5*rc^ \' ^W^V^W^r w <w ^/W^ vy, IVI IT J t * h"1- h SPECIAL OFFER. Wo are bound to largoly i- oroaeo tho. circulation of tlio Frkk Piikbh and to do ho will givo tho.pu.per to now HubHorlb- ers, who jiay in advanoo to Jan uary lot, 181)7, for 86 contu. All BubsoriptionH to tho Fukk Pbkhs unpaid prior to tho and of May and all unpaid at/ tho proHOiit timo aro to bo paid anfl oolloo'od by ua and wo will fulfill all BubaoriptionH paid prior to tho (armor dalo to thooxpiratiou Of tho timo for which aarao wan paid. BubBoribo now. Addroau all Bommunicationf! to BnK'x'T & Aijli), Puhliohors, Essex, Out. ThoHooiiU flivon by tho diuiKhtorii of Boholtith nt Uulhvau on tho l'ith imit, waH a yraiul huooqhh. A lnrjro number woro pronont ami enjoyed tho ovoiuug. The rocoiptH amounted to S'lO commie. Minn Mary A.. Taylor in homo for ft fow wiioUh' vmit. MiHfi Myra Boytl, of MitauuU.iu upouUing ^ wuoti bore with bar parontH. O. Kvaini bun puHHod bin uxumimition at tho Detroit Duutal Collude. Dr. AmlorHOii, whohiiH bmn Hornawh ut ttncloi tho woathor for iiomo time, in vimt iu London with hid brother. Colin Mnodonuld, of iinrtlot lv. Mao donitld, loft hint wool: on hm ho m annual purohiHiuff tour to tho marltotn of tho Old Country. Edmond and Norah Clmuy, Luuia fcicott and iHttbsllu. Buttoiworlh, of Wintlnor, havo HU"ooedol in panning tlio nonior ma triculation exammationn at tho Uuiverimy of Toronto. Tho now Prcflbytonau ohuroli in Wind sor wiih dodicntod on Juno Mrh with ap propriate Horviaou. Rev. A.. B Mao Kay, T>,D., of Montreal, preaahod at both morn inK and evening Borvieoa aud addroHHOti a maim -nnotin^ of childrou m tho afternoon. Tbo uowGlmroh ih on tho oornor of Park Btroot and Victoria avouuo and whori com- plotod will havo coiit about 8110,000. "jJANUlviOH L* AHHurnptiou Collet i will cloao on Mond iy unit. Mavor Ernoiit Girardot m travelling through tho oaiitcrn proviuooo m tho in- 'torohtu of tho E Girardot Wiuo Mmiu facturmt; Company. *jmt Eighty children mado their ilrnt oom- mumon last Sunday at I/AoHUiuption Churob. Eu^ono Dccitinenl, ono of tho llrm of F. Giraidot of Co., bun purehaaod tbo Gnunup properly adjoining Hcbool No. ti, and in building thereon a handnomo vohi donee. MrH. J. C, Baby luiu ono to tako np her roRidoaoQ with her hom m Hamilton. Dr. Quarry ir Halting hih hou ni North Dakota. G. \V. Mason, ex M tyor, and now ro- Bidiu^ in Detroit, \vaa in town nomina tion day, Tlie Sandwich B. B. C. defeated tbo J. lO. Peclc'ittoam by a acoro of 12 ro 11 Mips Eliza Norvoll iu on a two wecka' vimt with Minn Ma^^io Gillean in London MrH. J.T.IIonninK, of lorouto, ih vimtin^ hoi* mother, Mm. 15. Brown Dr. Prondfoot, wifu and ftimilv are on a ten daya' viwit with tho Dr. b pareutH in ljcndou Tho tut* S. M. Fiaohor pahHod up the rivor on Tuoiday of htHt work towm^ two liBlcjMicliigah oitr tfiricn whiob were laiinchoii at Toledo on Monday. Mrf). A. Dallam nd Mhb Bella Calloin aro taking a trip to Dulutb on the Htfftmor S. K. Kit by, (Capt D J. Gnardiu), having joined tho boat bore lant weak. Tlio death occurred Tuesday of last wool: at bin rrimdenoo, l. St. Tliomaa, of John Qoard, jr., hou of John Hoard, ur., in tlio 13rd your of hia a^e. Tbo deooiujed had novoc rnaovorod from o&riotin lllneHfi with hifl oyos from wbioh he ha uuffotod for four \oara, although tbo lmmediato oauao of death wan paralymn, with which be waH atrioKmi tho provioun Tburuday. Uo wan born in Lam both, and removed from Am horritbai'ti with tlio (icrn in 1HH7 after thoy bud boon in biirtuiohd huro foi aliout tin yearn. Ho leavea a wife and throe ,'daUKlittt", Ada, Nora ami Holon. Hi- ifathor, mother, 11 vo brolhora and nix leiHtuin alao nurvivo him. The brothom jaru Wibiam, Robort, jr., Hiohard, St. PFIuwuiu; TliomttH, London; Batnurl, Am- fbet'^thurn. Tho HiotorH aro Mrn. D. M jKoiap, Mrn. C M. S.Tboraaa, Aiubernthnrti, iMrn. W. II. AndorBou, Fkmiug, N. W. T.'j rMfB. Pipor, Limbctb; Mih. Robinuon aud [Mra. W. J. Powell, Bt.Thoinaa. Dcoeanod lwuo luauriid iu tho Canada Lifd for 81,500 Lnd in ihp OddlidlowH' Koliof lor 81,000. JH" wae a member of IItio L^l^o, I O.O.i1., AmherHtburtf, and tbo mamb ir-i of that ordor took obatKo of tbo fnuoral, which tooic placo from Inn lato romdonoo Thuni day uftmnoon to Rt.Tliouiuti comolPij. yamuol Hoard, jMrs. Kotnp and Mr. ^IhoiuaM wont down on Wuilnejidaj oven iiiH to attoud tno funeral. G. E, Pulford, soorfltary of lloho Lod)jot ulao uttondod tbo funeral it a icproBontativt of Mr. Hourd'u 1 motbor lod^o. K8x Court; of Revision. Tbo mumborH or tbo Court or KovMnu for th- town bold amlhor Bittnit! on Mon lay <i\.