Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 28, 1896, p. 8

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k$K R ViV V -. tf hk- !- 5j*l, ife' ' by, ft1'."'1 Kh."' i tf/i'-y, jg;.' i ti E" EJ*' ( P&' *' " BJSE-i^^ i > H3T4^ Bv getting- a Summer Coat ^: -----------.....*-" and Vest at the Cut Prices I will give untUStook_ia cleared out. Summer Coats, Regular Price, $2.50, Now, $1,98 Summer Vests,-^ Regular Price $200, Now, $1.49 1.25 ' .87 1.00, ' .72 CASHMERE HALF HOSE Roducod from 50c. to 30c. per pair. I have a limited quantity of those Goods and. will be unable to duplicate them at .these figures. By=Law No. TOWNSHIP OF MAIDSTONE. i *L #" #- Gall and secure some of these Bargains at D.J "Whitney's, HATTER AND FKEMSEER. That happy Feeling ABy-LAWto provide for druinago work in tlio TowiiHbip of Maldutono, intho County of Kuuux, and for borrowing on tho credit of tho inunlolpillity tho Hum of Ono Thoumud Nino Hundred and Pourtoon DolInrH mid Seventy- flVO CoiltH, rrovlHlotmliy nrtoploil tlm U'Jiul day of AiiKiint, A.D. IHUil. WiniiiHAH, it majority In mimhur of tint rofi1- (hint unci Hon-nmWlonfc owntmi (oxolwilvo of furmorH1 no tin not uotniil ownnriO ait nhown by tin1 laiit rovlaoil luiimwimont roll, of tho property liorolimftor not forth, to bo linmxUtoil by flriiinuiif) work, havo notlUotiod tlio uouncll of tlioi TowuHliln of Mahliilono, praying thut It would clri\intiii(lnr tint proviiiimni or tho Drain- ii):o Act. tlm followlnclnmlH: T-oUNofi. iW" and 2t(7, north purtii, N T K; tlio wont partn of lots Koh. lii and US, In 7th non.; lot 7, ijmith port, H M K; <!, Month ipinrlnr, H M It; li, north hulf noutli half, H M li; (1, north-omit oluhtli, H M H, uiul lot No, a-l. In tho Hth con. Ainu loin Non. 7, U,!(. 10 ami li, iioutli of tho MhUllo llorul, in mild Tmvnnlilpof Maldntono. Awn Whkiikah, thormipnn tho nald cnunoll hfiii procured an examination to ho mndo by .fuinoii H. Ijulril, Knq., Iminy a miruon uoiripot- ont for iiuoh niirpono, of tlio iialu iiroit propound to ho drained mid tho moatm iinijnoiitou for tlio dmimig'j thornnf, ant] ofothur lanihi und roiulu liublo to ruiimmummt inidor thin Act, and Imu utno promirod piano, npoflfflcatlouu mid ontlni- ntnii nf lint ilrAiiiufto work to ho mndo hy tlio Hdlil Jiiiififl f). Laird, and an iiniifiiiiimmit to ho miulo by lihn of tho lumln and roudn to bo hmi- oilttud hy ruidh (trulmtfin work ami of oilior lfimhi and roadit lluhhi for contribution thoroto, iitiitfnK, mi nearly an ho can, tho nrnporiiou cf hniinllt, outlet liability and Injuring Uiihility, liin opinion, will bo ilorivculor lucurrod In uiiUKCjqufiiioo of minh (!riiitin.j;n work, by ovory roud and lot, or portion of lot, thu imid iiimniin- innnt no miulo bolnc tlmiiiiuotiuiiiAnt linvolnaftnr by thin by- law onaotod to ho ainmaed iiiul lovlod upon tlioroadH und lotn.or purtn of lotn, horo- inuftorin thut bobalf onpocially not forth and dnscribml, and tlm roport of tho iifiid Jamcn H; IjiUrd in ruitnoct tboi-uof aud of tho unld draln- a[(o worlc bojn/j iui follown: To tho Jlnoyo, Doputy-Koovo unit Municipal' Councillor!! of tho