ft* ft,"', LC MONEY TO LEND On mortgagee at 5 per Otmt. Firo and Life Iti- sarano'i at lowont rutou, t- J. W. GIBSON. l\V\ Agont The Essex free press. MONJEY TOliBJBD On mortgage at 5 pel cent. Fire and Iiifojla- Kurauco at lowest ratea. J. W. GIBSON, VOL JQL No 10 ESSEX, ONT. FRIDAY. APRIL 17. 189G WHOLE No. 688 !=3 1 B- I I Full Weight silk--'-1 s* ^4 Pure Goods, Close Prices These are our mottoes in our Grocery Department. Every pound we deal out weighs sixteen ounces no less and no more. Our sugars contain no sand and our cof fees no ohicory. In price we are "always as low as the lo *r~ est, and have always some thing special upon which we save your money. Just open ed up 25 cases canned To matoes and Corn, first class goods, price while they last 4 cans for 25 cents. In our Clothing Department we aro showing extra vah;e in Men's Tweed Suits at $n.0o, Price about on a par with corn at 8Uo a bushel. Our Boys EngliHh made suits frpm $1.25 a ouitup, aro giving pood satisfaction. just received Ibis week a ship ment of Cotton Hose direct from Gormnny, We can give you a nice Ladies' Black Cotton Stockings at 6c n pair. Ladies' Heavy Fast Black Cotton Hoso at 10c a pair. Childrons and MisBea Tan Ilosoall Bizos-at 5o it pair. Now goods arriving daily, prices Icwqi* than over before. All goods marked in plain figures | Ono price for all I Money refunded if any purchase provos unsatisfactory. i^UNryi BROOKER. Mr. W. Grieved Iiuh moved to Tilbury, Mrn. W. Brookor in very nick* ItuuuugH are getting iih common uh wood btioH need to bo. A number of friondH from Fnnox woro itfc the Wodnauday ovomng prayer mooting. OLINDA. TIkj toa mooting to bo given in thn Mothodiut ohuroh prominou to bo u groat HiiceofiH. The committoe of management will aparo no pamn in furninhmg a flrut uIush ontortaiumout, Friondit cordially iuvitod on tlitt ovouiiig of Wodnoaduy 2'J innt. Tho Koiiqx Quurtotto aro oxpoctad to bo ptofiont, alcio (tovoral t\r\> olauu npeakora. AttNER. Mr. Bodford bun purohasiod a largo quantity of timber from 0. J. Amor. W. II. Candy ban gouo to Kingnvillo whoro ho ban Hoaurod u aituation. Tho Epworth League of Chrifttirt.ii En deavor aaoioty wan lad by Miau Qouova B. Ajjla on Woduooduy evening Iant, uubjoct, "Private Prnyor and Bible Stndy". Robert HoRton ban nioyod bio family hero for future ronidanco. Runnol Balkwill hat) moved into tho houHo lutoly ocoupiod by Goo. Allen, and Mr. Allon nan movod to Walkorvillo whoro he ban Roourod work for the Hummer. GERTO. Mru. Balcor has gone to Loamington for a change and to roouporate aftor hor flick- noon. Mm, P. Cunningham has rotumod homo from Woodaluu, whoro nhe hua been attending hor winter, Mm. Kolly during Uor lato mcknetm. Rev. Mr. Trimblo prouohed in Gosto on Tuofiduy evouing lant, Mihh Trimble ro. turnod misaiouary froiu China, aiotor to Mr. Trimblo wan alao protiont, it boiu a Hpocial oorvico. On Sundu> evening noxt Rov, Mr. Ken nedy will reooivo on trial for raembornhip tho coHvortfj recently raado dtjriug tho iipocial Horvicoa. Fariuora do you want monoy at 6$ por cent ? If ho write A. G. Bakor Jjoaminj; ton, Unt. Tormu of payraont of principal to nuit borrowora. CnnNKKVIIjLifi. JoHoph Kniuhfc returned homo from INmtino, Miuhtgan. Gordon Hteod in making proparulionn to ruiiiu it bam uhortly, Goorjjo Pattortjon, jr., huti yotio cant to vialt (riondft and rolativeH. Mr. and Mrti. Eli Jfc'ox Hpntit KnHtar with friendu and rolafcivoo in Kinguvillo. Daniel Woliih. o! Amor, iipotH a fow duyti hint wuok renowin^ aoijuaintanoQU in tho villuno. Mr. Nohlo in fonoiuH part of Iii'h lot on tho 9th con., which ho bought a nhort timn ago. Gharlou Ij'ppott and Barnont Cook hnvo boon Horapind flolclioHtor and GoHfiolrl kowulmo from Ehhox town to tonth