Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 29, 1896, p. 7

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to. t _:;- v*fP r linli ^ i*>" .1 --T *3 ;.*' $ha had to be Tarued in Hed With BheotR.' 'My wife," Hays Mr. Th'mian Oronlnn, of tal**. Ont}., "wtuf> l|Ud up with- rhonraa fit^-fiir month a,, tun) for two woektt th* tin W>b fiQ^ inKjqHu that nho 1ml to bo turned in hod with shoots. I aw lin ad- Vtmiauuent in the Allmtou, Onfc.. Herald, 0a>iu^ tliab South Aruorioutt Ithtmmutiu Cor* wouM iv rolinf in (lftonu minnton, -Abd <iaiokly auie. I at onoo took tho truin for that place, mid hoourod one-half do/on bottUg from Mr. J, 11. XlipwolJ, ditiKgUtb. Ma wlfo hoi* no tho una of it und in (lhoura nhewnH out of hod, tttrul Itivu not boun tt<<bb)^(L, Willi rlnuUHitiHiu winou Thin remedy ia a wonderworker, nnd I htdiovo will prove n ^reat bluitmiK to uwyoiiu nut- feun^ from rhnunmtmm." HCTJHO NCR 8HOE3TRINa. lun * fVu WUood to **t* MUmU Valifc i- *-Ul Cm*. 8h IHI I**V nn4 P*^ *ft^ *4 *** l*ftW Wfcfn fr#apd wott&d IKe high |rv<4 of ltftvWaa four *n la drtrt uit* 14*4 * W wprovlnalr> -All *t o&ov m*d a Alaodvovy nba br umQner h-t r*rf ono Into hr HMni One of kw vrjf tuliwl. A* Ant she maile a low of iooplng to tlii It up, but who won tot comfortably adJUHind for luolng her [wn Hhorni. Iu font, It wan n jdiyaicul bn- *onjtlblUty. Tho rout younji men lu dtona Bu)tH Haw It and woon Wow tUrioUHidiig tlio fonng womun'fi dllrmmn. . "I'll wiuku a bluff at It anyway," mid Oiid of them an tho train left thu IMftluth tftreet kiittlon. Wlmroupon, to tho dtOlpflit f hi* nompnnloriK and thu tmtoiilflhmnnt tho** who hadn't observed the idtim- lon, ho aroMt and, knoellnp; di'lllmratcly pt tho tnai of the fair ono, ho ralwl hlH bat politely and Bald: "May I hnvo thuV" otn, -4kHr rod llptf parted, showlne; two row; [^ pourly tooth, whllo fi faint color qouiulmI to Imr ohookH. "If you will ho no klnd,"Hho culd. ,tfc wo* mighty protty foot, and nono |to< quickly tlin job was dono noatlv mid fleftly, Tho pretty woman tlmukod him \kod ho roburndd to \\\h t>uat. Ho plainly Ixiclltincl to plutuo lilmHolf in tho oyon ,Of liin companionH, who made vurlouH ro- InurkH about "hnvlnpf hor on tho otrlng," lfbo.( all of which win hoard by hor.UH was Ifevldontly lntondod. At tho Forty'RocqihI gfcrcofc Atntlon who aroHO, and, paiiRlnpr a tttomcul; hoforo tho ymiuff man us nho pii4Ko(l, Hwmfly inqxilnul' - "May I ask whoru your Ntoro In?" Anil then Hho vaninhud, Xi'W York World. ~~-------------'Ho~VcrrHrloun." -'. In MIhp AndurHon'n book William TJlark iellH Ma well-known autogia])li stnpy, Tt is worth rnprntliifj; any munbur of timo^, bccniiKo It HhnwH cvon Carlyli* and ytmnyaon wcro humiln. Ho whh a yoimpf 'frlond of Black and an Invowruto auto- grph htmtnr. Ho lad written unavuil- fngly to BoaoonHfloUl, TonnyMon, Carlyln, fcUadHtono. Finally )iu lilt upon a otrata t^m worthy of Muehliivclll. Flo wroto to Cach of tho nxmt obdurnto that ho had a flno yaoht th. t ho wished to nam*- after fcim. By roturn of post ho had.Ulirmatlvo alQAWflrH from thnm all, tho Cliulw'a aj?o tCO)i<1(iMHinfUngto wish "that the 'ThomaH Carlyle' might Rail ovor under bluu Hkiew and on Rmooth wateru." Hero is a Htory of Cardinal Xowman lumian without Vanity prettily told by MIrr Anderson **Ho yon aro rdIiik as far as any younj? ljRiy can ro as far Went, I mean," ho Xcplutned In answer to MIhh Andomon'R look of BUrprKo. Tho "youthful twlnklo in his oye wan ho Irresirftlblo" that aho laughed heartily. Tho Cardinal uaod to oarry toyn in Ills pookota for tho littlo Ohlld of tho wifo of ono of hi1* fi