Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 8, 1896, p. 7

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;T^VK THCE5 ESSEX FRBK PRESS * i# Paine's Celery Compound Gives Strong erves, Pure Blood and Healthy Bodies. IT PLANTS THE FEET OF THE YOUNG ROCK OF HEALTH. THE SURE i It in how an establisho! fuot that thu majority of boyH und uirln who urn ailing und moldy, wuflor from a wuuLoi.ul uoi.di- tion of thu nervous )utoni. It Hhatilu bo romumboro 1, rlmt a hoy's or girl u netvoiiM t-yatum at ru'^odingly dnli oate, tummtivc; avid Vfcry easily doiun({orl. Whun the jounti pooply urn iiarvmiu, in I table, do not Hleop woll, havu hoariuc-lm, variable nppoiitu, of aUiti, and oruplioim on fitco, bo admired thu blood in dinprdro(l unl tho nnrvou* foiro w<mk. When yoiu cthildreiuihow nigns of any of Uio above nientmnod tronblou, i>i\u thom Puinn'uCf lciy Compound, uh there m no otbi r medicine ho woll adaptod lor tliuir peculiar itilirtontw. Il will noun btinmh every iwmptota of dim aire, ;;ivo n-tural appotito, sweet aloop and clear, boalthy OOUiplttXlOIlH, From every part of our Dominion, futhum mid iwotlioi-i hitvo 1101U in thankful mid f^ratoful Mtet h Uitifym^ in unmintali iible laut;utij>d thut their ahildi en warosuvnd from tliKtiiiHo by Pmtm'fi Onlory Compound. Many an*ea are on rvard of young peopl_ HiiiLtobil from tho (jravo, whom tho pbyni- cimiM had k'Vou up a iiicurabla. Dr. Phelpu.nptm whom ujllue>n uonfwuod thoir lushest honors fur hiu duon und valu able- in ventilation a in medicine, know from ripo oxporcaoo that bin wench rfol prouorip- tion, Pain'ii CJulcirv Compound, wan juufc suited lor tho noodn of nil htrlo uuftorors. Now in the timo to build up tho little ones in liL-fLltb, mo that they will bo able, to hour up nuaimit thu hot weathnr wbon it oomou. To acuoiuphhli this (lymrablo and nnconmiry work, Paiuu's Culoiy Compound id tho only oafo, wire and curtain a^ont. TIKS OF imOTIIKKIIOOD. *3 Thoy Xvo Oft an Very Irhiioiim. HttV* NovellHt llowoll. Perhaps one reason why people dis like thu notion of human biotherhood bo miuh in bonuiHQ tho ties of kindred are often wade so irksome. Society IioMh you to account for your brothor's behavior, and ovon for his character, as if you had invented it, or at loaat fuvorod it; and hw children can brinfi! your children to shame by their mis conduct, though thoy may never have seen one another. It is hardly enough, on tho other hand, that you loeeive a soit oT lehYct- ed gWy from your brother's excel lence or rolobrity; you are then ex pected to Uvo up to him, and that may bo another hardhhipif you navo not his talent or tempoiamonfc. You feel that you aio fitly answer- ably for your son, in a mcasun3,though his groat-grandfather on the other side, if ho could bo got at, might some- timeH be much nioir justly made to Buffer; but you do not feel that you arc fitly answerable for your hi other, and you feel that it is cruel of hociety to hold you so. If ho is stupid or tirosomo, people will shrink fiotn you, as if you partook of his character boi au&o you partalco of his origin. Oft on you da ...pui'talco of his character. Uiothnrsaro often alike; but often they aie intense ly unlike m