oldest rcsi- d'ut+oi iMalliin, died on Saturday nijjht Mrt. Livergoou w also dangcrounly ill and it HUHU..1 us though hlie would die boforo Uul- butdmrai. Mr. Liver^ocd Iciwou ono son, (.ieoi'Me, who liv*s in thin towmdiip. Ti u finu-iiLl took place on Mond'iy after noon io Lii'j Pri-sl yti nan eimrch at Am. lu.-'Stbin-^, thence tn the Amherntburt* c 'iiitiiurv 1 ist, <i.;ed alioiit i\r, venr-*. Dt.eeunid had uh though thotow iiu-ii'i furiiihlting fund-, i heun m j uor huUth for Home Lime past, for one section to tight another section. .1. M. Hicks belioved the town should tight for tin ir own by-law. .1. A. Ifieks thought the bond furnish ed should be in keeping with the motion passed by council. The Clerk said Mr. Wismer told him tho bond was gi\eu to save the town if the by-law was not .sustained. Tho Kee\o wanted to know it tho >r'JH(J account was to be paid without being taxed, Mr. Forsythe said if the town wero- to pay only -pin and the temperance peoole the rest, the hitter should sou about the bill being taxed, Tho matter was then ullo.vcd h-drop. The Heeve said there was u piece of the sidewalk coming up from ('bus. Illinium's tlmt should be rebuilt, -I. A. Kicks said the town would haw- to pay three-fifths uf ihe cost of it as if was hi front of a corner lot. Mr. -McHougall considered that another evidence that theby-hiu should la: amended, He, gaw notice of motion to amend the by-law. Council then adjouni"d. Public School Trustees. IMrnnlny, An;,nit .ilM. A iipceiiil meeting of the liimid wits held nt H p. m., Mi"nrs Hiumun, biiing I lo]t!;ci()d, W'y in oi mid II U1-' i II Ik im; pr. h e:ii On moiion, Mr. Hi umaii wvi up pui uti <i chit in nan. M-. 'J'ei lith , ri j v< sentutiye of Cuj p Hi oh., nuttHi!'i,tiin rii ot turuRCM's, exhibited a ninili ] of U i-it tor mice. A Iettt r .van fn i r, t d fium ^1) <* Kiln Shaw, ma-. pUm' the riii- of '."> \ < r \ uir m In I s lin*v Ar-t.oioif i \\i if 11 .ul trnm M. J'. .Jonii, putinij.'n ^hi-'i, ;tu c'-i. , W. J). lb mu un, msuniii'." lor thrn yi ur->, ^P.l.e'i, bcito of which -w re 01 liri.l p'od, V notict uf th. nmouiif nl the I.c;^ dutivi (Irani iipportioiud from (Ii.L-iiiMi-i Noith *vi, ii'iidamt tiled. iMisir". Hop.'nod nnd hiLiii^ were uppninteJ a eommiiti c to w u' on tho Town Council to n h I iui.uin,i meiith aboip, tlif WL'er rite-. Tin n>',\ >niK t.Htiiiia'tt, wire Hubmiltid: Sahiru , rl.!l.jO ; ttiel, --JOO , wuti r, r^'< , | mitoi. tP2-"j , Haniturv woik, ftl."i , tan phr.s, S.".(i eoutiiijjLiicie-,, gllJl) ; funeien!, $'.vy, , in Hiirauue, s;o ; total, v'J,!K)(). On iinitum, Hoard a IjiHiuied till .SepU-inb' r 1m. Tuesday, Sept. 1st. At the adjourned mo.tin^ all the nu'in- hers Wfi'i prenent. iMessirs. Hopgood and Lain;; reported that M.e town conned wanted thn Hoard to p:i_\ a water rate of Tf.'iO piT yur. On motion of Mi'mrH.LaniL,' and Itli'iudl, Air. Ilopgoud Win uppointid co hoc i\Lr. Oukey and have ium put down a well on the uhool proiuul. Moved by ^Iensrs Kmeiull and Lain^, th:ifc we aeeept tii( oiler of Oopp Kros., per .Mr. Tisdale, art per tender, for furuuofs.--Carried. The Hoard than adjourned. ltIMO>l S'JT,VTlO.\. 'Llm fiench nocial given m tho Method lit e niroh hen1 on 'J net-day t vouing wtifl a most rtiif-oehnfiiPuif nr. Theru wiui a lurf;0 -aUunduueo nnd ever\thing paHatid off in a phiiumit and MtLi-,ffietory inanuer. Kuv. .Mr. AyrcH. v/un eliairtnun and thu program w.ik opeiiuct by an itddrc.-,s by him. The ehnieb elioir f^ave tliruu Fohctious which wuiu well received ; Idnm Tliornp-oji j/avo an iuturt-itiio{ readin;; ; Win. KuitiUr iiang a solo , Mtn. I.uhty ahd Mihh Li/.vdo Km,iter rendered a duet, an did alao the AyrcH.and Ida Hurclnel, il six-year- old child, utiru in htieh a^ niuener as to elicit much apflauhe from the autli- unco. (itorLjn Leid:, m a fuw reuiarkH, iiuuoiiuclU tlmt the recupts amounted to <;knto. wheolH at ftlcGiegor. II. Hpininnj; lMunmiur. Kuv. J. H. Kennedy, of Kurwood, wilj pruacli in tho churches ie GeHto Metho- chut ononit ou Sunday noxt. Kcovo Barrett aud wife will luavo the first jiart of noxl wook on a viait to Mr. 13.'h old home near Bowtnanville. Thoy will uIho idfcnnd the Industrial Fait on their way down. r<)L(:iu<;s'n-,i( soi in, J. A. Struiih mtemhi budding u.'biiuk bloi.k in Harrow opp-jyite T. It. riuod'd S e^e. Wm. luwnrt and Flank Greon, the Cjlclnstor nhi;t>p thicvcH iyi.