Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 10, 1896, p. 7

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i$&$^wwmw*!*?mw ymrm re:- } I*" - ^ baby growth The baby's mission is Srowth. To that little bun- le of love, half trick, half dream, every added ounce cf flesh means added hnp- faness and comfort I Fat is he signal of perfect health, comfort", good nature," baby beauty. Scott's Emulsion, with kypophosphiU'sTTsTho eas iest fat-food baby cart have, In the easiest form. It sup plies just what lie cannot get in his ordinary food', and helps h i m over the weak places to perfect growth. Scott & Howwu, llollrvJIlt, Out. &oc> H<I$l.oo THE MYSTEIiY OF IMIN- WIIAT A It 15 ITS UAUKKM AMI> WHY IS IT lMaWITTKJ>. flu' (.'mil Work tlnii id Helii Oouo l>y llrlglit nihulN in Allevlniliits iluu\l\ Suili rlttn- A Cnttv, MlotiUuiX u Strlltlut: Uluutrutlon. From Tlio ICrlu Advocate. J(1rora the tnn when mini fiim peoplod tho earth down to tlio prom-nt day, tho ruyitovy of pain him filled all hourtn with wonUe;* and terror. What ure itn eamuiH, wiy in it puimtted, and what ltu linen uro in tho great economy of naturo? All theiie questiono mon ha\o unltwl of thomuolvL-n uud of one another, but tlin queidiou lout foiintl no flotation. All that can bo done iu to devino ways of relieving phyidcial gufforing, and hripjit minda buva lUiHiHted toiidet heartii in on.iging aid to tho ui- Paths for Wheelmen. Khhox mhuIh, for tho moid* phrfc, aro so well milled fin' hiayaliufi that special Hld- pathn mi< not a neoeHU'tV, an thy ury boin^ foiaul to bo in uotno_ pattu of tho BUtea whom there am many ridura.^aud tho roudH urn norm too tfood, Ou March -ith lunt u bill iiulborlMimj tho rliniiuof>noncy to eomttmot bmyulo and foot paths alontf and upon Ihn Nw Jersey roadii wuHpawadd hv the Now Jernoy JIouho. Tliooo pathu urn le ho not uplift for tho oxthiuiyo nun of bioyolf! and foot pHMiion^oni. '.Mio biayolo jiitlliu idudl nol bo lofiii thitn tliroo or mure than nix hot in width, and thoy ninth bo count) uctud nndw the nuperviwon of a Towimhip Committee. The pathu filial! bo nut a purl for tho who of bioyclo ridorii, mid driveiiint wu^oiih nhn.ll hi) imhjoot to a finool frfi for tioHpiiHHinj; u fchoni with vohiolim. A nomi what imiiilm* bill ban boon pre pared tot' nulmutmion to tho Now York State Li'i;iulnturo to authorize tho Board of Hupervhioiu of Muurou Comuy to iip. pond, hidopatli oouimhuoiierM, lu tax oyrlcii and to expend tho fundi) rained thereby in tlu- eonntrnelion of Hido pathu. The aity of ltuehoHter hi Hitnatod in thin county. It ih'GiilimtLtcri there aro 15,000 whcolu in tiui .lihtritJt, and it hi propound to t,ax thorn 31 each. It coti ^200 a milo to aountrucb a uindrr path thff-u ftub m width, ho that tho 51.1,000 would poinnt of the eomitruc- tiou of 7."- luilufi of pathway throughout tho country. Tho time iu coniin^ when bioyclcm will ho no ^unnrally iinod that Hjiocial road uo- ooramodation will hnvo to bo providud, uo that tho rider* Will ho independent, "a thoy now aro not, of rainy weather. A tax of one dollar porhwad, if mippleinontod by tlio ijiunicipalitioH, and devoted to tlio purpohu of aomitructintf Hulo-pathu, could, no :louhl, bo borne by whoolmon until uuch times ns tho bioyolo bocomtH ho univorunl ly lined im nu inutiumont of locomotion that thu whole peoplo should defray tho whole ooHt. IW "/^w IDWarABcr-H'n-: R i i\ vk IN YOUTH ff{ LATER EXCESSES IW MANHOOD T MAKE NBRVOUS, DISEASED MEN K o,' li'iiui.nuiii ami foll> la youth, Hon of mind and body lndno.