H3':":V^: -H.u-,.,,.: riiijiikimiiMiw**!^.'.^:;: . .'.UfT ..>>'. v:/,f |^P^P^ i*fi- te^ftfei&.A w^REE P'R.fc9Mb Ei: Reside the bonnie skier bush. pod's bloKalu* ou ye'rcannio pan, *vIaolu.reu," yo'r n prince o* men Y* P Hurnbrao, ye maun be "fur baa," To write like yon; at, bouulv-boolt a' dlbnu Ken GcmI blowu you, John I irl've rod It sax times iB'er.a' sweor, Au'-llkutlmua' lo'ud it mulr, U.'ho* whiles it; made my hurt rlcht aalr " An'uar'd mo greet. An' while* a' lauohud until a' fair Kow'd ail' ma neat! ' day, an'In madruiuan at nloht, X-'ia wuiuierin' wi' renewed delioht Au' foastiti'onouuh buiiniouicht Iti yon sweet glunl Convorsin* ayii wi' a' that* bricht Drunuoeliiy men. A*m fair iu love wl' Margot Howa, iA.ii1 truly ttiiil for puir Ih'tim.sliough, An' aye a'm there at Whluiiio Know? Ilk' eventide, Forthoro tin* Bonnie JJrlor Buwh grow, Au1 Geordht dh.d. SVuir Domulul hu'u uh real tuo mo Jin oiiy luuvln' man nan hi;, XVhuppin thu ChiHtlo luddu iu ulo Wlillu on Ids way ffo toll o1 Geordio'n victory Yon tflorlou.4 dayl Au* Uurubrau, uhlor o' the kirk, An* Ililloeb;' typo o' honem work, At* SoutKn*, wir sarcastic quirk, An' big IJrumHhougn, WhVd umyba murglo o'er a uttrk. But ayo wua true, u* Donald Men/Jen, "mystic" chUl A Celt wen bo irao hold tue hoolh "ha wiii'Htlud awfu' wl' thu Dull For mony a day, "Wi* hlui a cumin help out fuul, An' jiroau aud pray. Xti* Lachlun Campbell, wha wen ca'd wha roguirdud God Jl Hovurui^n rulin' wi' a rod, An'no wi' grace, JLu1 wha thevory sensiou awod Wi'tfhuist-like'fuee. Him tiutfcrluKKair malt's sweet iuV ttlild Ah abac lows veil thu (Jruiupiauu wild, Till, "like unto a little child" He oomus tau Ijl\. An' o'or i bit erring ami dutllod Boudri tenderly. Wi* those and mulr, iu godly **eari "We sit yen Sabbath day an" bear "ilis imibor'.-j sermon" frae tho dear Young preacher hut, Au' wi' tljt'jii .siied ji .secret tear That h-ua Had. , An' wi' thorn oil anitherday, when kirk is oot (tho1 wi' dismay), Wo join tiio niuku a bold display Au1 cheer Mucluro, Our doctor, wha wi' llttlu pay, Servos rich au' poor. Aye. dear Muclurc I him maist o' a \Ve lo'e, an' thro' the drifts o' sua', XJnmiiidfu1 o'thu nurtli wiud raw, W'u toarl'u' come; Wi* a' tlio nioiirnin* ylen wo draw .Near-haun bis tomb. An* barin tlioro oor licidn, wo pray. That we may so live ilka day That when we comu tue pas* away Fruo a1 things lioio, Truth may the tribulu to us pay U' lo'vo wruujf tear 1 Ay. "Ian," yii'ru "a lad o' pairts," Au n]aiHLi;ro, a' the winsome airta, Ye'r uookiu by its ain doserts W'ull live fur aye; Tho benedicLioii o' oor lierta Ye hue Lhu day ! J. W. Bongough. THE PARSON WAS PUZZLED. Ue loured That II Hiul Illundorod lu tlio Marriage Service. The clur^ymnn was norvoun.' Thora could bo no qumilon about that. His du- tiof! woru at nn ond, but ho hung: around the roooivtng party and ldu aciiona nhowed .that ho wan in troublo. Ha ap- Jpoarod to bo ondouvorliiK to convlnoo him- tolf that overytblnu wuh all right, but without 'HUXC0H9. Finally ho tapped tho youno* man In IcnlokorboukorR on tho fihouldor and lad film to ono Rldo. "Pardon mo," ho said, Bhiftlnjt unoaa- lly from ana foot; to thu othor, "but thort le a matter of snmo dulluaoy that I wlih to apolik to you about." " YeHV" roturnod tho young in an, ln- qulrlnaly. "Yos," replied the olorgyman. "Itruot you will take no olYonno. Ic is a trlflo nn- UHUal, hut " "Wan tho wedding foo too riimIIP". KSlcod tlio youna: maa, as tho cleriryman haflltatod. , "Not at nil, not at all," rutnrnod th Dlorgyman promptly. "You aoo, the faot of tho matter Is that lit) thu lnt mlnuto I buoanio Komowhafe uojifuned bowildorod, us it wore, by tho novolty or tho Bit nation and I would llko to bo asHurod that I got everything all rlht " "Why, of oourflo you did." "When it camu to tho tjnostlon of lova, honor and oboy, you know, I was afraid I " Tho olorgyman pausad for a mlnuto Hnd than Im blurtod out: "Yoii'io tho groom, aron't youP" . "Cortiitnly." "Thon it'o all right, lind you havo no idea how that roliovon mo. You hoo, I bavo novor olTIolatod at ono of thoeo bloomer woddingu before, and I waa nfrald 1 mlffht havo mado a mlRtako." Chlcnuo Post. (tiilibt^ N'*m1'(I. * Neither olillri nor adult onn bo looaod With* Impunity in tho wlldornoHd of books. If over guidon woro