Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 26, 1896, p. 8

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'11 > n MOW.A.T, " VICTORY, *T- Pr We are in the swim and yon will never miss it if you stay with us. We tell you no Roster Story when we say that WHITNEY LEADS THEM ALL In.Correct Styles, Prices and Qualities. TIES! Special Sale of Ties Friday and Saturday. Don't Miss this Chance. Silk Belts Silk Jiolta, J 1.50 now 1.00 " 7.jc. " SI.15. 70o. LOc, Boys' Belts Iioyn' lioltR, \9*tG. now Be. 2fic, 11 VAo. HOc. 11 -2M:. Straw Hats. (h> SUww Hats Pi'ico'fiMni to -loo. NO A' 20c. -, , Sailor Hats. U iclioa'jand Miaaoq' Sailorq Pnoo from 25c tn 10c. NOW 20c. COTTAJW. Mm. Goo. Mo Mali on aud fa-uily spont Buuday lanfc with her HiHtora, Mi anott Gordon, of Ebhox. (JOSPIKIjU NOIJTII. Goorjjfi llurloy, lutoly of Minnouota, IK vittitintf frleudu 6u tho 4th ami, Stanley Wright anil John Vincent, of tlio 3rd con., tiro building now rtmidoiiouH. Noitru wtuxJi:. Thorn wui a yroat down powor of rain hint Sunday morning and afternoon, John S. Winter wifo and family drove to Tilbury Ooutfii lant Saturday und vimt- od relatives and format* utiqtMintuucon, Xiiuuo Millon, of 01 hula wlllproiiob in tho North llulK'i Motliodlub Ghnroh nuxb Buh- bufh at XI a.m. ErionrtH cordially invitml, D. J. "Whitney, HATTER AND FURNISHER. That happy Feeling; NoMnni.' o" uiith-will m ike tho ciifitoiiier fend wo happy and oontentod aa a knowing tlnit, ho or Mi.- i t -. tl.o vory bent ^oodn at tho loweut priooH. Wo lovu t.> uj iku p ioi>Ui hippy, nut only >>y Boiling cheap, but by iwlliufj tthoftii that fit. You prolmbly mini pond iitrn Bhocii moro in hot wouthor limn lit any mhi time. Soo our Miminor ^ood '. OvBtotm *Worle a Specially i'-^k _w ^i^ IMlltD ( % KiKn of the Ooldnn Hoof, WntTNKY BLOCK, ESSEX. C *Oi A ^ %t& OF STYLES Is what can be obtained at our establishment, Dunstan Blk, Our work is the beet, our de signs are upto-date and our prices very low. We are the only store in town handling Tweed* of Clyde Mills, best in Canada, and buying- at mill prices wo save you from 50c to ijpl on pair of pants and $2 to $4 on a suit; we have also a splendid line of faney colored Worsteds, very reasonable in price. We innifcc you to in spect ^'our goods before buying Probate haw boon applied for tho will of tliolatu Dolwuy PttrviH, by tho oxf)outorn, ilumnit Ronrlio and William Wallace. Tim uiituto in outimatod at over twelv o tboufiand dollant. A oump mooting will bo hold in K. Eutori'n (jt'ovn.Piifo Tlivor, bn^miiifj Thurii- tliiy.July Oth, and continuing over Hunday, Tnly 1IHh, nndnr tho anupicct! of tlio A. M. B. 7i\m\ oburcb. X'loimnuut uponlc ont aro pfominfjcl for tho oooaniou and a bif tirno ih oxpootod. tinmen, tho two yoar-old hod of Wm. MuClwiUoy, of tho Mutdlo Rnad, nnarly Hovorod (ho thumb on ono of lini ImndH on Thurnday of hwt woolt, lie wm cuiryinf' a butcher knife wbon ono of tho other children trial to pull it through Jamon' hand witli tho roiiult that tho thumb wan Hourly out off. 