mV\(- ^;V '" ' ' ,$$[, 3= &V." GOLD DR SILVER ? You'd give all You IIuvo of Both to bo ltostorod to IloaHli Dr. A^- new'y Groat Cures jn'o Specific Ouroa for Spoeilie AihiionTuT" IlUA-UT DIBEARK. llulinf in thirty miiiuUm in uiont ularrnme; ouhoh of luturt trouble : A Htroue; ututomont to malm for Dr. A^ntjW'ri Cure for the IWrt, but it \-borne out by tho tontimmiy thonuitilvc* suutohod from tho urnvu by iU wonderful ourntivn powdorii, If tho heart lltitli'Hi, u.lp luton, tirun nauily, it ilidieutou hint) t iamiuo. lie waimud in tihio. IIho thui Huroub und (jmclcnut cum ; it neverfiubi. Jumuw Alhm.of fit. Stephen, N. 13., \vriten : ,4I vim troubled with very titvoro puinu in tho hnurt, puin in tho hide, mid idiort- boiut of hrontli. T heouino ( uu.plutoly ox- hauutod with tho leant exertion. Pnctotr, fluid my ciLiiu wuh u hopolunn one, 1 pro cured il bottle of Dr. A^mow'h Cure fur the Hotirt. A fmv doneu mevq mo permanent roliof--oix lioLtlwi entirely curod mo, nmJ to-tiny I am woll, and Hirou^ an I over win. I think it tho bent nicdhdne on earth for hoiLft trouble." GATA.1UUI. It norm riht to the fiout of [ tho trouble, atUidui tho dii;eiuio, removeh I tho cumin, cloiuitU'!! out and hoiibi tho piirtri, quiokly 'ami permanently. Dr. Ajpiew's Catarrhal 1'owdor doeft all thin, and it'n m> hoarrmy. Tho hIuvoh 'who aro freed from thin loathnoimi malady, by tlu.-i pouiliv- Ouro, art) lonninjj iU prumun day in und iluy out. "I uin Hi) yearn old. t have Imd catarrh for 50 yearn. .Dr. Aipmw'H Cut arrhid Powder ourod mo, and I look unon my euro an almost a nnraeln, " nayn Geo. Lowiu.of Khnmoltiu, I'a. A wimple oidri in tho hoad u:ay lie the first iitep to chronic catarrh. Stop thu cold tuid prevent, the Catarrh. Dr. A^uow'h Uuturrhal I'owih. r Ih luirmleim and eanily appli"d. Piles Cured in 3 to 6 Nights. Dr. A^now'n Ointmont will euro all e;eu-h Of Itching 1'ih'n in from :i toO nitdiU. One ttpph option brint'H comfort. For Wind and Hloodm^ l'iluH it in jienrlehn. Alun ourcH Tetter, Suit Uhoum, Eczema, Bur ber'u Itoh, nod nil oniptioiui of the nkin. 8not. Sold by ,7. Thoino. I Octs.Cures Constipation and LiVGf Ills. ". A^now's Tiiver IMHh iiro tho moiit porfoot mti'lo, and euro lilui limbic, | Sick Hotiducho, (Jonfitip'iLiou, Bilious UOH3, Indi^oriiinn and all I.ivia- 11U, 1(1 Contn a vial U> iIohoh. Sold by .1. Thonu . Nowbitt Cainpui^uc, who went to Miih- kolcu two wookn ii[^o for hni health, died thoro on Thnrnduy of lust week. Hi-; budy Wiui buried at Uunchurch. A Mick American workod oil a boj.'tifi ^1(1 bill on the Buptiht. LadiiM,' Aid at tin- I. O O. P. pionio two woeiiM iif.,'0, m jiayrnint for dinner for hiiuiiulf und mohio halki- The ladio.s roali/.ud S80 [vom the dinner nerved ou thu Kruunda. W.05IAN AND HOME. A CALIFORNIA QinL WHO WRITES POP ULAR PLAYS. {MitMi-Dii uii<1 'liit'lr MuuiiiirH Ytn V<niui <Hi'l Thul 'l'vylttK Color, Itfowu Nt*rviniH KIli'H Tvrry, 'I'lint- (jnlifirnl(i wuiiiiOi are i^ondiif* t<: tin; iViint in i'viilciifcd in no dhvrllon i-u st nin/dy an in llti'rai uro und the dnniia. Tho alinvo In an (-.wilt'nt. liltciic^n of Mi^-i Alii'o Vnt(.vt (.'mm, a dini/.'litfi* uf Mr. do- jicph (iriint, for many youVH (i prominent Kt(tnkl)ni!;ov nf tli!:i city. Mls>i (imut, \h n not Ivi* (loujfhtorof Son Pram-iscn. whciv, "With t ho c.\'cc|it Ion of tin; past tlnvo ynil's, film lui'i lived nil hei* life Whiloahtu- ih-iit uf tho Hitfli Hf'hnol fdiu oxci.'lli'd In m in monitions find the (cl!in,r of siorirs, nm] inrniyoi' lir'i'.'it'ticli'Snitpc.'M'cd in maj.'.'i/.ini-- Jind nnwHpnpors Ijofuro hhowiiK- Hi year- old. A s mIic ii [ipruarlinl to womuiuIh mil hor d'jslro to excid a>i a playwright boeaiiie A 'Billion <;ol<l ioollar-4, I :'i Bufforin^ with dyniiopriia, but Ilotjd'n Ba: -1 oaparili:i hn*i cured iiimiv tliomiand^ of j uanCH of tliih diHe.iL'.iO. TL toi:(:f-. the nlom'teli ' rc^ulatun tho bowels und putH nil I In tnaahmery of the hyutem in tfood workioe Order. It cruutt-H a yiiod appf-tito and (jivoH health, fitrenj^th and happiness. Mood'o 1*111!