tautes, habits, manners, dispositions, temperaments. Often you shall be truly the brother of a man whom you have mot lather late hi life, and whom you like because ho ifi of kindred nature, while in your heart you may fail to liko tno brother who is merely of kindred origin. Yet if ono allowed tho brother of one's blood to come to want or disgrace, society would hold ono infamouy. If it were t lie brother of ouc's soul, society would luivo nothing to say. '"AVho Are Our Brethren"' by "VV. D. How- alls, in the Apul (VnUirv, Whan TThny Mrut uml Part. An Knglishmun mduu" hiu friend vrltU '*Uow do 5*ou do? (Joodby. Karo\vell.,, fiimilirly the Dutchman, "Vaiw wel/' and tho Swede, uI"arval." A Frenchman BnyH, *'Uon jourl Au plalwr" (i. u., llD votih r*;vtiir"). An Italian, "Buon Kiruo| Addiol A rlvklerci!" A Spaniard, "Rutm- os duml AdiosI Hast a hi \ ihIhI" (French, "Au revoir".) Tho Turk foldn IiIh nrmi dcroMH his breast and bows bla head to ward tho piTHnn whom ho nalutes. Th common Arab Hays, uSalem ulcikum" "Pcjico bo with yon"). Uu tbon lays hla lands on Iuh breast in order to hIiow that the wish proceeds fiom his heart Lan der uud Volkerlumdo. A Te.llMuii Utilatlve. A gentleman puyy a visit of condolence to a family m mourning und expresses hla regret, saying, "Your pour uncle was in firm, und his death is almost a dclivor- uneo." Straightway from every onein tho draw- .JUJt room cotnoH tho reply "DelUefuneeP Ych, indeed, (or be was very tediouu of laU years." Puna Gauloia. of I m. Mrti. Yoiin^nui Kxitlainn. kUtlu Son What i<4 bricks mado of? J\lrs. Youngma liricks nro made eloy. "But elay is (toft, ma." "After tho clay id nhapcd, tho brlclu nr hnkod." "01^ yes, I know now. Liko your bl- baits." Good News. A widow in Paris foil In love with a bolfflibor. Her affection was not recipro cated, kokIio went outside tho Iiouho whera tho Inoxornblo man lived and poiwoned bferselfwUh vitriol. Suveral lovo letter* Wtt* in her pocket, and her will, which tuttdo him her uole heir. A red deer (Cervus olnphns) with 10 points on each antler hits lately been Hliot by Lord Burton in tho forost of Qleu Qnolch, Scotland. Thin In nppnrently the tnoHt complex form of antler hitherto ob tuinod ]n a Scottish speciniun. Klammuriou, the French iiHtrbnnmor, (vhohas been studying ant life, wiy that If riiitti hud tho stature of men such iiro their other qualities that they would soon itehUvw the empire of tho world |! H'i Muuy of our cares nro but a morbid Way >t looking at our privileges. Hcmeinber ilsothat eonteutment is moio HaU^ing ibst) csiiiluration. ' ,-v--------1 _____..... 1 Xuromberg linn four public bathw for ichqo^ cttiihlrcu. Seventy tlioiiHt^nd bu^Iw ^orc taikeu therein Uur^na the piut yw. BISHOP HAMILTON. UIh A Cunnilluii KjIh< (i]iii1 Itlulinp Krdeitliistli nl Ciiii'cr, IHk-IU Ili-v. Ch.i'leH Hamilton, D.D . D.C L , was appointed Ijord Hl.mop oi NbiKaru, In i^r>. At JercMlerk'ton, N }: . lie wail eoiiterratfHl to the chiirge or the Hee of NhiKai.i on Lhi hst May <>l that year by Archbishop AUdley, thi Metropolitan of Canada, assisted h.v BKhopB Kueetman ol Toronto; VVU- llamn of QueU'C, lilnney of Nova Heotla, and Klnf;tln and Nelly. I v,-nt of thObi* who v>l1coivh<] bis advent to Hamilton, und (xinlbmed by him In his flrut oftlclJil continuation tour through his then ih-w This fact Is of no Importance In Itself, but It Elves one the opportunity to testlry fi\>m perHonnl kri'vwkdere of tho oe- ehslnstlc so recently chosen foi the position of honor and a*- Loul Bishop ol Ottawa. A High Churchman of High Churchmen, Di Hamilton la the most tolerant of men, and I have seen his wKe oversight over thi charge to Ji'rn cunmltttd tun ye ai*s / Co, disai in early opponents first into respect then into love, all the wlille they still retained thi piln- clples which made them antagonists of hlH polity. An a blrthop he lullllls St Pnul's re<(uirem( nts, and no i>na con firmed by him will Call to remember the solemn oecnMon Pure of life, of rcjrnant intellect, Bishop Hamilton has correspondingly an aura that Im presses Itself upon tin- candidate for condrm-atlon kneellnp; before him, fit* that the ceremony bteomes as nothing ami the life so **lo- r,uently lneulciiterl by him In address ing those ujwn whom he lavs his hanclt- in blessing heomneq eveivthlng Grow away from forms and ceremonies ai one will, as the years pro by they be come milestones in_the_jiJ]Krhn's patn If the lesson undf Hying them Ts"heed ed. And thla man impresses the pur suit of the real rather than the II- uslon which brlng4 It down to tho per- *"*ptlon of thj awakened infant In H liit'i.Ll tilings "I'ls no wonder, then lo lhin' who know linn, thai Iilshoj) 11.imllton, haa ban chosen toi v.oik at ultaw.i H( tecks not iws 0'\ n, but tlu good Of tile C.LUSO to , lihh his lilt* I Lh:\otLu\ and lII who Luin\ ol his f ilthl ul w oi It In Niagara I n "let an iiv, aki nlhg in tlu* See of tjitiwa from his tianslatlon liom the I'm mi i lo thu latt'-r. '1 hi Loid HMuyp oUct of Ottawa \< a i 11i* scholar, lie leceived his di- .,(, of II A fiom Union College, Ox- ln lS".fJ. and his M.A. thiee years llis-iops' College, hennoxvillt, him a D.D. in 1885. and a D.C.L. u'll > -I 11 .-til' Queen Victoria's Photo Given Awaj by t-Ue Manufiictur- ors of J) I am oi Hi Dyes. The mauufuoturfcra of luamond Dyos aro aoudinf* their olo^aut full Bi'ied oubiuet photo of Hor Mujoaty Qaeon Victoria to thoiiBttuds of famiboa on thin North Amen. can continent. The happy arrancomonto mado with tho publiidioru of Our tlomo, Gamidjt'a popular. monthly paper, aro oh follown : "An elegant fall cabmot photo (from a recent copy talton by royal command) of lier I\Iii]enty Queen Viotorh' , a four-pato pamphlet twing dutonof births, marnaties aud doutlui, and other items ot intarestinj; and uoeful information relating to the royal fumily, that but fow pooplo havo aoeoHS to; nix Diamond Dye Dolls with mx oxtra droHBuii; and a card oi' forty-ftvo siimplcs of dyed cloth, allowing oolorn of Diamond Dyon, Bonfc free to ovory man, woman nn<l child who will send in 25 contit in mouoy or iitampiifor one year's subsorip- tion to Our Homo, a pavotr that thowmndu doolare to bo worth a dollar." Thin wondarful offer cannot last much longer, (id tho ntook of photos iu biuny rap* idly oxhauoted. Hutitlnads of correspon dents wrlto us about tho premium;), und nay tho photo iu woll worth HO ctutw. Plea ho uoto : Our Homo for ons year, ciiblnot photo of tho Quotm, and