wanted, It la boro. By tho bluHslnc of clrouniHtnnoo, encih of ub oun rocolvo but a portion from tho vusr production of liturature. Sliould mot tlio portion of th little ohlUl. ii.vo tho ovorHiftlit, thu toudor oare, tho loving Igiiawlluiiship of tho wlnost amnhc uh? From IiIb first fictions spring thoso uffeetloiiB and doslrop known uh his liter ary tftNtB,.' .It. wuh Baoon who oald, "That wliloh wo oall oduoatlon ia in offoot but nn oariy oiifltom. Blnco custom in tho prtriiilpul iniiglHtrate at mni)'s life; lot men .umlenvor to obtain good cufltome. Tho bono in nioro pliant to ail oxproafiJonn und flontiflo, tha jointB.aro innro HUpplo to all tanks'at activity anil motions in youth than aftorwdrdfl, for it ia truo that lata loariiarii onn not bo wull talco tho ply." Kll^uboth Forguson Seat, in Lipplnoott's,. J^l(*utrlcilty midl'iimors. Ab 1o tho nllqgod, thorapoutio yaluo of electricity," phynic!nnrt are woll awtfto that that ttuont oxflroldod au Important iullrioncft; opon tunVoW/ bothbonign and malignant whow- by, wlion accompannlod with othor as- wiHtnnt treatment, fitich alunontn aro re*- Vnovod from tho nyfitom without tho uca of the knlfoor ciiuetlofl Now York Trlb-, uue. A HlmltHt Claim. ManuK'^ You o^'dm, air, to havovo*y qimllfleutlon oC n llret-olaflB aofcorV Ilamlnt Am Montmoronol Woll, per- Imps I oiialit to mention tho faot that I th result of bo muob pdUum, vnu know. ii*--> Thousands of Others have Made Similar Dec- . larations. A. LADY COMPLETELY CURED. Slie used Paine's Cel ery Oompotmcl. Remarkable Increase In Weight The Groat Spring Modicinu for Dnild- iug Up VVcnlc and Bicldy Poople. The Huront and moat ponitivo onrn in tho world for dniaaao in l'aiiio'i) Celery Uom- pouncl. It (itrongtbeuH and invi^oratea tho run-down Hyntom, and builda up quickly iloah, Mbhuq, bono and muoolo. No othor modiouio oau ho fully and quickly moot tho doniroii of tlio nick and ditumuod. It should bo borno in mind that the (.oat of dinoauo in in iho blood and norvcH. Tho pocnliar oompotiition of Paino'n Celery Compound ouubloa it to reaoh all tlio ouutroa whuro diuoane m working, and It aoou buuiuhcB all p*iu and troublo. At thin BoaHon, l^lno^a Oelury Ooin- pouud ia a heavou-Bont blmniing to ovary nervous, would debilitated and nlooplunH mortal. 'Tho diHoaiwii that havo hold tu iiiuVwmuon In boiiditiio duriiiL'tho wintor, can now bo offuotually romovod by thu u>o of Piuuu'm Oelory Ootn^mid.......-- If von aro truly uud oiLruoiitly-fioeUiutf for runowod hualth uud long lifu, let tho oxaraploof Mm. Lloyd load you to ivo Puine'H Colory Compound a fair trial. You arc certain to reap tho name happy rewultit that ho ami tliouaandw of otburH havo oxporinwoad. Mr. .JaHopli tiloyd, of Gamtuoquo, Out., nay : "I fool it mv duty to toll you what Paino'u Colory Compound ban.done for mo. I was alwayri a Hufferor from norvoun de bility and vory bad hoadaohoH, and found it impoHinhlo to obtain rogular roHt and aloop. "Two yeiini ago I road of your Paino'a Colory Compound, and bought a liottlo of U. After I had uiwd it I found I could Hot rest and quiet. I havo unod alto- gothor iiovoti bottloii and find myjuiif com- plotely cured. "Your mudioiuo purifioH tlio blood and rojjaiatod tlio nyuiem; and 1 would nut bo without it ia mv houno if it took my hint dollitr. "Borora nHingPuino'n Colory Compound my weight wdw only 100 poundu; now I woigh HI poundu. Ih thia not nufliciont rdiinon for me to pramo tho Compound highly 7 "Before I know of your vuluublo modi- cino I was trontod by the dootoni, but uovor rocoivod any good. Five of my friendw aro now using your grout medicine aiuco they havo Been what it has done for mo. "1 wittb you to uho my Htatomnntii, aa thoy may ho of ouoouragemont to others." ;/%??** W'^frfe B^Twi^r^UR^UTHORS (to uk Oi.vmuiU).) [trohoniiion, pathcrod from his night upmi Im: maat, of tha dungcra thut lit* in u'uit for liiour* who go down m tho ana in nhip.i, hud ;ir1ki(1 thnt his hftih chair might bn Htfippi;*!, u-hilo hn puliod out hifl nrw puiac and ox iraetMil one of tho nixpciiRor Iijb rtmlhtr iiac [mi* into it for thu tobiicoolenii nailer. Tin man's grntitudo had boon unbounded. H* ii.ul Mvlti-n off hiu hut lo nil thu group undm i he evident iinpru6"!ion thut it wuh a fi.mil> |i;uiy, and "May nil your projje-uy, Mr, and my lady'n, take aftT thin Vro little ehup,' i.e hud naid at put ting, "it'a the heat \vjnri i grateful heiirt can Bulnle yn with,' Fonnllfi had blimhed n deep toho color, aiid liu.