|f, lii'il.nndiixpoiiiinuirn rmwtimtly wr.^jknw thoJivtMUintl luuiuifl nroudiilnff jMUiuf lioiri. Hotnn fiulonml \vltli'>r iifc nti ftudy "WiB i,j>it ii'inhioHKont (dmanliood, wldliMUhcin mo foriNwl to <lni*r out a woary, fridtlomi uhiJm 20 ikIiiiii-IioU ofi iti-nco. nilii'iiin'/u'liiimtrlmoiiylmt, tiii(lnV(nohu!tor'-oinrort tliom. r iclK ' .^ifimiiiaiofi-nidjii till MliilinuMOi'Jiro: 'J'lio fiirm, tho olliwi, lli vorlwhop, tint pniiilt, 1, V'lio lliuh _-------------- !'; rcBsroRED to manhood by drs* k*& k* % itfriiEHESULra? \ -^iiiippini'Mn<tf thouiiand o Rl 1 o War. A. WAIjKKIU "W..;. A. WAhKKW. I'd J ts<z ' MKH.CniAH.VKHUY, CJIAH.riilltnY.* Ki 9# --^ Dlvorcud bnfc vmltwl mrnin - r 'Mil ii/. r,'J'lllMlMUHT Al'-lKUTUKV'niKM-T r . r-ftQ NAMES OH TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITfEN C0NSENT."(i5 SYPHILIS EMISSIONS STRICTURE CUP. ED 5 Win. A. Wallow tirjlltli Htrc/.t rmyii: "I lmvn ruiffanxl initolil nfronii'fi fur my "cay hr." 1 wanindinormitwlion yfjiiiurnnd iKiioianl, Ad "OiukiP tho liojn" 1 rontriictiMl^ Hyplnli'innd dtlioi* I'rlvatodiwaiuin, i hadiftlfeni in tin 3* mouth aiul t hrnat, bono pidnii, hair looi.o, phiiiilui oiij" rncn, fiui'ti* Jiuiht I'iiinnofl, ninititibui'i, bt'uiirint Lliin aiulk-a dciipnndonl Nnvdii doctorn tioatod nin with .Minaury.W I'ntat h, tttc. They hnlpd nin but, rotild not. euro um.iu 1m C. ,_______Kinullv ufrioiidiii(lin",'dmototry l)ni,Koiiiii>d> i^KnrK'in. M"ili(t7i'rrc ilmcnt t'onid mo in a fuw wnnloi, Thnlr trontniout Jit wonderful.__ mrnrir (jalninir ovory day. i liavo nuvur lnjiird of thnlr fallintr to euro in mihiKlc^J |i/"CUREa GUAnANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED ]> "frnvniny lifti to Dm. K. it K. V .At II I li'iuiicd.i bud liahit. At lil I bud all tlm i^iuptomn in* i Hi'mi.iiil \VhiUu'J>- 'inrl Hprriniitorilio n, UiniHtiinmi Sii'w.Tn diahi.iijj mill wcaUtminif mi vitality. 1 nmrnocl at 5ijy^i undiT ndvirn <.f my family doctor, but It wai ii BfliMidir-.prnincc In iinldi'i n ihoiiMih wh wci o divnrrnd, I ti-tli.m ruiiNiiUfil Jin. K. ,V K.. vlio n-idorod mo to mmdiond 'l>\ tliHir A'-iw Aii'thMl 'J'ruitiiuiit. 1 fnltjvtmw III" thfill throjiKli ' Thin wan m\ ihtvi^ Wiiwcio iuiiiit m,*niiiiind am hnppy. -------------------- in - jeani iiro. iJm. K. it K. aro Hciinitifio niti'innliiitii and I hoarlily rMommnrnl thorn." M IMPOTENCY VARICOCELE EMISSIONS CURED ig ' ~'JI ?>* ZSriVf treat and curt Varicocele* ICmfcsiontt Nervous DebilitytRnninalq* \$ll tuAtwss, Gt-et, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural X)ischar%est Self Abus<w \ Kiti'WY and BlaJdei Diseases* 17 YEARS IN DETROIT, 200,000 CURED) NO RISK r -V try I !lf S; M fliotod. Alltlaovaot renonrcen of nitturo'a laboratory liavo been preum-d into narvico to th* nd that tortured bodion might liavo Hurooane from ai.guiali, and know tho peaco that only health can bring. And 'what more natural than that theao poor viotlWB of diReuuo thus rok-anod from anf> fennu nhoultl