omer premiums, vm prom is od abovo, nil for $6 ocutu, Address Wells l' lUoliurdaon 200 Jijountuhi Street, MontVoal, V. Q. Oo. SSNfOL HABITS IN YOUTHi ; LATER EXCESSES IN MANHOOD I MAKE NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN 'tUC OCClli T <> urnonmeo and folly In youth, ovnmt'.rtlrm ofVnind and body Jnduo-] I ilL ULuUL I d hvlimtumlitxpnitiiiniurti coiiiHimHv wnvoklnd Hu> Hvimi und mtimv, llmiminmiM of tfimnuiud efiiMmiiniiiK jouuwniUUi. Boiuu fwlitjmd. wither t n i arly iMmft !iir.lltu hlowioov erniHiili^o-1, wblliwinient urn forn-d to dmir out a ^enry, fruitImw ano-m iimlitiieliob iixitiUime. Othern romih niiitrimony hnt Imd no iinlnoi. or "onifort then), nipll S K E I llJtlllHUli I". 1 ri |iii| I, I mil nt Hill........* " - - ,"--------- , ,------ i 1 il 1 1 i, R-vIiithmtifci.ifound iu all nfudotuiof lifo: Tlmfnrm, tl.n olliee, tho uorlciihop, tin* pulpit, tlmtnuleii and tho piofttHilorih. ^------------- 3TORBD TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K, <& K* % MiiH.cnAH.i.'icnny;, cuah. i'^iuiy. 'i j R Wv. A. WAuilXH. \v A WAIiKl'lt. self=help You are-weak, "run-down,* health israil,strength ^one Doctors cTtTT your enso an aemia there in a fat-fam ine in your Wood, Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver SlUTl'I 1 'JUKA'iMKNT Al'-M It Tllia'niKNf Dlvorcfttl bat imitud ncnin t f- SYPHILIS EMISSIONS STRICTURE CURED Hriifi iv lrnn HamYh. oi.................. ,, . , &\f Hem I. i 1 Wuwni-i *ei I v eintnlori liun, Junimilonii w.-h. if,- iu d .i iin lii- ) Mtitlity 1 mini tr d nt W^l mull r Mlvieo el nn iiiniih ilortor, bill it wnn u fjiiilniieri i i n hK.r.iii.ii in *dl.n \\. went (hvori'tfit. I -.thou ((Himiln d Hih 1 /. K,^1io n *torec* mo to manhood STbithi'ii A'tvJhiHOd J t'o'i ;. Ik Itaru \v life thrill thrniiah lliiiy lient .- \vu \.eui <1 m, on and nut hiipl'l 'linn wan Urn* ii.ui.1...... Htn 11. .r 1.. in ,\ i unit ific niucmUi fata Ci a NO MAMES 011 TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT V.'HITfEN CONSENT.'ua Wm. A, Widlcer ofltltli Htroot Hiiyn: "I buvn ntilTonwl tint old r mien for my "any lire." I waHlnduieuetwhon \otmi' und htnoniiil. Au "Ono of tho Uoyii" 1 oiitriiot<ifL HMiliihuindotliot PrlvuhnlimmwHi, llnululciini in tin W Mumthaml thrnut, lumo piiJnn, Imlr lootto, plmphu <tii"2 face, liiift'i imllii eitmoofl, mnlnxionii, booamo thin und diMipoiuleiit Kiiviiii dimtorti trwUiid mo with Mnrenry, l'otti-li, (. They hohmd mo hut could not, euro mo. riniilU nfriondindiieedinntotry DrFi.KeiinedyitKemnu. ih'd'!'ii'ntrni'Tit run d inn m a few wthikfi. Thnlr tniatmout in wonderlul. mi f'iuritni,Mi\tiiy dui. 1 luivoiievtir hemd ot their falling to euro iiuimnifUt^* -CUnro GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED Ve'n oil's "Tom my life lo 1>h. K. (t K. lit h.i 1 I,..'.', vi-il 1 lint! nil thn ajinptoriiH IMPOTENCY VARICOCIELE EMISSIONS ..................................................______OURED 'mi jV.liV. iij'i.,"vDin JI. ir l.,ui'\ i < unit ific npiciiiriiitimnd I heartily recommend thorn.1' R S" K CSV* HV ittat andaoe \\i>tcon'I<\ Emissions, Ntrvous Debility, Sewta/^f ttiUi."