Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 21, 1896, p. 8

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IF l|jffPi$^^ -::m e SEC Keep Kool w-.- By getting a Summer Coat and Vest at the Cut Prices I will give until Stock is cleared out. Summer Coats, ,:^ SRegular Price, $2.50, Now, $1.98 Summer Vests,^- Regular Price $200, Now, $1.49 1.S5, ' .87 1.00, ' .73 .CASHMERE HALF HOSE Reduced from 50c. to 30c. per pair. I have a limited quantity of those G-oocls and Hwill be unable to duplicate them at these figures. Call and secure some of these Bargains at D. J. Whitney's, HATTER MD FUMISHER That happy Nothing u-i tarlh will muki: thu cintoraor tfn\ no happy uml contents km ii UuowluSui' that Mio in yttinn tho very bi.-Ht noodii at the lowoflt pricioti. Wti low in id alto ]i!'0|ilo happy, not only hy Hulling chuap, biit hy Holling hIiour that (It. You prnhithly nourl good fitting Khoon moru in Hot wuathor than at any other tunc. Ki*o our Humintfr ^oodti. , GvQ'boam. Worl* a SpeoiaHiy. 4!! ili mm* mm *a SiKii of tlu' ( Boot, WniTNBY BLOCK, ESSEX. A Is what can be obtained at our establishment, Dunstan Blk, Our work is the best, our de signs are upto-dato and our prices very low. We are the only store- in town handling Tweedn of Clyde Mills, best in Canada, and buying at mill prices wo snvo you from 50c to $1 on pair of pants and $2 to 84 on a suit; we have also a splendid line of fancy colored Worsteds, very reasonable in price. We imiifce you to in spect our good** before buying It will be uhuapur in Uio end. Everybody knows that iu the matter ol BY-bAW No. TOWNSHIP OF SANDWICH SOUTH. A BV-I.AW to provide for Dminajic Work in thu Towrmhip of Sandwich South, in th County M Ksf.ux, and for borrow! ___nty of VAhtix, and tor borrowing on ttic credit of tlic Municipality the num of Oni: proportion of co*t to be paid by Iambi and roads In the Township of Sandwich South, for repairing and improvinc the South Town-line and Colchester Drain, in lh Township of Sandwich South. FARM iriPLEHENTS tVhile if you want to have a Corafortablo llido in a Vehicle the Best to be Found are l^e Wm. Gfray ^ {Son's Buggies, _............ -..-..... ,,....,..,,^ I I;. j.i. All kinds of Harness, "W agons, Buggies and Farm Implements are to "be had at J.E.STONE'S. TAliBOT-ttT., ESSEX. Provisionally itdoptoil thn VM\ day or Auifiiut, A. P. lil. Wui'.uiau, Thou. Oeravd it ml otluirii, inUinwt- ttt\ purlhw, MQfcillfd Uin fionnol! of Urn miinliii- pitllly tliat thu imlil Houlli Townlino thain wu no htully out of ropulr an to ouimo iliuiiii|(ti to Lholr lumlii. Awo Wmkhhau, thn Hftid ilrithi Iiuh honomo nllml up, olmtvucUil iiml out of rimlr ami it In uootiHUitry to olu&u o*t, rwpitir ami improve thn iiiiimi ho an to itropnt*]y lmiiutiitu tho itamfi, and nualilo It to oirry nlrthnwutin-u it wanorlclnally dcxdtfiinit to carry ort and to prnvmtt <litmn.j[e to tliu artjucont IiukIh. AHDWimnieAit.tliariupoii ailil council hiuinrn- our(l (in nxiunJimLion to bo miuln by A., ,7. Hul- fonl,lmhit" apuriion cumpnUnit for iiuuli purjioiKi, of tlift nalil unwiprupniind to bit itriijiiixl.aiiit tlm iiiUKim mi|((!uto([ for thadriLlimU" thiuuof, nud of ottmr lumla and roittlu linSlA t uiiiuiniiniolit unilui thin not, and Juki aluo proonrnd pluiiN, iip"<!iflfliitiniiH and nntiiuutmi of tint driiina(;o work to ho matin l>y thn wairt A .1 Jlnlfoitl and an auiiiHiiiinont to Ijii in ado hy him of tho lumlii and romhi