Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 28, 1896, p. 1

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W ' < / ' .' P^i^fT^^ w:1: M F The press. VOL XII. No 35. ESSEX, ONT. I'lilDAY. AUGUST 28, 1890 WHOLE No. TOT FORSYTHE, ANDERSON & CO.. LEADING STORE OF ESSEX. OUR gunnER SALE Will be continued through August, during which timo Cut Prices will prevail on all Summer Dry Goods, Shoes, Clothing g Millinery. Special Low Figures on -- ... i Men's Clothing to Order, Ready Made Clothing, Summer Underwear, Ladies' Oxford Shoes, Cotton Hosiery. Our JFall Importations are already commencing to arrive and room must be made for fchein, even at a sacrifice. \\ Your Grocery Order Is solicited. It will have proVnpt attention. BEST (JOODS LOWEST PRICKS Crockery Department Well Assorted. ft- w, One Prico for all. All Goods marhod in plain figuros. Yonr Monoy Back if you want it. FORSYTHE, ANDERSON & CO., Leading Store of Essex, BURIED AT AMHERSTBURG. Tlio UomaniH oi Hon. \V. T>. Bitl- i'our IjiiuI to Xtant In tho IVoh- c of n Very lUircso Number ofFrltiivdN 'L'hu OKI Town in All Unit wiih mortal of tho Into W. IX Balfour wim laid to loat iu the Am- horntburg comotory on Saturday after noon laot iu tho prononeo of a very lnrpfo numbor of fiiondn. Tlio body, uftor hoing prepared on Wodnonday night of liiRt woolc lay in atato at tbo Parliament Buildinga, Toronto, all day TbuvBiltiy itutl wau viewed by it large numbor of friendn who had booomo ac quainted with tlio late Provincial Sooro- tary during bin tormu an Speaker and while attending to his loginhitivo dutioa thoro. Eluga in the city woro flying at half raaat and mommgow of eondolonco wore rceoivod from Lieut.-Gov. Kirk- Patrick, Sir Olivor Mowat, lion. Wil frid Laurior, Hon. David Mill", Hon. O, W. Rorh, Or. Willoughby, J. P, Whitney, -T. L. Haycock, O. P. Murtor and othera. Among tho floral tokens of regret, which .surrounded tho caalcot as it lay in tho legislative pile woro A huudHomo wreath from tho members of tho Ontario (lovtvrnmout, bearing tho motto, "Our Colleague"; a large wroath of rod and white rosoB from Hon. J. O. I'ftttorHon, Lieut.-Governor of Manitoba, with tho legend, 'Tn memory of tho old days when wo were mombora oi tlio Ehhox County Council tog-other"; and a pillow of roaoH from tho people of tho dead Ministers own town, inscribed simply "Amherstburg", iu impGriahabloflowero. At7 yo, Frid ty morning, tbo romaina wore removed from Toronto for burial. An hour our lior tho iuuoral servico of" tho Prosby- terian church was said over tho body in Iho reception room at tho Parliament Huildijiga by Kov. Rohm G. Mui-ison, of Toronto University, and Rev. J. Wil- hou, of Xiagara Falls South. Despite Hie early hour a number of frieml-ol' deceased were present to pay their last rospi'otH to the dead. Among thono woro : Hon. -1. M, Gibson, Commia- fdonor of Crown Lauds, roproHonting tho Government , W. A. Charlton, M. r. I'., of Houth Noifolk ; G. F. Marter, M. I1. I\, Xurth Toronto ; D. U. Muc- phorson, M. P. P , Glengarry ; and .f. W. St. John, M. P. I\, West York, ] epresenting the Local Legislature ; \rthur Kirlcpatnok, representing tlio Lieutenant-Governor, who was iu Mon treal ; Controller Lamb and Controller McMumoli, repicKonting the Mayor and Coipointinn of Toronto and a largo number of personal friends. At tlio ronehiMou of tho brief service the cas ket was ienio\od lo the Union Stutnni, where it was entrained fur Windsor. The pall-beurcra were Hon. J. M. Gib- MMi, Col. Chtrlvc, Clerk of tho House , W. A. Charlton, M. P. P., Pi. (iil- raoui, Joseph Tint, cv-M. P. P., and Sergeant-at-Arms