Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 21, 1896, p. 7

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^^PPpP^?^?^ jfiy? $^ P^^PP /WOT W.pfflwi i?Jvj'*f^7 ^T'^xSW H>Pf *SInwWtv^pfl^Rw'v^TfraJ ^7^'.r^f^-:7.; ffi A Montreal , Business Man Won the Battle Through his Wife's Advice, . A rihort tinio u^o a Montreal biiniimiiii man rnhirnud from il Now York privutu botipititl, to whioh hintitution ho had 40110 lam Kebruary for treatment, 1'ho ntiHo wan it miriouH one hi tinny dihoruw;- find liud hit Mud tho tddll ol the local doe-torn. The Now York npeoiuhut, after a month'n clone attention could not hold out very iitrou^ hoped ot u nomploU) , euro, but udvinod piitionoo und rontiniifld troutixcint. Tho nick man, hoping for hotter ronulttt, remained for nome workn lonyoi , but, flnully loft for homo oiuk, unhu|ip) und tlj- Hponduiit. Upon bin arrival ni Montreal, fViendu were alarmed whun they Timid hm condition hud not improved, and moiiiu recommended a iiou voyage. The nick man'n wife having heind ot tJio woiuleru aecompliuhod by Pnine'n Celery Compound in canon ot kidney dinoiu-'e, urfjed hoi* liimband to jnvn il. a trial. A (tupply of tlio medicine wan procured and lined faitlifully, and the dint lint, pri-|>arud npucially for tlintiti nblieted ".villi p-.hhn.-y ,troubled wan o]u:ioly tollowcd. After throe woelm' iwo of Puino'H Celery ^ Compound, fi blenncd uii'i happy clmn^u way obnorved. Tho pu'Jent wuh hri^htt;r and ntron^tir, no conntiptUion, no buck aohoH, urine wuu morn natural in onion and appetite wan hmdthy and ehtubli.dicd. After duo care and attention, und the uuo of Paino'H Olery Compound, this Montreal merchant in well and uLtendjiiL,' to biibincHii today. Poor ttufl'crer from kidnoy trouble, whut think you of thin Mont mi I ciim<- ? Will cot the name treatment brin;; yuu th * boaltb and freedom from dineuhf thut you 00 mueb deidre ? YeH we are em-tain it. will. Puiue'n Culery Compound wdl ijudo ran aw your lifo, aii(.Lfii.vo-yii-iL_kig loaHu of happy day^. L'nu the kind that onrc-d tbo Montreal niorchiint; remember thero aro iinitatiouB ; and very . worthloHa ouf-ii too. 'Tin "PameV that (milieu peuplo well. OomljiiiiiitT t'olorn. . It 1h not; /'i\"i'ti to nil to di't'.'irL an ninny Uluultvi of col'ir:i ns ih.'il SwihH ribbon ituill- tlfurl invr win) is -,,(ld u> i"< able Ni di^c.M-n 13,701) dilh-ivm. ..h.Kii-s. Tlieroi'orr fol- - -- -lmvtttjr nii^'ii'c-itioii.-j v.'hirh ho maliOa m.iy 1m3 n^^i'ni: Blat-k. ('ov^hipc'i wnll wirh nil ry- colors, tn hrii-biin. Bb.ek p. 1 rod, lavi'i-.-.. of blur, rUlent i'iij.i'.i : and hiu!i:'..' ] t- U,..^! \\ II tl' 11 HI'O SO l.'li'Klll^ , .'i 'in.! in-1 lii'.'irh* llku it. I'.il'. pin!;, hliu', yclloM1, jjtoi'ii, .1* .'ind i.'vi'ii rat-lii'j' dark Hluidi'.s ii Imiw }i ;uiil K'rern aro uxoel- ,.i i . ',i' : "p wi'U -with yellow, jrohl ii i: isi the Hhiide of in-own Which h;is^s. It is elTt-olUo ul.-in i-i-t.-sin tunw ui' ^ri'di. A ehoivh'U' ini-J uiiil: lu-mvn combinr* wtdl "with old ri phis and t ho dull Guides of pink. Very dark ;;n;i-n is <TUvl iic ivhen hrihL- onnd hy linings or nar.row trinmitn,'; of pjilo bine. ,\ iiH.'iliuni Hlindo of tnvon nn-itos Wfdl wiili ulii [link. lirnv.