deniro to aid in tlio extension of tlio knowledge* of tho muttuu wboroby thoy havo boon bom-Mtied ? Such a ono jh Miuu Durhcillia Khinglnr, of Erin, Out, who tollu a tain of puiu bii-. durod through weary yoarii, and of final rohof and ouro througli tho nho of Dr. *vTilliamfc' Pink PiIU, the ^roateht modiuiua of the hr0, Mio yjiiriglor Hayn: Twelve years fltfo I becamo aflhctud with rhouua- fttiam, from which I linvo Hijfforcd ^reatlv. Two yearn lator this trouW wau ac^rn- vatod by a i;iowlh which nturted in the throat, and which euoh year hacamo lar^or until it Anally lucame ho bud tliat I could hardlv obtain any Bleep, uh wIiaq I would lio down it would fill my thront, oaiinin^ a /oliu; of Duffocution. What I nafforud is; nlmOHt beyond UoKcription, and all the tajedieul aid I had did mo nu good, and I wan told that I could only hope for rdiof through tho medium of an operation." I Jrouded iiuch a cuurbo and declined under going the operation. All this time the rheumatiura waa taking u firmer hold on my njutem, and I felt like Riving up in dftopair, I loHt the power of my hmbu and my handfi got ho ljud tlntt I a uld Hiittieely bold anything. At thin Htnuu a friend, who irow per (ion al expoii(-uco had ationg faith jd Dr. WiUiuma'Vink rilla, bought me a BQpply and ur^od mo to take them. I thonght Ifolt un improvemont after I had Ufiod a little more than a box, and after usiuK thora for a few w*Ut) tliero wuh uo lonfjor room to doubt that thoy were holp- iufj mo. I waa taking the tJink PiIIh in tho hopo of finding relief from tho theum- atisrn. but to my i^reat joy I found Llrnt the modicino whh not only driving thin painful malady from my nyatom. but, whh ' ajflo driving iiwuy the rowtb in my throut. Tho roimlt wau that aftor I hud lined about u dozen boxen of Pink PiIIh I wan com- plctoly cured, and, although aeonaiderablo time bufl now olapMod, I havo not had a recurrenco of eittier trouble, and am on j oying the'lVcbt of health. For the help my Htatemout may bu to othein, I am only too clad to add my testimony to rha louj; list of wouduiful euren, nueb an mine, that have bnen wrought by the uho of Dr. Wilhamn' Pick I'illo. Thin greatefltof iiiwoteouthoontury m^di- atnnM pohitivfly cured all troubles arinin^ - from a diyorderod or wouk otiito of tho blood, or fihattorod norvew. If you aro fooling woalc or doprwHaod, Dr. Williamn' Pink PillH "ct an a prompt tonic, and if meriously ill no olhor rornody can ho prompt ly roatoro you to health and etrotuith. Tho onuino IJink j^illu aro put up iu round woodim boxoa, tho wruppor round whiah bcura tho full trado marli, "Dr. Williamn' Pink Pdla for Pub Pooplo." Do not bo p.)ru*dJ to tako ome uubatituto. (1 TERRIBLF_ FlAGRATION. Tour Tliiiiisand Haunt* Itinrncd niul Tbiriy HinusiiOil J'4'opir llmiirlcHU uttvniilu <ru/i on tlir uiiiml or I.ii/nti Ahidrkl, Ajnil 7k A despatch from Mnnllla .says that tho town of Santrt t;tu/., on tlu* w.-hL ( of tlio iHland aL Jjiizon, Jin mlh 4 northwest nf Mar- it hi, Ii.ih ho'Mi iilmohl eomjilotely <K- ytioy*'d by Uro. J-'our thousand hous< s v.'t re hurned and :;o,DUU pet'houu won: u-ndui-td lioniolofaH. lucresi.i rjit\ /.v cvjiA, An uiu v virtiui? Ha\o jnn lo-tt bonnr1 Aro you conromplntinf* nmr-v-- ruiKiir1 IIiihjihm Ubifid lm u iliMcdHiidi' Iluvnjon any wchUiiimih^ Ouillj/ iiH-nt u ill cum \ciii. Whut it liiihdrain Tor nlln-ni it, will do iVir von u^)t '.jilJLi'rt)1 jN FRtE Ni> matter wbu linn t tn' von, wrilo for ai honc-.t, opinion t".