,+ '.' if'Vn ' / W? v^Tj \fwfB|i^ .'in, ESSEX KllKE PRlOSS 32CJE3X12C, OXTT. Published Every Friday Morning From'thu off\o on Tulbot Hlroot, next jlJiiimtnu Hlook, V Bpomitt attention m mud to the nublum- fciou of umttmr of local impnrtiineo, noonr atouud rr'MiLhlo ronnrtH of Town, imiubbor- intf Town* tun und County Comical proceed iniitf, local nnd oonnty nmtket reporte. oto ttiooarefu. ami jndieiemn munaiJi'ment ol Tub Khkk Pimim, with lvepout totbono and other current mattotH ol looul nuuortaiHu>, bus tdvtmita widoiiproud pwdiuo in the sontroof Kiihox county,which in reuni'inHHi uh ono ol the liu^t ugiieulturid dmtriotn in Ontario. Tin: Fiwk Piuchii in tho onl.v medium imoiiltiime; tlunounbly m thn> ofiiiirid portion of th County, und m con Bcquoutly.withnutdoubt.tlitionly tlmrnunb odvortiHing medium for buwnefm pontile wiHlmif! to roach that claim of ounlomnrn. Our eolummi aro ulwa>n opuu for th- iDiicoablo dit-cumiion of iiiiiIUth |>i*rtuihin ' tho nuhho weliuro. THE IUNSELN. UY TjITKW HA1Un bnnk KmUh," Able cormmondontu in all rho imrmuud. | Wfm,(l mlm|, |n u L( c Inc. HticH furniHh reliable u-portu e i r ln u wm.Ui ii,||1,. I haA Homo notion or writing pufcltlnd "The Advnntnriw nf and probably would havo ilomi no hud not tv olovor follow named lluydnn Curruth put forth upon (.he world a hunmrouu Work ontltlnd ,4Thu AdvnnturoHof Joiioh, " JHifc .Tcini-rt and Smith urn two dlfforont Uidlvlduabi ullo|(ofchnr. Jnuen, an pictured by Mr, Ciu-ruth, W n. liar, ivheroin Kmltli would no morn doput fmni Ihn w-ulli tbiui would tho lain Cnnr^o WniddiiKton, $mlfch In u mint remmrknhlo prndiml unil I don't In tho lt'ii^fc undm aland how ho wtntf* to lin npnn t.hbi onvth llln futlmr niudi1 a few mllllnnu In Umber and Biullh \\i hid only Mm. T had tho old man on my liiiinlrt for ihivo (layn onro ln Lon don, and a nunoawful l.lu-coday^ I innur i]>ni. I want I'd to ho kind to Mm, hut Wo hud no oominon j;miiiid on which wo nould moiM. I didn't, ctirn a hanu; about plm< lumber, uk I wasn'tImUdluij;ahcmmi bhat ymr, and old Mnitli dliln't earn a ImnK aboui nnythlmc lli.il 1 was Intor* tiwti'd In. I to.ilc him in Homo nifkimn' localltbtR, and Miowed blm UnbKinith'M yruvo in tho Temple, but. tho old man had ni-M'r hoard nt1 olihor u\ them, and didn't wnntio. It. wa-not. uulil I curried him ntf to a p-eul luniln-r yaid, wImu-d AnierUan and Nnrw.iy ]din- Is pilod in unm/ln; pi.iniitl*^, thu tlm old man boiidnii hud anythliiR until ol intoi-Ht, occurring m their nm/tiri' I horeuj and tlio puhlinhL-r 111 at all time* jaiiod to rt'ooivo inti'ri'Miutf itoinu <u vh from any difipoucd to forv.urd conti i Mtionn. Ml coiiinitiniGiihoiiH of u private and DoDl'daitiiil nature, uliould ha tiomaik. d ill Tlo oitthidn of thu uiivi lop'-. HUJlHOIUl'ltUN 1'IHOK. ".,00 por annum, Htiiutly in udvai.c, Jl.fiJpor ainiutn if not, ho paid; ami nil arroar" ohar^wl at that r.itu. APVIUniHKMrNl'H, TranHionfc lu^nl and municipal adwi- tinomcntH, uuticen, cite, uhmgr-d t tho rate of ton contu per line, for firm iuHOrtion, and live uentfi per Iiih< for oneh nubtiCipicnt mnertion. All audi udvt'itiHomontu are mimf-urud by a boalo m twelve IniOH to the inch. Lnuiil readme and otlu-r noLicoi pub linhod anions local imwn matter chared * tho rate of ten cents per running hue U oaoh inuortion. All noticed of church or houioty enti r tftinmentu of any description, at which " adniUHion fciLMH cbar^fd, arc rouurdud * advertiKf-mcntH, and full advuitiMiim ntti- Ohar^ud m all oiuih aii< h. Notit-on nf ;in\ n orinj^fi or met tin^H not for p* tmnim Im u. lit or aid, will be cheerfully p-ibliHliod b< of oliHr^o, Spoepil contniLt ratoH mudo for diRpl. . or ^lauding advth. All h-t!l orpruie-.i'-'i' iU curdu under one inch, ?.j iu*r anuniu JOlt OIL COMMKHCHL l'KINUNO. The Knnr. Pin I' - piirtment ii uimer tho riup. rvi .i .i of thorou^hlj competent im cluu , arid tmocial attention ia paid to tin, branch' of thu trade. Our faoilu. for thu execution ol! all IuiiUh of Rooli -.i r! Finn Job Ft inline arc uu&nol'Hi d. Ste'ui. power prcHfua. A call wolicitt d. JJU4INi;htJ Uj.'