I JAS. D. ANDERSON & Go.. V BANKI3UB, " Next to Aberdeen Hotel'. EbboX. Monoy toloaiionl"nriiiiiiH'NotoM;N()ti)i(l)o)i:ht or Oolluotod; fcloiwy to Joiui ou Morttfuiiou nt owont niton ami bout turnm DraltH Itiuitud ttayublo ti.t julv at il]1] iiihiolpid poiuto Fire Insurance Agents, otc. The Essex Freo Press, BRETT & AULD, PHOPRIETOHS. FRIDAY. .JUNK 11), IMM. S1 I Jl1 Town and Vicinity. llotu! Rmitli'H at] for upooml pricou. Ki*U'(Iicff will hrt opon .Inly lufc, tliat m bin f^alUii-y will bo. JDivnuoii Court will bu hold nt Khhix on 1'Viduy of iuni weolt. IUh'h hi{.;l> Ifit-t-'d tiouvy working nhncii. 08 coutn per puir tiu Bmith'H. IX. W. Allan fthippud a car loud of liva ho(<u fiom Harrow liuil woolt. Kuturdfiy imdMondtiy, \ off ut fimitli'n, on ftmoy Htruw hutu mid Inchon' piintuuln. JoHcph Tuylor, of Amborutburj;, in work- mt; foi O. UtujiirtluiH in his oarrmno Hbop. Gonloii Iltown, formerly editor of the Toronto Ololjo, died ut hm liomu in Toronto on Rattmlity morninj;, it^od Oil ycurn. Tho uuw time tublo on tno M. O. H. announced to corr.o into edLot. on Sunday laut will not take effuot until im\t Sunday. Spooml diiioouut on Cloyoland Biuycluu for tho next tun dayu. Tho CIlvuIuihI in tho bent whucl on thu inurltot, ,1. \\. UibHon. Men, Win. Lamfi and Mrn. H FoHtor ut- toudod tho dodication iiorvicuH of tho now Preobylcruui Chuieh in Wuidbor on Sun- Jay Iiifcl. Jonopb JlcCrackwn, tho wo 11 known lumberman formerly of \^m>v\ County, tiailod from Now Yoik on butuidny IuhI for GlftD(;ow, Scollund. r A. 0. Btimora, SI, C. H. Qtution ii^ent U(, IChugx, with hiB wifo \\na boon \ihUihh for Eiomo dayH t bin pmcntal home ut IJrownu villo hi. V. Gorbin, relii'vui^ u^unt, Iihh been tultmi; hin^ilaoa lioto, llopiuuUI, tho little iion of William Moflatt, full off Lbobaelc ittep at Inn tathur'n residence on TucBday evening and broke bio lult arm between tho wrinc and olbow. Dr. Jon nor reduced the fracture. Minn Juuc,tto Land, who in Inking u courHo ut a Ladicb' Colic^o ut Marshall, MiBBoini, in upending liur vuctUion at tin homo of bcr father, Kluvo Lund. The collego ro-ojanu tin fin t '\c<kiu Scpti m- bor. Alfred Wiillie' and Gordon W. Quick, of Harrow, woro vimtdrH in town on Friday latit. They have taken tho ugonoy for the conntK'H of IjHhtx and Kent for tho Van yVuKnev Who Fonrjo Mr Wullttr lntendn moving to Una town ahortly At the recent e.\amunitiouB at Toronto Utiivoihity, J. L. BtLwart.of llnae\t pa'^rd tho Qxaminiitiou of tho hint >eai , T. L. Bucktou, formoily teaclior in ('olcbontor South, pahHLd'uho Ht-coud > t ar'u oxauuna tion uufl T. C. Hood, pon of Dopuly-lieuve Hood, of ColcbcHtcr Bouth, wan uucccHnfu] in tho third */oar'a cj.urn, T. U. llo^ew, having left for tho Pacific Count, v,i\\ well for Iohh than co^t I jib larfie and handaomo building (Vocnn i) oreotcd ut Cedar Huuh on Llie idioro of L alio Xlnu Lar^o Uith houuu >.nd boat liouHfi in eonncatiou (li uut mduueniLntn offered to buy* en uitlnn next ,-if) duju. Apxily W. Maic v Di-Ci \v btjflu\. 