Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 24, 1896, p. 3

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^^^^y^!^-^h^^^^/^r.^ :;5^' PS "P^i^v .'! '*'. |fJP?PPw W 1 ._!_____L V-" p.- SPECIAL OFFER, Wo aro bound to largely in- oroaao the" circulation of the Fbkk Pukhh and to do ho will givo tho papot to now mibwirih- ern, who pay in advance to Do- eombor Slat, 1800, for fifi contn. All Hubaeriptionn to tho Fitictc PuKHH'unpaid prior to tho 2nd of May and all unpaid at tho .pvoHoot. timo aro to bo paid and colloo'odby uh and wo will fulfill all Hiibaoriptions paid prior to tho former dato to tho oxpiration of tlio timo for which aamo was paid. Subaoubo now. Address all communications to Binc'i'T & Aur.ii), Publishers, Rsrox, Out. Ontario. Tho Ontario Mataorolotfioal Department oupplioH tho following roport on tho oropn: "Exooptiua, porlmpH, tho unurjuuUy lfir^o uraouut of fuimthino, which Ihih forood votfotution ooniialnrably, tho woathor khan boon about normal. In aomo portions 'of tho Provinoo, more Gfipoomlly from tho wodtorn Hhqta of Luko Onttirio wont-north- waHt to Lako Eturon, oropt havobuon ranch affoctod by drought, and ulthnuijh in othor dintrintn hoavy tbnudowitormH bnvo boon exporiancod, tho laud hua not benefitted ttjii.ih, owin to'a largo portion of tho Wu.Lor flowing off quickly. In many din- triotH tho bay crop in ronortod an being vory hebt, but thin ia dcubtlbHy owing principally to tho dullciouuy uf rain in A.pril and May. In ooimtion bordering on tlio Georgian Ray, moro onpconilly iu the Indian Pouinaulu, rauob dumago ban boon dono to oropti by awarrna of graauhopperH. In Groy uud Braco, . unrin^ oropa gen erally luok very wnll, excepting wliero damayod by-fjrayfihopporB. flay aud fall Whoiit aro fov tho mot part light. In Karon and directly uuHtward to Dur. hum and luoluding Woniworth and Lin coln, with the oxcuption of a fow phiuoH tho drought baa boon ulmont I'ontinumiH, and whilo most unring ciopfl are lookup fair, hay in generally ; ho aluo. ih fall whuat in many loualititiH. Excoptmg poaohec, fruit IoqIch woil, and tho crop pbkud ho far ha-a boon abundant. In Lambfcon, Middlenox, Oxford, Bruce and countiou bordering; on Lako Erio, al though mere rain ban fallen on tho groator Dortiou of thin dintriot, tho condition nf Fatfopn in much tho iiamo an in the diHtriot latit mentioned, hay and fall wheat boing slightly butter. In Ehhox, tho harvontiiig of fall whoat and rye baa com m'an col. In Munkolui, Sipncoe, Victo-i'L, Northumberland and oountieo oantv>" ird, all farm oropn now promiRo wGlI,o.\cupting hav, whioh, though . probably not ho light an in othor portioriH *of tho Province, will doubfclena turn out a abort -rrop, Roports of damage by uruta*- hopj'-L*ri corao from North Simoon, Poter- boro and Uontrow. /\ fiitracil I... ."rn . OiJi' uf the Hhnplr-l, <il biiromqtors Ik a BpUU'r'H wch. WhiMi then; h n prospt'ct uf rain or wln.i, thn spider slmrtnriK the filaments from n-hluh its wul) is ,suh- ponded, and Itmvc". things in thin <4iit.o an Ion;,' uh the ./iirnlior is variable If tin*. lnscnt obirign! i its thrnatls, it Ih n si^n of line calm wiyitluT, thu duration uf Whioh may be judged ol liy tin; U.-n^Lli to wliifili the threads arc h*t out. If tho cpldiM' rcmiiinH . Inactive, it is a .sip:n of fain; but if, on thu euntniry, it l;eops ut work during a rain, tlm latter will nut last lonpr, and will In; fulbiwod by fine woailuir. Other olisia'vutidiis have taught 4hftt the s|dder makes eban^rns in its web evory tveniy-i'our hours, mid that, 11' in tlio evening, jllflt be:n.-.' sunsfit, theni^bt will he eleur and beautiiul. To I'l'dVfiiit ItniKPt Turn hh Inj;. To jireveut brass from liirnishing after pollwliinw with any good paae, apply a solution of a quarter of an ounce of sbel lue to quiirter of a pint uf methylated Spirit, Wet In a gln^N bottle and unrk. 3?our olf the. eleur lluld ami apply To the ^jSraw with a uam^l-hmr brush. IJet'ore doing this bent tlm |it;isk, if possihle, and again after palming over witb var- ntah. __________________ i',tinr\ Iti'hu! til1<uvt- "IVih am er good many folks," said Uncle Kben, "dat seems ter t'ink dat trhon deyls made er good rcsol'iUon di-y's done tu'hned out nr dny'-i wub'lc." Alor*: Tltiiii 1 .i:mu;;1i. ".Do you t.liink Lh:tt i.vo beads are uot- ter than one;'" "Well, tin- one I bail bisi. night wan ^ultt' .