-niinC of last weak and dlnpoHed of ippu d ' bi'fot.j thoui. Tbo following amoHimonta were o m- lirmod: Jamoi) Olivor, lot H, plan it!(a, $300; I'l. L. Brulio, loU 7 and H, plan 177, Gfi'J; MrH. l\ H. Brodlo, lot 15,' plan art, ftHOO, and lotOO.-Plan 277. flail; Jun Brodio, lot H, plan 17'), 8100; Houthorn Loan Co., n ptM 10, 17, 18. plan I7l\ WIS, block -18 and 40, 8700, lot 30, plan W, $JtfO,iuidu ptH 60, CU and M), plan 377, 9600; Landed Banking and Loan Co., lot i:t and 14, plan 21(5, S3B0, lot 11, plan a7, 2a, lot 5, plan J(!7, 3ifi0, lotH 80 and {)(), plan 331. $B00, bloolo, 01 and 03, 81,000. Agricultural 8avinn and Loan Co., lot 11, plan SJflB, 700, m ptn( l(i, 17 and 18, plan 170, 8703, Goortfo Thornton, lotn 00, 70 and 71, plan 277, 81*00, and lot 1, plan 28H, 825; Hamiltou Prnvidout and Loan Co., lot 1, plan 300, 83.10, lot 1, plan 2Bf, SflOO, lot 5, plan 202, ttOOO, lot 13. plan B8fi, 8750, n pt 10, plan 181, W.fiQO, lot 10, plan 100, $360, lotti 17 and IH, plan 220, 800, and lot (in, plan 217, 820, London Loan Co., lot 11, plan 223, 8200, and n J lot 10, plan 170, WOO, U, W. Allan, lot 5, plan 181, fll.fiOO. blook 17, B200, and lot 02, plan 17, 81,000; Goor^o Turner, lotu 31 and 32, plan 1)07, 8200; Thou. Dnnntiin, w pt lot , plan 207, 8400, and lot 0 and o pt lot,", plan 20/, 8500; W. S. ChatUold, lot 31, plan 230 8700, J. n Crow, lotu 23 and 2B, plan 220, 85S0, and ht 21, plan 220,8150; O. C. Bairio, lot OH, plan 223, 820, Gooro Baitb, lob 30, plan 181, $850, and lot 10, plan 181. 8850, Morton & Chriatio, lot 21, plan 23S, 8200, David Ilauiitnttii, block 27, 8300, Wm. and KiohiirdMiIlon, lota 10 and 20, plan 170, 80,500; C. B. II Co., on tboir property in tbo town, 88,000, Reduction!) in aHHOHHmontH wnro mado an followH: D. Smotair, bloolui 121 and 122, 81150, reduced 810 on bloalc 122; Landed Bun'imu and Loan Co., blook 75, from 81 2)0 to 81,175, and lot 11, plau 170, from 8175 to 81^0. A uumbor of altorationn in tho roll wore mado an follown: Richard It. Brott and W. II. Auld to bo asnoHnod tin tonanU on n o pt lot 10, plan 181; Tboa. Atkimion, owner lotH 3!) and 10, plan 203, W. T. Joiium, owner of 22, plan 200, Goo. Joffroy ntrnck off and Win. Fontoi put on an tonaut of lot 73 plau 231. and 1, 2, 8 aud 1, plan 307, Pat Minima Htruck off and Chan. Ilaunan put on aowner of lotn 25, 20, 27. 2H, A 20, pi tn 307; Wtnlry Uoborto put on an owner lot 20, plan 203, Thou. Malono and Darnifi Hopyood put on an tonantii of n pt lot 1, plan 181; G. G. Novella put on an tenant of lot K, plan 200, ,1. II. Mayvillo aa ownor "oTTTnoiTO, plan 179; Mro. ThoH. Wothor ley put on rh tenant of lotn 11 and 12, plan 230, M. Brady ntruolt off aud W. C. Shaw put on n.H owner of lotn 8 and 0, 23(j, Iiarry Noblo put en an ownor of lot 10, plan 207 Peter Cottor Htruulf off and W. II. Xtiuliard hou put on an owner lob 33, plan 230; John Stafford otrnck off and W. 11. Rtchardnon put f u an owner of lotn 0 and 10, plan 288, <V. C. Wdaoii Htruuk off and W. U. Itiuli- urd-on put on an owuor of lotn ;J0 aiul 32, plan 2"t0; W. IV. Buoklo an ownor aud Mih. John MeOhntio an tenant of 70, plan 2'li, Alum Grcon ilh tonaut of 1.11, 1.-15, plan 170, Mm. McMahon atruok off and lait bulla Todd ilb owner of ;iC, plan 2,35, 25, 20 plan 207, changed fiom non-reHidont to \V II Iticbardnou as owuor; block OH uHHUHHert to Dr. Jamon Biien, JikIhou DeCo^v put on an owner of \il, plan 231; K. A. Wismer an owner of 23, plan 230 and 11. plan 277, J. D StottH au owner of 0, plan 285, W. C Shaw an owner of 12, plan 285; Wm. Laui^ an owner of 0, 7, 8, 0, plan 202, John rbrtinhor uh owuor of 20, plan 217; It B. ( olomau an owner of 7, 8, plan 288, J. It, Mcliwmi aa owner of 70, plan 221, aud 17, plan 307, Chan. Noble au owuer of 0, plan 17G, .lamea Tweeillo an owner of 121. 