'i:> li An leu Cieam and Banana hociiuI will be f*ivein undor tho autipicuH of tho LuIilh' Aid of tho Baptist cIiuilIi, of tbm town, on Frilcy eveniuy nt \t (Juno l'.tth) at the teoidbucn of Rev. M. 1* GiLinphell, AH uio coidially mvitt d \draiH0ion 1/J contn. Ehhc\ BraHH Bund and phouociapli in attendance, Tu hptakmg of w mi wcoklita tlio Aylmui ExprehH sayH : "Thin hei.mH to a fud m the wuhtoia pait of tho Piovinoo lately. Wo ara of tho opinion, however, that it will aoon die out, and that the pupero that have comraonood it will regrot tho day. People want eitlu v a daily orfa weekly and in many oiibLb tliey want both, but the aqmi-weekly imio people out of ton havu no use for. It IiIIh tho pbico of neiLhi-r, una: thure is no vuuunt idLtnund to fill m the requirements of * lio r(*aBn[; public, ' Tho lawn Rocial uivinj at the rr-^icloner' of W A. Oiirdnor on JFriday ovonmf* lant, in aid of tho ArminnuV "^uliof Fund, waw largely utto>](}o4j';<ti a delightful tmio wan bad. TmjIob woro not on tho opaoioiiB lawn ^pon which woip Rorved ico oroam, Htriuvborrioi! and other rofroabroouta. T'io Emiox BraflH Band furniahed rauoic in addition to which a short programme wan flivon, eonHUitiuR of ductn by 0. .7 and W A- Gurdnei and G.'A Sliorrm and W. J. Dowar and a nolo by H. Dayltin. Tho rooeiptii of tho ovoniug amounted to 3C0 of wlliob, about ft35 in not. LuBt nuramor tho hoalth uatboritioa at Arahonttburp arrohtod 3apt. Dolpier and orow of tho tug Oraoo Buollo, ownod in 15olroit, while dumping '^arbago brought from that city into tho river at Arnhornt- bntfi and after givinK tbom a trial thoy woro Gontonood to pay fiuoa of 850 and ooatfi, or 11 daya in the county gaol, Tho nvor at Amborntburg boiug Intornationai wutore, tho owner of tho Ituollo laid a olaim boforo tho V. B. authorities at Washington u^aiunt tho Canadian author. itiea for 830,000. Tbo claim waH forwavdotjl, by the V, B. Soorotary of Statu to tbe| Britloli Governmout who have now re turned tho eimo to the Oauadian Qoyern- xnoDt Snap nub* of nhoen ut HmitU'H. Hoo Adamn' 8(1 and $10 hand made haruomi. 'H 2t Minn Nimlntt. of Walkorvllhi, Hpent Hun- day in town. If you Want new and iitylinh hutu and oapn gd to Whitnoy'H. ------- Rlrn. John Tjaing, w,, hail returned from a wook'H vimt in Tilbury, MrH. M. J. Wiglo in vlnitin^ frlendn in Wlndnor and Detroit thiH wook. Minn May JamoH Hpont Haturday and Huuday with fiieiidti m Wmdiior. Krieghoff waiitu your holiday faooii, July lilt, before you loayo Kimox. That artintio iu(,'u on tho nido of A H. Boarff A Co.'n Htoio m tho work of Kiank Wmtern, Mm. ifobn Milne and on, John, of Toronto, aro tho guentn of Mr and Mm. K. A. Winmei*. Tho annual exourtiion of tho M. 0. B. omployeon will tako place on July 17th to Niagara FkIIh. Mm. Tlioo. Young and Mrn. John Oott vinitod hint Sunday in town with their brotllor, A. J. Wilcox. Tho Wontoin Baptint Annoomtion which mot tit UreHden hint wook adjourned to meet next year at lint row. Ohailt'H Liekman loft on Thumday of huit WLok on Inn hioyrle for Ilunulton, Toronto and other pointHcaut, Tho mother of Pnnoipal Maiming, who hud been upending a few duyn with bun, huu rntuinua to her homo in Toiouto. O. A. bhonin oxpoctu to have lun own hoiiHokccpei to ^et bin moalii for him next winter. Who will tho Inoky one ho? Mhihua liditb and Kflio Whito and