-ynlh had f*dt on unri*ui*oning p"g of r luvation atid rogrwrTtiThii -wdlltod .way. Il<; would have hkod to cmtiu acroae tho - tiler again, not lo correct hiin of Iuh error, Mir to rewurd hiiirAV it. Another point connected with the prea- -lit. iLHpiicl of affuirfi,* which it wati pleas- mi t ho runiindftii of, \uih thu wuy in " l.ueh Keiu'lki noi'ined to b-un upon hnii. Sh would (nen'ilus..^Jcor,t ]*t "uoiwiiunicni-' a with tiio balcony at nil hoiirii of ilie day in imk him to docidtt tiiia or thut qucutiou tor her. Might not Runny be "let off" bin tunic, which hated.'and hciv hoioo roaot hielcmi t Did Mr. Jucynih think it-would hurt him to havo hU efa wheeled on to the ti.ilcony and oh ! would hu mind jut taot- mg the riniest drop of the now cough mix- iiri*, wliieii wua fjniie a different color ': nn the last, arid lolling her whether ho ihonght the apothoeary might not have i.iidn noiiio mintake? And all IIicho (juou- i'Hiu Jacyiith mailed with a piuiudo-mari- 'ul authority it wan dolightful to exereiao. Mo unhooitatingly preacribed roaat chicken "WotTJ,p YOU MINI) JUST TAST1NI1 THE T1NI- list duoi*?" oi the place of the tonic ; ho wheeled Ron* iiv'm H'ifit himaelf on to the'bulcony ; mid he -vk'dlnwed a whole tuaapooaful of mugonta ugh mixture without a inuriiiur. in ward-t !y ilatterud that Fonella flhnuld atmign him i he.' role of a aluvo of tho worat of ilie Roman ICmpororn (for was ho not her ,iave in all things). Her amilo took away nil the bitter flavor from the drug, und tho -uhttoquUnt hours, during which nho aat by iiio aide of- Uonny's nofa, aei-mcd to paaa like a ploaaant dream. What ho mont ou* jovi'd win tho atmoophuro of domeauo . re tirement and freedom that porvaded them. 1'Yiiella would in Hint upon his continuing to iiim tee Ida cigar, mid ao at homo ltd ho fool in hor proaenco thut it Uud actually happened to him to olomt hiu p'yM bohind The Timea ho wbk protend ing to read, ami to allow himxolf the full measure of tlio traditional forty wink a (though why forty more than fifty or a hundred, I for one havo never Uoou tthlo to iiucovoi'J beforo he oponud them again. l^-iiolln, for her part, would remain uiloiit or aponk. juut as the spirit moved her. S 'itiotirhpa hti would read a sentence out '.....1 from hor book; nn old copy of "Sartm- it.-Hirttifl" an it happened, takon from tho hou-1 library, and auk him if no could muko it clear for her. At other timea aho would take no notice of Inn preflenco, bufc Would occupy'hurnolf entirely with Ronny. Ja- oyntn loved to watch her at those moiitutitn from behind hid paper, and seek frooh pr>ofu of tlio infinite variety of her'clmrm. He did not wonder that tho littlo boy ivdorod hid mother. She wbi his playmate und companion, oa well an hut nurae and guardinn. The atoriou she told him, when ho wua tired of playing at npilikinn, with tranfiparent littlo fingers that tromblod from woakneau, were dolightful, Thore wae always nomo point in them which pro- vokod a duet of laughter from both to gether, Jacynih found it good to listen to. There wore timou, too, who it tho oonvorua- tion would become gonoral, that ja to Bay, when iRonny would- be the chief apoakrr, juld /'.whoa,., ho would toll, in bin ' quavering. - littlo voice, of tlio won* 'derful atid tcrriblo'thlnga ho had hoou .in^ the Now York nlumn.; < Jacyntb.moved wiEh"" pity for tho win to terror portruyod tin Fonolla's face, would'ounay to dtvort bU attention to other topic*. Ho. could not, however, prevent tho child from narrating to bin mother tho manner in which ho hud been ultimately iound and roHcnod. "They wouldn't lot mo go out of tho room," ho nnid ouruoiiLly ; *'we wan alt togotber in a room upstaira, oh, up euch a lot of ntnim ; MicU, that wub tho iiiuii'h nam6,and Bridget and me. It wan only ono room and that wau all ourhouao ; tho other poople only had one room for all their' houno, too, and thoy guvo mo a horrid old mattronH in tho corner fca Hloopon, nnd I had no toys, not tho leant bit of a toy to play with, und I did getao tirod all day long, and it dniolt bo horrid in tlio rooin.you can't think; and ono day Bridget thumped mo