^uftielunfc." 'I'ho DiMidlluoHH of r'atluuc I'oIhoii, . Waggiori and Mohso hayo recently made tumio oxpwrlnumtH aa to the nature .of the polfion engendered by fatigue, whloh aro repleto with Intercut. These InvOHtlgatlonH, togothor with Wodonsky and otliora, And that if thu blood of a ffi- ilguod animal lie injeetwl into another 'animal that is frtwh and nnfatlgmyl, all tho phenomena of fatigue will be pre- .'dU'Hid. A ohemleal aimlyniH ahows that thin. pnl*>n la similar Ui the ve^^ible poiflon ourare Into whloh Rome ' tribes of Indians rMII dip tholi'arrnp/H. ThlnpotKon ; wht"u lnjiuitod into Hie hhuid eaiiRe.q tlai viptim w> (llo In . Wu-rihlo t(>rturn, The %obwli prinlucud by fntl ur has muhy point* In omiiTuon wlj^h 11, and Ik uh .'truly n. deadfy_ pwison... En'cases' where it eW.orftfttod more rapidly than it oou bn fetirriod off by tlie lilo(l, tlic olfeet on tho ,wb(*Ip orgmllftju Ih deiHorallninp;, and ppsaltily to *t'. diiwrpruiw eitont.. %:. " ALBfcRl LOWAKU'S JOKE, ii. Mimiii*1h><I tin: <V(UiUry n <u| ' VnrnlJ mw of :ili Kith'i'ly Oini h'^j. Alb M't Kdwurd. IVlnen of Wulnii, in p':ih.vp;. lb" in ut popular itian i. """ u.n-i. 'l,JUH_iOiiul..rlty 1m due to hln love of nport-itnd all ""nuuily trait;- whleh aro partleulin-Iy e immeiid;'.l)lo In the eyi!M Of I he ilVi'l'iilti.' lll'iltidliir. A: it youth hl.a audaolty mid 'iipprot.'inth.ijj of a Joke, eithei* an a pTi'pel.ialor 01' vii:I. I iu, were well known. One of his fr].y i ;;(:.. p. dm iv,4iilli-'.i III h<*r Ali.jeiity ilie . (.jueeu footlnj; a hill for broKijn ero hery find wrotdcod furniture which tho youiifj Prince eaua- i.'d In the hfjiijif of imi! of the lun:iiv mtMiiin-i'M of the nolu.iLy. A ratln-. ehlerly coiiuI-hh, wIiok- quiek temper and aharp timgiu* drove >'Vi:ii In-r iter- vaniu uway from her, adveriiaed to; u' fontmaii. The Prlnee, to wliont* oary tnleM of the p''H of tlie nkl lady had come, renolved to touch he ; - ]i-.*-'Hon. He therefore, prej-eutcd 1dm- i>elf In dii)j;ulae at Ivr ]:;dy:dilp'n huuae and applied for the position ol' foot- nifin. The CountehH had Junt llnliihed her breakfast, and pualiing h* r hack from tho table, liu.tnu terl tie; uervani to bring before her the applicant. The Prince waa therefore- uahered Into the room. The eoiinteaa looked hltn ov. i fmm hhi feet up. Apparently ple;.ned with the n.pp- ar- nnce of the Prince, 'die uald :--" Lei me aee you walk." Albert Edward did :iw commanded, and walked backward :md forward sev eral tinic.4 mi-i'ohm the floor from one end of the roam to the othor, now walking brlnkly, at the niiuciu of the old lady, and then patdnjr slowly,1 as she1 wbdietl to obtain polntn on this neon;, This performance over, (he eountea;- ordered hlni to trot. The dining room .iitlll tho theiitie of aetlon, the Prlnee trotted around it several 'tlm'*:1. Wlien this exerciHe wns comph'teri, ho ;gdn eame to a standstill near the head 'if the table, where the countess waa se.:t- od. Her ladyship seemed pleased, and Wat Just on the point of asking the youiitf man soin.- questions about him self wJien he shouted : "N'nv see me ;<: l!0|i !" Grasping a cr.rno. of the tttblo cloth iIi;i.j].v In one- h > n*I, the I'rli:. r..rf.i ' round thn room, pulliiii-; the crncke y off on the floor in a heafi, knooklnr over the furniture, and finally winding her ladyship uj. In the folds of tie- (. roth. He then bolted for the door, leaving1 the count ss sputtering and thou ting, and the servants running about In a distracted way to liberate their mistress and quiot her rage. In Hie hubbub ;.nd confn^bin th- Prince escaped. The next day a eheek from the keeper of the Privy Purs'* vettb'd lIn- amount id' the da-mages, and likewise established the rdejitltyol' the nitachlef-makcr. New York Herald. SEED FROM A MUMMY. How an Kn^Urilimun <*<>t u Ni?w Kind of I'ru^ fur Sent, Gardeners will be in teres t-ed to learn that J. Davis, of Wood Close, Bromley Common, Kent, hu-s growing at thv pies.