Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 24, 1896, p. 7

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If . t JAS. D. ANDERSON & Co.. BANKHKS, Noxt to Aberdeen IHotelS Eos ox. " Monoy to loan ou farmorn' Notofl*.NqUh bought 'orCollootod; Monov to loau on alortifimoB at owoflt ratou iuhI bout tor in a, DraftB iBituwUiayttblit iU par ul ullftnhioliiul points Fire Insurance Agents, etc. The Essex Free Press. BRETT A AULD, PROPRIETORS. FXUDAY. .JULY U, 181H3. Town and^Vicinity. Miuh Etta llall iii viMbintf (Honda in Wimtaor. JuGOb Arwoif, or GoMftoId Bouth, viflttad in town on Worinwiiluy. Lord tititl Lutly Aberrtmi tiro to yimt Winduoi* ou September lath. nomembo* you ^oi bi^ diuoonntu for. oauh at Smith'b. FrauU Btottn, of Windnor, haH boon Hpuudiud n fow dayn in town with ftloudii, Miwi (J. Bquito, of Olindu, yiiiitod at tho homo of -Ion. Itobiimon u few dnyii thin wook, Mibb Stolia RobiiiHon ruturnod on Bat- urdiiy fiom Wjandotti*, MilIi., where fhu had boon viHithc for u few dayn. DurinK tho protein year twouty-mx pur- uouo huvo bon uddod to tho moniborahip of tho Baptint ohnroh in thin town. PawiBolH, nailor htitu, etc., at bargain priced, at M. <T. Wilo A CoV. ri'iuoiiial \V. H. Manning and family (oft on Wvduohday Toi London, vi'iRurniu, to upend a fow wwltn' liohdayn with ml- titiveo. Iunpoctor Maxwell left horo for Windnor on Wodnciiduj morning, tho tenahor'n tx- aminattoiiH at tho Iligh Sclioul ha\iui> terminated on Tuonday. Tho family of O. II. Bncki* left on Tuonday for their Hummer cotta^o at Cedar Bench to upend iioint) wooltn. Mr. Brickor ih HpoudinK a fow da>H thoro alno. Tho M. ('. R. cmployecu' oxcurhiou to Kir (jam Fulls on Friduy lanL m<\ tared four trainn ami was puLroiliTecn^ovor 3,000 penjorm from thp Htationf iilonf,' tho lino. Mibb Edith Pi/or, of Amheratburir, su ited at J. A. Roho'n loot wtek and took tho M. C. H. on Friday to Buiialo, is. X , whoro uho purponcd upending Etcvorul wooIeh. J. E Btono ban noma am burijuinn in aecond-band carU and bu^yioo. Soo thorn, Mihh A'nnio ScloHber ban returned to hor homo in "Wulkoivillo ntzor hfn nding u wook with Mra. HamneJ Elhtt in lUaidHtouu, Mrs. M. Eitchio and Mih, .7. II. AUihh, and otbor fnenda m town, J. Elliott, Principal of tho Leamington Hitfb Bchool, vibitod tho punt wools m toun with Pniicip'ti UruhMvollcr and left on Xuofiday for I:ib old homo to upond part of hia vacation with relatives, For up-to-date genth' furninhiiiga go to Whitney'R. Tho Leamington Poht uaye in tho noar future a mammoth Liberal demonutrittion will bo held at Leamington in honor of the ointnjtiut of lion. \V O. Baliour aa 0. E. IforHyLho waH m Loudou thib wonk un a buninoHa trip. Androw Woluh, of Amhomtbur^, wan a viftitor in town on Monday. Mian Bortha Young in upending vaoation at hor parcjuU' homo in Maiden. Mihb B. Bowou, of Bt. Tbomaii, in viait- iutf bor