on tho head with a plate there wan only two plate* uhc had and I cried, and I aslt-od God'to send you toino.mmnmy; I wont on asking Him and bogging Him all the time. But I don't think Ho hoard mo, for thoro wan lota moro rooms and moro coiling!! ; oh, every ho many over ouro bo- fore you got to tho roof. And .one;-day there wuu no mo one knocked at thu door ; a great loud knock, und Bridget called out, "Thore'n the black man. come for you ; hide for your life, you apalneon" alio often call ed mo a, Kpiilpcou and I was no frightened, I run lo my innttreH, and Bridget threw a horrid old dre*n over ino and nearly nmothered iii. Miok wasn't tlioro, and what do you think? When tha men caino in, I hoard a voice that uaan't a bit like a blauk inan'fl vnico. I'd often heard the black mo" talking, you know. Thoro wan a bluek holler whore I wan Htaying before^ in Now York, but thin voico wasn't a bit liko that; and,; bo.I just peoped, liko thia, from under the clotheu; .and/ 6b, mummy, thoro wan Mr, Jacyuth and a lot of police men Htanding iimidu the room, and I Rave a Croat nhriek didn't! I, Mr, Jaoynth? and 1 kicked away thu dreHa, and I ruuhod rigjit to wheio Mr. Jucvnth wae (Handing, uud. X h.*ld to Ida logM-^I did; and bo took imo right.up and Insert me. I put my-armn round hiu nook, aud I cried und sob hod fit to break my heart) a.ud what do you think, mummy? [Honny'n voice convoyed unnum bered notes of emphatic exclamation. Mr. Jacynth waa ory;iirig,Uoo; ho' wuu, I seed him." , He miifht have added "an you aro crying now,'mother," for oa tho climax of the.narrative wn. reached, FenolU broko down eotnplately, and .inatinotively .hold out her band to thoeavlditr of ber little boy. Jacynth could not rofiaiu from preaning hi a lipa to it, und the action aonvet'ed i('tl)ou< Band timea more tliun tho courtly old cus tom is wont to convoy under ordinary oir* oumNtaiqoos. Uouny, 'pvorcomo by the r40olleqtion ot tha ic?do be had conjured up, flung hU arms rouudhls rnother's nook iiid thon bold up It is face to Jaoynth to he kiMHid, "Lut'H kiHn ultognthor," ha B*id in tho ofTuaivenemi of the moment, and KeaelU Wn fain once more to turn away her head lent Jaoynth nhotihl um her hlunheH. In eonliuetion with all tblg portion of thu illaiiMirouu ohnuoert that Uoimy hud ok: perimiccd, it will bo liotiend that no munthm of hiu father oroHHud Ida lipn. It wau only when tho moving uaoiduttt on hoiinl tin- l).iiii<! wan under dim'UMuion thut J'Vauk's altiire in the utrutign eventful hiMtory came to bo nurratud, hiki evmi then, whether for ..the _r east m'that Juuynth'ii prrmuuee mcallrd hiu briiii'vior on that dreadful night moro Hti'ongly toRrmiiy'u mind tlmn that of U\* absent fui her, or whoihof ln-eaiiHo hi pcrHonality wuu in point of fact ho much the HtrongiM' of tho .two, it in curtain that (he child p'Tinateiuly aligned the role nf the jniucip.il hero to Ida friend, notwi.th- iitanding (he Wnll-intouliotii'd idferti; of the latter to'ttanufer a portion of hiu luuroht lo Loid OiinIow. IjDiiiihiiimtM oiit toujouru tort, Hiyit the French proverb, and in a modified Huiibt) Ronny wnH unuotiMciouHly proving the truth ofihn proverb. It nuiHt not be uupponed, hnwovor, thut Feiiellit neglected to inform hurnolf in no far an wuh pimnible to her hmiliand'H move- inetith. 'Ptie tulffgram from (luernaey had iippniit'd her of hiu aufe arrival, uud of hiu itnforeed detention through bad weather. Tim three tlayn* gale had grown into a five duyii* gulc, and every morning Jaeylith noti fied to Lady Onalow, with an nxpremunn <it becoming gravity, the deplorable report* thut hud riMiehed him from the mot<nrolu- picul aiithoritieH ; and .insisted upon the itiadvimihility of rhiking a (Jhinind erouning until the prenent tempeHtuouii wind*'almuld have abated. A Itonny wd growing hourly better, and had been promoted by the doctor from roaat chicken to mutton chopii, uud, indued, to "unything ho fancied," which wau a larger order purhapn limn the worthy man could have Imagined, hudy Onidow accepted the delny in her huHband'u relurn with oomniendablu phil osophy. I um not nur that ho would have Hbown equal reuiguation if there had been no one at hand to participate iu hor delight at Ronny'a recovery, but Jacynth't. intureat in the overt Seemed ulmoat to equal hor own, and