to bo bnimllttuil by nuoli dratnar<> work mid of otlior laiidii ami roudii It- iililo for ooutribnUon ihoruto, utittln^, an iituir- ]y nil ho can, thu proportion of honnilt, outlnt Jtaliiltty and injurinn liiibllttv, wliloli in bill opiidon, will lio dm'ivcd or Inourrtut In oonii- (jnmicn of mioh drallnii.'o work, by ovovy road ami lot.or portion of lot, tho wild aHiioniimontiio iimdt> hoiiu: thoiuninimiiiciit horolnii(tr by tlitu l)y-law onaatrtil to bo nutiiirinod mid lovltid ujion tho miuln and loin or par In ot loin, liurciiniiftur in tlint hohulf mipucliilly rinl fortli und doncrlbod, and tho roport of thu aald A. J. Hnlford In ronpnet tl-ornof and of tha naid (lralnui;it work boiiifj mi tollowfi: CIuMtlkmj:n:.Iii conipliancn with your iuntruc- tioini, I hav niiidt1 an uxiitiuiialion of tlio drain on tho north hMo of tho Lnwulinn Imtwoon Col- chontor North and Hnndwich HoutU, oxtundUni from tho Viih con. road to Morrloli Oroult. I find tho drain vory ljiully out of ropair throii(di- outltH ontlro loiiRth. Tho oaatorly portion ux- toudlnr; from tho J'ith con. road to tlio nontroof tho Oth con., in of littlo or no nrio. Tho huidii which It wan tlonfutioii to drain. oxtondhiRatamt two lotn to tho north, am vory flat and owlni,' to tho poor outlot alfordod tliuiu by tliifi drain, tlmy aro fruquontly onliroly HubiuorKud, Tim only roinoily in to onlarfjo thiu drain to tho wont- If tho drain In oulurjtud auroim tho Otii con. it will nocoiiuituto tlm oiilaraomout of it all tho way to Murriclt Uroolc. Prom tho townlino hotwaon Coloh(;ntor and Andordou on wont to Merrick ('rook, whom ttio drain in from IU to HO foot in width, and from \ to 5 foot (loop, it in on- tiroly inuulilchmt to carry off iho honvy How of writnr tliat coiuon from tho oant from Colchuntor North and Sandwich South. Tho comton.umico tn tho landn lyinjj to tho ant on both iiidon of tho towi.lltia aro badly ilomhid at dilYoroiit flna- iioim of tho your. A larger outlot, muHt bo pro- vidocl. Thin I rocoiumond to bo dono by cori- ntnifitini: a now drain from tho noutbnidoof tho townlino from olehontor North, wont to Mor* rich Crook. Tim drain should havo a 1 tt, bet- torn and Hliould bo from ;t to :iVlj rt- doop. A drain of thuiio Uiintiuiiicuii can bo eoiiHtrucind t iibuiit tho nimio nnot an thu onhtrijomoiit of tho drain on tho north iiidu. Tlioro aro a nuinbor of itmall cujvortu eronfllny tho townlino botwoou tho 7th wnl V-Jih con. rnadn. Whou tlio drain id nnlnrifod thono cul- vortii will bo of no furtluir iiho and f.rncomijjond that nil of thorn b clofd up. A mimhor of culyorts will ho rnqulrnd to b Iniprovnd. I havo jtrovidoil for tho emit of tliin work in thoHo (tiltinialoii: My oiitlmaton or tho cost of tho work, Including all incldoiitul oxpomifiii for ouch of tho throo towinibipn anTneU'd, in ?'i.5:il. Ci thin amount I liavo chartjod S1 ,.^75 ii(jainnt ttio liuicln androadn lu.tha T'owtinlilp of Rnudwlnh Houth that wotilil ha linnollttaiHiy tliu (hniti or will tuu> Ltio drain mi an outlot for thoir wnUirn. A lurifo aroa of hind In tho Townnhl)i nf Cob ohOfitor North will h (iroatly bun>ii\ttnd by Imvlntr tho watnr oufc olf. It will ubio bo p>n vlihid witli a moro olilolont outlut from thu An dordou towidtnii wont. Tu work will ho of Krortt bono fit to th townlino nud tho towunhipn of Cnlolimjtor North.anil Andio'tloii iivu bomdit- tod by ltn tmiirovmauiit. Couuu'juontly I liavo ohar^od mioh of thmm