.LJ.MinSH. All .lub Printing Advortihinii arconntH, Advert lainj! acoonniH pjitruii'i aio hutt'fd unii" Tran'<n iv ntrietly cumIi with rcfrul'ti qiiarierh. Sub cripMMi'i duo m advance. No hubnuipii-m to the Fm.i: Pin ^, < ad\eitn-enunt [iubh-,he! i-i im eoUunn Will be diheentinued until all ancarh -n-' paid in full. Chaii^ci for adv^rtisumonth, to hl-cuii inuertiou in iIuj curiuiit iHhUe, miiHt \>* handf d in urn lati r than noon of tlm Tn-ni- dity piccidii)^', iud notice of huch intend od ctiuh^t. is r'ljnutd on thu Monday pre ceding. NolK't of di-i uiitmuaiicc oF nlvein-.! lUI l'"i UMIit t)( ;'1W [I it let' 'it filii Miji'li II ativtinfe c f thi I'-siic in winch th- \ i, dt iii:i <; to lu^t ip, i "-r. VI) VI ?uhienlji i , ai.il iLi|u j'i 'i ') i' l l : oaivfuhy, in oiaer be avnli'i'.l. mi t lit} uciL nt in, 'v I Ite-'tti, j, LtrOllh L :1 e ubfi\ i ',< in , ri .ii it v,-il ennfu uon in 'ill ciihi r' " J Hi|l(i 111 ' > h<- Addt * Liu all en n in unlet Lit un to liUKTT A- AIJLI), v i People find Jtiflt the help they bo raucb aiwd, in Hood's Sar&aporilla. It fur- nlBhes tho doslrcd btrcngth by puri fying, vitalizing and onrlchlngf tho blood, and thua builds up tho nerves, tones tho etoumch and rcgfulatcu tho whole flyatcm. Read thlflt *'I want to praloo IJuod'a Sitrnapartlla. My health run down, and I had tho Rrlp. Aftor that, my honrt and nervous Byatom wero badly oHoatod, no that I could not do wy own worfc. Our phyololan gavo roa uomo liolp, but did not euro. I decided to try Hood'H Saranparllla, Soon I could do all my own hoaaowork. I havo taken lEfood'B P11U with IIood'B BareaparlllQ, und they have* dona me much good. I >vfll not b# without thorn. 1 havo taken 13 bottloflof Hood'* BarHtiparlllft.and through the blBsaldB of Oictd, it had ourod mo. I worked tt hard *y vy tho pant Bura- tttor, aud I am thankful to say I am well.- Hood'* fill* when taken with Hood'* BarttHpavlllft help very much." l&UJ. 14. M. UHBiiBfiJaHH, Freehold, Peun. This and tn*y othr ur* prova that Hood's Sarsaparilla ta tka 0 tm feloo4 T*r\Ur. All dragjlita. L 1 am Mini>"liiin miia/cil to ^ec how little bialin it requires to hci'nmi' rich. Smith had emtio over on tho Teutonic, which wii- then tin* fastest ilc uner afloat, .mil it iielu.illv took me a whole day to ok\>\ tin Im 111 n thut. there could not po^-ihlv he awiillin^ him In houdon any leitei- linin Ane-ien. Ife hml lost a whole week out of hi" btiM* life; had taken the i|itieUes|, --tniiiier .icrohs thu Atlantic and the, qiiiek<'M < X|iivui to London. The wi ek w:is Ku,1,,i ^vliy> t bern- ' fun-, ,-ll'Hild there be no lelt '1'^ .IWlUlMff 1 hlinJ They luid promis-d towrito to him, | he -aid, e\er\ du>. 1 tliinU the old man rievt r quite undersold why the letters \ were imr here, and he laid a strong ^u^- ph Inn I whm hootlwinkiiiL,' him in somn , miirini'i' or other, lie hud come over, ho Kuid t< look after his only won. who, ho lnfoiined me, hud ^nnu entirely wvohr, ami ft filled to retina to Ainerlea to take charge nf eeitnin nfillf., the over^i'ein^ nf wlneh UU Ifiilier had ile-lf-'rn-d as the lad'** future eiu-ei v lie bad cabled to tho younjr mini to meet him In London, but. the jounj,' fellow hud been tnewdinj* In annie remote part nf tho continent, and word did not leneb him In time. Jluw- nver, when the sawmill UIuk, thoroughly -lik of London, had hern In t hu hU? (dly for three duynr his son