-; uc'. hurnioidously with Hood':i StU'iiapanll.i. f,urt: all liver ills. 2-~ cents. Win. Hojich w.oi luuliv it)jrtr 1 by In- diuns at Fox's mill ahinit threu mil'-rf of WhoatU-y nn l-'riday uftrrenon. Hoaeh ! wan in a buj^y when the ludiaiiH caiuc a i 1ouj4, all nioru ' or le.ns into\ieatt-n, tind I bt'^ttn nbuhi'i^ lii'v.. Ifi' toll them to ^t I alon^' about ihi.-ir btiiine^-H. 'J'hey tlien | threatened to hill him, und jumping out i of their ritz; I'n^hUmed Kniich's lior^-. ; When Itoaeh jtimped out lu citeh lu- , hoi'He tin; Indians .^iniok bun on the head ' with a whip .Htock, rcndfrinK hitn nncon BUIOUH. TllCV tl)(;ll l-litlkllLl Hliil ^ttlMi-l'. llitll Btvoru) tunei, 1 t.'uviiilt him (or dc.ui. lie , Wan pieki: I up noon after, an I Dr. Satin r- land sent for. Hi- vmn b:id]y cut dmvn the licstrl iLM'l fac.-, but i-.y ris'-oVt ri ij; j Three of thu iiidiuns, Tbiiiim^, .)' , u:ui ' Joiin l'otoivi, v/fi't: ami lorhied in. ^lie lock-up n.t l.tjuKiinu't-jn. VkUy somr I*e(.i>l. Fall. Tilt: vijVhi in till I id' pL('|)!i: who '.;i \. . failed beeurJta' ut J 1 y^j and Consiipatmn, whLii inn rcipeiir-itdi f(ji* tiinu- U-utlir." of llf-'-j ini-.criL-.-. Uiit'd >':! Blood li.Uc-i'h en.-t-s ihi'S!- dit-.-fiSOri :- widl ' its '$ other dihcuseri ol I lie j>toui'(('h, livi r.! bowels alid hloi.'.l in ',t'j ct.nrn out of !H0. (u tN(.N\ i ],1] , The nclioul Lru.ileL'h h-.-ru liuVi; trrn-n-;-- i tlio salary of thu Triueipa!, V. J. N'ouien, by ri'>. .7. T\I. Sbiddon, who bn.s ln-en prof.rii'tor of the I'lxelinu^e Ilotul her*; tor ;l eoupln r-f years \>:^l, li-i s ^iv.m up the lut^e m d John TuL'liWt.dl is now in charge of tlit- hotel. Mark the DifForouco Bstv/cen Diamond Dyes and Imitations, To the thrifty and ecv.uoinicitl htJUr-ewifi Diamond Dyun offer a.lvunlfiuos and re built! that no otlior dyt-n can guarantee. 'Tho Diamond Dyen that all ohsniictd ox- jpens prouounco to bo pdro-a and IiomI. pOHHcfiii more thun ttouble tho dyiun.' Htron^tih of ull other dyos. The colore are made la endure in bpito of uoap, rain or Bun. Diamond Dyu goIojh aro huldaiit ami bright; imitation dyeH tfivu dull an3 blotobed coloru. Diamond Pyoa aro prc- parod duioutifiuully; imitatiou dyea aro prt; )iarud and tnixod without regard to tho UHor'a irjtoronti; tho fact iu.'thoy aro mado to deooiyo and awiu llo tho uiifraapcoting. If you would d>o woll, oaoily aud auc- ooaofufly, ycu inuHt uu tho "Diamond." T(H your doulor plainly that you have no tiHofor miBfirublo imttution dyt-. miss Abler; yatks giiant. 30 Ktrniif? that,shedelermlned to dcyotohnr out ire ntteiitl'in to writ injf for t ho ht!i;_'tHlio arrived in Now York city dlmut tlii'i-e years a/;o, r.nd, unliko t hy usual oxpcrii'in-i- of nn aspirant fur plnywidyht.'H honors, her work -in the n.-constrttetloii of plays in stall roneivi'd iM(.'oi,rnit.lon, and Hh* ueldnvud sueeesri with a number of nriphwil fiuMniii raisers. "The 'i'hreo 7vliss Ilid- dlr'S," a one net euinedy, was ai-eept^d hy the Krnhinans and produced nt; an afier- n(to!i pi'i't'orinance at. rln.1! hhnpiro tln-ator. It i'occiveil the uiL'iuimou.q praise* of tlu: oi'lth-al jn-ess of New Yot'k city. Since that time it has ln:en phiyi'd by \';it,i(.nis com- i panics tbroii;-'!umt tho eant with over tn-! nvajdii^ . pupwliii'ity. 'fwn otlnres uf lnr ! short plays, " 'i'lie 'i love and the 1 dun" and "Thy I hnnmio, " hn vo Imeu proramti'd to New ^'nrl-: nndienee-' and \vt.*t'o Jvci'ivi-d ; with irreat favur. San 'Praucisco ,Kxam- ! ineiV | ______________________________ i Cliildrcn nod Tlictr .