Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 8, 1896, p. 8

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pppf^^ ;;: ' x . > vmj "oMmmM,.VVfMW p**s IT ? ESSEX 241h OF MAY CELEBRATION, but you will make nomistak^Boys, ifyou ATTEND WHITNEY'S NINE-DAY SALE. In order to reduce my largo ntook of tfolt Haiti I will commonco a SALE ON FRIDAY, MAY 1st, continuing until 31 o'clock, Saturday ovoninpf, May Ofch. Thia will lioiv Great Money-Savin*? Sale. and a cnU'iif my Store will convinco you that Whitnoy dooa juat ub ho advorfcwoB, Soo horo aro a low of tho. Bargains I am Offering-: FEDORA HATS Retrulw Prieo 81.7B, now 81.-10, b do 1,00 :i.i5. do 1.25 08o, do do CRASH HATS'ao STIFF HATS Homombor, those prices will only continue for 0 days. do do do 1.00 fiOo .2.50, 2.25, .70o. r>!Jo, 1.00, 1.70, 1.40* I havo yocured aaraplos of wall Papor frora tlio Consumers'- wall Fapor Co., Windsor, mid oun savo yon from 15 to 2/i pur oant on your naonoy. Prioon ranuinu from itctn a roil up to SOotri. Bo nuro and call buforo buyiujj ohiowhoro, an it iti uo trouble to Hhow goodn, ID J "Whitney, HATTER AND FOTflSHER. THIfl SOU DAN .-FOJIOES RII VIEW OF' THE SITUaTIC>M BV / FORMER RESIDENT OF EGYPT. TUu ii-Uullfw Ahaull,.!. un.l lll> Wnrrlor*-' t'liUiioWii VovrtiM t'ttr Hrliulittc od tho l>*<utli ol'ihi) MuIhII. If tho Mudhl, who wiiM uy all ac coimbi a muielful If. misguided man, were living lo-cUiy, he would pcrhun* ru-pent In blttorm.'Hd tlin I ho avuv pivanliod throughout the Hnuduii tho Johud, or holy wjir, valid iik thorn: roar- Vfdoun hrmtfi of f.-iniitlciil "Kuvtzy Wir/- scIom" which !ihriv<-lc(l the puny urmlo-H wherewith tile i^ov eminent of Ktfypt bolntcrhd up Ittt 'power ulonjf tho Up- pisr Nllo; which fell upon IIIoIch Paitha'H 10,0(in mnn and blotted thorn out In n (lay, and which nwi-pt away If Not Why So? And If So why Not P We claim'our store to be the great headquarters .for bargains in Boots, Slio es and Slipprs, If bo, why not deal with us? We promise to place at your disposal the best and most desirable goods in the market and make the prices right. Our store is a place all econ omical buyers should vint. Custom Work a Specialty, Hirii of tho Goldou Boot, WHITNEY BLOCK, ESSEX. but If they w*ro uiiccimaful In cup- -tUl'lllK JJotlKohl, this hli'thpliicc; Of tliL Mahdi hlrnHidf, und o\^ Urn noilh ernmfwt pohhkhbIoh of tlur IxmvIhIio.h, 11 in prnlt.'iblc that dorturUoim -Would... J)'.' rnimui'ouH and that whole trlhoy of harrlwl d^ncrt dwollcrn would tfo over In miiHH((H to tho Egyptian*!. The Hltuutlon \n not. wliut It w:im Mix tion yearn ajro. Hud tho Mahdi liv ed, It 1m probable that tho power or tho^DrrvlMlifM might now be mnfe Htronifly untii-nobod, for to connldi'nthln ahllrly Un; Muhdl addict a n'mifinahlo defti'eit of human klmlneim. Km* \\\n utKirr'jufoi*, tint Khn.llfu, no word of exotine nun be ultered,; bin chariot or an It Iiuh been painted by Slailn Pa.'dia. father Don Joceph Ohnvaldor, jind on i! or two ot her I'.'.uiopean prtHom'i'H who have eneji-iu'd to Cairo, and am It haw hern reval-'d hy \\\h wbdh.'^alii iiiuiilej'M, hi:; :iiitnu.-h^s jirl- vote llfi', and hiii \t\rv. oi ordinary Intf-lllRenco, 1m iiiff^ly and Irr* ""ciri- ebly bad. fn Grder^Ui-reni'iv. 'be bant exeii:*.n which devout M'di... dans t 'liTbt' m-W.- ' uji'm to l> .