appe ired, and tfivLlly to my relief, t<mlc old man Smith off my Immlh. The second day, when rhe old man h i'iuimI to come to a reiill/atlon that I dliln't want to make nnylhin^ out ol' him, he became eonlldentlul and spoke fti-llntfly of the ^hnrtt oiniii^i of lii-, son. lie ^tnni^ly ur^'inl me to meet the voiuilc man, acqui/e an mlliitine over him it' po^lhle and usn that mllueiice I'or fn-id; In other woid*i, try to induce joun^ Smirk to veturu to hH-.n\inlU. I had no Intention of interferinf,' in a matter that did not concern nui.and fufthorinore, I had a moflt ardent desire not to meet tho '-en, wlii, If he were anything like bin father, would undoubtedly prove a moat unmUitfub d bore The meeting, hnwov-x')', wiii not to he avoided, and I \\iii only a few minutes In his company when I understood rlmr tho -.-awmill in tho wont would have To JIk alontf ns well a'i it could without Ins supervision. Smith, junior, pn>\tdto be a dreamy, ^'fiu lemanly, widl-edu.itcd youn^ man, Vi ho with ijultu evidently bom MOO year-, alter hlfl time. lie w.t-. filled with lior- iliiui legendary loro and romunco, and often with German wine as well, for both of which lie hd a {{refit" liking. There was nothing of the money-maker about him, but when it came to .spend ing the coin ho was as lavish an his father waa parsimonious1. Tills was seveial yi,un uro J had a letter from him lust week saylnn; that hlii father had passed to his failur-,; that the nulls hnd b. en made into a limi ted company und .vanitf Hiuith found hintht If poiiiesied of -I'vurul millions as a noiihnquenon of which ho had ju-^t pm- cliuh-d thu castle oj Hoen/.u^vMildei^-ru!) en-i Sen,, the eullars of which U was busily enK'itfud ln h!linj< with the ceh - hr.ui'd wim^ of tli.it name. hf>mo sort of title f^ocs with tin I siipjinsf the name of Smith into obln Imi I said to Muith once rJiut it wm, n ve- niarkuhle ihhiR th.it> a man who was -o fund ol ancient en-th-, and inome-tei'ies ^honhl havo bei-n born In a lumbor town on Lake Superior. lie looked aorosn tho tabln at me \\ iili mild eyes " i!h -s yon,' he -aid, in a lunibiu town, but tho Rhine. ' I knew by fcliis tinio unbliihJilny In bin htatemenrs, hwered wit h Homo slmrpno^s: "Why, you told me two yours ajro that Tnrpentlne\illc was your nati\e place" "Ob, it wai then," he nonchalantly replied "Dur. liang it!" 1 erlyil. "You ciu\'U chime;)' vour n.itlvu ])l.ice, whatever elsii you may ^ei nil of. V man may change his nationality but not, his natho place." ' Oh, can't he?' said Smith. "You jiro inif-iiiMii in rhut, us you arc in many things " "Tnls U how it happened. A few months aj^'o I was taking a walk alonj* the 1-thine. 1 .sometimes like to vIhIi, tho ])laces irequeuted by tomdht*-, as woll as the morn remote locallthiH. On tint* partlcubir oven In (? I started after dinner to walk from Uoppard to St. Gonr. The mad butwcen tho two towiiK moatly rvina along the edgo of the water, ulMinuifh It honiofcuuuH croHses the railway, but usu ally K*'t.s hank as quickly aa pomdblu to Hh plaoo betwooit thu river and tho vails. It wan a Uautlfully clear moonlight night', and It mut havo been soxuowhoro near half-past, 10 o'clock when I cutno around tho bond of tho river below tit. Goiir, and saw tho moonbeams sfcrlko tho old oast^o of Rhttlnfola, which fltands ho majoHtioally abovo tho town, turning tho walla of tho anolont oastlo lj^to puro whlto marblo. It wuh a fitrlklnpf noono; tho moonlight glittovlng on tho water; tho oppoalto IiIUh In deep uhadow, whllo tho vonorablo caBfclo stood out far abovo ine like Homo creation of fairyland. Ah X noared tho ontranco to tho town I bivw half a doyon mon, or moro, ntondlnp; to- getlim- on the road In tho moonlight Coming oloKer