^laniie-rn. Tin.1 I'iu^ton Trauscripi has been appeal- ', (id tn in a mailer that has prowd jn-rj'lcx- i in^r Ui nther families than thai < ( tie' mother "who asks fm* mlviee, It is the, oi' iiurliin^' ehihlreii in refrain from saying " ^i'.'s, ^ir," and "Nn. sir." rind have' them repeat; I lie- nameof ilm iirr- K'Hi nddre-'^i-d in lvplyin;;, as " \'cs, ~Nv:;. Smith," "No, mamma," tin: 1 ihi-. Kajrli'di chihbvii arr inu/.'hr thai this is) cni'i'i'^t, IlioveasiiM nsr-i;rned fiver iln-rohe . in;r that the eiidle-.-iy reiterated "sir" and i "ina'am" Ik-Iuil' l>> tin* < I'vants and I t r.'idi'*j[.i'iipl'o and is indieai in: nf a m-nse nf i nb-ri' r.!'i! y. A v- pmulrnl jmiii ts nut, hnv.'i-ye!', in l-'ranci', wln-iv elasH dis tinctions al.i'j <:;Ut, lla: mnnsii-ur ami madami' aim imi. !--ft off in i)"lih: soci.'ty. ; It is lalioi'ioiH. as many will te-i ify, b-rth to I Iil1 hiuall eliihl and his J i-lcncr. to hear tin- Htrnirj-ih'S ^vitli his niarmers ijij M_sj;,-. tspeot. Ibl is ofti-Ji Ii'rl. Miri- of iIh-Ij'-w nanii', and in hi-.e.ffiii't In ijn as In.' lias In-cii told tlio ai-tlc s t.ilk of thu child bremaes ])i'i;r:.dsh and ' iiniber.-.'inm, oi' if lie nb.ui- dmis t In- ai icm[.t. all'iiretln-r his "yes" and "im" soiiimI eni'l and uiiiiiiiiiiw-i'lv. A ooniprniuisi' I hat has been known to be el' ft-i-l-'lMi is to Icnrli tin- rldldrrtl ol 0 ImUm- buhl ii j m-v " Yr-., ma nn n;i,'" " N< pupa, " "Yf~, I 'iii'lr >. ell," and s-. on, with tho fn 111 i I i.i r names of tho family ronnrrt ion, h'.i\ In:' ih" " i!i;i':ims" and ".sir.-," for tlio st r.uiii-i'r i \\ bi' n;ay ci urn-. This dist inri ion, .-ays the mother who mj'rr* il. i.-. b l- tin: (.-liilill-cii while I hey arc yoiiii;:. V.'iicn they uro in t heir teens, it is t,*a:-> in I'lako ilvm under-,tjind the bill.: niceties of r> urinous tipeeeh and follow them r -n ;'i.-lly. In y i| in mio x ii[ I hi: nial tt-r, to refer ; *-. l i i i ii the 11. >-.!' m i- ail Pnvri'.sV. this para- m'ajdi l:s used: "Nmiunlii, there i.i sucb a thiiif.' as heiutf too sla vi-h in our 1' illowinji' of imjdi-'h manners, and the listener i- h;; Il inclined to l h ink t ha I this may bo one oi a ^n\ man;.' ecniers in which it. mif^ht huVe lieen jasi a-, Well t * declare mir ilide- peiidcnci! as in thu matin* of paying taxes oil lea. ' Ki-HiUn^ l'nr Vounj; CilrlH. I niliseriminati'I'eadiiiL; isoneof theevils ol tin: ti^y aamii^ ynunj*; JieopU:. (bids , e-ipi-i-ially n-ci| m (ui ];e[if, imili-r t be strict - ! est surveillance. An idd fashioned maiden I would in:\er dirain of eonimeiieinfx any bin d: wit ho ut tirsi ask in;/ her mot her's t ]iermi-.-.iou. - We have changed all that. " liowevri*, iiuwadnys, and uji to date yourijf 1 women read everything, seoove.ryi hin^ and I know cveryl bin;/, while tho austere Inno- . eeni-e which used to be ho {.rivntly prized is now \oiod in society as nlow and unin- tero.siin;,-. ThiH stale of a flairs is not easy to remedy. Although tin: bloom is neces sarily brushed off tho peach by modern lnxuess in ripeiily eouunentln^ upon the Hirnney views of life. ivli(^ion and morals Taught by ti:o literature id' the period and by tlio publicity tfiven to the mysteriesanil tragedies of ilic ^reat city, it is a wonder that tho younger Kom-mtinn- uro ho lifctlo uflVctf.l, as a whole, by thus* eating of tho fruit of tho tree of knowlodyo of good ami evil. In Koine cases it may, of course, do un told harm, but an to tho puro till LhiugH uro jntre, ovuii ho thu majority of our |jirln, thank (.Jod, touch tho grlmu and Biiil of jil'o and aro nob doflled. It is tho iiiHidlouH Inlluonco that docs tho most harm, tho baleful uovola that aro udiuiroil for tlioir hriUluncy, while they Instill tho poison of . unhcliof und a lax morality, tho tomptor who, " by vlrti.10 of btdiifj- a poet, pansea un- qtiuutiouod into muny a homo, carrying pollution into ndmln that arc cleanly and simple," tliat aro reuponsiblo for ho much that ia ovll. T/vct In thoRo lnitor daynmuflt bo Btibfltl- tutt'd for oldtlmo authority in tho iiouuo- hold. Tho coming generation will uofc