-at time peas which are the pro duce of wound peas found in upper i'-gypt in a mummy ease ahoul thre,- yarn i.go. The sarcophagus which contained the mummy and case in which the parents of these pea:- wn- found was discovered in a ca\-'.- tomb situated in the valley of the King-; at A^sawt'i.'f, which is about ail-hours' ride west from the Nib: at Thebes. Tin- di.s- -overy was made by ;i party of li v. gentlemen, consisting of two Aniei 1- cans, two Cambridge students and Lin* cousin of the lady from whom Lhe spec imen peas now growing at Uromley were obtained. The inscription went to show th "t tin- person entombed was Mempuih, a younger son of lJsi--r-Khepara- [la (Heii ][.). sou of Uurnes-'S II., founder of the eighteenth dynasty. Prince Mcmptah existe.i about 1,270 P. C. The valley m which this tomb was discovered'In tli.- old burying place of the Thebun king." of the seventeen] anil elglUeentli dynas ties, and most of the irmibs are remark able not so much for trich- sh/.e as fo: i heir i-xqiilsltc beauty. All of these twi- r.a.'fs of king* W'-re buried In tills val ley, but. only about one-half tlv num ber burled (about forty in all) have y-d ticeii dit-i'ovorccl. The- pea:; arc niuee .-auallcr than thosi- of the present day a fact whloh is possibly evidence of th:j improveriient whleli has taken |ri t be cultivation in the modest Interval of ;i,(j0u years. Norlli'TN 1,1 r'lt*. The fact has long been _ reco{';n!z*.'d th.. t the splendid pheiiomenu of tie Xorthei'n' LighLK, or a nrora ln*reai is. arc due to electric action produejn- iuiuiii'tsii.j' in the up]jcr regions of th ; tmosphere, perhaps seventy-live ml>: or more above tin- i*artb, where tie- density of the air is exceedingly slight.. Hut the precise manner in which the eli-ctric einogy acts in Bach : . ca i remains to be explained. Sine- th db>jovory a few months ago of the new onstituent of the atmosphere to which. on account of its Inertness, tin* nana argon has been given (the word come- from the Creek argon, meaning "la;:y Idle, doing nothing") many i xpurlrneni have been made by ( hcanisU to deter mine the. properties of the new fottia! clement. Among the experimenters Is the dis tinguished I'Veneh savant, M ousieiu 1'erthelot, and at a refi'nt ni' u) the Academy of t'cdciuc-H h>.; (.;. very interest-lug suggestion that the Northern bights may be due to th argon contained in the upper atmos phere. IU; hates this Idea on the fact that, while he was experimenting elec trically with argon contained in a tes-f tube, a. splendid flunn-ii.Tcui.-e. was de veloped, the light of which, .'-j tested by the spectrnsr-ope, rusembU d that of the. aurora, borealia. II" thinks th t irgwn, or some (-lernrnt ai^o-.ialed w'.Lh it. may, under the influcnc; of el'-pud'1 currents developed 1 the hiy;h regions of the air, produce a nuor<icont conv blnafion, giving' ris r lights that we qhserve there. Vyn\ci*m. 'The ponr drunkar-d Iky in the jjih lor wliil" the though-th/cM wviwd Jotvrd. Along came tluv cood-h^a-rtojij cjitlKC-n and placed tho unfortunate ki'a utuml-, ln;r position.. ' "Ah," said tho orowd, "V*? kftd boon thorc ldmBelf." ' So hinc.y a jjood' dead iu naughty worid. DECAY OF KJHEMiAMlSM'." I'*rnt<tlrn||y pviul, Theni','. Kimi I'opK ,'.' aloi H I'ml uf ' . Uohemi-.n" iv. b< de:.d, an I thos wru: call '.h :,.:;' Iv- bub ,i_h> :. ;u th pr- a- cnt day wear fliolr rue with a' Itforono*'. tbrnii'tiuiiH they! tae -ttend.nt < Irciimslanccn for the cume, and think tliemaclveit entltl d to a u.qtir.a am l<n* ability, merely Iikmmi' f ey icf'ia- t> H<> to bed at tin; name an mML.iary humaiiily. Such men. td couifi-, have no right to tall them:-.elv-.