~ '^'i' . .vn,v. I'naa'i^ifnwmahle. OOOKS FIl. L ji . Inch o Men. Inoloiio iiontmro. Sri-nta. t>< ^ NAM15S US^D WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI- rt * ' ojCo'J or onvol~_ coot of Troatt^g lAgg^lfCMMCnY^lflPBR. to* b'7'NO NAMES UbbU W hrX^ It WKM ' * 4> ifiiArp Wo modlolno onnt C O. D. Nonamon on b< ';'to->uc ilv/orythlnGfConfldontlal. Quostlon list an.'A < l*\rtten's. ;-jirfiE--------...... nu/ lo.l48 SHELBY ST? DETROIT, MICK; F1Q8 AND THISTLES. Knvy Is a rohbor. Whornvnr Ood puts xm ho will Ftnpporfc Tho faltli that uiovtoi muiintaliiH utandn on HhiVh band lo lift. Prayer In tint prayer until Ifc beenmo'i communion with C',>u\. Thu OhrlHtlan may lo'io lily jfold, but, lie can novel* hmi ldn find, 'J'lin devil IiuvtH iih iiui'il whim hn fiinlttiM i Tln-Htroti^h thoiin w lovof- I When Goil jmU a ^nfif) man In tho dark, i It In to lvo 'lonii'hody li;;ht. j God ran nay things in thu fiery furnace , ho couldn't '.[icak in be'ivun. ' Job sinned nut, with hU Uiukuo beeuusti j there in> sfii In his heart. j When tho mountains are cost into the Hou, find's hum! h under llieui.. , If churoii jiu-iii1)i-i ^hip abnif could s.ivc, , heaven would be lull ul hy^u'Til' ., The devil is oIiim-by when I ho ('hif dhui j WMi'i'ies about, Lio UK' he't le-lp 1 When Job's wile (old him tn t u >e <Un\ i and dio, It hurt him moi'o than all bis , bulls. , The ilcvl! and wliid.ey aro t,wo of tho I best, friends in i le- : i./hl Kvury man luis .i r 1 i-'iou of sotno kind, but. only tho-aj whw hnmv (.'hrUt-urii ('lirii- tians. Tbero Is .someUnii'-. as miioli vsinoin in i tho point of a pen as i hern W iu the blto of ' adriK. i When you ^o ilUo the el.jset, for seorot prayer, hu sure to tako tho key of your HnfonlohK. | The devil In iomo shape is bidn^ made welcome In uvery home where tho Bible Is not read. The muu who can I iko hold of (Jod foi" other., has to ho one u ho knows him well for hirnsilf. ' A detective association has for it Ida motto . "WV novei- ileep." It would be n l^ood ono for a ehnrf h. Jtp\ tho preacher Icive Christ out nf hl.s preaehlnK, and (lie devil will help him to 1111 the church. i There are pcoplo who will read .so many I chapter--, or verses in tho Iliblo, and call It i heiliLC religious. Had sni'n.uncliuKs do not make people- | had. Thoy only bruiLc nut the bad that Is ' ah'eady in them. Ilaiu'i Horn. | ABOUT THE EYE. 4* K&Ki^JiiKgJJ^g^^^ I he ItrlM-ls .ln> Hi'- Mtn \\ bo kra lluUInu lhi> i tt.irUt. IJuvana, April -l. The ulnds still maintain their uIIlii.'.ivi' attitude and, dt..spite the annuunceuii-uth of Ciovuiu- nu-nt \ittoiiua. thi y are the ura-.s who iiialvL- Uu .ttt-icka, thouyh thuy aio at mt-tinii-ii repuhsud when they attuuk a biipenor lorcc They attaukod th.. Luwn of San Nicholas, J'rovincu ol Jlavan.L, hut w-.iv driven otf hy tla (..iii'Imti then, who hnKely eutnuiii- biii-d Llit- in. They then mairhed tu Meluli.L Did Hue, [ii I In- ;-.anu- pio\in , which place they attempt' d to oiuei A^hi Lbey win- n-pulM-'d, but not bt lurt they li id t-et lire to .: number u. n nu' Tn1 :, : In-a pj'nL" id t] to*" i J n' nobo, 12 mill.. l-.i.' t nf M.iuL,,,!, an>. bill I led tlli \ lll.lkO, ill l'-l .. Jllfll Lll<-) went to Ilnyo Colorado. Duriia', th attuek.s It 1^ Ha Id that hw> worueii, tup eluldreii and three n- ^roe.s were killed '1 hii'i.