Tnwniihlp of Muidntouo, in council nuuomblod; (li'.NTM'.MKN, In uccordauoti with inntruc- tioim from your huimmulo body, 1 Ihlvo takim ho twe potltionn, ono nlj.'nod by Arthur WiUion, Kno.., ar.d rithorfi, and tlm other nintiod hy E. li. Wiimior, Knq., and othoin, and Imvoluid out tho diKln no un to fin it both potitioini.aud buic to ro port tlmronn un followii;-[u uxiLiululni; tin* loonl- ity doncribuil in tlio 11 rht mfjiitionnd potltion, I ilnd tliat tho HtU con. roud tuid p.irt oftlio Ma)- don roud und Lho luudn adjoining tlmm aro voi*y poorly drainod, and will havu to obtain a hot ter outlut than thoy havo at prt'iiont, in uoino dlroction or another. On tho lino of ditch ankod for in thu uocoiid potltiou tho luudn adjoining aro vory much in uoud of drainu^o, I would thoroforo rouomniuiid that a ditch bti coiiHtruct- od in accordiiucti with tho auuoxcd proillon and iipiiciiAcutioim from tho ditch on tho noutli eido of tho road. In roar of tho Talbot road lotn north nlonii tho anb Hldo Of tlm (1th omi. road to tho ditch on tlio south Hldo of thu Maid on road, tlionoo oitut to thu uldci mad lmtwo*>i lAtu 0 and 7, tliono.) north ou the wont nldn of tho uuld uldo road to thu co tit to lino of tho lotu no nth of tho Mlridla road, thiinco tiaut along tlio uuld oiuitro lino to tint Ulviir Tuaii. Alnoiutitoh on tlnilltui hotwnwi lotu K and ft from thu MuhUin road tn tbu hilM oontro lino, tlionoo mint to tho A lion nldoroud. I flirt that tlm nald dlloh will oont.nll oxpoim.*! inoludod, ^I.UIK.OO. Of thin amount, I havo taxed tlio Tnwni'hip of Maiilutouo for bnnoflt to wiailn, with tiUWXI. Tho romulnluK Sl.tlH.7B, I havo aiiiioiiund iLKitlimb tho lotu und txirtu (if lotu tlutt will In any way bo ai/ato'l by nald ditohim. I hav.i aiuinnmtd Uioni for bonoflt with 41,i:ii|.7n, and for outlofc with ^I7fl00. Thin drain uliu.ll ho kopfc in repair by a tax ou tlm landB and roudn now nuiioimod. I havo tha honor to bo, lEentlomoii, Your ohndlflut iiervrint, JAMKH H. IjAIItD, V tt.H. auol 0, W. IShmox, July lOHi.lttMl. And Wukhhaii, tho nald couuoil In of opinion that tho rtrluui(o of thu aroaa dencribod lit do- ulrahlo. Thomroro. tho nald municipal cnunoll of tlio nald Townnliip nf Maldntone, inirmumt to tho. prnvliilonn of tho Dniiuu(i Ant, Ibtli, onaotn itn tollown: Int. Tlio ttnid roport, plauu, iiniiiunouLii aud ontlmatoii ate hereby adoptnd and tho drainuiio work un horoin ludlcatod and not forth nhall bo miulo and (lonetritoted In ao- oordunoe therewith. Und. Tho Hoove of nald towuuhln may borrow na tho orodit of corporution of nald Townnhip of Maldntono, tho iiutn of H'\,QU.1f>, bolnr' tlio nuitmnt uoutlfiil for oonittruothifi tho nald drain, ami may Immo drdjontureu of tint corporation to that amount in fiiuuu of not loun than ,r>o ouch, mid payablo within ton jearn from the date tharoof,wltb Iiitorout nt tho rato of ulx, porcont- uiu per ununiu, that In to nay in ton nqual in- ntuhuantH, nuoh dobitnturou to bo puyublo at tho lm]>orial Hunk at tho Town of Kmiox, and to havo attached to thom couponu for the pay ment of intaront. :ird. Tor paying tho nuni of Sl.lHO.fiO, tlio