Sttllu Wiokott and Mi. Kebol, ol WalkLi- villo, culled en fncwin in cowu thui week. Ltamingtou'e uivia holiday will bo on Wcdnuuduy, Augunt .Jth, tho dato neluctod for tho I 0. O. V. county picnic at Sea Chft I'aiU. A very intoroHtmq lottor from Minn Laura A, Wiglo, minmonary to Japan, iw crowded out of thiH mnue bat will appoar m our nu\t. Oh olontion day, Tnenday noxt, polln will opnn at i) a, m., nun time, winch in 12 mm- uIch nlowor thun cential Htandard timo, and cloiic at "> p m. A laigu number from Bnnov wont to Wmdnor latit Saturday night to hear tho Can'idian Premier und ovoi fifty attended tho nominatioiiH at Kmfjnvillo ou Tueuday Tliu Coniboi Ilorald uayH : "The Iiulr-'m.ii Pin sh, under tho guardiauHhip of Mihfjih Brett A. AulJ, in "to hand. The paper already hhowa impiovrmont- fiom tho quality and quantity of ncwn " l^ncht Campbell, ot Detroit, rode down on hiH hicjelo on Sundny to visit hm gtand parontn, Mr. and MrH. Iitaao Thornton, of thin town. Goor^o Thornton, from Uar- iow, ulno wheikd out aud vimtud Inn fathnr. IJi BrouHo, of Winthior, ban removed his ollice and residence tonecond door nouth of hn old place lie huu now officon hoc. und tn none in the city TIih many friondH tu thiB ncction regret that he cannot pnic- ticu In n , but we uudeiBtand teat doen not t\elude him from consultation with other phjmcmriH 1 t L-iHt wuk, J A. Ilickn added to hm fine htock of cown three thoioujjhb(etl~-;Iort3eyB. On Tuesday muht of tho aarao week he hud tho misfoitune to lose a two monthn- old Jomuy heifor, which got entangled in a rope. The animal wau \alued ut $50. Some of tho mdowulkn in town ai o badly in in rd of attention. On Saturday even ing u lady and her daughter woro walking on Mi doru asunuc when tho lady came uL-iilv Hiiatuiunig lnjuriej on account of Uio conditu ii of tho walk. A bud place uIho omhLh in the walk near the Imperial Bank that should bo atlonded 10 an it m on the main ntrnot. The paity who unwarrantably poiHonud Win. Moflatt'H dog on Sunday about 0 p. in will do well to tako notice that ho m known, tu ho wan neon to givo the poor brulu tho bait, and hereafter othei citl/enn who have valuable dogn will be on tho winch for him. Said paity might ulno ho better employed on tho Loid's day than going aiotind poinonuig doga. Mr. Moffatt fouunately, wan iu timo to Have tho dog's life. Frank Hyatt, blackurmth, wan lonnd dead in bud at tho Central Hotel, in VVood- Hlock, on Monday, doath boing tho renult of a paiulytia ntioke. Decoanod wan at one timo in buniueoH in Khnex Town, hav ing nold out to J. MoDougnll 10 yearn ago. lie leaven a wife and two children, oqo of whom, Maggie, in vioiting iu Enaox with hor couein, Frod. Hyatt,who ulno attondod tho funeral at Woodetock on Tueuday, Decoaned wan 13 yearn of ago and tour brotherB aro alno living, Ohvor, Jacob and Normau, of Whoutloj, and Wmdoll, of Loammgtou. baturday and Monday } off clothing and fine Bhoen at Smith'u. i Wo tako thiu from tho Wmdnor Rooord, which ban refcronco to a former rosidont of thin town; "Tho lino mioroHOOpo used at tho Medical Autiooiatiou mooting last week, tbo ownerehip of which waH credited to Parlio, Puvia & Co., bolongn to