lends. After a tlnui tho motlior died, and tho ohlld w*b tnkon away by frlmulH to an other part of tho world. Many ywirw dLupnivl boforo tho Uttlo ono returned frown up. Tho Cardinal wan informed of Bor arrival. Ho at once went to call, and IU was a touching tiling to wo that ho hiul a of old filled his pockets with toya tor the littlo one. "Ho luid forgotten the iapHO of yearn, and only romembored With boautlful fldcdlry thu old cuatom." Art of I'uttlncron n I'ostuc ISti\mi>, "When you put a pofitapjo stamp on an 'dtvrolopo," said a precise man to his Hon, "you should put in on sqtijirn and true, lp tho nppor right-hand corner, and ufl uonr as poftslbln to tho mnrpin of tho on- volopo. You put It on at tin* rlpfhfc-hand ornr for the convenience of tlio atmup- #nfj in tho podt-oflloe, bii that it may bo uniform in location wiith tho HtJimp^ on other onvlopon and bo moro conveniently *nd ftxpoditlouttly htamped; you Rlioulil tudy tho comfort of other** as well as yoursftlf. You fihould put it as near as ponulblo to tho corner, ho that tho cancel ing tttamp will ho loHtt likely to dofneo and jjo porhapn absouro tho addresu on tho *nvelopo. "You Hbould put It on nquaro and truo, bocftuiio that Is tho mothodloul and proper way to do. Many peraonH aro dis turbed by the appeal anon of a Htamp put on in a caroleBH and .slipshod manner. And I can partly imaRlno that such a prnotlcfl might work positive injury to you* You might havo occasion to write to a man on a mattor of buHinoflu tliat W4* cf, Importance to you. You might nnpolft and wrlto thin letter with faith ful euro and sot forth what you hail to gay "With commendable clearness and prc- cieloM, and yot upnot it all by whipping on a fltamp carelessly; the recipient might) judge you by tho ono Blight act dono naturally rather than by tho studied work dono with a purpose. "My son, don't do it; put tho stump 'on v/horo It belongs, su that the litt' ton oh of color will grace tho envek and not deface it." New York Sun. KEOEIVED 3100 WORTH OF GOOD FROM EACH BOTTLE. i i C '< I'm The Wordu of lh-> Rev. .Inmea Mnrdoak, of So. Jobo, N. B., Concorniug South iVmarioun Kidney Cur... This oluruymau novor flpoko truer wor Jh. H* hud RUfferod for a lone; time from kid ney troublo, and to think uti will duv'tainly heoomo thu cio if a rftmodj in not aoouroJ tlna ho wan fated to dio of kidntty dinoaao. Ho read the oluinirt of tl.o Duamiffoturorn of South Amorioan Kidntn Cur", w^n flQ'npiiouun, porkapn. But hi tried tho modioiuu, und fult muah bone fit ed within two data, and ufing hm own 'jani3fti-l*,:-h""I Inivo taken in all four boLtb, and onnnidor that I roooivod &100 wcril) of food from e-iuh bottle" The fj^oru in not nearly hiyh nnongh, for when tddnty diaounn in nontttyed, death qiuokl} THBY GOT THU LldrC Ha AdTntir* mf T,wo Oolorwdn Mlir tn Tfc*r Ctp. "The mountain Hon," romrJt*)d nu qW mlnoi; Ojn* time agp, "ts beoomlnff tajDO' In tlio miOtenfaiuiH of the wat.[ When I nrut wont noekintr aft^ir tho uold ami illwr of Colorado thpso antmnln woro >khor plutlfult_^.Thy mot in p*Urn, and Wn eonmion onougli to nrnUe It hrtrnrd- oiirt for a man to walk in thu vulluyH idon and nnprot*)ot*)d, partlotilarly after dark, I rompinlier on ono oocHton Imv- intf a Hllffht advnnturo with ' lion that almoHt noartWl m oui of my wit*^, With a pM I wn Working a claim lu the moun tain* near Ouray. Wlntmr camo on, and ono day, before tho very cold woather set hi, w Went to the town to got Mupplipn, leaving our Uttlo rahln on the mountain ulono. It camo on tn snow hoou attar we got to Ouray, and wo did nnfc get a ohanc* to go