tfivnnlilpn for bonortt to roadK, v>i!07 ,(lalnnt tho Towonliip o/ Cololuoitor North, anil ill\l iiKiihuit tho Towimhip of An- dnrdon for thin tiunout. AKidioit i.ho lau<lu In OololicnUr North that will bo nffi ctiul by drain I liavo cliitrfjtid -Mlt'J iov bouoi|t and $\i>\ fur outlot liability. An partii or lotn No. 11 In tlin and Elth coin, of Aiidorilon will ho lUroctly bounllttod hy tho drain, I Imvo oliar|[od tfMfl uuaiinit thoeo lamia tor mioh hoiifltlt. Accompanying aro plaiiM und ripooinnaLlonx nhowii)[( tho looaUon and ni/a of tho drain, ahto uiiiioiiniuimt iioliinluhui nhowlni; tho iiuifMint oharijod ucniiiHl ttaah lot nud part of lot and tho roadi in onoh of tho throo tawnuliipn thai will bo uifoctud hy tho work. Tho <lraln nhall bo ltopt in ropalr at ttio ox- p mi mi nf all tho landu and roniln horoln iuhiohuuiI arid in tho iiumo rolatiyo proportion an horoln iDiiiuiinod unloiiu aUoratioim Iu tho draiua^o nyii- tom of tho locultty roudor a oliaiiC't uocuuHary. Honpoctfully yourn. A. J. HAhlCORD. . Ann Wjikhkaii, tho naitlooimoil In of opinion that tho drain a (;o of tho uroai doncrihod In do- idrablo. Thoroforo, tho naid muuicipnl council of tho naid Townnhlp of Hiuidwich Houth, jmnuiant to tho provinloiiii of tho UruinaRo Act, lwi, (inn.ctn an followu: Int. Tlio iiuid rnpor-t, plaint; ripoolflontlonn, au- lioiiiuuontu and outiinaton aro Uoroby udoptnd and tho drainiifjo work an thuroln indioatod and not forth Hhall bo made ami oonntrtictod in ac- GOrdanott thoruwith, 'Jml. Tho Iloovo nf tho nnid townnhln may borrow oil tho crodit of tho corporation of tlio naidTownnhip of Hamiwioh Houth, tlm mim of :? 1,670, holnfi tlio proportion of oont aHnonnod ajiainnt laudn and roadn hi tho Townnhlp of Handwich South and miiy lunuo dobimttirnn of tho corjioratiou to that amount iu union of not lonn than 50 oach, and pnyahlo within fivo yourn from tho dato tboroor, with intorgnt at tlio rato of flvo por contum por annum, that iu to nay iu flvo oyual juntaluiontit, mich dobon- turiiii to bo pavablo at Hank of Commorco in Wintluor, Urd, I-'or pityinfi tljo nmn of .?:!.').'), tho amount chari;i|d aijaiuiit tho naid lundsi and roadn for bouoiit. and tlio mini or t<117. tlio amount charcod rifnilnnt tbo] IhikIh and roudii for outlut liability, apart from tho liindu and roadn boloijfllni; to or controllod by tho umnioipality, niidfor covorimjintoroiit thureoij for llvo yourn ut tho rato of hyo por cuutuin por annum; thu total iipocial rato over antLabaYaaliuthtULiatoii, iiliall bo aiiijOHiiod, loviod and colloctnd (In tho iiamo tnauuor and at tho mimo timo ail otlior tax mi aro loviod and collootod), upon and from tho undorinontionril Iota and partii or lotn, and roadK, and tho amount of thn nutd total upocial ratufi and intoroiit uhidl bo divided into tWo otjiuil purtfi and mm nucli part, ihall he awumHod, lovinil and oollootod riu aforoiiiij in oaoli year for llvo yourn aftor tho Una) panning o[ tliin by law, dormi; whioh thu rmlil dobouturtMi havo to run, c o O U G u u o U3 O - (T. - a . ij oi u pL lot 1 u pt '> W pt 1 w pi 2 IU lot 1 a h w qr ;i it o qr 1 w 'i I u hi 'i w hf 2 i, J 3 W J it Iil\ o\ '$ W pt n\ ('i ii s HJ el 1 *l i a ------- ni "4 'J ' h oj ;j n i--\ :* wj i B w^ 2 v\ n w[ 2 n wjt 3 h* wi ii 7 04 1 H V\ '2 n | -2 H ui 2 H Wj- 1 n u} 4 wj 2 H w 'ii Cj fi pt f-'i 1 a \v\ 1 - H c\ 1 0 pi M fc| 1 Riuht of way L. 15. A D, H. K. o < 100 100 GO tlO i>00 200 od 00 lrU 