125, plan 170; Wm. GohIih aowuor of l?o, plan 30.1, C. J Gardner an owner of block 109, Dr. Jonner aa ownor of 5, 0, plau 310, Wm. lliddiek an owner of 51, 55, TO, 57, 58, plan 277; Mm AdimiH ua ownor of 11, plan 177. Tlio Minson Gnemsay aii tcnantit of u pt 13, pUn 181; J tV JJrnwn as tenant of 7, p.an 230; ^laik DeCew changed from 50, 00, plau 23J,to 3'), nh 37, 38, plan 177; Mm. Moutitoer ati owner of 50, 00, plau 231, a pth 20, 27, plan 170,anaeHnod at SlfiO, heme now vacant in redncod to 825, Taaao Silver- ihoruo ab tenant of 108 plan 170; C J. G udiier an owner 2'!, 21, plau 207; Laugh- lin Feonan an owner of 23, 21, plau 2C7; Dr Geo. McKon/io an ownor of n pt 21, pbm 181, at $,100, II II, Fielda aa owner of 2, 3, plan 285, and 2, plan 300; lotn 28, 29. 30, 31, plan 300. to G. E. Smith & Co , an owncrn; U. C Beomim aa teuaut of 33, 34. plaa 335; jh(tn(,o lota 1, 2, bJ5, b $ 0, 7, 8 0, 10, 13, 11, 15. 10, 17, 18, 10, 20, *il. 22, 27. 28, 20, 30, 31, 33, 3'i, 34, 35, 30, 37, 38, 30, 10, U, 42, 13. 11, 45. and 47, from II. W. Fontor uh tenant to John itfeOlin- tio and Palmer Dilse; W. II. RuhhoU ua owuor 2,plan 207,Mrn II.Elopyood an tenant at m. a. pt. 10, 17, 18, plau 170, Mi Biuighman uh tonant of lot 24, plan 235; W. D. Buoklo, btfi 11, 12. plan 230,-uhhohh. od 9U0fj,-~oouurmod; Salvation Army ofii- corB put on lor 20, 30, plau 2l>7, 8200. Dr. Jonner to bo annnHntd for iucorao 8500, Tbo court thou adjourned to Mondny evening, Juno 2[)&h. whon uppualu may bo litard agaimit the chan^m borom inii'lo. VRtAitt INLAND. The Pjlee Gaa and Oil Company aro milking a wcdUou A. MofJormiuk'a farm, P. Nujiolmon, who wan aimt hom here to London AHjlum about a year u^o, diod theio lant w^ok. J. S. Hamilton A Co. havo purubanbd ail of the wino owned by E. Waidropor, or,, amounting to 0 000 gulloMH, COMMERCE CONGRESS ONE CODE FOR THE WHOLE EM PIRE PROPOS/D. The I'ufttul Kt vim A. Kinultoi' tti \tt\- IiruVdMimitM Huu'ir"tr*"An ArblirnLlon London, Juno 11. Tho third nltilng of thn Third ConjpufcH nf tho (Jlimiilmrn of Commored of the Hmplio wm ojieiu'd In Groeoru' Ball at 10 o'ololjk thin morn- lu(?, HI*1 Alhnrt ICuyv HUlfc, Vwmldont of the Loudon Cbambor, pruMldln^. Tbu ooii|reait adoutod r<i*4nlutlonM f*vorlnff the forinutlon of a CnnHultutl\n fmporUl Counoll, a uniform copyright law tlirouifhout tht> umpire und tbo laying of ilib propound tub-muvlkio oablo hobwocn Australia and Canada nfc thn narll^sfc poUHlblo t.llIKJ The ffdlrtwiner ii-moIuHoiih wrtro alwo adoptad, "]-t*widveil, that tlio blllf* of ox- ohunjfo not nf 1HU3, the pnrtnnrrihlpfl not of 1860 aud thn miIp of gondti act of lHO.t, and ofchur cnnHolldatlnif rdatuhw havn en- tabllithod thn jiraoHciihlllty and bomdlt of codifying BrlUnn cominerolal law, and that It In highly o^pt dint that, tho miu- merelal law of tho whole DrltlHh Kinplro Hlmuld now bo ombodlud In a omlo, und that, thi'reforo, tbo (Jnvi'rnmvnt bn mo nmrlall/od by tho contfnitw to InHlato stopit net owjury hi onlor to the appoint ment for thn purpnuo of drafting hucIi a endo of a onmmlHhlon on wldidi tho United Kingdom anil all the (nhmicri ami countrlci enibiaiod In the onipho (.hull ho duly ii'pin4ontod. ItOholv*nl, tliat In tho opinion of thlfl cnnyi'^14 tbo law ro luting to It]lis of oYchunua ubould bo mado uiilforni in tin* Brltlub hmnlro, alio that unlformllv with the lawn of continental powers should, wherever practlrahle, bo ostabliHlied Internation ally. Halved, that In \ low of the dllll cultlcH < orri^pondents' expi rinni <* In pie- parlng ckiMjil topllLri t'i lettoiH hent to fon4^n count rb'H, and OMprnlnlly thn Brit Mi Colonies and dopendmirlcvj (a fat llity whhh oxistM In regiud lo nptn postianlh aud ti'U'Knima), the Council of tin* London Chamber of Cnjjjincrro h roqucHtr'il on behalf of thbu eongn,ig to t'ouiniunli ate with tho Tnipci lut and Colonhil puHtal autliorlth'R for tlio pur poho of UToininomllng that the reply lnttiM" raid (iiHod bv rraui'o and Ceylon for inland mrrespondenop) bo adopted by the nrttlsh [jnjini'lul poutal Hervlco ai a meaii'J of fnciHt.itInpr and lnomanlng in- teivoursi thioiifjli tin" Biltlnh Knipho, that the lopiy letter card U jippllcable to inteinntlonul cnmniiinlratifin In tlio name way as tlwi ojien reply post raid, and thafthe let cut ohu'i'tloim ralsnd In re- pind to It can he met; that at thn Postal Union Cntigu'-s, to be held at Washing ton, IH'.IT, tin- UritKh and Colonial Tost maitci'-dciu ral bo roquot-tod t.o tako fitcpH for the extension of the reply bitter r.ird to international pnntugn, as an eOl oient suhstitutt1 for the proposal lutorfui- tlonal post ijji.' '-tainp, and Iohh open to tho ohicctloiH raised on the ground