to the claim for fully a vault. Ah wo Hlowly climbed tho hllln I noticed the trnuku of a mountain lion - loading toward our cabin, and whim wo reached the house found that we had for gotten to clone a window in the tilde. We had lout Might of thotrankt', and tho Night of tho open window canned me to forget all about the animal and \U presence. I Hturtod for the window, and wan ahnut to put my hand Into tho apartment when there came a terrible growl, and tho next inNlant a great yellow body darted through the opening right over my bank, Itn clawH catoliingmy buckskin and ripping It open to my waist, turning inn completely o\nr and into tho snow. My pal whipped out bis gun, and tlio in fernal Hon turned on him, making a fearful leup lo bin direction. Before ho could shoot, the beast was upon him, and seizing him by the n\tu k of bin jacket shook him as if ho had been a rat. I was on my font by thin thno, and drawing my revolver, I sneaked up and put a bullet right through hto head. lie dropped, and my pul tlmw his breath freely onco more. Nolthor of iwwas hurt, but the lion's skin in another week was nerving ns a rug by my cot." Now Or leans Ti men-Democrat, KNEW NO FEAR. 'I In-Onulll > nf II(itii|f Aafi *< aMo. It might reasonably bo supposed that good people would be agreeable and bad people dlsngrwuhle, hub i his is by no uumuH a 11 <ed rule. There are many not able ejceptlonr;,rnpefilnlly among bad peo ple, vhn are ofren delightful eompanloiiH. Thny study &i pleasit that they may cover up their faults of character Thero is no reason, however, why good people should not fnllow tludr example In this respect When tiny nut naturally they are agrrea- blo, but Homo good men, with warm sympathies and great kindness of heart, Boom to think that it is necessary for their ovn iiroteition .to put on a gruff, repellant manner, There are ofhnrn who at heart aro good friends, yet malco thorn- uelves dlnagroeable to those they lovo Iry a bad habit of posithe contradiction. All of nq havo a great deal of self-lovo, und wo nan not regard as agreeable ono who continually dltiers* with and contra dicts us, oHpoclaUy If ho does ho in an oflfenHlvo way. The agroeablo man is always courteoufl and considerate. Jle keoptj out of disputes and contentions, seeks to glvo uttorunoo only to pleasant things, and, if driven to contradict, does so in an am labia man ner Ho may or may not bo as good and faithful t heart as the gruff disputant, who is apt to ho boastful of his frank noBit, but tho quality that moko him agrouablo 1r his cultivated mannor. Some people go ho fur as to doprecato pollto- neun as a concession to hypoorlny, but It Is really a manifestation of a considera tion for others. It In, of course, culti vated by hypocrites, and those who aro oxceurtlvely polite may bo suspected of Insincerity, hut that is not a good reason why sincere people should not \W3 it to make themselves agreeable. Tlio otherwise good man who lacks politeness or usmimim a gruff, repellant manner really sacrifices u part of his gifts, for very fuw people will discover his good qualities under his ropuUlvn manners. Those who do may have patience to bear with him, knowing that his heart is right, but ethers will judgo by his manners, and, finding 1dm disagree able, will avoid intimacy with him. It is not enough, therefnm, to be just or kind- heartnd; one should also be agreeable in manner, and it requires very littlo effort to bo so. Tho foundation of agreeable manners is thoughtful consideration of nthom or true polltonesn. This does not Imply any necessary sneriflco of frank ness and