to thorn, oiue man ntood out \n advance of tho othottt and eald: II 'Purdou mo, but havo you oyer bwrti lb Bfc. Goar boforor' "X ana^OMd tiiafe X hud paatod it both by Mill Mid by mUaaamr, butt th* I h*4 hfv laia U Uw vUUsa iUU. t belh'vn caslle, so will sluk siirprlhis In hW "I in waa St, not born * Joar on ihat Smith was so I nn- " "nititLhiinu^h,' Null my luqnl dt'>r; then turning U) the others, who nmldeil aw he Hpnku, added: 'Tho h!ranker then beloiiKM to uh,' "Tho men i<lot*d around inn, I wii-i not In any way nlarmed, an wo worn too (doH to the vlllnKO for any robbery or mallreatinont to take place, bin, I asked , the spokesman whuro t.boy wei-o Koinit to Uikc me. j " 'To tho euatom houmi,' ho Hald ] shortly. ' " 'Oh,' 1 nald, 'then you aro oustonm 1 oltlclulnr T tliou/dd' at llrut you worn j merely ordinary fnntpudn.' I " 'Wo aii neither om> nov th" olhnr,' I ho liiplli'd, 'and If you amiwer truthfully whiitevor iiuentloiut aro put, no harm will iioino to you.' "Thin at. onco pnl my mind at uiiho, 1 for I l'jiinembored that I had never told it lie In my life. On entering the town it , hoemcil as If evi ryb'niv had none to bed, ! early iih it. wim in the evening, and stop ping henhlo the custom honso, they 1 huolcloil a Htrap around my wrlnfc, fchn utlier vnd nf the Htrap bein^ artnrwartlM tied to a r!nj( In the custom housn wall. The men grouped theorelves around nio. ! " 'N'nw,' Mid (he speaker, 'will you undergo the Water ordeal or tho wlno ' ordeal.'1 "This was n stlingerer, and I rolleoted for so'iie moments, 1 " 'C never heard of either of them,1 I replied, 'hut if you ^ ill rne me muuu pattleillars of the t iVo ordeal . 1 shall doubtless have but little dilllculty In making my ch<dce ' " "Hint luf UMiialion I am foibidilen to fjjivu,' was t.lut answer. ; 'You must malco your oliolcii In bjnoranceand abide liv It-' ' 'That tieeins a hard condition,' I mild, 'and it Is harsh to mako a HtninKtu* choose between two ordealft of which hn knows nolbln;,'. History tells uh that a prineo was once drnwijed in a butt of wine, and thuuidi m.uiy dninkards liavo since then envied him his death, I am a modorutu mini In all things and do not care to prni ceil to such extremes. In Uaddon Hall, ln Kn^htnd, there Is an Iron ohmp fixed to a wall in the dining room wbnro one who refused wine had his hand fastened in a manner nlmllar to my own at this moment and tho wine, which ho had scorned, was poured down bin Hlrevo, much to his discomfort. I do not know whether your ordeal consist-, of wast inn tfood wine, in that fii-dnon, for It iseeins to me il dry throat Is tho only proper uin-way for a sound vintayo; but br that as It may, I have had llttlo love for water all my life, and so in tho darkness, or r.iile-r in the moonlight, I ehoosi! the wtne ordi- il.' "At IhisuKreut shout aro-,o from i\uu*a assenibb'il. " 'You have chosen wI^elj'jjdmilder, lor bud \mi Miiccted ihe water orde.tl we Would have been eoni[ii'lh'il to duck you thiec times in the liner Ilhlno. As thu caiie now t.tands It, will be our pleasant duty to drink some to.tsts with yuu at yuiir own expense,' " 'That Is a condition,' I replied, as the man who had eonduetod uv to the customs house now undid the buckle, "to which T make no objection. Good imui- p.my is ene.qi at this cost of a few bottles of wim*.