eon* OOHIliOU. Mr. Irwin, accompanied by liiu uon, Frnnk, paid friendu in Harrow a Hying | viwit Sunday, tbo gwout of his non-in-law, Goorgo Atkinn. NORTn RIDGE. Wm. H. Burko'o barn wan utruck with lightening last Battirdny morning abont -1 a. m, No oorjouB damage wub dono ox* cept knocking off a fow boardn. BoitN, On Saturday April 11, 18%, the wifo of Wm. Roevoo.of a daughter. Wm. CrbscIIh ban built a now residence for himself on tho 50 aero lot he purohuaod a abort time ago from John Guiicoyno, and located on tho 8th con. Kbonozcr Gammon did tho carpontor work. Vegetation hao boon very rapid the pat week, uinco the warm rain of last Satur day morning. John J. Wigle and wifo, of Kiugoville, called ou A. G. Bodoll and wifo laat Tuen- day. FarmorH -lo you want money at 5} per :ont.? If no write A. G. Bakor Learning- ton, Ont. Terma of payment of principal to HUit borrowora. FORSYTHE, ANDERSON & CO. Leading Store of Essex, MAIDSTONE. There wua a kicking mutoh on Monday nijjht. Tueoday fol'owod up with a dance Mian Nellio Conroy wan tho gnedt of Mihb Nollio Barret ou Sunday night, Mi no Ada Halford'fi numorouu friends will bo ploaned to loarn that obe ih homo again. Mr. Wortloy had a boo on Monday to move tbo Ghuroh HliodH. Who will pay toll ou tho Hall. And Btill that baUor breaku WulBh'o heart. Mr John Moueaay wan tho guc-ut of I. Halford on Monday night. Mihn Nollio Barret m with hor mater Mrn. Xeuny again. Chao. T. and Frankio MoCIOHlcoy called on rolaMvou on Middlo lloa-l on Sunday, Willie Dhovallor ban bought u farm. Thoy nay too that Willio wantH a houno- keopor. Who in it going to bo, Willio? CALIFORNIA. Mrs. Edward Townwond ia very ori- outily ill dtprcuont. Minn Br alt of AmUoratburg in viniting hor niutor, MrH. Albert Golden. Mr. Ojiloy and non ooramoucod work on Bhilip Wiglo'w now barn on Monday, Mra. Cfirapau and duughtor, Floauio, of Kingnvillo, aro viaifcing friondu iu tho neighborhood. Mian Annio Wright and Mihh Minnie Ilor of Cololioator Honth oallod on frlondu in thiH neighborhood ou Friday of last wook. Mine Lou Wiglo, who ban boon oponding the ouHtor holidays at her homo hero, him returned to Etmox, whoro iiho.iH attonding tho High School. Tho wedding of MiRH Emma Graingt-r and AriniLiid Oxloy took plauo at tho vaa'u donco of J. Lonuon, brothor-in-lw of tho brido, on Wednesday ovaniug, April 8th, tit Hovon o'olook. Tho cororaony wan por- formed by tho Rov. Mr. Bovotly of Enaox, aftor whioh tea wan nerved and mnuio rondorod by Mihh Elletta Oxley. The bride, who waa nicalv attired in white, wan tiuaiated by hor aiutor, Mihh AIioo Grainger. "Tho bridegroom waa asaititod by hiu brothor Erwnuo Oxloy. Miss EdiHi Lonnon acted un maid of honor. Tho prosontii woro nnmaroUH and ueeful. COTTAM. Mr. John AuhMii ban roraovod to bin homo uear Kingnvillo and Robert Parker from Ebhgx ban movod into the honno vi- cated by him, viz., tho Wagataff proporty. A.Ferrian, Reevo of South Goloheator, pauued through our town Monday looking for road horaen with tho view of parchaa- iug. Wo had not tho olutin wanted by him. Had to bu rtixtcon hand high with ntylihh action. Ono of our oitwrnn rucoiveu a compli. montury invitation from D. 0. Mannon la bo prooont at tho annual corarnonoamont oxorcioea of tho Marion Simu Collogo of modicine. Wo are alwaya ploanod to hoar from old fnoudn and eapeciaUy of thoir fiucccss. I. T. Brown returned from MinuoBotta latit weokjho omuReti hia ovoniug audience a ' with oomo rathor fioby otonoa from that cold northern olimato, nuch an au orango trco growing in a etore with fruit noarly ripe, and tomatoes aa houso pUutH with tomatoes aboat tho mzo of hickory uutu. Tho ontortaiuraont iuCottamTown Hall lant Thuruduy evouing ia worthy moro tliau a paeaing noiica. Though