he coerced, may bo Influenced and por- suadod. Jjtjt iurn*nby, without upparouti uurvollluiine, hoc to it tb*t un^tlonid jour- kudu, oottiuiou tUiuiratioMH, mad, chief of all, hurtful fletlon ntld pnotry, uro noi hroiiKht Into tholr houied, Mow Ti'orU Trihuiio. To U'unh a rit-tio. Having been tohl repeatedly that thf hi'M way to elrnii n pluiio w'mi to \vanh-It wilh soap and water, writes Alnry'M. Ward hi (iiiod- I Ion-.da-epln.T, I liomehow nuver eoiild qui iii make up my inlnil to tiy It, lifter all, for It mvihi-iI ns t-hoiudi tlio ^naji> water mu.stHurely ( poiLliiL' brilliant pniuii in >>plt" of nil ar-,suiMneo to tin- contrary. Hut when our bea nt ifid piano bo-fun tr look dull and milky and I realized thul tho ilme had come when soineihiiiK must. bo don-' if 1 Would have 11 n-.-t^u'ed to ll.r pristine splendor I dctcrmhied to llnd out, if possible, all alioiit It and then te make t heoxperiiiLeiit, resolutely If I eonvinced thai h rcilly was the best way Accordinjdy, the llrst oppon unity which prcsrhTed i l self was taken tn ask t In: pin or ! tuner about it., knowing that he was son! out by ono of the nltU'.st and most reliable firms in the eoiiniry, . " l.'i'i'iaiuly, " he j'eplicd, In a tone Moron- vim iiijf as to ipiite b.-inlsh (haibt s ".I list let me have a di'-h of tepid soft water, n cake, of Huap and t limi pieces of ck-ail, hlca/y c:iiii'in flannel. " AYIieii I bad brou^hf the nrllfles ih1sie*- Jin ted, he nt once proceeded to show how il Was to be. done, "Tiihelhe lir.-t piece uf cloth and wet It, " he snhI, sidt in,'j* I in: actieti to the word, "then rub i I over I be ntke nf soup ami ap ply it; to the piano a small portion of thi Mirfniv " at a time. Xe::t wet tho second piece mid w'lih this rub off the snap a.- thoromrhly as ji-.--Il>lt\ With the third pice,- dry l he part, nibbing it i ill i |;' shlnc- bri^htly, and do il nil as (piickly as possi ble, tlmt the +iap may not, remain mo lone 'upon tho polished surface, " I was (lidi^hled with the rcsu ll amine longer fell any In si I ai ion nbnut coiil inulnu the work . t luii ho'had ho/run. l! one i- Vi-ry :.ure to f-.-t n I bin, (dienp quality ol cantoii llannel and is careful to follow directions as"hen.: ^iven thorn, I-- certiiin. That Trylne; Color, Krowil. ITow few |*r:ili/A: lllljiopllhir a oohn hfown in until the lusoessily ni-i-rs of ]ia\- in|.c to match a brown costiune or In iliiish one with ornamentation of any kind, either in the line nf Iriuunin;; by tho yard fir by any of the math.: up neck ruchiiif<s oi Helms nr beribiis. Nothing hi brown h proeurablu, pal I.ieidarly in tlu: latter clas- uf ^'oods bidck, wldte, pink, m-een, blue. but no brown. It l.-i l he experience of im porters that wrnp.s in brown are much les- tillable than black or red or blue in fact, not infrei|m-mly the bj'nwu wrap nr voat or jacket is positively tui.sahtble. A. b.-an- tlt'nl Kfenoh \vrap in bruwn, mnst, cxqiii- siiely jundo and triiuined, imported und used for a model, was offcivd about mid reason for-ha If of its retail price. Then was no taker, alt lmii;,'b les- if ul wrap: in 'M her colors at higher figures found pur- J ehawrs. Tin: jn-ico was lowered n^ain and a^'niii, but htill no purchaser*;, until tin dressmaker llnally ^a\ c up all hope of a fiah-and i;i'.^(mtcil hoL*"d>ookl;oeper with the wrap, the recipient oven nut appn-rlaliup the /^ifr very mueh because the co1oimv;> bi'own. The [hT"'a'T'tliaTiTd^own is not tiniversal- ly becoming is well foundci!, but then all shades of mauvr, purp'eand black are ulsf, disllj/urhnr to most, people, but that fact doo; nol drier every woman from wen id n." black sill; oi- s;itm in wrap/, or costume- or keep b"f Irom i'raudn1/ her face in yio lels. lirnwn can lie prettily (jondiined with white, whito and (johl with yellow, p^reen or blue, either the clear color or else in per-dmi or chine effects. " Miti'mted" thus, brown could lie made becoming to eVrl-y po-,--ibh- Variety of ei HI Ipli-A loll, and it would oifei- such a weleoi:m relief from the prevaili n;: en-t ii me.s ii! ;_-n ens, jri'iiys, purpl.