\ v country, the Khalifa ha:i dem-ed lin... It 1h no longer the duty of the faithful to in iti/1! pIl^ilmaireM lo Meecu, but to the tomb of the Mahdl, a email hocti- Konnl atrueture, crowned wltli a df>me, which idancbi In the heart of Omdm- man ltiiclf, - AN JOX CAIUKNIC. ^(Pv^-^W- ^m PERSONAL Byduoy Nuylur, of Detroit, culled ou friendo in town thin wook. Miflfl WebHtor, of Wnlkervillo, ia vUitiup; . friondff in town this woek. Wm. BhoemaUor attended tho funoral of hiu brother in Chatham on Sunday. Mian Addio Devlin, of Wmdnor, apoufc Saturday and Sunday with frioudn liGro. Mro. S. B. A.ndorflou and two hour, of Bothwoll, Ont., are vioitinfi at J. D, Aud- orfiou'B. Miho F. Andoraou roamed homo lant wook after an oxteuded visit with frionda in Buffalo, N. Y. Mr. A. AdatrjB, of Harrow, spent last wook with hm uon, Mr. E. Aduma, at Andorooti <t Co.'b bank. Judd OoCow returned homo on Satur day. Ho ha boon attending tho sohool of Practical Rcionoo in Toronto. Samuol MeJamof-i, of Glare, Mioh., iu yieitinK tho family of hio brother-in-law, pofltttmntor Haali, of thift town. Mr. and Mra. Wm Perlun, of Kidgetown wore oallod to tho bed-aide of tho formar'a mstor. MiHttUoborahPorkin, who ii very ill at precept. . ITlie Couductoru on n HId *I*t*elc. Railway men aro provorbially qniok to dotoot fraud, and no leH ho to dinaover merit. Retjardinj,' tho New Long Remedy Conduotor Tbon Wbo&tlay, of Potrolia, Out., well-known to tho travolhuK com munity.tipoako as followfi: "My wifr wati Bofforor from bronclutui for yearn, al remedied failing. Piuemult and Hypo- phoupLitoa proyod tho royal romody "in her caao," Conductor Salem F, Smith, G. Tt R St. ThomaH, Out,,iH abont an well known ao tho Grand Trunk. TIiobd aro hia wordw: "Pineinalt is tho talk all along my ran. For oonghti and ooldn it. is tho favorite. It iu do in ray own family. Tho obildron like it. It Bidotraoks a cold with nnrpria- ing qnioknoBH. No ubo talking. Pinc> wait atopfl them all." Pinomalt has now booom tho tho fawn- lonablo remedy of tho day for colda, la grippe, aiitbraa, hoarBODooa, and all broaohial and lung ailmontH.. Inutoad of plain Pinomalt ubo Pioornalt and Hyp- ophonphites in chromic canon and in oou- aqmption. Sold by all drutrginte. Biir Kthioplaw Revival In Au<lerdoii. UKETJ Wheat rd per buidiol Wheat, wbito Com OatH Timothy Seed Clovor Sood Ale ike ' 70 to 70 70 29 18 2 00 1 50 to 4 CO 4 00 18 to Bay per ton............ 0 00 to 10 CO CO to 6 00 to 475 75 00 to 5fi0 Beof per owt Sork ............ Mutton............ Hitloa ............ ChickouB par lb.......... Battor.......... Xi*rd.......... Kgga, per dose.......... Potataaa, per bushel .... Onions .... Applea .... Turnip* .... CurroU .... Boot! .... Parwtifpn .... Torkeya pot lb..^....... Duoka.......... Celery perfdoa.......... Cabbft^.......... felrMk* W*lk*JT Jk K+u Mavkct Urporl Wo. 1 ttyj per bttvhal .... *0 s 1 Out*' cleaned 20 1 Buley owt 81 8 ovrt 1 Oorm bn* Th illwr prices are ptid by, H, Wftlket -Mi, WUlurfUle. Out. 7 10 7 25 to 70 U 1 Mto '-C to 8 to 300 8 10 7 7 J5 76 1 0 25 40 60 30 0 7 1 00 26 Binhop Lennox, tho Rroat nino wooIch' Ethiopian wonder in util' conduGtinc a;- unparallelod rovival amODi: tho Ethio pian pooplo of this {rroat ^roou gardon of Canada. Tho Binhop is tho groatoflt liv. iua colored oyangoliut. Tlioro uovor has been, nor over will bo, anothor liko him. Ho baa got a obarter, and entablishod a colored Grand LodKo of KnifbtB of. Py- thiao. Hi peroratiomt to tho multitudes in Canaan and MarblovilUgo every Sun day aro oroatiug a wonderful ntir. Prinoo Miohaul in not m it with him. Ho ia forming aMiaaionary oard for the out-. ture of the Ethiopian pooplo in around tho town of EflRox. Ho ia going to publinh a paper hero, to bo oallod tbo "Minionary Star," and ib (^oiu^ to startle tho white undeclared nativoii of thin oouniy. Ho