-iiii-h ^itiuih lnuk .Wtill \\"it,l( lij'ujiy.c ;nnl f'ppi'r ntlor, JJark blut! may be hri/htmird by linns of bright, rieJi rod, hy linos of old rosi' or of clear yoUow. iduo >> t.lio "cloutrte" and "cadet" ^:iriri w.-i is best' i.-oinbiimd wii h bliiot: ni" v, il h :i':wnd -ili:s in whii:h r!ii flaino -s.bado |:n.'dumi:iiitu:i. Youth'y Coin- pauiuii. A Ilorfo Tnlu. Tlii.-ro uro j-ooph- -wlio will not believe liio fd-llnwiii^ .iloj-y of a horse ; wliK-h t;d;f:ritl!o md of a liosojdpi: in iii.s jiioulh j;nil hcl(i<i it liifro uniil li4J,^iliii-.sC in queinda-d, bin it is h;iid to bf u fact- 1'ho hoijdo is owned by 1*\ b. lii/uwji i.j! Ans<]-ii:i. L'onn., and i-iio hor,so is m.u- blt-d ;it Curtis' jivi-ry li;i:pn. It wiui .st-v- eml days n.v ibnt oi.i- of rhe Ktublonicji, wbilo luojii.^ v- iili hiiii, oii'ori'd hun thu ond of the ln.'-f'jUjjo, iljcuu^h wliieh tho writ' r v.'L-a h;v :!>; , and, to Jiis surjjriho, tlio hiu-o ".iiou iu. iji In.-; inouLli and lioid ii lla'-ro riiitjl be bad a piud drink. Tito .!- h^r.-v wn.-* h-.d to tJio .'n.-" own aooord It'.ol; Indd .nd ,-n>-'->'odrd in ^ itin^ .!-' inuiiili and liad a good J :i l-o do :.n day liiU-X iwxt niij.* trough In- ( of tlie pipe 11 io OJtd in drill1.: (f day. .i.o.'1'oi, j ie.aJ.l. A T.-r.iblr SI ruin. trion i no\VH])n- I "por v.-ritir '..'.: yen, what is " thu use oft my !'ui-ijr; i:,' ,i!. jihout? j ' l^itrin-.v (n di :.;:'.aUv- < yiiic) 'J'li.-y up-, j Knirp'.v foj1 u:. i.!:.;| di^-iplino uiid lh(; CUltiv.'ltL'M'l of ji:'- JiiyV, i-IS Hi' iiK-muiiy, Uiia', i-ie. Kon - i^alhrT If \i.ii do nra admire ^'i-ejit pOWr-l'S; <;f i-'),'. ii.n. el .i.brlied Willi WOJJiiCJ'i'ni !"'!: [j-aijoii, le'.eiail liy iiinr- Himiiv if :i-i:-;f i:, ;- :J jic\or hi- nolo to ift-\\ lL* !:. if -I- family lii.4tory OUl'lin'-.-d Ir--- t k- ,vrv,iiii.s j:: Hie iir.^ti aot Of U JiUW ol.-;V. I.oLuiMji Aliawiix L'oi. I-::-', ,-,,i,-.b '(ii';<-T!if'jn- j:.' ii .i-.^ :-i'i l i vi a parly." ' "Itf t:-.r:t tionrl""', U-r.'- ..; "U'm. Will 'ii.-.-i.- hi- uiiy oaisulu ia vit'ltntaiiw?"- iJuimit P'ree iTrtm A fort-JK11 apidioaitl for a pal out u> tbcj United ritutoK must, make tlio hocoh- eury oatliw nd aflidnvihs before u inin- Ip'tcir, oonflul'or commercial, agent of the Uaitod StAtoa. j.v; ', ' . *P'V" Ibo oldoKfc foiis of kuigl;ts of (lio giir- tor procodo eldcwt Komi of hnnmefB. iFiffcy yeara of Hucciinn in eunttti f)iar- Hiwa.DynGntery, Cholera, Cnho, Cramp", Cow*'l OomplaititHof mimiriflr und full, cje., stamp Kr. I'owlor'ti Extract of Wild Rlrnw- borry ftfl tho bout r-nmody in the unirkot. It.saves obildren'8 liven. GREAT SOUTH-WFBSTERN PAIR. Thu following Hpi'olal Priy.oti am offorai! for nompotition by friernlH of tho Jdxhiiiition, to ho hnld In Khhmx, on Tuund.iy, Wfuinomhiy and TlHirndiiy, Hop- tonihur tilth and IlOth, and October Lit, 1H!)H: 1 Diobol Hi BrJokor BoHfc lady didvor, doublo toiun, ii ladyVi hut......................;....... ..............................,....................Jfi 00 2 ,T, A. FranoiH JIOMt ludy driver, idn^lo toam, f'olt hut.......... 2 00 ,'1 A. II. HoaHV&Oo, Boot driving dono by uumnrrlod lady, toilet,riott.............................................................. '......... 