uninunt aburued uKulnnt the mild latnlii and roudn for bonoflt, and tli* mini of 817H (X), thu aninutit ohnrtfud acalunt the uuid landn and roiulu for outlet liability, and tho mini of ,? tho amount ohuri/od a;mlnnt tho imid laudit and roadfi for injuring liability, apart from the laudu and rondo boloiik'hioj to or controlled by tlio miinioipulity, ami for covering luteront thoreon for ton yuarn at tho rato of nix per oontum pur annum; tho total npociiil rato, ovur aud above all other raton, nfiall ho aiuoniied; levied and colloctod (in the uuino nuiuuor and at tho iiauio time an other taxen %tu lovicd aud collootud), upon aud from tho nndorraoiitlonod lotn and partti of lotn, and roudn, aud tho amount of tlio ouid fcotu.1 tipQcial niton aud Intoront filial) bo di- vidod into ton ooual pnrtn, and ono imoli imrt nhall bo anuoiifiQcl, loviod and colloctod an aforo- uuld, iu oaoh yaar for ton youro aftor the final lanuinp; of thin by-law, durinj; which tho uuid iiobouturou liuvo to ruu. Nothinfj on earth will umlto tlio customer feol ho happy and contented uh a Unowlcifif^u that ho or nlie in (/cttin^ the vory boat gondii at tho lowont {iricott. V/o lovo to make poojilo happy, not only by Hnl!iuj4 cheap, but by nollinM hlioon thtt fH, Yon probably need goo;l iittni^ Sliooo moro in Jiot woathor Miau ut any bthor time. Boo our iiuminnr ^oodo. o o J. a "=3 cJ m mm ^ mv>j-vb Hirii or tlio Ooldon Boot, WHITNEY BLOCK, ESSEX. A CHOICE inm& Mw ^ IrV^- i* 3^d= OF STYLES la what can be obtained at our cHfcablisliment, Dims tan Blk, Our work is the best, our de signs are up-to-date and our prices very low. We are the only store in town handling Tweeds of Clyde Mills, best in Canada, and buying at mill prices we save you from 50e to SI on pair of pants and $2 to 4 on a suit; we have also a splendid line of fancy colored Worsteds, very reasonable in price. We inuite you to in spect our .codi< before buying H ' It will bo cheaper in tho end. fivuryburty lcnowa llml in tin; un; lloi- o!' FARM inPLEHENTS \VliiIe if you want to h:ive a Cnmt'uL'Uiblo Hide in a V'.:laclu ihc Best to be Found are lV Wm. Quay ^ ^on's Bu All kinds of Harness, W agons, Buggies and Farm Implements are to be had at J. E.STONE'S. N T It 'JHo h w qr ' .28(1 o hf 28(> w lit ' 287 n qr '^1 a hf u hf 2H7 8 hf 2^8 u ijr 7th "in w lit 2-1 tj pt w hf Hi u pt 21 u w pt 21 o hf 8 th lio U S At R ;") fi w qr o h e ijr o u o qc b' n w qr e h U w hi n L' qr . Califs b <t St qr 7 u w (]r 7 u hi h hf 7 B qr 7 u o qr ft U h qr >' n \v qr H h w qr 8 h (. qr 1) h e qr ll h w qr it n hf 10 h qr HI n hf h hf 10 u hf llsqr 11 n hf a lif 11 n w qr 11 n i-J qr Total on IuikIh.. Total on ronJn.. 50 300 100 50 to 100 , :>o c>r> M J 71 i 0 8" TiO uO -jO 50 '2.- ') h r>o 50 oO uO 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 1Q0 50 50 100 50 no 10 10 13 00 00 00 (JO 00 00 00 00 50 25 t) o -j 13 11 ;i3 25. 77 00 27 00 27 00 III 50 l;t 50 no oo f,0 00 27 00 'Al 00 :i7 oo 27 0C 27 00 27 00 R!) 50 H\i 50 oH 00 5i; oo 80 50 H8 00 78 (10 HU 50 35 00 0 00 20 00 a > S 0 00 ill 50 10 50 25 00 2o 00 15 00 22 00 :n oo t; oo i oo 28 00 1 00 10 00 a a '3 b 0 Jj a"S'S.s o 3 a IT. 0 a ri *-* f> l-, at at u > >> 5.S 1> m M o 02 O a u a oi a en in at **' a-S * 17 17 00 00 17 00 17 00 M 50 11 50 n 50 11 50 50 50 00 00 .n:ti 50 478 00 8 (1 00 1!) 