aiator, MrH. A. 0. Btlmoru. MrH, J. E. Mooro, of Ruth von, vtaUod tho pUHt wool* at J, II. WiHle'tt. I town. - IVliwij Graeu Lunar tipont nomu timo vinit- iug friundH in na^oravdlo, Opt., and vi- Dinity, Mr. and Mm. Aubplaut, of London, are at Godur Boaoh with J. D. Andoruon'ii family. Mra. (Uov.) J. II. Gundy, of Windaor, iiponb Saturday with Mr, tind Mm. It. B. Colomau. A now bridgo la thin woolt btdng built on tho corner of Alborfc Htroet and tho Maid- atono townliuo. M. J. Wi^lo & Co. havo one more now fanning nuH; a bargain. Mm. Krioelioff luU on Friday tor a two- monlhn' vifiu with friciutiiinOiohiiidPark, N. Y,, and Toronto. W. E. Oundy, barrmtor, of Hidtfotown, called on tho Froo Promt on Friday, on a 'cycling tour to Windnor. Thoro wore 7a tioketa imld at Ennox (da tum on Friday to tho M. C. 11. omployooii' oxourniou to Niagara Fallu. A uubucribor wanta tc know tho amount of tho national debt of Great Britain. Can any of our road urn inform him ? C. L, Cratiuwidlor anil wife loft on Tijoh. day for Godorich wliore they will upend part of their iiummor vacation. Mfau Jtnnio Titun, of Aylmor, ia tho Knout of Mina Ella Burdiok and will ro- inain here for a couple of monthH. Win. Laing'n family, Mian Towuiioud and Mr. Dochsdader are oomipjing T. XI. DiX'ewV tmiall cottage at the BuilIi, A. J. Wilcox and wife loft on Sunday for a ton dayn' trip,going to Windnor and takmK the boat from there up tho hiliuu. Mr. and Mia. Wjlie, of Toronto, hayo bcou vndting the pant week with hui oouhin, VV, U. IVichardiiou, hardwaro mor chant. Mr. Balo'ii family and Mint Uattie Ban- barj, Mibb Coleman and Miiotor Edwin Boiiinan are (ipondiu^ their holidayn at Cedar Boaoh. Farraora do you want monoy at ."i por cent.? If bo, wrjto A. G. Baker, Leaming ton, Ont. Tertian of paymeut of principal to Hnit borrower*!. It ia paid that oapitnliiita from Detroit find otbn' plaoen are contomplating the erection of a mammoth 'iiimnier hotel one mile below Amluriitbiirg. Mro. Alex. Wallace and ftlrn. J. A. Pone visited laut wet'k in LLtroit and Mr. Wal lace ape it Sunday in "the mimo city, all returnint! horns on Monday. ' Mr. Twujdale hiiH moved from tht toll gate at tho nouth*caut of the town into a robedeuce on the Maidatono townline near the tdto of tho upper toll Kate. ~~ML*ri. Franii Gieen left on Wednenday to ripond two weeks with finndH in St, Ihomaa, uftor winch tibe in gumg to WW- land to vnnt for a mouth witli relatives. C. E. Najlor, after tho clone of tho Maaonic Grand Lodi^o HCHhion at Bolloville on Thursday hint, went on tr Montroul on bumnet-a and returned home ou TticHday. MiH.