3 00 Tbo ludy who will In HhorfcOHfctimo Iwivpohh, hitch to bu^Ky or unrl, drivo, trotting*; or pnolnfj, onoo a-.'tolc und nnhllch up;iiin, not loon tlmnU to ontor 3 00 5 li 00 0 00 1 00 12 00 2 U0 l o0 ;i oo I-00 round t Tlioh. MoKoo, Co. Olorlc Hoy, undur 18 yuara, wlio will in HhortoHb timo hiLcli to oarL or hnj^y, drivo, trottinj.; or pacing, onoo round trnclc und uuhiloh ajjain, not lofiu lhim .'( to ontor..........................................f....lnt :i, i!nd (i Dr..Ium. Jlrioii Boot team in lmrnoHn, ownod in Ji'inox Co. and driven oiio mllo by ownorinuler :::11...................... 7 ' J. S. Auntin Touin of roadutorn umkin^ bout Mmo nndor ;t::i0, owned und driven by ISiihox Co. furmor, 2 IbH. of Co cunt tea...............................' ....................................... 8 W. II. lUoliui'diioii, V. S. BeHt ludy ridor............................ 1 00 {) 1?. H. AdiiniH Bout carriiiK" foal, IBillJ, ono wiiij>................. 1 25 11T"XvTTr7TiraT:nadHon-~.BoHt Hin^lo oarriit^o homo in hnrnoHfi, llOt'HO Clij)pol'M.'.............................................................. ** "J^ 11 ,1. iMay Bont. heavy draft i'oal, 1KDH, ono whip.................... 1 00 1^ P. Muvin, Coiifraotor onorid purpomi nutro und foul of IHUfi................................................................................ r U0 lit 'J. 0. Pot-lE BoHt pair mutoliod ponion nndor Kiha-iidn, in Koods ..................................................................... ......... r> u0 M Frank E. JMureon BohL 'Tlacknoy" mare und foul of 1K9U... 5 00 15 Joint Curry BohL curriuyo maro und foal of Jhlki................. o 00 Pi Sum. Stover Best nuddlo borne, notion, j^ait and soundiUJHH euiiHidoreo........................IhL. $3 UO, 2nd, J U0 17 J. W. tiibHim I-VL.4l.est ludy bioycliHt once round truck, not loss than l2 to ontor......................................^.................. 1 U0 JB J. F. Stone Bowt, niilkinp; cow, any bruod, plow repair*..... 1 00 If! U. Tutu i yoarM old..... Ii 00 20 W. J. Pulling -lie;.it Jornoy heifer, 'J.youi-H old...................... 2 U0 21. H. Walker tt SoiiH BoHt male and two' fomuloM, any of tho hoof broods ol' oaltle.............................. ..................1st, $10, 2nd SO. .*Jrd i 00 22 H. U'alkor A Sous- BoHt main and two lomulua, uny oft ho dairy breeds of cuttle..................................................iHtsll), 2nd ,*ti, rird 'J 00 25 II. Walker >m Sonn BohL 1 l'af ntoorw or hoiforw, any brood., 10 00 21 JL. Walkrr i'c Souh Be.sL und ^rojittMl of eorn in stalk, quality of stalk and uui'H and number of ourn on ouch stalk ooiiHidered.................lHt sir., 2nd 10, ;ird 5 U0 26 1!.. Walker. & Soii'h-Bohi dinpluy and ^routt.'Hf variety of corn in tbo our, in biiHhol baakoiH.............................1h( ^10, 2nd ?ti, lird 1 00 20 J. M. Ilioks Bent pair fat Hhoep, in roouh.......................... I 00 27 John Lain<,' Bent pair black Lunp,.shann, cockerel und pullet.............................................................................. 