---------"~ With that we marched through the quiet Mn-ets nf M. I Soar, tho nteuibt r-i of the str,inn .society Into which I bad fallen wnkitiK the stillness witli a rniiv intf lihine sony. AYe this came to the principal hotel of the placn, and there entered nolsily,and found a large room prepared foi us, with .i bm^' table and mirncrnus i-eats. When all had placed them>wlvps around tho tablo, with the spokesman at the head, ho .stood up and ixpliiincd that four toasts weie to bo di'iudc. One tn the memory of ('Imrleiii- a^'ne, who nuuiguarafed this good cus tom of Initiating strangers in Sc (iotir, making them thus iellows of the town ami sharers ol all its ancient privileges; the sec md to-1-.i was to tlie ri'igning sovi-relgn of Knglaud; the third to tho prineo of the diatrict In which St. Go.ir Is s-ituuted, and the fourth to tho members of the society whosu duty it was to carry out this anuiont custom. " 'I have but one objection to this list/ I said. 'I therefore propose that we drink to the health nf the President of tho I'Tilted .States, in plate of t hut of the sovereign oi lCngleiul, for [ confess I don t sic what tin 1. Pfb-h mon.ich had to do with this aneieui eiisioin.' "At Ibis, howeM-r, there was a mighty nuti ry, uieiubern clntturlutj their glasses agaiii'st the table, and shourlng that no Mi I hi 11 hi urn would bo ullowi d. ' We would drink the t usts in their proper order,' they crii d. " 'That is very true,' .s.ibl the man .it tho lii-al ot ilie table, 'but. although wo willnoi allow ii tuih-ututo we will all welenine an addition.' "Titero were cries of unanimous ap- pnj\al at lids, and I found myself sad dled v\lth another toast. The bottles were brought in and tho toasts solemnly drunk one alter another. When this was (Inimed I \wis told I had to make a dona tion to the poor of St. Gear, which I did In a manner that 1 hope was sari-d'ao- tiu-y to those then ptv-ent.nnd to the poor thai wore to he the beneficiaries of my act. Aft"- this the ILuiseln book was brought In. 'Tho spokesman explained that the ancient honk they were not 3C THE 1.TIRED liUHQLAR. HU hln^tilur (^ik I'leiH'e hi Ji I (mine In u \> .-hlei Hi II y, "J once had a very singular i .per- lenre in a line house In a Hiiiall city in tho weal," mid tho mtired burglar. "They bad their isllviu' lrwUed up, but I found on the (able In tho parlor a lot of brlr-n brae, mo.ily allver thlngu, that WCi'e uoll worth currying off. '1 hern vvhh a mi r lous looking 11 mtii minuter t],,^ caught, my eye In particular, and eon trury to my custom I Htnppcd to take a look at It beloro putting It in my bag, and then it oioiirrod to mo licit. I'd llko to )ce hmv warm it 'v.ei-it wan vi ry close Ln tho room with the wIucIowh all whm inil I tiiokalnok at the mercury, holding It down in the light of my lamp on tne ti .1.', si.Hiding up myself, but I couldn't see ii '.ivy plain stunning up, so 1 mil down In a chair inat win luft thcru by tlie table to get a cin-er lend. '"I ho minute I mit, down the (hub- be gan to play a tunc. It, had a muMc-box ariangement, attached to it, pi -i like many ot her arl.ielen of fundi lire urn mndo Some of 'cm when you pull ouL a iliuwu' a iuiihIc Ikcc begins to play, and ail lb it. oil nf llnng. and t 111 was a inline il ' iair. 1 got. right up but the chair I.* pt right on playing. Tlie-,e things arc apt to h.ive u key, you knou, or a M upper of son in unit about 'em snmn- wliei'e tiint you press to stop 'em. I lelt for that key, Mil I couldn't Hud It, and J jmi uiv lamp and looked loril, the nm- si< ki. ping right on piavmg all tie- tine-, but 1 r'ouldn't Und it, and the first, thing I knew it broke out hauler than < ver; It had come |o some i-nrl of a bell attach ment t li.it il had an < sva imil.ii * twice as mi.i h noiie as it did at ib- i, m\<[ the only thing I'd got in my bag wus tne thi'rmomoter, which I wlslied I'd uivor st'-'ii at ,i.l, u lib b 1 d.oppcil m the hag w lien t he ilrst siirpri-e -t i m U me. "I iiink another quick look over tho chair with the lump, but X couldn't Hnd the key and of course ihoiv wasn't any thing for me to do but go away, winch 1 did 1 !c kid, I heard of the chair, iui I weni ihr.Higb the cellar winiinv, it had biisp i mil in Minn* new direction, and was b" ijng a\vay like a brass band." .