(Uev-) M.I' Gilnipbt 11 attended the omentioi! of i o W. C. I. II , which was olal Hccretary. , ^..l^^^^^ ___of tne i'U'lii p ipila (A the Ehhul. ..... Public Sth(,id n.commended by Principal In rchhiou at Toionto on Thuroday and nlanLing, tiul m tbt- recent iTiiuay of lunt week. Blje wan repreHonta- lligh Bchool Entrance e^uminatioti. One of the pupilb, A. Gourla>, wan in the junior fuuitb cla-if1 till MarUi laut. [4h getting to be un i - putt liciolu ndt-r, Tlie thud niatdrin the'hPrieh ^Wvcen that he miilu-f tnpn to the Boaoh every \* fir rt i li i u r. the Ef-k\ and Wiudnm junior football Uuttifi will lx phytd on the Agricultural Gioundj lun. (.n Tu rday next. EiioIj team J'luiit ^.!iu 'w iH ci't dit and this one will dicidi iht' 'tupiemitcy. Tlie Et-fie\ ttfim wan hiindKLippid in tlie iraine at Windnor on B.tuultj I nt in not having itb lej-'ulai \ 1 a 5 c i-. i ut tht} will fill bt on bund m U Tin jday. WtmUiiiil ' li tu C.iwfuid'H, of Til buiy, lor bindei twiiif. IIilj pi ices are the loWfcfit The rtirc\ "junior foofbulliutH vont to Wiiidcor on Bui M-d-ty la11 to )>biy u jetutii match with tin* junmru of that city and wore defeated by u kuic of ."> to I Tht* EP-^fX pluMiri w m *'nr pet ElUivoitli, Chaa Nuyliir, .1 tp.i1. Onnpbi.ll, Artliui Gem ' y, Harold Ti'm uji,,}o-iph Ecamau, Cbf ton !' i Jun. u Li. ' mJ ky :"P,i, *"AUn i jii i ,an l j.tii.i .Val'nce. Ber , the soy* 'i veur old on of Mr IIari_v f'bal mjii)ihiVj\ ofi i'n fiiejia in >i nr'h on Sjnd'iy hull hy U\n i'Aht l t nd liad luu t-ltj / d locarcd. Thih ia l ' tlie f' ot i w ^r*- ".a* tho jrunn* fe]lov linn me' with an i Wi.ekts . Jfl la t Sunu^y liu van iun ovc h) u l;i(y f/> ".id a ronp*f ft 'nnnthn a/'/i bo was fiti m k bv a pul^iiy hum .i I i.h irly run o\ei, b .ilIli )i *-r u uioi w identH. Ladi,^', gt i IV and < hilar- ii'c '21 und 3fj ct^j. IniU foi 11) et i. rt Brnttli' . In rufrrmg; in rim /^nortwf the In pec- toi of ihe 1'ue' Underuri'ei'H AnBOonition P^ Mlhiyr-'H firo applnmcea, th^ Tilbury runt1' Hays tlie eis^ocmtion ih "a{{f\m milking an aas of itnclf," Judi, <J^ bj the ciciH^ivn and out rugcmiB i ton imp nd by the uioriatioii ou the 'I* wo of 1'i-nex we think lh- aa-ooiiiticu hi -. on mace iilunvn *h -t it Uu-'W i huw 10 ma I < a hoi, of U . ir. The mt'ir it ( e.ii tbu ino;o rt wunt'i auu the teq'ini imutn i ho UfiHOoiation impeueu urm i tOWUH 1 aving i -m pjot. ction to havo Ibeir val'n pi roqitih j lu? w thiir. tho ra*en m uuproncied plueen iao ti-rUinly wuy out of roup m Bo mo legndaUmi that would "cit tUo ".onib" or thin oni^" io would ho htiilod wit'j delight by the r-unplo of tho Provinoo, ap '.mlly in tho nuoiporatort municljial. iUoH, very othoi night and be hitri lowuitd tho record for making that diHLance. Ciawford, of Tilbiii.v, will hi 11 more than hiiHhur ul 'hi n1o\fi and hoinjo furniture during thin lull Low pneiu, reliable t^oodn ami laig< i t&i lu> mnat and will do the busmciiH .1 1', IWiQuciii KHt un Tutsday for H'^naw Inland, Jjalfe Ilurui., to vi"t lor a oouple of weeitH witli T (J iiood, wko in in charge of a I'rtyl \ tunun mihhion on that lblaud. Court Khrf\, No, 1^, C. O. P. e.