in H0iu[,' to lootnro in Ennei town uoit Wed- n oh day evening. Hiu mooting wan pont- ponod iu ordor to allow, the mayor and othor prominent pooplo to bo present. Tbo Binhop porformed a roarnaco oero- mony before Magmtrate Bo a man yontor- day, and tho neatnesn and deapatoli with which ho did it wan a revelation to tho "beak." MATIN 1'ASIU'tt 1'ORMlAir UV T1II3 UAUlIt Within a ointfle ycur all the traceo or that civilization which had begun to do ho much for cttuatorlal Africa, More than iifteen years have paired nlnce the dominion ot- the Mud hi In the SouHan Uet;anf and at this late date It lH-fur-thir Unit time rumorea, with somethlriK like u. uhow of au thority, that l^^ypt, the puppet behind which England pulls the strings, la Ccrlouflly to udvanou for the purpoue of reconquering the lot provinces. This reconqu-eat eooner or later la In- cvitablo, the uooner the better for civilization and .the future of Africa. Roughly Hpeaking, the MahdlKta or JDervlahea rule In the heart of Africa, u, territory atretch^l along a portion of the Lower Nile and along both branohea of the Upper Si He, a thou- nand mlk-s fmm east to wcat, a thou sand mllen fn^m north to south, and inhabited by millions of people. With in this territory iifteen years have Been great ohan-ges, whose precise na ture no man In civilization exactry known. Nearly opposite tho site of IChartoun. has Hprung up with a rapidity surpass Ing the growth of the boom towns ot the west, a new city, the capital of the Mahdi arid of his successor, Om- .(lurman. Hero, where twenty years ago was nothing but a huddle of tribesmen's huts marking a ferry from tho western bank of the Nile to the low wind-bar at the foot__of Khartoum, hn-s sprung up a town some three or four miles in extent, walled agalmu .Invasion, dotted with the domefl or mosquen and shining In the clear Soudanese sun with the glittering de corations of palaces. At the heart of the town Is the nMv shrine of Sou danese Mohammed Ism, the burial places where .the late Mahdi was In terred within a year after his great triumph over Chinese Gordon at Khar toum by hlfi successor Khalifa Abdul lah, who is himself ntill sometime* mistakenly called the Madhl.but whbwc real title Is Muntaxcr el Mahdi, or successor of the Mahdi. The Khalifa was one of the four generals of the lato Mahdi and was by the latter pro claimed before his death aa his ouc- cessor. He disposed of all his rivals and the relatives of the late Mahdi by the usual Oriental method of slaughter or Imprisonment. No one knows what the population of the Soudan ,may now he, but It la not doubted that It has decreased HO, GO, poHslbly even 75 per cent., within two decades; but though lees in ab solute size, It Is far more concentrated, so that the Khalifa still ha.s at his command great armies of resolute men, bound to him not less by in tercut than by religious fervor. And about his low-walled Omdurman, ho lias drawn aa a safeguard against atr 'A CANADIAN STRONGHOLD- Sli<>t<di iumI r:|iiliui!i-nt. of tli*> llrltluh NiLViil IhM-U lit Kuiinlmiinlt. Ksriulmalt In deemed of paramount Importance to a HrillMh ileift In the Pacific. The rlock at that plae,. iu the only- one on the weal, coast, of Am- eilea which can ' iiceniiiniodato the larger vessels of the fleet abort of ValjiaralHO, C'lilll. any reinr forccment for tho British fleet In the Pacific would of nec-e.-Hlty be- compelled t usi.