50 M 5t) ;tr 00 25 00 15 00 22 00 50 00 12 00 I! 00 11 00 11 00 5 on 7:1 00 25 50 77 00 27 00 27 00 13 o0 lii 50 77 00 77 00 27 00 51 00 5( 00 27 00 U7 00 27 00 51 00 51 00 Oft 50 f>7 50 80 50 46 50 85 50 80 50 ti 00 11 00 20 00 20 00 lfill 50 ;tOl) 25 5 3 Hi 8 fi in 17 82 07 .!12 17 82 07 i\2 III 112 50 ;12 9 CO 31 OO IG 20 61 20 7 (12 20 02 20 1(1 71) 10 J2 Hi :i2 1 08 -1 08 11 70 55 70 <i !lfi 11 1IG 1 HO i\ 80 20 2H 'Mi 28 0 18 8-t 08 27 72 101 72 i) 72 3(i 72 it 73 ilti 73 ( ev, 18 m jo 27 72 101 72 27 72 101 72 \i 72 !i<) 72 10 '1-1 10 U !l 72 it 72 !) 72 lit -li 19 -li 25 02 24 ,10 28 !)8 10 7-1 31 11 28 08 2 IG 11 7(i 7 20 7 20 7;j DO 3fi flfl 7:j i:ill ill 70 80 100 -18 i'/.i 21 117 (51 10H 48 8 in 55 70 27 20 27 20 581 22 2Ht5 72 108 00 408-34 81 73 73 03 40 12 00 01 0:1 10 5 57 , 1 -19 (18 9 02 !) 4(i 10 47 H 07 3 07 1 83 1 83 10 47 10 -17 3 07 7 34 7 3-1 3 67 3 07 3 07 7 3t 7 31 0 -15 it 18 10 04 0 32 11 70 10 04 81 5 57 o 70 2 72 219 57 40 83 # * Total on huuU and roiulu____1430 75 478 00 1914 75 039 31 2004 00 200 40 .-1th. For piyinu tin) inuii at SJJOO.iiii, ti'io iiniduut itH.hL'HHod iLj;iiinfit tlio i.iii<l roudn and IuikIh nf tho uniniidimliti', aud for covorinn in- tuit-Ht tlioruon lor ton yuurn at tho rato of nix )>or ctiMuiu pur unmnii, a itpuuial rato ou tlm dolliir, uutllojmit, to iiroduco tlio roquirenl yonvly union nt thiTufor, rIiuM. over und ulntvo all othor riiti'ii, Iui loviotl and colloctod (1" tlio namo mini- inn uiul nt thu HtLino linn an taxuti aro loviod ami oolli cttid,', upon mid from tlm wholo ratitblo proporly, In tlio tiuid Tov.'iiHhfp of Maidttano, in ouch your for ten yuars aftor tlio tinul \mw'nw of tliihi by-low, during which tho iiuiu dohoiitiuos havo to rim. r>th. That .1 cmfisS. Laird is horohy aDp.diitod cdnnniMhioiHir to lut t)i ooutraut. Tor tlio t:on- htriifth ii ol t)io naUl drain und wniiin ctmnoiitod tlmn:\vitli, hy puldio tialo, to tho lownfit hitldor mot nxfii.-mltnt; lIid (iKthnatit), hut ovory Mich contractor, with two good nod uatinfactory fllir* otitifi, hhull ho roipiiiod forthwith to outer into hoiiihj for tho duo portonnunoo and coinplotion of tlm oontrnut, acrordiiif! to Btdd pIhiih and tH'ciMlluu tioiiK mid within tlio tnoo iiiontionod within i>uoh hoiid, unles.i otliorwiHo onlorod by ilni council; and it hhall ho tho duty of imoli oonmiinhio'ior to emmp uaid drain und worltti cotinouiod ho mndo and oouHtvnot- uil in auocirdunots with siiich plmiH and iipfiolllua-. tiojiH. ii"t lultM* tlmn tho lt day tit Novcmhor, A, li. lh'JO, (unlcHH othorwiiio urdorod bv tho cmmoili. and to urtint oortillmitisn to tho lluovo friiin tlino to tinio, to ouch oontinoLor, lotm 10 iii'r i!ont of tin- [imuinit dim, until tho contract in fully omnplutiMl and duly nccoptod, and for tlm iino puifoiiimiiui) of tliot> and ull othor dutiuii of coniinihuioiioi, tho uuid eomiiiiimiouor nhall ho ontitlud to rociivo a