'Iha voto in tho difforout pulling plaoen of Alaidntouo towrmhip on Tuonday waa ui folloWHt MoGrogor 'V2, Odofcto IB, Mahon 20; Puoo , McGregor 11, Odetto dl, i\tanon Ul; tiohool lot 10, eou 0 nohool lot 21, con.'3 , McGregor 52, Odotto 38, Alaaon 15; iiobool near Khhok , McGrotior 41, Odotto 30, MiiHnn IH and McNeil 2. Robert Jono:i had a narrow cucapo from mooting with a bad aooidout on Wodnow day uifjht of lfuit weolt. lie bad loft homo with-a wa^onJoadjoi oatti and had roaohnd tho M. C. It. cronumR at Maidntouo Crouii bofcwoon 12 and 1 o'clock, jnut boforo tho midnight cxproHH camo along. Owing to tho darkuoim of tho night, in going over tba oroHning tho wagon wiih drivon too much to tho right, no that tho whoolii on ouo Hido got botwoon tho viliIh and tho hornoH could not poll *,ho rigovor tho railn, Mr. JonoH got off tho load and unhitched the aninndu, hut no uoonor wuh tho latter job dono than tho oxproHfl camo tlinndor- nig ulonjr and Htrnok tho wagon, breaking thu fi;ro part of it into umtthoroouu and Hcattonng tiiu oatii aronnd. Tho front part of tho ongino wuh aloo damaged. AKNBU, ifla M. Gordon returned to hor hom o in |3hhox on Huturday. Bho wan acoom- pahiod by hor WHtor, -Mra .low. Molndoo, and Bon Hurry, OOLOllICN'riGU noiith, Among thofiA who have jutit nuaurod thu dogroo of naoholor of Lawn at tho TIii> voraity of Miobigati at Ann Arbor, Ih OharloH W. Awroy, formerly toaohor in thin towuHlup. Selkirk BroH. art) (ingugod in building a dwelling for John M. Hold, Mr. uud MrH. D. A. UobinHon lolt for their home in Gluvoland on the llth iniit. Frank Millor, of Walkorvillo.viinted Into* ly with hni mother, who halt boon itnriou/ily ill. .f. C. Biirrowii nhipp/id T1 tubn of buttiTr to Toronto on Tuenday of liiuh week. ThnHo tubn oontainnd about throe hundred poundn moro than a ton of but tor and it wuh all roooivod ovor thu counter in about thiou woolen, Tho iiulk inipply in inereamng daily at tho eboeiio factory. It hasreuohed an higb an G.liOO poundn in ono day and tho cihoonii- makor, i'. A. Loak, ban boon compelled to puf in a now profui, tho larj^eut made, with a capacity of 1,000 puiindw, to oimblo htm to take propor aaro of Iuh inoreaning btifiinofiii. llov G. W. Wyo, of Bay Uity, Mioh,, wan among thono who attondod tho moot ing of Huron Synod at London lant woolt. .Tamoit GilloiLii, jr., ban entered tho oohool of oloctrioity at I'otorboro For a coukhc and -Mrn. ,iamon 11, Gilloan and ijon Charlie are vimting at Koarnoy, Kf. J. Kev, Father Ryan wont to Sandwioli on Monday morning to attend the cbaing ox- oroifiGH of l/'Amniraption Collego and on Tuonday, ho wout to Chatham to attohd inrailar oxercmeu. MrH, ,M. McGregor, mother of Win. Mc Grogor, M. P , of Windsor, 10 bo very low thai huo in not expeclod to livo but a few dayn. Sho ia rouiding on Boiti Blanc Inland with her daugbtor, Mr. indrow naoliett. Rev. S. .7. Allin proaahod hin farowolf HormonH hh paetor of tho Mothoamt church here on Sunday hint and thin week moved to BruHfielrj. Iliii uneoijHHor, Uov. A. Brown, of Gluneoo, will pro'ich bin ncrmon horo on Runday noxt. Special Clearing Sale For 30=Days Gommeneing Saturday, Jane 27th. Miss Strachan will offer in the Millinery Department 1 A Off On All Trimmed 4 V/ll And Untrimmed ^_ __. Hats and Bonnsts. 