\ -n\ e persons w i i e af terw.i i d found" wutuided. Tin is-hi 1 ln-q i;. ui- kunwn. AlioK'eth'.-r kl- liou.s' !-. and hu: v. i-i\- burned. , A'arloit/* i eporth locate Gomez n uj rtthe border Hue between Santa ('far. and Uanu-Kucy. At an (i(iK.'T'*m*'nt bf-twe**n <'oJ. V.if ciuex'a column and Cuu ndwds, the [n- ii'iKeiits hKt 11* kill'jd ami i wounded. The tb,')it Liiti-d four Imui.s. An insurgent band h*<l by Si-aya.s at- ta-cked the town of San Junn d-- I>.i.s V* raM. The Karrbnn made nr\ heroic (b fonts- and repulsed the lebr-ls, who burned Boveral houso'L For Fine Job Printing* You cannot do better than call at Free Press Printing Otttof I'ushloa-Out of Tlio lyorld. No aaiie miui now wetira low hhooii and nilver buckled, uilk ytockm^H and knou breeches. "Tliuy aro out." No woman wearB Eli^abuthun akirtb or poke bonnetH. "They aro out." Neithur does men or women, who known "thoy oroout" uho old fashioned uontjh nyrupa and lnnf* cnren Chemical and modiaal pro^rcuu, likti time, wait for nothing. The most highly prized remoilioo of yono-by yoarH aro moroiloBaly oast aside, and superceded by raoro offoot- ivo remedied. Pmomalt in in the new way antifjorm, antiHOptio, ^nd hoalm to diaoftHed surfacca, soothinf* to irritatod parta, and promptly rohoviuy noro throat, coiifih, horHoncaii, la grippe, and nil thu diHtrouflinp; nymptoniH ouuuboii byadmnntn of tho throat aud cheat. Hold by Druj-- fjinta. Pnro blood io th Hiife^uard of health. Keep tho blood pure with Eood'H Bariup^ arilla if jou would always bo well. EASTER 1896 Michigan Central h Go. Will vrtll Excumion TiohetH at SINGUil FAKE for tho round trip, betwoon all wtatioun in Canada and to Xlebroit, to pointo on T. H. A tt. liy.t ood coinc April 2, 3, !, C and 0, returning on oV boforo April 7. Hot toaohorn and ntudontn above rMeu are cood oiu(t March 19 to April 4, roturn until April 13, 1890. For faith or partioulurv apply to, A. O..S*lMBRB, Arieut at Ehaoi We have facilities not excelled by . any printing office in Western Ontario for the production of Pamphlets, Circulars, Posters Dodgers, Sale Bills, Route Cards, Or anything in the line of printed matter. Wewcan print anything that anybody else can. We make a spec ialty of..... Fine Commercial ttinling. Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Statements, Labels, Shipping Tags, Or any kind of office stationery, not forgetting Notes, Receipts, Due Bills, Lien Notes, Bank Cheques, Or bank and office supplies in this line of any description. Then we have an especially fine line of WHAT ALL BOYS SHOULD KNOW. Don't, bn sal i-djrd with your boy's cd il eal um until \<ii in- iiin-ihatlio can Write a ;<oud h'Ljihlc hand S[itdt all tho words In- knows how to umo, " KpeTiTc nntl write u'eud Knu'llah. Write a ^ood letter. Wi ite a ^ond bu.sinos-, let tor. Add a column ot Il^ures rapidly. Make out nu oidinary nccount. Deduct. 