-s and blacks which nwarui the KlfL'ctS.---Y'llCllf. NeiviniK Vltlrn Terry. Oompnrni ivi-ly few peojile know that KUen Terry is a j^n.-at Md'iVrer from neu ralgia. Her Intense, howuvi.-r, must be apparent to tjvery one who sees heron I he siap* Miss Terry feels the ef fects of it and Icis to cl.iiin certain privi- leee- whieb an- ii"t accorded to tho com mon run i d' ]ic 'j.le. A well known Newport was tell- iii.'.'- the other ii.i> f>f dinin.'.-: in Lnndon with a certain publisher. Mis-, Terry was present. V, ln"i t iie dinner was about hall : over, she l.-ft tin- lable and was escorted up eft airs to ;i d.irlo-aed j-onin. whei'o she lay down on a conch and iciod foe 15 or L'O minutes. At the end of that time she re appeared at tIn: dinner table and went on With t lie feast. Tin- bit le bond m anc'dole was evident- j ly sujipo-ei! hv t be wi eiian who told ii to 1 be an e.\reptio::,i! cii-einii.siaiuV. It is not, ; ImWe'icr, Inr^Vi. - Terry ha:, a chronic (Us ' like tor si: i in;: Ibn-m^li hui(r dinners. Not loiilc u^-'n silo iv,. dining' at#tln: hniise id', M r. I .aw l'clice lllilton when I he-same tiling! happened. At about the middle nf I be din- ] lu-r Miss 'i'erj'y excused herself and wnl [ up stair... A room was darkened, und here i t he a i'i ivss had a ipiarn r of an hour's mi ie(. j rest beloiv she a_rain appeared at tlio table, j Snaewhai later in the evuiii-- she took! anotlii.-r la minutes' repose. Her extreiuOj nervousness makes it almost impossible; for her to sit thnumh, any lnii|* affairs, a jieiailiarity which plenty of lessor people, can appreciate. -New York Sun. Women In <lit]iaii. According to Mrs. William K. Curtin, who wrio-s entertuinim-dy nf Japan, the two chief iwpuris, silk und ten, an- raised alinosl entirely by women. She says: " Women's dct'l finders fashion many oi tho choicest pices of cloisonne and the ceramics, ami in the decoration of lacipier that, which comes from hoi: bauds is cipial and often superior tn tho work of mon. She weaves mats and other articles ol straw. She braids bamboo baskets and a thousand and one other articles that, are made from that useful tree. She fjnes out with -.her husband in llsliinf*: boats aud dries and salts the catch he brings home, She assists In househulldhin; and cabinet making, and in various otllfeV occupations which in tho western countries aro not con sidered suitable to her roi she does almonti everything that man uan do quite an woll and as rapidly its ho, although hor wiife'os in ovary employment ary only a little more than half of his. Who is always present in the Khops and stores, usually as bookkeeper gr.d cashier. Some of the lar^ost nmroH are managed by women and a few aro own ed by thoin, and nlrJioiiffh tho lawt* and Booial rogulutlotiK of tho country prohibit it Homi'tlmus you Uml awmaauwhoso force of character dofloH both oouvtu and oimtoinfl and who tllreotM the financial uffalru and tho biiftlnoHH of hor family, as well an tlio matterft that portaln to tho JiouBohold." Wonian'H Journal. XiifixjMmalvo Se*c6*ua, Xnoxpenotvo liiii verj' (good looking ncroeriH may Ihj mado from a clothoflhorfta If a fourfold fioroen 1 ddulrod, put two twofold liortwu MgAther with double hinge*. Th*.frAru.