Dr^ Proniio and io flimilar to one in Prof. Kloin'a laboriltory which was uuod in demonntrating the obolora gerniR and do- torminiu|i; tho cauno of death of tboso who diod from cholera iu England iu 1803. Prof. ICanthaok, ot Bt. Bartholomow'a boa. pital and oollogo, hum a nimilar mioroR. cope. Dr. ProuB9 Bays that besides dom- ouutratmg in bis own canes at an early titugo tbo tuberolo bacilli, bo baa demon- Htratod for othtr phyaioiuna that the die- eaao was tuborouloem or; oonuumption, when It wan naid to be othor luug troubles by Bminenc pliymoianH. 1-1 M. Kobinnoii itpuiit Huiulay in Walkor- villo. Wo want iiioo clean wool. M. J. Wiglo A Co. Mhm V. It, Hmlth leavoH to-night for [lib io ii go. l^or boHt value iu iibeoii, try M, J. Wigle A Cih- Domhnon Day, Krieghoff'H gallery, open B o'clock a. m. 1'j, J. Lovelace hi on a buciiuumi trip to Potorliero, A Lady'H bioyob nearly now at a bar, gain. J. W. Clibiiou. ti^Min H. M. l'"aul npont Ibid week in Do troit wi'h hioiidii. Mm, Bull, of Detroit, in tin* guoiib <>t MrH. H. W. Allan. A lot of tho latent turn juub to hand. Hoe thorn at Whitiioy'n. Mr. and Mm. V. N. MuruiHatu, of Mul- don, vitutod fiiondii hero hint Sunday, Win. Chamberlain and wife aro tho guoiitii of Mr. and Mm. Chan. White. Mm. P. Wood, of Dotroit, in viniring at tho homo of hoi biofhor, H. If. I^ioldn. I'id. Pattemeii and Chun. Collinu, ot Dotioit, npont Sunday laut at J. A. Komo'h. Allan Bortha Lvppn, of tho High School, vnutod at hor home iu ICmgnvillo the pant week. Tho thud d vndon of tho Public Hohool ban boon cloned for iiomo duyn thiu weok( owing to tho illncHH of tho toucher, Mihh Aitrhnioii Mihh Edith Wood, of Amhomthurg, wau tho giniitt cf hoi frund.MiHH Lottie Iti auuio, tho paut week, Minti Wmna Lambeit and Lonu Ilogan, of Woodnlee, I'alkd on Minn Saia Lumoort on Wcdneiiduy, Tho deputy lOtuimug oiliocm for Tuoi day next in town will ho Chun Swott und O. ,\. Thoiniu Mr. S. Welhi lly npont part of hint week i.i Detioit with Iter hrotlur in law, Jun Wethorly, whom dungcrounly ill. Mihh Jennie Lindway returned to hor honlo in Detroit on Wudnonday, uftur a wook'u vmit with Mibh II KobinHon. The town tifUiiurer'H nalo of land for urroaiu of tu\en will tako place at I'tek'n Hall, next Wedncuduy, June J 1th, ut 11) a. m. Tho tiei vice iu tho ProHbyceiian ohnrch on Sunday oveuing next will talto the form of a prune Hoivifc for which the choir are preparing optimal munio. The High Court of tho Canadian Order of roieutoru m in iioniicti thin wook in Moutioul. Owing to the dintauco and tho CVpeuue iieecfiBary,there m no ropreseui itivu in attendiinee fiom Kshov. The Synod of Huron convenod m Lon don on Tuesday, Kov. A L. Bo\,oiley and S. J. Wilkiiition bt ing in attendance from Lhhox Town. Hih Lorduhip, Binliop Buldwm, huh appointed Hov. D. II, Hind, of Sandwich, to bo Bural Dean ot V, t-ws. county m room ot Rev. Kural Dean Mat thow, Biiperaunuatod. About thhty-flvo young pooplo fiom town diovo to Cedar Doach on TuehJuy ovoning and npont a very enjoyable timo at) a farewell pmty to Minn Straohau,milhner for Diebol & Bnckor, who will nhoitly loavo for bur home. Tho timo wart Hpont in boating, bathiug, muaio