honesty. It does not mean that when a contradiction Is niado necessary it shnll ho oppressed courteously and Inoffensively, Kvery ono nhould cultivate this kind of politeness for, in so far as it helps to make onongreeablo, it oxtonds his opportunities for usefulness, and holps to give full play to hi-, other good qualities. Aivffruvutc'l. Ho got vlolont sometimes on vory short provocation, and when ho slammed tho book down on the floor, his wlfo know tbat it wasn't anything very ser ious. But for tho sake of seeming lutor- OHtod, sho inquired. "What in tho matter, Horatio*" "I wish," he Declaimed, angrily, "that thin author would quit calling ine 'gen- tlo reader.' " "It doesn't mako any difference, dons HP" "Yob, it does mako a difference. It's an untruthful assumption. I don't like tho way ho writes, and I ain't gontlu when I read his books. If I didn't get started in beforn I know it, so that I want to boo how his miserable story comes out, I wouldn't tolerate his bad grammar and wurflc senso for a minute. And when I'm doing my best to bo pa tient and bear with him, to havo him come along and pat me on the buck and djiII mo 'gentle reader' gets mo riled, and I can't help showing it!" Washington Star.___________________________ J-rucriunt Itnan Jam. Bono ,jarn aro made by putting a layer of petals of any fragrant vaHoty of rows in tho.bottom of n jar, On thin scattor somo course snlt; close tho jar tightly and plaoo in tho sun. Next day, or as soon as you havo enough material to mako nnothor layor, put in moro potals and iu)other sprinkling of salt Continue this as long as you havo ilowors, Thon add cloves, cinnamon, orris-root and other fragrant articles, and mix tho wholo jniiHH well. Kop% tho jar oloscd woll. April Ladies' Horn* Journal. A Ijoolt or a Word. A look or a word can holp or can harm our followH, It is for us to glvo ohoor or gloom as wo pass on our way In llfo; and wo aro responsible for tho results of our Influence! aooonlliigljVitriU-FhidJHg. Somebody ban wild that "ohronLc carp ing ought to bo n fatal diwifunc,. bud it rarely l*^' ^v*Wihftle*( U In Infuottau*, Mid when Jt fjjtflqk* phurtoh LambcW h bjf Wun/l fcbocu -louth. Okovtow Iwdlun Wh \T|Ulng to Hln Oil 0Hl lh?<Pmy FVfJUAy - Th,o iHolqljpBjQf , the, Nqrih AM>vJ Indian In proverbial In the loug.,afO when on* tjrlb^ warrad ntfal^t a*^o^hW Indian print)nnrrt vrnro a^u.uwtomo^. t* fitmd torture wUhout flluchjlmc. Tho ?ao* may have dngoneratd, but ltfl remrK- blo oharactflriitio Is utlll coniploUnu*. .A wtory told by a Wokrn oltlaao to Washington Hinr reporter furtalihes a igood iUustratlon ,o( tho ludlffcwnon* wifeb whloli oven the Indian of to-day vlw dwth : "In tha Ohootnw Indian nation ihr In no Jail lu whloli ooavlotM niurdor*Mp-( uro oonilnod," sidd ho. "When I flrt went io tho Indlun Territory I uottloA In tho ChouUW nation, ami hearing; th*ti certain Indian was an oxmdlwnt hand on tlio ranch, I hunted him up and a-iked him if ho would work for mo. 'I work until the ^Oth of nuxt month,' he Bald. 'Way not longer}" I inquired. 'I am to Ik* banged tho yint,' was his roply, In aa uneonuernod way, I hired him and upon Inquiry learned that whut he id wart true. Ilut one man had over failed to re turn for hanging aftftr ho has hrnn Ben- toneed, and my Indian did not prove an exception to the rule On the day befnrti the execution was to tako place be left a0 calmly as though going on a visit, and tho hanging took place at the time ap pointed. Notwithstanding hlH approach ing doom the Indian mailo ono of tho l>ost ranchers I ever saw, and I regretted to lose him." scrofula