of the llnr.iK i il dilUeulty Involved," U'he Inllowlug iPMilutloii of the Moii- trcd ('hamber of Conimerce wiu adopted: "Whi'ivim a mdnet ion In postal mtna would fucUituti* and iueivane tlio cnin- mi'ielal iclatlons nf the mothnr t ountry and tier many toloniis and pnsveHsioiiti; and whereas the l(n-il rates of tlicso hbv- cral folonieh must nccessuiily vary ac cording lo their special condition of ox- ihti'iioi, popiihitlon and transport, there fore, resol\f>iit t hat an Imperial pohtal union be organized on tho bails of au extoiihlon ai the local rates' of each of the boveral CJnverumonts entering tho union to the postal matter addressed re- Hpeotfully to those \urious portions of the Hntlsh JSnipire " Mr John Lubbn< U, Bart., M P , in behalf of the London Chamber of Com merce), moved the following iciolut ion in regiud to uibitration for international disputes '."lb it in the opinion of this congiess the preienr gigantic expend! tuition Milltaiv puparaiirms 1ih|iohct an Intoltrahlo hurden on national revenue and an Imuientn addition to human lu- hoi', that tbo hottlement of internatiooal ditTeieiues by force of arms la barbarous and unworthy of chlll/ed nations, and that differencoB or disputes arising be tween dlflViont; Go\ernmcnts whit h can not ho adjusted liy diploinatio agimey should, as far as powsihio, In- referred to ni bitration. This resolution called forth an animated discussion It was finally amended by striking out all thn first part, ending with the word "nations," and tbo amended form merely HiiggOHt- Ing aibltiation wdion possible- wan adopted Mr. Cuelcshutc of Toronto moved an amendment, to Sir John Lubbnck'H reso lution l.ivoring arbitration whenovor tlio awards \\i-m enlorceablo He erltlci/ed tlie United .states legaidnig their action in the Bering Kea and Alabama mattoru and contended that arbitration was une less unit's-, tho awardH weie enforced Mr. CoLkhlmtt'H remarks elicited hfud prili'sts, and the Chairman deprecated liU lino ol argumt'iic, Mr. I'm ksbutt then apologized, and Mr John LiihboeVs resolution, verbally motlilled, was adopted. Tlio cnngreHs hIho adopted rOHolutlona In fa\or of the formdtlon of a consiilta- tl\e imperial council and of a uniform copyright law thiougbout the empire. unhappy"~armenia. asy to Taka asy to Operate ArofriitiiraHpiamllnrtn IIooiI'h I'ili'l. Hmall In hI/c, bistoleHB, uflltiimt, thoron;:h Aic-n- mini H o o aald: " Vou nevcrUnow yen liavotakona pill till It Is all over." -Oki. C. 1 Ilnoil Ae **., Pi opt Mori, I nucll Mats Xho only pi Hi to Uko with Hood's 'J^ujlij.liiII* WOOL FROM MARY'iS L^V.tL fri'iili All orltlfH I>J the Ttirlcn MuHhiiriD in a ('iitlioUral 11<'ii, \Umnn ittnl ("hililrou Killed by Fini und Sword. ConHtantlnoplo, June U. A BritlHh olllclal report eiintaliiH the following uc- cuiint of the second massacre of Armen ians at Oorfa- "Then took placo tho burning of tho Oorfa Armenian rathL- dral, capable? of holduj; K,O0(J perstmn. Tbo priest administered tho Haerannmt, and the last sacrament itpioied t( be, to ],KU0 souln. Thos'o remained In the cathe dral over night, and in the morningw'oro joined by seveial hundreds more, who sought the protection of n building thoy considered nafo from mob vlolonoe, Throe thousand individuals were congregated In tho idlOcn when tba mob attacked It, Thoy (tho Turks) at llrst llrod In through" tho windows, Hum smashed In tho Iron doois.mid proceeded to ina^sneroall tliono, mtiHtly men, who were on the ground floor. Having' thus disposed of tho men, and having removed sorno of tbo youngor wonum, they rifled the (ihurch tieusiire, fihrlnos, and ornamontw, to tho oxtei^t of hOiuMd-Z,000, rieritroying tho pictures and rollcH, nioelrliifj[ly calling on Chrlnti to prove bbnatlf a ({iftatar propiiettlian Ma- honu't. Having col looted a quantity of bedding ami tho church matting, they pourud somo thirty cans of korojcwio a H,hk alKO on tho dead hodieh; lyinfu about, and then set tire to the whole, Tho ^al- Uiry lie'inn and thoxs'oodon framework houii caupchC ilro. Whoruupon, blocking up tlio KtalroauoA leading to the gallery, whloh wuh of lnttammablo maU'flalA, tlixiy l^ft'tbo inaus mt ytrtjggllng human buln^H to become tho prey of tho flames," Mud.. TiifoYiini That 7% Y. in d K i I r ' old for iJClOO an Oiiiici-. "I have got Home j urn tliat i\ i id from tie* lleeee of tne