1*51-H per. tent from tho faco of ifc. Ueecipt it, when paid. Write an o'.diunry receipt. Write an udveriisement for tho local papi'i Write a notice or report of a public meeting. Writp an nidiu.iiy pioiuissory note. TieHcon the l ut ere it or discount on it for days, mouth-, or years. Draw an ordinary bank cheek. Take It to thu proper place in a bunk to got it, cashed. Make neat and con< ct ev r hi tho day hook and the ledger. Toll tho number of yard ctf erpet. ro- quired for your p.irlor. Measure the pile of lumber In your shed. Toll tho number of bushels of wheat In your largest bin, and its value at curront rates. Tell Homethinp* about tho Rrenfc authors and statesmen of the present, day. If be ran do all tliis and more, it U like ly ho has sufla-ient mlucntion to enable him to make his own way in tho world. If you have more money and time to spend upon him, all widl and tfood ; Klvo him higher hhi^lihli, literal ure.scicnco, and tho various branches, of a liberal or a technical cduciitiQii, Presbyteiiau, fVnieiiVo id'i'<s('s ant u ind by those niar* fd^nii'd, convex: hy the old or thoso who* u>'>-lM'n,r-iio;hred," Un'itfarly eyes, Vapidly Jerking tYoTnidd*1 to Hide, are I'leijiietitly uidir at ivn of nil un- nettled mind. It hi *iuld that tho prevallluo; color of oyen anions patlmits of lunatlo UHyluma ai-o brown or hluek. The utility of shedding tears In 1,6 koop the eyes e.ool though thu balance of tho hour I may be hot. (Mi-njiiit im hud blue i \ " !. Sim was nob an 1'Ovfit Inn, but, n (jrenk, with yellow h.dr .t id I.iii coin])Ji'.Moti lie|it ih s .imI M->hew are noL j^ouorally pro vided ,\ 11 h < \ e| ul ., I lie -e pi'oteCtiloil 1 heinpf to I licjii i] riti"* " ivy. l'"i le - uie not ,)hi\ nh d with luehrvmftl uMns, t hi-'ir wo i ery luihitatfon rondi'i' timqo appendage* iiiiiicis 1.1 ry. KiMol w!ih 'i thj "hole of the irh la vKibhi ljrbui^ lo I'HMlli: pei'sonn, often wit h 'i teiifleiK y lull .u il ins tnity, A flaxseed pi. in d under tho eyelldund ;i I lowed lo jemain tbeie t'requimt ly re- movcH forei^ji siibstauci's in the eye. 11 an u ib. 11, in fcuie-uf JiW early c.imp ijjjnrt in !ui\ . in,! ,in eye hy having it slauok uu h a hi.iiiLh ol a thorn busb. 'I In i ri i ol I he eye is ruiely of one color, bill, (ii ninotily mottle 1 with hi u-Ic, hluu, oi.iu. i , \, lli.w, j^'iuy or /ill combined. KV'ipboed close together iii tho bond' me >aid to indicate ]jei, mens tif disposition,) jealnu-y ind i turn lorlanlt (hiding. Wide-open iiM'ini; i ,\i"i in wtmk coun- ten-uiecs indu.ite jn ninacity wiibouti Ilimncsi, jealousy, bigotry mid uitoler- ILI1CC. Kli/abtli of bir^o, cl*ftfc' blue i yu;-, wi^h ,i li.oil! ol looking sldo- v\ i\ i .it, pu(jplo with ,. Iioui o'i.j v.,is con- ve^rm^. N'fc'i-o Ind biiUiiiL,', iicar'-Ldited e\ es. TTo ll-i'il il -.111,1!! LCi'iM 111 :l.e sll tpe '<t l IciH to ohservu tho ^ladial orn iu the amphi theater. \I.uiv kinds of Hsb sou eiju.iliy well m e\e.'