1 In Fine Woolen and Silk Dross Goods, LuaireH, A.lpaca, Sicilian (JloLha and New PlaidH WE OFPFP special Inducements During ,________________^ the Next 30- DAYS - Great Reductions in Prints, Pongees, - ......'Dimitys, Lawns and Muslins. Ladies' Vests, ^> Afc 6c, 10c, 15c. and 25c. Groat Value. The Stock of Silk and Cotton HOSIERY AND GLOVES firht SALE OF LAND FOB TAXES. TOWN OF KSREX, } Whoreim I j \irtuoot a wurrunt idHtied by tlio Mayor or tho To Wit ; ) Town of Ksmt. in tlic f'onnt> of Ji^htx und utithcntioated bthe corpornie heal (f tbe i-aid Town 1 11'iing dam tht fourth day of February, lbf)(i, and to mo dirt-ctid cmuiiiundtinr uip lo Irvy upon tlic followiut; lota or parcolH of lands in arrt-are for tuxen dun thereon witb oaatn. I h<t(dty i;ivo ijoticu tlmt iinlehH tho said tnxe* and uofitn arc nooner paid I Bhall, on Wodnchduy, tlio 2Jili dn\ of Juue, 18110 t the hom often o'olotslc m tho forenoon, at PocJt'h Hall, in the Tnwn *>i Khhcx, jnocerd to wAl by publiu auction tho fluid landn or ho much thereof ilh miij be Hufficuut to j ui HUth urrearu of tnxou and all lawful oontH incurred : Plan. LotH. TtiXeii. CoutB. Q07.........................7 od ............ r.7 C:..........2.84.. 22)1........................ .) und :)2.......... 25.87..........ii.35.. 170........................HpariH yti and 27......17.1*1..........2 lo.. 207..........................'27 und 281 803..........................23 aud aiJ........ d3,h0..........'12li-' Block ill........................................ 7.11...... Total. 50.87 28.22 20.00 ... 37.83 ..1.95........ 9 00 W. D, BEAMAN, TitKHuror. ADJOURNED Tho uhovti Sale hat* him adjouruod to hutirday, duly Hh, at f-bo name hour and plaoo t=--=-ir- MONEY LOST. IOBT-ON MONDA.V MOIIT HriTWEIIN j mv Btoto und Mr. llnamaii'ii cornm, n. Sll) bill. "Vindur will tai rewarded by lotm ifnu to iny Utoro. '-' W1HTN10Y. "^^ HEIFER ASTRAY. CriWYHO FltOM Tirn imikmibkh ok ISAAC fe 11 ford on or aliout Jmi 1th ono [wo-yeur obi bolfur.dui* to culvn uboui "In. hint of Aufjuflt, of a whifuiflb mini oolo wirU idiotr bornu tumoddnwu mid inwai 1. Inroniuitlou luaillnR *o bor louovury will U0blJfir.dly lowardui 1^A40 KLl'OitD. Wlfoid I'. O. Klfonl, Juu aitb, 18-w. * mi-*. Mttoufiicturor of Fon- tor'a Patent Union Artificial Iiimbs 112 A Hi Ilatea (.t., Do iron. Mlob. Jvouorintlvo catalojreuij and blnnlta for 'UiiclHiifi apt>HuatJouii fov t'oViirim^Dt or(tru for Utnlm and twnHiiQttutlon or oommutation Ihoi-nfor mjutlrooon ai'idlflatlon 2&> K. Smith in (^rniitlv improving bin homo phioo Ly removiu^ bin outbuilding' to moro fiuitablo QoartorH. Walttr Golonutt purpoHoa creotiup a house on tlio twonty-livo itcreH of the home plaoo which ho baa purchutiod. MiHHQO L. Fer^UHon and 13. Wilcox re turned to Woddtdoo, after apunding a pleauant tune with Mm. John "Wihiari. ThoiritiH Ilunton intt-ndn buildinij a com fortable d .veiling. Ho ih rathor tired of bachelorhood Wo wihIi him hugcobu in Iuh