-\t Git:, bi>:cl'i\ ^X'/'/Zk, Unnatural Disc/tar&s* SslfAbusA* a i V YHAWti Itsi Dc'i'MOlT. 2QO.OOQ CURED. NO RISK fcrjC t OCO t Aifou.i Mi'dmi* liuirt >on loot lionft? Amyon cnntomplatbm mur-JJ JjJiit.Hr-^C-uj 1 11,,,, I. ^ \u to HI nod hi l i (liHciinod.-' Have yon any weakricHer' OtiiU >,*(, |i ii il in v-> .< n .Mint it liiiMtlonn for othtra it will do for y'on t,rlns\\uiv\ r He ..liolim t 'it, c'jon. write form, hoiieiit opinion l*'ree55 tj , jiuir". i i.ii.f. t i.,......nn.. li^QK. tr.**. ho Oohhm MoLitor" tlllnHtratod), on| W . ltt i(Ai oi iUu'i -- 'i "i '"" o. u * i lit *. tjiM.iii. W,-'-MO n^M1^ Wbrrj WITHOUT WRITTEM CONSENT. ____ Vfi^E Noin^,f1",ii'" ' "nrc C). D Nottamoaon box^o or ouvol- opr r :r '"' yt>Tin -royni"dcntlai. Quoatlon list on:l ooat of T*oat-C Iopr r : ..-.. ^..., wwwi. wi ii uwi-^ Srrior*. _r' *E-------------- f oil with hy]>ophosphiles, is tlic best food-means of getting your strength back your doc Lor will tell you that. He knows also that when tho digestion is weak it is better to break up eod-liver oil out of tile body than to burden your tired digestion with it. Scott's Emulsion does that. A CONSTABLE SHOT** A Murderous Affray Juut of Toronto, THREE TOUCH tOOKINC CUSTOMIRt iconr & Uowmii.UcIIcvIIIp, Out *fiC. mid |l.oa SMILfcb. runny ryi)\oWa For Fine Job Printing* You cannot do "better than call at the...... Free Press Printing Office. We have facilities not excelled by any printing office in Western Ontario for the production of Pamphlets, Circulars, Posters Dodgers, Sale Bills, Route Cards, Or anything in the line of printed matter, We"can print anything that anybody else can. We make a spec ialty of..... fine Commercial Printing. Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Statements, Labels, Shipping Tags, Or any kind of office stationery, not forgetting Notes/Receipts, Due Bills, Lien Notes, Bank Cheques, Or bank and office supplies in this line of any description. Then we have an especially fine line of ENVE3L.OPES. We print and supply them in any quantity. Our prices cannot be beat en. We are continually addmg the latest designs in type, borders, etc., to our already wel .-equipped office, and are prepared to do as handsome a job of printing as yoju can get in any city. .4 A trial solicited. Hail orders receive ]Jjg$ni|M; attention w, ' 4~ VVV K'uruiri uplis 'I lint Will 1'llt Ifll <'oil t f>)'t i(HlM. Claia Mr, Nlo.jfr Uo mild my faco wii* eln^-ulp U h,Lt In elai-de "" Dora -nh, must iinjtbin , old flood Nf(-\s t lit1 1 .mi told that yoiu .idmin i 'i' nann 1h l<>Klnn. She (blush HK)~-Oh, no, lnd* Ml lirooJt lyn r.l(V. "Mainin.i, uliy do tiny call It Lh<* w atlu i bin imu V" "IJt c .nisi the top drauti In Kern tally In Mich a fil^btful tncsu, I suppoHe." o itf-cnid, Mr Fuss\ I don't 41c why >ou \war LhoHP rcfljculous bltf 4b > ves, wbon you h.LVc- nuthliiK to till thorn. Mm. Fu'-sy llaip<*rs rinzar. To.ioln'i What is taxldcimy " John nie I uufsj I know, toa<: bur. Tf.ieh.