and dancing, the party lutmuiug to Ehhox about two o'clock ou Wodnobday mouung Dr. J. W. and Mru Brum kindly chaperoned tho ladicH, and the party had pohhohhioh of Oak Beach, tho remdoneo of W. H. Hichardnon, who kindly placed it at their diaponal for tho occaHiou, aud nwoot httlo Dqw Drop Inn, with gonial hoht Bricltor, who aotod hoHUHH an well in tho most delightful mauiior The duliciouq hupper wan noived and eaten in tho mont approvod Boheraiuu uLyId. -----------------------------------------~^_---------------------------------1 Money to loan ou moitguguH at o per aont. J W. Gibion. A<UU'ks suirt PrcMentatlon. The Ludien' Aid of the Mathodnit Church huu a very ploutiant Hiirprnto on their cotetimd pn.ident, Mru William Chmch, ou Monday afternoon ol hint week, provioun to the icturn of hor daughter, Mm. JumcH L Nay lor, to hm homuin Manintoe, Mich., ut which tho following addrina wan read by tho neorotary, Mru. J. It MuKwan, and pieaontutiou made in name of tho ladioa of a cuucuf hundnonio ailvor loanpoonn by Mm. JoHcph Itobinnon; DrAuMim Cimiuii,- It 1h with tho Rroatont plonHiirn that \%, Uio muinbtuo of tho Lad feu' Aid Booloty I riiio.x MotliudiHt Chincli.ninot witll yon lioio thiu ufturnoori in Uiih pluuuaut littlo Hiirpriiio Wo havo all folt for no mo tlmu that wo uiUHtotpronn our U olmgii tu jou, an a dour tliiltui oui ^urmodt lo\o, ub alo\ mpj uinl bulovod frloud, our (loop affection aiul iilnooro rogaril und ilq our worthy ami honored president out f^ratidul tliaukii, lilchoat pndfio, coufldonou aud ofitooiu. Wu know jou have many timoit ac- , coptod tbo proHiduncy ofoiu aid at inconvon lonuo to youruolf, and havo dvon your timo ami talent cheerfully to tho w irk of tho Ludien1 Aid, and holpod in n. Rrout moaiiino to malco our nooloty tho oplomlid uiicetifin that it lu, iiucooun- fill iu itu uumhorn, uuouoQufulln Itn undortuk infiB, butabovo nil nucooiiuful hi itn ohrlntian charity, lovoanddovotlon to tho oaunool Chrint und iliH church, and wo would now aoli you toaocopt from tho mombotn of tho Lad Ion' Aid Booloty, thin Jittlo fjift. offoiod to you with thoir warruatlovo uud bent wlnhoo for youruolf, filiio Mr. Oburuh and ovoiy momhor of your family. And wo pray tho Lord bloun thoo and koop ttioo, tho Lord mako hiti face to iihino up on thoo, tho Lord lift up hf oountonauoo upon thoo aud rIvo then pon.ee. Stflnod In hohalf of the Ladloii' Aid, Mnii, .1, It MoLwah, Hoerotary. MrH. Churoh replied iu a fow, well- ohotion and fooling Houtoucou, aftor which tho ladioH, to tho number of fcrty, nut down to tea and nooial ohut, npuuding a very ploanant timo indood, - - Card of Thanks. To thoMombora of Euoox Court, No. 120 Canadian Ordot Forrenloru Ehhox, Ont. GKNTi>ifiMiiN, I'leo^o aooopt my sincoro tbauka fov tbo brotherly oaro and at tun- tion givou my laio beloved huMband, T. J. Wethorly, during tho ilincHH that preceded hm doath. Bout uoiuuod that X will ovor bold iu eatooin and romeeubrauoo the me in born ot Oourt KuEunt aud tho order to winch you belong for your kindnow aud the promplnofiii that the ofdbr ulvowod m remitting tho draft {or 91,000, tbo amount of my buabaud'ti oortlfiauto. Miib. S. Wktuehly. Bcucx, Ont., June 