coLnmiimion of Unco pur cunt, on tho actual coHt of tho work. tlth. Xhiit, thu com mi mi ionor ho roquirocl fortliwith tn untt r into hondn. in tho imm of !?t3,*3UO. lor tli*- dim coniplotlon of tho work, no* cortlinu to pluiiH and apooliU:utloun, and within tho timu Kpuctllcd in oaoh bond, 7th, Thin by-law nhall ho puhllfdmd onoo in ovury woede lor four uoimaMitivu wonku, in tlio { flRo'x I,!rtic Pn-.tiH, nuwupiipor, piibllnhud in tho Town of Et-hts, and nhall conio into forco upon and uft'frlli1' lliutl paiitifiuj tboroof, and may bo lf tho "Wilaon Quinhui-Wl^iior Drain liy- oitoi law." M. McilUGH, . ClurU. PETKK COHIUOTT, Kouvo. J liornby cortify that tlio forofjoinc in 11 truo copy of a uy-litw provitjionally adontud hy tho Muliicfpul Council of tho Hiiid Towimhip or .Muidfitoiin, 011 tliu ^Jntl day of AujjLiHt, A, D. M. McIIUGH, Clovk of tho ^lunloipality of Mulflatone. Korxc^. NOTICE in lioiuhy Rivnn that u. Court of lio- vifdon, holifpuriiuant to tho- proviHioim of tho Drainuno *\cc, 18i)l, for tha hoarinf: and ti iui of appoalii nmdo ufjitltiiit tho abovo atiuoun- iinuit, or any part thorcmf, will hold itn flrtH nit- tiiiRH iLt tho Town Hall, MaidiUonn.on Huturday. tho lUMi day of Roptcinbor, IfaUO, nt tho hour of ID o'clock in tho foronoon, aud that any portion InteiHiiiif; to uppoal nflaiiuit tho abovo aHsohn- mont, or any part tboruof, mimt, not lator than ton days bforu tho tiuio u\ud for tho boldiuii of fluid Court, fiorvoou tho Clnrk of thifj muiiic- ipullty, n wriUon notloo of tnob appual, or othorwino bu will bo too Into to bo hoard in that behalf. And further uotico in horoby jdvou thn't any poruon intoiiilinrt to havo imoli iy-Iaw, or anj/ part tbovoof, quiiahod, uiuiit, nob lator than ton ilnyii of (or tho iliml panfilnc tlmroof, norvo a not- ico in writiiiR upon tlio Itoovo, or othor bond olTieov, and upon tho Clorlt of tho Miinioipulity of rilaidiitono, of bin intontioii ko rr.alco applfou tion for that purpOHO, to tho Illflli,Court at To ronto,'during tho nix woakii lioit onmiiuH thu Iliml panning ot tliifl by4nw. Uatotl at, Muiatoiio,tho 22ud day of Au[jiiiifc,lflM M. MoHUQH, . Towunlilp Clork. trm-ru Tlio proKOut ftmiOQQmout ruturnn will ifivo lliiunliiMi a population of over 50,000. D'Alton McCarthy lias remaned a mom- lor fur'Ri*indon, Mun., und wiil rotimi the noat (or North Siraooo. Owoa Oluwkou, u Bm&tford. motohim', ato toudutoolo in mlatalco for nraahroomn, nnd tho poison killed him. Sir D, L. MaophoMOU tliotl on board tho atcamor Labrndor in mid-oaouu on tiunduy oflatit woek, and wub buried in Toronto on JBaturday. On tho authority of tho Drygoodu Eovicw an old faohion'in to ho revived. Tlio iiym- raotry of tbo female form diviuo in to ho apoilcd by tho ro-introduotiou of iho butitlo. Thin ih nadJomofi nowe ]tiat aa male faith in tho triumph of common hquhg in fomalo fattbion waa about restored. Jjufc nnliopo fnr tho befit, however, nnd trmit fcho bUBtlo will bn kept dpwu to rood out proportiotiH, It w< uld bo Bw<?ot and rata roven^o if Wjo men should take to tbo bustle. * * * * THE Event of the Year. Sxnaple, C oniniencin g: 12 Saturday