* a duck after a long passage in order to Insure etliclency In operations. The dock in nuenUon Is (Si! feet in hngth, with a width at the entrance of <; :, fiict. The width over Uic cop ing Is 00 feet. A depth of water on the sill Is obtained, varying from :W 1-2 to 110 feet, according to the season of the year. The depth over the nlll aT low. water Is IS feet 0 Ihchea. The (lock Is built of. heavy masonry. Tt Is probably thr fliR.-.t on the Pacific Toast In either North or Houth Am erica. The management Is under the control of the Dominion Government. Although merchant ships are accom modated, th.u right In reserved to float any craft out of dock at any stage of repairs, should a Urltl&h warship need attention. The two lirltlsh men-of-war; thr WarnplU; and tho Amphlon, the form er a powerful armored cruiser, practi cally owe their existence to the JSi-qul- nnilt dock. The Amphion, having Slruclc a rock at Victoria, barely managed to staler to the dock and enter, which she did with her main deck nearly awash. The Warsplte reached the dock after a similar ac cident with a number of her water- tiglu compartments' full. Jvf-'quirnalt Harbor Is probably one of tht- finest on the Pacific. It Is land locked, and free from wind from all quarters. I3ntrance Ik. had over Royal R'oadn, and then through a narrow channel, giving not les.i than forty- nine feet depth of low water: The nnrr<">WFt rn^t of tlie entrnno*> chan nel, between Duntr.e Head and l^is gard Island, measured from the edge MAP OF ESQUIMALT Lf.rY.,------------------- 5&. FOR SALE. NICB BIjACK DRIVING UAlllffl, 3UVB yoan old, 16U hauili hluh, Rlrd by 1'xhh JfteV, ar,, (or aals at bar(j*lm Alao uarU. havueai, oto. Apply to w WANTUP YOUNaMHN AND WOMEN to work la tho AvuinUn oauu. Good nay, Will send copy of my little book, "Your Illi In Ufo," rroa, to any who write. Rev. T* H. lilnioott, Brantford, Ont BLATW lfASlU. took or &*R!ifinitiation, many thousand* of deport warriors. Thus the Khalifa Is' strong, but hif atrength is of tho sort that woulc? yield readily to a determined attack. *Hhe fanaticism of the followers oi Uio Madhl himself, when Iifteen year* aRO- thoy hurled tholr naked btodiea acralnnt tho lines of the V'jMl drilled soldiery, has docllhod with' the dip covory that the pronrilsed victory over all the world has not ooqw to pa. F*or thie roon a resolute advancv made by the armlec of Ksypt mlhl ootmater ebMy fltbtln* for * tlM, of the kelp marlcH, Is five hundred yards. Inside splendid holding ground is to be had in depths varying from thlrLy-nine to thirty-one feet at low water. The Inner anchorages, as well as the dock, are practically safe from hostile fire from Itoyal Roads, owing to Intervening high land. For defence purposes Esquimau appears to have offered from the first the best advant ages to be had in the Northwest. The batteries now In position before Victoria and Usuuimalt occupy 'the land lying in the vicinity of Mc Laughlin's Point, and inside and up to Blue Island. The guns In emplace ment aro protected by natural rock traverses, a sufficient r*dlus. of (Ire having been obtained by cutting away obstructions ahead and blasting rock to aeaward. Tho force now at TCsquimalt is made up of royal engineers and royal mar ines. The latter guard the naval stores and the naval station Inside of Duntze Head. In "Victoria la u hair battalion of British mlllt'la and It is probably the best equip ped and best drilled body of militia In Canada. The normal strength of this force is under two. hundred. There are dt present in Esquimau Harbor the flagship Royal Arthur ana the gunboat Pheasant. The latter Is a Bister ship of the. Partridge-, which vessel last year visited Now York. The Royal Arthur Is a 7700 