17tb, 180B. 1CNWI X TOWN OOUNOIl.. TuoHday, Juno BUh. lBDfh Council mefi in regular noHtuon.tho Mayor in tho ehuir. Proiiont, tho Mayor, tho Ueovo.tlitt J3n)itity-BeoVM and counoillora J A. Hiokii, U. B, 1'ottH, A. Uaineu, J, M ifiokti iinrl T. B. Scott. Tho minutoii of tho previoilu mooting woio lead and, on motion, adopted. A communication in fch form of u re port wan rocuivod from Clio uiifuitiiiorM of the Town of Jihmox and tho Towimhip of ('ol- chuntior North who had met in acuordauou with tbo Bubho Hohool Act to apportion the rate to bo borne by eaoh of I hone mun- icipalitien in nupport of Union Hohool No. 1. Tho fund rato wan lixod ait bufrno, namely: Tho 1 own of llnmx to pay llti KM) and Coluhoiitor Nofl h 1 100 of the total (t\- poiujo of iiuid Union Hchool Hection No. -1. Moved by Mr. Laird, Heeondod by J. M. Hiokii, that tho report of tho uhhohiioni of tho Town of Jimox and Colchentoi North, io Union Hohnol Kootion No. 1, ho tihd for fu turo roforeuce.^(Jarriod. JJr 1'uttn intidduoed a by.law to prohib. it bicycle riding upon tho oulewalltn of the town. Hi. Tottsi mud ho had houid oomplamtii made by many of bin oonntituontn about the iiding on imlewallni. When tho roudw are not m good ordor bicyclmtu idiould do an tho rent of the poople havu to do J. jl. Ilinkn wan opponed to puntimg mich a ntiiugoiit by law. Mr Thomun thought tho bioyjliotn of tho town had lined the yidowalkn with judgment and connidoration. The main road of the town wun uuod no much thai it wan not right to muko thorn take tho road au it wun dangoroim. Mr. ricott thoagbt it better to allow bic>e.Li on tho hidev/alku than ull the bexi h that are phio< d tbcio Jle did not believi- m ilopriving his /.eighboin of privi- lo gi a iin ph ujuren. Mi, MeUougall nuid lie hail Home com- pluinth about thin matter lie would like to know if a child were kuorkod down anJ injured by a rider, if tho town would not bo liable for daniagen. Br L*o11b ojubidered the touu would bo liable if dumugo wan done by a bioyehnt when riding on the 3idewalk, Movr d by J i\I. Hiclm, necomled by G, J. ThomuH, that tho bicycle by law bo hud over for future conoidoration, and to enable bioyclo i idem to havo a hearing m the mutter. Oarned. Tlio I'inanco Committee reported, re commending payment of tho following ac counts: B. Thornton, on contract..........3JO 00 Fire biigade, half >eurl\ salurv ... 7" 00 J. McClmtio, oluauing utreotH...... 11 00 W JI. KuHhidl, feon an arbitrator U. H. H. No 1............... 1 :>{) Boll Telephone Co., lent it mciHngfs 7 ')'/ 11. J. Lovolaco, printing.......... 2 70 W. II. Jildgar, work on wateiwodtn C 2~> Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Di. Bottn, ili'it the report of tho Finance* Com mittee bo adopted Carried Mr. Scott uudonitool that tho chief of police wan not doing bin duty in tho mat ter of Keeping animaln ofl thu Htieotn, not withstanding thut Ins oalury had boon mcieuned ovt.r that paid him hmt yoat. Mr, Ituincsunderfltood thut tho hog police wan uifluront from tho Chief of Police. Moved oy .1, M. IIiuIch, Hieondedby Ui. Laird, that that tho Property Committeo bo inHtructed to Hell thu hay giowmg ou