orljdnal ' in Utile inmli ' " Mild th i wite of n '.r I- lenou n (ip/vngn cniintv Inwvur "Jus aro only four Htmnds of It, and < i n o i Ih onh a few hinhi ^ in hiift'i, and it t>d JIMy * flith a strand Tin i* is no dniilit about II 4 lielii]? t he gi .imii \\ i d of that Immortal creature I uas in l!o ton a few year ago at the time (lie la dies of that city were inMiig fimiN to pinchase tlie Old Scnith church, which w ns tbieatc ned with ill-iti uetlon li_\ tlie march ol modern hnpinvoment Among other de\ ic <s, was a lair called A mil. Tabltha s Knitting I Jet, tlie uttiactlnn of which was a number of venerable dames who spun yain on ant lent spinning wheels*, just as they and their mothers had Hpun It fiom tho wool In the eai ly dayn i^oino lloiton lady b -aid that Maiy, the heroine of the little lamb vhvme, was living at Sterling, .Mass., in the per son of octogenarian Mr4 Tyler, a widow This lady went to .Stirling, aud not only found that Mis J \ lei* was icallv tho original of tho poem, but induced her to come to Host on and spend a day at. thn knitting bee Sho w.is a dehglittul old lady and told the Htory of her little lamb "When Hho was but a few yearH old, her name being Mary lawyer, anionjjf the lambs hoi n on her fathei s farm one night wan urn which was such a weak ling that Fanner Sawyer said that it could not, possibly li\e The child Mary felt Huch pity for the helpless lambkin that die htggid her father to let In r take it, and try to mil so Is lnjj> strength ITo told her to take It She carried it to the limine i\*y\ nil th n .1 ol the day and a' i ne follow m^r niglit treated it with . 'i gent locale that ne\l morning it wii in on imprnu d, and I-arnic c law yer n ) need Mai v by telling hi i that it w nihl li\c* and grow strong ^ueh pm\i d t( be the case, and as it grew tin- lamb's jitfectlons for Mary \ww so irn at that it, nil- miserable when separated from hor." It followed her to Hchool nne day, Which was against the rule It made tho children laugh and play To sec a lamb at school, Ri cords a fact, Mrs Tyler said. The oi - tun -nee led a. vtmrh who attended thn school tit put, the story of Mary and her little bnnl) into veise The poi t V name is lost. rlln lamb gn w upand bail lambs of it . own, hut the fondness of the lamb for Miirv and of Mary for tlio lamh inner grew les-, One day as It was fob lowdng Mary, who had gone to the pas ture after the < n\V", thn bunb wih nt- ta.cdi.ctl hj a \ii lous nnv, which gored it. with hor limns und threw it into the ail It fell at Mary's feet, and dltd. Murv's grh f was tbep and long lasting 'lb'i~ llei ce was removed from her ill-fated pets hotly, and she spun it with her own hands into yarn, a quantity of which hho kept ever after among hei tic azures. She was willing to p irt with some of it to aid in i -isin/ tlie fund foi presenlng the olef wmth dm' h and brought, with hi r to Huston peihms ,i quarter nf mi ounce Altir she told the story of Mary and hi r little l.unh, hi r yarn wns hi such de mand that It was cut ii]i into lengths: Milhcicnt to net ^7" by thes.de. I bought four little pieces of it at Hfry cents ,i pli'ce, and that is how I happen to havo home of the wool of Mary's little lamb " New Yoik Sim, CHURCH DIRECTORY Horvinc Mil l <* Mnniiono. r, -1>., I'ihcoo, I'tin* *r. irory Hijmlny m tin. <o nut 7 * tti, nlhOOl iV "'vi in. (i I). Novli", <ui o > > jut of < it I ) [ ./oi iii 1a .set't i v J ie 'I' ruthij i "id' I t * v imt;til | "< , iniiMliii <v. ninj, ('nunc ii <jI' l ' ni f i)- (.. i<.,,' \ i i jumboiit, Hl I'huIh, UitnitX. iHyiiiu .nit viau ttytiry Hiiuday ut 7 o'olook, p in Hun day School at 10 ii tn I'rhittv Olmroli, North Itldtff -J)lvln finrvlunK iiv<iry Kunilay ut a p. in.: Hun luy Huhuol at l,^[), ai, Tho publlo aro cot jlallyinvltuil I'liKMiivtinuAN. W. M.l'MoiuhiL', I'lLnLer Her ,'ic ouon Hiibhath t II u, Hi. lOlil 7 !HJ p. tu Bah tmtb Hchool at J..M p. ui. 1'rnyui* iintun' aiut 1'iiitor'tf hllilu ulitHH on Tiuwdtiy at7.JO p tn. Hat la) Union *>n Witdii'ihcliiv at (Mtin, llAiiii< c liouoa Kmv \f T (Jioniihtill, 1'itn tor u ji vlctiii iiauh haldiath at U a. >n. ami i P . I'myur inmilinu on WnilhOHihiy ovuulni nt H o'oloelt ciaiitti rr*.ii. AM ore cordially wtl ut H o'utoulc coriMi I. Haiva'itov AiiMY. T. H. Mcl.uod, Cuptiibi Hiilvutimi toeiitini'ii on Wiidneniluy, 'i.hiinula> and Huielav tivi lonijh, J'rcio and Dieiv, Saturday i .uiimn Kijit il ji in Bi nduy, Hollijuiiii UHUjtiiiijf foi chm tiiihti 1-riiiny nviiiiuiff aiul 11 n m Hun ilav, Kncn mil] 7 a in. meiy Himday All an wolcoiuo. LEGAL. A. WlbMLI'., ItiiirlHtiu, holloltor, Notm OJIitnn,lJui ( ly 1 'j i l'lililm &a Mutiny to loiio, itLllll Iflnclt, llp-lltnilH, I-KliOX. JIj PUT I ltd liurrldtiit. Holioltoi, Puhht! Momjy to Loan. Utrutliorii' Hunk Kuuox Coiitro Notic OtlU ii o\i Ci-LAUM',, llAIlTMn1 .L JIAKTI.KT, Ilurrii / tern, etc Otllt ( h, Mi dhmy llloLlt, Wlmliit 1'rlvnte funilfi to luuii A. U.tLAiiKi , h h I!. N. A. Hvaxia A U IfAltlLlT, II. A. HI NJtY V WAI/I'KltH, Tj,Xi.