ton cruiser, and one of the most efllclent In the British navy. It Is said that her re cord shows her to be at the very tor notch of efficiency- In artillery prac tlce. Some marvellous stories aro told of the gun. work of the British flag ship. The two gun captains of th- after 9.2-Inch gun are reported to hav scored recently at a'2000 yards range 17 hits out of 18 shots, tho target mea surlng approximately 10 feot l6nir b? four feet high. Other Kun captalnr in the vessel aro credltod with ahnosi equally good work. The orew of th< Royal Arthur numbers G50, Two torpedo boats of tho thlrd-rchw are permanently maintained at Ieo;ui malt for service in the defence of fhat place. Those boats aro each about g? feet long, with a beam of about 8 fecn 6 inches. Their ttpocd Is about id knot* per hour. Victoria and Ksqulmalt aro nltuuitea on the lower end of Vancouv-er Islano, Tho - nearest WnKltali POft, Vancouver Ih .distant about 70 miles. Vancouver Is the terminus of railway communlca lion. Two rallwaya run out of. Vic torla to the northwest, and connect that place, the onr with the coal mines at N anal mo and Camoi, and the other with Sydney and other mal) towns on the m* id* f the Wand. tfce NoKhw t , AJUUC Diebel & Brieker We are offering Special Values in. Lace Cur tains and Carpets, Laco Curfcahift from 26ctB a pair to $5 a pair. In Super Union yard-wide Carpets, we oiler the regular P)6o quality" for 50c a yard. Tapestry Carpets from 38c to 75c a yard. BrunselH Carpets from $1 to $1.25 a yard. All-wool Carpets, regular prico 85c, for Y5c a yd, Men's, Boys' and Youths' Clothing, We have sold moro Men's and boys* Suits the past two weeks than ever before in the same time The reason is tho unprecedented low prices. Men's wool blue-Serge Suits, regular prie$5, for $2.98 Men's all-wool Tweed Suits do $7.50 for $5. Men's Scotch Tweed Suits, do $10, for $160 Men's fmo Worsted Suits do $15, for $11 Mftn's all*wool, Tweed PantB for 98c a pair. Boys' and Youths' Suits at correspondingly low prices. Monstrous Purchase of Men's, Youihs and Boys' Straw Hats, at a great reduction from regular prices and wo are Belling Men's lino Swiss Straw Hats,worth $ 1.50 for$l The Millinery Department is Rushed with Orders, Ladies, leave your orders early. Good work talcoB timo, and"pooFworlc is 'never dono in this Do- parbment. THE GREAT CORNER STORE, Diebel & Brieker. fc A DOUBLE EESCUE. TWO YOUNG V, AUXIN WH OUGHT MACKC TO HEALTH AND smttNGTW. Our wait Tbruutfiuod With CAiiuiimpu Hon followingun AH[c*r**iieii< mould Tho Oilier Wuh Iu an Al- vnuccd Mat** OI AliUfllilu ttr. U'll- 1lnm KMnlc t*\Uu Hot-lore Health Altar Oilier JdcdlclkK'M VhII . From tho Tiruw), N. S., Nowu, Among tho roBidouta of Trwro choro are none bettor known or moro highly o- teomod than Mr. and Mm. JaR. Tumor. Mr. Turnor in au older in tbo Prouby- ternin ohuroh, and a man whoiio word ia an good aa hii bond. In hia family tcnido two young ladion, Mifla Maad ObriHtio, ao- adopted daughter, and Mir,* Jousio Hall, a Biutori,of MrB, Turner. Both younfi ladim aro known to havo hud trying illnoHnoa, and worn niid to havo I)con rontored to health by a popular medioino, tbo name of wliich ia & honuohold word from tbo Atluutio to tbo Pttoifio. Judging that thoir utory would bo of popular Intoresb, a roportor oalled upon thorn and aimed for nuah information an thoy might ohooso to mako| public. Both young ladlon woro avotfio to publicity, but when it was point ed out thftt their oxpericnoo might bo helpful to name othor aufforor, gavo a Htutomont for pnblioation. Minn Clirihtio, whoeo