-s* afu r a dls- tinguliileri and not unhuior.ibl. name. the mere habit of large suppers and late hours and loose ways of life generally has nothing which m'uewdatcs Htseli with that ready aptitude for all kind- of work, and that dlsclpllm d thong" somewhat lltful activity, will li wo. the marks of the true b diemhin. There hi ho inoi-e r.ignilleunt proof ol the change that has come over tlm ar- thitlc and lltiraiy woild than the fact that every attempt to revive the old bo- hemlanlHTa In lis .former shap- has In variably muiUfd in farturc. 'i h dc- kiaiKl for the "good old" sanded It""; and iday pipe of the past Ih limited to an undistinguished few, and the supply of thene obsolete ]uxurlM, wh"U g; ant ed, meets with no general'nt-i.f.nn. In like manner ec- ) ofconduct which were oner fgarded an virtue:* rath* r than vices are no longer tol erated, and the no-called b homlan of theao daya hi exiK-cted fo pay, and do pay, his (dub mibscripfion and hi.; Ju-:t didttn. lie is not so iilt:turest|ue as he Was, hut he is much more punctual. Tho cause of these changes Is not far to Hnek. Nowada u* lb- standard < f llfn has rlsi-n Iu all the social spheres, and while the itrltlsh workman dun win -la hhj higher wages, and nior>- am file lei'-in% the artist world clothes its'-lf In purpl and tine linen and requires V> be stir- rounded with all the comforts ami ex travagances and palatial clubs.' Only there is no fight-hour limit for th contemporary Inhabitant of this non descript region, nor dors he enroll him- self Into unions to extort tftrms from hard-hearted proprietors and manager.-.. Although his dinners and Ills suppers are niueh more costly than they used to lw In the old days, ho docs not work leas hard, nor is his labor less worlhj of ungrudging praise. Mcnnwhlle both actors and journal hits have transformed the whole mlse.. en-scene of their lives; there la no mora tiackclufti nor locusts and wild honey for them; th'-y are clad in th-- brond- cl^th of the ordinary world and havr soared into a uncial sphere which their predecessors neither knc,w nor eared about Possibly this may he the eff-ot of that general equali/ntlon of coadl tious which neeompanies the whol--. course of our modern democracy. V/.- all dress alike, live alike, acknowledge tho same social ruh-s, ndopf the same luxurious or extra.vaj;;int t_ast-'s. Th point to notice, however, Is that tlv> worth or the individual has not grown h-ss, despite this democratic tendency On tho eontuary, his value* both io him self and to others ha-; enormously in creased. The mode.n d-amatlst rruke.s If he be not maligned, n.n ixli;eniftly re- Rpoctahlc. fortune, and Mr. CJossc has In formed us recently and haw, of course*, Buffered for bin ranhnesu that t-he pro- llts eif certain of our more popular au thors have i^one uii by leaps and bounds, -London Telegraph. 'i'hi' tier-**,' .tliVHr.-" >. In 'die town of Quantuck, N. J., which lies hi a low, hot nook, srurrounded by Kuampy land, the rj.ioaa.uHos have been so thick this season that, when tho li"-'-"Z(' is" gentlti, they form a thlclc, block cloud over tho town. On several occasions of 1'tito thlu hits b^cn an no- llceable that tlu? hens have gone te roost at noo_!i,_under tho lmpre- sb -a that it wa^; already nightfall, and wito- out performing their dally task .,( igg- hiyhm. As the jioultry business Is n b-nillng one In tin- town, the fane!- ri Mi.:'-:"d for- ii time euiistderabb; Una n ej; 1 loss, until the device w.'ia hit upon of sending up a sinap eiynamtte eari- ridge aaioiu; ih.e thickest vwarm1- of mo. (juit-ts, by in-a ns nf a kltt;, ll .wn by a wire, whl'-h a-i tberi:.'