\cnr. hinn to Put m-Ba> on Str City of Detroit, on AugiiHt l'Jth,i going to bt the beni, out ing I'vm given to our cilueiiH. Lai go (ttuiuuer -mil one uf uio hnnt on tbe lain n Ijoud inline all thu \" y. W* will guuntn- tee ,i good ii <y'h fnn, and get you homt furl11 . e \v i ihinped fn.m T. U .>Cew'h ni U h(ic -bt -"-'cklC caibad^ of htnwn . ireo <>> ^o~< - ',d and iiic of lumbi?i, hnving e **ul v .mutton uf r>.t :'11.70. Th'H '(euk, ti. f i b.i'i la on Hl'.ipped r*x etiiloadp oF lumL,r, our of .'. tod and two of atUVti1, y IvtmI t1 ^1,01"), All i.t idnpp d to the Uou- t atatt'H. Ajj.nct,ril *- "vn that n jimo venu ago hu .not Y?UA\ gi>oo .iiiULCttH by v uig hi ahl^ iairutd Imi 'i.-, ti pri vi in-dive lo Lho (it- noniini i , ui ti army "/orm. Thu lime wanpi'ptiiy bh trtl i id i' lino mrulo in mud but i oph, and t'iu marub oi tho a. my wi. * put i. fnop to. Whcie grau *van allM.j!"-d iic apt tad huio on thorn bt foie tbe i\-m .id tuapollcd the oaily duw. Tl.'i pj-utti 'i'C hiL-n ju town in '.ho f-ne oi'or E. ii. Aiiams' Inrnona shop on. T"lbnt .ttiuet. Th*-j fli<m cunlaibii *ho worda "F, ,'. iVdiuc i' Lia nei-fi Bbop" and butween the h.nor two v/oru.j io a 1 oirj'u head, hard- rmely r-mMf I, .ho wholo oon-;; tho wo'k o! I'ri.'ik V.intii-, our local lu'inti. o y lo )(t av :Uu .I'gu noivo (hat !dr. Winters in aii expert at nign pmutmg and tbia one na icon ai'.jired by over^ one who haa i. -<n> '.. Thoro ih lr tiiri'o daubing on of paint bi't a boautiiul rrin^Hig of tho proper Hhr'dm and ooiorn, 'I'niro are other ntyna i*i town t\\tit atiow Mr. Wintcr-t' ability *n ( bin hnu and it would bo t^ifGjulb to llud work in a-iy piuuo that t-vni outlaid him MiHHMuy Wlgloiaviflltiugiu Bt/Thomaa, the guoiit of Mrtf. F. Hoabin. Itov. T. J. Hill', of Chicago, vittitoa at tho ho no of1 11. U. Coleman, last week. Havo yoar monoy and yofc your bate ut Whitney's. Mr. A. E. Milno and olnldrun, of Au- bnrndalo, Ohio, are visiting Dr. Jan, and Mrrt. Brian and othor fnndn in town. ~ Tho Tilbury _TinioB Hay:~HTho Eskox Ereo rrotJH iu uhowmg a big mmrovomont nndor tho onor^otio menngomont of MourH, UroU A Aiild." A numbor of triutiiolpahtioa in Ontnrio havo panned bydawa making the muuioi- pal tiuofi payable in two mutallmentn thin yoar in plane of all being paid at one time. Choipgoodn at Brnith'n; going out of huinnoiti. Augunt Cell will bo Laammgton'H und Id ugnville'itoivio holiday, Au^unt 12th that for EhiUiX and Windnor and AngUHt 20th for WalkorviHu. Amhorntburg and Hand, wioh are yot to hour from. A tipeoial mooting of tlie Licontm Com- mhininnurn of Houlh Eh hex will be In Id at the Aberdeen Houiie, m thin town, to-day (Eridny) at 11 a. m., for tho puipotio of granting liconnoit and for othor buHinomi. It ih fiaid that monqultooii aro very much afraid of dragon fhcH, and that a dried dragon fly uuimoiidod by tlno talk malum an effective "uoiirccrow" againut tho littlo tormontii, un