Morning We Place ou Sale ! Iflo. quality- roKulur price,22o. rieooti of 112-Inoh Ii'lHunoI(jttu--tho .rofjuliir for do. por yard. 2-Yardii Wide Plain and Twilled ShootiiiK- a yurd reduood to loo, por yard. 2-Yurdn Wide Wlouoh Twillod Ubootin^ tho 25e. quality ro- diioad to 18a. por yard. 30-Inoh Iloav-y Groy Cotton rodnood to fio. per. yard. 10 PioooH of 3'J'Inoh Priutii to Clear at 0a. per yard. 10/1 White Rproadii, worth 81.oO for SI .00 11/4 White MiUHcilloH Hproadn, for t)l 2o Remnants of Dronn Goodn, Printu, Giii^lmniH, Satcono, Zop- liyrn, An., <lnrin^ thin hilIo at Half Prico. All Our iWo. DoHt Fronoh Clmlliefl during thut fialo for 10a, por yard. Special Sale of Table Linens and Towels. SG'Inoh FiuoTablo Linon regular price !!fio. por yard Ralo prico 25o. per yurd. 57-Inch Fino Tablo Linonn at H5c, f!7_{0., 10c, loo. and 50o. por yard worth regular 20 por cent moro. Thrco-Quartor Kizo Linon Table NapUiim for ifl per Dozen, Bouutifnl Towolu at 2 for 2"*o. * ' '.;; Space Does Not Permit us to Enumerate the G-reat Bar All Departments, You ilust Call and See.- Our Wonderful Bahama in Now Di*obh Goodn. ... Our Remarkable Halo of Mon'ii and Uoyw' Hmtu. Our Reanonablo- Offerings in Clothing to Order. Our Groat Reduotionii in Eooto and Shoon, Our Spaoial Quotations of Supjar by tho Carrol. Our Gigantic Ualf i'rioo Salo of Millinery and Moii'b and Boyn' Straw ilatn. THE GREAT CORNER STORE, A. V Premises, Large Stocks bought at tbe lowest possi ble prices for Gash mean'Large Sales. During July, (although it is considered to be a very djliLiponth,) our sales were higher than any month during the 10 years we have been in business in Tilbury, Why do people come to us from all corners of the two counties ? They come because our pricee are low and we have large stocks from which to select. Most people are finding out that they can made a good day's pay by coming to us for a few dollars' worth hence our sales are being forced higher from month to month, Our premises contain over 13,000 square feet of floor spaoe packed full with Hardware, Stoves, Tinware^ House Furniture, Wall Paper and many other lines. We ypeak the truth when we say we have The Largest Retail Furniture and Hardware Store in Canada. - Tilbury, -4 A*aHta*M M. B i 1 The Gash Grocer, and Baker. HE pooplo of the Town of Ehcox und imrrouudinn country havo loug folt tho want ,,' ,'|] of a pluco where thi'y could tfo and purchase what they requiro ou a olouo, oastr,.'^! bamn, without bcmu'camniHcd to pay higher pricea to mako up for tho loBse0' -^ made in tho credit ayutom. Cull and foo our Roodii, whioh aro always of the beet...",-H quality, and ot our prieefl, whioh are the lowout. Don't miaa trying our Tea at 2# ...9, ooulna poand. ' v;' BREAD 4c. A liOAF. . Garden and Field Seeds direct from the largest growe#:|j and dealers in America, at lowest prices. }k ! GASH PAID FOR OTHER PROOUCK. FIRST-CLASS BXJT'I'Jilfi , AND MESH EGGS 4m GOODS DELIVEUED PROMPTLY. M. E. WIGLslS-f J. H. WIGLE, Mg| Scott Block, next Aberdeen, Essex. ' :(M tek&^^S^iM: 043191

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