tho fair grounds. Carried. Moved by Mr. Laird, HHCondod by Dr. Pottn, that tho commiHmoncr of Wild No. 9 attend to fi\inir. tho oroiunog complumod of neiti the townhue Canud, On motion tho council then adjourned to mat it gular mt (ting, July 7th. Big bargainu in paiaHOlh ut M J Wigle \. Co.'a, . .JUNE ATTRACTIONS.. AUNHK. MihH Glad>n Wiight lHHcriniinly ill. Mihh Mina Atkin, of Maiden, ia visiting Mm. John Lamarah. S. O. Wilson left hir-t week to \iint friends and relatives in Hamilton. II Kodo is electing a laigu silo for hm own use, also a wind null and chopping machine on hm farm bore. LKAHUN^TON. Another gun woll of mammoth proper- tioun has beou secured by II. A. Motthor for tho Ontario Natural Guh Co.. on tho farm of Geo. IU vans, just southof the town. Thin now mukeq thftorlaigo wells that havo boon noourod in tho vicinity of Loam- iugtou, two of which are in the town hm itn and tho third juut outHide t|to oorpoia- tion lino. llow ti save S S buy youi hjudwaro, house furnlnhingu, etc., from Crawfoiu\ot! Tilbury. " ^ AttlltlCIKSTIVKTKia. A oalhopo whintlo hnn boon put on the, watorworkn for.uro alarmtt. Mieiteii Eva and Lillio Vollaun, of,Wind- Bor, opont Bunday last, tho guOBts of Mian Minnie Brett, Albort Fojc'ii Jack the Ripper won snoond monov tt^ Owonao, Mich., on Tuonday of last wook aud at Bancroft, Mich., on Fn day, bo took first iu tho froo-for-all. Christ Churoh, which wait bmlt in 181Y, ia to bo thoroughly overhauled. A now obancel or aanotuary is to bo orootod, u now roof put on tho building and othor improvements aro to bo made. Mm. A..K Archer diod at hor homohoro on Tueuday of laHfc week und wan buried on Friday, aorvioos being oouduotod by Kov. J, Borry, in Ohrhit Churoh. Sho leaven two ions, Herbert, of Cleveland, O., and Fred. M., ntbomo. Notice to JDebtarfl. All partion owing DtH. Dowar aud Mo- ICoustio are requested to kindly call and settle at ouoo as all Unpaid aooouuta after Juno 10th will be placed in Oourt (or col lection. Bookn clonod May 1st, AT ia SMITH'S . Cofcion Cropona FuHt Goloi'H, roguhir price, 50c, now 25c Bliick and Fancy French HuLeci.H,. il 40c, " ^5(V PIitia and Fancy Drospj Duckn, Plain and J^anoy Ginghainw, Plain and Fancy GhfUnhrcyn, Plain and Fancy Demifcys, tc a a 25c. 25c. 25c. 18o. " 12|o. 50 PIECES Latest Pattern Laces At Half Price. ASnap in PARASOLS, Have too^HanyJ Price is No Object. Sec Them. ^ / We are Overstocked in Clothing. ^P^ Have Gilt Prices to Reduce at once< BOYS' KUTTiS,- FROM Tocts. TO 810.00. MEN'S SUETS, FROM &2.90 rJ'0 825. Every One at Big: Reduction. Come mid Examine and Compare with Others. We Have ^^ becured a Siutp in SHOES' Ladies' and Gent/ Tan Shoes, regular $2,50 Line, we offor at Jsl.25 tho Chance of the season. H LadioH' Fine Kid Button J3oota !)0c. per pair. GentH.' Fine i^ace or Congrefcg ShocF, 1.3o. Men's Ileiny Working Shoes, U8e. Men's and Boys' STRAW HATS in Great Variety Bound to Reduce* if Selling at Cost Price will do it- Don'tFail to See Us. Q. E. SMITH & CO. WIIITNKY BLOCK, I0SSI0X, \r**r j-j.-y W If Vou Buy Your 0 FROM US, Call and Get Prices. H. Richardson; HARDWARE, ESSEX. r "' is >'.'* Ks4^y j >. .i,L*:-jJ^ftkU(ilAhiSSB^^