they will not vonturo near it. Straw hato, negligee nhirtii, etc,, at clearing; priccu at SI, J. Wiglo & Co'n. The Nnrtii Ehijox Lioohho Commismonorti on batuulay granted liconflett for the bah auoo of tho year to O. W. Rcott, of Maid- Htouo; V. Cotter, Hugh lltilatoad and D. Soullior, of Itoeheuter, Tho application of ,7. Ilogam of Roobontor.'waa rofntiod. Tho young people of tho Baptint church had an lntcreatiug mooting on Tuonday hint. A well wntten ympor wan given by John Win tor and an admirablo nddrciui wau givou by B. Sloat. Tho inlorctit in thofio mcotiugH iu well Huatamod. Our corroupondentH aro kindly reijaoHtod to bo rtgularand punctual iu heading in thoir budgttH. A fow aitiolott from each oorrenpoudeut overy week in highly appre ciated, not only by tho managern, but by thoRo who livo in your locality. Ladioa' ahirt wuinta, redtieod from SL2j to 8!) ot s. ; from -SI to (.0 eta. and from 6j ota. to -U) otn. at Broith'n. If you htivo vmitotH, and you aro not ashamed of thcm.ieport them to tho Fiikk Ptikhh, no that youi frioude may know who thoy aro und whoro they cumo from. Wo ulwayn like to have peiaonal or aiiy ether ltomn of uuwh. Send or bring them in. The pulpit of tit, Paul'a (Epiaoopal) ohurch ui town on Sunday laut waa occu pied by ltov. Mr. Sherwood, of Loudou. Too pulpit will bo fillod on Hunday uoit by llov. Mr. Damty. Ilov. A. L. liovorloy ih expected homo for tho following Sab- bath. At their roguiar mooting on Wednonday cvonmg, the membern of Contra! Ledge, A. F. A- A. M., decided to "caJI oft" for tho next two meotingo o that thoro will bo no regular moetiuga in Augunt or September, The noxt regular will bo on the Slot of October. Wo are in receipt of Vol. I., Nod L f Tho Lounger, published by the Lounger Publwhing Co., at Ottawa, at o(l cotitu a yoar or 0 contu a copy. It ih a bbpago maga^inoj printed on good paper, and cou- tainn a number of good illustrations It diould be a popuha rnagaz.inet Michael Cau/.illo, of Windsor, died on Friday night laut at Port Huron, Mich,, where he had gone for a few dnyu' reat. Mr. Caujsillo waa 41 yearn of age, a mem- hoi of the C. M. B, A, and leaves a widow and eight childi on. Ho w.ui a peddlar und well-known all over tho county, Among the paaarngorn on the O. T. it. exprohH that collided with a freight train at TuamoBVille on Eriday laat were Lr. Ililln-r, of Leamington, who received ucv- oral ba t coutuaioiiH oi tho head and face, and A. Brown, of Comber, who had hia kntOH badly bruiued. They bad been in at tendance at the A. 1\ A' A, M. (jruuU Lodge at Bolloville. Waijen Cole, Eeevo Auld, Chairman of Building Committee, and Hoove Watfien, of Sandwich, mot on Fritlay laat at Band- wich to receive offers for the Beating of tho Court IIouho. At the HUgccf lion of .luilgo lioiuo, it 19 proponed to put in revolving til ting L-huuH foi the petit jury, luutoad of L he