.bt niiiiin-iil eniiveys a (iniept of electricity t-> d;s- "hlk* blitem*now, dyspopl*, huadaeAo, entt ynllon, sour tunuuli, litillxnitlon r* prort#tly ourpd br Hood'i fill*. Tbey do thulr wuik easily and th attain hi y. B#t after diuncr pllli. sflrruU. XM druQRlNU. X*rpamd hy CJ, I, Wood A Co., towoll, Maia. Tho only fill to UW with Homl'i Hui&parlUt.' Pills CHURCH DIKE.CTOKY MB'J't'OrlB'I," l.'f,' l'MHCei-, IVlf'lf, KefVlOl' ovory * n> tu',- -ti II ii, in. ai.d 7 t . in. * . I'hml Hohofe -it W i in, th V.. Sftyk.r, Mujion "., e ont of i)i 'to l, Jlpi.m lit I .Patau* pruj- / mu Ui I'uuBe-v V' nli.ji ul' o'ulouk (i'tn'*i:i e'ltji- mouth . i a l.'hen-diiv ov obi( Cnuituu oi; I'JHar.AKU Jtov. AXaluviuly, in ouinliunt, Kt. 1'uula, Knnoi. liiyitie hhi*vIoo t'Viiry Himdav ut 1 o'uloclt,.-p~a Kimduy- school id iti iL. in, .Trinity CJlniroli, North lcld|{< Hun ttuy Holiiiol ut l.Jtjp. m. Th inibho aro "tjor- iJlully invltod, ., A Word I *lle Mitt-rleU. 'l'iif world hi not big enough for the frueceasl'ul dlHagrceineiit of man and wl/c. They may part, but li b; not mieecHs; it iu failure, Hot.h must ca i ry away the miirkn of It, aii'i wlia iev may happen neither hi quite as go.d an before. In spite of divorce laws and all can' rrieutH of that sort, we jiave con trived to make a deeply seriou:- bu i- rieKfi nf marriage. W'e ought to applaud lllOMe Who HUCOerfl In It because ulie- ceim Is so lurlispeiiMibly n-'cessai-y. I dwclaie that I am persoiuilly grate ful to married pi'ojilo who get on con- fipleuoiody well. They are \\ reassur ing spectacle In society, and ;is a part of society 1 tiike comfort In knowing them, and am obliged to them ru. .ex isting. -July Hci'lhnev. I'Ih-jhhvtwiuah, W.M.VhmlhiKi X'autof Hr- vW'ok on Habbntt] ut 11 u. m. and Y .IU* p. tei. Huh< oath Hahoolat'i:!10p, m; Pruyur Jiuothic mid eaiitor'Hbiblo oliotH nil 'I'lioiKlny atV.^0 1>. 10. Hoolid Union on WiidiuiHilav id H.iftp. JUi'xnc iJiiuaiJUt Jtov.Ml 1', Ciimphtdl. Vti*- tcv . civloDii tiiLiili HiLl-bath nt 11 a. in. mid ? jt .:. 1'rayer aiendiiK on WudtuiBday ovaulac ut no'olock. nuiitiifroi). All iuai corcliiillv \vol- WH. 1. SIMPSON, I'on- Rliinufucturor ot tor'n Patiait IJnlou Artificial Limbs liaAlH llatflti fit, Do trolt. Mioh. IWiitcviptlvo caJnlognGH and hlanltH for mrdtliii' aptdicittlonii for covnrnmont ordorn for Hmlm ami traunportatlon or commutatlou tliorefor nont (roo on application I LEAD IN lU'iiAN OatiioIjIC Vr.CJ. H.-MoOiU), t'diitor. Kur/ioi ' ovory othor Huniluy aty.HOj). uj, Sunday tkihfiol nt;ip. in. Miinii'roN]' IHi'h rmuid and unrmon at 10,110 ii. rn,, tiatotudum ut'Ju. m., Imntliini ut IJ p. in,, voii|Hii'Hiiud hoiinijiotutii ut 1 n, m. 0. K. Mo- til.:, V,\\____________________________ fUnVATioN Aumv. Cujit. and Mm. I'ltytou tu onuitnuri'l. Hiilviition mootlnuit fin WiiUnofitlay, Thurialiiy and Hnmlay uvoiilni'ii; h'nto aud I-'.iuiy, Satlirdiiv evoniilM and !l>p in. Htuuliiy; HoHikihh uuMitlui^ for ohriiitliuat iVIduy ovoiUiifc uiiehll a. in. Huadiiy; ICiioo prill 7 a. in, ovory Humlay. All tire woluomn. LEGAL._____ I? .A. WIHMBU, rtn-rrintur, Hnlloltnr, Notm; ^* I'iiIjIIc .t'O. Mniioy to loan. Olriceii, Dtn fitiui ninok, up-iitalrn, Kmiox. -l*ly J. Tj, I'lilTKIlfi Hawrintor, HoliDitor, Nota) l'uhlic ftknioy to Loan, Omco ov/ ^truthdru' Itiinlc. Kitiati Contro. CLAItKIC, JlAHTbF.T .t IIAliTl/ET, Ihirrli torn, to. OilleiiH, Modhury Illoclt, Wlmliic Frlvatt tamhi t< loan. A. H. Claiucis, li. Ti. 11. N. A. Bahtlki A. It. HAim,CT, Jl. A. HKNllY C. .WALTKItH, L.UB., ALtorimy ami Cotmiieloi-jit litw, fiolicitor iu Chaiifjerv, 1'roctnrdn Admiralty, ratent Bollcitor. Oltloo, Noivhfirry lliiiidiiic, cor. Griitwold aud I-imiod Htn, Detroit, Mlah. (Cunudhur olainm nui:iiit pornomi iu tho TJuitM Btutim oolliir UhI.) Itoforoiioottt ruiporiid ItanU, Khiidx, Out. J. Jj. Potorii, !"n(j.,, oto,, Kbhox, Ont K.A. Wfmnor, Khi., llarrifitor, etc., Kiamx. Out Aiid -'tort. I'ohow uiilen behind. Tho Wall I'hi i t nice jh mino, wind or no wind. I will H'.a_\ iu the racy and novo.r withdraw. Why :houM T? Victory ih ulwayn and f'touly uiiii(*,.wiili the burhplan of a atoult of ;tOl),noo rotln in nllfi difforont doitituiii from II ivniii to fifl emitrt a roll. No one fan p(.tidily fail to find tho quality pi' pupei and tin* very idontical pattern .that will be iipprnpriuto to any pohsilile rooih. (h ituialv a choice oouhi m>t be aniur tliau at my tit ore. It will huvq you frorn lo to lift per I'enf. D.J.WHITNEY, HA.TTK AND FORNISITEH. cb.