Glackmoyor. The following gentlemen, be.suloh the father, motlii'i, wife, son and three Misters of deceased, accompanied the body on its last journey lion. J. M. Gibson, Gol. Ghuke. Ifuu. Thos. llallantyne. tlobert IVrgiisnn, ^1. P. P . Pjitnek OMJrien, house Keeper, W. A. Charlton, W Mc- (iro^or, M K. Cowan, D. M. "Mel'her- hon, Hcigt. (Jlackineyor, J. I. Mr7nto.sU, tlio deceased Minister's pmutu tary. The body reached Windsor at ' I p. m. uu Friday.and lay in the ladies' waiting room at tlie C. P. 11. station till 1 during which time the well-known featuies weie wowed \>y a continual stream of visitors irom the city and county. Tho North Fssex Liberal \.h- soejution sent a broken eoluinn made of Uowcjs, a lloral cushion was sent hy Leamington friends and tho room was appjopnatoly draped. At I p. m., tho body was placed aboai d the Imperial and cornejed to Amhor.stburg whuio deceased had lived foi 22 3'o.irs past. A large number of Windsor friends ac companied tho remains which were conveyed to tho Inmily residence on the nvei front uud placed in the front room, which hud beou draped for tho occasion under the supervision of Lud K. Cameron, Queen's Printer, of T01- onto, who had been sent up to repro sent tho Ontario Govonimont, During the opening and Saturday thouaands i'loiu both town and county went to take a last look at tho Into miniater. Surrounding tho bior in addition to the floral contributions already mentioned wero baudsorao wreaths from Kings- villo and Harrow citizens, from l\rayor Mullen and many private individuals from both tho town and other parts of the county. Tho funeral was announced for L;I0 p. m. but before that hour tho street in front of the family reflidouco was tilled with vohicloH. A special oxoursiou train on tho AL C. It. brought large numbers of friends from Leamington, JGshox and stations on that lino, and tho Imperial brought an excursion from Windaor which wilh ahio palrouizod by many who had gone up on tlio L. 13. & O.K.It. Whou tho services eommoneod there must havo boon between two and throo thousand pooplo surrounding tho rcudoneo, though many from a distance Wore dotorrod from starting in tho morning on account of tho rain. The uervico was conducted by Uov. T. Nat- tress, pastor of tho Amhoratlmrg Proa- bytonan ehurch,,aHsiatod hy Roy. Mr. Wilson, and was very abort. At its conclusion tho funeral proeonsion was formed, headed by tho Loamington bund which played funeral marches, monihors of tho I.G.O.F. lodges iu tho county, mombors of thoC.M.B.A., Am- horsthurg Fire Jlrigado, town council, trustee boards and county council, and followed by tho largest numbor of vo- bielos over gathered in the county for a similar purpose. Tho procossion passed through tho principal ntroots iu town and alonR tho route wore many evidences of tho rogrot felt by tho towns people. Pusinoss was entirely suspend ed, flags wero at half mast, tho Govern ment building, T.O.O.F. hall, Mothod" church and Town TIall were profuao- ly draped, while many jirivato dwellings along tho streotshoro nymholnnf mourn ing. The procession pashod under streamers of black and white across tho streets in several places and at tho cor ner of Piehmonil and Dalhousio streets there was a boauliful arch of black and white entwined with evergreens and bearing the inscription, "W. 1>. H. In memory of our illustrious citizen.T' A bow oi' white and 1 thick crape also marked each telograpb polo on the lino of march to the cemetery. Thousands lined tbo streets to take tlio-lattt look, and as tho procession passed to tho sad music ot tho funeral dirges played by the band eyory head wnsuneovored and many an eye wuh filled with tears. 