1 00 2b A.J. Green Bout' f> bimhelH. rod winter wheat, any vurieLy 10 00 o[j " BcBtfl butiliola white winter wheat, any variety 10 UU Hee.tiom; 28 and 2U aru Hubjoot lo ^rnin boin^ of Htandard weight or over and delivered to thu donor before Oct. fitb at IiIh wurohouuo in Kutjex. .10 ' Ghas. White l)OKt 2 bimholH of white wheat........................ 31 fi. W. Allan Best 2 bushels, of rod wheat.................>.......... 32 JohnHton JtroH. Bo:-.t variety of Hprhitf grninH put up in ijuarLoans, p;ootls............................................................ 3;i T. IL McKHittult Best 2 IhihIioIh of corn in eur.s, making of jjantH and vohl................................................................ 'M Cowell it Co. Best dinpluy and greatest variety of gruin ill .straw......................................................................... ;;r> Juh. S. Lai id Bent Humplen of grain in Rtruw...............,.... 1 00 ;t(i Laiiig, Kiichie & Co. BohL btibhel ofupplos," to belong to donor, brass bucket Hpray pump.................................... h 00 :i7 Echo Pig. Co. Best bushel yellow gourd seed corn, Kcho andUlobo, 1 your............................................................ 1 50 Best 2 bus. barley,Kingsv il lo Boportor.l yr. 1 00 39 Pelliam iNursery Co. (G. Chamber^ agent) Bent pock of potaLoeu from seed purohuHed from their nursury.......... I! 00 Heaviest squusli. in handles...................... 1 00 Bent collection and greatest variety of upplcH, not lens than 4 of ouehkind, named.Jst 3, 2nd 2 00 Four largcHt peaches, Fbsox Froo Pruss to end of 1897....................... .............................................. 1 00 Best und great est varicfj' of grain in tlio straw, a. double handful oleueh..................................................lst$:i, 2nd 2 00 Best and largest .water melon.............................. 1 00 LargesL and be-Ht pumpkin, squash and mangold wurt/.el............................................................ 2 00 Brett iV An Id Befit collection and greatest variety of potatoes. Fssrx Kree Press to end of 18i*7....................... 1 00 S. Wilkinson, best 10 lb. roll of butter, in tea....................... 1 00 J. G. Watson, Hoove of Sundwioh Best 15 lb. crock of lwitter, a silver butter dinh............................................... 5 00 10 G. Ihiuiord--Best 0 IbH. ofbuttor......................................... 1 00 oU Forsyl be. Anderson A Co.- -Best 3D lbs..ot'bu'_ter, ludy'm hat 3 CO 51 BruU iS: Au'ld Best full of butter, Fhhox l-^ree PresH t(j imd of 1X17............................................................................ 1 00 52 J. II. Alliss- ---Bcs-t 2u lb. crook of butter, special entry, lamp 2 00 53 Kcho Ptj4- Go Ik'st 2ft lb. crook of bill tor. Echo und Globe >1 J. IL Wigle, bowl crock b,-il tor, 10 loaves of bread................ 0-0 G. K. Siri! h & Co.- Best, uhsorimeul of cjinued gooclf),picture fjfi John iMel Joiigull- Betit 2 soatud carriage, manufaut ured in l-ia.scx t'ouoty.................................................................. N7 10. L. Park--Best. set. of slnylo harness, uiaiiufacturod in Fjssex t aumly........................ .......................................... 2 00 iiS G. .