-r down r.'iipctH. Clovi land Plain Dcil^r. IiUr> Mamma, may r o ovi r th'-rr* to tilt; bildi;i' " ^larnni.i \\ h> do you want to go ovor there, dear ? t.ucy Oh. Just want to arfle my feet in the biook Truth. Bnizxy You 11 find, MIms Hii'/bux, that mont ptJ'ipb" arc (Ither too amait or no* Hiiiait en,ou;rh. MIh^ l.u/.bu^ indeed : and \\hlch aro you, Mr. I.irajs- ?y '} Ttoxbury Gussetto. JTubby Darwin s cnia to haw a lot of trouble with hl.s ciifY buttons. Hlos- yie lie was al\v:iyH howling about the miysliiR link. Phila delphia Uullctin. "Old ch.ip. I'vn boon duck flhontlni;, don't you know." "Duok .shontlnj?? Why, you don't know a tarn* duck from 'a wild one." "Oh yes J do tho v lid oiu\s mil .iwuv'"' >roid. "Nuw, tho woibl Is not fft'itinpf-a bit .srraiter," sa.d the aped (^eniIonian. "My niandtton asks exactly the samp rldlriiious fju-'htlonM that IiIh father did nt his up.'," Indianapolis Joui nal. Phort~Th<*! t-'s another bill from the tailor 1 wonder why he keeps qend- Inr hills to pi oplf he knows can't pny. Mi.s Shoit Pi'i b.ips, mv dear, he ibji s It ar; an advi-rtlwinent llrooltlyn T-.ITo. Hoax I stuod on ono foot all the way home In .1 crowded car la^t night. Joax What was the matter with your oiIilt font? Hoax AnotliLi* man w.ih 3t..ndlriK-on that. Philadelphia IU cord "That," waul the eiank, <ih the npuo- Hitlon fielder jumped apjiarently about (Itein'fiot In riie ah and pulled down n huroi-run fly. "that Is nojhlnp; abort ni' u hiKh-handed outitipe." Indianap- olN Journal. .Too Cose -What baa become of that ".lb* nie'-honKor boy Joke/ It jiooms to have disapjieai erl Sci Ibhlnw Some one must have u;\\ en It to a messenger boy to deliver to the papers. Philadel phia North Amurlcan II1/fbee You women have a queer idea of a d. bating club. When I lookup lii la.-Jt niKht you were all talking at once. Mrs. IT. We conduct our club on coriKieasional lines, Henry. Phila- cb lplna Not th American. "Why, Tummj, you are not at tho jam again and only whipped for it an hour ago/" "Ytb, mamma, I heard you tell auntie you -thought you'd whipped me too hard, and T thought I'd make it even " PearHon'y Weekly. Kitty r won't let them repair my wheel again. They charged mo a dollar for simply sticking my tire on. Tom P01 .-.Imply sticking it on? Kitty Yes. Tom By Jove, that was simply stick ing It on! Pittsburg Dispatch. "I shall apply for a divorce. lie in ticatlng mo like a dof* and he makes me woilt like a hoi ae," "Well, thou, you .should make your complaint to the Society for the Piotectlon of Animals, and not to the courts." L'lllUHtre de Poohe. Furldy Fraaher has the reputation of being a great wit, but for my part, I can't see anything very bi ight In nla Wiltlrps. Duddy That's queer. Why, his jokeH have been used by the great- pst wlta that ever lived. -Boston Trans cript. Friend How doeu It happen that you have so many Japanese things !n your room? Young Wife Juat before I waa married tho contents of a Japanese (ttore wore sold at auction. All these thingo ni'2 wuddlng presents. Fllogen- de I^aetter. , ICdltui This fellow Is Uttering the of fice up with miserable poetry. \Wil have to put a check on him. Poet (who has heard tho woul check, rushing up) I'll be obliged If you'll lot me have tho check right away, sir. PhUadolpnia North American. "James," remarked his better half, careaalngly, "we nepd a ton of coal; when you pass tho dealt r will *'ou order It up"" Impossible, my dear," responded her ouehre-loving spouse. "You cannot Older It up and paay at the same time," Philadelphia Plena Pride and Prejudice- "I'd