'At tho grave the sorvicos wero conducted by Hoy. T. Nat tress, assisted by llov. Mr. Wilson and tho body was placed in its lust resting place by the following pnll-hoarors: Dr. S. A. King, of ICings- ville,M. Barrett, of Colchester North; C. (i Fii\, of (JoHlield South; Thomas Hood, of Cidchohtei South. Geo. A. Morfo,of Leamington, andC. Mailloux, of Tilbury North. Ncail(> every prom inent man in tho county ot both shades of politics attended tho funeral and tho greatest rogrot is lelt by all at tho loss unstained by tho late Minister's ro- moval. The London Advertiser has tho fol lowing to say uf tho deceased -"No where more than in the west will the death of this able public servant be lamented. Here we lnuo learned to look upon him as a large-hearted, fear less, progressn o public man. In the constituencies he was a party man. but he uf ver was hide-bound, and utter the day of victory he nerved the people as a whole, not merely a section of them. In the Legislature, as in Iiib local hphcre of action, Mr. Half our never was idle, lie had the faculty, whether in commit tee or in tho legislative chamber, of prolHably occupying his time, even when the proceedings Were of the most tedioiib description. There the pale- faced, sickly-looking member would sit, busy reading or writing, and apparently oblivious to what was occurring on either hide of the House. When an opportune time came, how over, lie would rise to his feet and deliver an address proved he bad boon following the de bate with n closeness unequalled even by leaders. Tt was this Jaculty of per petual occupation which enabled the man to accomplish so much in so short alitoteiiu. Some have thought that he worked too hard that his trail frame would ha/e lasted longer if he had tukon moio loisure. lie win ac customed to say thut if he did not work ho would die, and that when he could not work he would be roady to die. He toiled, too, with a puipoao. So long as thoro iJ as a wrong that could bo righted, he could not rest satisfied, and bo ho labored on to the hist, undertaking tanks that w ould havo broken down many a man of lens indomitable bpirit. Uad ho lived, there cannot boa doubt that ho would havo proved a model chiof of tho important department to which ho was called. JIo is dead, but his life's work and example livo after him. Thoy may with profit be studied by the young men of Ontario." NoarrBi \voosi*uh<:. K. Cuilmor6, of D<Hruit, ttpuut Sunday hist aC-tlio-honi'1 of his father hero. Tbo II. T. of T. uoouil will bt! hold on the Rlethodmt cJiuruh lawn thia (Friday) dvouinj-'. Peter Plant, who had Ilia lu^ broken a Hhort Mmo nnt in able to bo out oil arutahu*. Soveral from here talk of talciug in au oxoursion ta Monacal about tho und of tine month. Thoro wan a j*ood turn out to tho Sunday Sohool pianio ut Belle Rivor on Thnrtfday Lid on Wodnouday to undergo au onorution for appomholtis. Farmoni do you want money at 54 per oiintV If ho, writo A. O. Bukor, Ltura- wton, Out. Terms of paymont of princi pal to unit borrowers, Minn Idu Woavor is tpiito low with con- diimption. During tho pant (Ivo yoars iivo mombors of the family havo fallon viotimj to tlio mi mo diooaso, il E. Ilandoook h\ pnfcting in a (jood doal of bin spare time tmininj' a thorou^h- brod driver that ho oxpoots will Iowok tho record iu tiiono part if. II. 13. IlalaUad i^ayo a party at th Houthorn Uafcul liuit Friday ovonm^; which wan attondod by about fifty couples. Mr, Lfttbum, of Chatham, furniuhod munio and an onjoynblo timo wan apont. Au acoidont ooonrred horo on Monday ovoning