^ New York Sun. ii "i\i n as i . . -i. I.IKI,, I: :.. i . to I:. . Tim i Ii - ! ill' ll.. ' 1 1 Ml ll1' W, I), ll'iwelln cm Tiiipiiitr. The acceptance of money in largesse, o\er and ul n.e \-.,i ;is earned, is the prac tice of beg,; i \ '.v it limit tlie ! u ,'gar s c,v- ciiie of <b -111 ui ion, and in t he give" It is the eneoui agi uu ill nf the \vor-.t ionn of b' -- ' iy. 'Llic ciiitoia of ttpiilng as a jinni^pli is ])hitnly this and nothing else, tlnni, ii ilieie arc facts coin erinng the. eusloin which mny be regarded as e;.- tcnii.iimg i ire um-4 unci's. Many emplov- ei's oi the -ervunt class now "Ifgure on their chances ' of tips tiiun mi.stomei-H, ,.mi do i.i t pnv ihem so initch .is tiny oihi r\M- woo, i.luit X doubt whetln r thin 1 ., ','.-nendly the e.lsn as the givers of Pi1 :i--uiiii'il. In Jnost, case-, the tip In ji. i mVi"h a'Uii d lo tho amount 'ie\c It is commonly i l shamefully as it in II) . < ii--. 10 the tramacllon . .swindle*, which bus 1 \anliy ol t he gi\i r ..I lapumty of the I iher. 1 he ti nth of the mutter, and I ulh oil !' it. to the C'liisS'l'MMtiou (abirty Dawn As,(,nlation of i ' Olivers They may fancy that the {-c pl.ince of a tip dors not, rank a coach man Willi a sturdy begg U', but It tines, ami it is given with the same giudgo and tlio same contempt that alms are hu- stowoil upon sturdy beggurh. Many gh- ers will deny this, but t.hoy are such us do not ' e.m their motives, or know their feelings troin their sentiments. 'Xliey plead that the man whom they rip has stviiI them well, or u.is been \iry ]ileas- iint, ami s<> has merited thilr gift; but It was his business to .serve them well, and to be pleasant, and hi: deserved what ho earned and nothing more The elfe* t of their luunlltecuee is to make him greedy w'bb the ucs.r, comer, and surly if lie Is not (ititngly tipped. Uut who known what a fitting tip is.' No one, for there is no such thing as a lining tip. It Is something whb-a ihe \.igue cApectathm ol the interior e\li\iets with mil gratitude from I ho sup< nor, who be.MtiWs U without leal chant}. In Kuiope, wln-re tipping is of iuinu i mi-ial oust*mi, and where it really form the wage of many ol the servant c-las-. tho sum is lived and well known. You no thai, and neithi r more- imr less Put w hi n we hi gun to go ahioad m immense numbers niti r tlie war, and hi ought hack with its tlio baielul habit of tip ping we did in it bring the Kuiop l" |L\i tl scab-; and with our loidly ei\e of o\erdning iwerytluug we established an order or itlsoider here, in winch no man knows where lo and himsrK. I have jnndo mix h inquiry on tins point., i\nd 1 am satisfied thai there h no fixed ruin for tipping, 'lids makes it. doubly corrupting, and si ill more like sturdy beggaiy; for the man who expects something In} ond whM he ln^ earned expects that chance will hetiiend him in Ihe amount, and gam hies upon it iu Ida heart Harper's Weekly StimilillUK-ItUM'loi hi fouiiuiiar. allowed to have, but lh.it ' hey had rib- >--\ in i i tallied a new one and that, mv name would f1. HP^ hardly any or,o who has over bo rhe lir^t to be inscrlb'd in it. TMfl ! written twenty pages of lMgli-h will signature made me a member of the society and a native <^f St (joar from that lime on; then lore do X disclaim Turpimllniiwllo and all Its saw mllU. " Suoh with Simtu'.s story lo me, and 1 have since looked up thu custom of which ho speaks. I find thai it was idlcgcd to have been inaugural" d by Chn.'lemaumo, and i hat It was ui-e-oni limed in 1H27 when the steamers b<\< ui to run. Whether the veiiurablo custom is about