oaBO in perhaps tho most romark. ttblo, id givon preoodonco. Sho said: *'I am now 19 years of ago and havo novor boon vory strong, On tho 20th of July lunt X wan attaolted with pneumonia, brought on by a uovcro cold. X wild conflnod to bod for almoat eight weekti, when X wus Able to got up once moro. Daring thcue wookt I wan undor troatmont by onr phy aioianp, ant iitill oontinuod taking hm modioine. t did not appear to rooovcr my strongth liowftvfir, ad on tho Mth of Noy. was ngam forootl to tako my bod, thib time oufformg from groat weuknosa and nervous prostration. Tho dootora* modloitio now seemod to do mo no good, and t grw gradbally wot-ho. I beoamo ho low that it uoetuod hardly ponaiblo that X could livo long. The tlootor said that X waa in ooneumptiou and that modioini' wap of no more uao to mo, At this timo an article was published in the papor oon- oorning the ouro of a young lady In Tor. onto by the . use of Dr. WllHamB' Pink 111r, and Sir. Turner at once bought some. AHov X had uaed about hIx boxes X began to get gradually bettor, my Btrength began to return, my appetite improved, and X have Boaud refreshing Bleep at night. X have now used hfteon boioa of. Pink Pill and have no hesitation ib Haying that they have offeotod a wonderful cure iu rat ease. In the oate of Miaa Halt the Pink Pills bate also accomplished marjelB. Bhe waa attaokod with dizzinoos, Bovoro head- aohoo and fainting spoilt), followed 'ator by Bwolling of tho foot and limbii, togothor . with othor ayniptons of anaomia. After having boon troatod by a pbyaioian for corno timo without auy uoticoablo improve- munt yho docidud to glvo Dr. Wdliama' Pipk Pills a trial. After airing a low boxofj of tho pills thero wan & decided improvo- mout in bor aondition, and with the oon- tinuod uao of tho modiomo full atroi*gtlit hoaltli and activity totutuod, and Mia Hall in now fooling an woli aa ovor triio did in hor life Both Mr. and Mrs. Turner woro present (luring the interview, aud iicrougly ondorBod what tho young ladies said, and oxproasod thoir tbanka for what Pink PHIn had dono for thorn. Tho oxporiondo of year* baa provod that tboro iu no disoaso duo to a vitiatod ' con dition of tho blood or ahatterod nurva( that Dr. Williams' Piuk Pilla will ' not promptly euro, and thoso who are. Hutfor- ing from finch trouhlos will avoid muoh ininci-yvaud biivo monoy by promptly ro- uorting to this treatment. 3ot tho gouu- ino'Pink Pills ovory timo and do not bo porsuadod to tako an imitation or some othsr rmody from a dealer, which for the oako of tho extra profit to himself, he may nay is ,"juBb ao good." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills euro when other meiioines fail. .Stark's Powders, each package of whiatt contaiuH two propuratioufl, one in a round woodon box, tho cover of whibh forma a mcuauro for one dono, an immediate re lief for Coativenofls, Biok Buadaohe and Stomach, aloo Neuralgia and all kinds of norvous paiuo, anuL another in oapsnles, (from J to ^ of one is an ordinary dose) which acta on tho Bowels, Liver and Stomaoh, forming a never failing perfect treatment for all Head and Stomach com- plaints. They do not, aw most pilla andv so many other medicines do, lose their. offtat or proJuco ufter ooustipation -they- are uioo to tako. 9fio a boi at all modi- -oine dealers* ' :' ESSEX Headqaarcera tor Sohool IMoks, flohofl :i Supplies. ^Tote Pmr^r,Envlope, Tpki,'^ , Writing Tablita and office StaticTTteVj; " **#ji DISPENSING ANH TAHEOT , DRUGQI6T. W':,\. 2998

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