vonturo. Mra. Juh. CharabQrii, of VVayuo, Mioh., with her two children, vinitcd hmt week at the homo of hor aunt and motor, Mm. A. Wtlrfon and MSha Loo MrH. Ilunh Wilson ban rather poor health of late. Although qnito u^ed hIio Htill rotama her youthfol ripintH and taltoii an aetivo part in pohtiou. Mm. J. Milno puid hor brother, E. U. Wianier, a vitiit tbi^ woolt Qallinfj uloo on old frieudu beforo hor departure to Dayton, Ohio, her futuio home. The election horo paBHod off rnthor quiet ly, although nomo of tho moro oobor-mmdod ^oiitloinen ontorcd tho nohool-houuo with a well coudneted Hobool in (icnpion, to caot their votoH, rathor than at tho appointed pluuo. --------------*-------------- D. A. Young ia thoroughly repainting and overhauling tho remdonoo ho latoly purchiuiod from Mr. Hanoii. Mrti. II. O. Raon attondn tho Conaorva- tory of Muaio ou Siiturdaya, preparatory to a two yoara1 study in Qorraany and PariB, John Wortlov Iulh complotod bin oou- truot of moving nod putting tbo founda tion nudor John Murray & Son'H firmt mill, and tbo mnohmory wan oxpootod thie woolc from Goldio & MoOullooh'H. of Gait, .T. A. Smith, who was burnt oat about a month ayo, will havo a now building orocted on tho aito of tho ono doBtroyod which in to bo '10 by 21 ft., with lfl It. walla* Tuudern for itw coufltruotion will bo milted for. At tho Muthodiut obnroh horo on Wod- UQRday ovoning qf last wook, Rev. W. Ayrcft porformol a marrlago coromouy that nuitod Jumed, Hon of .loaoph MoMurr rin, and Ida, daughter of Tbon. Galloway, both of tho tawnohip of Muidntono. Tho ooromony wau witnoaaod by a largo num. bor of friondii and iicquaiutanaou of tho nontnioting parHoii, Mighoh Nellie McMur- rm and Tuna Dowar acting an bridoHmaidn and John Mitoholl and John MoMumn as groomatnon. After tho Itnot wan tied, the yonu oouplo droVo to tho ronideuoo of Mru. fttoKntoor, olotor of tho groom, at Blythoawood. Thoy httvo tlio buHb wJhIioh of their fnondu for a happy und prooporouH lnarriod lifo. While tho oouplo wore in tho ohuroh horo Homo porH(i out a large hole to tbo top of Mr. Mauturriu'o bujjgy. Utiyiug hiui commeuood. ChurloH Garhck hao boon on tho aicli tieL John Elford hfti completed* an oulargo- menc to bin barn. Jameii Muhoii haH parchiiHod a yearling c:olt from Oloy PotoiHon. Mr. KIIih, of Muidfitouo, condaotod HoiviccH hero laHt Sunday. Andrew Chapman ban Hold a large quantity of oat to Mr. Mihonqr, of Camp Palmer. Jiimuu Muhou ban tibolled about UfLoen hundred busheln of hia corn aud iiold it to Wullter A' tionsi. A big turn out on July lnt from thiu vioinity to tho usual pionio Kr0UU(lH at Cedar Jituioh iu expected. Ah tno Iiothol church bridgo hua boon needing repairs for tiomo time, a hoe wau mudo laHt Tharaday by tbo mou aud a now ono put m, John MoBeth uuperiutouding tho work. Goorgo MtiHtard, after working for several mouthu, ban at laut Hiicouadod in being placed on tue TJ S. ponaion hat. Ho received word on Fi iday laut that hio back penmon would araouut to quite a Hum and that ho would roaeivo an allow ance ouch raoLith. Mr, Muatard aorvoi in tbo U. S. Army