hiu skillful uuu;ge4tion thut thu longer Frank 'remained away tho greater would be tho joyful aurpriHo that awaited him, an regarded tho amount of fltiflh'that'Roiiiiy would httvo put on during bin uhuuucc, uue mod the bast ot roaftonn for taking patience. It is an ill wind, saya the old proverb, that blows nobody any good. Tho wind that retarded tiio Guernsey boats wan blowing tho roucH into Roiiny'ti cheeks and joy into Jaoynth's heart, when it suddenly lifted and a great calm fell upon laud and sua. Looking from the balcony Fenollu saw the lake in tho "opponite purk whining in the distance like a silver shield, and refiucted that at the name time next evening alio would probably lie watching it with' hor huuband by her aide. Ronny was now running about iu the full oxcrciHo of a convuloncent'a privi leges, and tyrannizing over his mother and his friend upon the principle that ho wau to live at Ida ease, to do uh ho pleased, and 4,not tu bo worried, the doctor nay*," With tho recuperative force of childhood be seemed hourly to grow and expand, and many were tho convoraalionu that Fenolla had with Jacynth upon the subject of his future training. Sht noticed that a word from tho latter wont farther than a whole clmptor of expoktulaliorju from herself; and fell uncoimciouuly into'the habit of refer ring the little boy lo his friend upon evoty oamiiion. 'It auiv bo ihajt, as uho watched tho tiky thia oveiling, aho was wouuering what Uonny would do when tlio firm and f;ontle iufitiencn that waa lo beneficial to um wuh removed [ and altngutber 10 ab- Boibod waa alio in her thoughts that sho did not oven hoar Jacyutli'n stop approach ing until he won by hor side. Then she turned her face, trunnfigiirud by the sun light glow, and looked at him with quen* tionlng eyes. Jaoynth's faco waa vory grave. thoro was bad news' written in every lino. He bold a telegram iu hiu hand, and Fonalla, with a itudduu netiau of icy chilliness invading - hor forohead and cheeks, took it from film without a word. Jaoynth; seeing her bo white, thought , she wau about to faint, and forced hor gently back into a chair. Tho telegram was brief, an tolograma are wont to he, even when infinite joy and >or- row aro coinprespod into thorn. "Lord On slow seriously ilit" it said. "Adviae Lady Ounlow to como at onto." "Oh, why," wan Fouolla'a first thought, "hud uho not gone sooner! Why. had sho allowod herself to take,it for granted that the winds mid tho waves wore the cause of the long delay! Might not hor heart have told her that Etomo utrouger potvor t!u*n ihouo watt holding her husband buck? Had sho oven once taken tho troublo to verify for herself the list of the arrivals and de partures on tho Guenwoy boats. ' What nelfiahnoss, what apathy, what Indlfferonce, ubu! sho has boon guilty of." Thoro woro tho self-uphraiJinRflJthat pursued her all the time hIio was making hor hurried and eager preparations fur departure, Jaoynth bad csaayed, in his usual calm and kindly fauh- ion, to reassure her against her worst tears, but he could not entur into > the subtler causes of her romorao. Ronny, in morbid terror of being takon to sea again, behav ed, wverthlosa, liko a man, when Jacynth allowed him,that it wus his duty to take euro of hiu mother. That vory night ho, Fonuiln,.ftttd tho child,who.were no used by thin time to puBsing forMonsiaur, Mudame, et Bebu that they almost felt liko the per- annages'they a'timulated, loft Liverpool for London. A'privilege children share with animals is their inability to realize the moaning of sickuciiB and sorrow, or suiTerihg, at a dis tance. (Though Ronny knew that ho waa being taken to boo "Poor papa, who was ill,"Ids knowledge did not bring home to him in.uny way the iuct that ho was in danger of loaiug hirr father. Fenolla'a pres cience waa kooni'r; the words "seriously ill" puniued hor like a maddoning refrain throughout tho whole long journey. In vain Jiioynth reprosonted to Iter that "seri'iunly" did not signify tho name thing uu "danger- ouuly," For tho first time since ho jiud known hor, uho showed a disposition to Va lient ids connolatory speoclies. On tho ntenmer slip hid herself away in the ludimt1 cabin, a procooding which Jacynth know.to be contrary to all hor , insiinctn, and left him to smoke his cigar forlornly oa