}\ .Attorney iiiki L'onniii lor ut Iilw, Kolicltor iu Olmiicorv, Pioctur in Ai'miiiL l\, l'titunt holii itor, with Alkitii.ou it Ilaiehfib (JonnroHH lit Jwutit, lJutroa, Mich (Canadian clalmn ui'nimit iioniomi iu the Uiiitnl htuti ii unllot tcid ] Uo tore nco hi hnjiuuil Hunk, I'minx.Out, .1 h Potorii, I hfj, linriiiit.il, ijto . l.ni.e-c, Out D.A. Whiinin, l,h(|., Hiuiihtoi, c u , J^hiio-i, Out D MEDICAL. Jth. HHII.N .V HUIKN. 11n* VfdfU. I>uni;i'riMiFt \\ iiiniiti. "It is unfortunate that we ha\o in this life of ours, which mm hih so full to some of us, so many women who can Jlnd nothing for their hands to do," writes Edward W Hok in June Ladles' Jlnnm Journal, discussing "Women and Card- Parties." "1 do not mean by this those whom wo call the wealthy and the leis ure classes The greatest dangers to our woman bo till do not arise from theho classes '1 bo woman most dnngeroun to modern society Is she who Is married, and yet In indifferent to domestic ties, who liven In boarding house or hotel, and who Ih ion tun fly on the look-out for some.thing to ouuup\ her attention And a woman in this condition generally finds the very thing she shouldn't. In- Htend of filling, up her lite with some thing woithy of her womanhood she drags' it out through a nuecesfdon of mitli en toymen to an tlu'Ho 'progressive onrd- partles.' Ah shu cannot play alone hUo seeks company, und, unfortunately, It iq never ditlleult for a wonum of this sort to find companion* of her own kind. Mio is ono of tho types ol women who have mado these und-partles what they are to day among women. The w ell-bred wonum ; the woman of Intelligence who can see tho relative fitness of things, tho woman who bolleus that, God ga\e her nome- fhbig to do hi tliu* world; the woman with nice pert options; the woman who l^ wholu.sonie In every sense; tho woman whom it Is good for another woman to lenow, who Hays' Homotbing of value when tdio spoakH, who lifts hersolf mentally and Hpiritunlly abovo otherH, whom moLliei'H like their daughters to know and their Finns tn talk witli believe mo, my friend, when I say nil this, and I pay it In IcindneHH audi women do not play eardH during the daytime, thoy loavo that sort of thing to others They find something <<1ho to do Homotbing worth ier of thorn, something hotter, movo ele vating, more enlightening, und better fit ted to qualify them for their positions in their homos, and tlitdr duties toward their hunhaiuls and children." How to Waltc uNurKo. Won't Hleep in tbo Hick room if you can avoid It. Ifv houovoi, you havo to da ho and you naturally wlfili to know If thi patient neodn you, tie a pieoo of tjipo to f*no wriHt, and pin tho other end to the patient's bed, near bin hand, whore he uii reaoh it easily, A Hllp;lit ]>ull will tiliim awubfrn you. Thin phin In excellent, nfl In lltnof-q tho voice is often woak'tmort, and If tins piitdeni |ioko or culled yon might not hear. Jatl Itrion. M. T) Ij 11,0.1* t* , icriidutLtn of Quoen'u Uutvoimty, Jvinjjutou, mouihcir of Col- l(ju of Ph}sicJum iliiU Sijy^'oonn.Outiirto Grud uuto of Now York 1'cnt Graduate Medical Col- logo J. W. Ilrlnii, M D C M., I'. T M C. Honor ( uidiiiLto of Tiliiitv Moiliaal Colliu'fi. Honor Mraduiituof 'lrlnlty Univomity. AEumhurof tho ( ollof'uof ImiHicliiLiH and hurcnomi, Ont Gratl- unto of >ow Votlc Pont Gmdmtto Mu licn.1 Collude OUJcoovur TjimuY Mudlcul Hull dniK otoro. CoiiHiiltatlon rooinn, both on ['round Iluor and Unit flat above Tulcplinno tn both olllco ami riiuldcuicti All culhi attondud to [rout oillou, mUK Btoro, oi rimidonecj. Uotiiduuuu. Talbot Htrcot, front of fair grouudu DENTAL. Y| t*. MMITIN.D.D.H, L. D. R Omdunto II 1 H in Doutiutvy, Koyul Co lit ku of Dental Bin goonn, Ontario, aiul Umvoriiity of Toronto '"'hniROH.moclorato. OlUcti, over JJrion A' Cot Inii: ntort. 