f- .T.77 What utt A(lv<r*U<oiieni <"iui Do, When the present writer announced 'fea arrival of a son and heir In tho hlrfch columns of ono nf tlin dallies the other day, he had no notion that he possessed as many friends as he certainly doojt, Congratulations poured In from vurlomt well-kuown commercial houses, and tho<io wore accompanied In many oauou hy nubstantlal presents There wcro about a do/en different kinds of neap, nlno samples of varlnm Infant foods, tlireo bottles of beef extrai.r, a powdirpuff and seven boxen of violet powder, four or flvo different kinds of night lights, eight babies bottle-*, three ohiborato works on how to bring up young nhlldr"ii, siiecl- mons of linen and Manuel for Infant at tire, and advertisements Innumerable of everything tnat haby could possibly need, Besides these there came proposals from a do/.on Insurance companies to insure the life of tho baby and the whole family on especially advantageous terms, pros- peotu-iCs from a California emigration society anxious to ship tho baby and the rest of tho family to tlio lund oV pennhea nnd pumpkins nt tho lowost posslblo rates, leaflets from private gentlemen who wanted to lend any sum of money from iiti to 50,000 on no uncurlty what ever, togei hor with advice, sympathy and geoil wishes enough to last a family a hundred years London Fame, Any doctor will tell you that Professor Hare, of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, is one of the highest authorities in the world on the action of drugs; In his last work, speaking of the treatment of scrofula, he says: "It IImrrfly tusct-mnry 1<> *tut thut cod-Uvor oil In tho hunt reinndy of nil, Tin* oil nhould ho jrlycn hi cmuMon, no tirepuiod an to b* pulutublo.M He also says that the hypophosphites should be combined with the oil. Scott'g Emulsion of cod- liveF~oIT, witE~hypophos- phitcsf is precisely such a preparation. THIEVES FIAH THE MOON. An 15fi**tlve iciiemau'it Vx*. The iinht effethe (Ireman's cap over known has boon Invented by a woman. It Is made of fine strips of asbestos, mold ed to tho shape of tho hoad. It Is. held fast In place by a hand composed offrub^" ber and asbestos, whlfth makes it air tight. Ik weighs only 10 ouncoa, and ow be carried on a person's arm without In- convenlonco. Porffct protection to tho oyofl without* iutorferlntj with tho vlow of surrounding ohjents In lnnnrod by plates of mica lining placed in tho oyO' holes, A silk sponge, through which no Hmoko oan enter, but which pormita tho plentiful Ingress of air, Alls an npertur* for tho mouth, and tho cap Is simply ad justed. In a rocont test a flremiin at tempted, without it, to ontor a amoko- houso. After eight ftfeonds he had to return, b'lng half Htifled.and ganplng for broath, Jle then put on tho asbestos cap and wont back and remained thlrty-flvo min utes In tho thick ntnoko, with no possl blo chance of getting air from outside. It is claimed that this head covering will enable a man to remain_in a stifling at mosphere fof an hour, without tho slight- eht fear of suffocation. How to Avoid Consumption. 1. Do not livo In a damp locality, In a damp houso, nor In a houso with damp or foul collar or surroundings. 2. Do not Uvo In a houso with defec tive plumbing or bad drainage. !1. Do not froquont crowded or badly ventilated assombly rooms, nor sloop In cIoro apartmonts. 