|(j t-cnt down foi 111ti 1 Werbij-'iny morning. .Samuel iliv.henu.ux-Diputy Kcuvx of the t nvnsh'p, diid ut hit honi'-at ColeheHter on Thnihdity of liit.L wli Ii tied *vii'i burii-d on Saturday morning. Mr, Ifui'lison wua oni! o'" the bent known un n in the township leiving ci'iinii' ti d a gin-t, miiltHiw mdl nuar II i) row for yttirn. Jb- win ahout .jl y < i :i >f itge. 1'iLU. Coi-Ii' died oti ."\Iondny at tho of bii non-in hi\.*, Aitbur Plunger, af:er hevend wi ( I;h' dim -, aged 7b years, 1> iv"v.dW'tiiit one lime Pootma-Uer at lUnow. J'or ihj pusr few ycai.-j he lum 4|unt biH tiun i'.t tho humus of bin daugh ter^, Mrn Arthur Mlinger, Mrs. Juniei II .Kt' sd, alr-i. 'I hoaus H oh-y and Mrs. Win. iMilmt-i, Another daughter, Mro. ^Iuiiu, uial at, llaidstoue Ciurs two years ago. J'he runeral took place to Amhoiat- btirg (Jt-nietfi\v on Ttii-'day. Aiiotln-i cuttle thief from Colchuitcr Sjtith hiin b-1 n captured, Detective (J'unp'in, i>f Winds .r, Inivuig locab d.bimeii T.tyior, jr , ci 1 led, in Dotroit, on Fiiday hit. 'Ptijlu-ni eiiai-ged with taking, ou tin nub! of July Hili, a heifer from Jits. Grain- and a su-< r from Mrn, Atkum, both ot Mi Hen. The animals \w-i-" secured at the idnunl h:h of a hiitclitir named doai-ph Uiohard, oT alaldun, betoie being hlau^ht- orod. 'L'aylor disappeared but was traced to Detroit, where u. watch h.m been 'Itopti for him. This loakcn upven cuttlo and sheep thieves who will appear tit the uh- tii'/AM next wti k. Mr, Feethum, of Hone\:, will proauh in tho Bnptiat ohuroh ou Bnudny next. Mrs. MoAfeo'a brother, Hugh Wabator, and his family, ara visiting hor while* on thoir way back from tho WoBt IudioH, Mm, H, Millon's siator, from Ht.ThomaH, in viBiting hor. ----* -'t+H-*------------ \/, \ u OL.INOA. Wm. Boylo, of Arnor, vinited hero last week. Mjqb J*o(irl Wijjlo, of Detroit, in tho guoHt ol hor unole, J, H. Btawart, John C, Fox, for a uumbor of .youra pofUmuutor' at Oliuda,- died on Woclnooday niEhtof Inafc wocld Tho funotal took plaoo on Friday afc 2 o'oloolt". k B^ooaHod wuh 89 yoarnof age. Niao more daye dud tho ddoeaflod would have boou Ida 00th birthday. I kA ^y v.. i: KINCHVILIili:. Tho VV. 0. T. IT, have about 75 votorfl' signatureu so far to tlio local option uot. Peter Bauforrt fell out of a peach troo ou Thursday of hat week and broke hio log. Mihh MuUgo Canliold has gouo to1 Tor. roll, Texas, where alio has aeourod tho poaition of inntraator in oloontion m a liiL|h school. Thon. Drako has movod to Donvor, (Jol. Previous to bio departure tlio JMotnbors of Conoord Lodgo, I. O. 0. P., and tlm D. of II. tendered him a faro wall auppor. The followmc ia tho roault of tho lawn tonnio taurnamont whioh waa couoludod at tho MottawiiH Rroundo Saturday oyeu- ing : Doubloq, lHfc prixo, Dr. P. D. White and Dr. MoKoussw. BingloH, lafc jtrlzo, John Sweonoy, of DotroU; nooond( Oharles' KuiK, of KincHvillo. Single conaolation pnzo, Gu. C, Kiny, ThoH. J. Salmoni, for many yoars past in tho employ of J. 3D. Btork. of Amherat*' burn, baa opouod out in the Krooory 8fcore conduotod by tho late W, H. NTfllon. Mr. ^almoni'BoiTot.far tho Bfcook wan 7fi 0ojiIb on the . Mr. Salmoal haa had oouBidev ablo oxporionoo iu the grocery biwinwa ftnd ,' A& ia hiKbly oateomod m his native town H^ ' ^r$ Is worthy of the. oonfldonoa of ihe' pL&iv ' m ol Khwrllle and will,' no donbft, '*$? 'M ;'J ' M .i i. '..' ' yiiitM % i | - I 'iwsk g^fe^^^^^^^^S

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