tho night wua oold and wot, tho hall waa woll tilled, tho program a good ono and well produced* Somo friouda from Ehhox kindly gavo their aHaiBtanoo with aoleotionb ot musio,' and illuminated club (twinging bv Dr. Brieu waa very much admired by all. The young people of tho Cottam Meth- odint Church aro holding very HnccoBHful and intoreatiu meotiugn every Friday evening. The ntudy of the Sabbath School Iobhou and aingiug Qlla a very ploannnt and profitable homo. drown Alto rnoyUhirka. In tho (ileotion of tho Ontario htmohoru for tho corning year A. H, Clarke, county ornwn attorney, lmn hnon olootod one f tho momborn. Thoro aro thirty bonc|iorn oluctod for oho provinoo avavy four yoitrnf and tlioir dutin aro to oIujoho lootmorw and examinom, oitll titudonta to the bar, have Huporvimon oyor tlie roportn of decimona and appoint ruportorH for compiling thu re- portH for the uuu of tho profftHHion. Mr, Clarko unjoyu tho diHtiuotion of bning tho firHt member of the annooiation who hun budti chonoii for Eimiox aonuty, and in ahio thu youiifiowt of the thirty membora, Mr Clarko waa borno in tho villago of Mtiiulla> Victoria county, province of Ontario, in tho year 18*10 llu panned Iuh law examini*. tioH in tho Miohaolman torm of 1&J2, and atartej tho fimntioo of hie profoii'doii in tho town of IOhhox. In 181)0 ho dcoidod to ro- moyo to Windnor. and in 18!)'J waM ap pointed crown attorney. Ho afterward formed a partnorubip ^with tho ftrm now known uu Cliirlco, Bartlot J!c Dartlot. Closing-out Sale OF Dry Goods At BARRETT & Go.'s, Bankrupt Stock Store Having decided to go entirely out of Dry Goods, inordei to go more extensively into Clothing, .Boots and Shoes and Furnishing, und being desirous of closing out every yard ol Dry Goods in our establishment, amounting to over Ao. 3 Co. to tlio Front. Canadian militia general ordern, dated April lat, lHlKj, contain a complete tab ulated Htateruont of tho -comparative of. iloionoy of thu active militia of Canada. A companion of the general oflloionoy o' the flvo cempanioii of the '21nt (Edkox) battalion Hhowii No. 3 Company, of Emiox towu, to uploudid advantago denpito tho numbor of marko doduotod from that Co. for abdontoeu, and for failure on tbo part of ouoor two tmbordinato ofitooru to auBwer quoatio. H propounded by tho oxamiuing oflicor. Tiim in accounted for by tko faot that only one lioutonant wub tnken with the Co. UH ugainat two with other com- pumos and that one, who had been living out of town, ha.d not boon ablo to properly oducato lumnejf before goiug to oamp. But for thoiio uuavoidablo. Hhortcominjju No. B Co. would have received, in all, about 8'J points, inatoad of V7, but it will bo iiuou that 77 pointti placoa thia Co. at tho h.ad of tbo five in tho Euuox county battuhon, Capt. RtJHBcll doHervoH credit for the manner in which he ia handling tho Co, aa ihown by its high standing in Co. drill, and alno for tbo care of tho company'a property, aa tho arraa and armory alao re* caiyed tbo high oat ataudmg, No. ii Go. wuutfi a few more good men to volunreor for tbo Horvico. Followiug in tho tabulated comparinon ahowinc atanding of tho live companica: ^v,ooo.oo, Boibre Juno 1, WE V/ILL START A MAMMOTH CLEARING SALE . SATURDAY, MARCH 28, Of ovorytliing in Dress Goods, Trimming;, Silku, Patina, Lining. Glovefl, IIoHioiy, Corsots, Laco Curtaina, (Jhcnollo CurtainH, Curtain Polos, Tnblo Linoris, Towclingn, Cotton?, PrintP, in iact cvorytliiny in tho Dry Goods dopurtmont must bo cleared out, and an the bulk oi our atoclc ifJ all now and bought for thia apmitr'H trado, this is an opportunity raroly offerod to the buying public to purchase Hoasonablo goods the iirst of the soason at tho unprecedented Hacrificcs wo are making on everything in our Dry