-V. Shurri-u- BcsL b'jquet of natural (lowers..................... I 00 50 C. Kneglioll" Best collection of house plains, j)boto frame 2 00 (in Jns. Aiet^m-.eii liesi druwiiii- ol";; Canadian pliinm.............. 1 00 lil M J WJfilo Ludy having the best, shoW of fancy work not shown before, a pair of lace curtains............................. t"2 Jiis. JJou^lns List eolh-etion of i'aney work, made in 'nO, a jiair ol'slij)]jerH............................................................... 03 Brcll S: Auld BeM iiwliviilual erdleetion of Lidieis' w-ork, Lsa.'o-i' Free Press io-oud of iS!)7........................................ til I Jr. .). W. Brio 11 I'retiiest baby wader 1 your old, native of J'ishex Co., '1'. iUorris tu judge........................................ lif> J )r, J. l-i. Junior Shooting blue rucks couLest,25 birds,1st $3,2nd 2 American Assoehition ruloii to govern, except tbo o|;erator must, keep stuck ni gun below arm pit until-niter lie calls pull; to shoot from known .1 r.'ips to unknown angles. 2/5 cents to enter. To .bo concreted for on September 2Utii, at 3 p. in, Gli Uewar, tlio Tailor- Foot race, lot) yardii, farmers between the ages ol 17 mid 2f>yrurs, inclu-uvo. Prizes to bododii'-LeU from price of mi i 1 of e lot lies made to t|r(.ier ;nr the \v in nor. best 2 out of 3 lusits, at 1. a>st 3 to si :iru....................................1st ;">.">, 2nd 3 (37 A.lLCbirke Bent addn ss. ol 'wo Icon 10 to Gu\'eruor-tiioiiera 1, medal or cash............................,.................................... 10 00 Cluinpclition limited to pupils who have aid ended High School.-* in Fssex CounJ.y or L'AHStunpi 1011 l 'ollege at Sandwich not niuro than one yea]. AS IJ. A. Maxwell, Inspector of Public Seliooln for South 3'Ihbox Bust .'iaiii])le of Writing, for r.o.iipi t'ilJon in the first and second fonriu ia the High Schools, Pif'lh forms in Public Sohoola or school.-; of similar standing........................................1st. $3, 2nd i$2 Also for competition In fonrih oLikSOH in Public and .Separate Schools............,.......................................................lwli %Xt Und 2 Oonjutio'Ns Tlu* writing yjoadd fill an entire p:i.gc of foolscap, should bo altogether prose from speech, nnrraiJvo, etc. A rmro repetition of names or of expn a.M-oi;, will not bo aoooptftblo, Tho fcpnehoror tho principal of the eompvUvor'H achool ohould oortify that tho writing was dono by the person oomwoting for the pristo.' Ijjltlior vortical orHloi)ing bund may bo i.Hod, UnloHH tho writing la, in tho opinion of Hu\ appointed judgon, nioritoriouH, tho pmee aro not to bo uwurdod but to j)iift to tlio Sooiuty'e fnndo. Pi 17 IS 1 ol) 50 0 00 2 00 0 00 1 -jU 1 00 2 00 self-help You are weak, 'Ttin-floWn,' health isfraihstrength gone Doctors cfill your case an aemia there is a fat-fam ine in your blood. Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver ~oTTHE - WESTERN - FAIR, LONDON, SEPT. 10th TO 19th, 1896. CuiiiiUu'* Puvorltt: IJvotftnuk HxIdMMoii. Oldest I'ulr In CuunJj-h'iCl. (B^H.-Goln^ liver Blnc I-Whlhlloi-ii llinl It [myii to chow hern, Kutriiuj oloiin Hopt. ;Hfd. yJkJ.OOD oKjiontfod on' i t*w iiuildliicit; beiil (in tlio cnntlm'nl I'lvmy |mrn hrowl voin'omintn'l In tin* blvoHtoolt. i ]\ my. in i iifii y nil mi I to A (,'i'Hii 11 o ml hucti-nKiii tu rm IWIifhlUoti. Tim <w ulro of Pfilry- fnj;. 