* may be pulut*tlwlth orduuut jialntu, oaamol jwiUita or idJilued and vur- nlHhnd. If a paper oovortid yon ion ts to ho iiiado, (Irst cover It with unbleached mus lin drawn tightly over the I'ohhi and cover Wit ii glue mIho to nhrlnk If, The'paper in then put; over thoclolh. (Jartildgo paper, either plain or fln-iiml, matfliiK, cretonne, denim, hill:, art muslin, bolting (doth, leather and Hucrusta wait on, burlap, glass and metal are all used I'ar screens. It they aro to be used In - the hall or for a pluzzii, burlap In ajiolive green, In a Irame Htaini'd in* painted green, or Jinn matting figured In the weave, hi n sli I fable covering. Theljtirlajj, h'.at her or curved wood urine fa I may any of them bo used In a dining room or hall. Ifolllng cloth in dainty frame- and embroidered or painted with an all over tun/do of. leuvesund Unworn hi used to cover both window /mil llru Kernel is ,in 1'iiniii'i that are furnished In light color-. If a homemade hereon for the lire is to (hi actual service before a grate, M-leei a one fold a;id cover the side j toward i lie room with any material suited foil ,-i si i rroi indiums. The mo-,f beautiful lire l-erecns to be had' have bras.-, frames, hold ing a panel of sialned or jeweled New York Post. Athletic I'ldncalinii For Women. ""Whai do you thinl; nf athliMlc educa tion for women'/" was asked of i iharlr- Dudlt-y Warner hy the editor of The In lander. I le replied: "1 will answer this (piosilon by asking another. Why do not women need :is com plele.M nd hn I'lllf ill lol IS development US l nali- "I hrlievr I hat women rcipdre .a differ cut gymnast ic training from men. f ^vouhl not cultivate an abnormal a! hf-i i^ dcvclupmcnt in eilher so;, hut I would (ruin each into ns perfect men and women Us possilile. "I believe further t hat physical 1 mining, which tends lo produce lb'- ideal JL-iire in JiKiuur W'imali, grace uf ni'd'cinciit. ca-i of act ion and end uruiiei in short, norma! hc;iiih--is as to moral as il Is to mental .soundness. It is an 'old maxim! thai the mind works best In n sound Imdv, and- I am sine t hat any si mien t will I jo in tellectually Jilter i.o cope wilh hi-, sludie.- if In- i- vigorous In body and Ins all his phy.siral powers In genii.working order. "If you will aihiw ine to go a liilh further I will say it is the testimony of e.vperls who hau: superintended tin, training of girls thai gymnastic:,, suited! always loihe individiinl and to I he scn.I are not only an inlellectinil slimulus ol great wtlue, bin that girls who are ^.l 1 trained inako the besl \'.i\es and are be.-.t ' tilted for tho gL'ti' nil dm ies of life." To Sti-nify it J'ioturo* The (le.'ih.r,-- in uphol-t .' hardware art- frerj c-iad fi u" r-ome heheme to steady a id'.!tui-**-*n-i-lTr-"iVall, especially small pic- lures. A hoii-eniuid .villi a duster Is ever, lastingly m-( ling a skew small pictures, ;in< the average room after a dusting h'ok.- sadly awry. A II s- iris of picture hooks ha v ! been invented which are supposed to so gri| thu pici tire coi-t| linil it will always hold thu picture evenly on the. wall. Then; aga.lh, corner clamps huvu been hrought out, one for each corner ol tho ph't lire, t hi clamps l.jeing' driven into tho wall. lint everything of that, sort has some objection. The siuijili'st and most infallible way ol holding a piet im* immovable is hy making a small gimlei hole in the extreme lower; ).oint of the inside of the frame, where it! touches I lie wall, and at this point driving a j small brail into the wall, leaving about i half an inch protruding. The hole in tlu i frame caps this brad like a .socket, and the ordiuiirv of tin- pictun; docs not move It ia the. least. Upholsterer. I low to Lace il Cornot. Very few women really know how U lace a corset. I-Yenehwonien might true!: u.-; many a secret if they were .v> inclined, and this is one of t hciii, by means of whieb they hucure the beautifully curved figure we ull so admire. Whether the corset is worn luo.-.e dr light, throe laces always-, are used. The lir.-t lacingr is put lnio the top in the usual way, oil each side us far as the two eyeh-i boles at the waist, which arc lilaccid near togi-rher. With aunt diet' hum begin at the bottom and luce upward, leaving two eyelet holes bclov, the lwo at. the waist. 