4. Adopt an out-of-doors occupation, so as to U\e In tho open air. 5. Avoid as much as posslblo ovory- thlng that tonds to depress; all oxcofsson should bo avoided; and koop froo from anxiety and.mental and physical over work Those oftuKoa, by placing tho Rystem below par render tlio persons loss oapablo of resisting thu disease (if exposed to tho germs) in such a way as to bring about the development of consumption. An nals of Hygleno. Modlieval HoiircoH nf Itnvojino. One of tho most notable of these sources was tho Jowb, who during tho Middle Agos had no rights of clti/onshlp in Christianised Europo, and wore held, In respect to their persons, goods, wivon and children, at the absolute disposal of the chief of the state, to ho taxed and despoiled hy him at his pleasure. Thla utilization of tho Jews as sources of rov- omio was far moro thoroughly and sys tematically carried out in England than in any other country. They worn, In fant, the private property of tho king, living instruments of his roveiiuo. ViUUikiutik Ar Common Willi I'roreuftlotifcl Blirglarrt am firm holUvori Ui tallsmuna and luek-bringoM and nearly every p.*o- fOHHlopnI burglar huu u small nrtlelB with out which hi) rarely soiw upon a "nrlb- oraoklutf" job. Ono burglar, well known to tho polios, hus for his tollmnjin tho ohod hoof of a donkey, which onoo bo- longed to his father, and ho gicat In his bollef In Its powem of protection and luok-brlnglng that hn bau boon known to turn back from a Job lie bad intended to work bocauso hla tnllsmau had by somo niUadvontaro boovi loft oM homo, sayu a writer In Tid-Bltu. Tho moon playr* a. highly important {)arfc in criminal supowtitions. Not one mrtflar in fifty will venture out on a hnuuo brtiAkins expedition on the night of a now moon; while tho halo around a full moon, whloh in popularly hut orron- oounly supposed to foretell rain, is a slgluj which gladdens the boart of Mr. 11111 Slkiifl. Somo burglari hnvo a llvoly liorror of oortain numbers, and will novor ontor a housa or a shop which la that particu lar number In Its street. Tho ominous numbora aro generally thow of tho polico- mon who worn the flmt to capture tho burglar n. On the othor hand, If burglar falls into tho hands of a pollooraan, but man- agns to oscapo, tho number of thai p'olfoft- man Is always n favorlto with him, and he will fool cany In hls^mlndwhen break ing into promises bearing it. Even the most oxperlencod burglar will turn away from tho house where ho finds a black cat sitting upon tho doorstep; oven if ho hart spent day a in learning particulars about tho houf.o ami its inmates. To break into promlsoo under tho nose of a black cat would bo running dolllwratoly lnbo tho arms of tho law. Nolthor will a -burglar ontor a houso whom tho door knocker is mufllod or draped with orpo. Pickpockets are even moro HUpowddtloua than burglars. It Is ono of tho element ary rules of tho "light-fingered fratern ity" novor Jo pick the pookot of A crotl2- oyod or a olub-footoil p6r*on. Vlndlng a twlHtod coin In a puree will frequently Induce a plokpooket tn throw away tlio purso and contents, for snob a thing, if kept, Is considered to ansurenluo months' bad luok or tho thief's early arrest Plttibnrg Chronicle Telugraph. An tnJudl4)Jon Glnrk. A promlnonb photographer of Boston hired a young man who, ho thought, would mako an aifablo assistant The cllentolo of tho houso was among the smart not. A well-known resident of Beacon Btroot was In correspond onco with tho firm about somo cabinets'. Ho was blout With Buporfluonn floflb. HIh woight Wfts t l th vorgo of throe hundred poundH, Ho was bashful about his avoir dupois, wanted tho ubmo&t soorooy in taking his picture, and, as ho said In bin lottor, "ho didn't want to bo looked upon juj a rare anlmah" An ongagnnaent was made and tho dnto sot. Wiittn tho ountomer called be