18-lv VETERINARY. _ Wn UlCIIAitpSON, VJ*VIJIUN\UY HUK , (il.UN ilonornrw'riiduatu ofOntaiio Vi'toiinaiy ('ollo/jn, Toronto; nuonbor of On tario Votonnary Medical Hocioty; Uiplomist in hrntlstr\, truatii all dianasLH of (lomoiitlcatfjd imimahi, l< Ltla dohorncd b\ thulatndt imjirovuil Ticiivitt clipper Calls b> teUphrno or tolu- hiup1! promitly attcinlnl to Hcal.li uco.thn i nooiii oiu.t of griBt mill, offi<ct in pent office biiildinr', ititbrioiirj. ilhuctlj oppoiiflc LAND SURVEYOR. JAMKb B. LAIKD. Provincial Laud Hurvoyot and County l-.ni.moor, Imihox Cuiitrc, Out OUlce, Uiiniitiui 'Uncle, upiitaun AUCTIONEERS. J rCNKY HhDIUCK, AuctioucLr R a 1 ti P pHJioptlj attondod to. Audroufi Kouth WootlfilcL, Out Ptiriionf) (lemrinR to hdcuio nit- may louvo word at tbo Fiti h L'uum olllco tf II lir.DIUCK D8INCHA1K, IdCLNSCD AUCTIONIIKH for tho County ofI.heox Bailitf of bit-hth UiviHiou Court All UintlH of 1'atm and other hulon conducted promptly. Itaton leiironablo nmlturnhhed on aitpllcation. Knqmrern may upply ut W D neaiiian'iioflioo, or at the ofllee oi Ulviitiou CouiL Clt.iU,M. 'Ttilui Rhino 1UIIN (lORMLCY, 'I MCkNHKD AUCTIONIimt for tho County of Khuox. All loudii of farm r.tock iiuIoh, otc , coinlucted promidly and on abort notice. Itutint :o iiui'iiblo I'oi-nonft dt'pirablo to arraiiKo Haloa may Jo no by callliiRiit tlio Fin k PitrHu oUloo or by apply bu; to 4 J. GOKMLKY, 1* O IJOX 151 J',B(lti\, Out i?It\NK McOLOBKI-Y, MnUlutono, thirty- luivon yourfl'oxporionco an an auotlonoorin the Countv 'd IZmox Balon conducted promptly, und on rounrmabhj tomifi, Partlon annirlu^ to 11 \ tlio date Tor a mile can unvo thoniiiclvoB a drUci by cullitiR at tlio run: Pnran olhco Wo l]u\oarrauRcjd with Mr. MoOIoukoy and will tlx tbo cliitoii for nah fj by tologinpli, ontiroly bou of all churrjo if' thoporfiou holding tho eklIo. Ad- droHiiI'ianlLMo(Jlonkoy,MaidutoiioCror.n,Ont, ltio BAKER._____ Tim oldont buntnonn in town Eiitabllnho 18711 Fiiut-olaiifi broad ami caltee of al blmU Woddjnf! oakoii a opoololity. Qrooonor. nrovJfllonii.uonr.rtfld, ualt acd vovlt Cpnroc tionory, oiookory.Bhiaowaf. OiinuetUrultii and voRotablmi ot all Hindu. Goodu jncmi)tJy *n UvorodtoallpartHOitbo town. J. M. niCKb. 301 tf UND AND LOAN ACENTB^_ GEOHGK J. THOMABj Oonvovanoor, Com- mliiBiouor, In HIrIi Couil of -Tuutico; doalot ii Koal Eiitato and MortaROH. Mpnoy to, loar. iLttbo lowctit rate of intoroot. rarniii boual t and ii old. Innmimoo takon iu tho mort reliable oompunlon. DinwInR of doodR, movtRnROB auc lonnoHa Bptiohiltv. ChaiROH modorftto nnd nil buntnonn niomptlv ftttcudort to Call '"- *'*' Contiul Tolonbone ofllco. KnaoxCeutro. BO-b SPlnco in tho world for youtifi mon i mid woman to eoouro a umnnoaa HICcluoatlnii.Hlioithaud.oto.plii tho potroil ntidinomi Unlvprnitv. va- Srolt, Mloh Illuntmtod ontalomio rroo. Ilflfm-onccH: All Dotroit. y JRWnLL Pon. P. . SPENCKH, Boo, Wa XTT^YTi r\ Tencbom and CoIIoro AJN 1 liiU Htudnntg, men or woinmi.tooncii^wlthua rturlntf vaoal:ion. at nninnrliinR flnMrolv new. Can nay it biRh R 32fO00 for tho full towu. Hooicm bavhii opjatd. riurinf vuoatlon. havo onRnpocl purmunoiH y on nut tho fuotH. und that V/IU dCt uotlil|{- A"- tlroHu ininwdlatuly, rt .t nn r +/1 Tjiib nuAW.HY-GAnHv/woM Oo , Ltd. in-anttoid, Onb. IT IB THK BKST OOTJOn CURE I buvo i\\uv tn-td ha\B G, l(,red Audotaon. of T. H. HmimH A Co., in Bpcakinff of Nor- wuy Piuo Syrup. MARRIAGE LICENSES. f.^ Ti. PAitK, I88UKK Olf MAHRIAaH LI- IV cniiHoti, TUohnrduoh Ullt., Eqbox, Oat. \ j HAIUtKTT. iimuor of MarrUge Lioon VJ u CiiifiiiiiuHtouorln C.J.,otrj, Goeto.Ont vv. 1), UV,AU ."J, inniuuf ot \1urrifu lAuotimm, luuuriuioo a({nt. NlRbt oI.Ilo at I>w.ll]iu'. TATjHOT HTltKIGT, KBHKX. UNDERTAKING. UPLIJMMIS.H, Undortaltu^ u.id Fuminae Dmtlor. .Oollinn, liotn and-factory mrda from $JI Ui yllti. MoOmijor, Oe*- ARCHITECTS. rOUU A. MAYCOCK, AUOHI'I-KC'I', &a . Honm 10 und ll.FhuultiR HuililltiR, Wludnov, Oul riiono Ql. k $ SOCIETIES 1 o. O r.