1'tm In; to tlio l-'ulr, fnj;. Tim linut iwnv l>iiil*liiii!ii to nlmw In. A imrffot i-|(jlil und will wnll fonity P. Vlinfc i l-'ulr, Pawnee Bill's Wild West and Wtoxican Hippodrohio ! WLtllTTvTK)oho^nhil'e^ l'q ihp ,} '(,'hr^)0i'"'""1^ "<f <' VM*W "fS(,f<,/Jii ' the greatest fair atltacthu in Amcncaio:m^ best food-means of Wettinc Kio Ihuwin J,!1 Ali" ^ooriBh Acrf,lmta "Twelvo i]1 Numboir. getting your strength back your doctor will tell you that. He knows also that when the digestion is weak it is bolter to break up cod-liver oil out of the body than to burden your tired digestion with it. Scott's Emulsion does that. n<-ii1 V*tt I'rl^it UAut imo iiuiiit1 join* ontntiu, CAPT. A. W. POKTB, PreMibmt. TIIOH. A. BltOWNi:, Seoretary, Scorr &i liow:m, Ucllcvillt?, Out. Hoc. n<] f i,<xJ A GOOD SAM,\IMTAN. HAVING FOUND HKALTII HE POINTS TUB WAY TO OTHERS. IKU AdVlen Uau Aotcil Tiioiahy Mr. .'illl... -ouir, of WiJIllialon, U'lio iin a Hruijlf, No\i- Hcjolci-y hi Iltem-wed Hi'ullli uiid Slrt'iialh, Are You Building*? Wo nun supply you with all kinds of Woo don Material, plain and ornamental. Lino, Hemlock und native Lumber alwaya on Land. Shinies, Codar L'cnt.s Doors SuhIi und Co:il. Imporfanf to Farmers. Wo iiavo ,\mi got in a firHt-oiag^ line ol bitrn lumber at 612 per M. ft. Prom thu i'iul-ou TiijitiH. Mr. Mih-s I'uttit.-of Wulliui4ton, wan a rocunt culler ac the Tinien ollice. He in an old fiubsm iber to tin* papr, uo>l him for yeiu'n bona one of the niOHt rehpecied btiHi- Hoi",', men of Wellington. 11 j in alhij pen- nijHHc-.l ol eo'ni(ii.T;ibIo iuveulivo [^eintiH uiifi ni tlio holder ol noverul imteuti! for his own inveutiniiH. The Titneti wan nwaro of Mr. Pettu'M Henoiih noil ioiii^ continued i 1J - ness, Htnl ivhh (lidl^litei! to hl-(j thuf bu llrul biii.'ii.reHtore 1 to health, In uunweT to en- (pure!) iih to how thifi bud txani brought ubout, Mr. Pottit nrornprly und cnipbuL- leully repliiMj "Dr. Williamu' Pink PjIIh did it." Jioing further inttrnj^atrtd a to whether ho was willing that the Inula ahouJd bo imulu pubho, lie elieej-fully eon- Honted to (jive a Htatt-mcnt for that pur- pono, wbieh in HiibnUineo in an followH : Ho wuh fu-Ht uttaolcf il in the full of 1*02, ufter uH.'intiiJi; in di(*j;iiii! a collnr. 'l'ho llr.-it (lymptom wa hunfiiieHfi in the n'ttht' hip, which continued for nearly two yeuru. Tkat will last a Life-tixiie- Laing Bros- IS AGENT FOR THIS DISTRICT FOR 'K.-.1 ? It then (.;r!id unlly extended to lliu other lejj and to botli feet. rI'ha henmitionu were a mirnljiHatTiind priohin*;', which continued to #et worno and worse, until ho praetially lout control of hie fot-C. XIu could wall; but u short dititance liet'ore Iijh hrnbn would jnve oat, uud he would bu obliged to roHt. J.Io folt tliut if bo could walk forty rodn without rr-htin^ he whh tieeomphtthinK ik tfreut dt-al. He liad tho b..'Ht of medical attendaiice nud tried m uny medioiiied with out any benuJicial rennltH. IIu i-otniiiiied in tnia cjndition for about two yeai-s, when be unuxpucteiily got relief. One day he wuu in Pic ton and