bo ashamed to go around begging," paid tho pi'^M- peroue citizen. "Pride's a funny thing, aih't it?" anBWored Mr. Evor'tt W 'm,. "Here you are, too proud to beg and here I am, too proud to work, T;jtke ajl sorts to make a world, I guosa." JndljtinnDoiiH Journal. , , t , j "WJalkor Elr-7-when you run Into u man the rider Is us likely to'got j tho worst Ot It as tho petfatitrfun, Itm't'ho? Whcelor the 1 at tel- wh^0, I, had four spokes ,broken and myisprpcket wrenched all put of tjiue! Enquirer! > 1 r ' ft. <(- ..'- ______. C*uM Atler m Uvly tbnso 1>1^ WUlcli rky Vird Mituy lilioto- t'wuHtubln UdMbcrry JUit Iu iu Airfeu lite Toutili* ^tr*U#-ii *t the >yvoJblU>-. Toronto, May 1 Itouuod by dUturbluL' )iouudM In hdg bam at 0 o'< lock ytsti id.ty morrdug; Uuuiyo Tumlluiiou, a market uarduacr^, living on tho Uanfouh-ioad, about % 1-i mJloa taat oi! Uolemwi, found that My horn en had boun turned out of If and that the burn wiih In dobuohbIoh of men who, when iLquLut^d to l<u,v#, waiaud him to kutp away, BtebiK tlio* bo had desperadoes to deal with, Nfoy Tomlin-ioii dispatched u meuooiifirei'fo County Constablo Tldsbciry, wlxo vm* promptly on the acunu and aetod with out delay. Thu IntiudLiu were In fcb*, loft, tho entrance to which la-y throtiKk a pyrja-nUluulur laddor uouiu nine, feet hi hflirht Hunnlng up the rungs, th# cot.bla.blr>, iuj uuun au he could nee. I lift- men, who weru lying do\ui In the luiy.- calhtl out, "I arreut you uiun on tlifr tharge of trespass." Py way of answer the throe, two ofl whom wen- as evil looking fellowa a* one would cau- to hv , Hptang to tlitsla feet and, h vlIIik; tlu ii uvolveru, opriiw* Ld up a bilak fuailade 01 luad. Quick as lightning the constable had dra-wr* nib wapon, but found to hla horror- * that the chaiubuis were empty. A shot now struck his right aim jilsk Ih low the Hhouhkr and anoLher rlppe# ii]) a furrow on the top of his head. Ntaily blind with the blood he giap^ plod with one of the mui. Ay be did m> a comiadu llrcd at hlrn at ouch cloutj quart era that his left, rbeek was black ened with tla powder, while another, 1 mining buhhid him, stiuolc him % Liu-shlng blow on the h ad with bin re volver butt. The constable and the gang maihied together wer< now clone to the ojpen, hatchway, and btelng their advantage, they worked him Into It. When ha picked himself up the tluee had got ten the giound thiough the window an* were making for iUron'y bush, a wooij ol aorne 100 acre.-), about a mile dis tant. Market Gaidencr Sldwlek, hbj, * .son Alex, and Miko JJlrlow 6C t)i4 CL T II, were now on the spot,, and akouu* Jng to them, "Stay with them, boyuv if It takes ua all day," lie followed as* last ail his weakened condition would allow. Kveiy now and then the robbmrg turned to shoot at theli rapidly gain ing pursuers, but the pate was too fa#t for accurate shooting and the bullet* el tlu r went singing through tTrc air "a* Htruck short of the lnienn. d marltjn; The chase had now reached the woott and standing with tlieir baclca to a fence, they attempted to reload. - Bcfoie this could be done, however* the constable and his men closed 1% upon them. Young Alex. Sidwlck, will ing a fence rail, struck ono of the rob-* bus In the face, cutting