iiuy h in ih loc eo\ o] al JioiU .on a d bench, unihloto move ibcu pobt- t'lOltil. Tbe uosifc i iUmgH of iho-divisu.n ooni ' j in t Imj eounfv will Ik Jiotd aw followu: Sandw oh, \'/ ilm, Au,-,u it 10th; I3llo Iumi i .cnut y, Au^un' 2ltb ; Ead %, Tucfi- Ijy, August '2>th ; Amhert.i urg, WoduuH- dn.v, Auguat 2(ith; Wm Uoi, Tt'irHditv, Augu> o ii?tii , JIarro^/,"liJonday, Auguwb iihit, KmgHvn1 , Tuupday, Soptelnhei b.t Ly innug'if'ii, Vului^day, hjep^mlj a '2nd, and Cnml .T, Thursday, St plember ihd. - The nt v lo \uu of Lhe toll ioa.a in ho aox- imiL to havo pooplo coming into town from tl * houlh make of bin read that ho obi-rod to pimt fur a curtain bubtnoiiu man til town 1,0U0 bnHitieiitt oardft for Sfl, '.ho buumeau man to have what ho v/iohud pemteti o.i cno pidu, ttnd to diwtnbuto them IjiuriH to parEioti uning lho road end tho ! hi ,o tou^u j t Mm Mumri m paymout of n I, Ev)Jfn ly th'j lofiHi <} wuntu to try atd ennvueo the Toll Bo In CJoimniamon or . pit'ip.ieUvo pur^lmnor that tho toll ly ul in a paying mveatmont whoioan overy- L" .y kuowu tbui tho rotiMpbd at that gato <t, poA amount to CO oouta a wo.ik, whilo tlio o L'linjtiii nuiht bo moio than that m**o -ni- diiily. All a nt nemo thin boats t jyirnog vt havoyctlu ardof, X^robublyt "Mr, ',i;rn\,.^U will cxtond 'ho amo gonptf- oum efft'i ;y otheru und foi auo ufc hiu Other LtHtiiP Lun'tforgut tho aaleof Lata at Whitnoy'u, Tho MfflMi'H Kocho, of Ohio, are viaitiug MlflH Bortlia RobinRon. RUbh Thoman, of Chicago, in tho yuout of hor oouhIh, Mina Eftlo Loy. nliaa Hinolair, of Koclney, Hpont a tew day a hint wook with Mi mi Anna Colomau. Bpoainl biirgainn for tou duyH, in nil Iiuuh of HUmraor goodti, M. ,f. Wiglo A' Go. Mint) M. Homo, of Oli^tham, and MIhh Lizzio Brown aro tho guuata of Mibh Etbol Koo. Mihh Xiobtio Gordon is upending a fow daya at tho homo of Mm. M, Kelly, in Kooheatoe. Bave your money for tho Forouterii oxouraiou to I'ut-iii-Buy on Auguat 12th, Ciyio Holiday, Duuoan Cilheti, of Ionu, in vnutimg in town. Ho wan formorly a ntudont of tho EbHox High Bohool. Almar Tiudar in upending pare of bin Vacation with Inn limit, Mm. George iVtitoholl, ut Combor. Mrn. (Uov.) W. M. Fleming and child) r n havo gone to rditcholl to vnut hoi parcutj for a couple ot woolen. The Oddfollowa of Elotnot Mo. 2 will hold a union pionio at Chatham on Wud- noHday noxt, July 30th. Eli Irwin left for Clovuland, 0., on TuuHduy, to take a berth on the Qnaeu of t ho Wout for tho iiummor mouthil. Mtfinen Duiuy MoEwaii and Ida Todd left on Tueuday tor Piuconuing, Mich., to vnut tho family of Mm, Juuieu Towne. Bpinning wheolH at McGregor. II. Plummor. Honry, kou of Joliu Burton, wiui wrcat- ling with a companionjon Tuonday, when he wuu thrown down and had bin collar bono broken. G. II. Fuller in moving to hm farm at Union, and hin residence ou linen avenue in thin town will bo occupied by W. LI. Anld'n