about -1 o'cloolt, by whioli Jamoft P rionry ]ont hio lifo. Mr. Ilotiry hvod ou tbo north ido of tho track in tbo villain and waa on the youth Hidowhou a freight train cumo alon^ and utoppod at tbo Hta- tion, tbo train oxtondin^ down aoroHa the mam tttreot of tho village. Not wanting to wait until tlio train raovod on uul Hooinc Anjc/un Taylor pana uudor tho bumpotH hotweon two of tho cars, Mr. Ilonry fob lowed in tho naiao way, but baa ju*t put but foot innlilo tbo rail whon tho train Hturtcd up an.l ho wan thrown down and under tho wheel, Frank Cnmmiford was standing near tho train at tbo timo and, H'joine, tbo fcrain ntart, mgntLllol tbo train hand) to utop, wbioh wan done before tho tmiu had gone very far but not beforo the wnool bad oan^ht Mr. Ilonry at tho waist imd roau^lod him ho budly that whon hiu bodv was takon out lie wan unconncions and in '20 minuton ho wan doad. Tho body prenoutod a bornblo m^ht. Tho oorouor wan at onoo notiflod but no in quest waH doornod nocesnary and tho body wn removed to his rociidonco from where tho fnuoral took plaoc ou Taonday morn- injj to tbo R, C. alinrah at North Woodsloo, tho mtormont bom^ in tho R. C. comotory thoro. Kov. Father Uodfjiunnou o/ftoiatod and tho pall-honrori woio Frank Ilogan, M. Donovan, F. Loiiporanco, M. Mouitsoau, Jameu Graham and John Graham. De- oeaoGcl wiifl 51 yoarH old and a nativo of Antrim Co., Ireland, but hail spent nearly his whole lilo in IMaidhtono township, whoio be owned a fuim. About mno years a^o ho moved to thin vdlatfo. IIo wan an iuHurtinco a^'ont and conveyancer. A widow, one daughter eight ycuru of age, an tidopcod duuglitei and a uistor, IVIrn, Geuban, of Windsor, wurvivo. Mrs Tillej, of Lioarnmgtou, ia visiting 111 thin towiiHhip with hor sinter, Mrn. Trim bio. \oic ni leviM'io. W'm Coblc^ eoihmonccd catting corn on Tueaduy, Tliomau Moruitahippad 110trly 200 lambs to buffalo on Wednesday. A largo otook of trunka and vabaoB. Very good trunks for ftl.75 at Crawford's, of Tilbury. Tho peach hocuiI held at tlio roHidonco of A. G. Bedell, of thin piaco, lust Friday night, wau a m-eat HaooOHd liuancuuly Slil.d.j waa realized. Just 81.j saved iu that lot of hoiipo fur- nituro, was tbo cxpret-biou a customer mode uao of one dy hint wrek. Oo uutuu uvtr \i0 uuh h to Grawford, of Tilbury, but it paid bun. Minn Ijlai 1 Gilljott and \i< r \ntiiigcst brn'bor, of Do^rnit, ehddion at Andrew Gi boo, forniHily of ihi-t pbn: , tii'i1 tmro for a IfW v/celiri on a muniut r otuinu with then grami|jurtiiits jmtl other lcbilivcg. 'J'boro n a very greiLt eoutriHt bctwoou tlio pioMoiit ilhte and a >ear ago. Thou tho fut'u of too tiHith was hait ot grt-on horl> go and brown, .is if it hud bt en awopt by liu- J*jVi-r> iuututup otiiroJ up a idoutf of duet, and iravolling, eitliur bv rail or wngoii toad, was 11 discomfort. Now overy pi nt hi'* nirt hi ^'riji tliu -. Jil u 't1. now in kIo roo a and -mudH up 1 strong, qui It one wtrivuig b) overtop its neighbor. Gtudunh where the curly vo^t t'ible-i Imvo boon gathered, it re Hhowmg a preat crop of Wfi da that'lotjin to have sprung up in u nif^ht. KiAia.s'ro.M,. Frauklyu Wataou, who baa apuut hoiho raontliw pant at Wm. NesbitS'a, miu'h for his homo in Kngland on tho Numidian from jMontreiil to-morrow (Saturday.) John Smith ib having a long strotoh of Van Wagoner wiio fence put up on,his farm by Alfred Walkor. Mr. Smith will also hayo a now barn built for him by John V/ortloy, of Eoaex. Tho building will bo UG by oft ft. with 18 ft, posto, Ou Friday lat, Philip II.Cowoll, of Goo- hold North, laid complaint boforo J?. M. Boatnan, at Eencx, ogainnt Stophon Lob- poranoo