to bo re vived I do licit, know, but It certainly lookH probable, ho uir-i), us I Huid, Smith has never yet been convicted of telling a falsehood. An Aueit'iit St ruct m-fi. At AiiHterfleld, nea"r bawtry, in York shire, mm of the two vllhign^ from which tho pilgrim futhiTH came, a row of Nor man urohoH has been eilricoverod In pnrfeot preservation, huh built upon the wall of the village ohuroh. Tho elmveh in very Hniall, tho chancel being 1^ foot wldo and the rout of tho church iu 18 foot. It has ii Rplendid Norman doorway and. an ancient front, widely voeontly waa uaod as a drinking trnupjh for cattlo xvn.-ii Hhoi.ticiMi Him, The blondo hud ovldontly mitdo up \wv mind, "Ae for hlfuratod (garmonta " she bo- prim. "Yes," said tho brunotto, oxpoofcantly. o .1 don't think much of tlwm, uh a gonoml rule, hut, of oourwo, thoro aro cx- ccptlonH." 11 Of ooureo," "I am not at nil opposed to a bl/nr- catedjnnuwti with a man In It." Ohl- cgo JPoal deny th.it this want id a genderlcs" pro nonn im- the thhd person singular is rho gie.ite'st; detect of uiir laagu ige and one that has ne\er boon successfully sup plied, and never will bu till the uiinnmii soimo of the poopln stops In and overr'nieri by ita ilat the deeroes of the authorities. Tho clumpy makeshift, "hit* or her," Iuih been as persistently rejected by the lan guage instinct of our race as it has been urged by grauunurlanH, and the critics limy shout tluiusolves bourne tolling us that in such cases the mus'oullnn pronoun la to be regarded as including both gen- dor-,; tho language son He of tho avenge KngUsh-speaking person will nover inb orn to its Intrusion In Hiieh a Honttmeo an thin: "Kltber tho Imnhand or tho wife will ohange his opinion." Nino people out of ton, nay, ninoby-nlno out of a hundred,* If t.hoy havon't tho four of tho Rohoolmustor before their oyod, will say, ln such a oano, "olthor tlio hiiHbiind ot tho wlfo will ohango tholv opinion," In fact, thlo unago la now ho oommou ln convocation that it may almost be nald to liavo hoeomo a woll-eHtablinhod oollo- qulallHm, and oxample.s of It oan fre quently bo found in tho best writers. Ituflkln nnvor ItoHltaton to employ lb when It Hultfl hiu oonvoulonop to do ro. lfloldlng doofl tlio Hamo, an, for example, "Nobody known what It lo to hie a frlund till tkoy havo loafc him," ami, al though X am pot vory fandUar'wIth th* wrltlngu of OluirloH Iteado horo Is an ttt- Ht^noo of thu (tamo Kort taken at random from him: "Kv*vyl)oily wan on di>k nnuiHlng themaelvUHiiH fecKtbhoy eotild." 'Ihlf* xiHago points uh to tho only prao- tlonl way out of tho dltlloalty. The Qupon'w KiiKllfih nuifit seep down from li thro no when the sovereign poopie tak* It In band. HARD AT EVERY DAY/ * PAINB'S CELERY COMPOUND RENEWED HIS LIFE. Farmer Smye says- "I Am a Living Witness," Mr. <Joorgo,f. Smyo, fanner, of Khumald, Out., write ii an follows; "It 11 with ( mat pleamiro that I teutify tu tho value of your great iiindiuino, PilIiiu'h Culory (Jompoiuid. l"or nearly two yearn I miffo-red from indi^ea'.ion, Itidney ami liver IroubloM. After living htvoral mndiciueii that did net off out a euro, I de oided to tiy your Compound. Tlofoto lining it 1 wun no low m heulth that I could not cut or Hloop. I could not Ho m bed ouing to pain in my buek; it wim only by rofitmp; ou olbowti and kneoii I wan ouabled to oh- thin a nhght dogioo uf enae. Heforn I pad fully tulton onn hottlo of your minliaino f began to improve, I huvo now taken iu all fourteen bottleit with urand renultu. I am a fiunicr and am now working uviry day. Anyone may refer to me in recjurd totluye ututemontii, or to any of my luighhnrH around Klu ftield, wheru T am well known. I am a living witneim to tho worth of Piino'o Gtlory