Goodo dopai'tmont. No suoh remarlcable chancos for bargains havo over boon offorcd to tlie people of Esbcx and .surrounding countiy. Clothing", Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps and Furnishings, vVill bo a leading feature in our buaincaa in future, and we guavanteo you a aaving of from |{j fO 25 PER CENTi on evorything you-buy-m-lhoso de- partmcntH, If you do not come to tiiis sale you are simply throwing away money. Hero is a chance such aA you have nevor seen oqualled. Don't miss it, but bring your Egi^s and Cash to Barrett & Co., The One Price and strictly Cash Store. c o o o o cs & i o -> o-z EC OS* 0000ro o o a ,r )' aoi-iciii': S! OlPStiO' uiwowu: 4. C5 0" tn ^-* i a-, -l o -i: OCT O TO-1; "3 D 3 s p D 5' OlotbinK and Ao- coutromontn. AruiB nutlAr- oiorlflu. Manual Exorotno. FiriuR ExorclBn. Company Drill. s Tho Now UKnlto of UiuciutH Is Homcthiug well worth taiitin^ and onoo you have them on your table, you will havo no other. The name is Cream Rod a u, thoy aro put in bluo covorod tin boxes and for dale at Diobol & Briokor, E mi ox. The Croum Soda BisauitB aro always froHli, aud tbo boat biHOuit in tho market, in blue covorod tin boxcw, Oream Bod an, mado only by Toronto BIhouU He Confectionery Company. Gontlomen, Do yon want tho vory latoot thniK" in walking MtiokH? I havo junt boujjht a nice uHBortrr.ont which I would like to nhow you, E. L. Pauk, Jew eler. Tlio, Nwiiflil Trutli. An told by Rev. I, R,. Johnotou, B. A. M. A. (ProHbytoriau), Toronto. "Pinomult I have found rsmarltably ehlaaoioua iu 'nipping a cold m the bud1, Tho quick ro. (ief it afforda in couuh, and Uio other dia trending aymptomu'df a deep Boated oold, uro flimply Hurprihinp. In aoro throat and iioamonehti it ivoB upoedy rolief. It in tbo frioud of thoclortiy, aa tho dntioo of tlie Sabbath approach and a cold hao boon contracted. I have fonud it ao." Why ih It that ho manv raou of oduoatiou and prominence in huHimMin and profon- aional lifo voluntarily todtify to Pintmalt ? No other roraody oommandi the public ondornation ot ho many prom in out oititena. Firnt, bcoauHo Pmomalt is a ^euuioo artidloaud doea not diaappoiut, and hog- oudly, hacuuHn it ia not ftdvortinod uh u. aurmall or a rairaclo working remedy. Xt in an honest medicine proHouted in an honettt way. Auk your drugfjiat, iu ohrouio ooeeb, and coiiHumption, for Finomalt and Hypopboipbites inatead of plain Pmomalt. isrowww: SI SI Interior Koonorny, ___ltocordd, oto. Jij ji. c. Bcoro, Itiillo, PruoticH, AimwurH to Quuutlouii, j/odiiot lor Abiiontooii, Total. liiittallon Avornu'o. HEART FLUTTERING AND JSMOTH- ElUNG SPELLS. Quickly and Permanently Bmiflhodby Dr. Annew'B Curo for the Boarl.' One do en not ncod to wait, if wine, until Uoart diaoaHo ban developed to that' dop;ree that one hardly knows from hour to hour whon he or alio may drop doad. Theme heart tluttorin^ thur. a little excitomant brinHHOU, followed by amolhoririt; opolle that Boom au though they would provo futul, are n?mply (imdo pofitn pointing to the grave, if roudy und reliable measuroa to nl*m the djaeaoo are not tnkeu. A safe remody in alwayH found in Dr. Aguow'a Cure for thti ileurt. It uivon reliot un mediatoly, and even, wlthont much of tho madiciuo boinp; tukon, it oomplotoly ro- movoH diaotteo. It> ih u hnart upcotllo, really xvonderiul in ltd retmlts, but itouroa heart dinoiiKo only. Sold by J. Thome, druiMUt. Htiwiiltw Veil tHt> Nt#ry. A vaifc muHb of direct uniwpoaolmblo tOBtimouy proven beyond any pomdbiiity of doubt that Hood'n SurHaparilla notually perfectly ind pernqauently oare dibeaseM canoed by iuapura blood. Its record of of oure ! uuoquallud and thane cures have often beau ucoompllHhcd after all other preparations bad fulled. Hood's Pi 11-i