the deck, Sho would not even give him the fiohico of tuking churgo of. Roihly, but cur ried tho liitlo hoy below into the petticoat Htmofiphcre of the uuwboieuotito iitroughold uho had selected. Jacyn<h ihoiciore buttled with' his' tMughlu alone. lie wus better ablo. than Ronny le reullza the import off (.ho telegram whioh had summoned him to Guermtey, and it must bo admitted that he did his utmoot to hring himsolf' to hopa that the tuuiio would b* tuinil an his conucnmcoiund his sense td honor . daintuidod that ho ahould hope ] for the cbniidaration that Frank's death would transform tho "mfght 'lia.v** ' been" Into the Mmigbt bo'Vwuu one that ho strove manfully to put away. U must liot iw ua a Judui, ho told biniHorf, that,he a(tpr<iached the bedsidfi Of bis friend,'niiilc, perbape, uuto death at this very moment, Ayel Ipk unto d^*th, though svea th# dootor who attended poor tnukon Frank woidd have told you there wi hopn still. What did tho doctor know of the litnt tnr- tiblo ricono in a lifo'n tragedy to which bin patient hud hetm a hel|ileui witnnHH, Icforo he ilraKfJuil liimuifW hack, quaking u'lt.li fover and ullViglit, to tho uottugn wliernin he had tiiknn up biMtntnpitrary uhodef What if tho lovo that luid linked him for a space withXtiollh. do Vigny h*d hud little .ill cnuimmrwith the "holy Ilium- that for* ever burnetii!" What if ii had htmn noth ing hut the ovuu**mmni. and unholy outcome of "fuittftuv'u hot fir-t?" It had yet left a reoolli'Otiou behind it which mideri'd it more t.iriihle for him to iuhi hnr tori mud mid uhun than another and a linttii' wouinti. Thut Heceud during which the lunatic's knife had-he(tu primiioil againnt lu-r heart tha Ki'coud during which he had fidri'dt.-d aloud for help, ii, ' liiiti-omt, unmnlmlnmH shriek, more like a stquull of tar gone animahsh agony than a woman's siiriek, lud utterly unmanned hint. Ifnhad reili/'.-d in that short space till tho liorrorn of a Dantoiupie bell whuji'M) roiieuo ii nnpon- stble. Yielding to the mud imptiixe of thu momunt, h would Imv.! filing himself down front the r'ick, a iuoIhhh vic tim hail not the mighlv "cn.ui, or pnusihiy some stronger pownr still, taken the matter into Uh hands and rendered nil intorvuiition uikiIohh, FranU -vuu coii'icioiiii of a loud booming uoiso accompanied by a mighty Hwinh und whirl of wutnr that Hoeined to cover the whole irugic ueeno from hiu vUlw. Tho salt spray du>i)ieil aloft and clound his smart in t; y*,s. When lie opened tlumi again, Lucille and her husbund wnro gone, only a mmiHler wnvo curling luck into the ocean was iiouudiiig their dirge. Whether the knife hud enumid bur lieai t bi>fnre thu aea took her into i\n merciful embrace, whet bur In hr death struggle -dm had clutched at her murderer and dragged him down with her to her doom, whether some mighty wave had riaim unexpectedly und HWept both combatants away at the in stant, could neVer be known. The ocean seemed to he hulled into a auddeu fury. For it moment Frank dimly discerned some ohjeet that might huvu been a wotuun's hair floating under tho liquid aroouT ~Rut wau it Lucille's Imir! For all ho know it might have been only one of thorn* waving tiiuglon of brown seaweed thai the mighty Atlantic liurgea wash into .the Fngliidi Ohnn- nol. With tram tiling kneetj and a reeling brain bu staggered away irom the scene of thu" tragedy. It was fully two hours before lm succeeded in dragging himselt buck to the cotiuge, whore he ter rified tho iiimutes by the aspect of his drawn white face und hollow eyes. What lud become pf Lncillu's sobbing child, qrphauud, in one ithort, fateful in stant, he could not. have told. Ton ibid aud put to bed by kindly hands, he Uy like the Israelitisn king with hiu face to thu wall, in the torpor that followed upon tho too groat tension ho had endured. Kven tho zest for life seamed to be leaving him. Thore wan only one thing left, for which ho would fain have endured a few hours longer, and no one could give him tho assurance thut this thing ho yuarnod for wan coining cloue and closer to him with every vibration of the screw that drove the Guornuoy boat with its freight of pas sengers nearer ami nuaror to its destina tion. THfi DOCTORS WERE TI1KY MA.ID M.R. RKUBRN 1M3TCII WAS. IMmtVliVisr- VdNTIjVOlMAnijKIX ility A ppiirriilly Ilml