Compound." The proprietor j of Puino'ti Celery Com pound havo on filo thounandfi of oucli utroui; tmU oouviiiainH tmitimonialfi fiorn tlio In lit people in Cunada. No otuor modicino in tho world could have met the rouuiromentn of Mr. Hntyo, an Paino'e Ctdorv Cempouud did. Huffor- mgti hueh an Mr Hmyo ondnrxd are not conquered by thu common ieiri-aparillau, norvimiy u.id pillu that aro pruHmdoil to tbo public for all tho llln of hfo. Mr. flmyo luul mndo a liia] df u\l(1 mujonty of theso advertmud r<-mediru hcfoio ho hoard ol Vaino'it Culory Compound, und they failed to otirn him. Tho nioiul taught by air. Kniyc'n oxpuricnco, and thu pant tuHtlmouy of thouimmln of other people ui, that kidney ami liver troubled und indention oat) only bo cured tifoutuuUy by INuiie'a Golory Compound. TJio grout medicine.J'Muio'H Celery Com. pound, in an far apart from tlio guennwork lemedicn udvertined un blaok ui from white. In the judgement of able phynioiuUH, the gtcut medioinu in the triumph of the cen tury. Tlioy preuuriba it for thuir putioutfl, und carry it home to tluir own lauiilimi, Puino'H Celery Compound in mi ablo uinlicjul itcioiri'it'u pii icription; it ij a preparation that jumbhifiH all the moyfc approved lngrediDiitu that are no iioconnary for tho making of pure und healthy blood and htronu uervetu It keepii np porfojgp OiuCHtive action und vigor, thoiohy giving contiuued good health and Htreii^th of body. If you uru convinced that your condition of health dumandii thu umc of PuiiVo'fl Celery Compound, avoid subHtitutoa and the 'Something juHt an good" that many dimlern recommend for the huUcj of proiU, Tlio Gold FIMdH oi' tlio Went CALL AT \re now aitraeiiije the iiLtoiuion of the whole woild, and the reiuftH of placer and cpiartz-ininiiig aro fully cmml lo tho findu ot nujigota in tho otirly California dnyt. Colorado, Montana, Idaho, WtiHhiugton and British Columbia yie with each other uh to the* xtruordiuary luduocrncntHolfcrc-d to pi uiipi ctorH, practical minero aud inve'-- torn, Xly thni epriny tho gold fever will have taken potfHOhbioi) of thoumindu of pooplo, and the Wc-Htr-ru rondo will have all they .inn do to Uum.port the fortune hunters. The Chicago. Alilwaukee and St. Pau uibviiy and its connecting liuea, ni tho >ost r' uu to tit! ^cctioim of tho Fur West. b'or fuither infe imution, addriBH A. J. IVw.or., Cuiuidian Put-u. A^unt, Toronto, Jut. aa-th J'OK AM, KINDS OI' Window Blinds away down Chinaware, Bric-iu-Brac, Fancy GooiIb, Noveltiefl, "TJooks and hlationory, pchool supplies, Toys of all kinds, Berlin Wools and Fingering Yarnfl, New Stock of late Wnl] Paper, Are You Building* ? We can supply yen with all kinds of Wooden Material, plain mid ornamental. Pine. lLmlock and riati\c Lumber ulwaya on hand. Shin^eB, Cedar rests Doors, Bash and OcmI. Important to Farmers. Woimve just gotm a first-class line of barn lumber at $12 per M. ft. Ihat "will last a ILife-time. aing Bros J. GOITRLAir & SON. ESSEX, NT: i .ri"" THE TUIGMPIl CORN SHELLEU Thin Machine consiHta of a horizontal oast oylindor, with "wrought it buis, with Riool teoth boltod to tho dyliudor bo as to bo rovorsiblo when tooth become worn on tho front Rido, running in a porforuxea concave i shell, which tho shollod corn paRBoa through into a Ghoot iron odbo, -^i" an or clpiinor attached bolow, which takos all tho dust itorn the grain. ah lorn perfectly oloan in any condition flholling and oloaning from one to houoand buebols of oars per day, according to powbr. Dimensionb. Pulley, 10 in. ator^fl in- face; Motion, BOO to 800 revolutions per minute; Weight, 530 EVERY 8HELLER9WARRANTED. ( J. GOURLAY A SONS, onv'jjl f:-tii! im \k ' '^ "ii'ii'i Mi'Vii'l^ViiiiiiiT'i iiii'"i ii'Tr" i1 "' 'rf^A id!&tihi 96 50