-rg- th- disi-l^i.! g.-s tie* h- as e t!.e rri-r.- ! - tfis, falllt-.g' Ol U4 I'el t .! fiynurniic, .\ r: .m- a f' w the i)j|- ;y ho tdeat'ed thai : n opera tioas, and mains of the dead tuu-epit to tin ground, ,ii'e p'.oweo N'ou' York l'i('Co'3 _r. The Brt-atli ol'tlHt I*1hoh. (VinjdiH, Ooldfi, Authinu. BronchitiH, Soro Throat and Limn Troublea are onrul by Norway Pine Syrup. Prho '2i> and aO contn. It breathB out tho healing virtunt* tf tho pitio furosiH. MEDICAL. TTVIIH. milEN A mtlEN. Gradtiato of QuGon'u Unlvornity, Kiiifjuton, mombor of Col- lono or Phyidciuuu and Huri'OQnii,Ontario, Oritd- uato of Now York. I'oat Gradmdo Modical Col- J.W. llrlem. M. V., C. M V. T. M. C. Honor Rraihmto of Trinity Moilioul Colleen. Honor urialuato of Trinity Unlvornity. Mtiiabor of tho ('olIof-jiiofPhyiiiQiaiJH and Knri'eioiifi, Ont. Grad-' nato of Now York. Pout (Jrmltmto Modical Collojjo. Oflicttovor Khhox Modical Hall drufj ntorii. Conniiltatiou rooian. both on ('round floor and llrnt Hat uIjuvo. Tolophonu In'botli nnioo and roiildonco. All ciiIIh attoinlod to from odlco, ilriif^ iitoro, ov ri'iiidonco. Uoniduiico. Tulbot Htroot,front ol fair arntindu. DENTAL. HP. MARTIN, D. D. B., L. D. S. Gnuinato in Dontintry, Moyal Colloge of Dontal tlur^ooiui, Ontiirio, ami Univorfiity of Toronto Ohiiri'uii.modovato. OUico, ovor Brfon & Co t- lB-lV VETERINARY. WH. mCHAUDHON, VI^VpRIMARY HUH O'KON, nonovary imuluato of Ontario Vtitorlnary (,'ollof;o, Toronto; momlior of On tario Veterinary Medical Bocioty; Diplomint in Dontiiitry; truntd all di'ioiiiioa of drunouticatoil iinliualii; outrludoliomod by tbnlatotit laiprovoil I^iiavitt ollppor Uidlu hy tolt-phono ortolo- rtrapli promptly. attomlod to. HooiJonco.tlirou deiorii mint of Rrlftt mill; offioo in poet'office luiildini'; inUrniur>. directly ot'ponlio. Hovovai liuiivy tennis to,truck loga; also buyers for so vera 1 Houses and Li is in the Town of Essex, and a lot oi" wild hinds in tho Burronndrag country. These properties aro offer- oil at a sacrifice. AlnO ii huge quantity of coarse dry Lumber for sale. It may bo seen at .LlbuJJoJchester mills.' Apply to T. H. DECE W, LAND SURVEYOR. JAWEB B. LAIHD, Provincial Land Survoyoi and (.'ounty Uuifhuicr, IOhbox Contro, Out Olllce, Dunstun Hlock, npiitairti, MARRIAGE LICENSES. ^? L. 1'AilK, 1BHUKK OV MAHHI^GR IjI- Xj. ooiiBflfl, illchwrtUohBlk., Eboox, Ont. MHAKHKTT. iimuor of Man^o Lloouo#B CnniiniHHlQiiurIn O.J,,pto. OiBbo.Out .vvT........"~.......... iHutnifof Mnkriuu*' tA(unim\u, lutnirunoo mtoot. Nljiht ofiicft at Dwollhiu, r-r:..__l._:-------- TALHOT. HTitKKT, KBHBX, O. liKAM.iN', UNDERTAKING. Hi'UUMlU', dt, Una.irtnknr n'.iel Vuroltuio " JJoalor. jfioliliiH, hoiiiDiinu fiuitory uwJo from gll Ui WU), MnOri>Knr,Oi>* ARCHITECTS- YOllM A. MAVCOCK, AUOHlTl-JiJ'r, &e.. Koom 10 and 11, Fleming liuihtinrj, Wliiduor, Oai Phono Q11). iLt. in SOCIETIES O. K.-KN'ma,IliHK'"LoiiRo Hoiilii mootti ovory Thiirtubiy,uvonin(f at 7J"> Odc'.rellowM Hall, In third ntornyl>uii*ituii HI' ViHlthirtinomboni uf otluir IndRoawiU roofi' frutomal -wolnowo. W. OHA.TTF1IITON, t OKNTJtAL KMCAMl'MKNr.No.llO, uier Oddfollow(i'nall,r>unntim'n Illook, on tlif 1 Mid third Tiioiitlav hioaoh month. Vlulton dlally roooivoil. Mombiim of HUbordhmloh ; In th*. JiirlMiUotlon, hivltod to jok. HAKNAM, 0.1'., . V, HILL, Buo. fj,HHKXX-,IUE HHIOADK. MEKTH KVJ J-J I'rlilay tivcniai; in tho Vlvmon'H rood tho Htono bullilhii;. -Jan. WcMurrav, Ouwn Uoht.Pin-kor, Captain; A. Jmrnhmn, Tjlutttoa- CtJUKT HOYArj, NO. 3I!, I. O. ! *. Miiotn uocond and fourth Tnotiday'ii In oao'.' month iu 1. o. 0. jr. Hall at h o'olooli v. m Vlhitiiiii hrothinn will bo-dvim a fmUrnafwci- coino. K. McCatiiiliind, 0. It., W. C. Hhaw. Boo m.j. wikKcd. n. o?n. ^^^ MlCHICANrTEgTg^ " The Niagara Falls JRouU*" ' OOIHO MAflT Tftltlnit uiioot Juno "Jlut-., lHOfl. Loam Exp. Aocoua ueoom Dotroit....... Wirulnor .... Pol ton........ Maiiliitonoa Knyox......... Wooilnloo ... .Himconib ... Comhor...... lliil(4otowii.. Itocliioy....... Bt. Tliomaii London......... ^t, Tlioinaii... Hndnoy ......... ltldfintowh,...'. Comhor... . liiisiooiiih....... Woodiiloo,.,.:.. Kimox..........'.. Muidntono Cr Voltoa............ Whnliior..,:..... Dotroib........... Mail a,in. fi.20 fi.BO 0.09 CIS) i;.:t7! I3.5:i 7. H7 8,'JO H.-IO 11.50 Kxp. a.m. O.GO fl.0O a, in. U.-10 10.10 .7,i!0 lO.ur. HM 11.31 311.00 1.06 p,m, bio fi.05 .run c.:i7 A.B0 fi.CO 0.0s 7.10 .7.!ld H.40 a. m. 7.:io 7.-I3 7.M y.oc H.1B a.21 fl.atf O0INO WKKT, pan. 1-.U0 2. -in ;i.;in 107 fl.JW fi.JO fi.60 11. Oil IUI 0.-IS 7.10 H..J0 10.01) U.:il 12.0'5 12.40 Whirl HO* accom a.iu a.m fi.15 1.M fl.211 o.:i;j o.n 10.011 10,12 HJ.BB 0.19 niH II 2K II H7 (..-17 7.15 AmlicrutlHirg V^ornl Truliiu. WHt.1 kjihT p.m. a.111. a.m. a.m. a.m, tmu fl.IT, II.J0 fl.0T Esnox li.:W.0.IW 6 !10 ll.M U.KJ H.1B Eduani fl.37 fJ.IO fi.H) 0.21 1'2.00 H.-J3- LBitDHXiiiR ti.'il H.!l2 4.K7 (Jill! 12.15 H.2fi Mcfl?oor 0.^0 O.iiO 4.55 Mf) I'M H.45 Gordon O.Ofi Oh) -J.H5 I',M0 H..1fl Amnorntburi< ' 11,00 0.00 4.30 All trains aro run on central otuudiml timo, whioh in nUty minuted nlowor than Ehsox time. For infotumtloii and raton to oolon- iiitu moving wont apply to John G. Lavan, pan. roiiKfir Acuut, St, Thonmfi, 0. W. Itatntlou, Gou- orai Pannoii(foi-ana Tiultot Aont, Ohicii^o, 111 or A. O. fitiniorn, Acont, Epbox. AUCTIONEERS. HENKY IIKDKI0K, Auottouoor. Salon proniptly attondod to. AuiIvohb Konth Woodtdoo, Out. I'ontonH elcnlrinR lio noenro uk may leave word at tho ritKK-I'iiKRH oUleo. tl H. HKI>ItlCK or to !W. M. DEOEW, J. GrOITBIiAir &c SOW. ESSEX, OHT. DH1NCJ.AIK, LtCENSKD AUGTIONlCKlt * tor tlio County of Ebsox. HaililTof loi^hth. Uivifiion Court. All hindu of Farm itiul other iiiilon conduuU'd prornjitly- Raton rofi.=onablu ami furniHlitid on anpliciition. KiKjuirnrH may iilMdv; ut XV. D. BiiiLimuj'K olllou, or at tiio olllcis otDlvihion Court Ch-rlt.Mr. John Milnu JOHN (iOIlMLKY, I.IOKNHKD AUCTlONKEIt for tho County of Etiiiox. All kind ti ot farm iituclc union, nto., oondiictod promptly and on abort tiotlco, Hatoii ruiLfiot'alJlo. '1'ornomi dcoirabloto tirrrinKo calun may 3o imby calliiifiiit tho Fume Piikhh otltoo or by apidyhifi to , 4 ,1. GOKMr.EY, P. O. Itoj; 1.15 Khoox, Out. 17IIAKK McCLOSKEY, Maldutoao, thirty- 1 tiovon yoavn'oxporlonoo an an auctloncorfo theCountv ofEditfix. tjalQBconihiotod promptly, aud on roanoiiablo tormu. PartioB douirliifi to llx tho tluto for a iialo can oavo thonmolvoir a drU'uby calliriflat tho Fuiik Tmzm otltoo. Wo hnvo arrauf-ioil with Mr. McOloulmy anil will IU tlio datotf for Haloiiby tcdeKruph, entirely frao of (dl oliarfjo to tlio norfion holilinR tho,,ualo. Ad- clroiic Frank MaOloalioy.MaidolouoCroon,Ont 16 L- E. & D.R. Ry. TIME TAhLK NO. 21, taking offoot Monday,. Juno ^V, lhtifi. Tralmirun by Eastern Btand- aril Timo. Daily oxcupt Bnnday h:3 el" A oi UJ el -i" o 'A 'A Htati<_mj. a m a 1? ar !14U;rJ.0O (1:20 *J.47:W.:iO ii.r>oil' 11.30 PopWnllfnrv'lo Ar Walliorvilfb June. Polton H.-IO'......f Olclciuitlo...... }i,-iJ!!i1rl?il '!-:17!......t__Piyniotto...... BAKER. Tnfl oldoiit buoioomi m town. Kntabllaho 1870, Firnt-clanii broad and oalfou of al Hindu, WoddiiiRfialtou a iipaeiaUty, Groooi'ion providionn, flour, fnod, a alt and pork. Coufoo^ tlonory.crooUury.Rhumwaio. (JannortfriUtn ant] vei'otableji of all hindu. Goodo promptly do Hvorodtoalliiartaoftbo town. J. M. HI0KK, JOl-tf lAND AND LOAM AGENTS GTCOKGW J. a'HOMAB, Oonvoyancor, Com mhnnonor, liiHifjh Court of Juutiao: doalot lO.l.'l' 1.10 n.M 10.1H l.lfl 0.6O 10 2,rf 1.30 7.10 10.:i2. Ifi0 7,17 l(J.-l'J: 'JMi 7.27 10 r>\ '2 .'15 7 :i7 10,511! 'J.50 7..H 11.10; a.45 7.M U.SM1 4.10 H.(!) 4.25 110 11.41J 0.t8'i' B.29 fii'2 11-ltll 1Q.0I 12.1'J llilH lJi.ti'2 12.40 o.GC 0.0 fi G.15 0.1)5 fi.