for 9HS.10, wagoa dno. On Satur- day, dofondont plouded quilty and tho P. M. gavo judgment in favor of plaintiff tor full amount and aoats. Mr, Kano and MieBoa Uaggio Molutyre and Annio Puworn woro tbo vlotimo of an aooident ou Sunday evoning. Thoy woro juab in tho aot of gottinc out of a hiiRKy and Mr. Kano bad lot go of tbo roina whon tlio horwo ran away but had not gono far whou tho rip; wan upset into the ditob. MIbb I'owgis' arm was broken at tho 1 wriac hat Miss Mo In tyro and Mr, Kane eu- of lant wook, John Miobtttl wont to Chatham Hoapi-1 oapecl with just a ahaknig up 5 bC. "f til 32 to I ,m EwdS &i STANDARD OP SILVER TO GOLD AT m *m. raa 13 *\ t^l^'c: The Cou"ty ST CLl IV -O ^__Jeweler: w. y>\ 1J V* Sterling Silver Ten Spoons, ?9 doz. (( *' Coffee Kt u Souvenir a Spoon 9, 75c. to $2 each 1847 Rogers Ten Spoonn, $4 cloz. 1847 1847 1847 184Y 1547 1847 a a .( n u Cl Forks, $0.25 doz. Knivep, $5 doz. Dessert Forks and Spoons, Berry Spoons, Jelly Spoons, Fruit Knives $6.25 doz. ileriden Nickle Tea, Dessert and Table Spoons and Forks, irom 75c, per doz, up. ta _^__^_ri toaS" Issuer of Marriage Licenses. E. L. PARK, Iticlinrdson lilock, jBhsox. Mihfi Tona Uarnoa in vioiting frienda in Chatham Tho infant child of Mr, and Mru. Simeon Duprau, of tho Middlo Road, died On Sun day laHt, Tho Kov, Mv. Dont. a proacbor from England, also a rainaioaary, filled tbo pul pit of Woaloy ohurch Iiifit Sabbath. A inland pic-nio will bo hold by tho con. grofjatiou of tho Motbouiot church, Wna- loy appointment, J[aidntono Circuit, in Mrn. Kanu'fl grovo, on tbo townhno, on tlio afternoon and oveuiuu of September 2nd. A hot dinner will bo nerved at c no o'clock and Huppor aL from live to m#ht. Several flpeakorrt are expected, among whom aro llova. W. II, finaw, of Cottam, and C. W. Konnody, of GfHto ; Mr. Dont, Into of Iin. llud and Dth. Ilrion and iUcKmuie, of KhBox. Muhio will bo rendered by tho bni'iH band of Woodoloo and other talent. Tickets 25cts, All aru coidialjy iuvittd. Tho proceeds aro to bo Lxpouded m ru- novatintf 'tho church JameH Mutray has f*ono to Tilbary to work for L. LaPIant, with whom bo workud Homo yeara auo. MAinsTONi: moss. Aliba fi. MacdouaUl hart ruturned home, after apoudiajj hor vacation at Tt-oumimh, with ^Irn. Ed. Wolah. Mrn Jaa. Fox and fannl}., of Chicago, aro viHitin^ her smtar-iii-law, Mr. .Ian. Miiedotmld, of the Klovated eonceHHion. ftlrH Bradflhaw, of Wiudhor, ia viflitiu^ with Mrn. S. Kmitb. Mish Graco Gorst, of Windsor, ih tbo neat of Minn Ada WiIhoii. Mra. J. Wilfion in hpeutbuy 11 few wceloi with her daughter,MrH. Dunn, of Kuthven Mr. Pembelton, of Niagara, and aliwa Lueinda Wilcox apont Wednesday of laat week with Mi. and Mi*h. John Wiluou. The canning factory ih uiiming both day and ui^bt at proHunL. , Tbo evaporator in putiin^ m a couipleto HyHtom of watorworkii. Rov. C'uion Matthow'H now lo&idonco on Inn farm eaut of town, is ncarmg ooinpbi- tion. Tlio buHinoua of tho lato W. II. Nohiou hoie will bo diopoaod of to the boiit ad vantajjo and Mru. NoIhou and family may loniovo from lCiugflville, XILVriVKNWOOO. II. P. iJntiory ih on a trip to Morden and other poiutH in Manitoba. Fred. Irwin otarted lanfc wcok for Bran don, Manitoba, whoro bo will aponJ tho fall threshing and harvowtm/r. Itov, Mr. Gilolinat haa fjono to Parry Bound to itpond two or tlireo wooks amoutf friundo. Duriu^ bia aboonoo tho BiytboH- wood concre^ation will ropair and paint their church, Jobu JJ. Itobiduux, jr., loft ou Monday morning for Ottawa to reproaont Amhorflt- burj; Branch, No 'i, O. M. B. A,, at tho annual urand (Jouvontiou. Vofltorday waH Amhoratbur^'a Civio Holiday and Koflo Lodye, No. ^8, I. 0. 