wan returning to Wel lington by Irani. I\lr, John Soby, of Pictoi. wuhuIho h ]juiM'n^:nm the train. Mr. Soby, it will be ruuirnihered, wan one oMho mn-iiy who h;ul found hi'iir-fit from Link Pillw, und had huth u ientiiiioniul tlmr, wiei publiHh^d uxtunsiveh. Having beuo beiu-tiLt<.;d by Dr. Williutna' Pink L'illn ho looi i-M-r ninca hemi n, tiLiiunch frii'iid of lhu medicine, und noliciue; Mr. Pott it'ii coiulition trade I'ji'piii v un to who ho win-. Having bueii informed, Mr. Soby tupped hini on the Hh-aii:ii-i* nn*i n-ud, "l-'rieutl you look a sick nmn," M^r. Pettit. di-.-icriiH.-d hin cu^e, und Mr. Soby rc-plicd, "'.I'ube I>r. Wnlhiiiid' Pink Pilhi, I know from i-xperi*-nee .v hut virtue thero in in tin-in mill J am Hiitihiied tln-y will .aire you." Mr. J't-t tit h id ' ri<M i:o irmuy things und tuilod tn ^i;l ruliof that ho witii num^wliut. Hkeptieul, but the joiyioe wiin i.o di'iiintorohted, mid (Jivvn i-o iMirneriiJy tliat bo couoltult'd to j^ivo i'aik 1,'illrt a trial. Tim redl in tdiurtly ntiiiiiiioin.-d up. lie bought the Pink lJilln, usod them ticcord- ii)^ to the direction* which accomptuiy eiieli box, mid witn csurnd. lljfi euro he buheveu to be pnrniauent lor it in now fully a year liinco ho diniioutinued tbo uno of the pilln M.r. Pottk t-ayn bu bolievcH ho would Imvo bticoi-jio nrteriy helplen:* had it not beiiu for thin wonderful, hoaltb ru- utorini; modicmo. Tho oxporiencf- of yioirn buy proyod that thero iti absohitoly no di n( unit duo tp a viti- at'id aondition of tbo blood or nhattwod uejvufc.that Dr. Williamn' Pink Pilht will not promptly euro, and thodo who aro tnif- fonn(f front Hiich trmiblon would ayoid much minery aud r.avo money by promptly roriortinj^ to thin troatenqnt. Got tho,. fjtrn- urno Piuk Tillfl every titno uud do not be porunaded to titled uu imitation or tiomo other Vomudy from u di-'ulur, wiiioh, for tho nako ot oxtra profit to bimi/olf, ho may nay iu "junt uu (joad." Dr, Williitrxni,' IJiuk Pilln makti rioh, rod blood, and euro wliou other modioinog fail. ' * Binders, Mowers, Cultivators and Drills*, Beat .Plows ii"L 1'H^ iVIr.ii*ket. .llr t i"st: *C1 eiss Farm Wei donq. Farmers Should See Hy Stock Before Purchasing. ALSO OHALiISlt I^J vtxsx&y}a Sto^oSn lX<i,<c^ . Save- ^rougMaag. General Tinsmithiiig and Repairing attended to. yeS?* North of Railway Track, - - Essex- p &o -" *-~-~^- rl*VV~: f-x ry feet and good footwear (lo te^etlier. I('t)ou would Inivt) the J' you must Heuk to get the second and to uceoniplirili that take a walk into Y Where you can'have your choice ol*.... .. Xo.xLjloijr ^0 l'-ato's C'urri^go Shoj), TaTbot-St.', Custom or Ready-Made Boots and Shoes A-'OXl ML'PT, -i": rZD ISO" TZ3-cnCTrn. Wofltoni jiiali'-- to soloot from. S^r" Prime Stock used in -no fihoddy. J^s* riepairing neatly done. ; , Parties desiring Uuatom-mado Fontwour in thu i'all can loavo fchoiy Q^dferc now und eall fur sumo whon wanted. R. SOFLEY, Essex. iroE riN job -y?umTm& . You,'oaimot do better than call at; Oil h Free Press Printing Office i '":"iVii : (Virf \!-Kji^Si^ :-v,,-'-V'>^tfS .*:' ^yi^^M /:,. v-^'V^w:-^^^ :-^ :.....:.,'. \r>-.>w4<<*'^

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