\ "ill im t uui, tliclr e\ es 11 'ili^ so proj],i jh ill .s. lu coin niand a \\ ide llidd ot vi-i it.. ( 'n-iU'riidv ihe (Jreai had oyiM of n clear blue. (Jnii of his luoLcr.ipheiVi eoinpiU'ed the luster of his oyu to thai- of puIi->iiod steel. Many creatures of tho lowest ordor-i 01? animal Iile are provided with' eye -^po' , whieh probiiltly ^ive onl) an imprussii)ii of liiiht. ^_ Tiie vision f4 not obacurod by the act of winking, which takes plate so quickly that tin- outer imu^e remains imiu-uu-iud upon the retina. The common InoHi is uald by iiatumllatj. to be provided with from two to ten trua CVS, having all parti In comparative per fection. In ancient Groek urt Veuu'i was nlwity* represented with the upper eyelid arc hod, uiipai iiiilj; a languishing expression to Lho1 coiini enaiice. The sm.ilb-.-4t square of 1111141;nitudo thak e.iu he pcr<( ived hy the nakedcyu, of phiiix ^ '-'ij- in uu black, is a aquuru l-i5UtK p.ui ol an inch. ' A HISTORY OF CUBA. WISE SAYINGS. We print and supply them in any quantity. Our prices cannot be beat en. We are continually adding: the latest designs in type, borders, etc., to our already well-equipped office, and are prepared to do as handsome a job of printing as you can get in any city. A trial solicited* Mail orders receive prompt attention* PasHlon is tho drunkeiuieH.s of the mlncL Each generation lives in n different world. Tho mighty hopes that mako w men. The sure way to miss rfUccoss is to mimi fche opportunity. A lio that is half a truth is over ttt blnakoufc of Hon. Thoy who hfivo light in tliomsolttwwill not rovolve as satellites. A life of pleasure makes ovon the strong- ost mind fiivolousat hist. The ono prudence ot life is concentra tion; tlio one evil is dUsiput ion. If you would know ihe value of money, go and try to borrow .some. Bad habitu are as infectious hy example na the plague it.seIC 1. by contact. Tribunals full to the ground with tho peace they aro no lonyer able to uphold. It is hard for a haughty man ever to for give-ono who lias caught him m 11 iault Tho injuries wo do and those wo MuFer aro seldom wciglied in tlio name balanco. An enterprise, when fairly once begun, Hhould not bu loft till all that ought hi won. Choosing a wifo i.s IIko unto n strata- gum of war, wherein a man can on* but once. ____________________ GOLD-BEARING QUARTZ. Tho momenta sinner comos to himself bo wants to como to Christ. Some people never find out that thoro Is nothing made- hy worry. JU takes a moiloruts drinker a long timo to And out that ho has any bad hnbita. Soma preacher's jicvor find out that God employs no hired help. Unbelief works overtime in trying to mako a fltono look Hko bread. No one can belong to God for an hour whodoosu't intend to belong to him for ever. I'aith grows Ijy putting God's word; to tho test. Josuh taught economy and priidonca when ho told lite disciples to gather up tho frugmontg. When you pray, boliovo that you will either rocolvo what you ask or what you should auk. The only poopU who succeed In living n Christian life are thorns who devote tnolr wholo'tlmo to it. Only tho fool will oxpoct to prospor when Gad Is against him. Tho man who Hvoh only for .aisolfla Uttondlng to tho dovll'u buainotw. Spain colonized the island iii 1511, In I.".') 1 and oLoiiu in In"5*1 Havana w*t destroyed by the Krench. -Matiuizas was the first city to fall Into*- the hands of the insurgents, Cruelty and injustice to the natives ha* always been the creed of tho Spaniards. The present revolution be^un February. 