-lS 7.00 r m. r. sr. 1 McQrofior Now Canaan... I Mariihtlold ... .. Hurroy ...... .....f Arnor......... .. KinKiivillo...... .. Iuithven ...... Fimnufnuton ... .. Whpiitloy ...... 8.17i......1 Itonwiclc ...... ft.'J3'.....Coatitworth ... B.II2'......(Glonwood...... M0|.........Morliu......... H.47I.....+ Pnxton......... H.fiai...... fiamliaon ...... 9 00... ICedai-BprluRii... 0.07'Bloiihidai Junot'n O.lili......Blonho'm...... 0120; ArKidfjotowu Dop 0 if* il A M A M V M. 0 ;o B.00! 0 0!H XIAO) 4 1^ H Ul r..!)8i 4.fiC e lw B47 H42 5.17: 5.1 fi 6.00 8 >I6 AM H til*: i,m e 2^ nil o ci 7 51 7 40 7 21 7 Ifi 7 10 7 00 U 5'J 0 4R 0 40 0 81 0 24 0 20 0 10 0 00 A.M. I W 1.00 y.45 11.10 a. in l.M 1.1W 1.10 ia. an 12.21' 12.0/1 11.28 r>.oo fi.OTf 5.1(1 sal 5.28 run; fi.40 S.fil (i.OO (l.lfl U.110 0 42 0.62 7.0;t 7.10 .7.17 7.2fl 7.27 7M 11-1&! 7.U7 10.1ft] 7.4:1 lO.OOl 7.S0 j>. ir. p. xr. I l-'hilt htatlouii. Trnlua stop only wlion thoro aro paHfionKoro at or for thouo atatlonn. Mixod trainn urq at al tiinou uubjoat to bo cauoollod WM WOOLLATT. Gonoral Htiportntendont TUK TIUa.MPH CORN. SriELLEU Thw Macbino eonaiats of a liotiac?, tul caet cylindor, with wrought irot bntH, wiili stool -fcooth bolted to tlio oyl' artpr ao rts to bo rovoraibto whon ib< uoeLli boconift worn on tho i'rout fiido, /nnnii'jjf in n, jiotforftied concave irot1 -"bull, which' the bIigIIoc! envn pftoaeH through into a sheet iron cuao, with f an or clonnor itttacbed bolow, .which tulips ml tho dust irom tho grain, Th< cheapest bent, rn <-et pimplo nr>d cUuublo Power Corn bollor in uso[ aholh iora pericitiy. clean in tuxy oowlitien hholling and cleaning from one to twe housand bushola of earn per day according'to powor. DiMUKSioNs. Pulley, 10 iu. tlium- ^tor, fi in.'faoo; Motion, BOO to 800 revolutions per minute; Woiirht, fiCOlbt, KJ* lilliUllOlier, UJ.xii|;iJ v^uuii ut uutiiiuui iui n lteml ICntata and MortRnifon. Money to loan .ittholowant rate ol intoroiit. Farma nought and nold. Inmiranoo taltoii In tho montfoliahlo oominiuion. Drawlnn: of doodH, luorfcpfriftoa and loaiion a npoolalty. Cliarffon modoraio ant! all boBluoHn proiuptly attomlod to. Call ut the Cobtrnl Tolor-hmiP oOJon, nnnoxOontrn. RlMPlaoo In thoworiaforyoimirmon nndwometi to iieomro a IbniinoBii ICducafclori,Hhorthand.ota.,in tho Iitttrott Rnnhionii Unlvornity. Do- tvolt, Mloh IllnBtratad oitaloftuo X^roo. Itoforoncen : All Dotcott, F. JEWBIiX- I'rflii. P. B. BPENCFiK, Boo. Best Old 12fltauli(iua-l wholouulo Uduho ........... no or tvo honont au reproBontiLtlveM for thin .Motion WANTRD- wiuitii ono or t vo honont aud Indnetriouo Gnu pay a iuwtloi-'iiliout siu.00 a wool: to Htart with. liriiwurSO, livantford, Out, WANTEO-Thrno General Anontsfor a bloolt of Oountloi; uliio nvuoauvnaflokaioroiwh, luthluc, ud thondwho.Rat tuvrltorlftl rifibtii ho in luok. Can ultio Pini'loy novofal hrlffl^t .....j. J_l.-I..__^,.4 Univlkn 'I'Kl. Till l\f.l/V. Abti Indion" n't 'thoit* own' hoindB. rKmi Biuhlky- Gju'.mrftiowr Oo .Lxn., 40 Itlohmond Mb. Wuat, 1'orouto, Out. EVKRY SHELLER WARRANTED. J. GOURLAY A SONS, IT 18 TUB"BEST COUGH CUKE I Vulva v"* r.^od nyH G. Frod' AndrH0n, ot T. 8. ylmmy oV Co., in Bpettking at Nor way Pise Syrup. ss ex Furniture Warerooms. Packed with Good Furniture o Every Description. A fine Parlor Suit* Oak frame, Good Plush, $16.00. Wo uovor W3re on woll hropurcd to do bualnoiiti. . Lotfi of Uooilii and priuuK ri^bt. It will pny you to tfivo uh a flail andi'ir l>opdu and yo'L priaou. Wo are ploaH6di quoto prinoB to any who noorj furmtr; Wo liavo boen Halmi n good atuady fc< ndaii ujiwiflr about 18 voar* and wa wi to torufor our thuitkn to tho public poats ' tor tbuvory lihotal pattonn(io we hav ... eoivod or fchom during the lGy*nrfl that Imvo b'ooi; in fcho novrZWr Ew*fix. .'. "'* UNDERTAKING A SPECIAL1Y J. fl. HICKS & Co., Essex. V:.::::i m. ;' 'f's ' "'&$ il Si '1 -.'./ ..;.fe:;ti&AtV.^"^^ iiU^v^J^;^^^

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