family. Alfred Walkor oxpctitn to go ount next wook and aamirao the agency for tho Van Wagoner wire fonco for the dnti-iot about, bt. CatharmoH. Mnj. W. D. Chafor returned to hor homo in FarkbiU on Monday and wan accom panied by her mater, Mihh K. Hohh, who intoudn upoiiumg a wock thoto. Tho houno at the toll gato at the Bouth eant cud of town ih now vacant, Mra. Gut-co, who moved in on Monday having moved out again on Wednesday. With a gato ou either end of tho town limitu, Ehuoi Town curtamly had more than her Hharo of tho toll road uuiuaucoa thoac rohea of bye-gono dayn, In our roporfc of tho High Bchool pro- raotioiin laut wook tho mimou of Charlotte and Lucy B. Quoon hhould havo beon ChaiUitto und Lucy B, alut^uoon. BiRhop4iuldujinT-ci London, couUrmed a olaon at Wmdhor on Friday evening laut, tho oIuhu being corapoaed of canditlatoH from Wiuduor, Eatiex, Amheiatburg and other plaoeH, Alox. Haird, O. L. 9 , of Leammgton, will loavo ubout thu lot of August to biir- vcy tho township of Curtia in tho Dibtriot of Algoma. J. S. Laird in aLo mtorejted in tho Hurvoy but ho will not go up till a oouplo af moutbe later, Tho Cauadiau ForeutoiH of Eubcv will run thoir oxonrBiouon Auguat l'2th, to Put in-Bay, via Windnor, on utuumu: City of Letroit; "Jljt BatL Band ou board ; danc- mg all the way if you want it; fare for round tup Sl/JT), children Uo cl*uU. For tho beai and clieapcnt Fruit Jaru, jiQjo M. J. Wiglo lV Go's. Conductor Thou. Barry, of tho Am- herhtbnrg branch of the M, J. Ii.f with hJH wife and hou loft on Tuesday on a three wooku' trix' to Ste. Anno do Beaupre, Quo. Mr. Barry's pluco ih being tiupphod by Couductor Dolavoin, of St. Thoman. Information oomen fiom Wuahiugton that two now counterfoil of United Rtatoa bilver ccrtilicatou havo been discovered by tho treasury department. The firat is a one dollar, aonen of lbfJl, check letter (3, signed by J Fount Tillman, rogmter, and D. N. Morgan, treasurer, and having a portrait ot Stanton. Tho nccond ih a live dollar, Hcnca of 181)1, chock letter B, aigntd by J. Fount Tillman, rogiotor, und D. jS, Morgan, troaomor, and having a portrait of Grant. 15 por oout. oft on clothing u-t Smith's. At tho mooting of the A, F. A A. M. Giaud Lodgo at Bellovillo, laut week, Win. Gibiiou, SI P., of BeamHville, was elected Urand Muster; E T. ?,Talune, of r"oiouto, Deputy Grand Mutui , ViKinr MoOimmi, ut Hellnvi'ie.Gran 1 hi. Ward n,A. li ' tiuor, , ^ irumu, Gnu d -luiiir" Wardou , Eov. W I'. Wdk'.na, m T n. >n, Grand Chaplam ; Hugh .\iitrray, ot! a'ol ini Gr-nl Troan- m u , ). .1. Ma<'on, 'A Ham I nu, Grand Sic..'Ury ; John tlotiu rm^tc -i, ot Toronto, Grand It ^mtrar. W, B. Ili'-li,.y, of iioth- ' j|1, wan rhoaftn D. I) (1 -M. lot Eno Din tiiut and Jin ntloul wad thuden i.h thu ue\t pl'ico of meeting. 