t;<x(7iroiiiid*i tut '* Hi lr IKep'ort anil wit- ibo Sirentid. ufit U, tvuri lul(l a Al,,;o<> Olvubillty truyuruHcir -l.iiotliei' <M>n Iti U'hKli IU*. U'llllmiis1 I'liilf I-ilU lluve Uioutrl.l Hultli \(tor all Oilier lt(uur F<|rd. I-'roin tlio Mouford Ifoaltoc-* Air. Reuben Retch is n reuidontof Urier-i- ville who bah boon known to tho editor of the Monitor for u, ('oimiderablu nurnbur of yearr. For lu-vonil vcurn Mr. Petoh Int4 bfjuu in bad health, hau heeti >in. niLfjUHa nulferer and wau declared incurable by a number of physicians, and wis paid a dinabilily iusuranou of 91,.100. Lately, to the ftHtanHhment of those who hud It~i6wn tliat be wau pronounced incura-hU*, Mr. Fetch bus been brouglit h 10k almost ta bin former hontth. Thin rentoratioti ha attributes to tlio uho of Dr. Williams' Pink IMIIh, and knowing Unit hiu utory would interoHt tho road or r of the Monitor, a re porter watt o'it to mturview tho him. The follttwino; in Mr. Potch'a imrratiyo an given tho reporter : "I bad been mok for imino five youru, ij cou-ulted in thar time with no Ioh fchan six of the bet physician* I could find, hut none aecmed to help me as fur as molicino v/as 'inu'ierued. My luntM aud body woro CHAPTER XXty.-BY F. ANSTFY. "WHOM THtf OODS HATE IJIE KAKO." It seemed that the doctor was right after all ; Frank Onslow wan feeling bettor,, dis tinctly, undeniably better, a he lay on the chintz couch in tiio little sitting room of the roue-hung cottage at Uueinsoy, The pain about the rogtou of fho heart had en tirely disappeared under skilled medical treatment; not for muiiy a day had he felt moro vigorous and hopeful, reclining there with hiu eyon fixed upon the doer in mo mentary expectation that it Would open and admit the slight girlish form of tho wile from whom ho had been ua long and cruelly separated. Yes, Funella was' on her way to him, ho would noo her, hold her in Ida armfi I Thoro might ho years of hap piness yet In store for them yearn in which to atone, to forgot. Surely the boat must havo arrived by tltis timol What was that sound? He had not deceived himselj; there wan a light step on the gravel out- bide. She had come, (the was hero, in an other instant, sho would be at his "uidoT The door was gently opouod, he roao to his foot with a smothered cry of joy, rose and tho next mstsntsiit down again heavily, with a groan of irrepressible disappoint ment. Fjr tho woman who stood there, dazzling yet in hor failed southern beauty, was not Fenellu ; Lt was Lucille do Vigny, whom, U3 ho fondly imagined, ho had lust beheld drowning iu tho blue-green waves, elm pod in the fierce embrace of her in'* jurod ami rovongeful husband, Iho blade of whoso.daggor was deeply cmbodded in her bonom. The shock of the suriiriso was consider* ablo: it was some time before ho could re- covor Hufiiciuntly to express himself in appropriate terms. "Witch, domoneas, arch-fiend that you are !"'he croaiiod, "how came you bore! Han tho sea given you up once more !" "Ah, Frauk !" alio said, with a soft musical accent- of reproach, "I did not expect that question (to say nothing of the form iu which it wuu put) from you of all men. Who should know how I escaped what soemed a well-nigh inevitable doom, if not tho man who preserved my life!" "I I prosorvo your lite"" guipcd Onslow, hi a bewilderment which, tindor tho cir- cuinstauceu was not unnatural. "You forgot soon, sooner than I," I can aqo tho wbolo doenii yet ; my . horriblo husband holding mo closer still; tho uteoly glitter of tho blado as it touched my broast ; you on the rock thirty foot above, gazing with oyeu that aro fixed oh, but fixed! [uho olosod her own as .she tpoko, with a flicker liko tho instantaneous ahuttor of a camera] and noxt, -without.' warning, with a sudden bound you .leapt the distance between us, hurled, with'a strength that iu your shattered state Boom ed almost supernatural, my would-be exu- cutionor into tho n<-a with one bund, wlulo you supported my half-fainting form with tli|0 other, and then strode uAuy up tho ulifT like one in a droam. Surely you romoth- horr - Frank shook his head; he had norocolleo* lion whatevor of the incident. That thin should he n will not surprise tha reader, who in alroudy Mvuro.ihul hu.wits.subject,. under certain mental conditions, to hyp-' uotic truncoo. In