for three years. * Fully assorted and All at Bargain Prices. Men's and Boys' Fine Straw Hats at fc-Off. * Boys' Suits, several Lines at Greatly Reduced Prices. Men's Wool Suits from -and Upwards- CLOTHING- TO ORDER, A SPECIALTY. THE GREAT-CORNER STORE, Diebel & Bricker Wool ! Wool! * 100.000 POUNDS WANTED AT THF 20c. cash, 22c. to 24c. trade. KlNUNVXlblDG. Reevo Hubert Wiglo took a carload o' Ml fat cattle to Toronto laofc week. A Kur-n orgau has been plaaod in the Hohool room of tho KingHVillo Mothodint ohurab. Auditor Lufihe aud wifo, of Walkorvillo, hayo raovod into thoir now auranior oottago at the lake. Wm. Wrido, wife and family, who hud been viHiting in llidgotown for two weolto, returned to their homo boro laut wodIi, ThoMotbodinttiadiou' Aid roahzod about 830 from tho diuuor hold iu tho leoturo room of tho church on Nomination day, Orlando Scratch m in Lafayette, Iu- diaua, this wook. Rumor nan it, that ho will bring a charming lady back with him, in tho portion of Mra. Scratch. Mre. Willia Moma, oalorad, died vory uuddonly laot Friday, Bho had boon nub jocst to aovoro attaoUe of anthma and thin in BuppoBod to havo boon the cutiho of death, At tho mooting of tho Byuod of Huron at London laut wook, tbo mifflion oommlt- too,Roy. J. Downio.oomraiQHionor,reported in fayor of depurating Kingiivillo and Loumiugton, Wbeatloy to bo uttaohod to Loamington, and Ilulhvon and Grilugor'n to bo attached to Kmgiivilio. Tho report wan adopted. Honey Malott diod at Inn homo horo ou WodnoHdny of hint week and wan buried on Friday. Ho hao btiou IU for 15 weokii bo that bin donth was not unoxpoototL Born iu Moruoa hi 13^1, haul wnyti lived iu Euflox County, for tho pant 34 yoaw having lived on u furin throo-quartorn of a mile from KmgHvillo. Ho wuh twioo marriod, his luat wifo and thrert ahildroti iiurviving Ooor(jo, of Kiujfovillo, Philip aud Mro, Wm. nothomigton, of Romney, We are carrying a full line of Cotton Shillings, Gray Cottons, Cottonadcfl, Flannelettes, .Flannels, Dress Goodsj also the largest assortment of worsteds und Suitings for suits or Pants at the lowest prices ever offered. Our wagons will be on their rimml route next week. Hold your Wool unfi! they Gall on you. Brown &Wigle. MB. WIGrLB; The Cash Grocer, and Baker. i" ItE pooplo of thfiJTown of Ehhox and anrroundintt country havo long fult thu wan*1 of a phico whore they oould f*o and puiohuso v/hat thoy requiro on a qJoho, oush baBiH, without bcini,' compellod to pay higher pricoa to inako np for tho loaaoa roado in tho oredifc flyntom. Call and neo our Rooda, which aro alwuynof the beat quality, and Kot oar priooB, whioh aro tho lowoyt. Don't raiab trying our Tea at 2'J con 1b a ponnd. BREA3D 4c. A LOAF. Garden and Field Seeds direct from the largest growers and dealers in America, at lowest prices. CASE TAID VQll GTI1KH PRODUCE FIRST-CLASS GUTTER AND FRESH EGGS AND GOODS DELIYMtED PBOMrTLY. M. E. WIGLB* J. H. Ii 4 ^1 Scott Block, next Aberdeen, Essex, hV,. 11 r-* ' ' 111 ' I ' *r* ' feUw. -.1., ^'^S^^M^^^^^ '4 274986

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