-IlNTi'IUIJtIHK Lodtfo No alH 1 tnont m\eiy Tliuniday, ovoiiln^ ut 7W> uddfollowii Hall, In third iitoroy UuuHln.it * .'l' ftlr cmoiiihorHuf other lodRonwill rocc fdittirnal Wdlootno. w. CUArnjltTON, I OJJNTJIAL EMCAMl'Ml'lNT, No. 0, iu<c Oddfi'lloww'Hull, I>unntan'a Idoolt, on tilt! Kiid third Tuiuidav Inoaoh mtuitb, Vlnitc* dJiilly roortlvdd MftnriboriiofimburdliULLol In th* jurlMllcMnn, (nvltml to job UANNAN. C. 1'., (I. V. HILL, Hoo. V, 1 ^HUnXFIKK JnilOADH. MKKTH K\l _. J I rlday nvt nltiR In tho Firtmiou'ii roou tho Htono liulklinR. Jan. MoMurray, Cnioi Itobt rarkor,Captain, A, Ilurnbiun, Ijtoiitou- iiiit,P Dllrni, Hncrutary, KrodvKyutt.Troanuror. f\UVJVV ItOYAL, NO. 21'J. I O. I\J Mocitu Hocouil and fourth Tuomlav (flu ei'r; month in I. O O. V Hull at n o'cloo!. n. r Vlfiltiiijf brothom will bo rIvoii a frattrnal w<j- eoinfl. Il ainCaiiBland. O It, W. G. Hluiv/, Heofl t M.J Wifilo.U.JJ. II. C. K. Thz Niagara Mis RcvU,' (I'll'Kl KAfll TakitiR ol/<iot.fuiju*Jlnk, 1H0*J. IDntroit Winihior. I'oltnu...... Maitliitonoo Eiinex . . WOOUIllCA . Itupcomb . . Com bor KlclRfltOWll . Itodnuy. St. Thoimm r.omlon "t. Thoinaii Ilodiiey KldRntown. Couibnr Kuncoiidi Woodnloo. EiiHOX Malcliltouu Folton Whulitor Uotroit ^tutl a.m. n 20 .1.10 (iOH i; pi (I (7 t. |(l flM 7 17 H,.!0 h n II M Exp. a in. AGO .B0 Loam Evp. Aocotn uooom. a. m 0 10 10.10 r uo 10 aa a 17 n n l 10 00 1.05 p.m. M0 fiCi B.1SI flliH 6.!7 C50 r,u1105 710 7MH H40---- a. m. r.ao 7. 7M H.ftl H1tS H2t ooi^ia WJ'BT. Cr 12 10 1! 40 Jt'iy 107 r> 10 BfiO (, 01 ii ii fi'ji 7 JO a in. 0.10 101*6 11 M 10 05 12 40 Wind iw r accora n. m a.m Cl fl'i/> 7JM 7fSH 0.2.1 1) III) 0 11 0M 10 0J 10.12 icao 10.5;( (Jitt l)J7 0.47 6Cfl 7.IB ?Tililicr(4tbijr(r Local Vraiuu. wi'ir I AHT p m a in. a in a m a m. ij.im u.o's n.io 8.05 Ehhox tj ;tfi nno a.oo Hit II Wl H.1B I Id Kuril C1.7 0-10 B10 |J JI IU 10 HJ3 L n d. D It Xing 11.21 0 1)3 <t.r>7 1122 13 15 ft 21 McG-onor 0.20 0.110 J.6fi iwn 12ur> Hir, cordon iios dm iari r. 45 12 ill H.co AmliorhtburR 0,00 .05 i.W All train ti ftro inn on ct utral titnrdard tituo( whitih in obtty mtnutoti nlowoi than Ilnox tunc For information and ruton to ooloa- hdn movliiR wont api ly to John G Lavou, PaB- untiKor ARout, Bt Thomufi. O. W. IlUfMlon, Qou- oiul I'linimtinor unci 'Indeed Aeont, Chiuu^o, 111 or A O StiujorH. Aconi. Ehbox, L. E. &, D- R- Ry. TIMR TABLK NO. 2n, taldiiR oiToct Monday^ Due-J'J, IK)") Traina run by Kaiitom Stand- ^ ladTiiuu Puilv uJtcopt Bunda S i 1 P. 1 a. V " in U w& , rJW W u Statiomi. r-t **t nUi O "A O ?- A V 11 " o o A V A 11 a .a ir 11 ill 12 00 ti so Pop Wnlltorv'Io Ar 0 Id G CO 1 to <J 1J 12 *i0 Ii '.,7 Walliorvillu June I) til' B.IiH 150 ) li') 12 10 H lb . . polton 8 fi7| BS7 fiOO 01112 r> IM0 t Oldcafitlo b Ml fi,i7 5 05 0 .10 12 f. 1 f, 17 . f Paqnotto. . h 471 S.(H 5 12 i '157 1,10 t] fjl McQrofjor H 42 5.0O 5 21 i< 10 02 1 J9 CB'J , ,| Now Canaan... 8 80' 1.40 500 in on i !i0 7 in 1- Min-Bhllold .. H 2(1 1.!!!1 BHII 1 lll.lli 1 fit) 7.17 Hariow .. fi 231 4IM 5 41 10 27 2.fi J 7.27 H ll no 5 51 10,J7i 2 ^5 7.'17 KinpiiviUo... B CI :j 15 5 5fl ](><18 2M 7 11 Kuthvon ..... 7 01 11.16 fiOG lOfil! IJ.15 7 CI , . LouiniiiGton .. 7 40 a.io 0 21 11 11' 1 10 Bfl 7 21 1.S4 o ia/* - .u 1120) lUiiB 17 1 ItonwioK 7 Ifi 1t1H 1 a 11.21, 1 LVHiia .. Coatiiworth .. 7 HI LIB o^s \' ll'J.V 5 111 H 12 .... t Glonwood... 7 00 12 M 7 011 A n.f fi.il H.'O Morlin...... 0 as 12 21 710 11 nil 5 11 ft 17 0 4ft 12 1.'! 7.17 11 nr h fi5 Ht)2 H 4() 12 001 7.03 ,'f 12,01 0(15 noo . iCctlar Bprircn. 0 .'11 11.2A 7 37 1211 G 15 '107 Blonb< im Jiinot'n 0 21 11,20,1 7 mi 11 m 7U7 w 13 11 O'll '1.12 ... IJloubo'm . ii aii W'H (I r> ft W) . tWiU-to 0 10 10.1i>, 7 4.1 12 HI 7.(10 0 .11 Ar liidRotowu Day 0 OOlO.Off 750 1 J' M P. W. I* Ut A.M T.M. P.M. 1 l-laij btatioud. Trnlmi otop only whon tboi-e tiro ptiwdeiiRori at or for tlioiio Rtciftorxi. Mixod truinii aro at al timen mibjoct to bo cuncellod WM wnoiiLATT. GoDora) Rupo>bito)iuont Furniture Warerooms. Packed with Good Furniture of Every Description- A fin Pallor Suit, Oak franiej Good PIupIl, $16.00. Wo'iiovcr W3ru ho wall pwnnrt'tl to do biiBinea*. Lota of fjooda und priooH rmht. It will pay yon to tvo uh a oall andi i uootlfl Rtul Rot pricoB. Wo are pleased. qnflto yinooH to uny wbp uood furuiU Wo havo botn cloinji a good etoudy tt' iiomu cow for about lfl V"*h and we vn to tondor our thankn to tho janblic (jenatf tor the vorv liberal patroua^o wo havo uaivod ot tnnm during tha 10 yearn that , have boon in buHinorta in the now Towi Ehipx. ' UNDERTAKING A SPECIAL1Y J. A. HICKS & Co., Esse* "I t -\ r -..A. .;", ^' ^iti^ti&lM^^^^^^^ Vi&tii ^i&^^^^^M