oare all liver Wi, bilious- need, jauitdioe, indigestion, hick headache. GREENFIELD. Mrq, Annon WiIhoo rotarned home Sat- arday laut, aftor BpcndinK aovoral weeka with hor daughter Mm. W. Coataworth, of KiuRBville, Jrtlm Ellin ban rooontly pnroli'ihod tin* went half of Gnflith farm, tho oat half having bon bought by Thoa. EIHb Home timo u.0. Thi land ban fallen into good handa; already improvementn havo been mado, which woro very much needed. Wo HhallmtHU the boautital muuturd bUHHonin. A. TCilHOn called on frionua in Wiuduor oft Monday. Mr. NVif.lo of thia pluco huH routod R, Little'a farm. At lant, after fiftoen yoarn coimideratiou, tho Muidfltouo Council buvobcon prevailed upon to take Home little action in provid- iuijdraua^o for needful furna landu. CAMP PALMEK. Mra. Wm, Mihonor in Rlowly rocovcrint;. Mr. und Mrn. E. Covy, of Ehsox, upeut Sunday at J. Culhbcrt'n. On Monday, Maroh 30, to Mr. and MrH. Audrow Bingot, aduu^htor. Mm. C. Andornou ia utill on tho mok liut; hor baby ia aluo dangorounly ill. A very oujoyablo timo was spout at tbo home of Mr. und Mra. Wm. Groen on Wed.ioHday oveniuK laat. Mumcand gaino were indulged io. I mi no Koborta, ni^lil watohmuu at H. M. Minonor'a otavu mill, has boon vory ill with that lingering complaint, we all droad ao much, la grippo. Mr.- and MrH. Miaonor und daughter Bello, ncaompatiiod by the lnttor'u friend. Minu Bongalh toaobor of our school, ftpont their Eaiitor vooatiou iu Detroit, On Saturday aftornoou while Prank Brown wan employ ad foiling oomo Io^b down a nkidway, one ulipped, falling on bin foot, hurting it vory oadly. I can.givc you a good sott of Single IIarnoas,warrantod hand-made For $10. F. S. Adams, Talbot St.. Eri'O SING LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY, Cor. Talbot st.and Victoriaave. The latoot improvod raaohinery for Ironing Gollarn and Cu0b. Will not crack or break ttio wing. Family work ohoap. and delivered. Pnrcela oallod for Plea bo call und try. If not Hutisfaoiory no charge will bo mado. If our work auitn you, recommend un to your friendu. Wheat rod por buaucl...ft Wheat, white .... Com Oato .... Timothy Sood .... Clovor Sood .-.. Alaike AttKETJ 70 to 70 70 30 IB to 18 300 4 50 to i CO i 00 mayar wurirar. Mr. Goo. H. Rurjiar, Pootmaator and Mayor of Woltund, One, fiuya: "From ox* porionoo in my own family I oaunot apuak too hjchly of Sturk'u Powdora a a ploammt, imuiediato and pormauetit cure for Head- acho, Neuralgia, BilioumiosB and Livor troabloH, I am also awaro of neveral (ioyaro oaftOH In our own town and neighborhood wbioh have boon cured bv them after tbo patienhH bad Buffered for yearn, had tried all kiudn of retnedtea and had been treated by dnotory. Oho, II. Bukoak, Two preparations in eaok box; nice to take. Bold by all modiuiue deattre a1! 2Co a box. G boxea SI. Murob SO. Hay per tou............ OOOtolOOO Beof per owt............ "" Pork ............ Mutton ...........4 Hidoo ............ Chickena per lb.......... B n't tor .......... Lard .......... EtfgB, por doss -.... ...... l^otatoco, per buuliol .... OlllOtlH .... Apples .... TurnirF. .... Carrota Boeta '.... PartmipB ...-. Turkeyd por lb.......... Duokn.......... Colerv porjJo^ .......... Cubbago .......... Mtritku Waluer Jk Mou Market Hc^un \ CO to C 00 1 to 475 7fi 5 OOto fifiO 800" 8 3fi 7 0 25 75 1 OOto 1 00 w *Gto 25 _. 40 0 " 30 8 to 9 7 I 00 25 7 \r> 7 ac to 70 to 'ifii SO 20 76 82 Th above prioett aro paid by, H Walkei oUs, WalkervilU. Oat. Ko. 1 Ryu, por buaWol .-. 1 OaU oleahed 1 Barley owt 9 ;,' owt 1 Corn bus WANTKD.^-YOUNO OB MIDDLE AGED MEN of oharaoter Hutiureda iorexnoet in Canada, atarted with ub. About V14.O0 n, week to ta3n with. THB BBADliEy-GAR- BKTflON CO. LTp.. Toxonto, Out.' ^ % t^ ' CilV^S.*.. iJti^ M"i