was mot at tho door by tho now sales man. Loud noises, c*Uh of "You'ro orozv," "I'm Insulted," wore hoard by tho pro prietor, llunnlng out ho saw tho fat man luaving tho room. Tho hitter'n fnca wan white wHh rngo. Ilia huge bulk moved with graooloBH hastn down tho stairs, "What'R tlio mattor?" yollod tho bous at hl now omployo. "Nothing." "Nothing! What did you say to hlmP" "I only asked him if ho camo to sit for a group." Boston Poat. Afumiftcrlpt Oimpnls ironnd. It is roported from Constantinople that nn ancient and beautiful manuscript copy of tho Qospels, dating hack to the sixth century, has recently boon found in Asia Minor. It la written on tho finest and thinnest of vellum, wlhoh is dyed purple, and tho letters aro in silver, except tno abbreviations and snored names, whloh arc in gold. Uteprnseutatlves nf English and American universities havo uiihuo- ceshfuHy sought to obtain posse-wlon of tho And, which hns boon secured by ltiibsla. ArivertUitiB' hy Yalnerapli. A London tradosman sunt to snvcral thouRand prominent Indies in England^* dlspatoh to tlio effort that a groat salo was In progress. Tlio ladles liave Ijeo'h anoustoinod to looking at telegrams an a mattor of Importance, and thoy wore ono nnd all annoyed. When tlio niorohanfc got through apologising and had paid foi- tho insertion of apologies in thu news papers, he had mado up his mind that now.spapor ndvurdlsomonts wore tho be+ifc after all. Ko ("ntiM> H->r*rn. "Mnrj," nh*i bltwrfy nxohtlmecU" hi domjnatod by th<i almighty dollar/' "Aridfwentton," to rojolnoilwtth-p4t4<L ^ty be fctolg? iy ^et^cj^M/* A NEW SUNDAY DRESS ! OoBt Only Ton Gents. A lady who understands tho una and vulno rtf Diamond Dyon writes us fallows . "Ihad alight bluo dress, made of ox- puunvo matoriftl, but hd Uqht in Hbado that it faded qmokly. It was too (jood to bo cuet aside, so ono ovoniUR I took it to a dyi'ine, establishment, aud was nurpiiaed when they told mo that thoy would dye ll somo dark color for two dol* bus I did not care lor dark colors, m I tank ib homo a^aiu. Tin* next dav I hoiiybt a packago of Diamond JJve. and cnloicd it u beautiful Oiirdioal Bed, ad it now looks just hlto now, so that I now luva a now dreus for Sundays, and it only cost ten cents." EDWARD BLAKE'S SXJC01SS3OR IN DUIUIAM. Hubert BeiHi, M, P, forDiirhim, Oat., io AnoLftur who RocouiiUQudo Dr. Agnu^v's Gattirihal Powder. Tlia,l0bf-crving public nro oommuuoiDU to ni'kJjp'HVho ban not a good word to soy for Dr Aimew's Catarrhal PowJsr? Certuin- ly tbr hunt citlKDati tho Dononion overate tsllun^ its praisrs, nnd not without etiuuo. Mr. liobort Heitb, u)om'>'jr in (he 0j'- mons for Durham, tho old conotitnonoy of Hon. Edward Xlkku, is annMiur addition o tho prominent Mtiytitu* whu havo usod this uuhIioiuo, ii.iid fiom their own ex^Afl ettco onh uy that tott cold in tho heud, fut'irHi in its different ph.'itinu, und hay fever fchtiro In no remedy to c^ual (hia. It novor (nils to rehov* lu leu wiuufcoa. til'ARTLINQ FACTS FOR DISI-.ASEiD VIGTIMS. s" 4 V3f CURES GUARANTEBP OR NO PAf}" i HI a p y \f '-1S J tj IJm.'voii I mid rl(Ml>unilr , ; v tik ' r ' ' ' 'bint <\ "lirj-1 mo IUSjC S UU j bittna-liftd t iJi Jlifne -i ellidtl' '.f n J'jtm n* ii hUi'ih; hiii;jiaid umViuu, ui( I m k, i-'inn jiiuii lihii In. < , iiIint-i; Horn tliroitl] vuniMicimi: rl.'huKlt m in in.. iouFdniinn i t nlnol; 'l| 1 runt fill: Vuntof couluUuem Iwik or unitrj* and Ktrmiuiii w CAN GUI^g YOU I ruiiunii nimm- * mill riltnl* ! '.rtuTttx ami inuht RESTORED TO MANHOOD Y DR3, s(, & K. JUllVi , M\MdN. JOHN V M\N*UN/ C1U. 1'OV/KIH. OIlA(<. m\VK!lH. mi i>riu.i ...i ujii.'u, .ii...