'JTieii ]iiit the third lacing fido these eyelet holes, tour on each ;dde. fasten the c.oiset around you and draw tho separate laeings to lit tin. bust, hips and waist. The eke-1 ic lacinas should be used, a.i they give more li'ei.-ilom to tho muscles. rit. -Louis iiepublie. Much in Little In i'Hpeelully trim Of IlfimrM 1'IIIw, for ti> irn-iU- cliat i*vur ontalno(l mo igoat <airutlvu power hi no Hiuall Hpaoo. Tliuy ur a Whole tiiedlidnu rliest, always ready, al- wayji (dlleloiit, uhvny i 'iiiU l.'ilaot'iry; prevent u cold or fi-Vcr, cute nil Ihvr l]]:i, nick lii'iidriclie, Jaiinitloi', eon-dl]iat.inn, etc. i'-e. Tliuualv I'llln to take \: Itli Hooif:, .SarHiiu.irllla. I) HH. McKKN/IK A: JMNNKlt. OAIjIj AT (r. Mi.'KniKdfi, M I). ('. M ,'J'rinit.v Crdvenily, j lilturihiT of (!(illc,'!i) I'liy- ielima and Sumodli!*, | Oiitiivin; ftriidualii. of New Vra'k I'n'it. f Jnidiiiiti'[ ,Mndioid fJiillcia1; o'oroiuir for tin: (Nnuity ofi l-jilltix. ]ii'.-,j(li'iii;n, TiiJUuL utieet, ma tii of I wny, Ki(iio.\. I 'J. Mnrlo .leniicr, M.ll, C. M., TiinUv fulver-l iiity; M. 0. 1' arid h'. Ont.irlo; Idr. Igiyal (.'olli-^c , ]'tiy:U(duiP<, ) otnliai, l-aij;.; ]ut H'di.'l o'.ililji nn<l (io)d Mi'ilidl-.t. Trinity f lolicj'n, 1ms;(; nupfjintml i I tnilf-o I'll.' *)(-hill uiul Kiirc.'inii, 'I'oroiito (h-ii'ifiil | Jlopilal and Itcuideiil. Ar umiclictii- pairiiiildn i Ii>iiu; in llenpit.ul, Tor*.iil.n, lte* I. Himelalf y, ilin I nti-iCH of Wiiiin-n airl oliililron. Itfi-arli-ncn, lininn- j Int.i.-lv fici-npii-d hy ))r, Uewar,'I'dh'it i;l,., 1-hoie.. Olllec in I ui) rij'ia 1 Hindi Mlo'-!;, {'t'omnl lliini', opposite Tliovno'h ilra.; i,toio jMciliidtiefi (If-- I I u: li hi-11 111 Lhe o/Ilcn. 'I'l-lnghlini- i-iinin-ct.ion I wiLli.liotli ollle-ii .'ind reslilr-iiiMi.'i. grivato Iclo ; pliraio 1 in i' liet.wutm (!yri! I'ltinintti:';, ho a-id .-uilI Uan Kenned>'n linu-;e und ollicn, Nlj;ht cull-;, uttoii'lii'l to nt i,\l\i'.(t oi- r>-si<!inii:i:. ; VV B.H AibJO H'ii!.>nn'ii to' mui'l'li- oia Hiu . y ' ' n'i a in ii liirc n Nuiii'Ty S'ofd:. We 1,'ii't i.'.tin: liHtisf.iotioa lo repriist.hl.adye." uiul <aii*i aijc.i!>. tur inmierien urn l.h': liuetintin I lie J)r!iiinltni, iivii- 7110 it-'i-eti. No nub -U tut.hin in orders. I'.Mdin-ivr n-rriloi y und liberal lonah lowhoii' or pint t hu'i iiffi'iii ! \>'ril.' in HTONT', A- WKbldM.ToN, d/ i '1'i.reiitn, Out grin* only nni'tiery in ('ainnlii Jni-ving t* di*ig nrcllnrdfi.) ' -II iiai. ay's Bazaar* l'Oit ,Abb KINfJH Ol' Wi'Iovv .Bliiulw jnvny down Oliiiiiuvaru, Bric-n-Brac, Fancy Cood.s, JSovoltioB, Iir)okH ;i.n(l,Hl,n.tionory, Hcliool sM]j[ Toys of all .kinrl.H, Berlin Wools find Fingering Ynrriri, Mow Stock of late Wall Paper. Si net' wnmim have tahen to studying! iiardiciiic, aiteudini: (dinins and vinitinjj baspilal ward.-, wilh sfdiaitilic interest they have hvtrncd I In- value ol' m'een soap. (in-i n soap, which comes in paste form, is uu aat Ucpi h- and is nuadi used in hospitals and by physicians who conn: into contact wivb many varieties of umdeaidiness dur- in;.' a iTiy's work. Ii is nari.ieularly be Invod of those Wllo mala: u spi:t:inlty id scalp diseases, fur it is. as n hair snap that it is purlleulariy valuable. Alter \Vashinjj the head with it the hair is more silky, shiny and *oft than after treatment with ordliin f\ v.'u-dics, and it s el'iecl is, moru- ovee, stiniulat ui;j: to tin: (growth of hair und generally beneuchd. <50 wiiti n<.;to"v a\fk., i>i*:- TfitOlT, IMICII. TroMtN nil <'I ironic i>isunNc>i oi ntotii Invalidri, men or womuii, ur-j.. r(-(|iitistncl to call upon im or writo us, and reot-ivo mir din^'iK.aitfj of their caae, and advice, free oi uhiii't'e. All membert? nt* the Hinll of tho liritihii .Nfi-deal ItiHtituto ilia; h't-llows of (be KoynJ ^i'-.liied imd eJnrm'ual Asuuoiation if Great Ihataiu ami Ireland. We. treat and euro ull forma of Chronic dirv ar-en of either hex. "Wo huvo tdroidy cured