open his cheek and felling him to the jciouiilU The otheis, despairing of escape, auw rendered. They were marched back, handcuffed, to Jflast Toronto and lodg ed within Its Jail. In their pockets were found four, re* volvers and a number of ball cart ridges, a complete sot of burglary' tools, which, Judging fiom the caa* containing four razors and a pair of barbeis' clippers, they had mado use, of, two pocket knives and about 2ff ct-nts In silver. Magistrates Hlchardson, Ormerod and Nlmmo were summoned for the ease,___but - owing _ to tkft disabled condition of Co mi tab I*. Tidsbeiry, the bullet having gone cleAjr through his arm, it was some time be- foie the court was hold. The arraign ed men, who weie of middle height an<| ranging in ages from 22 to .10. ,gav* their names as Jaims McMurray of larcckville, John lienderson, Montreal, ' and James McDonald, Colllngwood. Two wore black suits and the third 4* blown coat. None of them could boaHt of a collar and wore low necked cot ton shuts, one of which was white h color. They said that they had coroo to York on Thursday night, but It 1* stated that they were soon In th* neighborhood on Thursday. Among the bp ctatora In court wor Constable Booth of East Toronto antt Bailiff J. P. Wheeler. As aoon as tb tramps ware brought in they recoo nlaed them as the i,rang they had seen- neear the Woodbine a little before fc p.m. on'Tuesday, the fateful night o* Joe Martin's assault. Tho trio were remanded for a weefc to come up In Fast Toronto at 10 %, m. on Fiklay next 2UL AtJM. J IIV.IU X'OMJi, Th rorcy IJcilim r Hie 4 IilbuMkno. DU- tt*tter Aru H 111 difomU4l nutl Uita It,- Hem). San Antonio, Tex,, May 1. The Utes* advice from Chihuahua,, states that a rescuing party Is still working In the mine that lately caved In, and that seveial bodies have been recov ered. The forty minors that wore entomb ed must all be dead by this time, a they have been in there a week. Onrjj tm must meagre dotalla can be ob* talned from the mines. The rescuing party are cribbing the mine aa they proceed, In order to prevent furthfci d^astor. jvjy^a rnoM mi: oiumxt. } ,1 i' 1 I'lHuue In Kfniicf Itmiu tscenmlujt Herloj - tiimu Uwdiit 4kut to sou. San Francisco, May 1. The Ht^i bbip Doric aiTived hint night, 9 dil 21i houis and 18 minutes from YolcS hama, two days ahead of time. This^H 1h hei- iirst trip and the fastoat on' ' on record fiom the Orient. The plague In Hong Kong la becora-" lng more sorlous. There have been 18 ciu>ea In one day and the total ud to \*S April G was 383. '><,& A violent storm swept over Central Jar:,n during the night of April 13. *& At a place called Matsuio In- the Pro* is vlncc of Izumo, PR fishing' boats wer^^j uwept out to sea and nothing Is ye%$ known as jo tho .fate of their crews^'$ numbering SCO. , n crews;^ 1 Hi l-'iriu lu I rouble. .,", Detroit, Mich., Bay 1.^-XlP thfeV cre^'AS dttois "of -the W. K.1 Hudson Go.J , Lhoi,< big elothlng firm, received' 'notice py'f mall this morning thaty the^compaay'i' Is ftnanelaUy emparrassed, a,nd d^*^ sires an et^flpslon of cre^tt^o.jihe qr$ r- 'i* rtI. tn^ii^-I^^Jltk r,i t 't '^".'i'. yA^ \\'\'iv>xHhJ&h ..:, ti ^.Miffis^^

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