*i. iiub'-r. hi..ii ii i m wk.A\ ii, . jui-^iiii-wr. M0 NAMES on TESTIMONIALS USCD WITHOUT WlUTE^J CONSENT. *Cli VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS Mjb I v.POTENCY CURED John A, M iniui mi wt: - '1 'Amionii of tho count 1im>m vic- tlin i if < uriy uoionno n < oiiuoaiiciiil at ft yiuitu of uo. I fried Hiiven iiiitdlcul llirnn ninl M[i,mt %iwi without uvnll. 1 riivii up in dt Minor. 'I'lid dmiiiH tm my wyt* m worn i.eiitcoiMiii; nn inn Hi el a t widl iih my iinxiiitl mid pluslcnl lifn itj hrnttior mlvi'iiift run tin a hiiif r(wirt to roimnlt Pni Kfiini'ilj AKiTKitn I eoiiiininicuM tluilr Now Mitthod "lVnilini'iii mid in a tow wikUh wiih a iwiw mrtn, \itl imw lifn und inul if ifji l'[iju v,iin four inurn no, und imw 1 mo marrii'd mid happy- 1 n curnnuinil Lhunu rodabhi (nllowjnnn," iipociidittts to alf my atlhcti fl CURCS GUARANTEED 00 NO PAY.- CONFIDENTAL. "The virnn of early boyhoml htld tlio foundation of my rnln. I.nhtr jmi a *'uay brn" and cxiiouurn m Mood df- noiiHOJi coiiitdrtod thu wrnrk. I luid nil (lu cjrnpt(nui of NfrM'ii" li'IUt> *< im ken ^yp, iiinh'tdonn, drnhi tn or Inn n it, \v<iik b iol{. c r, h) i hi lift cini <i'd m\ hair to f ill lint, liimo i>itiUrt, ui' m in month find on toiuoi", , , b'oli lu'ii on limb, iitc, 1 thtink Ond I tiled Dra. Iv nnedr iV hitruan. 'llioy raatorud mo to h(*nlth, vii-er arid haniiineon." Syphilis, Emissions Varicocele, Cured. CHAR. l-OWEHB. ^r Wf treat and cure Vaticoct'U^ Emissions, Nttvous Debility, Seminal \V,ahtm% (/left, Struture, Syphilid, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, i\.dnry and Htadder Diseases. 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. NO RISK. IRPiVritrRT ^ln yfm ' vl^'bn? I hi vi' you lout bono? Aro yon contain pint biff mnr- nC"L/Ln . riiiKi*3 Huh jiiur Hlood (yen dlMoaiwdf' Hnvo yon any wwiknoH? Onr Nw Method 'I rcatinniit will cni'n yon. Whnr il huu dono for ntliorn it will do for von. CONSULTATION Fit EC. Nfi matter who Iuia treated yon, wrrtofor an honfint opinion Froo orcii-rin- ('har(,'fnroammnl>ht BOOKS FREE "Tho Goldon Monitor" (IHaatrutcdD, on Dim. fi of .Men. Jnelonn pniitn *n, i emuc, l-nalfd. CV/-NO NAMbS UDbD WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI- VaT K. No m^ dh (no n nt C. O. U No names on boxes or -vnvoU opon. Evorythincf oonfldontlnl. Quoatlon list and cost of Tront*- rnont, FHbi.. " ____ * BRS. KENNEDY & KERB&N, No. 148 SHELBY STDETROIT, MICH- For Fine Job Printing' You cannot do better than call at the...... Free Press Printing Office. i We have facilities not excelled by any printing office in Western Ontario for the production of Pamphlets, Circulars, Posters Dodgers, Sale Bills, Route Cards* Or anything in the line of printed matter. We can print anything that anybody else can. We make a spec ialty of..... Fins Commercial Printing* Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Statements, Labels, Shipping Tags Or any kind of office stationery, not forgetting Notes^Receipts, Due Bills, Lien Notes, Bank Cheques^ Or bank and office supplies -inthis line of any description. Then we have an especially fine line of We print and supply them in any quantity. Our prices cannot be beat en. We are continually addmg the latest designs in type, borders, etc., to our already well-equipped office,, and are prepared to do as handsome a job of printing as you can get in any city.. A trial solicited. Mail orders receive prompt attention. * u-> ,-^.. i V :-'. V. > /.> ^Aie^^m^^^^^A^^i^sf' I'tthMlS, -.4. i.jt "V ,.v'^>ySkrtl i^i^^k^jMM^^M

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