ncveral t.hhu^tuidH wlione oanon had Im I'll ad, aud boon rejected by,'the moat finim-nt Ainericau phyFiieina. Male and formUe wotdtin-KH, catarrh and catarrhal dr-afnoHa, uh-o nipturo and nil diituaaoii of tho rectum, aro peoitivoly uured hy our new treatment. Wo ftimnintoo a euro in ovorv enne we undertake, and will forfoit BftpO for -mis uupc wo undertiiKGtmd fuil to euro, ' Bond [lUmp, if you oaunoc oidl. and got our diiiKiioflto and-udvian, fron by mini. Addriiflfl liuiTiHii. MkpicaTj Institdti-*,. CO WaoluiiKtou Ave., Detroit, Mioh, American, Fro.ukiTaoobfi,of Otnolnuatti, balloonint, mado hifl 1,005th iiHceudion at Quiticy, tlh, on Saturday, and the balloon burnt. He was killed by tho full., WM. 1. SIMPSON, Miimdiurturfir nf l'on- tor'n I'ntdiit LJiiloii Artificial Ximbs 1]*J A- lit baton at, Do troit. Alicli. Y'ouoviyUvu iiLtalf'K'H'H and IjIiuiUh for' ini.klm; iiiiidifjafclomi fof governiui)nt erdoj'i far limlm and triuaipra-taUaii or ciaminuiuien tliurefer iidlit Ii'uo fie applluiLtJOU 00- Coaitr*actors * - British Columbia Pine Shingles, $M)0 Up. All Kinds of Building Material, LATH out n.i.wv /.(/:>//{/ :A', Vi'f" Siitistjici loll * ii si rji iiteed. Opp. \V;it<M- Wtudcs, . Kss\*. And utln.rn follow mileu behind. The Wall I\i[;er race in mini,-, wind or no wind. I will .-day m the raee and never withdraw. Why hiiouM 1? Vietory ih alwayunnd. cusily mine, wit b tb" hani)iI(!Fi of n Htosk of '.lOh, 00(1 rolln in "00 di I'm rone doniuuti rrom .' "b ceritu a roll. No ono :.'!in jiCHHibly fad to l'nid thu fjurthty of puper and the very identical puttoru that will be iipnroprntte to- any pGMnibhi room. (Jcrtiutdy a enmee could not be easior than ut my idore. It will nave you from l.i to .'! > per cent. D. J. WHITNEY, HATTK AND I'tFUNISIIKH. ll^6" Packed with Good Furniture o Every Description. A fin Parlor SuitB Sovuml heavy ttituua to track logs; also buyers for huvoiuI IIousos aud Lots in the Town of JiIkscx, and a, lot of wild litnds in Llio Hiirronnding country. Tiicsc proiieitios arc oilbi*- id at a sacriiice. Al.tO a large ([tiantit.y of t:o:Li*9e dt-y | Lumber for sale, -It amy bo seen lit the Colchester mills. ----------- Apply to frame, Q-oo Flush, $I@-Q. We never wjru tio well rrejur^d to do hurtineHH. J.otH of ^onds tun! price* rudit. It will pay ynii t. ^ivo uh ii eull and uuothi and e,el print:*!. We ar.; pleiiiied (|uelo prict-H tn iiuv v/lio nia-d furmt: We huve hi!'.-n ih.'inf4 a -mod steady hr" nenn now tor nhotit Itj Vf'TM ami we \-i to tyiider our thanks, to tin: public naticif t'Di' the very lilajral patronage we have ceivcti et them during thu J i'> y< urn tied have been in bin>iiiens. in thu noiv Towi I'jise.x. UIMRTAMflSPEOJALlY J. L HICKS S Co,3 Essex. Of to T. H. DeOEW, !W. M. DECEW, FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS. yy^!r>ii& p) fi*. if p [%.p e^ U \--s kJUi Ut3> [&:: i:', c >.: i. ! h \\ u !./.";;.'-:sT5:;.vt ie: r,A\:i.-tr>A. '. J.GOimi.AV & SOW. ESSEX, OHX, V.\ \. ^tml7rA fe^k.. fiLi^:_____:j^\^;:f^yhi.-- 'yHffidm vi . .. THE TIUCMPH CORN SHELLER r>^sso^txaE*iat("io>asr- \ .....,.% Thin Machine consists of a horizontal caat oylindor, with wrought iron 4 bura, with blco! teeth bol'tod to tho oyliudor bo as to bo royoraiblo when the , ;!;:| tooth become worn on tho front aido, vanning in a porforntecl concave iroii. ! -boll, which th'o shelled corn paaaos through into a shoot iron cnao,:with i'-'iM an or clamor attached below, which takes all tho dust from tho grain. Thei ^ ihoapost host, most simple and durable Powor Corn hollor in use; sheljteJ.'-s^ lorn porfoetiy cloan in any conditicn ftholling and cleaning from ono totw<): i| bousand -bushols of care per day, according to power. . - i,:il Dimbhsions. ^ atoic, A in. faco; Motion, BOO to 800 revolutions nor minute; Woightt fi60lbft>;^ EVERY SHELLEUSWARRANTED. ^.M. ^ll 4 GOURLAY A SONS. ^ M i . 'Jjiii 1590