2-1, ISiXi, when tho republic was proclaim*' ed by Alarti, Iu lSlh President Polk offorod Spaitti *l,fXjo,00() for tho Island, which offor waa' refused. Tho constitution of Cuba, modeled on, that of the United States, waa adopted' Soptembor *i, lb05, ' The revolution of 1808 lasted ton yearn bo fore Spain succeeded in compromising by promhung ifefurms. - A trianguhu* bluo union, having anlugla, star and live stripes, three of red nnd twojj of whito, is the flag of tho republic. Very little roluihlo nowH of the proaaarJi, inKiu-roctlon cm bo obtained, owing to thftl coutorship of the prefa and tho nreurtacltyl of the lenders oTIiotb sides. Tho first .serious revolution took placa liVf 18-tS, under the lendurship of Narclsod Lopez, who in lS."il rcpuatod his attempt* to free thu island from Spanish control. A HERO OF MAGDALA. Climbing a troo while dreaming means you will attain to high Dolltleal honor. > X dream that you have wen an elephant BMakui you will win a prt In a tottery: J A Chat With a Veteran Who WoH In tho Hcmopablo Bnttlo, British v.'doi i:; l! -' theme of a thrilling Moiy .nid .surii.i:; - ;c;. .\fr. Geo. Kingston,,' of ijfi John sticet 1101 tb, is out; of Hamilton's best known veterans. A man of martial bear* iny, ni.ijpiifieenl. physique and genial person-' ahty, he is a. splendid repreqcnt'itive of the hast i class of ilrilish soldier. To our reporter Mr. Kingston readily gave an interview. With alH the pi ide of a citi/pn of that empire on which ) the sun never slls, Mr. Kintjston .said : " I am ;l Devonshire nun, born near the h.mLr. of tho Teif;n. I entered the British army :it 10, and LL-rvL-d fomteen years in India. Was Ihioiifih the Ahy.s.sinian campaign, and fought tit th* :.toiinin^ and capture of Magdala, King Theo dore's .stronghold. Here the king nnd hun dreds of his army fell. Napier, the ' Hero of M.i^d.d.1,' was created Lord Napier of Mag-, dal.i for his splendid services. After thifj I r- I turned Lo Old ICngland, remaining .about fiv j years, when 1 was ngnin f.ent to the .sunny south until my sr ycirs' service was nearly up. is the place to get kidney and liver 1 troubles, and I was no e\ceptmn. X wa.i, sent a<} an invalid to the Nelly IIoi>pUal i . for invalid .soldiers, and for months wrui iu'. sufioring inmate, finally being discharged | as ;i hopelessly incurable invalid. 'J wo*- i.** yeais after I r-ailed for Canada", nnd hay*. , auffcred more or loss ever since from tht constant misery that kidney trouble entails. Piereing pains in the back, lieadaches' and urinary ditficullies wcrc.fceldom nbsent, so that. when I noticed Do:in's Kidwcy PilJ advertise ment I got a box from Zimmerman's dm stor*'. Relief camo from the first few doses, and before I had taken two boxes, the paint, had left my back and .1 felt liUb a now man. v consider Doan's Kidney Pills a wonderful medi cine, the more so because my complaint would not yield to tho skill of the lK-st physicians in-' one of the greatest hospitals in Queen Victoria's* dominions." Continuing, Mr. Kingston said: "lean re-j commend tljeni as a quick euro for kldncj*/,' I troubles with put hesitation. How could I da otherwise when they have given me back tb , ^ health and vigor of long ago?" Bold by 0. A Bherrin, Eiutx. ' 1 *. M .-^ ( <*) >vw '../ 18

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