100 100 21 12 7.r. - 2o 7.0 S flO 100 50 25 2o 50 100 50 oO fiO 484 \a' 48J 75 50 50 25 3* S40 00 20 on HO 00 20 00 15 00 2'2 Of) 25 00 25 00 14 00 IB 00 H 00 12 (JO 5 00 10 00 ill) (JO 10 00 24 00 24 00 BO 00 HO 00 20 00 17 00 40 00 25 00 25 00 a (jo 0 oo ;i oo 10 50 5 50 5 50 n; no 10 uo 10 oo '20 (|(J 10 1)0 5 IJ0 5 00 10 oo 1G 00 H (JO a oo a oo 8 DO 8 00 10 00 7 00 SI oo 5 00 5 no ;j no ID r1 si o-1 $12 10 02 o 6 7 ;j 24 12 3 5 IS 3 3 1 20 50 72 80 10 10 71 lri 88 88 24 03 47 07 85 85 ni) 55 Do tf3 55 7H 78 fj'j ;i(j 24 24 21 41 24 -iy 0!( IU nn 03 7H 802 111 50 27 181 '.)2 23 12 98 28 28 0 10 20 50 72 80 do 10 74 18 88 88 24 fi 93 3 47 44 17 0 fi 10 11 11 51 11 5 5 11 47 <i 0 J 25 Jl 1H 8 31 1!) 35 35, 00 55 55 98 bU 78 78 5 30 21 21 21 41 24 lfl 0!) 10 (S3 2 O'J Hi. 03 5 78 15 02 a - . oj _ J " W *VJ J V I ?18 48 0 21 11 30 5 51 30 00 18 48 4 02 8 o5 11) 01 5 78 5 78 1 Mo 1 3D tV.l 8 80 1 27 1 27 3 HI 2 31 2 iil 10 40 2 31 1 16 1 Hi 2 31 9 47 1 85 1 85 1 85 5 08 1 85 8 70 1 02 fi 24 3 03 H 03 1 16 3 00 547 00 '-575 00 Tottti-on himlH........353 00 On municipality tor roadn: llth zuu. road, | 10th do ; 'Jth do 8th do 7th do \ on South Towuliuo Total on hindti ami ro:ulu tllo7f> 00 4th. For payini; tho Hum of $575 tho amount aiwciHiod iiKaiiiHt tho baid roada and laudn of-tim municipality, and for covorinc iutmoHt thoroon tor ftvo yoarn ut tho rata of ilvu pur cuiitnm por annum, a Hpoclal i ato on tho dollar, Rulhcwmt toproduco tho roqulrod yoarly amount thorn- for nhall, over and ubovo all otlior ratos, b loviod and collootod (in tho nanio uiannor and at tlio namo tliuo an tuxoH uro luviod and colloot od) npon and from tho wholo ratablo proporty iu aaid Towmihip of Saudwioh Houth, iu nann your for yearn aftor tho llnul nanHltif; Ql thin by-law, during which tho naid dohouluron hav to run. nth. That A. J. ITalford,' E. J. O'Neil and J, Oroavqn aro liorohy appoinlod cohimiHrdonorti tr> lot tho contract for tho iiuld drain and worka cDiinectod thorov/ith, by public auction or ton- dor to tho lowont blddor (not oxcoudlm; thu oa- tiniato), but ovtry nuoh contractor, with two Rood and nut la factory nurotinn, nhall bo raquirod forthwith to ontor into boudn for the due pur form unco and completion of tho contraot, ac cording to naid piano and npiicllloatiouii and within tho tlmo montlonod witltiu imch bond, uiilofifj otliorwiflB ordorod hy thn council; nud it nhall bo tho duty of nnch conimlfitilonor to oauuo naid drain and worlm conneotod therowlth, to tio mado and conntructod in aooordanco with tiuoh plana and iipocifloationn, and to jjrant cur- tillcutou to the ltaovo from tima to timo, to oiick contractor, hina 10 piir cent, of tho anionut duo, until tho oontract in fully oomplotod and duly acooptod. 0th. ThiH by-law idiall bo puUlinhod onoo in ovory wooli, for four comiooutivo wooiiu, in tlio ]QusiexFr*o 1'rawi, uowfipripr, published iu tlio TowuofKoBux nud flhaUcouio into foroo upon and after tho final piwnlnfi thuroof, und may hi 151 'jr. 1154 <JG 231 03 8'J 13 fifi4 13 132 83 U24I 00 UHU) 0i) 8303 80 citod tlio "OolchoHtor Townlino Kopjurii Ur law.' JOHN MOVNAHAN, .VUIIAIJ.VM OOI*E, Clorlc. Jtoovo 1 horaby oortify that tlio forojolH|' ifl a crn* copy or a by-law provlsioually adopttid by th" municipal council of tho naid Towimhip of Kiuul* wioh Houth, on tho 15th day of Aui'UfJt: A;,l>' JS'jO. JOnN MOYNAITAN, Cloiic of tho Municipality of Handwich Bouth. NOTICW iH