0, F., bold thoir annual dooonition aorvicoa oyor tbo fjraveo of tboir dopaitod brothron. The 12th annual housiou of the Ontario oonreronci. of ibf A. M. E. oburoh, con- VMiud in A. M. K. church, King atrcot, AmheiHtburg, ou Woduenday. Bmliop B. F. Lee in presiding. G. A. BouroiUer, from Berlin, ia viaiting Iiih paseuts. Gay BroHnoij Iuih n turnod from bm trip to Nortcrn Micliigau. L. N. Cautunifir, of the Conuaeroiaf Uotul, ban diHpoHod of hiu buoineua to Wra. Laramy, of Bocbcator. Uaeoa aro annouuood Lo bo bold on tho Bollc Itivti Driving Park on Wodnoaday, Sepioinber 2nd. Tbo cIudagb inoludo a 3-imuatu, 2.10 and troo-for-all During tho htorm on Saturday evening while doiu^ bur Uouaowork, Mrs. Tboo- nhile Itoullicr, on tliu Sharon lino, waa knocked down and Htuuned by tho oloctriO fluid, that, however, did no flonona danrngo nave Leunug bur gaiter from one of hor foot aim scattering it into abrodu. (OTTAM. Miaa Edith B. Jamoo ib visiting the Kov. J. G. FiilliB, at Point Edward. Mihh Edith Banford, cf Lutnaiugton, ih yioiting hur coasiuo, Ada and Eva Stephens W. B. Kollctt, JamoH Bain, Sol. Malntt, W. H. Neville and Lowih Williama at- touded the f uuural of tbo lion. W. D. Ba! four hint Saturday, i largo audiouco greeted Rov. A. L, Beverly ou Suuday, all glad to oco liirn onoo moro reuumo hiu old duties after a vaoation of a few wcoka. Mr. and Mro. .lohu Ptirkor mado a trip to Detroit on their bioyoloo laot Saturday, tottuuing on Monday ovoning, Mru. J?arker in u lino bicyohnt. Miratcr E oolun Gotc, of Amboratburg, io vifjitiug at tho homo of Ilia uuolo, Heovo Bariett Tho teacher reportH a good attondanao but aaya it might bo bettor. Avornge hiflfe w*.lU waa foity. Rumor haa it that tho huatlom of Now CauKiiu intend aeoltiug glory or iu a fuoLball match with tho Eaat Colohea- tora. Rev. O. W. Kennedy iei laid np with an attack of typhoid fever and will not bo able to take Iiih appointments for a couple ot weeks at leaat. Uih pulpita, howovor, will bo supplit-d. About twenty five or thirty young Gcstoniana took iu tbo eocial at Gamp Palmer on Monday night. A largo party wont in a wagon, especially proparod lor the oocaoion. Tho wugou, (ho it Id sudd) carried ono raoro on tbo roturn than it did goinf. It had been -aaoortainod that there was a crowd. If yon don't boliovo it aak. ~""^ The party ropout an enjoyable timo bnfc aro unable to douido whotbor Jesao Whlto or Rov. Modd, waH tbo moro outerfcaining. Mrs. William Campbell a colored widow , about 70 yoars old, diod eudtlonly at nooa Tho Cottam M-thodiat Ohiiroh, "duoh on Friday laot. She waa getting dinner has undergone rxtontdvo improyomonts, iov fche family Hna lmtl tuo Potatoes on the utovo whon alio sat on tho doorstop to take a rant. When tho balanuo of tbo family will be ro-oponod for divine oorvico n*xi Babb&iU, Auguat dOtb. SormonB will bo proaabed by Rov. J. B. Gundy.of; Windaor^ at 10.30 a, m. and 7 p. m. Collootiouo in aid of Iruab fund. On Monday ovouiiig, a toa.mooting will be held in tho oburoh, when au excellent Htovary and mualoal eutortaiumoufc will bo raudorod. Ua will be urved from G to 7.3* p. m. Ticket a, 35 oenia. J}. -if, oamo iu bIio waa doad, death being due to heart diftoaao. DooeaRod was the widow ' of Wm. Campbell, who waa found dead near tho fence baok of his houae, last winter, death iu his oase boine also at tributed to heart disease. A largo family "<'Hurvive. 'Ibe funeral took place on Satur^ 'JM day last io AmberBtbnrg cemetery. ' V^| 'V.51 &7 M^i^Mi^^^MMta^ *:>/&h i^tM4M^M^M^M i.\.

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