'Tho fuwbi Oi thu Grand Lodj;o now amount to ^OO.OtiG ^8 Gontu' night imirtn, OOctn., at Whitney'y. TJto Oddfellowo1 ci.unty pionio, at Loam- ington, on Wednesday, August Gth, prorn- iioh to bo a rod-lottor ovont m the hmtory of Oddfollowship in thifi dintnot. Tho fancy drilling of Ganton Ledijo, of-Dotroit^ will bo ono of tho attruetionu and it in hludy that a lai^o dulogation of mombero of tho throe hnM from that oity will at' tend, aoooinnaniodb/ uhand. Apiocutiaion *,ill be for mod on tht) ni rival of tho traitia' aB 11 a. tcu, he .dod by the Loamington baud, an'i an uuMrotm will bo read by the Mayor to trie yidtorg. Au ojdiibitiow ot illuminating oap of tho gua wolln will be ^ivou'.ii hauoball match fo** a nil vol' cup will ha r*l iyid and n noud' programme of i-uuott will ba hUd on thu auriaultural giounde, tor which uooil pum<ia will We t,lvm. A eimeort in iho town haH wi'l wind up the day'a proo^odiMKB, A oxotiuion tvLie will run from Dotroit bo LcaminpLou. GOING... Out Of Business . . . . TiTw^nJ &co., Arc Leaving "Ehaox, -And olTov their Ohoico Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Footwear, &c, .... i At the Great JRcduction of 15 PER CENT. OFF Ou all Oaah Purchasofl of $1 ox over. Ifr&x* This Stock is New well selected and Must be Sold at Once- We Offer Special Drives in Different Lines of Gooda r At Less than Halt Price- Pfcrnrt*"f *^e* ^s PPovtunity paeH UvJll L arfciclea at Groat Reductions. to Secure Staple, Q. E. SMITH & CO. WUITNJdY BLOCK, KSS12X. ALWAYS BUY THE THE BEST It will bo cheaper in tho on3. Everybody knows that m tho mutter of ^-^ FARM inPLEHENTS \Vhile if you want fu havo a Comiortablo ltide in a Vohicle tho Best to be Found are f^e Wm, Quay S; jSon's Buggies,, All kinds of Harness, "^ agons, Buggies and Farm Implements are to be had at J. E.STONE'S TALBOT-ST., KSMKX. D ,R8. SUKEKZIK & Jl\UM\ll. ft. McKnu/ie, M. D. C. U , Tiinltv L'uKr-rnity, HlQU.ljl'1 Of CollffMi I'llT, HI Pi Mi 1 ' lUi'i'OILK, Ontnrm, Oiiulu n\ ii ,Ni \ i w I'I'iuij ,n Medlr>i rftlionc t .'"iii. l loi *h Coi.ii!^ t Eaar Ju siucr'Cu, Jn"jOi, ut u ita u. iiiU- wi'. j'ibBfy J Uur' Je*ir, ^1 i' ;i M . Trinity CTufMir- ,'r L 'ya'. Col It, I>li}slcifl.:if, Oondnn, ' i o , m>i ht-'hu'.rltlr nan OnlllMl"'i.Tl i. . L'.ll*, \ 1'%, KPfiM't'd liutiuti l'h^ ami iuvf t,, 1 ihuiiH tju-mrul Tin I'lUJ jiflil Kti tu. n' -V1. i,!.<j).< in* Iturni-ii'a fjyiiif,' ii- 11or.> tul, Toiunt'>, JHii t.j . liinUv, < i i- cdi-efi o won.' '1 iilnl oli'ldu ii, llonm.nco, iioimo iatvly oc*'Upuul by Li.. Oov-at tTalU' i tit., J?jC( OX. OUfln in rmpt.lil I1 :li I imAi, f;i mnl flnoi*, opi'omto Tliornu'j iliuj i.ioio. Miitlloii'Ofi tli i- ponnod In tho otUei-, Toloiiliono unuuoulion with both ofllm 'mil rc-ii Iuhcoh l'jivtito lulo- jiboiio lino l)ot\\ef)ii 0\ul i* npitJi-! >' l*onno muOiui Ktunody'u houno u ml odlnj. Nljciit oiillu iittob'lod to lit olilco or rebUUmoo, * THE LONDi BIQ 38

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