IHSKKUy G1VKN THAT A Court of Kovuiion, hold purmnint to tho nmvlfilomi rif tlio Drain ago Act, ' ItiDI, for tbo hoarhiK and trial of appeahi mado urjaitiiit tlia ubovo nfiHOiiimuiut.or miy part tlioro- of, will hold itnilrfltnitthi|;a at tho Town Hall, Handwich Houth, on Saturday tho 19th day of Htptomhor, 1B00, at tho hour of oho o'clooU In tho aftoruoon, and that .any ponton intondiiiR to appoal-iualiiRt tbo ubovo auiiunrnuuiit, or any part thoroof, muat, not latar than tun dayo bo- foro tho timonxod for tho holdlMijof iiald Court, iiorvo on tluOItrk of thin municipality, o writ ten notice of audi apiioal, or othorwifio ho will bo too late to bo hoard in tliat, behalf. And iurtbflr iintioo in horoby uivon that any ponton intondinfi to tiayo rrncli hvdaw, or any part thoroof, quruihod, muut, not lator than tuu diiyo aftor tho flnal jiaiiftiajj thoroof, soivo a not- leb in wiithii,' upon tho Jtooyo or otlior houd Othcor, ami upon tho Clork of tbo Municipal- ity of Handwich Bouth, of hiu intontion to raako application for that purpono, to tho IIIrIi Court at Toronto, during tlio nix wa*!(n uoxt onuu- liifi tho inal paaainjf of tliifi by-law. JOHNMOYNAnAN, Townnhfp Olorlt. Camuliau. John Waugh wan killod at Boufortli hy llKbtmug. BaloH raoyinff up hifihor ovory month in tho record ol tuo buiimoun of Crawford, ol Tilbury. Spinning wIiooIh ut MoQrcgor. H. l'lummer. Throo littlo girls woro orouHint: tho Nup- anoo Rivor on'Sunday in a boat whou li^htninR killod two of thorn named Lhicl. nuy and Ellis, ' j.hi.'k] I'.'Jiu Watch # This Space For our SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT next week. The Great Corner Store, Diebel & * ^ % Premiees, Large Stocks bought at the lowest poesi- -$v ble prices for GiihIi mean Large Sales. During July, (although it is considered to be a very dull month,) our sales were higher than any month during the 10 years we have been in business in -$- Tilbury. Why do people come to ua from all corners of the two counties ? They come because our pricee are low and we have ijfc large stocks irom which to select. Most people are finding out that they can made a good day'n pay by coming to us for a few dollars' worth hence our sales are being forced higher from month ^ to month. Our premises contain over 13,000 square feet of door space packed full with Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, ^ House Furniture, Wall Paper and many other lines. We Bpeak the truth when we say wg have The Largest Retail Furniture and 4- Hardware Store in Canada. b ye v 'm "irTir'iTMiM*MiiMw^MMJfci'iirirMi . E. The Gash Grocer, Goniectioner and Baker, JHE peoplo of thu Town (if Ehhox und tiurroundiiin country havo long f olt tho vmnfc fp of phice whi'io thi'y oouhl tfo and rmrohnue what thoy requiro ou a oloao, oaflh ,^ ImhiH, without buinc cijinpt.-llt"3 to pay higher pricco to tntiho up for tho losBta mado in tinj orodit Byatt-m. Cull and hco our f^ooda, whioh aro always of tho beat qnality, and eot our priooH, which uro tho logout. Don't miaH ttyiug our Tea at 22, ooniB a pound. BREAD 4c. A I.OAT.-" Garden and Field Eoeda direct from the largeBt grower, and dealers in America,afc loweBt prices, OABH PAID FOR FIKBT-OLASB BTJTTEU AND FRESH EGGS* ANJ'. OTHER PEOUUCE. \ "it. i . ",M ' '^Vi GOODS I>ELIVE11ED PROMPTLY. J H. WIGtE, Mgr, Scott Block, next Aberdeen, Essex,. , urn ! zM iMMMMi^M^^^ 92

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