ono of thorn ho had, ua wo know, destroyed a life; in another he had preserved ono with an equal luck of volition of consciousness in either cane. Even now he could not bring lilmaolf t credit hor account, any moro than ho could afiai-t k (Litcolit doareo of satisfaction at so untimely1 a resuscitation. StilU; thdto she stood, alive -whoever had rescued her; nnd it occurred to him preuont- ly that he might at le-iit profit by the fact to obtain some light upon a point which had coifchim several anxlouH thoughU- of late. Hid1 sho, or bad' ho hot, written that myn* terioua letter from" Fo*rrion'H Row! If hUq: had, oould she iiidobd prove thnt'FeneHa was giilltleas of Count ie Mnrgor's MomlT Deupibe bU dntrineja loyalty to hi* wifo, ho could.not help prt-forriuj; tbot ,lier fair little hand should bo urn Wined oven by a Justifiable hoinloW*/1 It "was Weakness, no doubt, but man ia built up oi prejudioev puffed or bloated ho I could not got my olothi's ou. I bad lout tho uso of my hrobu entirely. When I began taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pilhi I could not droan tny- aolf and had not drusued myaoU for two youra proviouu. I could not opou_ my month enough to receivo auy solid food, and I had to bo fed with a spoon. I fioomod to havo lockjaw. I could not got up or down tho door steps, and if I fell down I had to ho thoro until I wau hoi pad up, I could uot get around "without a cano and a crutch. My flisb noemed lo bo- dead. Yon might havo made apmcttsbiou of mo and I would foul no hurt. Tho doa- torii told mo 1 could novurgot bettor. Thoy intid I had pulny on one "idiJ, causod by apiriul RtjlcrouiK, the effect of la grippe. You might roast mo and I would not sweat, 1 wan a mombor of tho Mutual Aid AHoociution of Toronto, and, aa under their rulon I wan entitled to & disability m> auramca, I made application for it. I wau "oxumiriGd~by~two doctorn on behalf of tho AsBOciatio and pronouwcod pormtmcntly dtsablod, and was in duo time paid my disability immranoo of 81,500, Thia was about two ygurs ttf'or I first took sick. Thinrjs wont ou in thia way for a consider- ablo porioc.', and my holploeunyfln waH, if anything, on tho increase. I wan con tinually loading about'tho curei through the ubo of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and at last detorrciuod to try thorn. Aftor uaing four or flvo boxon there Wua a change. It firnt mado itnolf omnifont by my bogin- niug to swoat frooly. 1 made up my mind to givothom a thorough trial aud to my aurpriGo I havo gainod in hoalth and sfcrougth over aiuco. I tako no othor mod- ioino exoepfc Pink Pillti. I began laking thorn whoa all othor modicineH and tho dootors failed to do mo any good. I could not got off my chair without help. I uovor oxpociod to got hotter hut Pink Pillfl havo roHCued mo from a living douth, and now I am happy to'oay I can work aud walk and got around finely. I oat heartily, aleop Houndlv,.and fool liko u new man, aud I aooribo tho oauod entirely to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I cannot -.ay 1oo'\m*oti~m their prulc and n^commoiid tlio highly to all nimtlarl) Hlllotod." Tho abovo i Mr. Pitch'* un^nyuished statomont of-hi" oaso and wo" might add, wo know him to bo a ronpeolablo, roliablo gentleman, who baa no into rout in mukiug tho atatoraont only to do good to othorn who might become ailhctud mi he wau. Thu utroiig tuHtimonv provua tlio olaiiu mado thnt Dr. WilliatrjH' Pink Pills earn when othor modicums fail, and that they detiorvoto rank ua-tho - grout^st discovery of modern modioal ooienco. The public should always bo oh thoir guard agalhMC imitations und hubstitutau, which Bomo unncrupuloun doalorH for tho Baku of extra profit, ttrgo upon purobasorfi. There is no other rpmody "just tho same au" or "just aa good" aa dootor Williams' Pmk Pill and tho go u id no alwayH have tho full trade mark, Dr. Williaina' Pink Pilln for Pile Pupple, ou the. wrapper around every box. Ah baldnoUH mukH ouo look premature ly old, bob, full bond of hair gives to nature lifo tho appearance of youth. To secure this aud prevent; former, Aycr-V Hair Vigor ia "confidently reoommtmded. Both ladioa and gautlemen pn fer it to any* ofchet dtOBBiuK. 1 .-.'".. 'i :(. \'fA .'f!l.i9 &^;-('. .*^-.i'-vi ,:' : rj&iii^i^ ^ti&&t^ \Ci r'JV 55 41